NORTH CAROLINA COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Dr. Thomas A. Stith, III President Public Safety Memo PS21-06 REV April 1, 2021 To: Fire/Rescue School Directors and Related List Servs From: Tracy McPherson, Director, Public Safety Training Programs RE: Fire/Rescue School Director Statewide Meetings (Presentations Attached) During the month of March, a series of meetings were hosted for Fire and Rescue School Directors: Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) - Virtual statewide meetings - March 23 and 24, 2021. NCCCS System Office - Virtual statewide meetings - March 30 and 31, 2021. Copies of these presentations are attached for your reference. Please share as appropriate. If you have questions about state Fire and Rescue certification programs and policies, please consult your college’s regional specialist with the Office of State Fire Marshal. If you have questions about college courses and policies, please contact Kenny Weatherington at
[email protected] or 919-291-6341. As always, thank you for all that you do to ensure that your students are “Ready to Work and Ready to Respond.” You make a difference every day. Note: This memo was revised on April 22, 2021, to inform colleges of a helpful technical assistance resource on the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) webpage called “OSFM Pocket Tools” that includes a copy of the most recent School Directors’ Orientation Course presentation: OSFM Pocket Tools Scroll down to “School Director Course Powerpoint” for a copy of the 120-slide School Director Orientation course presentation (version 7 3-2021). Contact OSFM for details on the Orientation course attendance requirement for new School Directors.