February 2, 1968

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February 2, 1968 ft caK3 from the associated press r. \ K jr SAIGON {&) — The Communists have a one-week cease-fire for the lunar new year paid nearly 5 H ,000 dead in their frenzied guer- Tet. Both the Viet Cong truce and a 36-hour Frbsn the State,i rilla strikes at Saigon and other major cen- stand-down ordered by the allies had dis- I ters throughout South Vietnam this week, solved in the fury of the conflict. the U.S. Command said this morning. 3 Si1; Bunker cast doubt on whether there T* A soaring general pasualty toll was an- would be further truces in the war. Asked nounced as the third day of the coordinated whether the allies would ever agree to an- • u Communist campaign brought new clashes AS other holiday halt in hostilities, he said: "I in outlying sections of Saigon- and heavy ac- \i *ss£- think it is very problematical that we can." tion in other parts of the country. ' . The threat of a big push by three or Command cities along the coastline in the north, Nha The U.S. Command announced that 45 The World . spokesman said 4,959 enemy Trang and Qui Nhon, came under fresh mor- four divisions of North Vietnamese reguars were killed in action U.S. soldiers had been killed and 313 wound- ' from 6 p.m. Monday to tar attacks and ground probes for the third against U.S. Marine and South Vietnamese Israeli Troops Force Canal Blockade midnight yesterday. Another 1 ed in the ladt 2.4 hours of fighting in the Sai- ,862 persons straight day. gon area. government posts below the demilitarized CAIRO — An Egyptian spokesman insisted yesterday were seized as Viet Cong suspects. zone was cited by the ambassador as a paral- U.S. casualties for the President Nguyen Van Thieu declared In the western suburbs, 300 Viet Cong that the entire Suez Canal must be surveyed before 15 period were listed martial law throughout the nation in the lel to the guerrilla operations. as 232 killed and 929 wounded. ' attacked the headquarters of the South Viet- stranded foreign ships can be released. He said firing by South Viet- wake of attacks against the U.S. Embassy namese 5th Infantry Division. Viet Cong Claims namese government casualties were 300 Israeli troops made the task impossible. and military and civilian installations from "It is felt that The Viet Cong claimed "resounding killed and 747 wounded, a spokesman said. we now have the initia- vic- Mohamed Hassan el Zayyat told a news conference the Hue to the Mekong Delta. tive and that we are no longer reacting to tories " in statements relayed from Hanoi. trapped vessels would remain blocked in the 107-mile canal 660 Viei Cong Killed The U.S. Command reported shortly after enemy-initiated actions but are seeking out Speaking for the allies, President Nguyen until it can be determined if they should be released, throug h South Vietnamese authorities said 660 midnight that the situation in Saigon was the enemy," the U.S. Command said at 12:30 Van Thieu declared: "The Communists' gen- Port Said at the canal's northern end or the Suez outlet Viet Cong were killed in Saigon alone in under control, but soon afterward the Viet a.m. eral offensive attempt has been less than completely in the south. two days of fighting. There was no Cong blew up a power station in the Cholon But small-arms fire still sounded, foiled." immediate there He said the stranded American ship Observer wanted word on the number of civilian section and attacked two national police were fires in the outskirts, and parachute Thieu proclaimed martial law casualties in across to leave through Port Said. the capital or elsewhere across stations there. flares lighted the night sky, where roving South Vietnam and urged civilians the nation either to Israeli and Egyptian guns exchanged fire Tuesday , but they were believed to have The two police stations in Cholon were fighter - bombers and helicopter gunships help the allied troops or clear out been heavy. • of areas after Egyptian boats tried to survey the northern half of attacked within 30 minutes of each other, lashed at the enemy. infiltrated by enemy elements to give the the canal. Israel has agreed that the canal's southern end Downtown Saigon was quiet early today, with 40 to 50 Viet Cong blazing away with U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker said counterattackers clear fields of fire. can be cleared of but skirmishing sunken vessels to free the 15 stranded continued in suburban areas. small arms and machine guns, informants this Viet Cong attack was obviously premedi- His government will rule by decree until ships, but says any clearing operations in the northern end Bands of Viet Cong, some disguised in gov- said. tated further notice ernment , planned well in advance and carefully , rather than under the consti- violate a cease-fire agreement that neither Egyptian nor unif orms , roamed the city. There were several minor attacks on coordinated with similar assaults elsewhere tutional parliamentary system Israeli forces would The inaugurated use the canal. Communists captured part of Hue, U.S. installations in Saigon, where at least around the country. last fall. The president ordered all the old bars, • • imperial capital 400 miles north of 12 U.S. soldiers and Marines were killed yes- The 74-year-old diplomat noted the en- theaters , night clubs and other places of en- * Sai gon, and seized control of half of 'Kontum terday in fending off a guerrilla onslaught emy offensive was launched during the per- tertainment closed. All gatherings and dem- The Nation in the central highlands. Two other major at the U.S. Embassy and other installations. iod in which the. Viet Cong had proclaimed onstrations were banned. - F t" ^ TX', ' ' - IE *is^ '$£ ' ' ii p' ?I^F"< Johnson Continues Talks on Asian Crisis WASHINGTON — The Johnson administration held 'I IW in reserve yesterday a broadoroaa response to thexne Rednea terrorxerror I . attacks throughout South ' Vietnam pending more infor- "1 ¦$ i Jfs mation on the outcome of the Communist assaults. W\ fil The White House disclosed President Johnson met 5 *h$%y i Tuesday night rath the Senate and House Republican m leaders , received intelligence reports during the night on i the attacks on the Saigon embassy and other targets, and breakfasted yesterday morning with senior members of the Senate and House Armed Services and Appropriations committees. Press secretary George Christian said the President SEOUL (AP)—A Communist sources quoted the North Ko- said his view was unofficial but told the congressional leaders of both parties that the leHH-S^i North Korean leader hinted r e a n broadcast as saying he noted Pyongyang had Asian crisis might require him to propose special measures de- lllfe s yesterday .hat the crew of the "there is a precedent for treat- manded a U.S. apology. His which he hopes would be considered in a nonpartisan fir Pueblo might be released under ment of similar cases at the federation maintains contacts atmosphere. certain conditions. He said fu- Ko rean Military Armistice with North Korea. However, the presidential spokesman said Johnson did ture developments in the Xo- , " and he emphasized Commission a reference to South Koreans Mad not discuss any specific measures, rean crisis depends on the the meetings at Panmunjom there may be no need for such proposals. In Seoul Foreign Minister United States. between the Comr.-.unists, the Choi Kyn-ha' i indicated his gov- * * . • The radio at Pyongyang, the United States and ' uth Korea. ernment was displeased with Nixon Expected To Announce Candidacy capital of North Korea, said In "okyo, an off icial of a pre- the handling of the Korean cri- Kim Kwang Hyup, secretary of North Korean organization said sis by the United States. NEW YORK — Everything points to it: Richard M. the Central Committee of the he belived the crew will be re- He said more attention should Nixon will announce today his candidacy for the Republi- Uorth Korean Worke.s Com- leased Z the United ' iates ad- be paid to „'ie North Korean at- can presidential nomination, and leave immediately on a munist party, mentioned the mits it violated territorial wa- tempt to assassina'e Pres ident campaign swing through New Hampshire, Wisconsin and capture of. the intelligence ship ters and promised not to repeat Chung Hee Pai ': . 'an. 21 than Oklahoma. at a reception for a Romanian the Incident. to the seizure of the U.S. intelli- The three states ailord the first tests of the strength Communist party delegation. The official , Paik Hang-ki, gence ship. of the former vice president, leader in all the polls of r;K'. y- . - &mfr^$Mr^' m&' 'r rnkz M^&^^ShiSliiS^^ "It is a-miscalculation if the deputy rhief of the foreign af- His government will object to GOP voters. He carried all three- states in his narrow U.S. imperialists think that fairs section of the Federation any direct talks between 1960 loss to John F Kennedy for the presidency. LEO HARTZ, of the Young Americans for Freedom, (standing) speaks at last night' the . s they can solve the incident of of Korean Residents in Japan, United States and North Korea New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary is March forum on drugs in the Heizel Union Building. Olher members of panel are (1. to r.) the intrusion of the Pueblo into on any proposa" to exchange 12. The Wisconsin primary follows on April 2. Oklahoma the. " " " James H.' Huber r - ipsiruciojr-of sociology,--Ed W«Snr\er,.
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