
Quiz 2 Chestnut Path 9 Gardening 19 Editorial 3 Social 10 Classic cars 20 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 4-5 Cover design winner 12 Pre-school 22 Parish Council report 6 BVRA 25 years 14 History 23 Neighbourhood Plan 7 Church 17 Ramblers 24 Borough Councillor 8 Music & concerts 18 Diary & useful numbers 27

The Anniversary Quiz

To celebrate 25 years of the BVRA, a bumper quiz with one question for each anniversary year from 1988 to 2012! Answers on page 25. 1. 1988. Where were the summer Olympics held?

2. 1989. Who succeeded whom as US President?

3. 1990. Who beat Argentina 1-0 to win the FIFA World Cup?

4. 1991. The Silence of the Lambs was a worldwide box office hit but who wrote the book on which it was based?

5. 1992. Which Latin term did the Queen use to memorably describe her year in a speech in the Guildhall in November?

6. 1993. Frank Zappa died. What was his band called?

7. 1994. Who released their debut album, “Definitely Maybe”?

8. 1995. Who conducted the (in)famous Panorama interview with Princess Diana?

9. 1996. Who replaced Terry Venables as football manager?

10. 1997. Who won the Eurovision Song Contest with “Love Shine a Light”?

11. 1998. Which two Irishmen won the Nobel Peace Prize?.

12. 1999. Who exhibited “My Bed” at the Tate Gallery?

13. 2000. Who became the most expensive British footballer in an £18m transfer from West Ham to Leeds?

14. 2001. Who resigned from the cabinet for a second time?

15. 2002. Spike Milligan died this year but in which country was he born?

16. 2003. The final film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy won 11 Oscars but what was its title?

17. 2004. Which British athlete won Olympic gold medals in the 800m and 1500m?

18. 2005. Following the 7/7 terrorist attacks, what was the name of the innocent Brazilian shot by police in London 2 weeks later?

19. 2006. Daniel Craig made his debut as James Bond – in which film?

20. 2007. What memorable phrase did George W Bush use to greet the British Prime Minister at a G8 meeting in St. Petersburg?

21. 2008. Adele’s debut album went straight into the charts at number 1. What was it called?

22. 2009. Where did US Airways Flight 1549 carry out an emergency landing?

23. 2010. What was the name of the BP drilling rig which where an explosion and fire started a major oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico?

24. 2011. Lucien Freud died this year. What relation was he to Sigmund Freud?

25. 2012. Reading FC have been promoted back to the Premier League. How many seasons did they stay up last time they were promoted? 2 BVRA 2011/12 GENERAL of the past 25 years and some COMMITTEE MEMBERS accompanying photos. Many of the more recent pictures seem to Chairman: vacant be weather related (storm, snow, flood) – who knows what to ex- Secretary: Rob Rowe pect next? 20 Silver Birches 977 2798 [email protected] The Quiz is also testing your Treasurer: Ian Overton memories of the past 25 years 6, Waverley Way but taking in events further afield than just Barkham! 973 4806 [email protected] Could I also remind residents that Social: Judith Collins if you haven’t yet paid your £2 31 Almond Close annual BVRA Membership Fee, 977 1579 Editorial please pay your distributor as [email protected] soon as possible as the autumn Membership: Jim Butler Welcome to the 100th edition of and winter newsletters are only 6 Sandy Lane the Barkham Newsletter! We 978 3572 distributed to paid up members. intended to mark this auspicious If you’re not sure who your dis- [email protected] occasion (!) with a bumper edition Newsletter: Stewart Richardson tributor is, please contact Jim 342 Barkham Road but of course it is also the Queen’s Butler (details opposite). 979 1914 Diamond Jubilee (which is being celebrated in Barkham on 9 June [email protected] I have also been asked to draw Web Site: Simon Zarywacz at the Village Hall and field) so your attention to the fact that Mogeta, School Road we’ve stretched to 28 pages for Chestnut Path between Bear- 976 0525 the first time. [email protected] wood Road and has Planning Subcommittee: vacant been blocked off by a metal fence. We hope as many residents as [email protected] The Parish Council is seeking to possible will join us at the Fam- collate a list of residents that have ily Fun afternoon or the evening used this path over a long period Live Band Dance (preferably so that a “right of way by usage” both!) Details of the events are claim may be made. on pages 4 and 5. We’d like to thank Barkham Parish Council Thanks as always to all my con- for a £350 grant towards the cost tributors. It will be a busy sum- of the Jubilee event which the mer with the Jubilee and then Barkham web site BVRA is organising. The BVRA is (in case you’d forgotten!) the underwriting the majority of the I’m now putting together a new- Olympics. We shall be reporting costs of the celebrations although look web site with the aim of on the Jubilee but not the Olym- we hope to recoup much of this adding more interactive features, pics unless a local resident wins from ticket sales for the evening while continuing to provide the a medal, although it’s probably a live band dance. usual Barkham, Parish Council bit late to start training! and Development Watch news. Congratulations to Emma Dodds Stewart Richardson More photos please! for winning the competition to Editor We are always in need of attrac- design our special front cover tive images of the Barkham area (see also page 12). We were very for both the web site and newslet- impressed by the quality of the ter, so if you have some interesting entries and have reproduced photos and would like to share them on the back page. them please get in touch. We’ve searched the archives to Simon Zarywacz find some key Barkham events 3 JUBILEE CRAFT COMPETITIONS





CATEGORIES 1 Make a cake –secondary school age and ‘over 18’ – a 8” un-iced fruit cake or 71/2 “ Victoria sandwich. Junior school age – two decorated fairy cakes

2 Handmade card – to the Queen on her Jubilee 3 Write out the first verse of the National Anthem 4 A photograph of a place in Barkham 5 Produce a beautiful flower arrangement 6 Make a model of an Olympic Torch


“Barkham’s Olympic Contribution” article in the Spring Newsletter – an apology

There was an article on page 11 of the spring edition of the newsletter about Barkham’s contribution to the Olympics and the creation of a Carriage Driving route around Barkham for Olympic competitors to practice. This was an “April Fool” piece and this is not going to happen.

This article was written in a convincing style and has unfortunately been taken at face value by some of our residents and we would like to apologise unreservedly for any distress caused. This has been compounded by the resurfacing work being carried out by the council on the bridleways in the Coombes which some residents thought was linked to the Barkham Olympics article.

Once again, many apologies for any distress caused.

4 Barkham Village

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

9th June 2012 at Barkham Village Hall and field

Family Fun afternoon from 2.00 to 5.00pm – Free Admission

♔♔ Bouncy Slide ♔♔ Punch & Judy ♔♔ Competitions/Crafts ♔♔ Fun Races with “Olympic” Medals ♔♔ Ice Creams ♔♔ Teas ♔♔ Bar ♔♔ Classic Car Display ♔♔ Various stalls

Dance to the Mike Wells band from 7.30 to 11.00pm ♔♔ Bar ♔♔ Superior Buffet ♔♔ Music from the 50s to the present day

Tickets for the evening dance from Kate or Mike at Barkham Village Stores between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday or from Judith Collins on 977 1579. Price £9.50 (includes the buffet)

5 Barkham a better place to live on wheel, 2 oil drums, 1 handbag your behalf. The Council has one complete with contents, 1 exhaust part-time paid employee, myself system from a lorry & 1 footpath ‘the Clerk’, who has the legal and sign. About 35 residents took financial responsibilities, plus all part, including the Church Sun- the organising and advertising day Club who did a fantastic job responsibilities. clearing Church Lane and the area surrounding the village hall. With more willing helpers this News from Your So where does the rest of the money go? meant that more roads could be Parish Council covered. The Parish Council are Well a proportion of it goes to help very grateful to Marion Heath At the January meeting of the support local charities that help for providing the bacon rolls, Parish Council the annual Precept the residents of Barkham. This teas and coffees for all the weary was set. You may well wonder includes the local day centre for workers. The hand bag was found what this means. Well, about the elderly provided by WADE in the vicinity of the village hall, this time of year the newspapers and Keep Mo- the contents appear to be intact, are full of news on how much bile that provides Councils want to charge you the transport. The lo- taxpayers for their services for cal offices of Relate next year. and the Citizen’s Advice Bureau Closer to April a bill actually also benefit. The drops through your door. The Village Hall and vast majority of this goes to pay the Churchyard for education, road repair, etc but are both helped if you look carefully you will see with the cost of that a small amount is actually to maintenance. For fund your local Barkham Parish the youngsters Council. we fully fund the youth club and This amounts to just £27 per much more besides. Even this so if anyone has had a handbag year per household, or £34,000 newsletter is part funded this stolen, please contact the Clerk. in total. Last year councillors way. This was a great opportunity to decreased the amount paid to meet other residents and keep Barkham looking good. help in tough times, but they have So if you are elderly, or use the had to increase it this year, not Village Hall, or need help with least because the Parish auditor relationships, or have children Finally, we will be looking for strongly recommended that the who need ‘something to do’, applications for the Barkham Council’s small reserves should the Parish Council is pleased to Sporting Endeavour Fund, if not be depleted further. provide a little support through you are a talented young person grants to carry on the great work under the age of 18 who partici- Additionally, the Parish Council they do. All for just £27 per year! pates in a sport at national level needs to set aside a small contin- then please apply, we would be delighted to hear from you. So gency in case legal representation The Annual Parish Cleanup was with the 2012 Olympics only is needed to deal with problems held on Sunday 25th March. round the corner we would love arising from proposed large scale Again we were lucky to have a to see some Barkham young peo- development in and around warm and sunny morning. A ple representing the U.K. Barkham. big thanks to all those residents who turned out to help us col- Parish Councillors in Barkham lect a record amount of rubbish. Judith Neuhofer give their time for free and rarely This year we collected 58 black Clerk to Barkham Parish Council even ask for expenses let alone a sacks of rubbish, 27 orange sacks 979 0296 [email protected] free lunch! Their aim is to make of recyclable rubbish, 13 tyres, 1 6 Council. This means, for example, Advertising and that it could not impose a blanket Newsletter Contributions embargo on any further develop- ment in and around Barkham - it Newsletter articles / contribu- is not a NIMBY charter! tions for the Autumn edition should be in by 7 September. It We have already had several helps if these can be submitted discussions with our counter- in electronic form by email to parts in Arborfield to agree on [email protected]. the scope of the Neighbourhood They may also be hand written Plan. Now we need input from or typed, and should be sent to residents, and also businesses, to the Editor, Stewart Richardson, at understand local priorities and 342 Barkham Road, Wokingham, the needs for local infrastructure RG41 4DE. Watch out for the such as transport, education and recreational facilities. For trade adverts, contact Neighbourhood Ian Overton by email to Plan Questionnaire It is the start of a process that will [email protected], or involve dialogue with residents call 973 4806. We offer three sizes, Residents will shortly be receiv- at every stage and will include a 64mm x 54mm at £22, 124mm x ing a questionnaire from Arbor- referendum for voters in Arbor- 105mm at £52 and 190x130mm at field and Barkham Parish Coun- field and Barkham before the plan £100, for 4 quarterly insertions. cils as the first step in preparing can be implemented. a Neighbourhood Plan. Distribution of the next issue will We will shortly be circulating the take place in late September As Pam Stubbs, Barkham Parish questionnaire to all residents. Council’s chairman, explained in There will be collection points in Barkham Village Hall a previous edition of the Newslet- both parishes, but it will be even Near to St James’ Church, beauti- ter, the new Localism Act allows quicker and simpler to fill it in ful setting for weddings, christen- local people to take more control online. The latter will also make ings and parties. over the way their communities it easier to analyse. evolve; provided that they take From as little as £10.50/hr for the the trouble to prepare a Neigh- All the data will remain confi- small hall to £15.75/hr for large bourhood Plan. dential and we will not require hall or £21/hr for both. your personal details apart from Can accommodate 175 guests and This is especially important for your post code which is needed has a new fully equipped kitchen. our two parishes in view of the to help in analysing the data. Early booking is essential. anticipated development of the For example, people in the two parishes, or in different areas of site to ac- The Village Hall currently has a the parishes, might have different commodate 3,500 houses. few daytime slots that have now priorities. become free, Monday, Thursday The development of the Plan and Friday afternoons. So if you presents a great opportunity for We would like to build a list of are a group who needs some- residents to suggest improve- people who want to be involved where to meet on a regular basis ments to the area and have an or wish to receive updates as the why not use your local village influence on new developments. plan progresses: please add your hall, we have plenty of tables and name and address or email when chairs and spacious car park and you complete the questionnaire As you might expect, a Neigh- grounds for use during the sum- if you are happy to be contacted. bourhood Plan has its limitations. mer. We offer very competitive It cannot contradict national plan- rates for regular users. Please ning policy, or the Core Strategy Laurence Heath contact Judith Neuhofer for fur- adopted by Wokingham Borough Vice Chairman ther details on 9790296 or email Barkham Parish Council [email protected].

7 vice. The council is required to The new operators of the contract reduce waste that goes to landfill have started to get into the swing as landfill charges and fines are of things which included collec- becoming draconian and if we tions over the Easter bank holi- do not reduce landfill it is us the day. We are also receiving fewer taxpayer who will have to pay. complaints with regards to the The aim is to reduce our residual collection and operational aspects waste by at least 5,000 tonnes of the contract than previously. overall and as landfill tax is £64 per tonne in 2012/13 this 5,000 The council has also frozen its tonnes reduction will deliver share of the council tax for the £320k of savings as well as be- second year running, using a Borough Councillor’s ing a lot more environmentally one-off government grant. The report friendly. In addition we will be borough council will not be cut- able to recycle more of household ting services despite suffering a waste with kerbside recycling The MOD and the Council are still 10.4 per cent reduction, on top of collections every week instead of discussing how the Arborfield the 14.3 per cent reduction suf- fortnightly which hopefully will Garrison might be developed fered last year in its main grant see our overall recycling rate rise which will lead eventually lead to from central government, known from 41% in 2010/11 to around a full planning application soon. as the revenue support grant. 45% in 2012/13. This is called the pre-application process where the Council and The 2012/15 Council budget the MOD discuss their differing In the first 2 weeks of operating includes: the new scheme we have seen an views on how the development • A £39.7m budget for social care should take place. increase of over 10% in the level of recycling which is excellent for adults, which includes news for the borough and the an additional £1.1million for One point is clear and that is the community care services such MOD are not keen on an Arbor- environment. The scheme has not be without it problems and as preventative services and field bypass. Councillor Gary mental health per year Cowan and I are meeting with the we have seen a massive increase Officers at Wokingham Borough in requests for thousands of black • Over £28.5m children’s services to try and establish where the recycling bins which has kept the budget (excluding money that MOD and the Borough Council council busy trying to keep up goes directly to schools) per differ in how the Garrison site is with demand. In addition some year developed and when it is most of the first batch of blue general • £108m direct to schools in the likely to take place. Gary and I household waste sacks had been form of dedicated schools recognise that if and when the manufactured too small and it has grant (DSG) per year MOD do vacate the site it will be meant we have been delivering • Just under £127m on capital developed and we will be fight- the correct sacks to residents. As schemes including: the bags come on a roll it was ing to ensure that what comes • £26m investment in school impossible to see that there was provides the best infrastructure buildings problem until residents came to (roads, schools, shops, commu- • Over £25m to be spent on nity facilities etc.) and is beneficial use their bags. If you feel you have been derived wrong size maintaining the borough’s to the community and in a timely roads and other infrastructure manner to minimise disruption. bags please email me and I will arrange for the correct bags to be • £19m investment in repairs We will update residents when I delivered and maintenance of council have more information on how housing (this is approximately to submit comment etc. once the With regards to the green waste £4m per year higher than in planning application become we have supplied over 5000 previous years) “live”. brown wheelie bins and the • £37m in town centre regen- council are receiving over 160 eration April saw the start of a new enquires per day. household waste collection ser- 8 Wokingham Borough receives £34m in central government grant Chestnut Path right of way but residents and businesses pay back over £55m in rates and Many of you keen walkers may have noticed that this popular foot- taxes. (This excludes the money path/bridleway which runs from Bearwood Road to Woosehill has that goes directly to schools.) now been blocked off with a tall metal fence making it impassable. The council receives from central The Parish Council need your help. Chestnut Avenue is not recorded government just £119.9 per per- as a right of way. However, rights of way may come into being by son compared with, for example, usage, residents who have lived in the area for 20 years or more and Slough which gets £406.7 and have used this path can make a claim for the way to be a right of way, Reading £332.9. Approximately this is called a Modification Application. Please contact the Clerk, 20p in every £1 the council spends Judith Neuhofer on 979 0296 or [email protected] in comes from central government – order that the Parish Council can collate a number of residents who other councils get nearer 50p on would be willing to confirm this. average. The council has saved almost £20m over five years which includes £4.5m to be saved 2012/13. quality and without congestion; Each member of staff serves ap- top quality schools and local prox 174 residents - one of the libraries.” lowest in the country and the fact that WBC is the third low- Despite being the lowest funded est spending unitary council per unitary authority in the country head of population (£637). Read- we have already been working ing spends £844 and Slough £860. hard to put these priorities into practice. We are investing £26 m Wokingham Borough Council’s in our schools, have opened a new Membership Report vision for the future of the bor- country park in Barkham, a new ough was launched on Febru- library in Finchampsted, a new ary 23; the borough council’s mobile children’s centre, extra This year subscriptions were vision identifies the outcomes care housing at Alexandra Place sought with the Spring Newslet- it’s aiming to achieve in the and shortly at Beeches Manor. ter so that distributors do not have medium and long term. These to go out in bleak winter weather; distributors and members have outcomes include regeneration If you have any questions or com- appreciated this. of its towns and communities; ments or just want to talk to me creating an environment which about any issues you can contact drives economic growth; having me on 07714192352 or email on Helen McSweeney has left the the best schools; delivering well [email protected] distribution team with our thanks designed development with the for the many years work she put in. We would like to welcome our required level of infrastructure; Best regards new distributors Janet Volkaefts, providing effective services that Cllr.John Kaiser demonstrate value for money Andy Martin and Sarina Martin and helping its more vulnerable to the team. residents to maintain their inde- pendence. Wokingham Times With only a few more subscrip- tions to come in we see that mem- bership overall is going to stay Leader of the council Cllr David If you have local news or would at the high levels of the past few Lee said: “Our residents have like your event photographing years bolstered by newcomers to told us that they want an efficient for the paper, please let me know. the enlarged parish of Barkham. refuse collection system and clean My direct line is 918 3023. streets; great country parks and leisure attractions; roads and Regards Jon Nurse transport links that are of high Jim Butler 9 Social

Whatever is happening to our climate especially this year? In March we had days of beauti- ful sunshine and very warm temperatures followed by April with the longest showers (and The Junipers Park to look for 1100 tokens that they could exchange for small chocolate eggs. Most of the tokens were found but we still think that there could be about 30 hidden in the area – so if you do find any please let me know as I still have the eggs to go with them. Charlie Bidgood won the Giant Easter Egg and we all hope that he enjoyed it. He is pictured opposite with his sisters.

At the moment the main and so- cial committees are working on the arrangements for The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations that are going to be held in the deluges) imaginable. At least we don’t have to water the gardens but it is so easy to forget that the plants in the greenhouse still do need attention. Hopefully the gardens will still look as pretty in the summer as they usually do.

Since the last newsletter we have held a Barn Dance and those that attended had a very enjoyable evening dancing to the music performed by Hullaballoo. They also enjoyed ‘hot dogs’.

Luckily Easter Sunday was dry and about 90 children gathered in 10 Village Hall and grounds on Saturday 9th June.

The afternoon will be a family time with games, competitions, stalls, ice cream vendor, punch and judy show, bouncing slide and various craft making facili- ties. There will also be refresh- ments and a licence has been obtained for a beer tent. The local Queen and her consort will be in attendance.

In the evening we will be able to listen and /or dance to The Mike Wells Band and they will play music from 1950 through to today.

miss out on these events. Tickets will be on sale in late August and late October. Please contact me on 977 1579 or [email protected] to reserve them.

Enjoy the summer and I look forward to seeing you all at the Family Fun day on Saturday 9th June.

Judith Collins – 977 1579

The ticket price will also include a Buffet Supper. This evening event is by pre-purchased tickets only and at £9.50 each will be avail- able from Barkham Village Store, Monday – Friday 9am till 3pm or from myself – Judith Collins on 977 1579.

See pages 4 and 5 for more details.

We have also booked the hall for a skittles evening on Saturday 22nd September and the quiz evening on Saturday 24th November. Please put these dates in your diary NOW so that you do not 11 Newsletter cover design competition winners

In the spring issue of the Newslet- ter we invited entries to design the front and back pages of the sum- mer edition. We had lots of entries for the front page and the winner is Emma Dodds (11), of Bearwood Road and The Coombes Primary School. She is pictured receiving an Amazon Voucher from Judith Collins. Also pictured with their designs are the second prize winner Naomi Bruce (11) of The Junipers and The Coombes and third prize Harry Cheney (9) of Barkham Road and St Paul’s.

Congratulations to all the entrants which made judging very difficult. Emma’s design is reproduced as the front page of this Newsletter and the others can be seen on the back page.

We did get one entry for the BVRA 25th anniversary design (open to secondary school age students) and we thought it deserved to be in the newsletter so it is included in the photo spread in the centre pages. Thanks to Laura Whit- tington (16) for this.

12 13 The BVRA celebrates 25 years BVRA

The Barkham Village Residents’ Association (BVRA) was formed in 1987 in response to proposed housing development within the Coombes woodland. Once this had been successfully resisted WDC designated the Coombes (thanks to David Robins for his as an Area of Special Landscape pictures). This was repaired but importance where development in 2002 the garage closed and was not allowed. the site was redeveloped. BVRA Membership was set at £1 per Over the past 25 years the BVRA household per annum. 25 years has, together with Barkham Par- later it is now £2 pa! ish Council, continued to act as a focal point for village activities, 1988. BVRA membership exceeds organising regular social events 200 households. In recent years such as (currently) a quiz, barn we have regularly had over 600 dance, skittles, carol singing and members. an Easter Egg Hunt and keeping residents aware of other signifi- 1989 (issue 10). First advertiser cant developments via the quar- (Peter Robins, builder) followed terly newsletter and the website. by issue 11 Robinson’s French Pol- ishers. Both are still advertising Some key events: in the newsletter today, 22 years later! Many thanks to them and 1987 BVRA formed and The to all our advertisers. Great Storm devastates southern England (these events were not 1990 Photo shows the May related). The 2 photos show the Queen Ruth Collins (16) seated. damage to Barkham Hill Garage

14 and the 100th Barkham Newsletter!

Barkham Wives (now Barkham 2010/11 Winter snow causes wide- Ladies Social Club), organised a spread disruption (photo on page May Fair for many years. 16 is of Bearwood Road)

1995 VE Day 50th anniversary 2010 Digby Carter moves away celebrations including May Fair and resigns as BVRA chairman - May Queen Sarah Vestey (10) after 19 years (we are still trying pictured in her procession. The to replace him!) programme for the event is re- produced on page 16. 2012 June 9th Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations (photos in the 1997 BVRA reported to be in dan- next edition) ger of folding but more volunteers step forward

1999 Barkham wins Best Kept Village Award

1999 The Newsletter gets a re- vamped front cover!

2000 Millennium celebrations in May

2002 The Queen’s Golden Jubilee celebration in The Junipers field

2007 (January). Strong winds bring down one of the Barkham Road oak trees.

2007 Village Design Statement published

2007 (July) Barkham Brook Laura Whittington’s overflows and the photo shows anniversary design Barkham Street under water. 15 16 ing from ourselves - from our remember that Lord Jesus – newly recklessness or our greed. God risen from the dead – ascended sent into the world a unique to the greatest coronation service person - neither a philosopher there has ever been, during which nor a general, important though he took his place on the throne of they are, but a Saviour, with the heaven, from where, he said, he power to forgive. rules and directs everything he has made. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken Some of us won’t leap at that idea. The Queen and the families, it can restore friendships We may not be that keen on the and it can reconcile divided com- suggestion that there is a King of King of Kings munities. It is in forgiveness that Kings who says that one day we we feel the power of God’s love…’ will all stand before him, and to Royalist or republican (and I’m whom all glory is due. sure there are readers of this I’m paid to explain the Christian newsletter in both camps!), it’s faith, but I don’t think I could put If someone asked me why, as entirely appropriate to join the it more clearly than that! Christians, we can be so sure that rest of our nation in marking Her that is true – that Jesus is reign- Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee. I’ll ing – my first answer would be never forget a friend saying that, During her Coronation Service, to point them to the resurrection, while he personally struggled back in June 1953, the Queen was and how much evidence there to justify or support the idea of asked, under oath, whether she is that that happened. After all, a monarchy, he found it hard to would ‘to her power cause Law if Jesus really did rise from the get very angry about it while our and Justice, in Mercy, to be ex- dead, surely we have to believe current Queen was on the throne. ecuted in all her judgments’ and whether she would ‘to the utmost the things he said about what of her power maintain the Laws would happen next? For 60 years now, Queen Eliza- of God and the true profession of beth has served our country - and the Gospel.’ ‘All this I promise But I might also point them to the the wider Commonwealth – with to do’ – she replied. example of our Queen. No doubt remarkable hard work, stamina, there are many things that have wisdom (not least according to strengthened her to reign as she the testimony of the twelve Prime Later on in that same service, the has. But we know from what she Ministers who have got to know then Archbishop of Canterbury has said that one of them is this: her well through their weekly placed the Queen’s Ring on one her recognition that she serves meetings with her), and dignity. of her fingers, and spoke these under and with the help of an And all this through some very words: even greater King. trying and challenging times indeed. We have much to be ‘Receive the Ring of kingly dignity, grateful for. and the seal of Catholic Faith: and David Horrocks as you are this day consecrated to But there is another aspect of the be our Head and Prince, so may you Queen’s service that shouldn’t go continue steadfastly as the Defender unnoticed, and that is her Chris- of Christ’s Religion; that being rich tian faith. If anything, she has in faith and blessed in all good works, spoken more clearly about this as you may reign with him who is the the years have gone by. Maybe King of Kings, to whom be the glory you remember these words for ever and ever. Amen.’ from her most recent Christmas Speech? As I write, it is just over two weeks until Ascension Sunday. It tends ‘Although we are capable of great to be one of the more easily forgot- acts of kindness, history teaches ten dates in the Church’s calendar, us that we sometimes need sav- but it is the day when Christians 17 Wokingham Choral Society’s 60th Anniversary Season Summer 2012 Concert with Wokingham Choral Academy

Our largest audience ever packed join us or even just come and sit into The Old Gym at the end of in at a rehearsal, do get in touch. March to hear Julian Clef’s beauti- Several of our members took up ful and moving performance of their instruments after a long “VIVAT REGINA” Diamond Jubilee Prom

Wokingham Choral Society Parry: I Was Glad Morley: Now is the Month Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto break and have enjoyed getting of Maying No 2. This extraordinarily tal- back to playing regularly again. Gibbons: The Silver Swan ented young musician is a name We include sectional rehearsals Bennet: All Creatures Now to watch, and it was exciting to which are very helpful in tackling Handel: Zadok the Priest hear him at the start of what will the trickier passages and for those Rutter (ed.): Four Folk Songs clearly be a stellar career. less experienced in orchestral Elgar: Pomp & Circumstance playing there is always friendly March No. 1 We are now busy rehearsing for advice from more experienced (Land of Hope & Glory) our Summer Concert which is on colleagues or from our Director Arne: Rule! Britannia Saturday 7th July, again at The of Music, Robert Roscoe. Emerson (arr.): Love is All You Old Gym, Wellington College and Need (A Tribute to the Beatles) which will be part of Crowthorne As I write, we are looking forward Huff (arr.): Beatles in Revue Carnival Week. The theme for to our 4th String Workshop to be Parry: Jerusalem (with audience) the carnival this year is ‘Best of held in May when we will play Britten (arr.): National Anthem British’ and our programme will works by Grieg and Corelli. Later Ben Woodward, Piano reflect this by including works by in the year (Sunday 9th Septem- Conductor: Alexander Chaplin Elgar, Vaughan Williams, Holst ber) we will hold our popular and Malcolm Arnold. The concert annual Open Workshop for full Wokingham Choral Academy starts at 8pm (doors open 7.30pm) orchestra at Wellington College Henry VIII: Pastime with and advance tickets at £10 are from 10.15 am - 5pm; the pro- good company available from Traveltime Travel gramme and details will be on Diemer: Three Madrigals Agents, High Street Crowthorne, our website. You don’t have to Leite: Tres cantos nativos Ayres: Music to hear and Bookends, Peach Street be a member of the orchestra to Wokingham or £12 on the door. attend and if you are interested, Andrew McKenna, Piano Come and listen to Crowthorne’s contact Diana Brealey on 01628 Conductor: Jo McNally own symphony orchestra and re- 520143. Saturday 16th June, 2012 member - children 16 and under at 7.30pm go free! For more information about the All Saints’ Church, Wiltshire Road, Wokingham, orchestra, our workshops and RG40 1UE Our regular Monday evening concerts, as well as online ticket Tickets: £13 (£8 under 18s) rehearsals are now at Our Lady’s sales, see our website www. available online (from May Preparatory School, The Avenue, or ring 1st) from www.wegottickets. Crowthorne 7.45-10pm, during Ruth on 0118 972 2164. com (booking fee applies) or from term time. We are always keen Wokingham Information Centre in to welcome new members, espe- the Town Hall; Newbury Building Chris Gadsby Society, Wokingham; Bookends, cially string players. If you play Wokingham or by email or from an instrument and would like to WCS and WCA choir members. 18 TCB Concert Review

Under the baton of their talented tastic saxophone solos “Carnival” Musical Director, Chris I’Anson, by Philip Sparke, and “Pequena Trinity Concert Band’s Spring Czarda” by Pedro Iturralde. Concert gave another thrilling performance at Trinity Church The Reading Film and Video Congratulations to the Barkham in Lower Earley on Saturday Makers made a recording of the Newsletter on its 100th edition! 14th April. The programme performance, and part of the comprised of a selection of pieces recording will be available on The Citizens Advice Bureau is by a range of British compos- YouTube soon. an independent charity. We help ers including “The Voice of the people to resolve their problems Guns”, “By The Sleepy Lagoon” The band is next playing in the by providing free, confidential and “Barwick Green”. The band’s Oakwood centre, Woodley on 5th and impartial information and talented Trumpet section opened June. Information about this and advice. the second half with the “Fanfare other concerts is on the band web- and Processional” by Duncan site at Stubbs, followed by “Wherever We have just finished another You Are” made famous by the year in which we helped people Military Wives. “Wherever You Are that live and work in Wokingham always bring tears to my eyes and was Borough. We helped 4,592 people played beautifully”, commented a in the last year and 100 of them member of the audience. told us that they lived in Barkham, compared with 107 in the previ- ous year. The main problem that They also played the one of the people coming to us have is debt, pieces which won the band a Sil- followed by welfare benefits. ver Award at the NCBF finals at As we cannot operate without the Royal Academy of Music in volunteers and funding we are London; Adam Gorb’s “Yiddish grateful to our volunteers that Dances” live in Barkham and to the Par- ish Council (who are in the top Alistair Penman, our guest solo- 4 parishes in the borough when ist, received a rapturous applause it comes to helping the CAB) for from the audience for his two fan- the funding they provide. Wokingham 26-28 Market Place (next to WH Smith), RG40 2AP [email protected] Hours: Mon - Thu: 9.00am - 3.00pm Fri: 9.00am - 1.00pm Telephone assessments: 0844 499 4126 Mon - Thu: 9.00am - 3.00pm Fri: 9.00am - 1.00pm

19 Arborfield Gardening Moving to the future, there are Association many events coming up to put in your diary. The Plant Sale at the Village Hall, Eversley Road, Congratulations to Barkham Arborfield is on Sat 26th May, News for reaching the 100th edi- come early for bargains, and we tion. AGA recently celebrated its are having a stall at the Jubilee 50th Anniversary and have been Fete, Arborfield Park on Sat 2nd given photographs from the mid- June, 12 – 5pm, along with a walk- The Barkham And District Clas- eighties of presentations at our ing Garden Tour. There is also a sic Car Club was formed in Summer Show. To commemo- visit to Cross Lanes Orchard on late 2009, and we now have rate our Golden Anniversary Thurs 14th June 7pm at £4.50pp. over 85 Members and over 100 we enjoyed a super luncheon Our coach trip this year is to the vehicles and motorcycles from attended by the daughter of our fabulous Waddesdon Manor on the Wokingham area. Members then Chairman, George Gerring Weds 20th June and a snip for vehicles range from Aston Mar- who is Rita Bunyard. Rita is also National Trust members as they tin Vantages, Bristol 401s and featured below at our luncheon get free entry, with the cost of Pontiacs through MG’s, Scimi- along with her husband, Major the coach at just £12. If you need tars, Triumphs to Morrises and Bunyard. We were delighted to more information on any events, a Messerschmitt “bubble car” please do not hesitate to contact to name just a few. We meet on me, Jan on 976 0243. the last Wednesday evening of each month, the venue is always Finchampstead local and is notified on the club website below. Flower Club Throughout each year the club We meet on the 4th Monday of organises participation in a every month at 7.45 pm at The number of motoring displays California Ratepayer’s Hall. Fu- and events mostly local but some ture meetings are: be joined for the occasion by the further afield and from 2010 we couple, and also other former have been an integral part of the July 23rd ‘Down my Garden Path’ members, Chris and Mike Ayles committee arranging the annual Ann Anson who travelled from Devon to be Bearwood College Car and Bike with us for the day. Mike was Show. This is a busy year for the Treasurer of our club around 10 Sept 24th ‘Blooming Marvellous’ Club, which will be displaying at years ago, and is now Chairman Annette Parshotam the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations of his local Gardening Club in in Wokingham Town centre on Pymptree. Around 40 members Visitors are always welcome to Sunday 3rd June 2012. A gather- spent happy hours reminiscing, these demonstrations. ing of some of our cars will also and dining in style at the Mill- be present at the BVRA’s Queen’s house Hotel, Swallowfield. Ann Tuffee Diamond Jubilee event at the Barkham Village Hall on June 9th.

Other planned events can be Family Skittles Evening found on the events page on our internet site Saturday 22nd September along with details on how to join as new members are always See page 11 for details welcome.

Bernie Hicks

20 21 and decorated biscuits amongst other things. “Staff provide a wide range of interesting play opportunities and activities both inside and outside which help the children make good progress in their learning and development” (Ofsted April 2011) At the March meeting, Alan The pre-school is in a lovely rural Gould from Henry Street Garden setting at Barkham Village Hall Centre came to give us a talk where there is plenty of off road about “Roses and Rose Care”. parking and lots out outside space Barkham Pre-School In April, Mariana Swann told us for the children. Sessions are from about “Beautiful Bolivia” with 9.00am to 12.45pm, Tuesday to interesting slides. The May sup- Once again it’s been another busy Friday during term time. Non- per was well attended, with Fish and fun packed term at Barkham funded places cost £12 per session & Chips delivered to the hall from Pre-School. The children enjoyed which also includes staying for a a shop in Crowthorne. Sallyanne the build-up to Easter with lots of packed lunch. Childcare vouch- Streatham gave us a talk about the crafts, baking and an Easter Egg ers are accepted. charity DEBRA, as this year it is hunt whilst the parents enjoyed our chosen charity to help. Julie Hot Cross Buns. As an end of If you are looking for a Pre-School Mahoney brought a wonderful term treat there was a visit from for your child please contact us by selection of handbags, purses, Zoolab, where the children went email or phone (details below) to umbrellas, scarfs and jewellery on a rainforest adventure and arrange a convenient time for you for sale. They were all reason- were introduced to some interest- to come and see the Pre-School. ably priced. ing and exotic animals including a snake and a tarantula! This term The meetings take place on the the children will be looking at the We welcome your questions and first Wednesday of the month, theme “Our World” and will be hope to make you and your little at approx. 7.30pm at Barkham learning about different countries one feel welcome. Village Hall. For further details and cultures. Please contact Jackie Law- please contact our chairperson, rence on 0118 9760750 (ses- Pauline Vestey on 979 1714. Barkham Pre-School offers chil- sion times only), or go to dren from 2 years 6 months to 5 for Angela Hands years the opportunity to make more information and where to new friends, socialise and fol- find us. low a structured session and was recently awarded “Good” CJM PLUMBING & DECORATING by Ofsted, “Children are very happy, confident and safe at the Professional, reliable, friendly, local domestic pre-school. The dedicated and plumber, tiler & decorator caring staff team recognise each individual’s uniqueness and treat NO JOB TOO SMALL – FREE QUOTATIONS – NO CALL OUT CHARGES them with kindness and respect” Everything from a dripping tap to full bathroom renewals (Ofsted April 2011) Ceramic floor & wall tiling Interior decorating Activities include plenty of free Guttering play with a large variety of toys, Fully insured music, singing, storytime, physi- cal games and activities. The children also get to make use of For more information please contact Chris or Kylie on: the kitchen facilities and have 01189 733815 or 07827 914748 email: [email protected] made pizza, gingerbread men 22 Arborfield Local History Society I would like to congratulate the there. The level of support hoped A Superhero Barkham Newsletter on its 25 for was not forthcoming, but we Challenge years and 100th edition. Our Soci- will continue to pursue this in the for a ety also celebrates this year when coming months. We have had a Super Charity! it is our 10th anniversary - little couple of indications of interest chance of us catching up though! subsequently and any further of- That said, we are flourishing and fers will be appreciated. You don’t On 13th May, Me2 Club, a small expect to have about 80 members need to get your hands dirty and Wokingham based children’s when all the subscriptions are in. whilst regular working parties are charity, entered 10 runners in a 5k It should be noted that you don’t taking place, we are equally anx- fun run in Regents Park. The run- have to be a member to attend ious to seek administrative help. ners dressed up as their favourite most of our meetings. A nominal superheroes to raise money for charge (£2-00) will get you in and Our May meeting will have come this fantastic cause!Me2 Club we can assure you of a warm and gone by the time this goes to enables children and young peo- welcome. Meetings are usually press and is followed on June 2nd ple 5-19 with additional needs, held on the first Monday of each by the Village Diamond Jubilee to be part of mainstream leisure month in Arborfield Village Hall, Fete, where we are planning to activities in the local community starting at 1945. have two stalls. One will include by giving them access to great our display boards and on the activities like Brownies, Scouts, This year, we had a meeting in other, we plan to print for sale, kayaking, climbing, art clubs, February when Paul Lacey gave photographs from our extensive dance classes, youth clubs and an illustrated talk on the opera- archive. Come along and talk to many more! tions of the Thames Valley Trac- us when you are there. tion Company which brought Then on June 11th, Trevor Ot- We support 80 children and back memories for many of the young people from Wokingham older members who recalled tewski will return to continue his story of “The Wokingham Town borough into regular activities their passes passing through the each year and need the help of village. Halls”. July 2nd sees Ken Wells, Curator of the Thames Valley Po- over 90 volunteers. We have 3 March brought a talk by Steve lice Museum and a former Scenes full time staff who work directly Bacon, aided by members of the of Crime Officer give us a talk. with families, children, volun- Research Group on “The Village teers and activity providers. The Recording Scheme, 1938-1945”. Our regular summer event will support the charity provides is a This was a topic which I was be another Garden Party, for life line to so many children and unaware of and found it very members only, kindly hosted by their families; the difference being interesting. Sheila Bunce. in a club or group can make to a child is huge. The fun, friend- Our AGM in April was dealt with Our annual trip this year will ship, social skills and develop- in double quick time and was be to Bristol on August 6th. The ment leisure activities offered followed by an “Open Forum” city and surroundings are full of to young people is so important when members were asked where interest and we anticipate a full and is something every child they would like the Society to be coach again. Bookings are being should have the opportunity to going. A number of positive sug- taken at our regular meetings be part of. If you would like to gestions were made and will be and tickets are priced at £10 for support this super charity in their considered in due course. members and £13 for guests. superhero challenge, helping them to continue their fantastic In February, we held a public On September 3rd, Philip Little- john will return to tell us about his work, you can pledge money at meeting, when we sought to establish the level of support for voyage to mark the centenary of creating a Trust to be responsible the sinking of the Titanic includ- for the Old Churchyard. Unfortu- ing his earlier dive to the wreck. You can also donate money by nately, it was not well attended, texting MECL22 £2 (or £3, £4, £5 Ray Hill or £10) to 70070 to donate - text with only the “Faithful Few” 976 0784 together with a few others being messages are free so why not [email protected] donate today! 23 Everyone is welcome to join Loddon Valley Ramblers on one of these walks.

Just turn up at the start or phone the leader for more details.

For more walks visit Loddon Valley Ramblers website:

Thursday 31st May: Up Whitchurch Hill & Boze Down, 5 miles. 10.30 from Station Road Car Park (£1.10 for 3 hours) in centre of Pangbourne, next to Village Hall, (RG8 7AN). Leaders – Graham Smith & Karen Durie 0118 973 0540 / 07966 002016. Thursday 7th June: Finchampstead Ridges, Horseshoe Lakes & Wellington College, 5 miles. 10.00 from National Trust Car Park , Wellingtonia Avenue, Crowthorne,(RG45 6AE). No dogs please! Leader – Stephen Smith 07776 148720 Sunday 10th June: Woods, a lake & a short part of the Thames Path, 4 ½ miles. 10.30 from Spade Oak CP, near Bourne End, there is a 2 metre height barrier, (SL8 5PT). Leader – John Wager 0118 932 0127 Thursday 28th June: Crowsley Park, Shepherd’s Green, Satwell & Great Bottom Woods, 5 miles. 10.30 from Peppard Common, opposite Red Lion pub after verge parking (RG9 5LB) Leader – Gerry Cooper 07805 356708. Thursday 5th July: Pindar’s Wood, Greys Court & Earl’s Wood, 5 miles. 10.30 from Maltsters Arms/St Nicholas Church, Rotherfield Greys after parking near church or in pub Car Park if visiting the pub after the walk (RG9 4QD). Leader – Barbara Curtis 0118 940 3158. Sunday 8th July: Culham Court & Remenham Wood, 6 miles. 10.00 from the steps of Henley Town Hall after parking in one of the public Car Parks (free on Sundays),( in the centre of Henley RG9 2AQ). No dogs, please! Leader – Caroline Layton 0118 978 1336. Wednesday 11 th July: A summer evening stroll to Ludgrove School & Gorrick Plantation, 4 miles. 18.30 from the Car Park of The White Horse pub Easthampstead Road Wokingham (permission obtained),(RG40 3AF). If you would like to eat in the pub after the walk, either contact the pub directly on 0118 979 7402 saying you are with the LVR party, or advise leader prior to walk. Leader – David Turner 07899 938397. Sunday 15th July: Mayes Green & Harpsden Bottom, 6 miles. 10.00 from Mill Lane / Marsh Meadows free Car Park, Henley, (RG9 4HD). Leader – Judith Clark 07765 064650. Thursday 19th July: Wick Hill & Longwater Lane, 6 miles. 10.00 from Finchampstead Church after parking nearby,(RG40 4LP). No dogs, please! Leader – Martin Dalton 0118 966 1536. Sunday 22nd July: Chapman’s Farm & Chalkhouse Green, 5 ½ miles. 10.30 from playing field Car Park at top of Caversham Park Road, Reading,(RG4 6AA). Leader – Sally Fox 0118 978 0210 / 07932 665339 Wednesday 25th July: Another Summer evening walk with a pub to follow! Mortimer Rec, Wheat’s Farm, Lockram Brook, Pullen’s Pond, Wokefield Common & Starvale Woods, 3 ½ miles. 19.00 from the CP at Mortimer recreation ground, opposite the Horse & Groom pub, RG7 3RD. If you wish to eat in the pub afterwards, please book in with pub directly on 0118 933 2813 but tell them you’re with the LVR party. Leader – Richard Hatton 0118 988 4118 / 07884 113491. 24

2 2012. 25.

Grandson 2011. 24. SunshineSunshine Gardening Gardening Services Services

Deepwater Horizon Deepwater 2010.

23. “Making“Making gardens gardens more beautiful” more beautiful”

The Hudson River Hudson The 2009. 22.

19 2008.

21. For all yourFor gardeningall your gardening and landscaping and landscaping needs needs

Yo Blair! Yo 2007. 20.

Rely on anRely efficient on an efficientand friendly and servicefriendly service Casino Royale Casino 2006.



Jean Charles de de Charles Jean 2005.

18. Please callPlease 0118 call 979 0118 2291 979 2291

Kelly Holmes Kelly 2004. 17.

22 Thorn22 Close, Thorn Barkham Close, Barkham

The Return of the King the of Return The 2003.


India 2002. 15.

Peter Mandelson Peter 2001.

14. Video & Film Transfers Video & Film Transfers

Rio Ferdinand Rio 2000. 13.

Do you have video tapes of memories you’d like to keep Do you have video tapes of memories you’d like to keep Tracey Emin Tracey 1999.

Everyone is welcome to join Loddon Valley Ramblers on 12. but worried about tape degradation, broken video player, but worried about tape degradation, broken video player,

one of these walks. Hume. can’t find the camera? Let me put them onto DVD for you can’t find the camera? Let me put them onto DVD for you David Trimble and John John and Trimble David 1998.

11. for a price of £5 per video. Standard VHS, VHS-8, VHS-C, for a price of £5 per video. Standard VHS, VHS-8, VHS-C,

Just turn up at the start or phone the leader for more details. Katrina and the Waves the and Katrina 1997.

10. S-VHS-C, DV tapes. Extra DVD’s of the same tape £1 per S-VHS-C, DV tapes. Extra DVD’s of the same tape £1 per

Glen Hoddle Glen 1996.

For more walks visit Loddon Valley Ramblers website: 9. DVD. Sorry, unable to transfer cine films. DVD. Sorry, unable to transfer cine films.

Martin Bashir Martin 1995. 8. Transfer 35mm negatives Transfer 35mm negatives

Oasis 1994. 7. onto DVD ? onto DVD ?

Thursday 31st May: Up Whitchurch Hill & Boze Down, 5 miles. 10.30 from Station Road Car Park (£1.10 for 3 hours) in centre of Pangbourne, next Invention 24 film exposure £2.50, 24 film exposure £2.50,

to Village Hall, (RG8 7AN). Leaders – Graham Smith & Karen Durie 0118 973 0540 / 07966 002016. The Mothers of of Mothers The 1993. 6. 36 film exposure £3.50 36 film exposure £3.50

Thursday 7th June: Finchampstead Ridges, Horseshoe Lakes & Wellington College, 5 miles. 10.00 from National Trust Car Park , Wellingtonia

Horribilis Annus 1992. Avenue, Crowthorne,(RG45 6AE). No dogs please! Leader – Stephen Smith 07776 148720 5. Contact Louise on 07721 419436 Contact Louise on 07721 419436

Sunday 10th June: Woods, a lake & a short part of the Thames Path, 4 ½ miles. 10.30 from Spade Oak CP, near Bourne End, there is a 2 metre height or on 01344 449728 or on 01344 449728

Thomas Harris Thomas 1991.

barrier, (SL8 5PT). Leader – John Wager 0118 932 0127 4.

Thursday 28th June: Crowsley Park, Shepherd’s Green, Satwell & Great Bottom Woods, 5 miles. 10.30 from Peppard Common, opposite Red Lion Germany) West as

pub after verge parking (RG9 5LB) Leader – Gerry Cooper 07805 356708. in competed they tournament

West Germany (the last last (the Germany West 1990. Thursday 5th July: Pindar’s Wood, Greys Court & Earl’s Wood, 5 miles. 10.30 from Maltsters Arms/St Nicholas Church, Rotherfield Greys after parking 3.

near church or in pub Car Park if visiting the pub after the walk (RG9 4QD). Leader – Barbara Curtis 0118 940 3158.

succeeded Ronald Reagan Ronald succeeded Video & Film Transfers Video & Film Transfers

George H.W. Bush Bush H.W. George 1989. Sunday 8th July: Culham Court & Remenham Wood, 6 miles. 10.00 from the steps of Henley Town Hall after parking in one of the public Car Parks 2.

(free on Sundays),( in the centre of Henley RG9 2AQ). No dogs, please! Leader – Caroline Layton 0118 978 1336. Do you have video tapes of memories you’d like to keep Do you have video tapes of memories you’d like to keep Seoul 1988.

Wednesday 11 th July: A summer evening stroll to Ludgrove School & Gorrick Plantation, 4 miles. 18.30 from the Car Park of The White Horse pub 1. but worried about tape degradation, broken video player, but worried about tape degradation, broken video player, Easthampstead Road Wokingham (permission obtained),(RG40 3AF). If you would like to eat in the pub after the walk, either contact the pub directly answers the – Quiz Anniversary The on 0118 979 7402 saying you are with the LVR party, or advise leader prior to walk. Leader – David Turner 07899 938397. can’t find the camera? Let me put them onto DVD for you can’t find the camera? Let me put them onto DVD for you Sunday 15th July: Mayes Green & Harpsden Bottom, 6 miles. 10.00 from Mill Lane / Marsh Meadows free Car Park, Henley, (RG9 4HD). Leader – for a price of £5 per video. Standard VHS, VHS-8, VHS-C, for a price of £5 per video. Standard VHS, VHS-8, VHS-C, Judith Clark 07765 064650. S-VHS-C, DV tapes. Extra DVD’s of the same tape £1 per S-VHS-C, DV tapes. Extra DVD’s of the same tape £1 per Thursday 19th July: Wick Hill & Longwater Lane, 6 miles. 10.00 from Finchampstead Church after parking nearby,(RG40 4LP). No dogs, please! DVD. Sorry, unable to transfer cine films. DVD. Sorry, unable to transfer cine films. Leader – Martin Dalton 0118 966 1536. Sunday 22nd July: Chapman’s Farm & Chalkhouse Green, 5 ½ miles. 10.30 from playing field Car Park at top of Caversham Park Road, Reading,(RG4 6AA). Leader – Sally Fox 0118 978 0210 / 07932 665339 Transfer 35mm negatives Transfer 35mm negatives Wednesday 25th July: Another Summer evening walk with a pub to follow! Mortimer Rec, Wheat’s Farm, Lockram Brook, Pullen’s Pond, Wokefield onto DVD ? onto DVD ? Common & Starvale Woods, 3 ½ miles. 19.00 from the CP at Mortimer recreation ground, opposite the Horse & Groom pub, RG7 3RD. If you wish to 24 film exposure £2.50, 24 film exposure £2.50, eat in the pub afterwards, please book in with pub directly on 0118 933 2813 but tell them you’re with the LVR party. Leader – Richard Hatton 0118 36 film exposure £3.50 36 film exposure £3.50 988 4118 / 07884 113491. Contact Louise on 07721 419436 Contact Louise on 07721 419436 or on 0134425 449728 or on 01344 449728 Need Legal advice for your family or your business Contact: Gill Powell Ph: (0118) 978 3681 86 Rose Street, Wokingham, RG40 1XU

French Polishing Modern Finishes Repair and restoration of all furniture Removal damage & Insurance work Free estimates All work guaranteed Rose 0118 973 4959 Mobile 0797 375 9091 Carpentry AM PM Plumbing and Maintenance All types of carpentry undertaken including: Local friendly plumber – All aspects of plumbing %Kitchen fitting No job too small %Laminate /solid wood flooring %Custom made storage %Fitted wardrobes %Door & lock replacement %Skirting, door frame & architrave replacement Mark OsbOrn WWW.AMPMPLUMBINGWOKINGHAM.CO.UK %Partitions % Tel: 0118 9788562 - MOb: 07572 110 799 Fencing Contact Liam on City & Guilds Qualified Mobile: 07825 994 126 FLORIDA VILLA FOR RENT Fully insured Tel/Fax: 0118 976 1960 References available Email: [email protected]

3 bed/2 bath Villa bordering Woodlands Private Pool (heated) with extended deck Fully equipped with all amenities Close to Disney. Golf specials for guests Villa rates: From £375 PW Tel: Chris on 0118-9775705 or view



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AVH is Arborfield Village Hall BVH is Barkham Village Hall CRH is California Ratepayers Hall Useful Numbers ARBORFIELD TREE CARE Police Wokingham Police Station 0845 8 505 505 Hedge & Tree Care Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Sectional Cutting in Confi ned Spaces Council Wokingham Borough Council 974 6000 Fully Insured / Free Estimates & Advice Environmental health 974 6384 Social Services 978 9800 Trading Standards 974 6400 all Dangerous Work Undertaken 24hr out of hours 0800 212 111 Wokingham Town Council 978 3185 Citizen’s Advice 0844 499 4126 call Martin on: 0800 0741886 Wokingham Library 978 1368 Job Support Centre 977 0517 27 £1, free to Members Issue100 Summer 2012

The views expressed in this newsletter, unless signed by a BVRA committee member, are not necessarily those of the Barkham Village Residents Association Copyright © 2012 Barkham Village Residents Association. Extracts may be reproduced if the source is acknowledged. 28