Diocese of Fredericton Diocesan Intercessions January to March 2020
hatred, division and hurt within our communities; Diocese of Fredericton In greed, deceit and indifference, we have caused serious damage, unnecessary conflict and aggravated destruction to Diocesan Intercessions our refugee and migrant brothers and sisters; January to March 2020 In selfishness, insensitivity and bias, we have encouraged and emboldened those who inflict hurt, pain and sorrow on January our loved ones and families; In the name of religion, doctrine and even of Christ himself, 1: Parish of Richmond, the Ven. Roderick Black. The Rev. Canon we have wounded believers and pursuers of holiness and Alvin Westgate (retired). Diocese of Ho, people of St. Anthony's, faith; Penyi. In stubbornness, pride and arrogance, we have caused 2: Parish of Riverview, The Rev. Barb Haire; the Rev. Karman Hunt, division and strife within Your church and among Your the Rev. Valerie Hunt, the Rev. Rufus Onyewuchi, honorary children; assistants. The Rev. Canon David Barrett, Saint John Regional Mercifully send Your Holy Spirit – the Spirit of order and Hospital Chaplain. Diocese of Ho, people of the Church of the comfort – and cleanse us from all unrighteousness; restore Resurrection, Lome-Togo. in us true faith in Christ which brings truth, peace and 3: Parish of Rothesay, the Rev. Paul Rideout, Jeremy McNally, the harmony; and help us to walk together with our brothers Rev. Eileen Irish; the Rev. Canon Stuart Allan and the Rev. Canon and sisters in the peace of our Lord Jesus James Golding, honorary assistants. Robert Cheatley, postulant. Christ to the glory of Your name. Amen. Diocese of Ho, people of St.
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