ROCHE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE ICT SUITE, TREGEAGLE BUILDING, ROCHE CP SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY, 22ND JULY 2015 AT 7.00PM Present Cllr. P. Ames Mrs. J. Burdon Cllr. M. Edyvean (Chairman) (Parish Clerk) (Vice-Chairman) Cllr. B. Higman Cllr. P. Gale Cllr. Mrs. I. Northey Cllr. Ms. A Carne Cllr. J. Smith Cllr. D. Laishley-Hayward Cllr. B. Higman Cllr. Mrs. S. Tippett Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood PCSO S. Tibbles Rev. Ruth Murffitt 16 Members of Public Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action

201/15 Apologies:- Councillors Mrs. V. Barrasin, Mrs. S. Tippett is hoping to attend if she can as she has a final exam this evening. 202/15 Monthly Neighbourhood Beat Manager Report:- PCSO S. Tibbles reported as follows:-  Crime Figures for the period from 10th June to the 22nd July – Criminal Damage = 1 (0 detected); Theft = 3 (0 detected); Burglary = 1 (0 detected); Assaults = 1 (0 detected); Drive whilst disqualified = 1 (0 detected); Drugs Related Crime = 2 (0 detected); Threat to damage/destroy property = 1 (0 detected); Wound/Inflich GBH = 1 (0 detected); Drink Drive = 1 (0 detected). Total Crimes = 12 (0 detected). Chairman thanked PCSO Steve Tibbles for attending the meeting and reporting to the Parish Council. 203/15 Monthly Councillor Report:- Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported as follows:-  Case for Cornwall – it seems to be heading in the right direction. Planning is abstracted which is quite good. It is very much about integration of services.  Concerns with cut backs at , especially with people still expecting the same service. Planning is especially getting behind.  He is currently working with some people to get the Parish Magazine up and running after the summer.  Library in the village is being negotiated to be put in new premises as the Café is closing, although they will be housing for another two months.  Dog Bins – Individual licences need to be applied for each bin to be put up.  A30 – he had a statement from the Government in respect of this. He believes the Parish Council needs to push the footpath from Roche to Victoria, he is receiving emails, letters, etc about this on a daily basis. It is believed we now need to force the hands of the land owner to get this moving. Parishioners are very distressed as they cannot get to work, he will be campaigning with the press next week and hopes the Parish Council will go along with this. Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor J. Wood for attending the meeting and reporting to the Parish Council. 204/15 Public Forum:- Mr. Aaron Walkey advised he had a slight revision on his plans and he has penned in a garage but is not extending the size of the building.

Mr. Clive Thomas thanked the Parish Clerk for updating the website with the Parish Council Minutes, which is very informative.


Reverend Ruth Murfitt expressed concern that the war memorial is looking in rough condition with weeds, etc., and there are places at the bottom that are also untidy as well. It is looking embarrassingly untidy and people visiting and local parishioners are expressing concerns, expecially the very middle part of the village. She has spoken to the Environment Warden who carries out a lot of work and she believes it should be paved and tidied. She also reported on the finger sign post which is rusty and broken off Action: Clerk to inform Cormac Clerk Solutions of the damaged sign. A disabled bay for outside the Church is also required, which Cornwall Councillor J. Wood is following up and wants to get a scheme in place for this. Chairman reported as far as the war memorial is concerned the Parish Council have instructed a Contractor to carry out works and replace with slate chippings.

Mr. Cooper attended in respect of the Wheal Rose Planning Application, Chairman advised this will be discussed later under Planning. 205/15 Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- None. th 206/15 Confirmation of Parish Minutes/Meeting held on the 10 June 2015:- Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 10th June 2015 as circulated be approved and signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor P. Gale; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey)

Councillor B. Higman arrived at 7.18pm. 207/15 Matters Arising from the Monthly Parish Minutes of the Meeting held on the 10th June 2015:-

Page 3 Min.137/15 Pedestrian Crossings, By-pass, Road Schemes:- Clerk Clerk reported nothing further had been received from Steve Double MP to date Action: Keep Pending.

Page 3 Min.260/14 Ancient Stone on Harmony Road:- Clerk reported she had not heard further on this and had followed up again this week Action: Keep Clerk Pending.

Page 3 Min.279/14(8) Caravan behind Trees with Bus on Old A30:- Clerk reported this is still with the Planning Enforcement Officer Action: Clerk to ask Clerk Cornwall Councillor J. Wood to follow up and keep Pending.

Page 4 Min.44/15 Application for Donation – Pantomime Costume Storage:- Clerk reported a letter had been sent advising of the amount granted and we were waiting to hear back from them when they are to purchase the storage. Councillor Ms. A. Carne advised this is still on hold for the time being Action: Clerk Keep Pending.

Page 4 Min.57/15 War Memorial – Gravel/Membrane:- Clerk reported she was still waiting to hear from Neil Stocks when he is likely to commence work Action: Clerk Keep Pending.

Page 5 Min.109/15 Purchase of Defribrillator:- Clerk reported nothing further Clerk had been received from Steve Double MP to date Action: Keep Pending. Page 5 Min.148/15 New Laptop/Printer:- Clerk reported due to holidays and Dinah Crellin’s (DMC IT) work schedule it was impossible to install. 3

Dinah Crellin had purchased on her credit card and after liaison with the Chairman it was agreed to pay the invoice for the laptop and printer and arrange installation as soon as possible.

Page 6 Min.182/15 Application for Financial Assistance from Harry Trethewey for Cornwall County Under 15’s Cricket:- Clerk reported a letter had been sent and she wished to keep this under matters arising until September when it will be included on the agenda again Action: Keep Pending and include Clerk under Matters Arising until September. 208/15 Any letters received for or against any Planning Applications:- None.

209/15 Planning Applications/Correspondence (Including Confirmation of Minutes of Planning Meeting held on the 10th June 2015 and Any Matters Arising):- Standing Orders were suspended to discuss the planning application for Mr. & Mrs. Buckland PA15/03650 (Proposed: Councillor P. Gale; Seconded: Councillor P. Ames) Motion Carried. Email received from Claire Broughton of Cornwall Council Planning in respect of this application advising she is going along with policy and will be granting permission. Cornwall Councillor J. Wood advised he would not support this going to Committee. It was resolved to accept the Planning Officers advice and grant permission (Proposed: Councillor P. Ames; Seconded: Councillor J. Smith (1 against) Action: Resolved to inform Clerk Claire Broughton of the proposal.

Confirmation of Planning Minutes from Meeting held on the 10th June 2015:- th Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 10 June 2015 as circulated be approved and signed by the Chairman with an amendment to Page 1 …4 affordable and 4 open market… (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor P. Gale)

Planning Applications Received to date:-

PA15/04122 – Mr. & Mrs. D. Morrow – Proposed rear Extension and Clerk Conservatory, Pentewan House, Wesley Terrace, Bugle – Support (Proposed: Councillor J. Smith; Seconded: Councillor P. Ames)

PA15/04672 – Mrs. Merle Jarrett – Erection of new conservatory to rear of lounge 3.2m wide and 3m deep. Accessed from existing lounge by patio doors which will remain in place, 10 Douglas Close, Roche – Support (Proposed: Clerk Councillor J. Smith; Seconded: Councillor D. Laishley-Hayward)

PA15/05791 - Mr. Kester Salisbury – Replacement dwelling, Colbiggan Mine, Roche – Support for this application to go to Committee (Proposed: Councillor P. Ames; Seconded: Councillor J. Smith) Clerk

Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett arrived at 7.45pm.

PA15/06205 - Mrs. R. Buckland – Use of land for stationing of caravans, Site 11 Minorca Lane, Bugle – Same comments as previous appliations for Minorca Lane – Roche Parish Council request that their comments be recorded as “unable to comment because of a lack of information”. Despite Clerk frequent requests for clarification of map references and density of dwelling per acre the information requested has not been forthcoming. We as a Parish Council do take out responsibilities regarding Minorca Lane very seriously. 4

We are not choosing to absolve ourselves of duty of care but at this juncture we are left in no other position than to say “We are unable to comment”. We understand that a certificate of lawfulness will allow satisfactory work for improving the sanitation, health and hygiene facilities on the site (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor P, Gale)

Aaron Walkey – Proposed Development at Land Adjacent to The House, Higher Trerank, Roche. Members that attended the site visit advised all trees would be remaining and only one house, any more than one would not be acceptable. There are Tree Preservation Orders on the majority of the trees. The opening would be slightly enlarged and the Councillors that attended were mindful to support this proposal. It was proposed the Parish Council supports the fact that Aaron Walkey continues with his planning application (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor P. Gale)

8 Members of the public left the meeting at 8.00pm.

Planning Results Received:-

PA15/02568 – The Tregothnan Estate – Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to a Class C3 Use to Dwellinghouse and Associated Operational Development, Barn at Belowda Farm, Belowda Road, Belowda, Roche – Planning Permission Required

PA15/03174 – Mr. Gareth Davies – Installation of a 650 KW ground mounted PV array and associated substation, Land Adjacant to Trebilcock Farm, Roche – Approved

PA15/03063 – Cornish Gateway Services Ltd – Display of illuminated totem sign, Cornish Gateway Services, Victoria Internchange, Victoria, Roche – Approved

PA15/03829 – Mr. Adrian Fitzgerald – Change of use of domestic kennels to county holding kennels, Tregarrick Fields Farm, Edgcumbe Road, Roche – Withdrawn

PA15/03834 – Mr. M. Tyrrell – Proposed conversion and extension to existing stone outbuilding to provide two bedroom holiday accommodation (Decision C2/10/00918) with removal of Condition 4 regarding occupancy, Tresibble Farm, Access to Tresibble Farm, Hallew, Bugle – Approved

3 Members of the public left the meeting along with Reverend Ruth Murffitt at 8.03pm. 210/15 Change in Sending Paper Copies of Planning Applications to Local Councils:- Cornwall Councillor J. Wood advised this was discussed yesterday and plans will continue in paper form until January and workshops will be held. He advised that projectors could be purchased for about £100-£150 and for Parish Councillors to possibly have tablets. Councillor P. Gale advised he could not see a problem with this and he advised that if public attends meetings they could see plans from a projector rather than us passing plans around a table, this would ensure everyone would see what was going on. He advised applications could be downloaded and put on a memory stick and put into a projector. 5

Concerns were expressed that electronic copies are not always to scale. The cost of a set of planning applications to be sent out to Parish Councils cost approximately £50-£60. Chairman advised he would be happy to attend workshops for this to see how this works and if it transpires that a number of projectors are required they could be purchased in bulk.

It was resolved to suggest a workshop be held in Roche or the Clay area as we Clerk/ would like to attend and also to query about bulk purchase of the same projector Cwll. or a touch-screen tv if possible to help all Parish Councils to have the same Cllr. J. equipment and for training on this Action: Clerk to send a letter regarding this Wood (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett; Seconded: Councillor P. Gale). Action: Cornwall Councillor J. Wood to speak with Edwina Hannaford to ask she be more pro-active with this.

A suggestion was made to install microphones as well so the public could hear what Councillors are saying. This was duly noted.

Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett advised that projectors have a small lifespan and going the electronic route is the way forward, although she believes a big tv style screen could be more beneficial, similar to what the local schools have now.

It was suggested there is a projector in the meeting room that could be used by the Parish Council. 211/15 Monthly Accounts for Approval:- It was proposed that the Council approve the Clerk accounts for payment as listed on the attached schedule (Proposed: Councillor D. Laishley-Hayward; Seconded: Councillor B. Higman) Motion Carried 212/15 Red Dog Bins – Purchase of Bag Dispensers:- Clerk reported she had received a response from Cornwall Councillor J. Wood in respect of the ruling on siting of dig bins (i.e. attached to street furniture on wide grass verges) – He had spoken with Geoff Passmore who advised that this is being discouraged particulary on street lamps. Cornwall Council are not installing any new bins as they do not have funds but can replace if damaged. Some Parish Councils have purchased new bins direct with Cory. As mentioned earlier for each individual dog bin required applications need to be sought. It was suggested to purchase two normal waste bins for the village, one for the top by the existing and another by the Bus Shelter at then bottom (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor Ms. A. Carne) Action: Clerk to purchase two waste bins for the Clerk village, the same as recently ordered for the Playing Fields. 213/15 Purchase of Defribrillator & Runing Costs for siting at the top of Roche:- Clerk reported she heard from Norman Trebilcock advising that internet is required, unless there is a wifi signal very close. The next option would be a digital locked cabinet which would need a guardian to check the defibrillator on a fortnightly basis.

A response had been received from the Head Teacher at Roche School advising - He would contact the governing body and had now heard back from the majority who are all in agreement that school would be an ideal location for a second defibrillator and that we are delighted to be able to help in this matter. I understand that you are meeting the Parish Council this evening. Please inform

them on our behalf. Look forward to hearing back from you on arrangements for its installation. I was speaking to Councillor Ms. Andrea Carne in the Co-op this morning about the location of the existing defibrillator.


I wonder if there should be some sort of signposting in the village to inform people that its located at the vets? Also a quick poll of school employees who live in the village indicates that most didn’t know there was one in the village already and that only one person knew where it was located. I live near and their defibrillator is on the wall of the Co-op right in the centre of the town. The people of Lostwithiel would obviously know its location but it’s pretty likely that any visitors would also come across it. I expect this has all been talked through and debated at length in the past but perhaps relocation to a Clerk central position or a big awareness campaign is worth considering Action: Clerk to order defribrillator from Norman Trebilcock and confirm with the Head Teacher that arrangements were in hand for the purchase and would be delivered and put up on the School premises in due course. Clerk to ask also whether there is

some form of plaque/sign to direct people of the location of the defribrillators.

Councillor M. Edyvean advised that any relocation would need to be actioned by the Parish Council and should be paid for out of solar funding. Councillor B. Higman advised it is really the awareness of where the defribrillator is to ensure that the public know the sites these are placed on.

Action: Clerk to put a notification on the website advising the current defrbrillator that is up and running is located at the Vets Practice and there will be one on the Clerk Roche School premises in due course, which has now been ordered.

Action: Signs to be put up on the Bus Shelters and Noticeboard advising of Clerk locations of defribrillators when both are in place.

It was suggested to get the local Press involved when both are in place. 214/15 Housing Development in conjunction with Community Trust Schemes:- Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported if the Parish Council wanted to persue this, Cornwall Council would support them. The Parish Council would then have full control of the houses, tenancy agreements and who goes into them. Councillor M. Edyvean queried whether the money from the property at Tremodrett Road could go into this type of project Action: Next Agenda and Cornwall Councillor Clerk J. Wood to bring back information from Ocean Housing. 215/15 Feasibility of Parish Office:- Chairman advised he had requested this be included on the main agenda. At the current time the Victory Hall would allocate a piece of land for the Parish Council to build an office. We have no further information, i.e. cost of rent, etc.

Cost of office from Timber Frame for a unit of 4 metres wide and 8 metres long would be approximately £13,000 erected, including roof trusses, there would then be cladding, internal fitting, etc.

An office would need to incorporate a section for machinery storage, etc., for the Environment Warden as the Mortuary is not particularly safe.

Councillor B. Higman advised that the Pharmasist in the village has now approached the Victory Hall to build a premise on the site. He believes this could then be looked at together to save on seweage, water, etc. The Pharmasist would like to be at the front end due to people accessing. The Pharmisist advised that whatever he took away from the Car Park he would be willing to replace further up.


The Committee may look to the Parish Council to help towards repair to the Car Park as well.

Councillor B. Higman suggested writing to the Managing Trustees to be invited to meeting to be held regarding office/pharmacist Action: Clerk to write to Clerk Rachael Gill to be invited to this Managing Trustees meeting.

PCSO S. Tibbles left the meeting at 8.50pm. 216/15 Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any Memorial/Inscription Applications; (b) Extension to Roche Cemetery); (c) Lean-to/Fence/Gate/Padlock area next to Mortuary Building:-

Application for Wall Plaque:- Drew Memorials – Wall Plaque for Elsie Doreen & Frederick Pascoe Action: It was resolved to allow permission for this wall Clerk plaque (Proposed: Councillor J. Smith; Seconded: Councillor B. Higman)

Extension to Roche Cemetery:- There had been nothing further heard in respect of the land.

Lean-to/Fence/Gate/Padlock area next to Mortuary Building:- Councillor M. Edyvean reported a gate needs to be put up before the waste bins are put in to ensure we have full control of the area and the floor needs to be tided up, if we go the Parish Office route we do not need to do anything, however, if we do not go ahead with the office we need to do something at the Mortuary.

It was proposed the Environment Warden puts the gates up and Councillor M. Edyvean to speak with him Action: Councillor M. Edyvean to speak with the Cllr. M. Edyvean Environment Warden. 217/15 Turnstiles to Public Conveniences/Introduction of a Market Day at Roche:- Email received as follows – Firstly, the Public Conveniences. Why doesn’t the Parish Council introduce paying turnstyles to the toilets? This would create much needed revenue in paying for the toilets upkeep. Secondly, the introduction of a Market Day to Roche. Once a month on a Sunday, using half of the Rock Inn Car Park. This would create a much needed fun day for the people of Roche and bring in people from outside the area. Additionally to this, the day would bring in a much needed customer base to the pub and help generate a lively atmosphere

Action: Resolved to respond thanking for comments advising at this time we pay for the toilets which has been mandated from the precept. With regards to the Clerk Market Day suggestion advising we do not control the Rock Inn Car Park so this is out of our jurisdiction. 218/15 Join CIPFA to explore the future of Local Government Finance:- Resolved not to join on this occasion. 219/15 First Great Western – Invitation to apply for funding:- Cornwall Councillor J. Clerk/ Wood advised the Parish Council should apply for the funding themselves Action: Clerk and Chairman to liaise regarding submitting an application. Chair Roche Public Conveniences:- Clerk reported the drains had now been cleared 220/15 and the report had been received which was passed to Chairman to look through Action: Clerk to inform South West Water of the broken drain pending comments Clerk from the Chairman. Action: Clerk reported she had spoken with the Cleaner in respect of legionella testing and it was confirmed this is carried out every month as originally agreed Clerk with the Contract set up. 8

Action: Clerk to also arrange annual PAT Testing in the Public Conveniences Clerk and for office equipment.

Email from Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett advising as we manage the Public Conveniences, it would be prudent to ensure that a file with copies of these checks which have been undertaken is kept in the Parish Office. It would also be a double check for Councillors that these checks are being undertaken on a monthly basis Action: Clerk to arrange with Alison Hawken to send these Clerk monthly checks for records and also request a two-yearly risk assessment on this as well. 221/15 Articles for Parish Council Website/Monthly Magazine Report:- No update on magazine and Paul Webb has been sent further correspondence but nothing heard to date on whether he will be producing further copies. Website is updated monthly and any items to be included to be forwarded to the Parish Clerk. Clerk reported that Cornwall Councillor J. Wood had advised he should know something by the end of the Summer. 222/15 Playing Fields (Including Matched Funding for National Lottery Application):- Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett reported she still has trees that are available. Councillor M. Edyvean reported two of the no smoking signs have been damaged and thrown away, there are another two that have been damaged, he is very disappointed these were put up by a Council official and the terrible state they are in and the quality of them. The sign on the play area needs rectifiying as the bolts are damaged Action: Clerk to instruct the Environment Clerk Warden to cut off the bolts and make safe as soon as possible and if he is unsure to liaise with Councillor M. Edyvean. 223/15 Renewal of Lease:- Clerk advised she had still not heard back from Tregothnan Clerk Estates and had now followed up with further queries following the Sub- Committee Meeting Action: Keep Pending.

Sub-Committee Meeting to discuss the leases – Chairman reported they had a meeting and we looked in some detail and have been able to identify our land and have written to Tregothnan to set up a meeting with them Action: Keep Clerk Pending. 224/15 Bus Shelters:- No updates. Footpath Signs/Matters (Including (a) Footpath for Victoria; (b) Footpath 225/15 No. 10 raised under Public Forum last month):- Councillor M. Edyvean - Footpath 10 – he went in from the other end up to the bridge but did not go any further. He needs to walk it completely with the Environment Warden and he is a bit concerned about part of it. Up to the bridge is fine but the section that is

the problem needs to be looked at.

Email from Julie Coad in respect of Footpath 10 setting out her concerns abiout maintenance, fly-tipping, etc., advising the main problem are the holes as they

are dangerous for walkers and horseriders. The muddy conditions most users can cope with if they wear appropriate footwear Action: Clerk to respond Clerk advising we note the comments that have been made.

Councillor B. Higman reported that Richard Bunningham had contacted him regarding the Footpath at Victoria and he was going to go back to Cornwall Council to establish who he should be dealing with now. Cornwall Councillor J. Wood would follow up to get an update. Chairman queried whether there would be any logic in the Parish Council acquiring the land and then approaching Cornwall Council, Cornwall Councillor J. Wood to follow up how this would help. 9

226/15 Roche Railway Station & Noticeboards in the Parish:- No report.

227/15 Section 52/106 Agreements (Including Gilley Mill):-

Email received from Liz Marsden in respect of Gillys Mill Solar Park was th discussed at the Sub-Committee Meeting on the 19 June. Councillor D. Laishley-Hayward advised they are waiting for funding. Chairman reported their planning had now expired.

Email from Clean Earth – Community Benefit – Regarding co-ordinating the community contributions generated from the Trebilcock Turbine. They are aware they have already released the funds for this year but wondered whether the Parish Council would be able to provide details in regard to where the community

benefit is being distributed? Action: Clerk to request a meeting with Trish Draper to explain in more detail to her of what the Parish Council proposes to do Clerk with this funding, i.e. leases, car parks, etc. Chairman, Clerk and Councillors D. Laishley-Hayward, M. Edyvean, J. Smith, B. Higman to attend if they are available. 228/15 Correspondence – Clerk listed correspondence and actions required: 1. Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine (Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) 2. Cornwall Council – Affordable Housing Team Response 3. Cornwall Rural Housing Associated Limited – Your affordable Rural Homes Clerk need your support Action: Clerk to copy to all Councillors. 4. Came & Company – Joined the Stackhouse Poland Group 5. Deanna Rowett – Parking - Edgcumbe Road, Roche Action: Clerk to Clerk acknowledge and advise these matters are continually discussed at Parish Council Meetings to come to a satisfactory conclusion. 6. Linda Turner – Parking Issues, Roche Action: Clerk to acknowledge and Clerk advise these matters are continually discussed at Parish Council Meetings

to come to a satisfactory conclusion. 7. Lisa Endean – Parking - Victoria Road, Roche Action: Clerk to Clerk acknowledge and advise these matters are continually discussed at Parish Council Meetings to come to a satisfactory conclusion. 8. Email from Cornwall Councillor J. Wood in respect of Lisa Endean’s email above advising he has been trying to get a link between Roche and Victoria for 7 years. He is trying. Every letter helps. He asked she asks her work colleagues to send more emaiks to him of similar veined to hers. 9. Community Energy Plus – Join us to access cheaper electricity and gas 10. Cornwall Council – Hydrographic Dye Tracing Study in St. Austell Bay – 15th to 18th June 11. Cornwall Council – Clarification as to the purpose of a Local Validation List 12. Darren Hawkey – Security Dynamics 13. Melanie Vestergaard – Channel 4 Hit Posh Pawnbrokers 14. Cruse Bereavement Care AGM 2015 15. The National Allotment Society – Forum for Allotment Managers 16. Notts Sport Ltd – Training Day 17. Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Have your Say 18. Cornwall Council – Communities & Devolution Bulletin 19. Chairman of Lanner Parish Council – Case for Cornwall 20. Cornwall Council – Case for Cornwall 21. Vital Venues – Calling Hall Committees in Mid Cornwall 22. Plantlife 25 – Newsletter Reports 23. The newsletter of the Taves an Tir Cornish language Project 24. Local Councils Advisory Service – Newsletter 10

25. Cornwall Council – The Case for Cornwall 26. Cornwall Council – Alternative Service Delivery of Library & One Stop Shops in Cornwall 27. Cornwall Council – Leisure Services Review, Soft Market Test 2015 28. Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council with Voluntary Sector Summit 229/15 To arrange any Sub-Committee Meetings required:- None.

230/15 Any Other Urgent Business:- None.

231/15 Date of next Meeting:- Wednesday the 12th August 2015 at 7.00pm in the ICT Suite, Tregeagle Building, Roche CP School.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 9.24pm

The Parish Council were pleased to receive a gift of sausages from owners of Little Rosemellyn as a sample of what they are achieving on the site.

Signature: ……………………………………………… Chairman

Date: 22nd July 2015