Blue Mountail'\s +·Hstol"'ical Socieiy il'\c. PO Box 17 WEN1WORTH FALLS 2782 "HOBBY'S REACH" 99 Blaxland Road WENTWORTH FALLS

Vol.9 No.5 Jan,Feb. 1999

MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE President Coral Ewan 47841831 Clyde Francis 47591774 Vice President Roberta Johnstone 4757 2024 Valerie Paddock 47572332 Treasurer David Dodd Bruce Adam 47591022 Secretary Shirley Jones 4757 2270 Michael Finlay 47571584 SUB.COMMITTEE CO-ORDINATORS Resaardl Gwen Silvey 47821292 Tarella Coral Ewan 47841831 Book Sales Helen Kershaw 47573283 Hobby's Outreach Roberta Johnstone 4757 2024 Bldg Maintenance Clyde Francis 47591774 Garden Bob Henron 47572£75 Hobb'f's Reach Helpers Valerie Craven 47573433 Garc1en -Native NoreenS~llam 47571845


Saturday 2 Jan No General Meeting - Monday 11 Jan No Excursion in January Tuesday 19 Jan Research activity days resume Tuesday 26 Jan Research activity day Tuesday 2 Feb Research activity day Saturday 6 Feb Meeting - Speaker: Prof. Arthur Delbridge Subject: ''The Macquarie Dictionary: The History of an Enterprise" See page 2 for details Monday 8 Feb Excursion - Mitchell's Pass See page 2 for details Tuesday 9 Feb Research activity day Tuesday 16 Feb Research activity day Tuesday 23 Feb Research activity day Tuesday 2 Mar Research activity day Saturday 6 Mar Annual General Meeting See special notice Monday 8 Mar Excursion - Sunny Corner

Please note that Research activity days are no longer held on the last Saturday of each month. However, the Research Room is open to members and to the general public on each Tuesday from 1Oam till 2pm, or at a time arranged with the Research Officer, Gwen Silvey. COMING EVENTS

Feb 6th - General Meeting

"The Macquarie Dictionary: The History of an Enterprise" Professor Arthur Delbridge, a distinguished academic, has undertaken to let us into the mysteries of dictionary compilation. How one would even commence such a task is quite beyond the comprehension of this lowly mortal. If you too are puzzled, come along and all will be revealed!

Meetings commence at 10.30am but members are welcome to gather for a sociable tea br coffee from 1O.OOam onwards. A light lunch of soup and rolls is available, at a modest price, after the meeting.

February 8th - Excursion

Mitchell's Pass DATE: Monday, Feb 8th TIME: 10.00am MEET AT: Mt Victoria Railway Station DURATION: Usual day trip GRADE: Moderate grade walking - bring picnic lunch and drinks

March 8th Excursion will be to Sunny Corner. Details in the next newsletter.

Tarella Open Days We have early news of our Easter Open days and would be grateful if members, who feel they may be available to help, would take note of the following dates. Easter Openings, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 3rd, 4th, 5th April Autumn Festival, Saturday and Sunday, 17th, 18th April and Saturday and Sunday, 24th and 25th April. These events will be fully publicised in the next edition of the newsletter.


Bushwalking has always been one of the most popular activities in the Mountains, yet it is only now that a comprehensive and definitive study is being conducted to identify the cultural heritage aspects of the Mountain tracks. The National Parks and Wildlife Service held a public meeting, on Nov. 14 '98 at the Hydro Majestic Hotel, at which a number of Society members were present, and the draft reports of the study were officially launched by the State Environment Minister, Mrs Pam Allan. Local historian, author and member of the Society, Jim Smith, whose research, together with that of heritage consultants, Musescape, forms a large part of the study, addressed the meeting and showed slides of many of his unique early photographs of the area. In the afternoon, the Leura section of the extensively upgraded Federal Pass was officially re-opened by Mrs Allan. Copies of the two draft reports have been purchased for the Society's library and there is a NSW Heritage Database which includes historical notes, references and locality maps which may be accessed.


This year1s party was noteworthy, not only for the extra entertainment, but also because those who attended were very comfortably seated. The remainder of the Society1s purchase of arm chairs from the Gospel Hall at Wentworth Falls were available to us just in time! We feel these historic chairs, originally used in the Trocadero at Katoomba, have found their rightful place! A lunch, of delicious contributions from members, was served and a· great deal of socialising carried on. We were then given a brief respite while the hall was re-arranged before the special events. Many members took this opportunity to visit the Cottage Shop for last minute Christmas gifts. We were joined, on this special occasion, by invited guests, Carol and Bruce Taylor, Josephine and Peter Mclaughlin, Prudence Mclaughlin, and Lenore and David Mathieson, all members of the family of our benefactors, Beryl Mclaughlin and Ida Lane. A special meeting followed at which Kevin Bennett unveiled the foundation stone of the original Hobby1s Reach Museum - almost thirty years after the building was erected. Formalities over, it was on with the dance - or in this case, a melodrama from the Tarella Players. The following unbiased review will tell all you need to know!

REVIEW "Maria Marten 11 or 11 Murder in the Red Barn" The Tarella Players · Hobby1s Reach Theatre

There was a full house for this production - it seemed that more than a few members were determined not to miss this (as advertised) "lifetime opportunity"! Appropriate scenery and attractive costumes contributed to the quality of this production which was in the capable hands of that well known theatrical identity, Mrs Susan Warmbath. The restrictions placed on the actors by the limited stage area did not in any way dim their enthusiasm. It was inspiring to see the vigour with which the villainous squire, William Corder, distorted his malevolent visage, swirled his satin lined cloak and threatened the timorous heroine in terrifying tones. It would seem that the actor, Michael Finlay, was very comfortable in this part. The role of Maria was imaginatively executed by our shy and retiring member, Mrs Olwen Henson. Piteous became her plight as the poisonous plot thickened and the final scene was played out in its full horror. A shocked audience sat stunned before breaking into thunderous applause! _ A word of praise must be given to the "Boy" whose scene changes were expertly handled, although I would suggest that he does not give up his day job! "Cyclops"


OCTOBER EXCURSION - Lithgow A late report on an interesting day - just full of Jack Austin surprises! A small but enthusiastic group set off from Mount Victoria for the first of these, an airfield site on the plateau overlooking Oakey Park! Then on to wander around a collection of anti-aircraft gun emplacements, armament storage sites and positions for searchlights on the other side of the road. From there to Scenic Hill, part of the original road, and a wonderful view of Lithgow. The Lithgow Blast Furnaces were next on our tour - history pamphlets provided - but more fun to listen to Jack's entertaining explanations! The incredible sculptures formed by the remains of the slag furnaces never cease to amaze. Thomas Mort was with us once more when we viewed the site of his freezing works - the first in . A visit to the old pottery site is always interesting, and the potters. now in residence, always hospitable and willing to throw a pot for our edification. We picnicked in the beautiful Queen Victoria Park, saw the huge railway yards that served the , learned much of the history of the city and those who founded it, and finally headed right to the head of the valley to see an old mine head. Some continued on to see the interesting art deco buildings of the brewery - now the Spring Water plant - then to town to indulge themselves with a visit to the '-...../ antique centre, and finally home. Another Jack triumph!

NOVEMBER MEETING - History Andy Mcqueen, author and Society member, was our welcome guest at this meeting. His book "Back from the Brink - and the Grose Wilderness" has been reviewed in the newsletter (Jan, Feb . '98) and highly recommended as an excellent history. Andy's talk was an expansion of much that is contained in the book, in so far as he was able to add even more interesting details about events and personalities involved, and to answer questions from those who knew the area. We were treated to a little theatricality when Andy adopted the persona of one of the early bushwalkers and gave accounts of events seen through his eyes. The slides of the magnificent Grose Valley and Blue Gum Forest were particularly interesting as many were "before" and "after11 photos, and his account of the fight to save the Blue Gum proved that unremarkable people can accomplish remarkable things! The Grose Valley, explored, or viewed only from one of the many lookouts, _is ' so awe inspiring that one wonders at the calibre of those who ventured into it. The ~ accounts of the explorers and visitors are. well documented but Andy spoke of the many commercial enterprises attempted in the area. Stories of timber getters, cattlemen, prospectors and miners, of government attempts to find a route up the valley for a railway, and of the fearless recreational walkers and canyoners, made for a most entertaining morning!

NOVEMBER EXCURSION - Hat Hill Road. Blackheath A misty meeting at St Aidan's Anglican Church, the second built on the Mountains, began our walk through history. Gwen's talk about the many old houses in the street and the families who built them, followed her excellent notes .. By driving and walking, we looked at the houses and heard stories of those who lived there, from No1 to No 251 ! Stories of the first doctor in Blackheath, of an old convent, an early guesthouse, a sawmill which provided timber for the peg factory in Blackheath, a shop, a dairy farm, old farm houses and many holiday homes. The weather dictated that we return to the park at Btackheath for lunch, but before returning to our route, Gwen arranged for us to visit the gallery at Montrose, the home of a friend: This house is set in a magnificent garden with many huge trees, and the owner, Mr Ron Gamack, has built a gallery at the rear which is used for musical evenings, art exhibitions and to display his wonderful weavings. He was kind enough to give us a short piano recital and to allow us to inspect the original house. Back on the road, we noted the remains of a small airstrip, went on to the Hat Hill, and were saved from any mad desire to run up it by the weather! However, although we decided it was useless to go on to Perry's Lookdown, we did climb up to Anvil Rock and were rewarded with the spectacular sight of the surrounding mountains and valleys.. A short walk took us to a huge wind eroded cave and another glorious view. A trip further down the road to Mount Booralee and its beautiful garden was an option for those who had not seen this property before. As usual, our thanks must go to Gwen and Jack for their tireless efforts to ensure a memorable day! RESEARCH CENTRE

A report "Plans and Strategies for BMHS Research and Archives" has been submitted to the Management Committee for consideration. It contains information relating to the rapid growth of the Centre and sets out specifically its Objectives and Functions, details of staffing, finance, equipment and possible outside funding. There is reference also to a project already approved in principle by the Management Committee - that of the planned magnetometer site survey due to be undertaken by archaeologists from the University of Western Sydney. This will be funded by the University and managed jointly with the BMHS. It is anticipated that the planned Blue Mountains Cultural Centre will also make considerable demands on our Research Centre. It would seem that there are busy times ahead and a real need for extra help - please consider these projects if you want to keep the old grey matter active! NEW MEMBER APPLICATIONS

The person(s) vvhose name(s) appear below has/have applied for membership of the Society. Their membership fee(s) has/have been paid and their application(s) correctly nominated and seconded. Under the terms of Section 5 of the Society's rules of association, any objection to an application for membership must be lodged within 14 days of an applicant's name being circulated to members. If no such objection to a person is received within such period, that person will be deemed to have been accepted as a member of the Society. ' Norma McDonald Roy Collien Jenni Gallien Wentworth Falls Wentworth Falls Wentworth Falls

Photocopier use has inceased dramatically_ ..

This of course increases the Society's running expenses. Money which has to be raised by your efforts. If you are making photocopies on behalf of the Society, please only make the number of copies that are required immediately. And don't forget to record all copies.

When you are doing private photocoping please record the number of copies on the record sheet and in the private photocoping book. Then the I Oc per copy you put in the jar will balance with the book. 5 The Great White Fleet's Visit to Australia The Blackheath Connection

Shirley Bellingham

It has been argued by writers, such as Bill Gammage, that local historians often fail to bring local histories into the wider story, just as professional historians avoid the "parish pump" completely. In this brief space I hope to show the relationship between an event in Blackheath to a very important international happening. My interest in this research was aroused while cataloguing photographs held by the Mount Victoria & District Historical Society. The photograph of interest is a postcard type which was widely exchanged or posted during the period 1905-1940s. This particular one was printed in the United States by H.Stratton, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and addressed to Miss Ida A.Andrews, 2122 Gorsalls Ave., Los Angeles, California. It is postmarked North Carolina, Nov.20, 1909, and the caption on the card reads: ":Sailors excursions to Black Heath Australia, in the Blue Mountains 75 miles inland from Sidney, August 22, 1908" The picture shows a group of uniformed American sailors, known as "Jackies", under an arch and banner which reads "BLACKHEATH GREETS YOU". "'-../ There are local dignitaries and children present. The arch spans the Bathurst Road, Blackheath outside Field's baker shop and the Post and Telegraph building. Decorative arches were often constructed in these times as a means of welcoming important visitors, such as royalty, and were appropriately decorated with gum tree branches. The American fleet, which was known as "The Great White Fleet" because of each ship's identical colouring and decoration, had embarked on a world tour, leaving Hampton Roads, Virginia, on Dec. 16, 1907, and returning on Feb. 22, 1909. It was under the command of Admiral Sperry and totalled 16 ships with a crew of approximately 14,000. The ships entered Sydney Harbour to a tumultuous welcome on Aug.19, 1908 for a week's visit. It was a very successful "show of force" by an emerging world power. Admiral Sperry and his senior officers paid their respects to the Governor­ General and the Governor of and were in turn welcomed with a formal dinner at Government House. The ships of the Fleet were fully illuminated at night making a remarkable spectacle. Sydney spent lavishly on its decorations as part of a highly organised '-' welcome to the Americans. There were marches through crowded streets, lunches on the Harbour foreshores and at Manty. Baseball and football matched were arranged as well as garden parties and concerts. Thousands of children gave an exhibition of flag drill, and Pitt Street was renamed "America Avenue" for the occasion with sparkling gold plaster eagles on the lampposts. Public buildings were decked out in flags and bunting. A fireworks display over the Harbour, followed by a "Venetian Carnival, with decorated and illuminated sailing boats, led to one newspaper commenting on the "fairy land spectacle at night". Rail excursions were organised for members of the Fleet to visit places of interest such as lllawarra National Park, Parramatta and the Blue Mountains, which explains the photo taken at Blackheath. Some sailors were taken by car to the Hydro Majestic Hotel and to . The American Fleet's visit, which ended on Aug.26, was a spectacular success, and, from Sydney, the Fleet sailed on to Melbourne and a similar reception.

6 The remarkable display of enthusiasm shown by Australians for the visit, even in a small village like Blackheath, can be attributed to the intense competition and tension building up between great powers from 1900 and leading to the war of 1914-18. Expenditure on armaments by European powers and Japan rose steadily after 1900 to prepare for war, as most had overseas territories, markets and trade routes to protect. For Australia, fears came from its isolation and possible invasion from the north. The Royal Navy still held responsibility for our naval defence, and it was not until 1911 the King George V granted the title of Royal Australian Navy to our small fleet. Japan had embarked on its own colonial expansion for territories and markets and in doing so had come into conflict with Russia. In 1904-5 Japan attacked defeated Russia in a disastrous naval battle at Tsushima near the Korean Peninsular. This greatly alarmed the rest of the world, as it was the first time an Asian power had defeated a European one. The United Stated also had markets to protect throughout the Pacific and Asia and the Navy's "show of force" world tour was organised by President Theodore Roosevelt to show that the Fleet could easily move from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. The people of Blackheath had the same fears as other Australians, and were more than willing to brave a chilly August day to give an enthusiastic welcome to sailors form America's Great White Fleet.

(Bibliography details available in the Society's research files. Ed.)


From the collection of Reg Baumgarten


8 .M.H.S. Sub-Committees.

Under the Associations Incorporation Act, members of the Management Committee have legal responsibility tor the running of the Society. They are responsible for the conduct of the Association. Under the 8.M.H.S. Constitution, the Management Committee has the power of delegation to sub-committees, to delegate in writing. The Management Committee still has legal responsibility for these matters although the work is actually done by the sub-committees. The Management Committee appoints each Sub-Committee Co-ordinator who is authorised to co-opt any Society member, he/she wishes to have, as a member of that particular sub-committee. Co-ordinators are responsible for calling meetings, for all sub-committee expenditure, and for keeping this expenditure within the budget limits. Problems are brought to the Management Committee. Much of the Society's work is done by these sub-committees, the co­ ordinators and members of which are valued members of the Society. Without their input, the Society would find it very difficult to operate. Our entire membership"--./ should be most appreciative of the work done by them. Any member interested in helping in any particular field is urged to contact the relevant sub-committee co-ordinator.

Typewriter for Sale

An electric typewriter (daisy-wheel) is for sale by the Society for $20.00 - a New Year bargain! Apply to Research Officer.

Social Occasions

Our Research Officer. Gwen Silvey, attended a dinner at the Fairmont Hotel on Dec.1 at the invitation of the President of HAM8S, an association of private health funds. Gwen, who had been asked to speak on the history of this area to the conference, was accompanied by Roberta Johnstone who can attest to her excellent address.

Melbourne Cup Day was celebrated with a luncheon organised by the Quota Club at Balquhain House, Blackheath, at which a number of our lady members - and their hats - were present. If there was any substantial financial gairi obtained during the races, it was not publicised!

Carrington HoteL Katoomba

About fifty members of the Society took advantage of the offer of a conducted tour through the Hotel, organised by Gwen Silvey. We were welcomed with a cup of coffee, in the refurbished Library on the ground floor, then proceeded in groups to the accommodation rooms upstairs. The bedrooms have been beautifully decorated and now have private bathrooms, and the custom built furniture carries the Hotel logo. Much of the white marble from the demolished communal bathrooms has been used decoratively around the Hotel. The dining room is, once more, an elegant area, with the original Chinese urns at the door and the silver cabinet filling the end wall adding charm. The new bar area under the glass dome and the lounge room on ·the ground floor are furnished with quiet good taste and some much needed work on the drive and gardens is under way. The owners must be congratulated on the results they have achieved so far in bringing the Hotel back to its original standard!

8 NOTICE of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the BLUE MOUNTAINS HISTORICAL SOCIETY Inc. to be held at the Hobby's Reach History Research Centre at 10 .30 am on Saturday, 6th March 1999.

Agenda:- 1 Confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting. 2 President's Report on the activities of the Society over the past year. 3 Treasurer's Report. 4 Reports of Sub Committees. 5 Election of Office Bearers and Ordinary Members of the Management Committee for the year 1999-2000. 6 Appointment of Auditor for the year 1999-2000.

Elections:- The Committee of Management is elected to control and manage the affairs of the Society. It consists of Office Bearers­ (!) President (II) Vice President (III) Secretary (IV) Treasurer Plus four other Committee Members.

At the conclusion of an Annual General Meeting (AGM), each of these must vacate office. All who indicate their willingness, are eligible for re-election. Nominations for the election of office bearers and committee members must be- (1) made in writing, signed by two financial members of the Society and endorsed by the written consent of the candidate (11) delivered to the Secretary not less than seven days before the AGM.

Nomination Forms are available from any member of the Management Committee or from Hobby' ~s Reach.

The Committee of Management meets each month on the afternoon of the General Meeting. It is legally responsible for the affairs of the Society and is bound to adhere to the Society's constitution. Copies of this Constitution are available to any Society member.

9 BLUE MOUNTAINS HISTORICAL SOCIETY INC. The Society's objective is to promote community i-nterest in history in general, and in the history of the Blue Mountains in particular. Meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month (except December and January) at its headquarters at Hobby!s Reach . A talk by an invited speaker or by a member follows the general business at these meetings. An excursion to a place of historical interest is held on the second Monday of most months, and Research Days are heid each Tuesday at Hobby's Reach under the supervision of the Research Officer. The basic yearly membership subscription is $15.00 and concessions are available. Details of all activities are published in the newsletter, "Hobby's Outreach". Further information may be obtained by phoning (02) 4757 3824.