Portland Daily Press
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. JUNE ESTABLISHED 23, 1862-VOL. 30_PORTLAND MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 181'I. _PRICE V, k YEAR, WHEY PAID fif ADVANCE Jl. IHC'ML NOTICE*. niSCBLLtNEOIW. WAIKTIID. WILL CAW IN NOCKLAND BEACON’S TWENTIETH. ISABELLA, LADY SOMERSET. ANTED—We want to sell more for THE SEAL IN WHERE IS \\J goods COURT for that RAGED LIKEBEASTS Celebration the Well BRAZIL ? tv cash. Our prices are always low, but we Another Industry Hustling Birthday by The Cifced our Englishwoman Who can save you lots of money If you will visit Notes. Known Lodge of Odd Fellows. store this week. Rump steak 18c to 22c, good City-Ma*ine Will Soon Visit Portland. round steak loc, best 12Vic, slrlolu roast 12c, best rib roast 12c, beef roast from 6c to loc, ^Special to the Press.1 Beacon lodge, No. 67,1. O. O. F., cele- steak lc, sausage Hu Will Cunt Mm an roast pork 10c, Pork lie, Interna- Conviels Faced Death in the Howl- brated its twentieth The Isabella, Lady Henry Somerset, one of tripe 10c, liver 8c, legs lambs 14c, whole ham Rockland, November 10.—George E. anniversary last Big Republic Fplitting Up lute salt the notable galaxy of stars that are In at- 11c, lean smoked shoulders 8Vic, pork Tllden, manager o( tbe Hurricane evening In the elegant apartments of the beef briskets 8c to tional Canning 8Vic by the strip, corued 4c, Tribunal his of the Stoim. Portland Odd Fellows in tendance upon the World’s Woman’s flanks 8c to 4c, naval cut 4c, Squire’s pure lard Company, has announced intention of iog Farrington block.
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