hatred, division and hurt within our communities; In greed, deceit and indifference, we have caused serious damage, unnecessary conflict and aggravated destruction to Diocesan Intercessions our refugee and migrant brothers and sisters; January to March 2020 In selfishness, insensitivity and bias, we have encouraged and emboldened those who inflict hurt, pain and sorrow on January our loved ones and families; In the name of religion, doctrine and even of Christ himself, 1: Parish of Richmond, the Ven. Roderick Black. The Rev. Canon we have wounded believers and pursuers of holiness and Alvin Westgate (retired). Diocese of Ho, people of St. Anthony's, faith; Penyi. In stubbornness, pride and arrogance, we have caused 2: Parish of Riverview, The Rev. Barb Haire; the Rev. Karman Hunt, division and strife within Your church and among Your the Rev. Valerie Hunt, the Rev. Rufus Onyewuchi, honorary children; assistants. The Rev. Canon David Barrett, Saint John Regional Mercifully send Your Holy Spirit – the Spirit of order and Hospital Chaplain. Diocese of Ho, people of the Church of the comfort – and cleanse us from all unrighteousness; restore Resurrection, Lome-Togo. in us true faith in Christ which brings truth, peace and 3: Parish of Rothesay, the Rev. Paul Rideout, Jeremy McNally, the harmony; and help us to walk together with our brothers Rev. Eileen Irish; the Rev. Canon Stuart Allan and the Rev. Canon and sisters in the peace of our Lord Jesus James Golding, honorary assistants. Robert Cheatley, postulant. Christ to the glory of Your name. Amen. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Patrick's, Kpando. 4: Parishes of Sackville and Dorchester, the Rev. Craig O'Brien, the Archbishop , Anglican Church of Canada. National Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Wells; the Rev. Canon Dr. John Simons, honorary Indigenous Archbishop Mark McDonald and the Anglican Council assistant. David and Deborah Collicott as they are married of Indigenous Peoples. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues- today. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Michael and All Angels, Badohu. , Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame and Eric Worawora. Dame. David, our Bishop, Claude, William and George, retired , and their families. January 5: The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, the Most Revd Philip Richardson, the Most Revd Don 30: Parish of Saint John, the Rev. Steven Scribner, the Ven. Dr. Tamihere and the Most Revd Fereimi Cama, Primates. Council of Harold Hazen, honorary assistant. Margaret Petrie (clergy widow). the North, , Bishop William Cliff, Bishop Isaiah Diocese of Ho, people of St. Michael and All Angels, Sogakope. Beardy, the Henry Budd College for Ministry in The Pas. 31: Parish of Saint Stephen, the Rev. Julian Pillay. Members and Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Anglican Church of Canada. work of the diocesan Constitution and Canons Committee. Diocese of Canada, Archbishop and the of Ho, people of St. Matthias', Agorvega - Atikpe. Provincial Council. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues- Badohu. Diocese of Yukon, Dawson City: St. Paul's; Moosehide: St. Barnabas; The Klondike Creeks; The Dempster Hwy; the Ven. Laurie Munro, Archdeacon of Klondike; the Rev. Percy Henry; Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame. David, our Bishop, Claude, William and George, retired Bishops, and their families. 6: Parish of Saint John, the Rev. Steven Scribner, the Ven. Dr. 24: Parish of Restigouche, the Rev. Ann Fairweather. The Rev. Bob Harold Hazen, honorary assistant. The Rev. Dr. Lee Whitney LeBlanc, Diocesan Ecumenical Officer. Diocese of Ho, people of St. (retired). Diocese of Ho, people of the Church of the Resurrection, Mark's, Dzoanti - Kpando. Bassar - Togo. 25: Parish of Richmond, the Ven. Roderick Black. Edith Nutter 7: Parish of Saint Stephen, the Rev. Julian Pillay. The Ven. John (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of St. Luke's, Hohoe. Sharpe, Fredericton Hospital Chaplain. Diocese of Ho, people of All 26: Parish of Riverview, the Rev. Barb Haire; the Rev. Karman Saints, Kara - Togo. Hunt, the Rev. Valerie Hunt, the Rev. Rufus Onyewuchi, honorary 8: Parish of Salisbury and Havelock, the Rev. Chris Hayes. The Rev. assistants. Members and work of Diocesan Council. Diocese of Ho, Canon Walter Williams (retired). Diocese of Ho, people of St. people of St. Paul's, Jasikan. Mark's, Dzoanti - Kpando. 27: Parish of Rothesay, the Rev. Paul Rideout, Jeremy McNally, the 9: Parish of Shediac, the Ven. Brent Ham. The Rev. Rufus Rev. Eileen Irish; the Rev. Canon Stuart Allan and the Rev. Canon Onyewuchi, Moncton Hospital Chaplain. Diocese of Ho, people of St. James Golding, honorary assistants. The Ven. Cathy Laskey, Luke's, Hohoe. Episcopal Archdeacon. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Paul's, Yakindo - Togo. 10: Parish of St. Andrews, the Ven. John Matheson, the Rev. Jim Crighton. Robert Griffin, postulant. Diocese of Ho, people of St. 28: Parishes of Sackville and Dorchester, the Rev. Craig O'Brien, the Paul's, Jasikan. Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Wells; the Rev. Canon Dr. John Simons, honorary assistant. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Peter's, Godo - Togo. 11: Parish of St. Andrew, Sunny Brae, the Rev. Rob Salloum, the Rev. David Alston. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Paul's, Yakindo - March 29: Today, the fifth Sunday in Lent, is the focus of the Togo. Primates’ Task Group’s call for a period of prayer and repentance in the Anglican Communion. The Bishop of West Malaysia, Moon January 12: The Anglican Church of Australia; the Most Revd Hing, is a member of the Task Group and has written this prayer, Philip Leslie Freier, Primate. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Anglican which the Task Group offers to the Anglican Communion for use Church of Canada. Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward today. Island, Archbishop Ron Cutler. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Robbie, Lilian and Cheryl visiting Ho from Almighty God, today until January 23. Diocese of Yukon, Old Crow: St. Luke's, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Sovereign Lord of the Rev. Bert Chestnut, the Rev. Marion Schafer; Bishop Lesley universe, Creator of humankind, we, your unfaithful Wheeler-Dame. David, our Bishop, Claude, William and George, children, are truly sorry for our sins and the lives that we retired Bishops, and their families. have lived. We sincerely believe and confess in our hearts 13: Parish of St. David and St. Patrick, the Ven. John Matheson. that only through the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary, can we obtain Your Heather Appleton (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of St. forgiveness. Peter's, Godo - Togo. We repent that: 14: Parish of St. George, the Rev. Mary Anne Langmaid. Erin Hodge Rideout and the Saint John Inner City Youth Ministry. Diocese of In thought, word or deed, we have committed serious Ho, people of St. Michael and All Angels, Sogakope. offences against You and our neighbours; In laziness, despair and lust for power, we have provoked

March 15: The , the Most Revd and Rt Hon 15: Parish of St. James, Moncton, the Rev. Wendy Amos-Binks. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. Archbishop Linda Phyllis Babcock (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of St. Nicholls, Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of Central Matthias', Agorvega - Atikpe. Newfoundland, Bishop . Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Diocese of Yukon, Atlin - St. Martin: 16: Parish of St. Margaret's, the Rev. Robert Langmaid, the Rev. the Rev. Vera Kirkwood; the Rev. Dorothy Odian and Dennis Odian; John Harvey, honorary assistant. Saint John Seafarers' Mission, the Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame. David, our Bishop, Claude, William Rev. Eric Phinney, Chaplain. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Peter's, and George, retired Bishops, and their families. Ehi-Horme. 16: Parish of Newcastle-Nelson-Hardwicke, the Rev. Thomas 17: Parish of St. Mark, Saint John, The Revs. Terence and Jasmine Nisbett, the Rev. Rose Steeves. Kathleen McCombe (clergy widow). Chandra. Diane McKay, postulant. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Paul's, Agbozume. Mary's, Tove. 17: Parish of Oromocto and Maugerville, the Rev. Keith Howlett, 18: Parish of St. Mary, York, the Rev. Canon Kevin Stockall, the Rev. honorary assistant. Lorna Williams, Diocesan Archivist. Diocese of Dr. David Mercer, honorary assistant. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Ho, people of St. Anthony's, Penyi. Augustine's, Dafor - Kpando. January 19: The united Church of Bangladesh, the Most Revd 18: Parish of Pennfield, the Rev. Caleb Twinamatsiko. Rosemary Moorhead (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of the Church of Samuel Sunil Mankhin, Moderator. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, the Resurrection, Lome-Togo. Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of Québec, Bishop Bruce Myers. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Robbie, 19: Parish of Portland, the Rev. Canon David Barrett, the Rev. Dr. Lilian and Cheryl visiting Ho. Diocese of Yukon, the Ven. Sarah Cole Hartin. Michael Briggs, Diocesan Stewardship Officer. Diocese Usher, Executive Archdeacon, members of the Diocesan Executive of Ho, people of St. Patrick's, Kpando. Committee; Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame. David, our Bishop, Claude, William and George, retired Bishops, and their families. 20: Parish of Prince William, Dumfries, Queensbury, Southampton, the Rev. Dr. David Mercer. Nicholas Saulnier, postulant. Diocese of 20: Parish of St. Peter, the Rev. Canon Dr. Ross Hebb. Tammy Black Ho, people of St. Michael and All Angels, Worawora. (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of St. Thomas, Bame - Kpando. 21: Parish of Quispamsis, the Rev. Michael O'Hara. Diocese of Ho, people of the Church of the Resurrection, Bassar - Togo. 21: Parish of St. Philip's, the Rev. Rob Salloum, the Rev. David Alston. The Rev. Robert Montgomery, Chaplain, Rothesay March 22: The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, the Most Revd Paul Netherwood School. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Peter's, Dzigbe - Kwong, Archbishop. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Anglican Church Kpando. of Canada. Diocese of Western Newfoundland, Bishop John Organ. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Diocese of 22: Parish of Stanley, the Rev. Canon Bonnie LeBlanc. Jacqueline Yukon, communities of Faro and Ross River, Bishop Lesley Blagrave (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of St. George's, Wheeler-Dame. David, our Bishop, Claude, William and George, Abanu - Kpando. retired Bishops, and their families. 23: Parish of Sussex, the Rev. Canon Tom Stradwick, the Rev. Dana 23: Parish of Renforth, the Rev. Jonathan Hallewell. Natalie Dean. Paul McLellan, Head, Rothesay Netherwood School. Diocese Noseworthy (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of All Saints, of Ho, people of St. John the Baptist, Aziavi - Kpando. Kara - Togo.

24: Parish of Upham, the Ven. Rob Marsh, the Rev. Brenda Fowler. 5: Parish of Marysville, the Rev. Kevin McAllister. Jean Wilson, Nicholas Saulnier, postulant. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Francis of Diocesan E-offering Administrator. Diocese of Ho, Benson Owusu, Assisi, Tokoroano. local catechist. 25: Parish of Upper Kennebecasis, the Rev. Chris McMullen, the 6: Parish of McAdam, the Rev. Arnold Godsoe. Robert Griffin, Rev. Dan McMullen. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Mark's - Kpetoe. postulant. Diocesan Lenten retreat. Diocese of Ho, Joseph Dzanka, local catechist. January 26: The Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil, the Most Revd Naudal Alves Gomes, Primate. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, 7: Parish of Millidgeville, the Rev. Canon Stuart Allan. Diocese of Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Ho, James Obeng, local catechist. Meduadues-Badohu. Diocese of Yukon, Patti Tetlichi, Yukon Apostolate, Bishop's School of Yukon Ministries, PWRDF Diocesan March 8: The Province de L'Eglise Anglicane Du Congo, the Most Revd Zacharie Masimango Katanda, Archbishop. Archbishop Linda Representative Betty Davidson, Diocesan ACW President Blanche Buckle and all ACW members, Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame. David, Nicholls, Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of Eastern our Bishop, Claude, William and George, retired Bishops, and their Newfoundland and Labrador, Bishop Geoffrey Peddle. Diocese of families. Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Diocese of Yukon, communities of Carmacks & Keno, Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame. 27: Parishes of Waterford and St. Mark's, the Rev. Dr. Sean David, our Bishop, Claude, William and George, retired Bishops, Davidson. Pamela Brown (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of and their families. Diocesan Lenten retreat. St. Matthias' N'Kpassambiyame - Togo. 9: Parish of Minto and Chipman, the Rev. Kevin McAllister. Anne 28: Parish of Westmorland, the Rev. Lidvald Haugen-Strand. The MacMullin (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, Martin Dzorgbe, local Rev. Dr. John Paul Westin, prison chaplain. Diocese of Ho, people of catechist. St. Bartholomeo's, Boutingbedou - Togo. 10: Parish of Moncton, the Rev. Canon Chris VanBuskirk, the Rev. 29: Parish of Wicklow, Wilmot, Peel and Aberdeen, the Rev. Robert Dr. Dan Goodwin, the Rev. Norm Dupuis. Ann Whiteway Brown, LeBlanc. Rosalie Brown (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of St. Diocesan Misconduct Complaints Officer. Diocese of Ho, Lawrence Luke's, N'laboun - Togo. Anyormi, local catechist. 30: Parish of Woodstock, the Rev. Shirley Noseworthy, the Rev. 11: Parish of Musquash, the Ven. Arthur Gregg. Ann McAdam Harold Boomer. The Rev. Canon Paul Jeffries, missionary priest in (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, Gabriel Agbodo, local catechist. Uganda. Diocese of Ho, people of St. Barnabas, Nangbani - Togo. 12: Parish of the Nerepis and St. John, the Rev. Michael Caines, the 31: Central Saint John Community Ministry, the Rev. Jasmine Rev. Eleanor Dryden; the Rev. Peter Gillies, the Rev. Gordon Chandra, the Rev. Terence Chandra. Colin McDonald, Director of Thompson, honorary assistants. Victoria Hachey, Assistant Youth and Intergenerational Ministries. Diocese of Ho, people of Diocesan Misconduct Complaints Officer. Diocese of Ho, Emmanuel congregation in Cincass - Togo. Dzobor, local catechist. 13: Parish of New Bandon, the Rev. Paul Gwese (incoming). Diane February McKay, postulant. Diocese of Ho, Emmanuel Apreku, local catechist. 1: The continuing work of members of the former Westside 14: Parish of New Maryland, the Rev. Canon Albert Snelgrove. Anglican Mission. Diocese of Ho, people of congregation in Council of General Synod meetings this weekend. Diocese of Ho, Yomaboua, Sotouboua - Togo. people of St. George's Cathedral. Deans. Diocese of Ho, Mr. Edward Matsi, Regional Manager of February 2: The Anglican Church of Burundi, the Most Revd Anglican Schools, Volta; Deputy Diocesan Secretary. Martin Blaise Nyaboho, Archbishop. Council of the North, Diocese of Quebec, Bishop Bruce Myers, the people and clergy, the work of 26: Parish of Hampton, the Rev. David Turner, the Rev. Deborah the French speaking deanery of the diocese. Archbishop Linda Cochran, the Rev. Wally Collett, honorary assistant. Ruth Jackson Nicholls, Anglican Church of Canada. Ecclesiastical Province of (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, Clemence Ahun, diocesan catechist. Rupert’s Land, Archbishop Gregory Kerr-Wilson and the Provincial 27: Parish of Hillsborough Riverside, the Rev. Rob Salloum, the Council. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Rev. Barbara Haire. The Rev. Canon Tom Smith, Diocesan Registrar. Diocese of Yukon, Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame, and those retired Diocese of Ho, Joyce Agbefu, diocesan catechist (retired). from missionary service, particularly Bishop Larry and Sheila Robertson. David, our Bishop, Claude, William and George, retired 28: Parish of Kent, the Rev. Christopher Ketch, the Rev. Canon Bishops, and their families. Bruce Glencross, honorary assistant. Shawn Branch, Diocesan Parish Development Officer. Diocese of Ho, Felix Ata-Boakye, 3: Parish of Andover, the Rev. Stephen Harnish. Joan Burchill diocesan catechist. (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, people of congregation in Pagala - Togo. 29: Parish of Kingston, the Rev. Douglas Painter, the Rev. Dr. John Tremblay, honorary assistant. Diocese of Ho, Godwin Dumavor, 4: Parish of Bathurst. The Rev. Kara Thompson-Mejia, missionary parochial catechist. priest in Honduras. Diocese of Ho, people of congregation in Adéllémé Talabou - Togo. March 1: The Iglesia Anglicana de Chile, the Most Revd Héctor (Tito) Zavala Muñoz, Primate. Council of the North, Territory of the 5: Parish of Bright. Ann Campion (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, People (Central Interior, BC), Bishop and the the Very Rev. Simon Ablorh, area dean of Agbozume and parish clergy and people as they work together at the process of exploring priest of St Anthony's, Penyi. a different way to be church. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Anglican 6: Parish of Cambridge and Waterborough, the Rev. Andrew Horne; Church of Canada. Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Debora Kantor, family youth minister. The Ven. Rob Marsh, Yukon, Archbishop Melissa Skelton and the Provincial Council. Archdeacon of Kingston and the Kennebecasis. Diocese of Ho, the Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Diocese of Ven. Joseph Bentum, archdeacon of the Volta and parish priest of Yukon, Carcross, Tagish & Johnson's Crossing: St. Saviour's; Teslin: Ho. St. Philip's, the Ven. Sarah Usher, Len Usher and the ministry team; Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame. David, our Bishop, Claude, William 7: Parish of Campobello, the Rev. Kevin Borthwick. Robert and George, retired Bishops, and their families. Cheatley, candidate for ordination. Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Canon Prosper Deh, area dean and parish priest of Kpando. 2: Parish of Lancaster, the Rev. Jonathan Springthorpe. Doreen Lake (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, Joseph Pomevor, parochial 8: Parish of Canterbury, Benton and Kirkland. Diocese of Ho, the catechist. Rev. Canon Ernest Osuagwu, parish priest of Lome. 3: Parish of Ludlow and Blissfield, the Rev. Neil Osiowy. February 9: The Anglican Church of Canada, Archbishop Linda Layreaders. Diocese of Ho, Cosmos Atta Deh, local catechist. Nicholls, the Council of General Synod. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Diocese of Yukon, Whitehorse: 4: Parish of Madawaska, the Rev. Canon Fran Bedell. Anne Marie Christ Church Cathedral, the Very Rev. Sean Murphy, the Rev. Elsa LeGrand (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, Aloysus Genya, local Cheeseman and Don Cheeseman; licensed lay minister David catechist. Robertson; Bishop Lesley Wheeler-Dame. David, our Bishop, 17: People of the Parish of East Saint John. Betty Galey (clergy Claude, William and George, retired Bishops, and their families. widow). Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Fr. Richardson Justice Macarphuy, assistant curate of Kpando. 10: Parish of Central Kings, the Ven. Rob Marsh, the Rev. Brenda Fowler. Evelyn Embley (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Fr. 18: Parish of Fredericton, the Rev. Canon Wandlyn Snelgrove; the Oliver Ofoegbu, parish priest & evangelist of Northern Togo. Rev. Canon Elaine Hamilton, the Rt. Rev. William Hockin, the Ven. John Sharpe, honorary assistants. The Ven. John Matheson, 11: Parish of Chatham, the Rev. Perry Cooper, the Rev. Edward Archdeacon of St. Andrews. Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Fr. Angelo Quann, the Rev. Ted Quann. The Ven. Brent Ham, Archdeacon of Kumah, parish priest of Worawora with Hohoe, Jasikan and Moncton. Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Fr. Joseph Hayibor, Diocesan Tokoroano. Secretary and pastoral assistant at St. George's Cathedral. 19: Parish of Fredericton Junction, the Most Rev. Claude Miller. 12: Christ Church Cathedral, the Very Rev. Geoffrey Hall, Dean; the Elsie Gray (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Fr. Dennis Rev. Debbie Edmondson; the Rev. Canon Patricia Drummond, the Obediegwu, parish priest of Agbozume. Rev. Canon Jon Lownds, the Rev. Canon Tom Smith, honorary assistants. Patricia Forgrave (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, the 20: Parish of Fundy and the Lakes, the Rev. Canon Leo Martin, the Rev. Fr. Josiah Ibeto, assistant curate of the Church of Resurrection, Rev. Dwight Stuart. The Ven. Rod Black, Archdeacon of Woodstock. Lome-Togo. Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Fr. Selin Selorm Mereku, assistant curate, Worawora with Hohoe, Jasikan and Tokoroano. 13: Parish of Denmark, the Rev. Stephen Harnish. The Ven. Keith Osborne, Archdeacon and Director of Senior Ministry of Saint John. 21: Parish of Gagetown, the Rev. Andrew Horne. The Rev. David Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Fr. Pierre Sokpoli, assistant curate of Penyi. Peer, Synod Executive Officer and Secretary. Diocese of Ho, Mrs. Philippa Amable, Diocesan Chancellor. 14: Parish of Derby and Blackville, the Rev. Gerry Laskey, the Rev. Robert Barry, honorary assistant. The Rev. John Galbraith, Director 22: Parish of Gondola Point, the Rev. Rob Montgomery. Diocesan of Camp Medley. Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Fr. Redeemer Ametefe Council meeting today. Diocese of Ho, Mr. James Kpornu, Diocesan Semevor, assistant curate at St. George's Cathedral. Treasurer. 15: Parish of Douglas and Nashwaaksis, the Rev. Paul Ranson, the February 23: The Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de Rev. John Galbraith; the Rev. Canon Jon Lownds, the Rev. Canon America, the Rt Revd Julio Murray Thompson, Primate. Archbishop Bruce McKenna, the Rev. Capt. Charles Smart, honorary assistants. Linda Nicholls, Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of Montréal, Diocese of Ho, the Rev. Fr. Prince Mensah, assistant curate at St. Bishop Mary Irwin-Gibson. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias George's Cathedral. Meduadues-Badohu. Diocese of Yukon, Watson Lake: St. John the Baptist; Lower Post, Swift River and Telegraph Creek: St. Aidan; February 16: The Church of the Province of Central Africa, the Dease Lake; Glenora; licensed lay minister Tim Liverton; Bishop Most Revd Albert Chama, Archbishop. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Lesley Wheeler-Dame. David, our Bishop, Claude, William and Anglican Church of Canada. Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario, George, retired Bishops, and their families. Archbishop Anne Germond and the Provincial Council. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Diocese of Yukon, Fort 24: Parish of Grand Manan, the Rev. Geoff Howson. Margaret Nelson: St. Mary Magdalene; Toad River, Alaska Highway, Mile Harding (clergy widow). Diocese of Ho, Mr. Sampson Mensah, 150-506, the Rev. Glen Gough and Sarah Gough; Bishop Lesley Diocesan Financial Advisor. Wheeler-Dame and Eric Dame. David, our Bishop, Claude, William and George, retired Bishops, and their families. 25: Parish of Hammond River, the Rev. Michael O'Hara. Regional