AAlsmailov, V.A.Fyodorov, V.B.Lapshin, N.I.Melenevskaya, M.R.Ismailova.



Prepared under the collaboration of the Department of Foreign Languages and the TACIS “Language training in ” project

Intensive Computer -Lingaphone Course for Beginners and Further Levels Third Edition With Uzbek and Russian Language Commentaries O'zbekiston Davlat Jahon Tillari Universiteti 2008 yil 25 dekabrdagi 5-sonli Ilmiy Kengashning yig'ilishida nashrga tavsiya etilgan Taqrizchilar: Dotsent Ibragimxodjayev I. Dotsent Ikramov T.T. Mas'ul muharrir: Professor Iriskulov М. T.

A.A.Ismailov, V.A.Fyodorov, V.B.Lapshin, N.I.Melenevskaya, M.R.Ismailova. ENGLISH FOR STATE AND SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION (RESOURCE BOOK)

Muharrir: Professor Iriskulov M.T. Rassom: Baynazarov J.T. Texnik muharrir: Muratova K.T. X.T “Gulyamov A.” bosmaxonasida bosildi.

© O'zbekiston Davlat Jahon Tillari Universiteti МУҚАДДИМА / ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Таклиф этилаётган “Давлат ва жамият Предлагаемое учебное пособие по курилиши” мутаҳассислиги йўналишидаги специ-алъности государственное и бошланғич босқич талабалар учун мазкур общественное строительство қўлланма Ўзбекистон Президенти ҳузуридаги дополняет серию учебных пособий гм давлат ва жамият курилиши Академиясида английскому языку, созданную в 1996-97 йилларда ишлаб чиқилган уч жилддан Академии Государственного и Общест- иборат бошлангич босқичга мўлжалланган венного Строительства при кундалик инглиз тили компьютер лингафон Президенте Республики Узбекистан в курсини давлатчилик йўналишидаги мавзу ва 1996 - 97 годах. Это учебное пособие атамалар билан тўлдиради. Шу билан бир обогащено новыми темами и қаторда ушбу қўлланма мустақил дарслик терминами. Оно может служить и сифатида ҳам ишлатилиши мумкин. как самостоятельный учебник. Кулланма 12 дарслардан иборат. Унда Учебное пособие состоит из 12 таянч матн вазифасини Узбекистон уроков. Опорную роль в нём играют давлатчилиги га оид матнлар ўтайди, булар: тексты, посвященные “Мустакил Ўзбекистон”, “Олий мажлис”, государственности Узбекистана: “Ўзбекистон Республикасининг административ "Независимый Узбекистан, Олий бўлиниши” па бошқалардир. Бундан ташқари Мажлис", "Административное деле-ние қулланмада Буюк Британия, АҚШ ва бошқа в Республике Узбекистан" и других. ҳорижий мамлакатлар давлатчилигига оид мавзу Кроме этого, в учебном пособии есть и уз ифодасини топган. Бу турдаги мавзуларни чет темы, посвященные Великобритании и тилини ўқитиш дастурларига киритиш чет США и другим зарубежным странам. тилларни ўқитишда миллийчиликни оширади ва Включение таких тем в программу нафақат шу сохдга оид мутахассисларга зарур обучения иностранным языкам манбаъ ҳисоб-ланиши мумкин, балки расширяет и обо-гащает Ўзбекистоннинг зиёлий фуқароси номини страноведческие зна-ния, так как эти олмоқчи бўлган барча фуқароларга тегишлидир. темы и тексты считаются важными Шунинг учун, бу қўлланма мазкур босқич не только для специалистов данной об- даражасида инглиз тилини ўзлаштирган барча ласти, но также и для всех желающих. талабаларга таклиф этилиши мумкин - академик По-этому, это учебные пособие может лицей ва касб ҳунар коллежлардан тортиб олий быть использовано для обучения не ўқув юртлардаги талабаларигача. только слугиа-телей Академии, но и Қўлланма универсал бўлиб, замонавий для академических лицеев, колледжей и технологияларга таянган холда даре жараёнини студентов вузов. ташкил этиши мумкин. Бунда, албатта, манбаъни Опираясь на современную ўзлаштириш тарзи анча тезлашади. Компьютер технологию, пособие, ставшее универ- ва лингафон билан таъминланмаган ўқув сальным, может быть использовано юртларида эса анъанавий услубда даре как на уроках, так и во внеурочное жараёнини ташкил этиш учун қўлланмада барча время.Ос-воение материалов проходит шарт шароитлар яратилган. Шу нарсани кайд интен-сизно, но пособие может быть килиш жоизки, қўлланманинг замонавий также ис-пользовано в условиях технологияларга таянганлиги дарслик традиционных ме-тодов обучения в манбаъсини ўзлаштириш жараёнини мустақил, учебных заведениях, где нет ўқитувчига мурожаат қилинмасдан ташкил этиш компьютеров и лингафонов. имкониятлар яратилган. Шунинг учун, пассив Надо отметить, что опираясь на билимни ўзлаштириш нуктаи назаридан, ушбу современную технологию, созданы все қўлланмани мустакил дарслик деб атасак тўғри условия для усвоения уроков пособия не бўлади. обращаясь к учителю. Қўлланма икки китоб (манбаълар Пособие состоит из двух книг китоби/Resource Book, иш дафтари/W ork Book), (Res0Urce Book & Work Book), 5 5 аудиокассета ва компьютер дискеталаридан аудиокассет и компьютерных дискет. иоорат. Книга источник (Resource Book) Манбаълар китоби (Resource Book) представляет собой основу пособия. В кулланманинг асосини ташкил қилади. Увда зтой приводятся учебные мутаҳассисликка оид матнлар, грамматик тексты, грамматические правила и коидалар ва ёзма бажарилишни талаб упражнения, условия которых не этмайдиган машкдар келтирилган. Ёзиш ёки ориентируют обуча-емых на род бошқа турдаги қоғозда бажарилишни тақозо деятельности, связанный с письмом. этадиган фаолият билан боғлиқ бўлган машклар Род деятельности, связанный с эса фақат машқнинг рақами, қандай турдаги письмом, приводится в книге фаолият эканлиги хақидаги белги (лингафон, источнике только в виде, ссылки на компьютер ёки қаламнинг расми) ва бу турдаги номер упражнения, характер задания машқ иш дафтарида бажарилиши хакидаги (с лингафонным, компьютерным белги (WB) билан келтирилади. сопровождением, или за-дание, Иш дафтарида (Work Book) ёзиш ёки предполагающее письменную дея­ белгилашни такозо этадиган машклар берилган. тельность). Здесь же, после вышеназ­ Иш дафтарининг манбаълар китобидан алоқида ванных ссылок приводится сокращение чоп этилиши ўқитиш жараёнини WB, означающее, что данное интенсив лаштириш ва айрим машқларнинг упражнение следует выполнять в табиати билан боғлиқ. рабочей тетради. Таким образом, в Ўқитиш жараёнини интенсив-лаштиришта Resource Book приводится основное қизиққан ўқув даргоҳлари манбаълар китобини содержание пособия (фонетический, ҳар йил янги талабалар учун ишлатиши мумкин, грамматический, тексто-вой иш дафтари эса тарқатма материал вазифасини материал), информация о методике ўтайди ва ҳар йилги талабаларга кутубхонага усвоения данного задания (условия к қайтармаслик шарти билан тарқатилади. упражнениям) и текст упражнений, Кулланманинг компьютер программа-сининг условие которых не предполагают муаллифлари - Б.Нигматов (интернет деятельность, связанную с письмом. версияники), О.Волкович, Х,Абдунабиев (дискета В рабочей тетради (Work Book) версия ники). Яқин орада қўлланманинг лазер приводятся упражнение, свя-занные с диск варианти устида ҳам иш бошлаш письменной деятельностью, арафасида турибмиз. Қўлланма бошланғич выполняемой непосредственно в босқич инглиз тили билан шу кул л ана диган рабочей тетради. Издание рабочей талабаларга қаратилган бўлганлигини инобатга тетради отдельно от книги олиб, тил манбаъсини тушунтиришда таянч источника (Resource Book) связано с вазифасини ўзбек ва рус тиллари ўтайди. необходимостью интетсифицировать Қўлланма муаллифлари "Чет тилларини учебный процесс и с характером Ўзбекистонда ўқитиш" ТАСИС дастурининг бир отдельного вида упражнений. кисми бўлган мазкур дарсликни яратилишида ўз Над компьютерной программой фаол хизматларини аяшмаган Копенгаген работали: Б.Нигматов (версия интер­ университетининг таржима ва лексикография нет), О.Волкович, Х.Абдунабиев маркази директори Кай Доллерап, ТАСИС ўрта (дискет-нал версия). В ближайшее ва маҳсус таълим дастури бўлимининг рахбари время нач-.нётся работа над лазерным Клэр Море ль, Сюррей университетининг диском.Вви-ду того,что пособие лингвистик тадқиқотлар кафедраси рус тили предназначено для сту-дентов, бў лим и нинг мудири Жим Риордан, Ўзбекистонда изучающих английский язык в Британия кенгаши ваколатхонасининг инглиз начальной стадии, объяснение тили бўйича маслахатчиси Мартин Севиор, материала проводится с упором на босмага тайёрлашда мухаррирлик қилиб ўз узбекский и русский языки. таклиф ва мулохазаларини аямаган Франция Авторы учебного пособия Давлат бошқарув халқаро институтининг инглиз благодарят Кая Доллерапа, тили ўқитувчилари Мэри Макмахон ва Кэтрин директора центра теории перевода и Тайдлсон, қўлланмани апробациядан ўтказишда лексикографии университета ўз таклиф ва мулохазаларини аямаган кафедра Копенгагена, Клэр Морель, ўқитувчилари ва кўлланмани бевосита техник руководителя программы среднего и томондан яратишда иштирок этган ходимларга специального образование. ТАСИС, уз миннатдорчилигини билдиради. Джима Риордана, заведующего отделением русского языка кафедры лингвистических исследований университета Сюррей, Великобритания, Мартина Севиора, советника по английскому языку, в представительстве Британского Совета в Узбекистане, за активное содействие в выполнении программы ТАСИС ”Обучения иностранным языкам в Узбекистане", частью которой явилось создание данного пособия, Мэри Макмахон и Кэтрин Тайдлсон, специа-листов международного института общее - твенного администрирования, Франция, за редактирование пособия и ценные заме-чания в процессе его апробации, а также преподавателей кафедры иностранных языков Академии, которые дали свои ценные предложения при апробации пособия и сотрудников кафедры, за техническую помощь при создании пособия. The Academy staff and its innovative work in the textbook production, which is geared towards Uzbek rather than realities, will remain the major breakthrough in textbook development for at least five, possible even ten years. It will affect teaching in Uzbekistan, first in Tashkent, then in other major urban concentrations with student bodies combining English with language for special purposes. In this context it is important that prior to the use of the textbooks developed in the present project, students who will be taught according to these textbooks, will be familiar with its pedagogical approach, since they will usually have used the textbook for beginners already developed at the Academy prior to advanced studies. I am confident, that as the Academy staff has first-hand experience with the development and the first tests of the textbooks, development in terms of the multimedia support will continue. A.Ismailov and his staff at the Academy staff should be congratulated on a fine job for Uzbekistan at present.

Cay Dollerup Director, Center for Translation Studies and Lexicography Department of English, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

’ LANGUAGE TRAINING IN UZBEKISTAN 1997-1998, Newsletter 35 (final), I December 1998. 4 М уқаддим а/ Предисловие 1 Project 4 E valuation U nit I 6 Text: A Geographic Outline of Uzbekistan....—.... 8 U nit II 10 Text: Independent Uzbekistan------—.... 13 U nit III 16 Text: A Glance into the Historical Past of Uzbekistan 21 Text: Ancient Cities of Uzbekistan______22 U nit IV 24 Text: A Bird’s Eye View of America ------25 Text: A Brief Outline of the USA...... 27 Text: An Outline of Great Britain ...... -...... 28 U nit V 30 Text: The Administrative Structure of the Republic of Uzbekistan...... 34 Text: The Young Generation Today...... -... 39 U nit VI 41 Text: The Legislative Branch. The .... 45 U nit VII 49 Text: The Executive Branch of Power in Uzbekistan 52 U nit V III 54 Text: The Political System of the USA______55 Text: Fundamentals of American Government... 58 Text: The British Parliament------60 Text: The Union Jac k ______61 U nit IX 62 Text: Regional and Local Government in Uzbekistan 64 Text: Views of Japan ------66

U nit X 69 Text: Local Government in the USA ...... 69 Text: Local Government in Great Britain 72

U nit XI 74 Text: Political Parties in Uzbekistan ... 76 Text: Democratization of the Political System.... 78

U nit X II ...... 80 Text: Political Parties in the U SA ...... 80 Text: The Political Party System in Great B ritain...... 84 И л о в а / Машқлар шартларининг ўзбек ва рус тилларидаги Приложение таржимаси./Перевод заданий к упражнениям на узбекском и русском языках...... 85 U N IT I Phonetic Drill Щ} Ex.l Switch on the tape. Listen to a new word. Repeat it after the speaker twice. (1) a) [ai] |u:J high [‘hai] cool [‘ku:l] outline [‘autlaine] fruit [‘frurt] climate [‘klaimit] group [gru:p] climatic [klai’meetik] lf(a)n] Ы river [‘riva] condition [kan’di J(a)n] rather [‘га:бэ] population [pnpju’leif(a)n] other [‘лбэ] nation [‘neif(a)n] summer [‘блШэ] national [cna£>nl] winter [‘winta] Is] [vj citizen [‘sitizn] various [‘veariaS] central [‘sentr^)!) vegetable [‘ved3(i)tabl] [kl valley [‘vidi] vast [Va:st] country [‘клп1п] continental [,kanti’nentl]

b) between [bi’twi:n] majority [ma‘dpriti] ethnic [«‘enik] mountain [‘mauntin] geographic [dzia‘gnefik] minority [mai’mriti] hot [hot] picturesque [,piktJVresk] beautiful [£bju:tof(u)l] resource [ri’sois] people [‘pi:pl] natural [‘n86tjar(a)l]

Ex.2 (W B )

Ex.3 Switch on the tape. Read the underlined word (words), compare it (them) with that on the tape, then repeat it. Begin after the signal. Ex.5 Switch on the tape and check the translation of exercise 4. Vocabulary Drill E x.6 (W B )

Ex.7 Switch on the tape. Check your translation of exercise 6.

E x.8 (W B )

Ex.9 Switch on the tape and listen to the statements. When you hear the signal decide which of the three words should be used. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the right word. Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it Do this exercise orally.

Ex.10 (WB) Ex.ll (WB)

Ex. 12 Switch on the tape. Read in turn your sentences from exercise 11, compare them with those on the tape and repeat them. Begin after the signal.

Ex.13 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statements. When you hear the signal decide what preposition should be used. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the right preposition. Compare your statement with that on the tape and repeat it. Do this exercise orally.

Ex. 14 (WB) Ex. 15 (WB)

Ex.16 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence chosen in exercise 15. Compare your translation with that on the tape and repeat it. Begin with the signal.

ЕхЛ 7 (W B )

Ex. 18 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence, compare it with that on the tape, then repeat it Begin after the signal. Бх.19 (a) Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the sp eak er.


Look at this map. This is the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Republic of Uzbekistan is in the middle of Central Asia. Its territory is large. It occupies 447,4 thousand square kilometers. It is between two big rivers: the and . The republic goes for 1,425 kilometres from the west to east and 930 - kilometres from the north to south. Uzbekistan is larger than the United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland and Austria taken together. In the northeast the republic borders on Kazakhstan, in the east and southeast - on Kyrghyzstan and Tadjikistan, in the west - on Turkmenistan, and in the south - on Afghanistan. In the northwest of the republic there is the Aral Sea. The mountains in the country are high. They belong to the Western Tien-Shan and Pamir-Alay mountain ranges. Besh-Tor, the highest peak of the mountains, is 4,643 metres above the sea level. Among the montain ranges there are vast and beautiful valleys - Ferghana, Chirchik, Angren, Zarafshan and other valleys. The country is very picturesque. The population uf the country is more than 26 million citizens. The Republic is multinational. are the majority of the population. Tajiks, Kazakhs, Kyrghyz, Russians and many other ethnic groups are national minorities. The climate in Uzbekistan is sharply continental. It is rather hot in summer and cold in winter. In winter the temperature may be 30-35 degrees below zero. In summer it may be more than 45 degrees above zero. There are a lot of sunny days a year, and the climatic conditions are good for fruit and vegetables. The Republic is rich in various mineral resources: copper, silver, gold, zinc, lead, tungsten, natural gas, oil and others. V o ca b u la ry ra n g e - тизма /г^епь to b elo n g - тегишли бўлмоқ/ принадлежать le v e l - с а т ҳ / у р о в е н ь sh arp ly - кескин/ р е з к о

Ex. 19 (b) Answer the following questions.

1. Where is Uzbekistan located? 2. What is the territory of Uzbekistan? 3. What states does Uzbekistan border on? 4. What mountains and rivers are there in Uzbekistan? 5. What nationalities and ethnic groups make up national minorities? 6. What is the climate in Uzbekistan? 7. What mineral resources is Uzbekistan rich in?

E x.20 (W B )

Ex.21 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statement. Say “It’s tru e” от “ It’s not true ”. compare it with that on the tape and repeat it.

Ex.22 Switch on the tape. Respond to the following statements as in the example. Check your answer with that on the tape and repeat it.

E x a m p l e : 1. y o u h e a r - The climate of Uzbekistan is tropical. you respond - No, it is continental. 2. you hear - Uzbekistan is picturesque, you respond - Yes, it is rather picturesque.

Ex.23 Switch on the tape. Repeat each sentence after the speaker and translate it. Check your translation with that on the tape. Do this exercise orally.

Ex.24 Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the speaker.(26)

Ex.25 Switch on the tape and listen to the statement. When you hear a signal find the missing word (words). In the interval repeat the whole statement. Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it. Do this exercise orally.

Ex.26 (W B )

Ex.27 Switch on the tape. Listen to the sentence, try to understand it and then repeat it. J. £ Ex.28 (WB) Ex.29 (WB) Ex.30 (WB)

Ex.31 Switch on the tape and check your knowledge of speech patterns in this Unit.

^ Ex.32 Speak about geographical position of Uzbekistan.


Phonetic Drill ЕхЛ Switch on the tape. Listen to a new word. Repeat it after the speaker twice. a) Ifn] M [a:] Liu:] constitution long large constitution nation song vast new nations bang past occupy national thing half consulate organisation sing France united [ei] M [c] M M Asia capital president first square state many member world kilometre agency flag independence purse Uzbekistan proclaim Japan central urgent Tashkent great Anthem emblem emergence republic territory b) embassy [‘embosi]; adopt [a'dapt]; almost [D:‘lmoust]; greet [gri:t]; sovereign [‘sovrin]; foreign [form]. Ex~2 (W B ) Ex.3 Switch on the tape. Read the underlined word (words). Compare it (them) with that on the tape, and then repeat it (th em ). Begin after the signal. Vocabulary Introduction Ex.4 (W B ) Ex.5 Switch on the tape and check your translation of exercise 4. VQCftlnilary D rill Ex.6 (W B ) Ex.7 Switch on the tape. Check your translation of exercise 6. E x.8 a) Инглиз тилида ноаниқ Познакомьтесь с образованием и қозирги замоннинг употреблением настоящего (Present Indefinite Tense) неопределённого времени (Present ясалиши ва ишлатилиши Indefinite Tense) в английском билан таниш инг. я з ы к е . Present Indefinite (Simple Present Indefinite Tense (настоящее Present) Tense ноаниқ неопределенное время), оно же Simple ҳозирги (ёки оддий) замон Present Tense (простое настоящее инглиз тилида кунда время) употребляется для такрорланадиган иш- выражения постоянного или харакатни ҳамда табиат повторяющегося действия, а также ҳодисаларини ифодалайди. для выражения истины или факта. I (мен/я ) You (сен,/т ы ) send (make, do, study, finish) Не (у/он) She (у/она) sends (makes, does, studies, finishes) It (у/она, оно) > We (биз/мы) N. You (сиз/вы) send (make, do, study, finish) They (улар/они) ^ 6) Қуйидаги саволларга жавоб Ответьте на следующие беринг. Жавобларингизни “а” вопросы. Приведите в качестве бўлимидаги мисоллар билан подтверждения примеры из тасдиқланг. р а з д е л а " а ” . 1. Феъллар ҳамма шаҳсларда 1. Во всех ли лицах глагол ҳам шаҳс-сон қўшимчасини получает личное окончание? оладими? (Она тилингиз билан (Сравните с родным языком!) таққосланг!) 2. Какое окончание получает 2. Учинчи шаҳс, бирликдаги глагол в 3 лице единственного феъл қандай қўшимча олади? числа? 3. Қайси феълларга "es” 3. Какие глаголы получают қўшимчаси қўшилади? окончание “es”? 4. Қайси феълларда “у” харфи 4. У каких глаголов гласная “у” “Г’га айланади? изменяется на “i”? 5. Бу феъл замони қайси 5. Когда употребляется это холларда ишлатилади? глагольное время? в) Қуйидаги феълларни 3 шақс бирликка қуйиб ўкишт./Прочитайте следующ ие глаголы в 3 лице единст ст венного числа. [s]: he .... (meet, take, let, start, work, like); [zj: she .... (sell, tell, find, spell, give, clean); [zj: he .... (do, go, buy, stay - қолмоқ /оставаться); [iz]: she .... (finish, discuss - мухокама қилмоқ/обсуждать, study). г) Таркибида Simple Present Tense шаклидаги фсъл бўлган дараГк гапнинг андазасини ёд олинг/ Запомните ст рукт уру повест­ воват ельного предлож ения с глаголом в Sim ple Present Tense .

1 ўринда/1 2 ўринда/2 3 ўринда/3 4 ўринда/4 место место место место эга/подлеж ащ кесим/сказу емо тўлдирувчи/ хол/обстоятельс ее е дополнение тво People like money. We begin our work at this factory. ; Илова/Примечание: Аниқловчи аниқланмиш билан бир Определение рассматривается как бутунликка киради, шунинг учун одно целое с определяемым словом, аниқповчи аниқланмиш гапнинг поэтому занимает қайси бўлагига мансуб бўлишига соответствующую определяемому қараб доимо у билан ёнмаён келади. слову позицию в предложении. д) Қуйидаги сўзлардан ran тузинг/Составъте из следующ их слов предлож ение . 1. to occupy, Uzbekistan, the, Central Asia, territory, in 2. its, state, the Republic, to proclaim, independence 3. Uzbekistan, businessmen, to open, their, agencies, foreign, in Gram m ar Drill ЕхЛ (W B ) Ex. 10 Switch on the tape. When you hear a signal, read your sentence from exercise 9, compare it with that on the tape and repeat it. E x .ll (W B ) 'Ж Ex.12 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 11, compare it with that on the tape, then repeat it. Begin after the signal. I Ex. 13 (WB) Ex.14 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statements. When you hear a signal decide what preposition should be used. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the right preposition. Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it Do this exercise orally. ЕхЛ 5 (W B ) ЕхЛ6 Switch on the tape. When you hear a signal read your sentence from exercise 15, compare it with that on the tape and repeat it. E x.17 (W B ) ЕхЛ 8 Switch on the tape. Bead the sentence you have chosen in exercise 17, compare it with that on the tape, than repeat it. Begin with the signal. ЕхЛ 9 (W B ) Ex.20 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence, compare it with that on the tape and repeat it. Begin with the signal.

Reading Comprehension Ex.21(a) Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the sp eak er.

Independent Uzbekistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan proclaimed its state independence in 1991. The first of September is the Independence Day. In 1992 the Republic adopted its own Constitution, in 1991 - the National Flag, in 1992 - the State Emblem and the National Anthem. Uzbekistan is a sovereign state now. It is a Presidential Republic. T.A.Karimov is the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. I.A.Karimov is a founder of the independent secular state; he defined a strategy of development of a democratic society. Uzbekistan is a member of the United Nations Organisation and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). It also joined many international, economic and financial organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. As a member of UNO, Uzbekistan has a wide cooperation with UNESCO, the World Health Organisation, the International Labour Organisation, UNCTAD, UNISEF and others. Tashkent is the capital of the Republic. Many foreign states have their embassies, consulates and agencies in it.

The N ational flag of the Republic of U zbekistan

The National flag is a symbol of state sovereignty of the republic. The flag has five horizontal stripes - blue, white, green and red. The blue stripe is the symbol of the blue sky and pure water - the main sources of life. Blue was the colour of the state flag of Amir Timur. The white stripe is the traditional symbol of peace, purity and good luck. The green stripe represents nature, new life and fertility. Two thin red stripes symbolize vitality. The white crescent on the blue background represents the Islamic tradition and is the symbol of independence. 12 white stars symbolize aspiration for perfection.

The State Emblem of the Republic of U zbekistan

The State Emblem of the Republic represents the image of the rising sun over the flourishing valley. The sun lights up the way of the Republic, and means good climatic conditions. Humo bird in the centre is the Muslim symbol of happiness and freedom. Cotton is the main wealth and wheat is the symbol of bread. A crescent and a star inside the eight-pointed star are the Muslim symbols. They symbolize the unity and the establishment of the republic. The ribbon means the consolidation of the peoples who live in the Republic.

V o ca b u la ry stripe - тўғри чизиқ/полоса purity - софлик/чисттюта fertility - ҳосилдорлик/плодородие v ita lity - ҳаётий куч /жизненные силы crescent - яримой/полумесяц aspiration - интилиш/стремление perfection - мукам мал лик/совершенство flourishing - гуллаётган/цвет ущ ий establishment - барпо этиш/становление consolidation бирлаштириш /оъединение

Ex. 21 (b) Answer the following questions.

1. When did Uzbekistan proclaim its independence? 2. When did the Republic adopt the new Constitution? 3. What does the national symbolize? 4. What does the state emblem of Uzbekistan symbolize? 5. What international organisations did Uzbekistan join?

E x.22 (W B )

Ex.23 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statem ent Say "it’s true" or "it's false", compare it with that on the tape and repeat it ■-Sjjjf Ex.24 Switch on the tape. Respond to the statements as in the example. Check your answer with that on the tape and repeat it. Example: you hear: Uzbekistan is in East Asia, you respond: No, it is not. you hear: Uzbekistan is an independent state, you respond: Yes, it is. Ex.25 Switch on the tape. Repeat each sentence after the speaker and translate it. Check your translation with that on the tape. Do this exercise orally.

// Ex.26 Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the speaker. L Ex.27 (W B )

Ex.28 Switch on the tape and listen to the statement When you hear a signal, find the missing word (words). In the interval repeat the whole statement. Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it. Do this exercise orally. ¥ C. Ex.29 (WB)

^ Ex.30 Switch on the tape. When you hear a signal read your sentence from exercise 29, compare it with that on the tape and repeat i t

Ex.31 Switch on the tape. Listen to the sentence. Try to understand it and then repeat it. i' £ Ex.32 (WB) Ex.33 (WB) Ex.34 (WB)

Ex.35 Switch on the tape and check your knowledge of the speech patterns in this Unit

Ex.36 Speak about the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. U N IT III Phonetic Prill Ex.l Switch on the tape. Read the words, compare them with those on % the tape, then repeat them. Begin after the signal. [il [a:] [ou] [ei] [ju:] И silk past own name new such military glance open state occupy once dynasty half road main united culture build commander almost great monument colour memory plant whole today constitution colourful H m н И № M as nation historical reflect culture or flag relation adopt respect lecture more hand civilization Mongol republic picture for anthem ancient occupy defend structure four capital presidential not develop future door

Ex.2 Switch on the tape. Repeat the words after the speaker. a) foreign, sovereign, ruler, year, world; b) China, India, Japan, France, Russia; c) Arabs, Alexander, Genghis Khan, Seljuk, Tamerlane, Timurid; d) Great Silk Road

М г Ex.3 (W B) Ex.4 Switch on the tape. Read the underlined word (words), compare it with that on the tape, and then repeat it. Begin after the signal.

Vocabulary Introduction jr. Ex.5 (W B) I Ex.6 Switch on the tape. Check your translation of exercise 5. Щу Ex.7 (WB)

Ex.8 Switch on the tape. Listen and check your answers in the previous exercise. Ex. 10 Switch on the tape and listen to the statements. When you hear the signal decide which of the three words should be used. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the right word. Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it. Do this exercise orally. Ex.ll (WB) Ex.12 (WB) Ex.13 Switch on the tape. Read in the interval and check your answers in the previous exercise. Begin with the signal. ЕхЛ 4 (W B) ЕхЛ 5 Switch on the tape. Read in the interval and check your answers in the previous exercise. Begin with the signal. Ex. 16 (WB) Ex.17 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence in the previous exercise, compare it with that on the tape, then repeat i^t Begin with the signal. Grammar introduction Ex. 18 а) Отларда қаратқич келишигининг тузилиши ва ишлатилиши билан танюптт./Познакомьтесь с образованием и употреблением притяжательного падежа имен существительных. Қаратқич келишигидаги от Существительное в притяжа- бопща отга нисбатан аниқловчи тельном падеже служит опреде- вазифасини ўтайди ва whose? лением к другому существи- (кимнинг?) деган саволга жавоб тельному и отвечает на вопрос бўлиб предметнинг кимники whose? (чей?), обозначая принад- эканлигини аниқлайди. ложность предметна. В форме Кдратқич келишигида, асосан, притяжательного падежа (за жонли предметларни ифода- исключением некоторых случаев) лайдиган отлар ишлатилади. употребляются одушевленные существительные. ЖОНЛИ ПРЕДМЕТЛАР/ОДУШЕВЛЕННЫЕ ПРЕДМЕТЫ Бирлик/Единственное число Умумий кели­ Қаратқич келишиги Қаратқич келишигининг маъноси/ шик/Общий Притяжательный Значение притяжательного падежа падеж падеж 1 2 3 Jack [sj: Jack’s friend Жекнинг дўсти/друг Джека student the student’s new талабанинг янги луғати/ новый dictionary словарь студента Jane [z]: Jane’s sister Жейннинг опаси (синглиси)/ Doctor the doctor’s son сестра Джейн - док^орнинг уун?/(дог tty/cmqpp, в

.7 i х . т м & щ George [iz]:George’s Жоржнинг қизиқ иши/ interesting work интересная работа Джоржа Horse the horse’s big eyes отнинг катта кузлар и/ большие глаза лошади Dickens Dickens’ novels Диккенснинг романлари/ романы Диккенса Max Max’ family Макснинг оиласи/семья Макса Professor Professor Parker’s профессор Паркернинг қизи/дочь Parker daughter профессора Паркера

m y friend my friend Akmal’s дўстим Акмалнинг акаси (укаси)/ Akmal brother брат моего друга Акмаля Peter and Peter and Helen’s Нитер ва Еленанинг квартираси/ Helen flat квартира Питера и Елены Кўплик/Множественное число sisters my sisters’ friends ona (сингилларимнинг) уртоклари/ teachers the teachers’ room друзья моих сестер children children’s books ўқитувчилар хонасvl/ учительская w om en the women’s life болаларнинг кктобк/книги детей m en the men’s work аёлларнинг хаёти/жизнь женщин эркакларнинг иши/работа мужчин ЖОНСИЗ ПРЕДМЕТЛАР/НЕОДУШЕВЛЕННЫЕ ПРЕДМЕТЫ 1 I can come in an hour’s time. Our children have two weeks* holidays in winter. 2 The people know the moon’s geography not so well as the earth’s. The Everest is the world’s highest mountain. 3 Our company’s office is in this street. Who is the union’s leader? We don’t know her family’s surname. 4 The ship’s captain is young. Where is his car’s parking place? 5 Bring me today’s newspaper. Are you going to tonight’s party? My friend’s sister = the sister of my friend The teacher’s question = the question of the teacher j Where are the w orkers9 tools? = Where are the tools of the workers? I The roof of the house I The door of the room______б) Қуйидаги саволларга Ответьте на следующие вопросы. жавоб беринг. Жавоб ла- Подкрепите свои ответы рингизни юқоридаги мисол­ приведенными выше примерами. лар билан тасдиқланг. Она Сравните их с родным языком. тилингиз билан таққосланг. 1. Кдндай отлар қаратқич 1. Какие существительные могут келишигида келиши мумкин? иметь притяжательный падеж? 2. Бирликдаги отнинг қарат- Как образуется форма қич келишиги қандай притяжательного падежа ясалади? единственного числа? 3. Қаратқич келишиги ни 3. Как может произноситься ясовчи “-s” қандай талаффуз окончание “s” в притяжательном қилинади? падеже ? 4. Қаратқич келишигидаги от 4. Какое место занимает аниқланмишга нисбатан существительное в притяжатель­ қаерда келади? ном падеже по отношению к 5. Бирликдаги қаратқич кели- определяемому слову? шигининг қайси ҳолатларида 5. Когда в притяжательном падеже ёзувда фақат апостроф бел­ единственного числа добавляется гиси қўйилади? на письме только апостроф? 6. Икки ёки ундан ортиқ 6. Как оформляется притяжатель­ шахсларга қарашли бўлган ный падеж, если предмет отларнинг (уюшиқ бўлаклар- принадлежит двум или более да) қаратқич келишиги қандай лицам (однородным членам)? ясалади? 7. Какое место занимает 7. Аниқланмиш бошқа аниқ- существительное в притяжа­ ловчиларга ҳам эга бўлса, у тельном падеже, если определяя- қолда қаратқич келишигидаги емое существительное имеет при отнинг ўрни қаерда бўлади? себе другие определения? 8. Қаратқич келишигидаги от- , g. Что Вы можете сказать об упот­ лар қўлланилган сўз бирик­ реблении артикля в словосоче­ маларида артиклнинг куллани­ таниях с существительным в лиши ҳақида нима деёласиз? притяжательном падеже? 9. Кўпликдаги отларнинг 9 Как образуется форма қаратқич келишиги қандай притяжательного падежа от ясалади? существительных во мно­ 10. Кўпликдаги u-s” қўшимча- жественном числе? сисиз ясайдиган отларнинг jq Как оформляется форма при- қаратқич келишиги қандай тежательного падежа от су­ қилиб ясалади? ществительных, образующих 11. Ж онсиз предметларни множественное число без “-s”? ифодалайдиган қандай отлар j ] Какие группы существительных, қаратқич келишигида келиши обозначающих неодушевленные мумкин? предметы, могут образовывать 12. Бошқа жонсиз притяжательный падеж. предметларни ифодаловчи 12. Как оформляется форма принад­ отларнинг эгалик маъноси лежности от остальных қандай ифодаланади? неодушевленных предметов? 13. Жонли предметларни 13. Могут ли одушевленные ифодаловчи отларнинг эгалик предметы оформлять таким же маъноси ҳам шу йўл билан образом свою принадлежность? ифода ланадими?

Ex. 18 (в) (WB) Grammar Prill ^ Ex. 19 (WB) jf§. Ex.20 Switch on the tape. Read your word combinations from ^ exercise 19, compare them with those on the tape, then repeat them. Begin after the signal. Ex.21 (W B)

Ex.22 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 21, compare it with that on the tape, then repeat it. Begin after the signal.

Ш 23 (W B) Ex.24 Switch on the tape. You will hear a statement If it is possible, substitute the construction with "of" for the Possessive Case and say it Compare it with that on the tape. Repeat the sentence of the speaker. Po this exercise orally. Ex.2 5 Speak with your partner as in the example. Example: textbook, my sister A: Whose textbook is this? B: This is mv sister’s textbook. A: Is it really the textbook of vour sister? B: Yes, it’s her textbook. pen; our teacher; room; postman; books; children; flat; my new friend; Ex.26 Explain the meaning of the words given below as in the exam ple. Example: ruler A: Who is a ruler? B: A ruler is a person who rules somebody or something, teacher, seller, chess-player, builder, buyer ^ Ex.27 Switch on the tape and listen to the statement. When you hear the signal decide which preposition should be used. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the preposition. Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it. Do J this exercise orally. Ex.28 (W B) Ex.29 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 28, compare it with that on the tape and repeat it. Begin after the signal.

Ex.30 Learn the forms of the Past Indefinite Tense of the following verbs by heart, to be - w as/w ere бўлди, эди/бўлдилар, эдилар был/были to have - had бор эди имел/и to build - built қурди/лар, қурган эди/лар строил/строили to make up - made up тузди/лар составил/и

£ ' Ex.31 (WB) Reading Comprehension Ex.32(a) Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the speaker.

A GLANCE* INTO THE HISTORICAL PAST OF UZBEKISTAN Central Asia is a land of ancient civilizations". It is a land of ancient history and cultures. Uzbekistan has a history of more than 2,000 years. It has a colourful past. The legendary Silk Road passed through its territory. Trade caravans crossed the ancient cities of Samarkand, , Tashkent and Khiva, which were the main cities on the Great Silk Road. Many historical monuments in Uzbekistan reflect the great past of many dynasties* - the rulers of this territory. The history of Uzbekistan includes many famous names such as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Amir Timur (Tamerlaile). From 1370 till 1405 Tamerlane was the ruler of a large Timurid state. He created a powerful state with its capital in Samarkand. Timur made Central Asia the political and cultural centre. He built new cities, defended his state and developed diplomatic relations with other countries. Today Uzbekistan opens Tamerlane to the whole world once more. The people of Uzbekistan have a great respect for this statesman and military commander1'. Vocabulary glance - назар/взгллд civilization - цивилизация dynasty - сулола/династ ия commander - бошлиц/командир, командующий Ex. 32(b) Answer the following questions. 1. How old is the history of Uzbekistan? 2. What great names does the history of Uzbekistan know? 3. What ruler played a great role in the history of Uzbekistan?

j£, Ex.33 (WB) Ex.34 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statement. Tell "it’s true" or "it’s false", compare it with that on the tape and repeat it. ^ Ex.35 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statement. Respond to the 'QSy statement you hear. Check your answer with that on the tape and repeat it ExJ£6 (W B) Ex.37 Switch on the tape. Listen to the definition from exercise 36. % Name the word, which corresponds to it. Compare your answer with that on the tape and repeat it. Ex.38 Find in the text (exercise 32) the sentences with the words from exercise 37 and translate them. ^ Ex.39 Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the speaker. (26) I Ex.40 (W B) Ex.41 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 40. Compare it with that on the tape and repeat it

Ex.42(a) Read the text and speak about the following cities.

ANCIENT CITIES OF UZBEKISTAN There are many ancient cities in Uzbekistan such as Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. These cities lie on the former Great Silk Road, which was very important in building relations between East and West from the 6th to the 14th centuries. Samarkand is more than 2,500 years old. It is situated 354 km southwest of Tashkent. It is the second largest city after Tashkent. Its historical monuments are famous throughout the world. It is a favourite tourist attraction. Every year thousands of tourists come to see the Gur- Emir Mausoleum, the Bibi-Khonim Mosque, the Registan Square and the Shoh-i-Zinda Complex of Mausoleums. Special place among the monuments of Samarkand belongs to the observatory of Ulughbek, Tim ur’s grandson. Bukhara is one of the ancient cities in Central Asia. It is on the UNESCO Heritage list. Bukhara is situated 270 km west of Samarkand. It has a lot of historical buildings and complexes. The most valuable of which is the Mausoleum of the Samanids. The city’s main attraction is the Kaion Minaret. The other well-known monuments of the city are the Ark Citadel, the Chor Minor Madrasah with its four minarets, the Palace of the Bukhara Emir and the Ulughbek Madrasah. It is the oldest religious school in Central Asia. Above its entrance door there is a phrase from the Koran: “Learning is the duty of each Muslim”. Khiva is an open-air museum. It is one of the most favourite tourist attractions. It is situated 500 km northwest of Bukhara. The inner city of Ichan-Kala remained unchanged. The palaces, mosques, madrasahs and old houses inside the fortress wall create a unique ensemble. The character and the architecture of this ancient oriental city make a great impression on everybody who visits it. Tashent, the capital of Uzbekistan, is one of its most beautiful cities. It is an old city with a more than 2000-year history. It was the centre of caravan routes going from the Middle East to India and China, and from Asia to Eastern Europe. There are some architectural monuments of the 16th century in the city: the Kukaldosh Madrasah, the Barakkhan Madrasah, and the Kafal Shashi Mausoleum. Today Tashkent is a political, economic and cultural centre, a city of universities, colleges, theatres, museums and parks. It is a hospitable** and friendly city. The tourists who visit these cities will keep in memory every minute of staying there.

* former - аввалги/ прежний, бывший **hospitable - мехмондўст/ гостеприимный

Ex. 42(b) Answer the following questions.

1. What ancient cities is Uzbekistan famous for? 2. What role did they play in the history of Uzbekistan? 3. How old is Samarkand? 4. Why is Samarkand famous worldwide? 5. Why is Bukhara on the UNESCO Heritage list? 6. Why is Khiva called an open-air museum? 7. What attracts tourists to Tashkent?

Ex.43 (WB) Ex.44 (WB)

Ex.45 Switch on the tape and check the speech patterns in this Unit

Ex.46. Speak about Uzbekistan and its history. UNIT IV Phonetic Prill Ex. 1. Switch on the tape. Read the words, compare them with those on the tape, then repeat them. Begin after the signal.

Gulf ЫП Rocky [rokij Hudson [hAds'nJ Missouri [mi'zuari] Kentucky [kan't*ki] Mississippi [misi'sipi] Idaho [‘aidahou] Florida ['fbrido] Mexico [‘meksikou] Michigan [’miligon] Ontario [эп'^эпои] Indiana [Jndiasno] Erie [Ъп] Louisiana [Juizi’tens] Colorado [,kolo(u)'ra:dou] Nevada [ni'Vfledo] Pacific [po’sifik]

Ex. 2. Switch on the tape. Repeat the words after the speaker.

Ocean (‘оц[(э)п] California [,keJifn:nj3] Ohio [u(u;itaiu(u)jr / .41. . • _ 1 v^aiuuuar-y---i:_ [,l\Udг lUlllifj Columbia [ко(и)'1лтЫэ] Alabama [,8сЬсЪвтэ] Potomac [po(u)'tomok] Arizona [,вегГгоипэ] Texas ['teksos] Appalachian [,асрэ'1в^Дэп] Pennsylvania [.pensiTveinja] Washington [WoJlTjtan] Connecticut [ka'netikot] Cordillera [,ko:ijeira:] Georgia [

Cursory Reading

Ex. 3. Read the text. Find the answers to the following questions.

1 Who called Mississippi “father of waters”?

2 What do the three words in Latin “E pluribus unum”mean? A BIRD S-EYE VIEW OF AMERICA. The United States is one of the largest countries in the world and has many kinds of land, climate and people. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent.

UT i t с • * i » t i j > -J ГО ---- и и ^ п ,; ‘ .? CHi> - f ..atI Mgw. V-'-\r Тяиая*» ^ в й г ^ ^ ^. 4 ki т * s~ ; Vi.* M*l(« ^: * * 4 Ж * !“»<***'•-:— ; & ? At \ « - Uwkfcir..**au ant.c

4 jt * - * OCC-AN States. Pcsta! Abbreviations, '■ ажЕвЙ*-.'.;i.A «•,-4 U'crr”-‘ —“ • ■ and State Capitals * ' ‘ ^ №*■ "йКМ** \ Awv«vl.v-\ih«J * 9* W- ... - - ■ — - - . —I — ...... - 5 », States not shown on the map: Alaska, capital: Juneau; Hawaii, capital: Honolulu There are forests, deserts, mountains, high flat lands, fertile plains and deep canyons in it. The area of the USA is over nine square kilometres. The continental United States stretches 2,575 kilometres from north to south and 4,500 kilometres from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It borders on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. A modem plane crosses the United States from east to west in about five hours. Taking off from an Atlantic coast airport the plane is soon flying over the Appalachian Mountains. Then, it crosses the fertile fields of the farms of the Great Middle West. In the north on clear days, passengers can see the five Great Lakes located between the United States and Canada: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario. In the west the plane flies over vast prairies. Soon, the snow-topped Rocky Mountains appear in the distance. There are many great rivers in the USA: the Missouri, the Rio Grande, the Colorado, the Columbia, the Hudson, the Potomac and the Ohio. These rivers form a 19,000-kilometre system of waterways that are connected with the Great Lakes in the north by a canal. There is the high Colorado Plateau, in which the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River is cut 1.6 kilometres deep. The Mississippi is the main river of the country and one of the world's great rivers; American Indians call it the “father of waters”. It is a large country and its climate is different in different regions. The Pacific coast is a region of mild winters and warm, dry summers, but it often rains in the eastern region. The region around the Great Lakes has changeable weather. The country is rich in mineral resources such as zinc, copper, phosphates, coal, oil, natural gas, gold, silver, iron and others. A wealth of minerals provides a good base for American industry. It is a highly developed industrial state. The capitai of the USA is Washington. It was named in honour of the first President George Washington. On every coin of the United States you can see three words in Latin: E pluribus unum. In English it means “out of many, one”. It is an American motto. It means that the United States is one country made up of many parts. Reading Comprehension Ex. 4 Answer the following questions. 1 Where is the USA situated? 2 How big is the country? 3 What countries does the USA border on? 4 What oceans is it washed by? 5 What rivers and mountains are there? 6 Why is the climate of the USA so different? 7 What mineral resources is the USA rich in?

Ex. 5. Read the text (exercise 3) with the speaker together. Ex. 6. (W B)

Ex.7. Switch on the tape. Read your word combination from exercise 6, check it with that'on the tape, and repeat it Begin with the signal. Ex. 8. (W B) Ex. 9 Switch on the tape. After each signal you will hear a Russian word. Read your translation of this word from exercise 8. C heck it with that on the tape, then repeat it. Ex. 10 (a). (WB) Ex. 10 (b). (WB)

Ex. 1 1 . Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 10 (a), check it with that on the tape and then repeat it Begin after the signal. Ex. 12. (WB) Ex. 13. Work in pairs. Find all the words in the text that arc linked ti geography, climate and natural resources and make the word family diagram, Add any other words that you think will help make the diagram complete.

Ex. 14. Look at the map of the USA and say: a) What rivers and lakes there are in the USA. b) What mountains there are. c) W hat state is the biggest one. e) W hat state is the smallest one.

Ex. 15. Choose the definition of the word "canyon" which corresponds to the content of the text. a) a tube b) a long narrow valley between high cliffs c) a pipe

Ex. 16. Switch on the tape. Check the definition of the word "canyon" you have chosen in exercise 15 and repeat it. Ex. 17. Retell the text (exercise 3).

Ex. 18. "Out of many, one" - this is the motto of the USA. Has your country a motto? If it has no motto, think of a motto for the country you live in. (Work in pairs or groups). Choose the best m otto.

Ex. 19. Read the following text.

A BRIEF OUTLINE OF THE USA The USA is often called ‘a nation of immigrants’. There are tw reasons for this. First, the country was settled, built and developed b generations of immigrants or their descendants*. Second, even toda America continues to take in more immigrants than any other country i the world. It is believed that the first people who arrived from Siberi more than 10,000 years ago were the Native Americans or th American Indians. Europe, the major source of US immigration, bega sending colonists to America in the early 17th century. Black Americar make up the largest ethnic group in the country. Hispanics are the nej largest ethnic group. The US has millions of Asians (from China, Japai Laos, the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea and elsewhere). Many Asia Americans live in Hawaii. There are 50 states in the US now. When the US declared its independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1775 there were 13 original states. In the mid - 1770s conflict spread in a group of 13 British colonies, which were used as a source of raw materials for the “mother country” and a market for its manufactured products. The colonists were not satisfied with Great Britain’s rule over the colonies. Open warfare broke out in April 1775, and a Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776.

^descendant - аж дод/ потомок

Ex. 20. Answer the following question: "Why did people come to America in the 17th century?" Then divide into groups and discuss the reasons that make people immigrate to the USA now. Share your opinions with the whole group.

Ex. 21. Read the text.


Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, England - those different names are used to mean the same country. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. There is one more name - Albion. 2000 years ago Roman galleys were sailing across the grey waters towards Britain. Julius Caesar «К-слю ^ , *. was on board one of the galleys. He and his centurions were looking at ДОГ. ; the distant shore. Suddenly they saw 7 the cliffs, which were white. Julius Caesar said that it was a White Land J&vp •« * and they would call it Albion. Alba in Latin means white, and the name Albion survives to this day. The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. Britain is separated from the continent of Europe by the English Channel. The UK has an area of 94,249 square miles*. Few countries in the world are richer than Britain in their natural beauty. There are many rivers, lakes and hills there. The mountains in Great Britain are not high. Most of the highest mountains are in Scotland and Wales. The rivers are not long. The longest river is the River Severn and the deepest is the River Thames on which the capita] of Britain, London, is situated. North-W est England is also famous for its beautiful lakes. The Gulf Stream makes the climate of the country mild Temperatures seldom rise above 32° С in summer or fall below - 10° С ir winter. It often rains. The population of England is a mixture of a number of different peoples. In the period of Roman rule, which began in 55 B.C., the British Isles were inhabited by Celts. The German tribes of Angles and Saxons invaded later Southern Britain. In the 8th, 9th and 10th centuries the Danes invaded Eastern England. In 1066 the Normans conquered the country. The invaders brought their language and customs. Thus one car understand why there are words of different origin (French, German and Latin) in the English language. The United Kingdom has few mineral resources. It is a highly-developed industrial state. *Note: m ile = 1,609 km V ocabulary galley - галера / галера centurion - центурион / центурион to inhabit - яшамоқ / населять, жить to invade - босиб олмоқ, бостириб кирмоқ / вторгаться, захватывать to conquer - эгалламоқ / завоевать

Ex. 22. A nsw er thfc follow in g questions: 1. What is the full name of the country? 2. What parts does Great Britain consist of? 3. What separates Great Britain from the continent of Europe? 4. What climate does Great Britain have? 5. What makes the climate mild? 6. W hat is the longest river? 7. What is the deepest river? 9. What is the capital of the country? 10.What language is spoken in England? 11.Why does the English language have words of different origin? U N IT V Phonetic Drill

Ex.l Listen to a new word. Repeat it after the speaker twice. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letters given in the top line.

"a" "ou" "ее, ea" j landmark [tendm.k] council fkaunsol] leader I'lirdo] | agreement [o’gri:mont] thousand ['Oauzond] between [bi'twirn] j according [o'koidii]] without [wi6aut] agreement [og'nimontj j administrative "e" treaty [4ri:ti| i [ad’ministrativ] territorial [teri’toiriol] proceed |pro'si:d] I activity [ok’tiviti] settlementl'setlmant] " i, Г I balance [‘beetens] parliamentf’parbmont] Imply |im'plai] i ffjH recommend [, re ko’mend] bind [boind] i division [di’vijon] executive [ig'zekjutivl right |rait| district I’distriktJ referendum by [bai] i include [inldu.'d] |,refo'rendom] khokim [hokim] "u" system I’sistim] structure [strAktJo] control [kont'roul] secede [si'si:d] guarantee [ ,g3eron 'ti:] consent [кэп'sent] 1 "u" "aw, or, al" protect [pro’tekt] i regulate [’regjuleit] law |b :| province [‘provins] j population[ ,popju*leiJbn] according [a’koidii]] body [‘bodi] supreme [sju:’pri:m] in ccordance "au, or” j "tion" |3'ko:dons] autonomous [oi’tonomos] j relation [ri’leifon] to alter |'э:Нэ] authority [oi'Ooriti] relationship [ri’leijanjipl count [kaunt] oigan ['o;g3n] reorganization form [form] "a": [ri:,o:g3narze0bn] basis fbeisiz] institution |,instit’ju:Jn] part I pan ] , branch [brantf] j

Ex.2 (W B)

Ex.3 Switch on the tape. Read the underlined word (words) compare it (them) with that (those) on the tape, then repeat it (them). Begin after the signal. // Vocabulary Introduction К... Ex.4 (W B Ex.5 Switch on the tape and check your translation of exercise 4. Vocabulary Prill ■M i. Ex.6 (W B) Ex.7 Switch on the tape. Check your translation of exercise 6. * Ex.8 (W B) Ex.9 (W B) Ex.10 Switch on the tape. Read your sentences from exercise 9, compare them with those on the tape, then repeat them. Begin after the signal. E x .ll (W B) Ex.I2 Switch on the tape. Read your sentences from exercise 11, compare them with those on the tape, then repeat them. Begin чат after the signal. Ex.13 Switch on the tape and listen to the statement. When you hea a signal, decide what preposition should be used. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the right preposition Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it. Po this exercise orally. ^ £ Ex. 14 (WB) ЕхЛ 5 (a) a) Read the grammar commentaries and try to understand them. Grammar Commentaries Си<Ьат (A d jective) Прилагательное (Adjective) Предметларнинг ҳусусият, Прилагательные обозначают сифат ва ҳолатларини признаки, качества и свойства ифодалайдиган сўз туркуми предметов. По значению сифатдир. Маъно-сига қараб прилагательные, в английском инглиз тилидаги сифатлар языке, делятся на две группы: икки гуруҳга бўлинади: (а) (а) качественные - good (хороший) аслий сифат - good (яхши), bad (плохой); bad (ёмон); (б) относительные - (б) нисбий сифат - iron fence - iron fence - железный забор темир панжара (iron - "темир" (от слова iron - железо). сўздан олинган). Аслий Качественные прилагательные сифатлар "даража" могут образовывать степени шаклларини ясаши мумкин. сравнения. Сифат даражалари Степени сравнения n-er"- қиёсий даража қўшим- прилагательных часи; "-ег”-суффикс сравнительной степени; ^-est"- ортирма даража қў- _es* " суффикс превосходной степени, шимчаси, масалан: например: ^ ^ 1) long - longer •» the longest (у з у н /длинный - у з у н р о қ /длиннее - энг у з у н /самый длинный) 2) short - shorter - the shortest (ка л та /короткий - кал тароқ /короче - энг ка л та /самый короткий) 3) big - bigger - the biggest (к а т т а /большой - катта ро қ /больше - энг катта/сажъш большой) 4) easy - easier - the easiest (осон/лёгкий - осонроқ/легче - ж у д а осон/самый лёгкий) 5) good - better - the best (я х ш и /хороший - яхтпроъ/лучше - ж у д а яхши/самый хороший) 6) bad - worse - the worst (ёмон/плохой - ёмонроқ/хуже - энг ёмок/худший) 7) m any more - the most .. (к ў п /много - кўп р о қ/больше - ҳаммадан кўп /больше всех) 8) little - less - the least (ка м /мало - кам роъ/меньше - ҳаммадан кам /меньше всех) 9) interesting - more interesting - the most interesting (қи зи ^/интересный - қизиқроқ/гштереснее - энг қизиқ/сажъш интересный); 10) beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful (чиройли/красивый - чиройлироқ/красивее - энг чиройли/сажый красивый).

Нимага нисбатан қиёслаш Для указания того, относительно содир бўлаётганини кўрсатиш чего производится факт сравнения, учун гапда than (нисбатан) в предложении используется слово сўзи ишлатилади, масалан: than (чем), например:

11) This house is smaller than Mr Brown’s house. (Бу уй Мистер Браун уйидан (уйига нисбатан) кичикроқ (кичик).)/ >(Этот дом меньше, чем дом мистера Брауна.) Ъ) Қуйидаги саволларга жавоб Ь) Ответьте на следующие беринг. Юқорида (а) бўлимида вопросы. В качестве келтирилган мисолларни ўқиб, подтверждения приведите сифатларнинг: примеры из раздела (а): 1. (I) Қиёсий даражасини 1. Определите три возможных ясалишининг уч услубини аниқланг; способа построения: (И) орттирма даражасини ясалиши- (I) сравнительной степени нинг уч услубини аниқланг; прилагательных; (II) превосход­ ной степени прилагательных. 2. Икки бўғиндан ортиқ 2. Могут ли прилагательные, бўғинлардан иборат сифатлар ўз состоящие из более двух слогов қиёсий ва орттирма даражаларини образовывать свои степени суффикс орқали ясаши мумкинми? сравнения при помощи Ю қор и д аги 1-11 мисоллар билан суффиксов? Свои ответы жавобинигизни тасдикланг. подтвердите примерами из раздела (а). 3. Қўшимчалар ва маҳсус ёрдамчи 3.Дополните следующее правило: сўзлар ёрдамида сифатларнинг "Кроме двух способов қиёсий ва орттирма образования сравнительной и даражаларининг тузилишининг 2 превосходной степеней срав­ услублардан ташқари учинчи услуб нения прилагательных сущест­ мавжуд. Бу қандай усул? вует третий способ. В чём суть Жавобингизни (а) бўл ими даги третьею способа? Ответы мисоллар билан тасдиқланг. подтвердите примерами из раздела (а). 4. Қуйида келтирилган сифатлардан 4. Какие из приведённых ниже қайси бирлари даражаларни ҳосил прилагательных могут этиши мумкин? Қайси бирлари образовать степени сравнения? ҳосил қилаолмайди ва нега? Какие не могут и почему? a good book, a nice house, an iron table, a beautiful flower, a wooden chair, an easy test, a silver city, a short note, a big lake, a London street, a long river, a school library, an autumn day, a gold watch, an interesting book. c) 1. Қуйидаги сифатларни 1. Прочитайте и подберите ў қи н г ва уларга мос соответствующие формы келадиган қиёсий ва сравнительной и превосходной . орттирма д а р а ж а степеней к выделенному шрифтом шакилларни кўрсатинг. прилагате.п,ьному. big Colder the busiest cold M ore the thinnest m any S h o rter th e best comfortable Bigger th e worst thin Busier the most comfortable short more comfortable the coldest busy T h in n e r th e most bad B e tter the shortest good Worse the biggest Ex.15 (b) (WB) Ёх.16 Switch on the tape. Read your translation of the sentence from exercise 15 (b). Compare it with that on the tape and repeat it. Begin after the signal. ЕхЛ 7 (WB) ЕхЛ 8 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 17, compare it with that on the tape. Then repeat it. Begin after the signal. Reading Comprehension Ex.l 9(a) Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the speaker. THE ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN (A ) Administrative-territorial division of the Republic Septem ber 1 st, 1991 is a landmark in the history of Uzbekistan as the Day of the Republic’s State Independence. Today the independent Republic has its own administrative structure. President I. Karimov stressed in one of his speeches that:“This will be a great state with a perfect structure of its own, based on its own peculiarity, traditions, wealth and human endorsement”. In accordance with the administrative and territorial divisions within the Republic of Uzbekistan, it includes the Republic of , 12 regions, 157 districts, 118 towns and cities, 60 of them are of republican and provincial levels, and 116 settlements of urban type. This structure includes regions (provinces), districts, cities, towns, settlements, kishlaks and auls in Uzbekistan and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The Republic of Karakalpakstan is a part of Uzbekistan, but it has its own Constitution, Parliament and Council of Ministers. The Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan is based upon the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan are binding within the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Relationships between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Karakalpakstan are regulated by treaties and agreements in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In accordance with the Law khokimiyats were formed in 1992. The President of the Republic recommended their formation. The capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan is Tashkent. The population of the city is about three million people, making it the largest city in Central Asia. The role and importance of Tashkent as an administrative centre of the Republic is big. Administratively the city is divided into li districts. landmark - саздофа / веха peculiarity - хусусият / особенность endorsement — маъқуллаш / одобрение binding - мажбурий / обязательный

Table 2. The Sovereign Rights of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

The Republic of Uzbekistar sovereignty of the Republic of guarantees: Karakalpakstan

the sovereign rights of the people of the Republic of Karakalpakstan

that the Republic of Karakalpakstan has its own Constitution

the territory and boundaries may not be altered without the consent of Karakalpakstan

the Republic of Karakalpakstan has the right to secede from the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of a referendum held by the peopic of Karakalpakstan (В) Three branches of power. Article 11 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan says: ‘The principle of separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judicial authorities shall underlie the system of state authority in the Republic of Uzbekistan”. The President Islam Karimov pays great attention to the constitutional principle of division of powers. Much attention is given to this issue in his speeches and works. The administrative system of government in the Republic of Uzbekistan comprises three branches - the legislative (the Oliy Majlis), the executive (the Cabinet of Ministers) and the judicial (Courts) branches. The President is the head of state. The President can be elected for two terms in succession*. The term of office of the president is seven years. He must be at least 35 years old, have a full command of the state language, and must have lived in Uzbekistan for at least 10 years. Political parties and public organizations have the right to nominate a candidate for Presidential elections. The Cabinet of Ministers is formed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and approved by the Oliy Majlis. It has wide authority in conducting social, economic, cultural and foreign policy. The Prime-Minister is nominated by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and then is approved by the Oliy Majlis. The independence made it possible for Uzbekistan, and its state bodies to pursue** a very effective system of reforms in all spheres of life.

•in succession - узлуксмз/последовательно **to pursue - олиб бормок/проводитъ

Legislative Power

The Oliy Majlis • The Senate • The Chairman of the Senate • The Vice-Chairman of the Senate • Committees and Commissions of the Senate • The Senators • The Legislative House • The Speaker of the Legislative House • The Vice-Sneakers of the Legislative House

Executive Power

The Cabinet of Ministers The Prime-Minister The First Deputy Prime-Minister The Constitution The Deputies Prime-Minister I he Members of the Cabinet of Ministers The Ministers The Chairmen of State Committees and Agencies The Head of the Government of the Republic of Karakalnakstan______

Judicial Power • The • The Supreme Economic Constitutional • The Supreme Court of the Republic Court of the Republic of Court of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan • Regional Courts • The Supreme Economic • District Courts Court of the Republic of. • The City Court of Tashkent Karakalpakstan • Courts-Martial • Regional Economic Courts • The City Economic Court of Tashkent ЕхЛ 9(b) Answer the following questions. 1. What is the administrative-territorial structure of Uzbekistan made up? 2. What rights has the Republic of Karakalpakstan? 3. What branches of power does the administrative system in Uzbekistan comprise? 4. Who can be elected president of the Republic? 5. W hat is his term of office? 6. Who forms the Cabinet of Ministers?

Ex.20 (W B) Ex.21 Switch on the tape. Read your statements in exercise 20. Check your answers with those on the tape and repeat them. Ex.22 Switch on the tape. Respond to the following statements as in the example. Check your answer with that on the tape and repeat it. Example: You hear: Uzbekistan has its new administrative structure. You respond: Yes, it does. Uzbekistan has its new administrative structure. You hear: The Republic of Uzbekistan administers 20 provinces. You respond: No, it doesn't. The Republic of Uzbekistan does not administer 20 provinces. ExJZZ (W B) ExJZA Read the text Pay attention to the words listed below the text Answer the following questions orally.

THE YOUNG GENERATION TODAY There are more arguments about young people today than about any other generation. At present time this is linked with such important problems as the survival of mankind and the struggle foi peace. Therefore many young people of the world take an active pari in the struggle for peace. The year 2008 was proclaimed the year of the young. The government of Uzbekistan pays great attention to the education and upbringing of the young people. They have wide opportunities tc study. The system of public education in Uzbekistan makes it possible to progress from the lower levels to the higher ones. School-leavers car enter any type of specialized lyceums, colleges or higher educational establishments. The teachers try to do their best to educate young people and to bring them up in the spirit of democracy. In 2001 the “Kamolot” Youth Movement was created. It is a non­ government and non-commercial youth organization. The basic goal of the movement is to unite young people, to protect their interests and establish necessary conditions for developing their intellectual potential. Uzbekistan has proclaimed education its top priority. The President's words: "Uzbekistan is a state with great future" are not just words. This motto has a profound scientific and social basis. It is well known that the future of every country depends on its young citizens. A state that cares for its children may be confident of its fu tu re. V ocabulary motto - иплор/девиз survival-тирик қолиш/выживание profound - чукур/глубокий opportunity - имконият/ to care for -ғамхўрлик кўрсатмоқ возможность /заботиться о goal ~ мақсад/цель mankind- одамзод/человечество Answer the following questions. 1. W hy is the care for young people so important? 2. What are the tasks of the ‘Kamolot’ Youth Movement?

Ex.25 Examine the words given below. Switch on the tape and listen to the statement. When you hear a signal choose and tick the word from those provided for completion of the sentence you are listening. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the right word/ words. Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it. Do this exercise orally. Remember, in some statements you have to use two or all three words to finish the sentence. Example: You hear - The new Uzbek state has two tasks: to build a new sta te ...... and to implement political and economic...... You say - The new Uzbek state has too tasks: to build a new state system and to implement political and economic reforms. ‘1. (reforms/system/treaty) 6. (branches/democratic/judicial) 2. (rights/free/urban) 7. (state/consent/relationship) 3. (work/landmark/court) 8. (body/province/court) 4. (totalitarian/law/in accordance) 9. (protection/democracy/market) 5. (executive/local/ representative) 10.(parts/councils/relations)

Ex.26 (W B) Ex.27 (W B) Ex.28 (W B) Ex.29 (W B) Ex.30 Speak about the administrative and territorial division of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Use Table 1).

Ex.31 Speak about the main branches of state power of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Use Table 3a, 3b and 3c). Ex.32 Speak about the sovereign rights of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (Use Table 2).

Ex.33 Switch on the tape. Listen to the speaker. Write an essay on the text you have heard.

Ex.34 (W B)


Phonetic Drill Ex.1 Switch on the tape. Listen to the new words. Repeat them after the speaker twice. legislation, branch, power, irrespective, deputy, during, early, law, inaugurate, legislature, structure, sovereignty, executive, military, sphere, finance, budget, dozen Ex.2 Read the phonetic rules and try to memorise them.

1. Сўзнинг оҳиридаги 1. Немая непроизносимая (конеч­ ўқилмайдиган “e” харфи ҳам ная) “e” с предыдущей согласной ундан аввал турган ундош билан также является слогом, биргаликда бўғинни ташкил например: килади, масалан: Pete, promote, defence .... Pete, promote, defence ... . 2. Гласные, предшествующие 2. Сўзда бу унлидан аввал турган этому немому слогу, унли инглиз тилининг ўқиш произносятся в соответствии с қоидаларига бўй синган ва правилами графики английского юқорида қайд қилинган қоидани языка и с учётом правила, назарда тутган ҳолда талаффуз приведённого выше. этилади. 3. Ударение в многосложном 3. Уч ва тўрт бўғиндан иборат слове с тремя и четырьмя бўлган кўп бўғинли сўзлардаги слогами ставится на второй урғу иккинчи бўғинга тушади, слог, например: масалан: сот9Ыпе, pro*mote, de9fence... com’bine, pro’mote, de’fence- ; stability, activity ... u.m.d. sta’bility, ac’tivity „ .

Ex.3 (W B) Ex.4 Open WB. Switch on the tape. Listen to the words, repeat them after the speaker and check the stress you have marked. Ex.5 Read the phonetic rules and try to memorize them. 1. "а", "о", "u" харф лар 1. Буквы "а", "о", "и" в безударной ургусиз бўғинда [ў] бўлиб позиции произно-сятпся как [ў], талаффуз этилади, масалан: например: a'dopt [y'dopt], o'pinion a'dopt [y'dopt], o'pinion [y'pinjyn], [y'pinjyn], 'modus ['moudys]. 'modus fmoudys]. 2. V , "i", "у" харф лар ур ғуси з 2. Буквы "e", "у" в безударной бўғинда [ij бўлиб талаффуз позиции произносятся как [i], этилади, масалан: 'mistress например: 'mistress ['mistrisj, fmistris], sta'bility [sty'biliti]. sta'bility [sty'biliti]. Ex.6 (W B) S i Ex.7 (W B) S i ЕхЛ Open WB. Perform exercise 6 again. But this time check the words you have selected in exercise 7. Ex.9 (W B) Ex.10 Switch on the tape. Listen to the words from exercise 9. Check the words you have underlined. I E x .ll (W B) Ex. 12 Open WB. Switch on the tape. Check the translation in exercise 1 1 . Vocabulary Prill gjb Ex.13 (WB) ^ Ex. 14 Switch on the tape. Check your translation in exercise 13. 'Ж* Ex. 15 (WB) Ex. 16 Open WB. Switch on the tape. Follow the statements in WB ^ exercise 17. When you hear a signal decide which of the three words should be used. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the right word Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it. Po this exercise orally. Ж* Ex. 17 (WB) g Ex. 18 (WB) л Ex.19 (WB) ~ Ex20 (W B) £ E x ^ l (W B) ExJ22 Open WB. Switch on the tape. Check the translation of the & Г- sentences in exercise 21. E x^ 3 (W B) I E x 2 4 (W B) ExJ25 Open WB. Switch on the tape. Check your translations in exercise 24. Ex-26 (W B) Ex.27 Read the following grammar rules and try to understand them . Инглиз тилида феълнинг тўрт В английском языке существуют асосий шакли мавжуд. четыре основные формы глагола. I. инфинитив: I. инфинитив: to work, to read, to write, to to work, to read, to write, to elec elect Данная форма глагола, наряду Бу шакл ўзининг бошқа другими своими функциями вазифалари билан бир қаторда используется для образована ҳозирги ноаниқ (содда) замонни настоящего неопределенное (The Present Simple Tense) времени (The Present Simpl ясашда иштирок этади - Tense) - 1 . 1 work at the Academy of State and Social Construction. 2. They decided to elect him to Parliament. 3. The Republic needs to establish a legal framework for the state and market economy.

II. Ўтган замон шакли. Тўғри II. Форма прошедшего вуемени. У ва нотўғри феълларда у хар правильных и неправильных ҳил бўлади, масалан, гЎтри глаголов она разная, например, феълларда: правильные глаголы: worked, learned, elected: w o rk ed . learned. elected: ногЕғри феълларда: неправильные глаголы: taught, thought, got, went. taught, thought, got, went. 1 . They learned a lot at the meeting. 2. Jack went to the Parliament meeting. 3. In our state the law became the main instrument for .the promotion of socio-economic development.

III. Ўтган замон сифатдош шакли III. Форма причастия II (PII). (РИ). Тўғри ва нотўғри У правильных и неправильны. феълларда бу шакл ҳам хар ҳил глаголов она тоже может быт бўлиши мумкин, масалан: разной, например: туғри феълларда: у правильных глаголов - worked, learned, elected. worked, learned, elected. нот^ғри феълларда: у неправильных глаголов - taught, thought, got, gone. taught, thought, got, gone. (Илова: луғатда келганда қавс (Примечание: в словаре перво: ичигидаги биринчи шакл - ўтгая форма глагола в скобках - ami замон ш акл и , иккинчиси эса - форма прошедшего времени ўтган замон сифатдоши (РИ) вторая - форма PII). ш акли). 1. to become (became, become) 2. to teach (taught, taught) 3. to go (went, gone) 4. to do (did, done) 5. to learn (learned, learned) 6. to go (went, gone)

IX. Хозирги______замон TV. Форма причастия сифатдоши шакли (PI): настоящего времени (PI): working, learning, teaching. w orking. learning. teaching. Ex.28 (W B) v^|v Ex. 2 9 Read the following grammar rules and try to understand ~ them . I. Инглиз тилидаги мажҳуллик I. Пассивный залог в английском (пассив) нисбати гапнинг эгаси языке означает , что иш ҳаракатни бажарувчиси подлежащее предложения не эмаслигини билдиради, шунда: выступает исполнителем a) узбек тилига таржима действия, выраженного глаголом - қилинган гапда эга инглиз сказуемым, при этом: тилидагидек ўз ўрнида a) в русском эквиваленте-переводе ишлатилади, масалан: подлежащее присутствует , ( 1 ) Не is elected by the например: Democratic party. - У (одатда) (1) Не is elected by the Democratic Демократик партия томонидан party. - Он (обычно) избирается от сайланади. демократической партии. b) ўзбек тилига таржима b) в русском эквиваленте - переводе қилинган гапда эга подлежащее предложения может учрамаслиги мумкин, масалан: отсутствовать, например: (2) Не was called to the (2) Не was called to the Academy. - Academ y. - Уни Академияга Его вызвали в Академию./Он был чақиришди (гапнинг эгаси вызван в Академию. йўқ)/У Академияга чақирилди (эгаси бор). II. Пассивный залог в английском II. Инглиз тилида феълнинг языке образуется при помощи мажҳуллик (пассив) нисбати вспомогательного глагола "to be” и “to be” ёрдамчи феъли ва причастия прошедшего времени асосий ф еълнинг утган замон (PII) смыслового глагола, сиф атдош и шакли ёрдамида например: тузилади (to be + Р II), масалан: (3) to elect- to be elected (3) to elect- to be elected (избирать - быть избранным) (сайламоқ - сайланмоқ) (4) to tell - to be told (4) to tell - to be told (рассказать - быть расказанным) (айтмоқ - айтилмоқ) III. Феълнинг замони, майли, III. На изменения времени, шахси, сони, тасдиқ ёки инкор наклонения, числа, лица, шаклларнинг ўзгаришига “пас- вопросительной, отрицательной сив” конструкцияни ташкил форм глагола из составляющих этувчилардан “to be” феълнинг пассивную конструкцию форм шакли ўзгаради, масалан: “реагирует1*(изменяется) форма (5) I am asked to write an глагола “to be”, напгтмер: article. - Мендан (одатда) (5)1 am asked to write an article. - мақолани ёзиб беришни Меня (обычно) просят написать илтимос қилишади. статью. ' (6) A month ago they were (6) A month ago they were invited invited to visit our country- to visit our country.- Месяц назад Бир ой олдин улар их пригласили посетить нашу мамлакатимизга ташриф ст рану. буюришга таклиф қилиндилар. (7) At the next elections he can (7) At the next elections he can be be elected to the Parliament- elected to the Parliament.- Ha Кейинги сайловларда у парла- следующих выборах он может быть ментга сайланиши мумкин. избран в Парламент. (8) They were not sent to study (8) They were not sent to study in in the USA last year. - Ў тга н the USA last year.- В прошлом году йили улар АҚШга ўқишга их не послали учиться в США. юборилмадилар. (9) Was this excercise really (9) Was this excercise really done by done by him? - Наҳотки бу him? машқ у томонидан қилинган - Это упражнение на самом деле бўлса? было выполнено им? (10) Which books were sold (10)Which books were sold yesterday? - Кеча қайси yesterday? китоблар сотилди? - Какие книги были проданы вчера? ( 1 1 ) W here щге the letters of (И) Where are the letters of this this department sent?- By department sent?- Куда посылают бўлимнинг хатлари қаерга письма этого отдела? юборилади? Ех.30 (W B) Ех.31 Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the speaker. ^ and explain orally the changes that the system of the Oliy Majlis has undergone in the past years.

THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH. THE OLIY MAJLIS. During the early stages of formation of its national legislation, Uzbekistan faced a lack of laws and legal professionals. The Republic needed to establish a legal framework* for the state and a market economy. The idea of establishing a state governed by the rule of law is fundamental. Laws must provide the basis for all spheres of public life, all activities of the state, its bodies and all its citizens. In a law- governed state the law becomes the main instrument for the promotion of social and economic development. The legislative branch of power in the Republic of Uzbekistan is the Oliy Majlis or Parliament. In 1994 the one-house parliament, the Oliy Majlis, was formed. Since its inauguration it has supported the formation of a more modern political, economic and social systems of the state. The Oliy Majlis deputies represent different political parties. Each citizen of Uzbekistan at the age of 18, irrespective of nationality, native language, or sex has the right to vote for deputies in the elections to the Oliy Majlis. Any citizen of Uzbekistan aged 25 and over can be elected to the Oliy Majlis. In 2005 the parliamentary reform was carried out. Now the Oliy Majlis consists of two houses - the Legislative House (the Lower House) and the Senate (the Upper House). The Legislative House consists of 120 deputies and the Senate has 100 deputies. The Senate members are called senators. The term of office of both houses is five years. Six deputies from each province, the city of Tashkent and the Republic of Karakalpakstan are elected the Senate members by secret ballot, totally making up 84 members. The rest 16 members are appointed by the President. All the deputies and senators enjoy the right to immunity. The Legislative House elects the Speaker out of its deputies. And the Senate elects its Chairman. The Oliy Majlis combines session work with that of its committees and commissions. The legislature of the Republic is making laws that promote stability and civil peace taking into account public opinion. In 1997 the representative office of Ombudsman was introduced in the Oliy Majlis. Since its formation the new two-house parliament has shown its ability to work fruitfully and professionally. It adopts laws and acts, and solves urgent problems of the state. Laws come into force when they are adopted by the Legislative House, approved by the Senate, and signed by the President. Both houses have created joint committees to settle disputes and finally to reach a compromise. The relationship between the two Houses testifies that their activities conform to democratic norms and processes.

*framework- тизим/ст р укт ур а

Ex.33 Close WB. Switch on the tape and listen to the statements. After the signal finish the statement and check your answer with that on the tape. Mark "T" if the statement is true and "F" if it is false. Ex.34 (W B) Ex.35 (W B) Ex.36 Open WB. Switch on the tape. Check the questions you have constructed in exercise 35. After the signal answer each question in the interval provided, check your answer with tha on the tape and repeat your answer. Ex.37 (W B) Ex.38 Listen to the situation your neighbour has constructed in exercise 37 and ask questions. Ex.39 Select key words (nouns) from the text and make up a diagram of them. Using your diagram present the text.


Phonetic Prill ЕхЛ Switch on the tape. Read the words, compare them with those on the tape and repeat them. Begin after the signal. according source manufacture accordance resource participation appoint culture resignation appropriate structure legislation course venture regulation

Ex.2 Switch on the tape. Repeat the words after the speaker, guidance fgaid(y)ns] enactment [i'nFktmynt] labour f'leiby] encourage [ткЎпсЬ:] issue ['isju] enterprise [entypraiz] simultaneous [.simyrteinjjte] entertainment [,еп1ўЧеттўпЬ]

Vocabulary Introduction Ex.3 (WB)

Ex.4 Switch on the tape. And check your translation of exercise 3. Ex.5 (W B) Ex.6 Switch on the tape. Check your translation of exercise 5. Ex.7 (W B) ЕхЛ Switch on the tape and listen to the statements. When you hear the signal decide which of the three words should be used. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the right word. Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it Do this exercise orally. Ex.9 (W B) Ex.10 (W B) Ex.ll Switch on the tape. After the signal read the sentences from exercise 10, in which the given word can be used and check your choice with that on the tape. There can be more than one correct sentence. Ex. 12 (WB) Ex. 13 Switch on the tape. Read your translation of the sentence, compare your translation with that on the tape and repeat it. Begin with the signal. Ex. 14 a) Grammar Introduction: Participle II used as an attribute. Ўтган замон сифатдоши Причастие прошедшего (Participle II) аниқловчи времени Participle II в вазифасида келганда функции определения может аниқланмишдан аввал ёкй стоять перед или после кейин ишлатилиши мумкин, определяемого слова, масалан: например: 1. The broken cup was lying under the table. - Столнинг тагида сингал чаптка ётган эди./ Разбитая чашка лежала под столом. 2. Не showed us a list of the goods sold. - У бизга сотидгуц молларнинг рўйхатини кўрсатди./ Он показал нам список проданных товаров. 3. Не showed us a list of the goods sold at the auction. У бизга аукционда сотилган молларнинг рўйхатини кўрсатди./ Он показал нам список товаров« проданных на аукционе. б) Энди қуйидаги саволларга Ответьте теперь на следующие жавоб беринг. Жавобларингизни вопросы. Подкрепите свои отпве- юқорида келтирилган мисоллар ты приведенными выше приме- билан тасдиқланг. Она тилингиз рами. Сравните их с родным билан таққосланг: языком: 1. Қайси ҳолларда ўтган замон I. В каком случае причастие сифатдоши аниқланмишдан стоит перед определяемым аввал келади? словом? 2. Ўтган замон сифатдошининг 2. Как Вы считаете: утрачивает феълга хос бўлган маъноси бу ли оно в этом случае в ҳолда феъл маъносидан значительной степени свое узоқлашиб сифат маъносига глагольное значение и яқинлашадими? приближается к значению 3. Кдйси ҳолларда ўтган замон прилагательного? сифатдоши отдан кейин 3. В каком случае причастие ишлатилиши мумкин? Бу ҳолда стоит после существительного? у предметнинг сифатни Выражает ли оно в этом случае ифодалайдими? качество? 4. Ўтган замон сифатдоши от­ 4. Причастие может иметь при дан кейин келганда изоҳ берув­ себе пояснительные слова? Где, в чи сузлари билан биргаликда этом случае, стоят эти слова? келиши мумкинми? Бу сўзлар Всегда ли и почему? қаерда келади? Ҳар доим шундай ҳол учрайдими ва нега?

ЕхЛ 4 в) (WB) 'и..// Grammar Prill ЕхЛ 5 (W B) Hv. ЕхЛ6 Switch on the tape. Read your word combinations from '^ r exercise 15, compare them with those on the tape, then repeat , them. Begin after the signaL j/\ ЕхЛ 7 (W B) ЕхЛ 8 Switch on the tape. Read your word combinations from ^ exercise 17, compare them with those on the tape, then repeat r them. Begin after the signaL  ЕхЛ 9 (WB) Ex.20 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence and its translation from exercise 19, compare it with that on the tape, then repeat it. Begin after the signaL Ex.21 (W B) Ex.22 Switch on the tape. Read your sentences from exercise 21, compare them with those on the tape, then repeat them. Begin after the signaL Reading Comprehension Ex.23(a) Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the speaker.


The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the head of state. The Cabinet of Ministers is the government of the Republic and represents the executive power in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The activities of the Cabinet of Ministers are coordinated by the Prime- Minister. The Prime-Minister is approved by the Oliy Majlis upon nomination by the President. The Cabinet of Ministers provides guidance over the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic. It creates necessary conditions for free entrepreneurship on the basis of combination and equality of all types of ownership, demonopolisation of economy, and realization of a legal mechanism of the market economy. The Cabinet of Ministers develops proposals on improvement of administrative structure, formation and reorganization of the ministries, committees, departments and other state bodies. It is responsible for the execution of the Jaws and other resolutions of the Oliy Majlis as well as the decrees and other enactments issued by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Cabinet of Ministers issues enactments and ordinances in accordance with the current legislation. The Cabinet of Ministers resigns when a new Oliy MajJis is elected. The third branch of power is the judicial system. The Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Economic Court, the Supreme and Economic Courts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as well as province, city and district courts make up the judicial system of the Republic. The term of office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic and that of prosecutors of provinces, cities and districts is five years. The judicial branch in the Republic functions independently from the legislative and executive branches, political parties and public organisations.

Vocabulary to resign — истеъфога чиқмоқ /уйт и в отставку entrepreneurship - тадбиркорлик/предпринимательство ownership — хусусий мулкчилик/ собственность, владение enactment - қонун, фармон / закон, указ ordinance - фармон / указ prosecutor - прокурор / прокурор

Ex.23(b) Answer the following questions. 1. What represents the executive power in Uzbekistan? 2. W hat are its main functions? 3. What is the judicial branch made up?

Ex.24 (W B) Ex25 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statement After the signal respond to the statement you have heard. Check your answer with that on the tape and repeat it. E xam ple: You listen - The President is the head of the executive power. You say - Yes, it's true. The President is the head of »he executive power. Ex.26 (W B) < Ex.27 Switch on the tape. Listen to the definition from exercise 26. After the signal name the word which corresponds to it. Compare your answer with that on the tape and repeat it. Ex.28 Find in the text the sentences from exercise 23 with the words t a from exercise 27 and translate them into Uzbek/Russian orally. Ex.29 Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the speaker. g Ex.30 (WB) Ex.31 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 30. Compare it with that on the tape and repeat it. Ex.32 (W B) Ex.33 (W B) Ex.34 Switch on the tape and check your knowledge of the speech ^ patterns in this Unit (See exercise 4) Ex.35 Speak about the executive power in the Republic of Jp Uzbekistan.

UNIT VIII Phonetic Prill Ex.l Switch on the tape, listen and read the following words and expressions together with the speaker:

federation executive constitution independent judicial ambassador District of Columbia branch representative Washington vice-president senate Hawaii authority senator the United States commander-in-chief judge to separate Supreme Court governor government senior function legislative officials Cursory Reading Ex.2 Read the text to answer the questions given below. Discuss your answers with a partner: 1. How many branches of power are there in the political system of the USA? Name them 2. What powers has the president of the USA? THE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF THE USA. The United States is a federation of states. It consists of 50 states and one district - the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia is the territory of the city of Washington. Forty-nine states form the continental United States. The 50th state is the state of Hawaii, which is separated from the continental part. Washington, D.C. is the seat of the Federal Government of the United States. The Federal Government is made up of three branches - the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial Branches. The Legislative Branch, Congress, is made up of elected representatives from all the states. It consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 435 representatives in the House of Representatives. They are elected for a 2-year term. They must be at least 25 years old and must have lived in the USA for at least 7 years. The number of Representatives from each state is based on its population. For example, California has 45 Representatives, while Delaware has only one. The Head of the House of Representatives is the Speaker. The Senate has 100 senators, two from each state. They are elected for a 6-year term. One-third of the Senate is elected every 2 years. A senator must be at least 30 years old and must have lived in the state for at least 9 years. There is no limit to the number of terms a Senator or a Representative may serve. Congress makes all laws, and each house of Congress has the power to introduce legislation. Each house can vote against legislation passed by the other. Legislation only becomes law if both houses agree. The function of the Executive Branch is to carry out laws of the nation. It consists of the President, Vice-President and the President’s Cabinet. The chief executive of the United States is the President. The President and Vice-President are elected for a 4-year term. A president can be elected for only two terms. He must be at least 35 years old and must have lived in the USA for at least 14 years. The President is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He appoints federal judges, including members of the Supreme Court, and heads of departments of his Cabinet. The Senate must approve these appointments. The department heads are called Secretaries. Each Secretary is directly responsible to the President. There are 14 departments in the Cabinet. Under the Constitution, the President is responsible for foreign relations with other nations. The President appoints ambassadors and other officials. He must have the agreement of Congress for his proposals and programmes. He cannot declare war without the approval of Congress. The rule is: ‘the President proposes, but Congress disposes’. What a President wants to do, therefore, is often a different thing from what he is able to do. The third branch of the federal government, the judicial branch, consists of a system of courts. It is headed by the Supreme Court. Federal judges are appointed for life or until voluntary retirement, and can only be removed from office through the process of impeachment. The main principles of the judicial system are: the equality of all individuals, the inviolability of human rights and the supremacy of the law. The law protects every person. A decision of the Supreme Court cannot be appealed to any other court. Neither the President ncr Congress can change their decisions. Each state has a Legislative Branch, an Executive Branch, headed by the Governor, and a Judicial Branch. V ocabulary commander-in-chief - бош қумондон / главнокомандующий judge - қакам/судъя to be responsible to smb. - кимнинг дир олдида маъсулиятли бўлмоқ / быть ответственным перед кем-либо voluntary - хайрихоқ / добровольный retirement - истеъфо / отставка, уход на пенсию inviolability - дахлсизлик / нерушимость, неприкосновенность governor - губернатор / губернатор Ех.З Answer the following questions. 1. How many states are there in the USA? 2. What is the function of the Legislative Branch? 3. What is the function of the Executive Branch? 4. What is the function of the Judicial Branch? 5. Who is the head of the government? 6. W hat houses does the US Congress consist of? 7. Who is the President of the USA now? Ex.4 (a) - (WB) Ex.4 (b) Switch on the tape. After the signal read the statement you have completed in exercise 4 (a), check it with that on the tape and repeat it. Ex.5 (a) (WB) Ex.5 (b) Switch on the tape. After the signal read the statement you have completed in exercise 5 (a), check it with that on the tape and repeat it. E x.6 (a) (W B) Ех.6 (b) Switch on the tape. Listen to a v/ord and repeat it in the interval. Check the Uzbek/Russian version of the word you have chosen in exercise 6 (a) with that on the tape. Ex.7 (W B) Ex.8 (a) (W B) Ex.8 (b) Switch on the tape. After the signal read the statement you have completed in exercise 8 (a), check it with that on the tape and repeat it.

Grammar Commentaries Ex.9 Study the use of articles with geographical names.

1. Географик номлар одатда 1. Географические названия, как артиклсиз ишлатилади: правило, употребляются без а) м ам лакат ва қитъ алар артикля: ифодаловчи сузлар билан: а) с названиями стран и Japan, South America; материков: б) шаҳарларни ифодаловчи Japan, South America сўзлар билан: б) с названиями городов: London, Tashkent. London, Tashkent 2. Аниқ артикл (the) қуйидаги 2. Определенный артикль ҳолатларда географик номлар употребляются с географическими билан ишлатилади: названиями в следующих случаях: а) Шимол, жануб, шарқ, ғарб а) с названимями стран света: сўзлари олдидан: - the North, the North, the South, the South, the East, the West; the East, the West б) мамлакат, океан, денгиз, б) с названиями стран, океанов, дарё каби таркибидаги асосий морей, рек и другими сўз турдош от бўлган сўз географическими названиями, бирикма ва сўзлар билан; основным элементом которых the United States of America, является имя существительное the United Kingdom, the Aral нарицательное: Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the the United States of America, the Tham es United Kingdom, the Aral Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Thames в) қуйидаги мамлакатлар, в) В названии следующих городов, шаҳарлар ва жойлар олдидан: стран и местностей: the H ague, the Hague, the Netherlands, the Netherlands, the Crimea, the the Crimea, the Ukraine, Ukraine, the Caucasus, the Lebanon, the Caucasus, the Lebanon, the Philippines. the Philippines. к Grammar Drill / Ex.10 (a) (W B) ^ Ex.10 (b) Switch on the tape. After the signal read the statement you have completed in exercise 10 (a), check it with that on the tape // and repeat it. E x .ll (a) (W B)

(b) Switch on the tape. After the signal read the statement you % EX 11 have completed in exercise 1 1 (a), check it with that on the tape and repeat it. ' - Ex. 12 (a) (W B) Ex.12 (b) Switch on the tape. After the signal read the statement you have completed in exercise 12 (a), check it with that on the tape % and repeat it.

Reading Comprehension Read the following text and answer the question: “Why is the А * ЕхЛЗ American flag called the “Stars and Stripes”?

■■ ■ I Americans treat their flag with great respect*. It is mZZZZZi called the “Stars and Stripes”. The horizontal red and “ white stripes represent the original thirteen American — — — states that started the war of Independence against Britain. The white stars on a dark blue background represent the number of states the USA consists of now.

respect - хурмат/уважение

Ex.14 Read the text and find the answers to the following questions: 1. What are the ways of controlling the government process in the USA? 2. W hat is the system of checks and balances?

FUNDAMENTALS OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT The nation’s physical size and its large population made self- government impossible. In its place the principle of representative government was developed. Public officials exercise the power given them by the people so long as the people are satisfied with their conduct and management of public affairs. Citizens have a number of ways of expressing their will and reminding officials that they are public servants as well as leaders of the nation. The control mechanism is the periodic election of the principal officers of the legislative and executive branches. Candidates for public office submit their programmes to the voters for their approval. The dialogue between the voters and their elected representatives includes the daily flow of mail, cables, telephone calls and face-to-face contact. Some U.S. senators receive up to 10,000 communications a week. Voters visit their congressmen individually or in delegations. In these ways the voters maintain their control of the governmental process. The government is structured to prevent abuse of power by any branch. The powers given to each branch are carefully balanced by the powers of the other two. There is the system of checks and balances, which protects against concentration of power in any sector of the government at any level. Each branch serves as a check on the others. The chart below illustrates how the equal branches of government are connected and how each depends on the other two.

The Separation of Powers C to c k t and BaJences

Here are two examples of checks and balances: * If Congress proposes a law that the president thinks is unwise, the president can veto it. That means the proposal does not become law. * If Congress passes a law, which is considered unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional. The right to criticize the government guarantees the right to change it. The American system of government in Abraham Lincoln’s words is “G overnm en t of the people, b y th e people, and for the people”.______voter - сайловчи/избы ратель, выборщик abuse - суиистеъмол/ злоупотребление to consider - аҳд қилмоъ/считать, рассматривать

Ех.15 Which of the following statements do you think the writer of the text would agree with? Prove your statement if you think he would not 1. The most important mechanism for controlling the work of the government is the periodic election of officers of the legislative and executive branches. 2. The three branches of the federal government are fully independent. 3. Americans think their country’s governmental model is perfect. 4. Jf you have the right to criticize the government, you can change it.

Ex.16 a) Divide into several groups and discuss the words of A. Lincoln: “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people”, b) Share your opinions with the whole group. Ex.17 Read the text and answer the following questions: 1. W hat is the state system of Great Britain? 2. Who is usually the Prime Minister in Great Britain? THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy*. The head of the state is a monarch whose power is limited by Parliament. Today a queen or a king is not only heads of state, but also an important symbol of national unity. The system of parliamentary government in Britain is not based on a written constitution. The British Parliament is the oldest in the world. It was formed in 1236. The Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords is the oldest of the two Houses of Parliament. Today it has 1198 members. The House of Lords is presided over by the Lord Chancellor. The House of Commons is elected by universal suffrage**. It consists of 651 Members of Parliament (MPs). British citizens may vote at the age of 18. The Speaker presides over the members of the House of Commons. The House of Commons examines and passes proposals for new laws, generally in the form of Bills presented to Parliament by the Government. The Prime Minister is the chief executive. He heads the Cabinet of Ministers and informs the Queen at regular meetings about the general business of the Government. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the Party that has a majority in the House of Commons. The power of the Cabinet is controlled by Parliament The Government cannot simply legislate on its own - it requires the approval of the House of Commons and the House of Lords for new laws Every year the Queen opens the new session of Parliament and reads her "Speech from the Throne" in the House of Lords before the members of both Houses. The Prime Minister is appointed by the Queen, and all other ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. W hen P arlia m en t is in session a flag (U nion Jack) flies o ver the Victoria Tower of the Houses of Parliament.

^monarchy - монархия / монархия **universal suffrage -умумсайлов ҳуқуқи / всеобщее избирательное право

£х.18 Answer the following questions: 1. Who is the head of the state? 2. W hat chambers does the British Parliament consist of? 3. Who heads the Government? 4. Who is the Prime Minister now?

Ex.19 Read the text and answer the following question: What does the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland symbolize? The Union Jack* The Union Jack is the state flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It was introduced in 1802. It symbolises the union of England, Scotland and Ireland.

The English flag is the red cross (St. George's Cross) on a white background.

The flag of Scotland (St. Andrew’s Cross) presents two white crossed diagonal stripes on a dark blue background

St. Patrick’s Cross presents two red crossed diagonal stripes on a white background (it had been the Irish national flag before Ireland became independent).

union - a design symbolizing political union, it is used in a flag jack - a small flag usually flown on a ship’s bow to show nationality Ex.20 (W B) Ех.21 Divide into groups and discuss the following: 1.What are the common features of the political systems of Uzbekistan, the USA and Great Britain? 2. What are the differences? 3. What are the ways of controlling the work of the government in these states? Ex.22 Write an essay which brings out common features of the political systems in Uzbekistan, Great Britain and the USA, and the differences between them.

U nit IX

Ex.1 Switch on the tape. Listen to a new word. Repeat it after the speaker twice. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letters and letter combinations given in the top line. Я ff VV w о e*9 a 9« a optimum necessary safety charity political special maintain area committee federal mediator tax provide settle "i" carry out community development issue "u" body set up situation budget protect police republic benefit ethnic encourage enforcement dispute function "ea, ее" fund deal authority between

Ex.2 (W B)

Ex.3 Switch on the tape. Read the underlined word, compare it with that on the tape, then repeat it. Begin after the signal. Ex.4 (W B) Ex.5 Switch on the tape and check your translation of exercise 4.

Vocabulary Prill Ex.6 (W B) Ex.7 Switch on the tape. Check your translation of exercise 6. Ex.8 (W B) Ex.9 (W B) Ex.10 Switch on the tape and listen to the statement. When you hear a signal choose the missing word. In the interval repeat the whole statement Check your statement with that on the tape. Po this exercise orally.

E x .ll (W B) Ex.12 Switch on the tape. After the signal read the sentence from exercise 1 1 , and check your choice with that on the tape. Ex.13 (W B) Ex.14 (a) (WB)

Ex.14 (b) Switch on the tape and listen to the statement In the interval translate it into English, check it with that on the tape and repeat it (c) Open the WB, exercise 14 (a). Check the sentences you have chosen again.

Ex. 15 (WB)

Ex.16 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 15. Compare it with that on the tape and repeat it Begin with the sign al.

Ex.17 (W B) Ex.18 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 17, compare it with that on the tape, then repeat it Begin with the signal. Reading Comprehension Ex.19 Switch on the tape. Read the text together with the speaker.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN UZBEKISTAN The work of local authorities is regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They act upon all matters within their authority in accordance with the interests of the state and citizens. The local authorities ensure the observance of laws, and maintain order and security of citizens. They direct the economic, social and cultural development within their territories. Their tasks are as follows: to propose and implement the local budget, to protect the environment, to register civil status acts and others. Heads of local government are khokims (mayors). In the conditions of market economy a khokim is a leader of the representative and executive power in the provinces, districts, cities and towns. Khokims of provinces and the city of Tashkent arc- appointed and dismissed by the President of Uzbekistan. Khokims of districts, cities and towns are appointed and dismissed by the khokims of provinces. The term of office of khokims is five years. A khokim of a region, district, city or town organizes the execution of the laws and acts of the Oliy Majlis, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers and other high official bodies. Uzbekistan has a special institution of local self-government, the makhalla (it is a traditional local neighbourhood community). The makhalla is a mediator between the state and the family, religious groups, cultural and educational organizations. These self-governing bodies elect -a chairman and his councillors for a term of 2.5 years. Makhalla committees maintain discipline and order, especially in critical situations. They carry out a number of functions, which in other countries are usually carried out by the local or federal bodies of state authority and law enforcement. Makhalla committees settle civil, financial and ethnic disputes between community members, encourage the development of small enterprises, set up special charity funds and decide which families are most in need of benefits. They also run cultural centres and watch over the moral climate in the area. At the moment there are more than 12,000 makhallas in the Republic. Local authorities are supposed to deal with economic, social and cultural issues in their areas.

Ex.20 Answer the following questions. 1. What are local government institutions in Uzbekistan? 2. What are their functions? 3. W hat functions does a makhalla perform? 4. Does a "makhalla” have a committee or a commission? 5. Can a "makhalla" set up a special charity fund? 6. What is the difference between a makhalla and other state governing bodies? 7. Which institutions deal with economic, social and cultural issut?s in regions and districts? 8. Who prepares local budgets and imposes local taxes? 9. What are the resources, which constitute the budget of a makhalla?

Ex.21 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statement and respond to it as in the example. Compare it with that on the tape, repeat it. Example: you hear - Uzbekistan left the rouble zone in November 1993 and replaced that currency with the sum. you say - Yes, it's U'ue. Uzbekistan left the rouble zone in November* 1993 and replaced that currency with the sum. you hear - The Republic of Uzbekistan has set up a special body- the Oliy Majlis with the aim of representing the executive power in the regions, you say - No, it's not true. The Republic of Uzbekistan has set up a special body - the khokimiyat to represent the executive power in the regions. Ex.22 Switch on the tape. Respond to the following statements as in the example. Check your answer with that on the tape, repeat it. Example: you hear - ls smoking allowed in the underground? you say - No, it isn't. Smoking isn't allowed in the underground, you hear - Are the speeches at the United Nations translated into Fi'ench? you say - Yes, they are. The speeches at the United Nations are translated into French. Ex.23 (W B) Ex.24 Switch on the tape and listen to the statement When you hear a signal, find the missing word from the list given below. In the interval repeat the whole statement Check your statement with that on the tape. Do this exercise orally.

1. (structures/provinces) 6. (reco m m en d/settle) 2. (maintained/consisted) 7. (law /d e v e lo p m e n t) 3. (d em ocracy/developm ent) 8. (c o u rt/fu n d ) 4. (issue/settlement) 9. (enterprise/council) 5. (encourage/regulate) 10. (la n d m a rk /b e n e fit) Ex.26 (W B) Ex.27 (W B) Ex.28 a) Switch on the tape. Listen to the text. Pay attention to the statements where the words given below are used. Vocabulary to the text: authorities - ҳокимият /власт и observance — риоя этиш / соблюдение environment - атроф мухлт/окружающая среда charity — хайр-эҳсон/ благотворительность enterprise - корхона/предприятие.

ЕхЛ8 Ь) (W B) Ex.29 (W B) Ех.30 Switch on the tape and check your knowledge of the words and expressions in the Unit given in exercise 5.

Ex.31 Draw up a diagram on the functions of regional and local government of the Republic of Uzbekistan using the key words and expressions from exercise 19. Speak on the topic using this diagram . Exa$2 Read the text Then answer the questions. VIEWS OF JAPAN* G overnm ent Japan has a democratic system of government. All adult citizens have the right to vote and to run in national and regional elections. The Japanese system of government is based on the Constitution. It is sometimes called the Peace Constitution, because it affirms Japan’s commitment to peace. The Peace Constitution also determines the role of the Emperor, the rights and duties of the people, the responsibilities of different branches of government, and other rules. The National Legislature of Japan is called the Diet. The Diet has two houses: the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. Both houses must adopt most national laws. For some kinds of laws, however, the decision of the House of Representatives is followed, if the two houses disagree. The Prime Minister is a member of the Diet, and is elected by the Diet. The Prime Minister appoints the Cabinet. Most of the Cabinet members head government ministries or agencies. The Capital. Since 1868 the capital of Japan has been Tokyo. It is the world’s largest and most populated city. Tokyo is also among the cleanest and safest cities of the world. It is an international magnet for business and it is rich in cultural diversity as well. There is a wide range of restaurants, markets, shops and other kinds of entertainment. Tokyo is the seat of the National Government and home to Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan. As the political and economic heart oi Japan, its impact is widely felt throughout the world. The Imperial Family. Under the Constitution of Japan, the Emperor is the symbol of the State and the unity of the people. He has no powers related tc government. The Japanese Imperial Family dates back many centuries. It is the oldest uninterrupted dynasty in the world. Emperor Akihito, the present Emperor, came to the throne in 1989. He and his wife, Empress Michiko, have three children. The Emperor and Empress live in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The National Flag and Anthem. The Japanese flag, which has a large red circle on a white background, is called the Hinomaru. The sun flag has been used as a national symbol since the 17th century. Japan’s national anthem, the Kimigayo, was set to music about a century ago, but the words are about 1,000 years old. Answer the questions. 1. What is the system of government in Japan? 2. W hat is the Japanese system of government based on? 3. What is the Constitution of Japan sometimes called? 4. Is the Prime Minister elected or appointed in Japan? 5. When did Tokyo become the capital of Japan? 6. Is Tokyo the seat of the National Government? 7. Where do Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan have their home? 8. Who is the symbol of the state according to the Constitution of Japan? 9. What has been the national symbol of Japan since the 17th century? Ex.33 Say what you have learnt about Japan. Compare the state and government structures of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Japan. Ex.34 Read the text to answer the following question: What is the local self-government in Sweden?

FORMING LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN SWEDEN The system of territorial organization of power in Sweden is based on clear division of powers between the state authorities and local authorities on the one hand, and division of responsibilities between the communes of different territorial levels on the other. This division may be periodically changed. Some functions of state power may be transferred to the communes and vice versa*. The territorial model was introduced in Sweden in 1980s. Under this model the operations of the commune were grouped into territorial committees and administrations. Each is responsible for separate territorial zone of the commune. At present more than 75 communes in the country have established the decentralized model of local self- government. They are responsible for: - environment protection; - local economic activities; - premises for public meetings; primary schools; - libraries; - assistance to local public associations; - issuing building permits; - social help to students; - family matters; - streets, squares and recreation places; - care of elderly and disabled people; - markets and consumers’ affairs; - road maintenance in winter and others. Swedish national legislation on local self-government grants the communes great freedom to form their local structure, and this is a particular feature of the Swedish local self-government model.

*vice versa - аксинча /наоборот

Ex.35 Compare the functions performed by self-governing bodies in Uzbekistan and Sweden. U nit X Grammar Drill Ex.l Read the following sentences to define what functions Participle II performs in them. 1. (A) The farmers have improved their work with the help of new machines. (B) The improved methods of work have brought good results. 2. (A) Rivers connected by canals form long waterways. (B) The canal has connected two rivers. 3. (A) W ater becomes ice when it is cooled. (B) It is nice to drink cooled water when it is hot. 4. (A) Our sales manager has prepared a report. (B) The report prepared by our manager has been sent to all branches. 5. (A) Weather forecasts reported last week were incorrect. (B) The radio has reported the weather forecast for tomorrow. 6. (A) The book translated by my friend is very interesting. (B) The book was translated into several languages. 7. (A) Newspapers are usually delivered at 8. (B) The newspapers delivered by a postman were distributed among the office departments. 8. (A) An executive officer elected by voters manages the city’s affairs. (B) An executive officer is elected by voters and assisted by department heads. 9. (A) The heads of departments appointed by the mayor are having a meeting in the conference room. (B) The mayor has just appointed a new head of the Finance Department. 10. (A) The resolution adopted by the council was approved by all the staff. (B) The council has adopted a resolution on some important issues.

Ex.2 (W B) Ex.3 Read the text and find the answers to the following questions. 1. What are the types of local government in the USA? 2. What functions does the city government in the USA carry out? 3. W hat functions do town and village governments carry out?

LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN THE USA The US fifty states have different size, population, climate, economy, history, and interests. The governments of fifty states oft^n differ from one another, too. However, they share some basic structures. They all have a senate and a house. All have executive branches headed by a state governor and independent court systems. The United States has a system of genuine local self-government. Each state has its own constitution. But all must respect the federal laws. In most states a city government has a considerable measure of independence. But cities and local authorities must make their laws so that they fit their own state’s constitution. American local authorities have various modes of organization and their policies can be different More than three-quarters of American citizens live in towns, large cities or their suburbs. These statistics make city governments very important. The city directly serves the needs of the people, providing everything from police and fire protection to sanitary problems, health regulations, education, public transportation and housing. The local communities have the real control at the public school level. They control administration of the schools. There is no national police force. Each state has its own state police and its own criminal laws. Each city has its own police force that it hires, trains, controls, and organizes. There are many other areas, which are also the concern of cities, towns, and villages. The opening and closing hours for shops, street and road repair, and other regulations are among them. Most states and some cities have their own income taxes. Almost all city governments have some kind of central council elected by voters, and an executive officer, assisted by various department heads, to manage the city’s affairs. There are three general types of city government: the mayor-council, the commission and the city manager. The mayor appoints heads of city departments, and other officials, sometimes with the approval of the council. He has the power of veto over city ordinances and is often responsible for preparing the city’s budget. The council passes the laws of the city, sets the tax rate on property and distributes money among the various city departments. The Commission. This combines both the legislative and executive functions in one group of officials, usually three or more in number, elected citywide. Each commissioner supervises the work of one or more city departments. The City Manager. Urban problems require management experience not often possessed by elected public officials. Therefore most of the executive powers are entrusted to a highly trained and experienced professional city manager. The county is a subdivision of the state, usually containing two or more towns and several villages. In most counties, one town or city is designed as the county seat where the government offices are located. The government is entrusted to an elected board or council. The board collects taxes, fixes the salaries of county employees, supervises elections, builds and maintains highways and bridges, and administers national, state and country welfare programmes. Thousands of municipal jurisdictions are too small to qualify as city governments. These are considered as towns or villages and deal with such strictly local needs as paving and lighting the streets; ensuring a water supply; providing police and fire protection; establishing local health regulations; arranging for garbage, sewage and other waste disposal; collecting local taxes to support governmental operations, and administering the local school system. The USA has a great variety in its government bodies. Its system tries to satisfy the needs of people at the local level, while the Constitution guarantees basic rights to anyone and anywhere. V ocabulary sanitary - санитар, гигиеник/санитарный, гигиенический criminal law - жиноий ҳуқуқ уголовное право garbage - ахлат /м у с о р sew age - оқава сувлар/сточные воды waste disposal - қолдиқларни йўқотиш /удаление отходов

Ex.4 (W B)

Ex.5 Switch on the tape. In the interval read the sentences from exercise 4, check them with those on the tape and repeat them. Begin with the signal. Ex.6 (W B)

Ex.7 Switch on the tape. In the interval read the assignments you did in exercise 6, check them with those on the tape and repeat them. Begin with the signal.

E x.8 Switch on the tape. In the interval read the following sentences, check them with those on the tape and repeat them. Begin with the signal. 1. In the House of Commons only about 2/3 of its members have seats. 2. In the USA more than 3/4 of the population live in large cities. 3. 4/5 of the territory of Turkmenstan is occupied by the Kara-Kum desert. 4. Only a few more kilometres and we are nearly 2/3 of the way home. 5. Mountains take up 9/10 of the territory of . 6. The fire destroyed 3/4 of the old city.

Ex.9 (W B) Ex.10 Switch on the tape. In the interval read the assignments you did in exercise 9, check them with those on the tape and repeat them. Begin with the signal. E x .ll (W B)

Ex.12 Switch on the tape. In the interval read the assignments you did in exercise 1 1 , check them with those on the tape and repeat them. Begin with the signal.

Ex.13 Choose the right definition of the word “veto”, which corresponds to the content of the text. 1. Any of various electronic systems for distribution. 2. The constitutional right or power of a ruler or legislature to reject bills passed by another branch of the government. 3. Herbs, used in perfumes, cosmetics, etc.

Ex.14 Read the text to answer the following question : What is the administrative structure of Great Britain? LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN The country is divided into counties and sub-divided into districts. All the districts and counties have locally elected councils. County councils provide large-scale services: strategic planning, transport planning, highways, traffic regulations, education, consumer protection, refuse disposal, police, the fire service, libraries and social services. District councils are responsible for the further local services, such as housing, most local planning, and refuse collection. Greater London is divided into 32 boroughs and the' City of London: each borough has a council responsible for local government in its area. In the six metropolitan counties there are 36 district councils, there are no county councils. Local councils consist of elected councillors. Councillors are usually elected for four years. In Scotland local elections are held every two years. In England and Wales each council elects its presiding officer every year. In boroughs and cities the presiding officer is normally known as the Mayor. In the city of London and some other large cities the presiding officer is known as the Lord Mayor. District councils in Northern Ireland are presided over by mayors as well. In Scotland the presiding officer of the district council of each of the four cities is called the Lord Provost. Vocabulary traffic - йўл ҳаракати /движение, транспорт refuse disposal - қолдиқларни йўқотиш /удаление мусора refuse collection - ахлат йиғиш /сбор мусора borough - худуд /о к р у г to preside - бошқармоқ, назорат қилмоқ/осуществлять контроль, руководство provost — қоким /м эр (гиотл.)

ЕхЛ5 Answer the following questions: 1. W hat services do county councils provide? 2. W hat are district councils responsible for? 3. W hat is the usual term of office of a councilor (in England, Scotland, Wales)? 4. Who is the presiding officer in London? 5. How is the presiding officer called in Scotland?

Ex. 16 Read the text and say whether it is a good custom and is worth following. The custom of ‘Weighing the Mayor’ dates back late-Victorian times. Since then, the town’s incoming and outgoing mayors have been publicly weighed on the evening of election day. They have been weighed on *a tripod-mounted chair. Other councillors or officials, who want to participate in it, are also weighed. The Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures records and declares their weights. If he lost weight since the last ceremony, it is announced ‘And no more’. And cheers** greet it because it means that the mayor worked hard while in the office. If he put on weight, it is announced ‘And a bit more’. And it means that he did his duty badly.

*a tripod-mounted chair - уч оёқлик стул/стул на трех ножках **cheer - ризолик ҳайқириғи / одобрительное восклицание

ЕхЛ7 a) Divide into groups and discuss the following: 1. What are the common features in local government in Uzbekistan, the USA and Great Britain? 2. What are a mayor in the USA and a khokim in Uzbekistan responsible for?

b) Share the results of discussion with the whole group. E x .l8 Make up two dialogues taking into account the content of the texts you have studied in the unit: a) between an American mayor and a khokim; b) between a city khokim and a regional khokim.

Ex.19 (a) (WB) (b) Look at the diagram of the khokimiyat you work in and say what functions each department performs. (c) Say what you would do to improve the performance of the khokimiyat you work in. Ex.20 Write an essay on the characteristic features of local government in the three countries mentioned and the differences between them.

U nit XI

Ex.1 Switch on the tape. Listen to new words. Repeat them after the speaker twice. [el M [ei] [oi] membership multiplicity embrace voice represent republican maintenance joint welfare just base employ irrespective structure train implement functioning [i] experience result moral dignity M [OU] policy assimilate attach boasting honour liberty activity known origin transition fraction property district opportunity conviction Ex.2 (W B) Ex.3 Switch on the tape. Read the underlined word (words), it (them) with that (those) on the tape, then repeat it (them). Begin after the signal.

Vocabulary Introduction Vocabulary Prill Ex.6 (W B) Ex.7 Switch on the tape. Check your translation of exercise 6.

Ex.8 (W B)

Ex.9 Switch on the tape and listen to the statement When you hear a signal, decide which of these words should be used. In the interval repeat the whole statement with the right word. Check your statement with that on the tape and repeat it. Po this exercise orally.

Ex.10 (W B) Ex.l 1 (W B)

Ex.12 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence from exercise 11, compare it with that on the tape, then repeat it. Begin after the signal.

Ex.13 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statement. In the interval translate it into English, check it with that on the tape and repeat it.

Ex.14 (W B)

Ex.16 Switch on the tape. Read the sentence you have constructed. Compare your sentence with that on the tape and repeat it Begin with the signal.

Ex.17 (W B)

Ex.18 Switch on the tape. Read your sentence and compare it with that on the tape, then repeat it Begin with the signaL

Reading Comprehension

Ex.19 Read the text to find the answers to the following questions: 1. What political parties are there in Uzbekistan? 2. W hy is it necessary to have many political parties and movements in a democratic civil society? POLITICAL PARTIES IN UZBEKISTAN A multiplicity of political parties is necessary for a democratic civil society. Therefore after gaining independence a multi-party system has been developed in Uzbekistan. Today political parties express the political will of various groups of population and participate in the formation of state authority through their democratically elected representatives. Currently, there are a few political parties in Uzbekistan. Their activities conform to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan though they have their own programmes and charters. Each party has its deputy group (fraction) in the parliament. All parties have primary organisations in all regions, cities and districts in Uzbekistan, and in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The ‘Adolat’ (Justice) Socio-Democratic Party was founded ^ The basic objective of the party is to strengthen J: independence of the country, to accelerate economic and / political reforms, and to create democratic legal and civil society, which complies with common interests of all the people living in Uzbekistan. The People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was formed in 1991. The re-registration of the party carried out in January-June 2006. The main objective of the pariy is material and spiritual well-being of the working people. The party aims to ensure equal opportunities for all the people, constitutional rights and civil liberties, to protcct peaceful life of the people, regardless their nationality, social background, political and religious beliefs. The party is interested in establishing a strong state, based on the principle of the rule of law. In 1995 the ‘Milliy Tiklanish’ (National Revival) Democratic Party was formed The party united intellectuals, entrepreneurs, students and other young people, representatives of villages, who shared the interests of the nation and supported the activities of the party. The motto of the party was: “National revival and national unity - our principal objective”. $ At the end of 1998 a new political party - the ‘Fidokorlar’ National Democratic Party was founded. The party mainly supported the interests of the young and entrepreneurs. The FNDP was a political organization, formed on the basis of unity of views, interests and objectives of its members. The prime mission of the party was to strengthen a democratic state, based on a free market economy, and to raise the living standards of the population. In 2008 the ‘Milliy Tiklanish’ Democratic Party and the ‘Fidokorlar’ National Democratic Party united as they have a similar platform and common tasks. Now the name of the united party is the ‘Milliy Tiklanish’ Democratic Party. In 2005 the Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party was founded. The party is a national political organisation that expresses the interests and political expectations of proprietors, representatives of a small-sized business, entrepreneurs and businessmen, farmers, inventors, scientists, representatives of public organisations, and all the citizens striving for prosperity of the nation. The main tasks of the party are as follows: to assist the modernisation of the country and stable development of economy, to provide free entrepreneurship and to deepen market reforms. V ocabulary to conform - мувофиқлапггирмоқ/ соответствовать firm - мустаҳкам/прочньш revival - т и к л а н и ш / возрождение to strive - интилмоқ/ стремиться prosperity - фаровонлик/ процветание

Ех.20 Answer the following questions.

1. When were the political parties founded in Uzbekistan? 2. Whose interests do they represent? 3. What objectives do the parties have? 4. Why did the ‘Fidokorlar* National Democratic Party and the ‘Milliy Tiklanish’ Party unite? 5. What political movements are there in Uzbekistan?

Ex.21 Switch on the tape. Listen to the statement Decide whether it’s "true" or "false", compare it with that on the tape, repeat it Example: you hear - Democracy is based on the principle that government functions to serve the people you say - Yes, it's true. Democracy is based on the principle that government functions to serve the people you hear - Individuals have no right to associate freely and to oiyanise themselves into different non-governmental groups within a democratic society. you say - No, it's false. Individuals have right to associate freely and to organise themselves into different non-governmental groups within a democratic society. Ex.22 Switch on the tape. Respond to the following statements as in the example. Check your answer with that on the tape, repeat it. Example: you hear - Is special attention paid to social pi'oblems by the state during the period of implementation of democratic reforms and transition to market relations? you say - Yes, it is. Special attention is paid to social pix>blems by the state during the period of implementation of democratic reforms and transition to market relations, you hear - Are new parties and movements founded in the Republic of Uzbekistan? you say - Yes, they are. New parties and movements are founded in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Ex.23 Switch on the tape. Listen to the sentence and translate it. Check your translation with that on the tape. Do this exercise orally.

Ex.24 Read the text to find the answers to the following question: What state may be called a democratic state? DEMOCRATISATION OF POLITICAL SYSTEM The political system of the Republic of Uzbekistan is based on the idea of building an independent state with great future. This is a society, in which all civil and human rights and freedoms of the individual are observed, peace is kept, and the people enjoy growing opportunities for development. The new country has appeared on the world map and its priorities are to establish a free democratic society and to develop a market economy. After rejecting its totalitarian past, the Republic has actively developed democratic forms of government. The Constitution of Uzbekistan, which was adopted in 1992, is the guarantor' for the chosen path of development. Since the first days of its independence, Uzbekistan put the person and his interests in the centre of all reforms and renovations and is constantly supported by the work of the Ombudsman, and other public associations. Since the first steps of its formation, the young society has been an active participant in the world development. President Islam Karimov always stresses that “Peace in your neighbour’s house is peace in your own house”. The political system should respond to the needs, preferences and choices of the individual, and modify its course in conformity with them. Only such a political system will have complete democratic legitimacy. Uzbekistan’s political system aims to achieve productive interaction of all constructive political forces within a strong system of state authority. The basis for political strategy of independent Uzbekistan is expressed in the President’s words: “from the strong state to the strong civil society”. Uzbekistan has chosen the path of creation of a democratic state and civil society, and the country is trying to achieve this goal firmly and purposefully.

Vocabulary to observe - риоя этмоқ / соблюдать renovation - яшиланиш/обновление legitimacy- қонунийлик/ законность to achieve - эришмоку достигать firmly - мустаҳкам/meepdo purposefully — мақсадга мувофиқ /целенаправленно

Ex.2 5 Answer the following questions. 1. What is the main idea of the governmental policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan? 2. What is the guarantor of development of the state? 3. What should the political system conform to? 4. What do the words “from the strong state to the strong civil society” mean?

Ex.2 6 Switch on the tape and listen to the statement When you hear a signal, find the missing word (words). In the interval, repeat the whole statement. Check your statenrcnt with that on the tape. Do this exercise orally.

Езс27 Switch on the tape. Listen to the sentence. Try to understand it and repeat it. Ex.28 (WB) Ex.29 (WB)

Ex.30 Switch on the tape. Listen to the speaker. Write the dictation.

Ex.31 Switch on the tape and check your knowledge of the words and expressions given in exercise 4 of the Unit

Ex.32 Speak about political parties and movements in the Republic of Uzbekistan. UNIT XII Ex.l Scan the text for the answer to the following question.

What are the major political parties in the USA?

POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE USA Political parties are organized groups of people who share ideas about how a state should be governed and who work together to have members of their group elected in order to influence the governing of the state. Over time the USA has developed a two-party system. The two leading parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. The Democratic Party was formed in the late 1820s. The Republican Party was organised in 1854. Both parties compete for the votes of the American electorate. When members of a political party form a majority in Congress, they have powers to decide what laws will be passed. The Democrats and the Republicans have different ideological orientations. Yet the parties are really quite similar in ideology. They both support capitalism, that is, both are against government ownership of the means of production. Both parties have their . Most voters are loyal* to one or the other of the major parties. But there are conservative Democrats, who agree with many Republican ideas, and liberal Republicans, who agree with Democratic ideas. In some states, voters prefer the Republicans, while voters in other areas prefer the Democrats. When one party regularly has support from most of the voters, it is called the majority party; the other is called the minority party. Over 90 percent of Americans say they vote for. the person, not the party. Most Americans today consider the Democratic Party the more liberal party. By that, they mean that Democrats believe the federal and the state government should provide social and economic programmes for those who need them: the poor, the unemployed or students who need money to go to college. A primary concern of the Democratic Party has always been the struggle for social equality. The Republicans believe that many payments are too costly for the taxpayers**. They place more emphasis on individual liberty, private enterprise, limited and effective government, personal responsibility and strong security. Americans think of the Republican Party as more conservative. People who have lower incomes, less education, less prestigious occupations think of themselves as Democrats more than Republicans. The cultural factors, religion and race have even sharper differences between the parties. Women are more Democratic than men. Studies show that about half the citizens in the US adopt their parents’ party. But the youngest group of voters wants to be independent. Citizens find their political niche***, and they stay there. There are other, smaller parties in the United States besides the two major parties. None of these smaller parties has enough popular support to win a presidential election, but some are very strong in certain cities and states. When third-party candidates win they usually win office at local or state level. Since the two-party system was established, no minor-party candidate has won the presidency.

*loyal ['lKjў1] - вафодор/преданный, верный **taxpayer - солиқ тўловчи / налогоплательщик ***niche — жой, ўрин / ниша

Ех.2 (a) Study the following example with the pattern to have+noun+PII Change the sentences followed using this pattern. Explain the difference between each pair of the sentences. Note: This pattern can be used after the verbs “to have”, “to get9, “to want”. Example:______1. I want to make a new suit. 1. Мен янги куйлакни тикишн* - I want to have a new suit хохлайман. - Менга янги куйлакни made. тикиб беришларини хохлайман./Я хочу сшить новый костюм. - Я хочу чтобы мне сшили новый костюм. 2. I must get the house built. 2. Менга уйни куриб беришлари шарт (Мен уйни курилган холатда кабул килиб олишим шарт)./Мне должны построить дом (Я должен получить дом построенным). 3. She had her letter posted. 3. Унинг (унга) хатини юборишди./Ее письмо отправили. Ex.2 (b) - (WB) Ex.3 Switch on the tape. When you hear a signal read the statement you have modified in exercise 2 (b) and check it with that on the tape. Ex.4 (WB) Ex.5 Switch on the tape. When you hear a signal read the statement you have completed in exercise 4 and check it with that on the tape. Ex.7 Switch on the tape. When you hear a signal read the statement you have completed in exercise 6 and check it with that on the tape.

Ex.8 Study the following verbs. to divide - to break up into parts: We divided the pie into 8 pieces. to separate - to set or keep apart: We separated the good vegetables from the bad ones. to share- to use something together: as to share one's lunch, joys, opinions; etc. Note: We say that we share opinions when we mean that we are of the same opinion. We say that opinions were divided when we mean that they were different. Example: 1 share your opinion on the problem of social security. Opinions were divided about our new director.

REMEMBER! to divide smth into, between, among to share smth with someone

Ex.9 (WB) Ex.10 Switch on the tape. When you hear a signal read the statement you have completed in exercise 9 and check it with that on the tape. Ex. 11 (WB) Ex.12 Switch on the tape. When you hear a signal read the word you have used in exercise 11 and check it with that on the tape. Ex.13 (WB) Ex.14 Switch on the tape. When you hear a signal read the statement* you have completed in exercise 13 and check it with that on the tape. Ex.15 (WB) Ex.16 Find in the text the definition of the word “party”. Give other definitions of the word.

Ex.17 Answer the following questions: 1. When were the major political parties formed in the USA? 2. What party is called the majority party? 3. What party is called the minority party? 4. What factors influence the people's choice of a party? 5. Why do people consider the Democratic Party more liberal? 6. Why do Americans consider the Republican Party more conservative? 7. What party is in power in the USA now? 1. What are the symbols of the Democratic and Republican Parties? 2. How were they created? 3. What do you understand by populist views? “Let the people rule” was the slogan of Andrew Jackson a Democrat, during his run for presidency in 1828. His opponents were frightened by his slogan and labelled him a “jackass”* for his populist views. AJackson adopted the donkey on campaign posters. Although never officially adopted, the donkey has been the symbol of the Democratic Party since the mid 1800s. The symbol of the elephant for the Republican Party was created by Thomas Nast, a famous illustrator and caricaturist. In 1874, a rumour that animals had escaped from New York *0 Tf City Zoo oincided with worries that the Civil War hero general Ulysses S. Grant would run for presidency for the third time. T.Nast chose an elephant to represent the Republicans because elephants were clever and controlled when calm, and unmanageable when frightened.

Note: *a jackass means a male donkey or a stupid person.

Ёх.19 Choose the definition of the word "niche”, which corresponds to the content of the text. a) place or position particularly suitable for a person b) the particular role of an individual organization in its community and its environment c) hollow in a wall, as for a vase or a statue

Ex.20 Which of the following statements do you think the writer of the text would agree with? Prove your statement if you think he would not. 1. Mostly rich candidates are elected. 2. The present system of elections in the USA is not a good one. 3. A multi-party system is more preferable. 4. People with less money and less education have more chances of being elected. 5. Older voters are more conservative in their preferences than younger voters. 6. Religious and sex factors do not influence people’s party identification. E xil Discuss with your partner factors which influence people’s party identifications.

Ex.22 Scan the text to answer the following questions: 1. What are the main political parties in Great Britain? 2. What is the principle for forming the government?

THE POLITICAL PARTY SYSTEM IN GREAT BRITAIN For the last 150 years a mainly two-party system has existed in Great Britain- Since 1945 either the Conservative Party, which was formed in 1867, or the Labour Party has been in power. The Labour Party emerged in 1900 as the Labour Representative Committee. Since 1906 its name is the Labour Party. The party which wins most seats at a general election, or which has the support of a majority of members in the House of Commons, usually forms the Government. By tradition, the king or queen asks the leader of the majority party to form a government. The largest minority party becomes the official Opposition, with its own leader and ‘shadow cabinet’. The effectiveness of the party system in Parliament rests on the relationship between the Government and the opposition parties. The aims of the Opposition are to contribute to the formation of policy and legislation by constructive criticism and to put forward its own policies in order to improve its chances of winning the next general election. Outside Parliament, party control is carried out by the national and local organisations. There is a system of debate in the British Parliament. Every subject starts off as a proposal by a member. After debate the Speaker asks the members whether they agree with the proposal or not. The questions may be decided without voting, or by a simple majority vote. The Speaker supervises voting in the House of Commons and announces the final result. The voting procedure in the House of Lords is similar.

Ex.24 Read the text and answer the following questions: 1. What does the effectiveness of the party systerr> in Parliament rest on? 2. What are the aims of the Opposition? 3. How is party control carried out? 4. How are laws adopted in the Parliament? 5. What party is in power now? 6. What political parties are there in Uzbekistan? 7. What programmes do they have? ИЛОВЛ/ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1. Магнитофопни қўйинг. Янги сўзларни тинглаб икки мартда такрор- ланг./Включите магнитофон. Слушайте новые слова и повторяйте их два раза. 2. Фонетик қоид аларни ўқиб ёдда сақданг./Прочитайте правила фонетики и постарайтесь запомнить их. 3. Қуйидаги янги сўзларга ургу белгисини кўйииг./Поставьте знак ударе-ния в нижеследующих новых словах. 4. Иш дафтарчангизни очинг (WB). Магнитофонни қўйинг. Сўзларни тинглаб такрорланг ва қўйган ургу белгисини текширинг./Откройте WB. Слушайте слова и повторяйте их. Проверьте правильность поставленного Вами ударения. 5. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Янги сўзларни тинглаб такрорланг. Ургу белгисини янги сўзларга қўйинг./Слушайте новые слова и повторяйте их.Поставьте знак ударения. С. Аввалги машқдан транскрипция ёзувида келтирилган товуш учрайдиган сўзларни танланг ва Сзинг./Подберите слова из предыдущего упражнения, в составе которых имеется звук, отмеченный в транскрипции и запишите их. 7. Иш дафтарчангизни очинг. Аввалги машқни такроран бажаринг. Аммо бу сафар ганлаган сўзларингизни тўгрилигнни текширинг./Откройте Вашу рабочую тетрадь Выполните предыдущее упражнение и проверьте правильность отобранных Вами слов. 8. Транскрипция ёзувида юқори қаторда келтирилган товуш учрайдиган сўзларни тагига чизииг./Подчеркните слова, в которых встречается звук, указанный в транскрипции. 9. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Аввалги машқдаги сўзларни тингланг. Тагига чизиб танлаган сўзларингизни тўгрилигини аниқланг./Включите магнитофон. Прослушайте слова из предыдущего задания. Проверьте правильность выбора Вами слов. 10. Қуйидаги сўз ва сўз бирикмаларни ёд олинг. Ажратилган жойга уларнинг таржималарини ёзинг./Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания. Запишите их перевод в отведённом для этого месте. 11. Иш дафтарчангизни очинг. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Аввалги матндаги таржималарингизнивг тўғрилмпгаи текширинг./Откройте рабочую тетрадь. Проверьте правильность Вашего перевода заданий из предыдущего упражнения. 12. Тўгри вариант ни танланг./Подберите правильный вариант. 13. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Аввалги машқдаги таржималармнгмзшшг тўгрилигини текширинг./ Проверьте правильность вашего перевода в предыдущем задании. 14. Мантиқан нотўтри бўлган сўз бирикмаларни аяиқлаб белгиланг. Хатоларни ўқитувчингизга тушунтиринг./Отметьте словосочетания, которые неправильны с логической точки зрения. Объясните это Вашему преподавателю. 15. Иш дафтарчангизни очинг. Кейинги машқдаги жумлаларни тингланг. Сигналдан сўиг келтирилган уч сўздан қайси бири мантщан жумлага тўгри келишини аницлаб жумлани тўлиқ такрорланг. Магнитофондаги тўгри вариант билан таққослаб яна бир' бор жумлани такрорланг. Бу машқни огзаки бажаринг./Откройте рабочую тетрадь. Прослушайте предложения из следующего задания. После сигнала определите, какое из следующих трёх слов соответствует по смыслу содержанию предложения. В интервале повторите предложение полностью, сравните с правильным вариантом на кассете и повторите его. Выполните это упражнение устно. 16. Жумланинг мазмунига мос келадиган сўзни тагига чизинг./Подчеркните слово, которое подходит по смыслу содержанию высказывания. 17. Келтирилган шаклдаги сўзни ишлатса бўладиган жумлани белгиланг./ Отметьте предложение, в котором можно использовать слово в данной форме. 18. Ўзбек/рус тилларга қора билан келтирилган сўзларни таржима килинг./ Переведите на узбекский/русский языки слова, выделенные чёрный шрифтом. 19.. Мазмунан “italics” шрифтида келтирилган гапларга мос келадиган ини аниқланг./Определите предложение, которое по смыслу подходит к предложению, данному в тексте курсором. 20. Гап ва сўз бирикмаларни таржима қилинг. “-моқчи” модал феълининг ишлатилиш ига диқкатиигизни қаратинг./Переведите предложения и словосочетания. Обратите внимание на перевод модального глагола “сап”. 21. Қуйидаги саволларга жавоб беринг. Савол жавобига мос келадиган аввалги машқда мисол тариқасида келтирилган жумланинг рақамини келтирилган бўш жойларга ёзиб қўйинг./Ответьте на следующие вопросы. Впишите номера примеров из предыдущего задания, являющихся ответом на данный вопрос в отведённом месте. 22. Мисолларни ишлатиб куйидаги гапларни таржима қилинг./Используя пример, переведите следующие предложения. 23. Қуйидаги грамматик қоидаларни ўқинг ва тушинишга харакат қмлинг./ Прочитайте следующие грамматические правила и постарайтесь понять их. 24. Саволларни ўқиб аввалги машқдаги мисолнинг рақамини саволдан сунг келтирилган бўш ерга ёзиб қўйинг./Прочитайте вопросы и впишите номер примера из предыдущего задания, который может послужить ответом на поставленный вопрос в отведённое место после вопроса. 25. Саволларни ўқиб аввалги машқдаги мисолнинг рақаммни саволдан сўнг келтирилган бўш ерга ёзиб қўйинг. Ҳар бир савол мазмунига тўгри келадиган ўз мисолингизни тузинг./Прочитайте вопросы и впишите номер примера из предыдущего задания, который может послужить ответом на поставленный вопрос в отведённое место после вопроса. Сконструируйте собственный пример, который может быть ответом на каждый поставленный вопрос. 26. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Матнни магнитофондаги овоз билан биргалик-да ўқинг./Включите магнитофон. Читайте текст вместе с записью на кассете. 27. Гапларни ўқинг. Тўтри жавобни танлаб, гапингизни тугатинг./ Прочитайте предложения. Выбрав правильный ответ, закончите высказывания. 28. Иш дафтарчангизни ёпинг. Магнитофонни қўйиб гапларни тингланг. Сигналдан сўнг жумлани тугалланг ва кассетадаги жавоб билан таққосланг./Закройте рабочую тетрадь. Включите магнитофон и прослушайте предложения. После сигнала завершите их и сравните с записью на кассете. 29. Қуйидаги гапларга савол тузинг. Саволингизни келтирилган сўз билан бошланг./Задайте вопрос к следующим предложениям. Начните со слова, которое стоит после предложения. 30. Қуйидаги матнни ўқинг. Унга саволлар беринг. Саволингизни матндан сўнг келтирилган сўзлардан бошланг./Прочитайте следующий отрывок. Задайте вопросы к нему. Начните со слов, приведённых после.отрывка. 31. Иш дафтарчангизни очинг. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Аввалги машвда тузган саволларингизни текширинг. Сигналдан сўнг келтирилган паузада қар бир саволга жавоб беринг. Жавобингизни кассетадаги жавоб билан таққослаб тўгрисипи қайтаринг./Откройте рабочую тетрадь. Включите магнитофон. Проверьте вопросы, которые Вы сконструировали в предыдущем задании. После сигнала, в паузе, ответьте на вопрос, сравните его с правильным вариантом на кассете и повторите его. 32. Қуйидаги икки (ёки уч) сўз ва сўз бирикмаларни бир бирлари билан қўшиб вазият тузинг ва дафтарингизга ёзинг./Соедините два (или три) слова или словосочетания вместе в одной ситуации и запишите в вашу тетрадь. 33. Аввалги машқда сизнинг шеригиягиз тузган вазиятни тинглаб унга савол беринг./Прослушайте ситуацию, которую Ваш напарник составил в предыдущем упражнении и задайте вопросы к ней. 34. Матндан калит сўзларни (улар от сўз туркумига мансуб бўлиши керак) танлаб, уларга таянган холда матннинг схемасини тузинг. Схемага таяниб матнни сўзлаб беринг./Выберите ключевые слова из текста и постройте схему к нему (ключевые слова должны быть существительными). Перескажите текст по своей схеме. 35. Иш дафтарчангизни очинг. Аввалги машқдаги тагига чизилган сўзларни ўқиб кассетадаги матнга таққосланг ва такрорланг. Сигналдан сўнг бошланг./Откройте рабочую тетрадь. Прочитайте подчёркнутые слова из предыдущего упражнения. Сравните с версией на кассете и повторите её. Начните с сигнала. 36. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Навбатма - навбат аввалги машвдаги гап-ларингизни ўқиб кассетадаги ларга таққосланг ва такрорланг. Сигналдан сўнг ўқишни бошланг./Включите магнитофон. Прочитайте по порядку предложения из предыдущего задания, сравните Ваш вариант с вариантом на кассете и повторите его. Начинайте читать после сигнала. 37. Магнитофонни қўйннг. Жумлаларни тингланг. Сигналдан сўнг қайси предлог қ ў ии in зарурлигини аииқланг. П ay зада бутун жумлани қайтадан лозим бўлгап предлог билан биргаликда ўқинг. Кассетадаги вариантни тинглаб уни такрорланг. Бу машқни огзаки бажаринг./Включите магнитофон. Прослушайте предложения. После сигнала определите какой предлог следует использовать вместо сигнала. В паузе повторите всё предложение с пропущенным предлогом. Сравните Ваш вариант предложения с вариантом на кассете и повторите его. Выполните это упражнение устно. 38. Аввалги машқда танлаган гапингизни ўқинг. Таржимангизни кассетадаги вариант билан таққосланг ва такрорланг. Сигналдан сўнг ўқишни бошланг./ Прочитайте выбранное Вами предложение из предыдущего упражнения. Сравните Ваш перевод с вариантом на кассете и повторите его. Начните читать после сигнала. 39. Аввалги машвдаги гапингизни ўқинг, кассетадаги вариант билан таққосланг ва такрорланг. Сигналдан сўнг ўқишни бошланг./Включите магнитофон. Прочитайте Ваше предложение из предыдущего упражнения. Сравните ваш вариант с вариантом на кассете и повторите его. Начните читать после сигнала. 40. Магнитофонни қўйиаг. Гапни тинглавг. .“It’s true** ёки “It’s not true”, жумлани айтиб кассетадаги вариант билан таққосланг ва такрорланг./Включите магнитофон. Прослушайте предложение. Скажите “It’s true” или “It’s not true”, сравните ваш ответ с вариантом на кассете и повторите его. 41. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Мисолда кўрсатилганидек келтирилган жум-лаларга жавоб қайтаринг. Жавобингизни кассетадаги вариант билан таққослаб такрорланг./Включите магнитофон. Ответьте на высказывание, приведённое на кассете так, как это показано в примере. Сравните Ваш ответ с вариантом на кассете и повторите его. 42. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Хрр бир жумлани кассетада тинглаганингиздан сўнг такрорланг ва таржима қилинг. Таржимангизни кассетадаги вариант билан таққрсланг. Бу машқни огзаки бажаринг./Включите магнитофон. Повторите қаждое высказывание, которое Вы услышите на кассете, переведите его, сравните с вариантом перевода на кассете. Выполните это упражнение устно. 43. Магнитофонни куйиб жумлани тингланг. Сигналдан сўнг жумлани тугалланишига етмаган сўзни аникланг ва паузада жумлани тўлиқ такрорланг. Гапингизни кассетадаги вариант билан таққослаб такрорланг. Бу машқни огзаки бажаринг./Включите магнитофон и прослушайте незаконченное высказывание. После сигнала определите недостающие в нём слова. В паузе повторите полностью это предложение, сравните его с вариантом на кассете и повторите его опять. Выполните зто упражнение устно. 44. Бтишмаётган сузларни ёзиб кўйинг./Впишите недостающие слова. 45. Магнитофонни қўйиб жумлани тингланг, уни тушинишга қаракат қилиб такрорланг./Включите магнитофон. Прослушав предложение, постарайтесь понять его. Повторите данное предложение. 46. Қора билан ёзилган сўзларни таржима килиб қавс ичига ёзинг./ Переведите и запишите слова, приведённые жирным шрифтом в скобках. 47. Магнитофонни қўйиб кассетаия тингланг. Гапларга етишмаётган сўз-ларни ёзиб қўйинг./Включите магнитофон и прослушайте задания. Запишите недостающие слова в отведённом для этого месте. 48. Қуйидаги гапларни инглиз тилига таржима қилинг./Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. 49. Магнитофонни қўйиб мазкур дарсга оид нутқ бирликларни билишиигизнн текширинг./Включите магнитофон и проверьте знание Вами речевых моделей данного урока. 50. Мазкур дарсдаги матн жараёнида сўзлашга тайёр булинг./Будьте готовы говорить по содержанию текста этого урока. 51. Туширилиб колдирилган предлогни зарур ерга қўйиб чиқинг./ Запишите отсутствующий предлог, где это необходимо. 52. Қуйидаги сўзларни ишлатиб гаплар тузинг ва дафтарингизга ёзинг./ Используя нижеследующие слова постройте предложения и запишите их в свою тетрадь. 53. Resource Book ни ёпинг. Гапни ўқинг. Гап тўгри бўлса НТ” нотўгри бўлса “Ғ”ни ёзиб қўйинг./Закройте Resource Book. Если предложение правильное, впишите “Т”, если неправильное - “F”. 54. Феълнинг тўгри шаклини танлаб тагига чизипг./Выберите правильную форму глагола и подчеркните её. 55. Қавс ичидаги феълларни керак бўлган шаклга кўйинг./Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. 56. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Сўзларни ўқинг. Кассетадаги сўзларга таққос-лаб такрорланг. Сигналдан сўнг бошланг./Включиге магнитофон. Прочитайте слова. Сравните со словами, приведёнными на кассете и повторите их. Начните после сигнала. 57. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Аввалги машқдаги сўз бирикмаларни ўқинг, кассетадагиларга таққослаб такрорланг. Сигналдан сўнг бошланг./ Включите магнитофон. Прочитайте словосочетания. Сравните со словосочетаниями, приведёнными на кассете и повторите их. Начните после сигнала. 58. Магнитофонни қўйинг ва гапни тингланг. Мумкин бўлса таркибида “of” булган сўз бирикмани караткич келишигидаги сўзга алмаштиринг ва талаффуз этинг. Кассетадаги вариант билан таққосланг. Алмаштиришнинг имкони бўлмаса, гапни ўзгармас холда такрорланг. Бу машкни огзаки бажаринг./Включите магнитофон. После того, как Вы услышите предложение, постарайтесь изменить конструкцию с “of” на конструкцию с существительным в форме притяжательного падежа и сравните с вариантом на кассете. Если нельзя, повторите фразу без изменения. 59. Мисолда кўрсатилганидек ўз шеригингиз билан суқбатлашинг./ Поговорите со своим коллегой, как это показано в примере. 60. Сўзнинг маъносини мисолда кўрсатилганидек тушинтиринг./ Объясните значение слова, как это показано в примере. 61. Қуйидаги .феълларнинг Past Indefinite Tense замон шаклларини ёд олинг./Выучите формы Past Indefinite Tense следующих глаголов. 62. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Аввалги машқдаги аниқловчини тингланг. Унга тўгри келадиган сўзни талаффуз килинг. Жавобингизни кассетадаги жавоб билан так­ кослаб такрорланг./Прослушайте определения из предыдущего задайия. Назовите слово, соответствующее данному определению. Сравните его с вариантом на кассете. 63. Аввалги машқдаги сўзлар иштирокидаги гапларни матнда топиб таржима қилинг./Найдите предложения в тексте со словами из предыдущего упражнения и переведите их. 64. Матнни ўкиб куйидаги шақарлар хдкида гапиринг./Прочитав текст, поговорите на тему городов, упомянутых в тексте. 65. Ўзбекистон ва унинг тарихи хдкида сўзлашга тайёрланинг./Будьте готовы говорить на тему Узбекистан и его история. 66. Қавс ичида келтирилган сўзларнинг тўғри шаклларини ишлатинг./ Используйте правильные формы слов, приведённых в скобках. 67. Қараткич келишиги ишлатса бўладиган гапларни белгиланг./Отметьтс предложения, в которых можно использовать форму притяжательного падежа. 68. Қавс ичида келтирилган феълларни Past Indefinite Tense шаклида ёзипг. Гапларни таржима килинг./Впишите слова, приведённые в скобках в форме Past Indefinite Tense. Переведите предложения. 69. Апиқловчини ўкииг. Унга мос келадиган сўзни топиб ёзиб қўйинг./Прочитайте определения. Найдите и запишите слово, которое соответствует ему. 70. Текстни ўқинг. Куйидаги саволларга ахдмият беринг./Прочитайте текст. Обратите внимание на следующие вопросы. 71. Юқорида келтирилган саволларга жавоб беринг./Ответьте на вопросы. 72. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Сигналдан сўнг рус тилидаги сўзни эотитасиз. Аввалги машқдаги шу сўзнинг таржимасини ўқинг. Уни кассетадаги вариант билан текшириб қайтаринг./Включите магнитофон. После сигнала Вы услышите слово на русском языке. Прочитайте Ваш перевод этого слова из предыдущего упражнения. Проверьте его с вариантом на кассете, затем повторите его. 73. Шерик билан ишланг. Текстдан жугрофия, иқлим ва табиий ресурслар билан боглиқ сўзларнинг хаммасини топинг ва шу мавзуга сўзлар диаграммасини тузинг. Тўлик диаграмма тузишга тўгри келадиган қохлагап сўзларингизни қўйивпг./ Работайте в парах. Найдите все слова в тексте, которые связаны с географией, климатом и природными ресурсами и сделайте диаграмму слов по этой теме. Добавьте любые другие слова, которые, Вы думаете, помогут в составлении полной диаграммы. 74. АКШ харитасига каранг ва айтинг: ./Посмотрите на карту США и скажите ... . 75. "Canyon” сўзига текст мазмунига тўгри келувчи таърифини танланг./ Выберите определение слова "canyon", которое соответствует содержанию текста. 76. Магнитофонни қўйинг. 15-машқда "canyon" сўзига танланган таъри-фиягизни текши ринг ва такрорланг./Включите магнитофон. Проверьте определение слова "canyon", выбранное в упражнении 15 и повторите его. 77. Иш дафтарини ёпинг. Матннини сўзлаб беринг. (15 машк)/Закройте Вашу рабочую тетрадь. Перескажите текст. (Упражнение 15) 78. АҚШ шиори - "Out of many, one". Сизнинг мамлмкатингизнинг қам шиори борми? Агар бўлмаса, ўзингиз яшаётган мамлакатга шиор танланг. (Шеригингиз билан ёки гуруҳ бўлиб ишланг). Энг яхши шиорни танланг./”Ои1 of many, one” - это девиз США. Имеет ли девиз Ваша страна? Если она не имеет девиза, придумайте девиз для страны, в которой Вы живёте. (Работайте в парах или группах) Выберите самый лучший девиз. 79. Магнитофонни қўйинг.Кейинги маптнни тингланг.Уни тушунишга қаракат қи- линг./Включите магнитофон.Прослушайте следующий текст.Постарайтесь понять его. 80. Қуйидаги саволга жавоб беринг: "Why did people come to America in the 17th century?". Кейин гурухларга бўлиниб, ҳозирги даврда одамларни АҚШга иммиграция килиш сабабларини мухдоама қи лив г./Ответьте на следующий вопрос: Why did people come to America in the 17th century? Затем разделитесь на группы и обсудите причины, которые заставляют людей иммигрировать в США сейчас. Поделитесь Вашем мнением со всей группой. 81. Матнни ўкинг./Прочитайте текс'г. 82. Қуйидаги саволларга жавоб беринг./Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 83. Ажратилган сўзлардан фойдаланиб, сўз бирикмалрини тугалланг./ Закончите сочетания слов, используя слова, данные в рамках. 84. Ўзбек/рус тилидаги сўзларга мос келадиган сўзни белгиланг./Отметьте слово, которое соответствует слову на узбекском/русском языке. 85. Штатлар рўйхатини каранг. Ҳдо бир штатнинг ўзига тўгри келувчи қискартирилган почта кодини топинг./Посмотрите на список штатов. Подберите соответственно каждому штату его сокращённый почтовый код. 86. Жадвални тўлдиринг./Заполните таблицу. 87. Магнитофонни қўйннг. Япги сўзни тингланг. Диктор кетидан уни икки бор қайтаринг. Юкоридаги сатрда келтирилган қарф ва қарф бирикмаларини талаффузига эътибор берин г./Включите магнитофон. Прослушайте новое слово. Повторите его за диктором два раза. Обратите внимание на произношение букв и буквосочетаний данных на верхней строчке. 88. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Аввалги машвдаги гапингизни ўқинг, кассс-тадагн вариант билан таққосланг ва такрорланг. Сигналдан сўнг бошланг./Включите магнитофон. Прочитайте ваши предложения из предыдущего упражнения. Сравните ваш вариант с вариантом на кассете и повторите его. Начните после сигнала. 89. Юкоридаги сатрда берилган рус ёки ўзбек тилидаги жумлаларга мос келувчи, инглиз тилидагиии тан лан г./Выберите утверждение на английском языке, которое соответствует утверждению на узбекском или русском языках, данному на верхней строчке 90. А устунидаги гап кисмига В устунидан гап кисмларини кўйиб маъно жихатидан тўгри келадиган гап тузинг. А устунига тўгри келувчи гап кисмига, В устунидан тўгри келувчи гап кисмининг ҳ.арфини куйив г./За кончите предложения, подбирая часть предложения в колонке В, которая соответствует части предложения в колонке А. Поставьте соответствующую букву из колонки В в скобки в колонке А. Используйте модель. 91. Магнитофонни кўйинг. Инглиз тилида берилган гапни тингланг, унинг тугри таржимасини кейинги келтирилган гаплар блокидан топиб, келтирилган бўш жойларга тўгри келувчи ракамлар билан белгиланг./Включите магнитофон. Прослушайте предложение на английском языке, найдите его правильный перевод в следующих блоках предложений и отметьте его цифрой в соответствующих местах. 92. Ўзингизнииг гпларингизни куйида берилган сўз бирикмаларини катыаштиринг. Уларни ҳар бир (а, Ъ) блокдаги туплам лардан сройдаланинг. Бу машкни ёзиа равишда бажаринг./Используйте словосочетания, данные ниже в Ваших предложениях. Используйте их из каждого блока (а, Ь). Выполните его письменно. 93. Мисолларни ўрганиб чиқинг. Қавс ичида келтирилган феълларни Passive Form кўринишида ёзинг. Гапларни таржима қилинг./Изучите примеры. Напишите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Passive Form. Переведите предложения. 94. Артикльларни жўгрофик атамаларда ишлатилинишини ўрганинг./ Изучите использование артиклей с географическими названиями. 95. Магнитофонни қўйинг. Диктор билан бирга кейинги берилган сўзлар ва сўз бирикмалрини тингланг на ўқинг./Включите магнитофон, слушайте и читайте следующие слова и словосочетания вместе с диктором. 96. Диккатипгизни қўйидаги берилган саволларга қаратинг. Текстни ўқипг. Саволларга берган жавобингизни шеригингиз билан муҳокама килинг./Обратите внимание на вопросы, данные ниже. Прочитайте текст. Обсудите Ваши ответы на следующие вопросы с партнером. 97. Қуйидаги келтирилган матнни ўкинг ва саволга жавоб беринг: “Why is the American flag called the “Stars and Stripes”?/npo4HTaftTe следующий текст и ответьте на вопрос: “Why is the American flag called the “Stars and Stripes”? 98. Қуйидаги келтирилган мисоллардан кайси бири, Сизнингча, ёзувчини қониқтирган бўлар эди? Қониқтирмаса, далилингизни келтиринг./С каким из следующих утверждений, Вы думаете, согласился бы автор? Приведите Ваши доводы, почему он не согласился бы. 99. а) АЛинкольвинг “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth” сўзларини гуруқларда муқокама килинг; б) Ўз фикирларингизни гурух билан бўлишинг./ а) Разделитесь на несколько групп и обсудите слова А. Линкольна “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth”; б) Поделитесь Вашем мнением со всей группой. 100. Гуруҳдарга бўлининг ва қуйидагиларни муқокама қилинг./ Разделитесь па группы и обсудите следующее. 101. Ишингизни ёзиб, унда Ўзбекистон, Буюк Б ритом ; АҚШ давлатлрининг сиёсий тизимларидаги умумий кўриниш ва улар орасидаги фарқни кўрсатинг./Напишите работу, в котором укажите на общие черты в политических системах Узбекистана, Великобритании, США и различия между ними.