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October 2006 California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Business Journal Special Collections & University Archives 10-2006 October 2006 Inland Empire Business Journal Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal Part of the Business Commons Recommended Citation Inland Empire Business Journal, "October 2006" (2006). Inland Empire Business Journal. 265. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal/265 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Business Journal by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. October 2006 BUSINESS JOURNAL · PAGE ~0 E E Ontario,CA Pumlt No. 1 v. v. v. bu-,journal.com VOLUME 18, NUMBER 10 $2.00 October 2006 AT DEADLINE Special Indio Chamber of Sections Commerce Corporal~ Profile: Tax DeductiOns for Announces 2007 Poster ESRI, a Po11~rhouse Chant)? Artist for Southwest m Rt!dland-; Ruk"> Hm Chang~d Arts Festival Page~ Pag~ 13 The Indio Chamber of Commerce. producers of the 21st annual Southwest Arts Festival, officially announces Patncia Wyatt as the Poster Arttst for the 2007 fine art and fine crafts sh<m. Jan. 26 -2R. Bap Cahfomta 2007 at the Empire Polo Club. Baja Real Estate is Hot - Don't Let It Burn You Patncta Wyatt was selected h1 Patnck 0.110 -.·~ ~: l'lli'o«•\'. t ;":- ...~ . * ..,. ..... - Durmg the first weekend st,re from 1.500 to 1.900 square pag • fl ""·~;;I". E' and \tlonday of last August, The ..... feet \\ere pnced from S 190.000 Park at Malibu. a detached resi­ to $210,000 but are ocean v ie\v s Energy Company to dence uevelopment ,tlong the not beach front property. Commercialize UCR Tijuana. Bap Californt<~ coast According to the director of Technology opened sales and sold all 43 res­ marketing. RO percent of the Idences. The houses ranging in conlllllled on pa!!,e 3 VirescoEnerg) LLC. ,md the Universlt) ot Calitornta. Taking Flight in the Inland Empire Rtvcrstde are tcamtng up to pilot a breakthrough pnKess (Part II) for th1s honor from 2006 A\\ ard that com erts renew a hie energ) /Jy Joe I wm 1 Wmner., Patncia h<ts painted sources such as muntctpal solid all her life "I feel a spectal. Last month here 111 the compan; has no concerns about \\ astc. biomass. sludge. \\ ood qutet, pn\ate .md centered place Journal \\e began a bnef the proJect\ lm:at 1011. ,md .tgncultural \\aste to cle,m Ill Ill) sci f when [ paint. l haYe 0\ Cr\ !e\\ of a 1\.:1\ of the airports \1eam\hlle. ,1 similar thr..:at liquid fu..:h that cost less th.tn come to understand that making 111 the Inland l:.mpm: area. Space could mean the demtse ol half the current price of 011. a11 1s ,1 lluid process, that 11 1s a hetng limited. \\e onl: had room Rialto's ,tirport nm\ that the 210 The proc..:-,s. developed at constant discO\ er:. and that it for one part of th..: story We left Free>\ a; has become its nC\\ The Bourns College ot require~ both mternal and exter­ ) ou with the plight of Cable nctghbor Rtalto \irport 1s Engmccring Center for nal work, and that It is ,tl\\a)s Atrport in Upland. which finds kilO\\ n b) man) as Art Scholl Em tronmental Research and being refined. l very much enJO) de> elopment from the Le>\ 1s Fteld. m honor of the 1\CII­ technolog) (CE CERT) ,tt this process as well as sharing Group encroaching on that valu­ know n pilot and stunt llier 11 ho LCR. also uses other carbon­ my work with others," said able acreage. "augured 111" dunng the filmmg based. or carbonaceous. materi­ Patricia. A Lewis Group spokesman of stunts for the mo1-1e. "Top al!-. '>U<..h as coal and ttres to The 2007 Southwest Arh has said homebuycrs will be Gun." The City of Ria lt o 1s con­ mak..: other clean transportation Festival® poster by Patncia Wy- well advised that they will be ducting a strategy study to deter- fuels including methanol. ctha- liv mg in an airport ;one and the colll/lllli!d on pa~e /.f. continued on page 3 conlmued on pa!!,e }I.) SURE-HIRE SOLUTIONS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ..-r (Hoot 'lti 4 -'lti44 • www .. tppll'otw.eom iiPPI C!AIIC! • TPIHJHH . try S t.tffiiH) • fuii -TIIll <' Pl.tcPill< ' lll • T <' mpo r.ll y- To- Huo • I • ~' October 2006 October 2006 BUSINLSS JOURNAL • PAGE 1 Senator Dutton Named 2007 Poster Artist for Baja Real Estate Southwest Arts Festival Cfllllinued )rom paJ{e I Legislator of the Year by co!lltlllled from pa«t: I bu) crs were from the Los att i' lltled "Earth,cape'' (a part Angeles. Orange and Inland California League of Cities of Patricia's Earthscape Emptre counties. Collectton), addresses our con­ At present there arc 57 In rccogmtton of hts conttn­ ensure the state\ gas tax dollars nectton with the land which ts developments with over I 0.000 uous support for local govern- arc used for transportatton proJ filled with the myths of the single residence/condos or lots ects. Proposttton I B will allow ancient people and thetr kmdred ready to build on mventory wilh the state to sell nearly $20 btl­ animal spirits. a sales value of over $1-billion. lion in bonds to unprovc the Fact Sheet: Reported!; sales along the BaJa state\ crumbltng transportation Southwest Arts Feslival: Art corridor are in excess of I 00 per system. It's withtn this $20 btl­ and Fmc Crafts for All week: over 90 percent to C.S. lion bond that cities w til be able citt;ens. Beach front properttes to split $1 billion for local infra­ When. Fnda;, Saturday. ~unda; range Ill price from the IO\\ \tructurc improvcmcnh. on Jan. 26-28. 2007 S100.000s to the mid 600.000 Cpon receivmg the award. Location: Empire Polo Club. Senator Dutton satd, ''I'm hon Monroe St between Avenue 51 The two main attraclions to ored, but thts ts trul) a team ')2, lndto buyers are the comparative!) effort." referring to the btparti Artists in Attendance: 250+ low prices of Baja coastal resi­ san agreement that led to Icg­ Time: Gates open I 0:00 a.m. dences versus the immensely tslative passage of the infra 4:30 p.m. high costs of Califomta coastal structure bonds. "Thank you for Admiss10n: Under 12 - free, properties, and the proximit) to the recognition. It\ greatly Adults. $8: Sentors: $6 the California bor- ments. Sen. Bob Dutton (R­ apprectated and I' II continue to Foods. Full o-host Bar and der Rancho Cucamonga) Iabove] Entertainment do my best for everyone tn But, it wasn't that long ago was named "Legislator of the Sacramento." Contact Indio Chamber of that California newspapers car- Year" by the Caltfornta League California League of Cities Commerce at (760) 347-0670 or of Cities. Prestdent Alex Padilla praised HWIV..\OIIIhwe.\larlsjest.col/1 continued on pa~e 7 The prestlgtous award was Senator Dutton's efforts 111 get­ given during the League\ 2006 tmg the bond package to the bal­ Annual Conference in San lot. Diego. "(Senator Dutton) played a In prcscntmg the award to maJor role in wmmng passage of Senator Dutton, the league not the mfrastructure bonds," said • PROfESSIONAL only noted hts continuous sup­ League President Alex Padtlla. port for local government, but "Securing increased fundtng for • QU.-\LITY the key role he played in placing infrastructure was a top pnonty • RF.SLILTS Proposition lA and I B. the for the League this year, because • AffORDABlE transportation tnfrastructure it is so important to our ctttcs bond measures. on the and our state. ovember ballot. ''We appreciate his leader­ Senator Dutton was k.ey in shtp. and support for local and placing language in the ballot state efforts to mvest in measure that, if approved. will California's future." EVERY DAY, ADOZEN allow cittcs to split $1 billton in California League of Cities transportatton bond funding to Executive Director Chris "''nc<svolocHorcancidotoswfth I.OOto 1.50~ Noost>gn~itosmCX&Cus<omVuo extri.Nod<l< Only improve roads 111 their local McKenzie added, "Senator Mus! P<osentld .. booiUrog ""9<'\' DOCTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE communities. Dutton served in local govern­ • 2 Lasers on Site ''I'm a former City ment before being elected to the ·State Of The Art Equipment FREE CONSULTATION Councilman (from Rancho Legislature. He has consistently • CK & Traditional LASJK Cucamonga) so I reali1.e the demonstrated his understanding importance of local control," of the importance of preserving FOR THE DEMISE Senator Dutton said. "That's local decision-making and he why I felt it was vttal that local has worked hard to defend this OF GAZILLIONS OF CANCER CELLS. officials have control of some of pnnciple." those dollars to dctcrmme whtch In addnion to Senator transportation proJects they feel Dutton, Sen. Tom Torlakson, are most needed 111 their com­ who represents a Northern munities." California Senate Dtstnct, was If passed by the voters on also honored by the Cahfornta Nov. 8, Proposition I A will League of Cities. Bl Sl'\FSS JOL RNA! • P,\GE 4 Octohcr 2006 October 2006 Bl Sll\IESS JOLRNAL · PAGE 5 INDEX Booming Job Market Vision, Planning and SBA Loan Predicted Equals Success Columns T his October in the Inland Empire Rtverside area employers expect to htre at a bullish pace dunng When Olivia Smith bought her bus mess 111 1998, she had a vision Business Journal! the fourth quarter of 2006, according to the Manpower Employment of what it could become.
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