CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL 168 Church St, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 4C9


for the

Annual Congregational Meeting


Christ Church Cathedral Province of Canada Anglican Church of Canada

Sunday, February 24, 2013 1:30 pm in The Nave, Christ Church Cathedral Christ Church Cathedral

Bishop The Most Rev'd Dr. , of Fredericton Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Ecclesisastical Province of Canada

Dean The Very Rev'd Keith Joyce, Dean of Fredericton

Retired The Most Rev'd Harold L. Nutter The Rt. Rev'd George C. Lemmon The Rt. Rev'd William Hockin

Staff The Very Rev'd Keith Joyce, Dean of Fredericton Dr. Willis Noble, Organist and Choirmaster Ms. Fran Miles, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Isabel Cutler, Parish Nurse Mrs. Lisa Stewart-Munn, Youth Director Mr. Douglas Mullin, Verger Mr. Kevin Hayward, Sexton

Honourary Assistants The Ven. Geoffrey Hall The Rev’d Canon T. A. Smith The Rev’d Canon Neville Cheeseman The Rev’d Canon David Staples The Rev’d Canon Elaine Lucas The Rev'd Dr. Barry Craig

Members of Bishop and Chapter for 2012

January – June July - December Claude Miller, Bishop & Chair Claude Miller, Bishop & Chair Keith Joyce, Dean Keith Joyce, Dean Chris Stevenson, Lay Chair Chris Stevenson, Lay Chair John McGarry, Treasurer John McGarry, Treasurer Michele LeBlanc, Secretary Harry Palmer, Secretary Alan Hall Bob Garland Gwen Davies Gwen Davies Harry Palmer Mike Pope Mike Pope Marianne Vanicek Marianne Vanicek Jane Carr Jamie Yeamans Tom Fetter

Lay Delegates to Synod Alternate Lay Delegates to Synod Lois Baker Tom Fetter Chris Stevenson Richard Tervo Doug Wright Nicholas Tracy Annual Report 2013

Contents Page

Notice of Annual Meeting ...... 2 Agenda ...... 2 Minutes of Annual Meeting 2012 ...... 3 Dean's Report ...... 5 Bishop and Chapter Report ...... 7 Organist and Choirmaster's Report ...... 9 Property Committee Report ...... 10 Sanctuary Guild Report ...... 11 Christian Education and Spiritual Growth Committee Report ...... 12 Youth Worker Support Committee Report ...... 12 Health Ministry Report ...... 13 Ushers’ Report ...... 16 Sunday School Report ...... 17 Sunday School Financial Statement ...... 18 Missions Committee Report ...... 19 Outreach Committee Report ...... 21 Anglican Church Women (ACW) Report ...... 22 Cathedral Quilters’ Report ...... 24 Prayer Chain Report ...... 24 Mothers' Union Report ...... 25 Guild of Saint Joseph Report ...... 28 Youth Director Report...... 29 Annual Congregational Meeting February 24, 2013 1:30 pm

The Nave Christ Church Cathedral


The Annual Congregational Meeting of Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton, NB, will be held at Cathedral Memorial Hall on Sunday, February 24, 2013 at 1:30 pm.

All members of the Cathedral are urged to be present at the meeting.

Anyone wishing to make a nomination for Bishop and Chapter and/or Lay Delegate to Synod must obtain agreement of the nominee. Please bring this report with you to the meeting.


1. Opening

2. Scripture and Listening Prayer

3. Approval of Minutes of the February 19, 2012 Annual Congregational Meeting of Christ Church Cathedral

4. Presentation and Reception of Reports for 2012 as previously circulated

5. Financial Report for 2012

6. Adoption of the Budget for 2013

7. Election of members to Bishop and Chapter for July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014

8. Election of Lay Delegates to Synod and Alternate Lay Delegates to Synod for 2013

9. New Business

10. Adjournment

2 CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Minutes Annual Congregational Meeting February 19, 2012 The Nave of Christ Church Cathedral • 1. Dean Joyce opened the meeting at 1335 hours and welcomed all. REGRETS: Tom Fetter; Mike Pope

2. AGENDA: Item #2 of the agenda was deferred to follow agenda item # 5.

3. MINUTES: The minutes of the February 20, 2011 annual meeting of Christ Church Cathedral had been circulated with the 2012 Annual Report. MOTION: Moved by Marilyn Lewell and seconded by Bill Turney, the minutes of the 2011 Annual Congregational Meeting of Christ Church Cathedral be approved as circulated. CARRIED

4. ANNUAL REPORTS: The 2011 annual reports contained in the Annual Report Booklet had been available prior to the meeting. MOTION: Moved by Geoff Richard and seconded by Kathleen Snow that the annual reports be received. CARRIED

5. MATTERS ARISING from the previous annual meeting: a) John Mc Garry, Treasurer, clarified that $25,000 of interest had been moved to the 2011 operating fund. In the 2 years previous, this interest had been reinvested. b) Diocesan monies, $10,000, had also been moved to the operating fund.

6. Dean Joyce read from St Luke: 21:1- 4, Parable of the Widow’s Mite. After a period of listening prayer, the meeting continued. • 7. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 2011 Copies of the 2011 financial report were available to the meeting. The financial report for 2011 was presented by the Treasurer, John McGarry. Highlights: the small surplus for 2011 was due to events during 2011: Youth Worker salary was for 4 months; the Sexton’s illness.

· A question was asked referencing the clergy housing allowance as well as the continuing maintenance costs of the Deanery now O’Dell House. The Chair, Chris Stevenson, pointed out that a housing allowance is mandated by the Canons of the Diocese. MOTION: Moved by John McGarry and seconded by Isabel Cutler that the Christ Church Cathedral 2011 Financial Statement be approved. CARRIED • 7. BUDGET FOR 2012: The proposed 2012 Budget for Christ Church Cathedral was presented by the Treasurer, John McGarry. The proposed budget had been made available both online and in print. Highlighted items:

· Income: Harvest Supper monies are not available as the monies potentially will pay for new chairs for the Hall. · $25,000 dollars will be moved to the operating fund from the Everlasting Fund

3 as needed for Cathedral repairs: leaking roof.

Concern was expressed over drawing from the Everlasting Fund. Also a comment was made that a fund raiser should be considered again. The Treasurer pointed out that the Restoration Fund can not be used for Cathedral repairs and upkeep that are not defined as Restoration. Restoration does not include leaks in the windows or roof. These repairs and upkeep must be done to maintain the integrity of the building. The annual maintenance budget cannot cover these very costly repairs. Dean Joyce explained there is a joint committee of the Cathedral and the Diocese looking at property concerns for both. The committee is composed of Cathedral members and Diocesan staff, including both the Dean and the Bishop. The committee has met twice and plans to meet in the coming week. The Bishop has told Christ Church Cathedral that no property is to be sold at this time. MOTION: Moved by John McGarry and seconded by Jamie Yeamans that the 2012 Proposed Budget for Christ Church Cathedral be approved. CARRIED

8. ELECTION OF MEMBERS to Bishop and Chapter for July 1 2012 to June 30, 2013: The nominating committee for Bishop and Chapter is composed of the current Lay-Chair, Bishop and Chapter: Chris Stevenson; Immediate Past Lay-Chair: Doug Wright and the Dean: Dean Joyce. Lay-Chair: Chris Stevenson thanked members of Bishop and Chapter who are finishing their terms in June: Jamie Yeamans, Alan Hall and Michele LeBlanc. Nominations for Bishop and Chapter for July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 are: Jane Carr, Bob Garland and Tom Fetter. There were no further nominations. Jane Carr, Bob Garland and Tom Fetter were declared elected as members of Bishop and Chapter, 2012/2013. Nathan Cutler, Michael Pope and John McGarry are the Bishop’s appointments to Bishop and Chapter, 2012/2013. Gwen Davies, Harry Palmer and Marianne Vanicek will continue their terms on Bishop and Chapter.

9. ELECTION OF LAY DELEGATES to Synod and Alternate Lay Delegates to Synod for 2012: Lay delegates for Synod: Lois Baker, Chris Stevenson, Doug Wright Alternate lay delegates for Synod: Tom Fetter, Richard Tervo, Nicholas Tracy There were no further nominations The lay delegates and alternate lay delegates to Synod were declared as named for 2012. • 10. NEW BUSINESS: Dean Joyce officially welcomed Lisa Stewart-Munn, Youth Worker, to the staff of Christ Church Cathedral.

11. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was moved adjourned at 1430 hours by Bonnie Greenwood.

12. THE GRACE: The meeting closed with The Grace.

Respectfully submitted, Michele LeBlanc

4 The Dean’s Annual Report

What has God done in this Cathedral church in 2012? Not an easy question to answer, but it is the real question for the end of a year, when thinking about the real business of the church. Fundamentally, the annual meeting, often thought of as the main ‘business meeting’ of the year, deals with finances and the election of people to various leadership positions, along with any other item that may be brought to its attention. While these things have their place of importance they are a very small part of the ‘business’ of the church - of worship, mission and outreach, ministry, fellowship, healing, hospitality. What is truly significant is the work of God in and through the people of His church in those very things He calls us to be and do as followers of Jesus.

My personal deepest appreciation goes to all in responding to the move of the Holy Spirit to serve Him in exercising so many varied ministries that are part of Cathedral life. While I cannot mention everyone, it is appropriate for me to highlight some. On behalf of the whole congregation, thank you very much to our staff - Fran, Willis, Isabel, Lisa, Douglas, Kevin and Honorary member, Hank, for their dedicated and faithful service. Thank you, too, for the leadership exhibited by the members of Bishop and Chapter with particular expression of appreciation for the outgoing members, who have served their term - Nathan Cutler, John McGarry, Harry Palmer, Michael Pope, and Chris Stevenson, recognizing the stellar and unique contributions each made to God and to our church family.

God does move in mysterious ways. The addition of new washrooms has been a significant accomplishment, as we have dug deeper into our God-given resources to bring it about, something for which we are all thankful. However, it is more often in the unseen, unexpected ways that God does His transforming and renewing work. My greatest joy in looking back on last year is acknowledging that ‘unseen work’. I believe what was significant was a growing in faith and a deepening of belief in our hearts. This resulted in a fuller grasp of what is important for church life beyond numbers, money, organization, planning, etc, and moved us to desiring the priority and primacy of God’s life and ways. The consequence of such developments is seen, then, in the desire to be prepared as a people to become ever more mature followers of Jesus Christ, and to seek God’s kingdom first rather than any pre-occupation for church survival or church maintenance (and I’m not talking about the buildings! though I do acknowledge, with sincere appreciation, much hard and caring work that has gone in that direction, too).

The growth of God’s deep work in our lives and in our church-life is very hard to quantify, and yet, as we are encouraged in James, good works were an expression of that faith. This was not just in the obvious and wonderful ways more clearly seen in preparing for a short-term mission and in our local outreach on Monday mornings, but more instances than not in the quiet, unseen kindnesses shown one to another, and to the stranger, and to others in the community, especially in difficult times.

While we do enjoy many occasions of joyous and wonderful worship here at the Cathedral, last year’s Day of Pentecost service does stand out as a distinctive time of church family worship and fellowship. It was remarkable not just because of the service itself, but also because of the spontaneity of many who came together to plan and organize the lunch,

5 the children’s activities, unique elements in the service and other aspects of that day. After announcing the service people almost intuitively were drawn into something they wanted to be part of (and for which we had no pre-conceived ideas) and which was expressed in their planning and preparing. It was a real, virtually spontaneous uniting and drawing together for this unique occasion, and not simply the product of human planning and preparing, though for all the work done by many I am deeply thankful. My point is that the whole ‘event’ was, seemingly, a deeper work of the Holy Spirit, a ‘mysterious’ work that was incarnated in our collective response to His leading and in the joy we experienced that day. For this I am hugely grateful, grateful for God’s work and for the response within this Cathedral church family to that work of God.

My hope and prayer is that this revitalizing, maturing, ‘mysterious’ yet real work of God will continue in our midst in this coming year. As this is so, may we, as individuals and as a church, be ever brighter and authentic witnesses to the light of Christ in this city and beyond, for the sake of God’s glory and the growth of the kingdom of God. This is the ‘business’, and the joy, of the Church.

Most sincerely submitted,

Keith Joyce, Dean

6 Bishop and Chapter Annual Report

It has been another interesting year for Bishop & Chapter – again, a year of challenge and of change. We have seen some continued growth in the numbers attending our worship services, despite losing some of our devoted members through death or relocation. But the challenge remains to see those numbers converted into growth both in terms of our ministry activities and our financial position. However, on the positive side, we are seeing new members volunteering in such areas as the Harvest Supper, the Cathedral Breakfasts, and the Belize Mission. It is also encouraging that the numbers of congregational members who are using offering envelopes and e-offering have remained stable: 237 (2006); 253 (2008); 266 (2010); 269 (2011); 268 (2012).

Other encouraging signs of congregational health have included: the increased diversity of worship opportunities with the Taizé and Celtic Eucharist services, and of course the wonderful Pentecost Service; the enthusiastic impact of Lisa, our Youth Worker, on both our youth, the Sunday school, and the summer’s Vacation Bible School, and the willingness of Mark Garland and Chris Fetter to offer a monthly Youth event; and the success of the preparations for the 2013 Belize Mission, including the involvement of many congregational members in “home-team” activities, such as praying for “away-team” and preparing for the major fund-raiser, the Silent Auction in February.

We have faced a number of serious challenges with regard to property: significantly, a desperate need to replace the roof of the O’Dell House (former Deanery), an equally desperate need to investigate and solve the leakage problems in the Cathedral, and a need to resolve the ongoing issues with the entrance to the West Door. Nevertheless, thanks to the generous donations of congregational members, we now have a pair of washrooms, both easily accessible to the folks in the pews, and one also wheelchair accessible. We have used a portion of a special $25,000 maintenance fund to replace the roof on the former Deanery, and plan to commit the remainder to the priorities of the leaks in the Cathedral roof, and the entrance to the West Door.

The Joint Diocesan-Cathedral Committee on Property has met a number of times over the past year, in an attempt to identify the possibilities of enhancing the ministries of both the Cathedral and the Diocese through new ways of using and imagining the properties and the land held by both Diocese and Cathedral. The Committee facilitator, Nathan Cutler, has met a number of times with City officials to discuss the possibilities regarding zoning and heritage concerns, and discussions have been held with such folk as developers and architects in order to become informed on what could and could not be contemplated.

Bishop & Chapter were happy to receive a visit from Archbishop Miller and Archdeacon , to discuss with us the on-going study of Diocesan structures and the Cathedral’s role in this work. Bishop Miller traced developments in the Diocese over the last 10 years and how they lead up to this study. He outlined at times a bleak picture of where we are as a Diocese. Although it was not all gloomy, there are clearly serious questions to be addressed by the Diocese. Archdeacon Edwards began his remarks by stating we are the “Mother Church” of the diocese, and emphasised four significant areas of that relationship: 1) the Cathedral has a responsibility to be intentionally inviting to the rest of the diocese in terms of worship, meetings, and gatherings such as youth; 2) the Cathedral is a home for a congregation; 3) as a Cathedral, we can model worship styles, music, etc., that Parishes in other parts of the Diocese might adopt; and 4) the Cathedral can be a centre

7 for mission. Subsequently, the Cathedral hosted an open meeting with the Fredericton Archdeaconry Commission to discuss broad issues concerning the future of the Archdeaconry as a viable part of the Diocese.

Looking forward, Bishop and Chapter have received a report on options for a new Audio- system for the Cathedral, presented by Alan Edwards and Peter Jacobs. After much discussion, Bishop and Chapter decided to approve in principle the $82,000 option. Alan and Peter are to develop the specifications for a tender call which will more accurately present the likely costs of this project.

The Members of Bishop & Chapter in 2012 were:

January – June July - December

Claude Miller, Bishop & Chair Claude Miller, Bishop & Chair

Keith Joyce, Dean Keith Joyce, Dean

Chris Stevenson, Lay Chair Chris Stevenson, Lay Chair

John McGarry, Treasurer John McGarry, Treasurer

Michele LeBlanc, Secretary Harry Palmer, Secretary

Alan Hall Bob Garland

Gwen Davies Gwen Davies

Harry Palmer Mike Pope

Mike Pope Marianne Vanicek

Marianne Vanicek Jane Carr

Jamie Yeamans Tom Fetter

Report respectfully submitted by Christopher L. Stevenson,

Lay Chair, Bishop & Chapter

8 Organist and Choirmaster’s Annual Report

It has been another wonderful year of music-making at Christ Church Cathedral. The Choirs continue their work of providing music for the liturgies. Dr. Noble continues to work closely with the Dean to develop innovative ways to engage the Choirs and the congregation in praise of God. During the fall Dr Noble was absent due to health concerns, but he is now back “on board” and most thankful for all the care shown to him by the Cathedral Community. He is especially grateful to Dr Pond for her leadership during the fall.

The Cathedral Trebles continue to grow with two new choristers (16 Choristers in total). We sing on the first and third Sundays of each month. They will be entering the Fredericton Music Festival again this year. This past year they placed first in their class. Betty Bamford continues to act as Choir Mother and she is loved by the Trebles.

The 11:45 am Music Group also continues to celebrate music-making, with 11 singers and instrumentalists. Paul Macdonald is writing new songs for the service. The Group has introduced many new songs this past year. Catherine Macdonald does so much to organize the music.

The Choir of Christ Church Cathedral has sung much challenging music during the past year. They sing a wide variety of music and are supported by two experienced organists who accompany the Choir – Dr. Sharon Pond, Associate Organist, and Mr. Peter Waterhouse. The Choir is deeply grateful for their talents. We have welcomed one new tenor and three new sopranos to the Choir. It is the desire of the Choir to purchase new robes in the near future as the old robes fade and discolour.

It is Dr. Noble’s goal to fully engage young people within the Cathedral in praising God through music. There are at present 68 people within the Cathedral directly involved in the music programmes. The Cathedral Summer Music Series and the Advent Recital Series bring in more than 1500 visitors to our Cathedral each year.

Thank you to the many people who support music at Christ Church Cathedral.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Willis Noble, Organist and Choirmaster

9 Property Committee Annual Report

The Properties of Christ Church Cathedral have a unique role in that they are not only the gathering place of a worshipping community but two of the buildings are linked and deeply rooted with our past. The challenge for us, as a Church, is how to balance the past and present yet move forward and maintain an environment in keeping with the 21st century. The balancing of the demands of such significant properties with that of a Christian community can sometimes be wrought with lengthy debates and discussion. Our fruitfulness comes when the Gospel is kept to the forefront; only then do we discern God’s will for His Church.

Along with issues regarding properties, i.e.: snow clearing contracts, furnace serving, sprinklers, repairs and annual maintenances there were a number of significant developments :


After much debate and research Bishop and Chapter decided on the installation of a washroom and cloakroom at the back of the Nave. Mr. John Leroux (local architect) was hired to oversee the construction. Work began in March 2012 and the new facility was ready for use on June 30th, 2012. The total cost was $ 43,000.00 dollars and by years end the cost incurred was totally paid, not from the Cathedral budget but by the generous donations of the congregation.


As was stated in my last report (2011) Mr. Michael and Mrs. Carole Hines took up residence in the Deanery as custodians. Over the past year, the Hines, at their own expense, have totally redecorated, installed new carpets, repaired, plastered, refinished hardwood flooring, redeveloped the garden, painted and wallpapered the first two floors etc. The loving care and transformation of the Deanery has been amazing. The Hines kindly permitted different Cathedral groups, including the Joint Cathedral- Diocesan Committee, to use their lounge and dining room for meetings. On behalf of Bishop and Chapter, as well as you, the congregation, I give a heartfelt “thank – you” to Michael and Carole.

In the fall, (2012), Bishop and Chapter hired a roofing firm to install a new roof on the Deanery as well as install temporary support posts under the upper deck.


I reported last year that a committee was formed to study and research the redevelopment of all the Cathedral properties and as well as Bishop’s Court and the Synod Office. I am happy to report that the Joint Committee meets on a regular basis and that Mr. Jim Knight is the Chair and I am the Project Facilitator. This committee was struck based on the recommendation of the Congregational meeting of April 2011 which was called to discuss all the Cathedral properties. We now have retained the architect firm of Murdock-Boyd of Saint John as well as a local architect to assist in developing a “program “for potential redevelopment of both the Diocesan and Cathedral properties.

10 My term on Bishop and Chapter finishes this spring ( 2013 ) and it would be remiss of me not to say thank you and express my appreciation to the many people from the congregation who have given so much encouragement to me as Property Chair: - in-person, by e-mail, face- book, twitter and by phone……absolutely amazing , so thank you.

Thank you to Ms. Fran Miles, Administrative Assistant and Mr. Kevin Hayward, Sexton, for their patience with me and their immediate responses to all the demands I made on their time. To an incredible team, Dean Joyce and Bishop and Chapter, my sincere thank you for all the support and inordinate time given to me and the portfolio of Property.

Respectfully submitted,

Nathan Cutler, Property Chair, Christ Church Cathedral

Sanctuary Guild Annual Report

We have had another rewarding year.

All the brass has been re-done – this makes our weekly cleaning much easier.

We were sorry to have Barbara Cowan step down. We enjoyed working with Barb and wish her a blessed “retirement”. Than you to Jean and Ann for their help. Joan Crate has agreed to act as flower convenor. Janet Maston and Mary Pugh are helping Joan.

Thanks to the Dean and the Verger for their helpfulness and to Kevin who always helps us willingly and well.

Our thanks to God for enabling us to serve Him in our small way.

Hank Williams has graciously accepted the Chair of the Sanctuary Guild. We will help him in every possible way.

Respectfully submitted,

Lois Baker, Chair

11 Christian Education and Spiritual Growth Annual Report

The purpose of this Committee is to advise the Dean from time to time on matters related to the Spiritual life of the Cathedral and Christian Education for both children and adults. This includes but is not limited to Sunday school, Charis groups, special programs held during the Advent and Lenten seasons and special services. The committee also gives feed back to the Dean from time to time on programs and their impact and suitability for continuing in the future. We also look ahead to activities that might be helpful in the area of Spiritual Growth and Christian Education for all members of the congregation.

Our work as a committee tends to be repetitive in that we regularly look at the Sunday school, Charis groups and special programs to improve their effectiveness. This is true of the past year as we continued to look at improving the Sunday school. We are pleased that Jane Hand was able to step in and pick up the role of coordinator of the Sunday school when Carla Dueck was unable to continue in this position.

Members of the committee are Stewart Catt, Chris Stevenson, Carole Hines, Doug Wright, Jane Carr, Dalton London, and Harry Palmer along with Dean Joyce

Respectfully submitted,

Harry Palmer, Chair

Youth Worker Support Group (Committee) Annual Report

This is a group of three members of congregation and the Dean who meet quarterly to discuss with the Youth Worker in a collaborative manner the efforts of the person in the position and the direction of the program.

The direction of the position is thoroughly discussed with successes noted and a look to where changes may be made or suggestions for new directions for this ministry are discussed.

The Youth Worker also has a chance to express any frustrations with their work or additional support that person may feel they need to make the position a successful one. This seems to be working quite well. The Youth Worker works under the direct supervision of the Dean but the support group gives the program a wider base of support. A support group is essential to the success of the Youth Worker position according to the congregations we contacted before filling this position.

Members of the group are Jane Hand, Caryn Gunter, Harry Palmer and the Dean.

Respectfully submitted,

Harry Palmer, Chair

12 Health Ministry Annual Report

(for the Health and Parish Nursing Ministries)

This year, during the fall, we conducted our second Health Needs Assessment. (The last held in 2004). We had approximately 168 responses from our active congregational attendance of approximately 300 families (although we sent out an assessment to everyone on our congregational list) What is apparent is that while many of you know of, take part in and appreciate the Health and Parish Nursing Ministries offered to our congregation, quite a number of others ( possibly those who are newcomers to our church family) are unaware of the purpose and scope of this ministry.

Our purpose is: to equip each of us to be in the best possible physical, mental, social and spiritual health to continue God’s work through us and for Him by the power of the Holy Spirit.

This year with the invaluable and necessary help of the Communications committee (Bonnie Greenwood, Gretta Wells and Carolyn Turney) we were able to produce a colourful and informative Health Ministry brochure for all to have a picture of what we are doing at this time. Many, many thanks to that team for their help. These brochures are readily available.

This year in order for you to have a clear picture of this ministry I have laid it out in number and point form. It does not however do justice to the number of hours given by many of the congregation who offer their help and support to this ministry in numerous ways, thank you to each one. As you will see there are ongoing Health Ministry activities, the latest to be added this year is the Fit Club. Thank you to Andrew Cutler for being willing to offer his time to lead in this very enjoyable (and healthy) activity.

Activities 2012

1. Ongoing Health Ministry programmes:

· Monthly visiting programme by Cathedral Visitors;

· Helping Hands (needs new coordinator);

· Monthly Tea;

· Prayer Shawl Ministry;

· Fit Club.

2. Eight 3rd year UNB nursing students chose to do one of their community clinical experiences with the Health Ministry at CCC between September and December. They were accompanied by a clinical instructor. They have been involved in various aspects of the Cathedral Health Ministry.

· Conducted a focus group with a cross section of the Cathedral congregation;

· In conjunction with the Health Ministry team formulated, organised and have collated the results of a Congregational Health Needs Assessment. To date: 164 returns;

13 · Health presentations to the Wednesday night Charis group children in October and November;

· In conjunction with Health Ministry team members offered a “hands on “cooking session on healthy heart/diabetic friendly meals;

· Presentation to Belize missioners on immunization required for their trip to Belize;

· Assisted with the VON Seasonal Flu clinic- 89 immunized;

· Attended two afternoon teas to meet part of the Cathedral population;

· Attended the Harvest Supper and encouraged a number of people to complete their Health Needs Assessment;

· Planned, advertised and offered the program for the Family Fun Night (45 people attended);

· Blood pressure clinic at Cathedral breakfast ( 64 people);

· Attempted to plan a Men’s night out-no response;

· Home visits to 9 congregational members. First visit accompanied by Isabel or Michele. Follow up visits on their own;

· Visited the Farraline Home on two occasions.

3. 4th year UNB Nursing students attended the Outreach Monday mornings to provide Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar testing to clients and health education - January to February and September to October.

4. Information Session given to members of the Outreach Committee by Stephen Van Slyke of UNB on how to deal with clients with mental health issues.

5. Cathedral Health Information Sessions for the congregation and wider community.

· Hospice offered by Stephanie Golding and a volunteer with Hospice -April;

· Hospital Representative – Kathleen Snow – September;

· Heart healthy/Diabetic Friendly cooking Session – October;

· Death: A-Rite-of-Passage – The Dean – November 27, 2012.

6. Fit Club – an hour long session offering appropriate muscle strengthening, stretching exercise.

· 10 participants – Tuesdays at 3:30 pm started in May and continued September to December.

14 7. Seasonal Flu Clinic – VON community clinic – 89 immunized.

8. Home and Hospital visits by Parish Nursing team – ongoing support for several congregational members. This also includes many home and hospital visits and many phone calls. These visits are typically for support and care at critical times for the individual and the family. It includes health counselling, social advice and liaison/referral/advocacy with various government and community agencies such as health and social development.

9. Office visits to PN office, available each Tuesday which includes blood pressure checks and /or personal health counselling/ information for the individual or family members.

10. The Parish Nurse/ Parish Nursing Team’s Professional liaison with New Brunswick Parish Nursing Ministries (NBPNM) and the Canadian Association for Parish Nursing Ministries (CAPNM)

· Isabel has mentored the Fredericton PN students this year for their practicum;

Graduation of 8 new Parish Nurses in the province this November at Wilmot United Church;

· CAPNM Annual General Meeting and Conference attended by Isabel, Michele and Wendy in Ottawa, Ontario in May;

· Retreat and meeting in Bathurst in October (Isabel, Michele and Wendy);

· In conjunction with other NBPNM members we (Parish Nursing Team) are planning the annual CAPNM meeting/ conference at the Villa Madonna next June 2013;

· Isabel with Nancy Wiggins-PN at St Margaret’s have under the Diocesan Foundation for Life programme presented the concept of Health Ministry/ Parish Nursing Ministry to several parishes in the Fredericton Archdeaconry.

11. Isabel also includes as part of her work:

· Monthly Holy Communion at Windsor Court accompanying the Dean;

· Weekly Cathedral Staff meeting;

· Participation in Cathedral Ad Hoc committees such as Diocesan Policy on Sexual Misconduct and the ecumenical annual Service of Hope.

As always I point out that the Parish Nursing Ministry is not a “one person” show, it is a team ministry. While I may coordinate the ministries I would not be able to do this alone so all our thanks must go especially to The Health Ministry Team who guide and offer direction to us and the Parish Nursing team Michele Le Blanc, Wendy Brien and Marilyn Lewell who are not only “hands on” but also coordinate various aspects of these ministries, they are truly amazing and caring women.

15 A special thank you to the Dean for the all the support and affirmation he has given, to myself as Parish Nurse, as a member of the Health Ministry Team and as a team player in the Parish Nursing Ministry when he has encouraged and given practical support and advice where needed. I wish to thank the Cathedral staff for their presence and help in practical ways especially to Fran for her willingness to help and encourage these ministries in whatever arises.

Thank you to all members of our congregation who have shown us your care and support. I do feel these ministries are for each one of us and it enables each one of us to be surrounded by a circle of care by our church family. These ministries are offered to the glory of God for His people here at Christ Church Cathedral. Our hope is that He will use us to reach out to each other and beyond to further His Kingdom here in this place.

Respectfully submitted by

Isabel Cutler, R.N. Parish Nurse

Cathedral Ushers Annual Report

Purpose: to greet members of the congregation, collect the offering, and assist as required at all regular and special worship services held at the Cathedral

During 2012, a total of 52 members of the congregation actively participated as Cathedral ushers. Ushers and/or teams of ushers are on duty at Sunday Services (8am, 10am, 11:45am and 4pm services) throughout the year; as well as at special services, especially during the Advent, Christmas and Easter season. The ushers perform an important supportive role and I would like to thank each of them for their dedicated service. New members of the congregation joined the usher group this year and additional members are needed and always welcome. I would especially like to thank those ushers who have retired this year: Sharon Day, Carrie Culligan Yeamans, Jim Morell and Colin Rayworth. On behalf of the group, I would also like to thank Douglas Mullin our Verger for his dedicated assistance to our efforts and to Fran Miles and her many volunteers for the preparation of the weekly bulletins and activity brochures that we distribute each Sunday.

Respectfully Submitted,

Wayne Burley, Usher Coordinator

16 Sunday School Annual Report

The Sunday School at the Cathedral continues to be associated with the 10 am service on Sunday Morning. There are 17 children registered. The average attendance is 10 children on a Sunday morning. We have a new program from Group Canada which the children are enjoying.

Special thanks to Carla Dueck for her role as the superintendent last year. Thanks to the Katie, Elinor, Cheryl, Lisa, Katherine, David, Elise, Harry, David, Nat, Rosie, Chris, Diane, Colin, Chris and Maryanne who have volunteered their time to teach the children.

Kathryn Collet continues to look after our donations for Tatu our sponsor child. Thanks to Kirsten McKnight who organizes the resources each week for the classes. Thanks to the parents who offer their support by bringing snacks and helping with crafts.

The children have been busy with the lessons and with making decorations for the Harvest Supper and the Belize silent auction and dessert party. We have had a tree trimming event. Bev Morell and Doug Milander have spoken to the children about the Belize mission and the Monday morning Outreach.

We have had a Sunday School teachers’ meeting in January and have the year planned until June.

Finally I would like to thank the Dean and the Christian Education Committee for their continued support. Thank you, too, to the members of the Cathedral for their support of the Sunday School.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Hand

17 Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School

2012 Financial Report

Opening Balance – January 2012 + $667.17

Deposits 2012

Offering June 25 $ 311.23

Total Deposits 2012 + $ 311.23

Expenditures 2012

Foster Parents Plan (FPP) -$ 444.00

Service Fees (CIBC) - $ 50.39

2012 Account Activity $667.17

+ $311.23


- $ 494.39

Balance (Dec 31,2012) $484.01 Balance (Dec.31, 2011) $667.17


· Service Fees (monthly account fee and deposit charges) were applied to the account starting June, 2010. This removes a minimum of $50./year from the account; · FPP commitment and Service Fees requires having a minimum balance of $165. in June to cover the summer months; · There is money from the 2012 fall session that was not deposited until Feb 2013. It will appear in the 2013 statement. As our amounts are low and we get charged for every type of deposit (coin, bill, cheque), deposits are infrequent.

Respectfully submitted

Kathryn Collet, Treasurer

18 Missions Committee Annual Report

2012 Activities

Mission Statement

In January the Committee finalized a new mission statement: “Serving God in mission, sharing Jesus with the world”.

Cathedral Mission Trips

The Missions Committee worked closely with the Belize Mission Steering Committee to help propose and plan the 2013 Belize Mission. The 2012 activities included garnering interest from the congregation for potential missioners, submitting a proposal to Bishop and Chapter and the spiritual and logistical planning of the trip.

Further to Belize activities, the Committee continued to facilitate support for five high-school students in Belize (Anfernee Vasquez, Henry Alford, Amieka Myers, Tianney Lamb and Jamal Whitty). This was not directly overseen by the CCCMC but members help when possible. Since 2010, $2,000 has been sent each autumn to St. Hilda’s Anglican School to pay for school supplies. In 2012, additional funds were provided: $500 to Armando Cowo, a teacher at St. Hilda's school, to defray expenses for his certification, and $3,000 for the principal to buy a projector, playground equipment, books and other supplies.

In March we sent one of our members to the Jesus to the Nations conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Missions committee members have gone in the past, it is always an excellent opportunity to gain information on other mission groups.

Outreach In 2012 the Missions Committee began a relationship with the Fredericton chapter of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. This relationship grew throughout 2012, resulting in a $1,000 donation to IVCF to fund two university students to attend the URBANA conference in St. Louis, Missouri. In May, a CCCMC member spoke at the Classic Country concert held in benefit of Bishop McAllister College in Uganda. Annually, the committee has financially supported Canon Paul Jeffries, rector of the college.

Speakers at the Cathedral The missions committee regularly facilitates speakers to come to the Cathedral to speak to the church about mission work. In April Kate Hawkins spoke at the Cathedral about her experiences as a Youth Ambassador for World Vision in Rwanda. In June, the Reverends Kara and Nelson Mejia spoke about their church growing work with SAMS in Honduras. The committee financially supported their efforts again this year. Also in June, Adele Finney spoke about her experience as executive director of the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund.

19 In November, the Reverend Canon David Pilling spoke about his experience as a board member of the South American Missionary Society, and his own experiences with mission in Belize and Honduras.

Communications In 2012 the CCCMC began the process of starting a social media presence, and recruiting a member of the congregation, Robyn Seale, to curate it. The committee regularly posted paper notices of mission activities on the bulletin board in the Cathedral nave and published items in the bulletin about PWRDF events. The committee contributed “Take a Moment for Mission” pieces monthly in the bulletin and supplied additional material during Eastertide.

Respectfully submitted, Sam Mayo, Chair

20 Outreach Committee Annual Report

Highlights of the Cathedral Outreach Committee are listed below:

1. Christmas Angels – Members of the congregation purchased 80 gifts for needy children, through the annual Christmas Angel program operated by the Fredericton Food Bank.

2. Christmas Offering – Members of the congregation contributed $1,100 to the annual Christmas offering, with the money going to three organizations – Transition House, the Fredericton Community Kitchen, and the men’s and women’s emergency shelters.

3. Saturday Kitchen Volunteers – Every Saturday, the Cathedral sends a team of volunteers to help prepare and serve the evening meal at the Fredericton Community Kitchen. We now have 40 volunteers, divided into four teams, with each team working one Saturday of the month.

4. Tuesday Food Depot – Once a month, the Cathedral is the site of a Tuesday morning food distribution depot, operated by the Fredericton Food Bank. This is a big help to people from the downtown area who find it difficult to travel to the food bank’s new location in Lower St. Mary’s.

5. Monday Outreach gatherings – This is our main focus. L During the 2012 year, we hosted 43 Monday morning gatherings at Cathedral Hall for people in need. A total of 1,762 people attended during the year – an average of 41 per week. Our purpose is to open our doors to people in need, and to share God’s love.. We would not be able to continue with this weekly gathering at the hall without the help of our many partners. These include the countless individuals and organizations, such as the ACW, who provide sandwiches, muffins, cookies, coffee, tea and other goodies free of charge. We have many volunteers helping to serve the food – including members of the New Maryland United Church. They have contributed financially to this programme as well.

We now have a quartet of banjo and guitar players performing each week to add to the friendly atmosphere. We also have students coming from the UNB Nursing Faculty to conduct clinics for our guests This programme is a “loaves and fishes” story. A cup of coffee in the Church Hall foyer has mushroomed into a weekly gathering that benefits all who participate.

I want to personally thank the committee members (Ann and Doug Milander, Wayne Phillips, Don MacPherson and Mark Carr) who have consistently provided such caring commitment to our guests.

Respectfully submitted,

Penny K. Ericson, Chair

21 Anglican Church Women Annual Report

Purpose: To unite women in a fellowship of worship, and to work for and sustain an informed interest in the Mission of the Church.

At the Annual Meeting of our ACW on February 29, 2012 the meeting approved an Executive Committee that will maintain the vital and important role of the ACW in our church community. The Committee will be comprised of the treasurer, secretary, and committee coordinators, each having specific responsibilities. This structure will be in place until February, 2014, at which time, an assessment will be made of its effectiveness.

The Executive Committee responded to the ACW purpose and commitments as the following reports will indicate. Approximately 15 were in attendance for the Annual Meeting on February 29, which was followed by the informative talk and presentation by John Leroux based on his book ‘Glorious Light’, for which there was a very large gathering . There were 4 Executive Committee meetings throughout the year and a general meeting on December 5, to which 30 attended. At the Christmas Gathering, Wendy Brien and Verne Sinclair presented a slide show of their tours of New Brunswick churches. The gathering was overwhelmed with the beauty and craftsmanship that is present in these places of worship.

ACW Executive Committees and Reports

Honourary Chair: The Rev’d Canon Elaine Lucas Chair : Rotational Secretary: Kaye Small. Organizes and communicates meeting schedules. Treasurer: Linda Waugh. Ensures that our financial commitments to mission abroad and at home are honoured. Past President: Janet Otorowski. Compiles and manages publicity. Mission Abroad Co-ordinator: Jennifer Griffiths. We have contributed $1,850 to support three students – Efrance, Ester and Maurah, at Bishop McAllister College. We also contribute to the Reverend Paul Jeffries’ stipend. Mission at Home: Monday Morning Coffee Hour: Lynne Blanchet arranges for food from the congregation for one Monday a month. Baptismal Books: Bernadette Biden and Hank Williams prepare the Books for presentation to the families (or individual) of the newly christened. Shut-ins, Outreach and Gifts: Lois Baker. Lois and her group distribute 40 gifts at Christmas and at Easter bring 40 cheerful plants to shut ins.

ACW Diocesan: We honour our commitment to the outreach work in the Diocese. Farraline Home: We budget funds to support specific maintenance projects. Kitchen Co-ordinator: Doris Norman. Table flatware for 224 place settings was purchased by the ACW to replace the well used existing stock. The kitchen is a very

22 busy place – Saturday Morning Breakfasts, Monday Morning Coffee Hour, Thursday Afternoon Tea, meeting luncheons, receptions, as well as the large congregational gatherings over a meal.

Reception Co-ordinators: Mary Allwood, Lois Baker. Mary, Lois and their group hosted: - Seven funeral receptions; - Two large Synod receptions; - Easter Eve reception for the newly confirmed and their families; - New Year’s Day reception hosted at the request of Archbishop and Mrs Miller.

The above activities involve many more than those listed and we sincerely thank them. A willing group respond when there is preparation for receptions or a call for food. The gifts and delivery to shut ins is carried out by cheerful and caring folks . Men of the congregation do the ‘wash up’ following the receptions – and often prepare and serve the coffee and tea . Kevin Hayward insures that the furnishings are always in place for the upcoming event.

A sincere Thank You to Fran Miles who responds so willingly to a variety of ‘memos’. And we sincerely thank Dean Joyce for his support and co-operation as we plan and manage our Mission.

We welcome all members of the congregation to join us for any of our meetings. There is friendly fellowship and no formal membership commitment.

Respectfully submitted,

Kaye Small, Secretary, Executive Committee, ACW

23 Cathedral Quilters’ Annual Report (Tuesday Evening Branch, ACW)

The Cathedral Quilters gather on Tuesday and Thursday to work on quilts for both our own and others' pleasure. The money raised by completing these quilts is used to support two girls attending Bishop McAllister College in Uganda.

Last year, we completed one twin-sized quilt, a small queen-sized quilt and one full-queen quilt.

The Quilters enjoy great fellowship during their mornings, as well as at social gatherings at Christmas and in June. We welcome anyone who would like to join us to quilt or to learn to quilt.

Respectfully submitted by,

Jennifer Griffiths President

Cathedral Prayer Chain Annual Report

Prayer Chain requests for 2012 reached a total of 31 requests. This number is down from last year but about the same as 2010.

We encourage all who feel the need for personal prayer to contact the Dean or the Prayer Chain chair directly (a reminder is in each Sunday bulletin).

Respectfully submitted,

Reid and Ethel Saunders

24 Mothers’ Union – Cathedral Branch - Annual Report

The Worldwide Mother’s Union Theme for 2012 was “Your Gift? Discover and Celebrate”. The Mothers’ Union is an international Christian society, currently in 83 countries, that seeks to support families worldwide.

The Aim of the society is the advancement of the Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family life. The purpose of the Mothers’ Union is to be specially concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life.

At the branch level we strive to follow the Objects of our society, which are: ! To promote and support married life; ! To encourage parents in their role to develop the faith of their children; ! To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service; ! To promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children; ! To help those whose family life has met with adversity.

Our branch, established over 25 years ago, currently has 21 active members. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at Memorial Hall, gathering at 7 pm for refreshments, followed by a program and business meeting at 7:30 pm. in the lounge. New members and interested guests are always welcome.

Throughout the year, our branch presents a gift of a pewter ornament to all of the newly baptized members of the congregation. We also give cards of congratulations to the newly confirmed. In the past year we provided babysitting in the Nursery during the 10 am service and for the Wednesday evening Charis group. Several of our members assisted with the annual Birthright Flower Day in February.

The first gathering of 2012 was our February meeting. During this time, a new slate of officers was elected by acclamation for a 2-year term. Branch Leader - Bonnie Greenwood; Secretary - Elinor Joyce; Treasurer - Kelley Hall; Historian - Donna Crowe; Literature Secretary - Leslie Macmillan; Link Secretary - Jean Embleton.

On Mothering Sunday, March 18, members of the branch took leadership roles at the 10 and 11:45 am services with Simnel cake offered to members of the congregation following all three services.

Our March meeting fell during Lent so the program for the evening was our participation at the Stations of the Cross service at the Cathedral. A short business meeting followed in the hall. Our Lady Day offering was collected to support MU literacy and development projects

25 internationally.

During our April meeting, Kathleen Snow led a presentation and discussion on the MU Worldwide Strategy Consultation. The Vision and Mission were defined as: The Vision – A world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships; The Mission – To demonstrate the Christian faith in action by transforming communities through nurturing families. Our Challenge from the Vision and Mission was – “How do we nurture our wider cathedral church family and throughout the broader community?”

On Saturday, April 28, several of our members attended the annual Diocesan spring rally, hosted by the Riverview branch. The theme was ‘Rekindling the Spirit’. We enjoyed two well- planned workshops and found the presentation by the Ven. David Edwards, Parish Development Officer with the Diocese, particularly inspiring and interesting.

The program for our May meeting was a continuation of the Strategy Consultation. Kathleen Snow led us in the discussion and sharing of thoughts and ideas of our past, our present, and our future as a branch.

From May 31 – June 3, five of our members attended the National Conference, which was held in Ottawa at the campus of St. Paul’s University. One of the highlights of the conference was the presentation made by Reg Bailey, CEO of the Mothers’ Union. An engaging orator, he spoke of the many projects and initiatives underway at the local level in the UK as well as internationally. The conference was also a wonderful opportunity to re-acquaint with members across Canada, many whom we had met at previous conferences.

In lieu of a June meeting, the group was invited to a pot-luck and bar-b-que supper at the home of Kathleen and Tim Snow. It was a very warm day and one of our members accepted the invitation to enjoy the cooling benefits of a dip in the pool.

After our usual summer break from meetings in July and August, we met in September and the program was a wrap-up and summary of the Strategy Consultation. Kathleen Snow led the discussion on ways in which the strategies could be implemented at the branch level. We were also pleased to officially welcome three new members to our branch: Lilian Ketch, Susan Colpitts-Judd, and Diane Nash.

In October, we discussed the results of the email survey which covered topics such as: our continuation as providers for care in the Nursery during the 10am service as well as for the Wednesday night Charis group and plans for the November Parents Time Out Day. The meeting was followed by our annual Advent Candle making.

The program for our November meeting was a video presentation, ‘Believing God to Get You to Your Gilgal’, by Beth Moore. Susan Watson provided this energetic video as well as reflection questions.

26 The annual Christmas Party/ Pot Luck Dinner was hosted by Isabel and Nathan Cutler and held at the hall on December 9th. Monetary donations were collected for the Food Bank of Fredericton. Wendy Brien donated Christmas table decorations for which we were very grateful.

As we look ahead to 2013, it will be a special year as we will be celebrating the 125th Anniversary of Mothers’ Union in Canada. Established in 1888, the first branch was started in London, Ontario.

For more information about Mothers’ Union in the Diocese, in Canada, and around the world please visit:

Respectfully submitted, Bonnie Greenwood, Branch Leader, [email protected]

27 Guild of St Joseph Annual Report

The “purpose” of the Guild of St. Joseph is to assist with the maintenance of the “fabric” (i.e. buildings and grounds, and other assets) of Christ Church Cathedral. Additionally, the Guild provides support to the Dean, Cathedral staff and other Cathedral groups (e.g. Health Ministry, Sanctuary Guild, Friendship Guild, ACW, Mothers’ Union, and choirs). The Cathedral Guild includes 19 active members plus 3 associate members. Sadly, we lost Gerald Baker, one of our longest-serving active members who unexpectedly passed away during the summer. Business meetings are held on the first Monday of each month (September through June). Workdays each month are scheduled as and when needs require. The Guild also gets together on the third Saturday of each month for a fellowship breakfast at the Cathedral Memorial Hall. The Guild had a very busy and active year in 2012:

January: removed greenery from Cathedral & disassembled the outside crèche February: organized the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper with help from the men of the Cathedral March: made repairs to the kitchen, hall bathroom & lawn spotlights; hosted the celebration of St. Joseph Day April: checked the operational status of the sump pump in the basement of the Cathedral; assisted in the replacement of lights in the Cathedral May: removed pews to accommodate the new bathroom; assisted with the grounds cleanup; purchased and installed a new bicycle rack; hosted a BBQ for the Treble Choir June: held a BBQ for members, their spouses & guests Summer: painted kitchen cupboards; purchased griddle for kitchen; assisted with signage on Cathedral green September: made repairs to pew bookracks; met with 2 churches who have expressed interest in forming guilds October: assisted with “The Downstairs Project”; assisted in the setup for the Harvest Dinner; carried out the Halloween Watch; transported items to the Hall for the Silent Auction November: assisted with the fall grounds cleanup; hosted the AGM for all provincial guilds; installed linoleum in some kitchen cupboards December: held a Christmas dinner for members, their spouses and guests; assisted with the greening of the Cathedral and assembly of the outside crèche

The executive for 2013 consists of: David Crowe, President; Greg Ericson; Treasurer, Gary Barfitt, Secretary.

Respectfully submitted, David Crowe, President

28 Youth Director Annual Report

Hello to all of my Christ Church Cathedral Family! This past year has been an amazing opportunity to meet more of you, get to know you all and just feel more and more at home. Thank you to all of you for helping my further transition to Cathedral life a smooth and exciting one. In this report I’d like to give you a brief synopsis of the transition in my job description over the past year, as well as some of the events that have taken place.

Taking the job of being the new and very first Youth Worker for Christ Church Cathedral on was a very exciting and daunting task. When beginning neither I nor the working group knew exactly what form this job would take. Who would get the most of my time? What sorts of activities would there be an interest in taking on? It did take us a few months together to figure out some beginnings to answers of these questions. The main change that came about this year was identifying that the Youth Worker needed to expand their frame of reference beyond just youth ages 11-15 and instead needs to look at engaging the family holistically; giving them opportunities to learn and play together and to experience being church in ways outside of Sunday morning. While doing this it was still felt to be important to have opportunities for just youth to be together and this has led to the way the past year has been shaped.

Here is a snapshot of some of the activities that have taken place over the past year in which I have played either a large or small part as Youth Worker.

-Spring Family Fun Afternoon

-Joint Pentecost Service

-Sunday School Curriculum Change and volunteer recruiting

-July VBS (Amazing!!)

-Youth group re-birth

-Youth participating in TEC

-Redecorating the Sunday school rooms (still in progress)

-Parent feedback meeting (11:45 service)

-Christmas service participation by youth

-Fall Family Fun night

All of these activities were so much fun to be a part of and are just the beginning of amazing things to come for our Cathedral family. As we move forward and keep growing

29 spiritually and numerically my wish and prayer is that we keep (and increase) the momentum that has been encouraged over the last year and a half. There are too many people to thank them all individually but I do have to try and just thank a few for their awesome support. They are (in no particular order): Dean Joyce, Harry Palmer, Jane Hand and Caryn Gunter, all the boys who have so awesomely taken on youth group, all the Sunday school volunteers and really, well, all of you! Thanks so much!

Respectfully submitted,

In Christ,

Lisa Stewart-Munn

30 The Bishop and Chapter of the Cathedral of Christ ChurchFinal Revised B and C in the City and diocese of Fredericton Proforma Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the Year Ending December 31, 2012

NOTES BUDGET 2011ACTUAL 2011 BUDGET 2012 REVENUE Offerings Designated remnant transfer 0 0 2400 Open 12000 9191 9500 Envelope 1 401000 409315 420500 Diocesan 10500 12277 13000 Easter 4500 4045 4300 Lenten Cards 1000 1098 1200 Thanksgiving 4200 4090 4300 Christmas 12000 7995 8300 Harvest Supper 2 1000 1000 0 Initial 400 414 500 446600 449425 464000 Targetted Giving PWRDF 13000 6717 6900 Food Bank 3400 3389 3600 Community Kitchen 500 1830 2000 Flowers 1600 2020 2000 18500 13956 14500 Other Use of Hall 7000 6550 7000 Music Summer Concert Series 2400 -679 2400 Interest Income 3 25000 26354 24000 Diocese Fabric Grant 10000 10000 10000 Transfer from Equity 4 0 0 25000 44400 42225 68400

TOTAL REVENUE 509500 505606 546900

EXPENDITURES Clergy Related Stipends 5 48250 51591 52600 LTD 2731 1731 1800 Pension 14697 9758 10000 Pension Bonus 672 672 700 Car Allowance 4600 4600 4700 Car Replacement 4200 4200 4300 Telephone 800 760 800 Employee Benefits 0 154 0 Deans' and Spouses' Conference 1800 2162 2000 Visiting Clergy Honoraria 6000 5329 6000 Dean's Hospitality Allowance 1000 1575 1200 Clergy Professional Development 1600 0 1600 86350 82532 85700 The Bishop and Chapter of the Cathedral of Christ ChurchFinal Revised B and C in the City and diocese of Fredericton Proforma Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the Year Ending December 31, 2012

Budget 2011 Actual 2011 Budget 2012 Lay Salaries Salaries 5 101000 89007 103000 Pension 4682 4682 4800 Employee Benefits 6449 5406 5500 LTD 2869 2060 2100 WCB 0 1049 1100 Professional Development 1400 1277 1000 116400 103481 117500 Deanery Fuel 6 3000 5228 5300 Maintenance and Repairs 6 0 4917 2000 Electricity and Water 6 700 1488 0 3700 11633 7300 Cathedral Expenses Electricity and Water 8800 8572 8800 Fuel 26000 18602 23200 Grounds and Snow Removal 5000 4176 4000 Janitorial 200 1711 500 Maintenance and Repairs 10000 12516 4500 Special Deferred Maintenance 7 0 0 25000 Insurance 29000 32981 33600 Telephone 600 598 600 79600 79156 100200 Hall Expenses Electricity andWater Fuel 5200 5119 5200 Fuel 16600 15884 16600 Security 3000 3500 3600 Maintenance and Repairs 2000 9054 3000 26800 33557 28400 General Administration Office Supplies 13300 17648 13000 Subscriptions 100 0 0 Telephone 8000 9316 9100 Accounting 8400 8357 8500 Office Equipment 1000 239 0 Media 1000 2488 2500 Bank Charges 1200 1063 1100 Postage 1200 1040 1100 Safekeeping 100 0 0 Travel Allowance 400 561 500 Miscellaneous 1200 1655 1400 35900 42367 37200 The Bishop and Chapter of the Cathedral of Christ ChurchFinal Revised B and C in the City and diocese of Fredericton Proforma Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the Year Ending December 31, 2012

Budget 2011 Actual 2011 Budget 2012 Diocesan Assessment Budget Assessment 36132 36132 36200 Diocesan Apportion 36840 36840 37000 Admin Medical Dental plan 5400 9007 8000 Clergy Continuing Education 450 1262 500 78822 83241 81700 Music Ministry Activities Music 3000 3331 3500 Instrument Tuning and Repairs 2500 826 2300 Replacement Organist 3400 1290 3400 8900 5447 9200 Service and Worship Service and Worship Support 4200 5214 4200 Verger's Honorarium 2600 2156 2600 Sanctuary Guild 1000 0 0 7800 7370 6800 Christian Education Ministry Nursery 200 0 0 Sunday School 1600 1025 1600 Youth Director 8 10000 4758 15000 Adult Education Spiritual Growth 1000 1455 1000 12800 7238 17600 Pastoral Work Ministry Dean's Pastoral Fund 600 600 600 Pastoral Care 1200 1424 1500 Health Ministry 3000 2200 3000 Parish Nurse 9 1200 1200 6600 Taxis for Seniors 700 125 200 6700 5549 11900

Clergy Housing Allowance 16650 16200 18000

Membership 300 400 400

Outreach Social Action 7500 7206 7500

Missions Committee 3000 3000 3000 The Bishop and Chapter of the Cathedral of Christ ChurchFinal Revised B and C in the City and diocese of Fredericton Proforma Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the Year Ending December 31, 2012

BUDGET 2011ACTUAL 2011 BUDGET 2012 Targetted Giving PWRDF 13000 6717 6900 Food Bank 3400 3389 3600 Community Kitchen 500 1830 2000 Flowers 1600 2020 2000 18500 13956 14500

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 509722 502333 546900

SURPLUS (DEFICIT) -222 3273 0