Apartment Measure Sent to Committee
" lC\ -' V-, ," V' «•'};" ' COVERING A Panorama o;- Of Local MVitLBORO. ftI People And AWtt Events MtTAWAN BOROUGH Mcmtof MATAWAN, N J., THURSDAY, IIUNE 27, 1963 •„,„ ^wf^f^ctauon jingle Copy Ten Cenls kl CliHwood's Aiuericajtt Can Co., Plant; Where 986 Will Be Employed Apartment Measure Survey Si ra lii mo re Street Lighting Sent To Committee !h» Matawan Township Planning i in St'atiimore where ui-i>dinj> had Board last nigh! forwarded to ths j tjesrj ©wnpletetl. wvnship eoinniltlw for consider- Th(. toa,d aho noliiitvl the i.ev.tt ./•Ing iiAiciitlmeri! which ... would permit construction of gar- f^r.i.thai, play area* iw.ie.)** '.or den npurtmonts. At present, there j grading, and equipping, uccwlin.); Is no provision in tho zoning code I to t:ie lerm.'i of an agreement with for apartment construction. " : the township. Ilia Gourd took no UawreKce-ljirnef, tha planning j action on two minor subdivisions, board's attorney, noted that apart- n;c:it Uiilt costs to tha municipality to educate children are far less btir- Assistant I !.S. d'.-nsont** than orifc-rait'iiiy dwellings, ac.cordi.iK to figure:! prepared by tlia M.MirmniUi Count'.- Planning Principal Hired Board. Matawan Regionoi WWfc CMts'tfai the (l»«l frame of tb* American Can > »JI not ttlislled last nl^ht with plans for (he MtflU gitlcm |Kr da)| Ha produced fi&unyi to t.!w.»\v chut j i -I'-- UK'OIIIK to the nninlci- >niu( .Ivlno • OWHUISIconfeptlon, Uel» l,Usi J»bne an»nd thee xtc*«;uu Owovtrr i ti«ntuivi<..«».I..T..Vt vi^lp.ucnV.,-.,..«^..t.
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