Council Must Ask State to Approve Sewer for Siegel

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Council Must Ask State to Approve Sewer for Siegel MOSlOOTH tO.rliISTOaiCAL ASSJ FREEHOLDFREEHOLD. B«J« y THIS WEEK COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF One Section MQLMDEL, MADISON MARLBORO, MATAWAN •• AND -—-:*• 14 Page« MATAWAN BOROUGH Mtrolwr 02nd YEAR— 44th WEEK National EdlffltT*Anodittoa MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1961 Hew Jlrcsy 1'reM Aaaoalatlott Single Copy Ten CenU To Open Office Beta Sigma Phi All Girl Car Wash Township Given New Book Slore Opens In Malawan Loss Of Yoimg In Matawan Warning By State eachcrs Hit Keansburg S&L Cite Pollution Marlboro Seen Ai ~ Branch At 134 Main By Sewer Plant "Training Grounds" Commissioner of Banking and The Slate Attorney General's .''our iMliinnllons of leacheri In Insurance Charles R. Howell an- office has notified the Malawun w system.only a your or two pre. nounced today that he had granted Township Sewerage Authority II pilnted imoihcr dlscuislon at lh« permission to» the Keansburg Sav- may take legal action to force the ings and Loan Association of grlbiiro.Tnwnihlp Board of Ed- authority to comply with an order .'ullon meiMlnji last nl«lit as. to Keajisburg, to maintain a branch issued by the State Department of Offlct at 134 Main St., Matawan. hiiln'r Ihn diHrit'l wna becoming Health two years ago, to cease ist u "training ncbool" lo (end (ha The Keansbiirg Savings and Loan : Association recently had acquired pollution of Rarilan Boy through •nrhlnu stuffs nf other district* 7 the assets, about JU0.OO0, of the its tributary' stream, Mutawan ith hlglipr pay scales. , atawan Savings and Loan Asso- Creek. I. C YmniKinun clli'd tho SUM ciation which had done business In Thomas H. Tunsey, deputy at- iirtlnR ii'de In Marlboro," as atawan sine* its incorporation in torney general, jrlmrged the hdoltli •.iiiiui .\\K S-tfiDO SlHtm ncaloa In -07. The accounts of the members jjepariment two years a«o asked -•nrhy luwnshlps wllh heller sec- (the Keansburg Savings and Loan the- authority to cease Us pollution ul sicps Mr, Youniiman believed isoclatlon are insured up lo $10,- if Raritan Bay through Its dis- c Imiiril wns inmit' complacent ) sach by the Federal Savings and ;huriie of Improperly treated do- ,' luivhifi ni'iiily half Us staff til l-Insurance Corporation. This iii'slic wu.stes and other polluted IOIII: lemin' nii.Kimuin of KW isurance feature now will cover liinttor into the swamplands''ad- ml itntififlfti will) llmlr »lallB|i, SO 119 former members of the Mata- cent to Matawan Creek. mi It took un lna(lik)uataNvJmV.ot Van Savings and Loan Association. DVitiii. ii l»ltout rung -icitl* that Mr. Tansiy noted the authority .,The Keansburg Savings and Loan oiilii iiiirucl youni toBAhtirs: us Association h'eg Its main office in .was served with a notice In Novem- iltnlilr Tff|ilncQiuc-ntii when thosi) . Keansburg, and il operates a 1959, ordering it to halt pollu- branch In Raritan Township. The in by-.Mar_i:J90a!—'IThe Sewer- present grant gives it two branch e Authority has failed to comply hi'ii Sena, •iip«clnlena>n(, ro> h, Beta Mu Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, In back ot the car, and Mrs. Pat Gentile and Mr*.with Ihe mandate of this order," iilod six tcitcliorn would Iw nnod- Matawan, will sponsor an wash on Satur- Dorothy Messina In the front of the picture. All (lie deputy attorney general stated. [I u» of now fur iioxt Soptnmlwr, ' No Office In Keyport day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Glclchman's Gulf Sta- proceeds will go to the Sorority for'cars washed aU "Serious Threat" To Public Health In1 ii'nliiucil limchors mi' Raberl Simultaneously, the Commission- tion, Route 16, Keyport. Practicing for the day's the stallon during these hours, ,-.: He added that "continued pollu- Kellry. 1'iank .1 lllnck, Lynn U. er announced that he had denied activities are Mrs. Agnes Tighe and Mrs. Ida Bador, tion" of th» waters of Raritan Bay litiliipMin mid Son|n A, I'owi'rs, a the application of tha Keansburg constitutes a scrious.threat" to the iniul li'iiciujr, Mr. Sena pointed (laving* and Loan Association to public health, and -warned that un- H I Iiu Imnril will IICIHI U now ' maintain a branch in Keyport, Re- less some action was taken hy iichur for Itohnrtvlllo I'lro lloiiao, cently it had acquired by bulk pur- Council Must Ask State To next Wednesday, he would "Insti- hiMo 4, conirmplnti's ri'ntliiK an . Chasa all the assets of the Borough tute i legal proceeding to compel uiuslilc" rmiiii. Tin' mmiiriiitend- Savings and Loan Association of the authority to comply-with the iit I'HlctMiii'd it-toucher for a new Keyport, which association had taw." Inderuiiilen clusn nlxi will bo done business in Keyport since its 1 Mrs. Marie Gelst, authority sec- ITlll'll, III IllldlllUII tfl till ll'plill'll- Incorporation In 191%, Approve Sewer For Siegel Tho Archives Book Sloro opened for liiislnrss Monday iiwriilng al iiimtn fur lilt* rcaltiiird li'acluira, . The total assets of the Keansburg retary, said Monday night arrange 1)7 Main SI., Mulawnn, nnd Mr«. llolon llcuthur, Knyporl, Iliu tnanaRdr, It appears now that no approval paper which quoted Mr. Shaw. as sewer extension from the existing merits are being made lo nicot Tha-i' loll l.nst Year Savings and Loan Association, af- of the State Department of Health answering the board's letter of In-plant, including the 75 homos,. 1 Is iliown In front of tho nlore, which will Hprolallio In new «nd UM'ii Ooni'im Snatiuifl, a liourtl mem- ter the acquisition of tha above with Mr. Tansey concerning tin. books, phom co|iylng and bnok conylng. I'lio shop Is ownud by David exists with respect to the extension quiry by declaring he was approv- Charlea Mandevllle, board secre- state citation She said she he. IIM. Imuilnitl If It wcrr a hablUtal named two associations still will be of a main from the existing dis- ng additions along tHe proposed tary, Informed Ihe board this could Kngelireiion, Valley Dr., Matawau. IIIIIK lor I In' hoiuil In Into - less than $4,000,000. lieved the disposal problem re- posal plant of Malawan Borough be ignored as it had been repre- ferred to In tlie state citation al mmiti'i d'Othmii. Mr Si'na f»- to service the first 75 houses to go The Commissioner's denial was sented as an answer to the board's ready hod been corrected. % iirlfd thii>c-(|ull IIIHI yimr nnd • up. iiLMMcJVoads. Jjie_ Howard letter .oLinquiry__oL Apz. J2iwheiL y wont In hlttlrar payhiu ill»lrlci» Thn predicated,, among other things, on Child Drowns noted t Ira t the package Ui» fact that the operation of a Siegel development on the 117-acrc the article appeared only two hours She Hold Service Foi hflnril ha« ilpfoiuli'd Til lumnr ncule Slano tract on Matawan Ave. Russell Martin Lleael. Iwo-and- aftdLtheUetter-had-twcn-miilled In treatment plant opcral napp third branch would place too treat \rj ir'iMVfilIIj i>?<<ift wit* *><i^ titiiT^Fv vi* an operating burden cm the Keans- Frederick Mauer, president of one-half-year-old son of William the Matawan.. Post Office, Mr. Gardens icctlon Is lutfjeel It the towniihln. One incrtator, artiut- burg Savings and Loan Association. the board of health, relates that and Gloria (Havens) Llegel, JM Mindeville declared it was obvious Rol>ert jnXciiz pedodic-Inspection byr the. .Jlnlc, nd at Hie cry f'.ir inoru Icaclims yesterday the health board receiv-" South 'Concourse, Cllflwood Mr.-Shaw was not-in-recelpt-o[ PlaiiXomirigCp The secretary denlecf having re- y.Jftnanilod to know Imw town- ed a letter from Robert S. Shaw, Beach, drowned yesterday short- the board's letter at Ihe time Jhe MSTdWoTi Youth ceived complaints the plant was Not On Agenda Of ..m farmera, unable 16 hinko and* Assistant Director of the Division ly after 12 o'clock noon In Flat article appeared. not operating satisfactorily from In Auto Craih mool, were (iilnii to pay Iho anl-, ater of Environmental Health, State De- Creek, Union Beach. Says Communication "Mislaid" the slate. •Marlboro Planners arln nuw eitaliUrtUnl, * Id alone partment of Health., stating that The tittle boy had wandered John Muller, health Inspector, Funeral services worn conducted Cliarlon T. McCun cat jnoro frfr^cachcrs, '.' considerable" misunnerstahdlng" away from his mother who was said thai when lie had been at Mr. tloncrs at Iiu MurllMiri Arllwr I'lucurd, lunlioi uf Murl- Plans Expansion Shaw's office with councilmanic tsloiday morning; for Robert J. appeared to exist about the posi- attending a benefit sale at the ililtiM' •llnimiln iMirn Central School, rriluni'i! m ol tion of himself and of the state fflcJjl£pn Ihe proposed $1,100,000 I'llr, 21, >iiri ol Mr. anil .Mrs, .. at COIICIUHIOIIH un Juno 30. It was mitmt nohnnla will Project Studied Union Beach Beat Club. Mrs. municipal sewer development in Ordination For health authority over the sanction Llegel, when she discovered the Harold tieltz, 9 Fountain Ave., neltlnit overly nlsrmeil un Ihe lull not' he clonlnu, until Junn II la m»ke Matawan recently' ',, he TOlad ' ask(K| ' In Cliff wood Beach for Mr. Siegel. child missing, began a search Malawan, •wliu wns killed Saturday Jed of Webb t Knapp's plans fo ui) duy« lost In llm winter anowa, Mr. Shaw about the [ate of the a XriDU-lioumi dovoliipiticnt In the Mr. Maiier reports that ihe Shaw and saw the boy In Uw creek. Rev. Carroll Hall In umautwioSMo accldant In Cum- Tlili would Itava tha school with- 1 board's letter and had been'told It Wwnjhln.
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