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Defining biocultural approaches to conservation

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Michael C. Gavin , Joe McCarter , Aroha Mead , Fikret Berkes ,

5 4 2

John Richard Stepp , Debora Peterson , and Ruifei Tang


Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1480, USA


School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand


Maori Business, School of Management, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand


Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada


Ethnobiology Lab, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA

We contend that biocultural approaches to conservation Here, we argue that a set of conservation practices,

can achieve effective and just conservation outcomes which we term ‘biocultural approaches to conservation’,

while addressing erosion of both cultural and biological provide a path forward by addressing a central theme from

diversity. Here, we propose a set of guidelines for the these debates: how conservation can lead to effective and

adoption of biocultural approaches to conservation. just outcomes within different social–ecological contexts.

First, we draw lessons from work on biocultural diversity In turn, we contend that biocultural approaches to conser-

and heritage, social–ecological systems theory, integrat- vation can serve as a powerful tool for confronting the rapid

ed conservation and development, co-management, and global loss of both biological and cultural diversity. We

community-based conservation to define biocultural propose a set of guidelines for adopting biocultural app-

approaches to conservation. Second, we describe eight roaches to conservation. We first define these conservation

principles that characterize such approaches. Third, we approaches and establish a set of key principles, before

discuss reasons for adopting biocultural approaches and arguing their merits and discussing the main challenges

challenges. If used well, biocultural approaches to con- that these approaches might face.

servation can be a powerful tool for reducing the global

loss of both biological and cultural diversity. What are biocultural approaches to conservation?

Biocultural approaches to conservation provide a unique

Transcending conservation debates way forward for conservation by drawing lessons from pre-

The methods and scope of conservation have vious work on biocultural diversity and heritage, social–

been a source of constant debate. Arguments have centered ecological systems theory, and different models of people-

on the role of human communities, particularly ones in centered conservation[6,11–13] (see Glossary; Figure 1). The

close proximity to areas of conservation interest, and the

degree to which interests of these people should define

conservation [1–4]. These debates have focused on the real Glossary

or potential impacts that people have on biodiversity, the Adaptive governance: : formal and informal institutions designed to evolve in

degree to which benefits and costs of conservation should response to changes within the social–ecological context [60].

Biocultural approaches to conservation: : conservation actions made in the

be shared, across what groups should this sharing occur,

service of sustaining the biophysical and sociocultural components of

and who should control the conservation process [5,6]. dynamic, interacting, and interdependent social–ecological systems.

Biocultural heritage:

The discussion, in its starkest form, has pitted advocates : knowledge, innovations, and practices of indigenous

and local communities that are collectively held and inextricably linked to, and

of people-free or ‘fortress conservation’ against those in favor

shaped by, the socioecological context of communities [19].

of people-centered conservation [3]. In reality, the practice of Co-management: : ‘a situation in which two or more social actors negotiate,

define and guarantee amongst themselves a fair sharing of the management

conservation today encompasses a spectrum of approaches,

functions, entitlements and responsibilities for a given territory, area or set of

which vary in the degree to which they balance objectives of

natural resources’ [61] (p. 1). Co-management tends not to be a fixed state, but

biodiversity conservation with those emphasizing human an iterative, deliberate, problem-solving process [62].

Community-based conservation: : a range of activities that includes natural

livelihoods [7,8]. However, heated debates continue to

resource management or biodiversity protection done by, for, and with, the

surface in the conservation literature and popular press.

local community, and recognizes ‘the coexistence of people and nature, as

Most recently, arguments have erupted over the potential distinct from protectionism and the segregation of people and nature’ [63].

Integrated conservation and development programs: : seek to link conserva-

for a ‘new conservation science’, the degree to which past

tion and human community livelihood objectives [64].

approaches have been successful, and the extent to which

Multilevel institutions: : formal and informal rules, norms, and/or strategies at

conservation should serve human welfare [9,10]. multiple levels (i.e., local, national regional, and international) that structure

social, political, and economic interactions [26,54].

Corresponding author: Gavin, M.C. ([email protected]). Social–ecological systems: : coupled human and natural systems that are

Keywords: biocultural conservation; biodiversity; culture; social–ecological systems. complex, dynamic, unpredictable, and heterogeneous at multiple spatial and

temporal scales, shaped by reciprocal feedback loops, and characterized by


nonlinear dynamics, time lags, thresholds, and linked social and ecological

ß 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

processes [24].

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unpredictable, shaped by feedback loops across multiple

Social–ecological systems scales and levels, and characterized by linked social and

ecological processes [24]. No one institutional arrangement

or knowledge system has the capacity to manage these

systems in all locations [25]. Instead, successful conserva-

Biocultural conservaon

tion requires approaches to governance and management

that are context specific, nested, multilevel, and adaptive

in nature [13,26].

Community- We assert that the lessons from previous conservation


ICDPs work that we have outlined above can be combined to create


more synthetic and holistic approaches to conservation. We

define these biocultural approaches to conservation as ‘con-

servation actions made in the service of sustaining the


biophysical and sociocultural components of dynamic, inter-


acting and interdependent social–ecological systems’. This

definition emphasizes that the biophysical and sociocultural

components of social–ecological systems are linked, and can

be sustained through the process of biocultural conserva-

tion. We also recognize the need for different actions in

TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution different contexts and, therefore, we use the plural: biocul-

tural approaches to conservation. These actions encompass

Figure 1. Conceptual model of foundations for biocultural approaches to

all phases of the conservation process, including manage-

conservation. Biocultural approaches to conservation draw lessons from

previous work on different models of conservation (co-management, integrated ment, and also governance more broadly.

conservation and development, and community-based conservation) and are

embedded within social–ecological systems. Abbreviation: ICDP, integrated

Principles of biocultural approaches to conservation

conservation and development project.

We define eight principles of successful biocultural conser-

vation initiatives (Box 1), and discuss each of them in turn


study of biocultural diversity has emphasized the interde-

pendence of biological and cultural diversity via coevolution Acknowledge that conservation can have multiple

processes, common threats, and geographic overlap [14– objectives and stakeholders

18]. Biocultural heritage encompasses indigenous and local Conservation almost always involves multiple stake-

community knowledge, innovations, and practices, which holders who promote a range of objectives. For example,

are developed within, and linked to, the social–ecological in a sample of ten conservation-development projects from

context [19]. A focus on biocultural heritage also stresses the the Equator Initiative of the United Nations Development

recognition of multiple worldviews that serve as the founda- Program (, local people and

tion for different sets of knowledge about the natural world groups had a range, and different mixes, of economic,

and our species’ place in it [19,20]. Conserving diverse sets of political, social, and cultural objectives, in addition to

knowledge can provide human and biological communities conservation objectives [27]. These objectives can pull in

with greater adaptive capacity to cope with current and different directions, leading to the need to make trade-offs

future disturbances [16,19]. Several authors have also noted in the design of conservation approaches [7]. Biocultural

the importance of securing the rights of indigenous and local conservation approaches should recognize the presence of

people and a focus on social justice [18,19,21]. The study of multiple objectives, design mechanisms for incorporating

biocultural diversity has led to the call for the development of them, weigh trade-offs, and establish conflict resolution

approaches that seek to maintain and revitalize biocultural mechanisms that are fair to all parties.

heritage [19,22,23]. We argue that biocultural approaches to

conservation can achieve this goal.

The mix of success and failure that has resulted from

Box 1. Principles of biocultural approaches to conservation

different people-centered approaches to conservation, in-

1 Acknowledge that conservation can have multiple objectives and

cluding co-management, community-based conservation,


and integrated conservation and development, can also

2 Recognize the importance of intergenerational planning and

guide future conservation planning. For example, research

institutions for long-term adaptive governance

on these models of conservation demonstrates the impor- 3 Recognize that culture is dynamic, and this dynamism shapes

tance of balancing trade-offs among a variety of stake- resource use and conservation

4 Tailor interventions to the social–ecological context

holder objectives [7], the value of shared and flexible

5 Devise and draw upon novel, diverse, and nested institutional

governance systems, and the importance of relations frameworks

among key stakeholders as the basis for social learning 6 Prioritize the importance of partnership and relation building for

and improved management [13]. conservation outcomes

7 Incorporate the distinct rights and responsibilities of all parties

We also incorporate key lessons from the field of social–

8 Respect and incorporate different worldviews and knowledge

ecological systems theory. Conservation programs are em-

systems into conservation planning

bedded within these systems, which are complex, dynamic,


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Recognize the importance of intergenerational planning their own interventions without extensive interference

and institutions for long-term adaptive governance from the state, they can, and are more likely to, enforce

Sustainable management of social–ecological systems will rules themselves [33].

require long-term solutions. In general, these are enabled

by the presence of flexible and adaptive institutions. These Prioritize the importance of partnership and relationship

institutions will have several characteristics, such as: building for conservation outcomes

mechanisms to enable social learning; responses to shifts Partnership is the sharing of power between and across

in dynamics; and the flexibility to cope with multiple levels of governance, and is an important aspect of

hybrid and novel approaches to conservation [11,28,29]. biocultural conservation approaches. Although discourses

Approaches to biocultural conservation should also of ‘partnership’ and ‘participation’ are regularly used to

seek to match the timescale of the system in question, justify a variety of conservation actions, most projects do

which is often over generations rather than shorter not begin with the presumption that true power sharing

periods. will be necessary [37,38]. Successful biocultural conserva-

tion approaches should seek partnership that prioritizes

Recognize that culture is dynamic, and that this joint responsibility, active relation management, environ-

dynamism shapes resource use and conservation mental justice, and the sharing of governance and stew-

Culture, as manifested in multiple worldviews, , ardship responsibility [13,22,36]. For example, in Inner

and sources of knowledge, is a critical facet of approaches to Mongolia, a genuine partnership between Mongolian

biocultural conservation. However, as is the case with herders, a conservation nongovernmental organization

[24], culture is dynamic, and planning the (NGO) and local government has led to increased conser-

‘conservation’ of culture risks seeking to fix it in place vation success [39]. Continuous negotiation among stake-

and time [30,31]. Instead, biocultural approaches to con- holders will be necessary to build and support successful

servation should allow for the adaptation of cultural sys- partnerships.

tems, including the formation of novel and hybrid

institutions for the management of diversity [11]. Incorporate the distinct rights and responsibilities of all


Tailor interventions to the social–ecological context Biocultural conservation approaches should delineate and

Blueprint solutions designed for universal application are recognize the rights and responsibilities of all stake-

inappropriate and ineffective for conservation. Social and holders. In particular, these approaches should recognize

ecological changes are felt at a local level, and drivers of and respect the rights of indigenous and local people to

these changes are mediated through complex and multi- natural resource use and to continued presence on their

level institutions and organizations [6]. Therefore, biocul- homelands [16,19]. Biocultural conservation approaches

tural conservation approaches must seek to integrate should also recognize that multiple partners have vested

multiple levels of governance, and promote horizontal interests, and that true equality is rarely present at the

(within same level) and vertical (between levels) institu- negotiating table [4,40]. Designation of rights and respon-

tional linkages that start from the bottom up [32]. In sibilities should also follow the principle of Free Prior

particular, biocultural approaches to conservation should Informed Consent [41], which is central to the United

focus on crafting new, multilevel institutions that allow Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

governance to adapt to the specific contexts in which (cf. UNDRIP Article 19;

conservation is embedded [26,33,34]. unpfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf). One example of bridg-

ing power is Arapaima management in Mamiraua Re-

Devise and draw upon novel, diverse, and nested serve, Brazil, where local knowledge of monitoring was

institutional frameworks combined with government science and management [42].

Although a bottom-up focus is critical for biocultural con- Another example can be found in a biosphere reserve in

servation approaches, multiscale linkages should be in southern Sweden, where the local bridging organization

place to connect local realities with regional and global (the Ekomuseum) helped coordinate local interests and

institutions [22,29]. This is currently demonstrated in knowledge to give direction to the management of the

protected areas such as Ramsar sites (linking national reserve [28].

and global levels) and World Heritage Sites (local, regional, Globally, indigenous peoples have a unique status in

national, and international). Enabling policy environ- terms of conservation and natural resource management

ments can legitimize social movements, maximize the activities. Many indigenous peoples share experiences of

capacities of actors at multiple levels, and lead to negotia- colonialism and marginalization, which have often been

tions around the different objectives of different rights amplified by conservation activities [5,43,44]. Moreover,

holders [26]. Nested governance arrangements, where indigenous peoples are custodians and landowners of much

institutions are organized in multiple nested layers that of the biodiversity worldwide [45,46], while also represent-

are formally independent but act in a coherent manner ing a significant proportion of the cultural diversity of the

[34], are more likely to incorporate multiple knowledge world [21]. Therefore, biocultural conservation activities

systems and adapt to local social–ecological contexts are inseparable from wider issues, including self-determi-

[35]. In turn, these governance arrangements can result nation, autonomy, food sovereignty, and environmental

in more equitable and sustainable conservation outcomes security, which are often major concerns for indigenous

[26,36]. Moreover, if resource users have the right to devise peoples.


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Respect and incorporate different worldviews and and knowledge sets, and ensuring access to traditional lands

knowledge systems into conservation planning and resources.

Environmental knowledge and resource management prac- It is also critical to note that conservation is embedded

tices are embedded within worldviews, which serve to me- within particular social–political contexts [4,5,52]. Conser-

diate experience of the environment [47]. A diversity of vation outcomes are context specific and shaped by histo-

worldviews contributes a variety of ways of understanding ries of place. When conservation planning ignores social–

the environment, and an array of means for solving envi- political context, success rarely ensues. For example, pro-

ronmental problems [17,48]. For example, sacred sites can tected areas in many parts of the world have a fraught

be effective modes of conservation, but are not easily trans- history with indigenous and local peoples due to forcible

latable to many national-level resource management cate- removal from traditional lands and denial of access to

gories [49]. Therefore, biocultural conservation approaches traditional resources and governance representation

should recognize and work with different worldviews. [53]. These conservation approaches have often not only

Conservation programs have historically relied on sci- been unjust and clear violations of human rights, but also

entific knowledge for setting priorities and designing created heated conflicts as disenfranchised populations

actions. However, there are other sources of knowledge, develop a vested interest in working against protected

in particular, indigenous environmental knowledge, which areas. As an alternative, we argue for biocultural

complement and extend scientific knowledge [42,47]. Sys- approaches to conservation are based on partnerships

tems of indigenous knowledge represent human interac- and long-term relation building. A focus on relations has

tion with local environments over long time periods, and greater potential to reduce conflict and ensure more effec-

often represent rich, nuanced, and locally adapted knowl- tive conservation action. Although conflicts can still arise,

edge systems that can be well suited to good environmental if partnerships are based on equitable sharing of benefits,

governance. While the methods and motives for the inte- costs, and power, then such conflicts can be embraced as a

gration of scientific and indigenous knowledge systems step in social learning rather than an insurmountable

remain topics of debate [50,51], acknowledging the validity barrier to conservation [13].

of other knowledge systems is a critical step for biocultural Biocultural approaches will also increase the adaptive

conservation. capacity of conservation by involving more stakeholders

This principle is also supported by the Convention on with a vested interest in success. In turn, these approaches

Biological Diversity, which has been ratified by 168 nations incorporate a wider range of human resources and capaci-

and is the most significant international legal instrument ties and pursue common solutions. Biocultural approaches

for conservation. Article 8(j) of the convention requires that seek to integrate the worldviews and resource manage-

parties: ‘respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, inno- ment frameworks that form the basis of multiple knowl-

vations and practices of indigenous and local communities edge systems. These multifaceted approaches bring more

embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conserva- options to the table and increase the chances of long-term

tion and sustainable use of biological diversity.’ Biocultural success, given the uncertainty inherent in complex and

conservation approaches should give full effect to the dynamic social–ecological systems [29,52].

content and intent of article 8(j) by designing conservation

interventions to explicitly account for traditional knowl- What challenges are faced by biocultural approaches to

edge and practice. conservation?

A shift towards biocultural approaches to conservation is

Why biocultural approaches to conservation? likely to face at least four challenges: (i) barriers to mean-

We argue that conservation practitioners should embrace ingful sharing of power across institutional levels; (ii)

biocultural approaches for social justice, legal, and practi- obstacles to integration of diverse sets of knowledge; (iii)

cal reasons. Most importantly, conservation actions should limited funding; and (iv) a struggle to adjust to the dynamic

respect and uphold human rights. This includes laws and nature of social–ecological systems. Managing human be-

regulations set forth by international accords, which in- havior is fundamental to conservation, and institutions, as

clude (but are not limited to): Agenda 21, the Convention ‘humanly devised constraints that structure political, eco-

on Biological Diversity, the Universal Declaration of Hu- nomic and social interactions’ [54] (p. 97), provide critical

man Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, frameworks that guide behavior. In turn, functioning insti-

Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant tutions are a necessary precursor to conservation success

on Civil and Political Rights, and the UNDRIP. These [40]. However, conservation targets (whether they are

agreements have established several rights, including: strictly focused on biodiversity or include sociocultural

the right to self-determination, the right to not be deprived components) and threats to conservation vary in space

of property or forcibly removed from one’s land, the rights and time. Therefore, local institutions must not only be

to traditional lands, territories, and resources, respect for diverse and relevant to the context, but also be supported

knowledge and practices that ‘contribute to sustainable by institutions at regional, national, and international

and equitable development and proper management of the levels.

environment’, and the right to participate in decision- To achieve this goal, there must be sufficient devolution

making [41]. The principles of biocultural conservation of power to allow for local institutional innovations, which

that we outline here will ensure that conservation actions can drive sustainable endogenous development [26]. The

respect these rights, in particular by adopting inclusive challenge comes when these local priorities, goals, and

governance mechanisms, incorporating multiple worldviews institutions are in conflict with priorities, goals, and


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institutions at other spatial and institutional levels [55], or challenges, backed by long-term and forecasted funding

when collaboration across institutional levels is hindered for research and practice of biocultural approaches to

by poor relations among stakeholders (e.g., via historical conservation. The scientific community has known for

grievances over land tenure [56]). Successful adoption of a decades that cultural and biological diversity are facing

nested governance models will require all stakeholder numerous, urgent, and inter-related challenges, but we

groups to willingly share power, maintain strong working still lack sufficient tools to address drivers of diversity loss

relations based on trust, accountability, and open commu- and global homogenization. We hope that a well-documen-

nication, and participate in deliberative processes that ted expansion of biocultural approaches to conservation

work through conflict and promote social learning will assist in slowing these trends.


Biocultural approaches to conservation recognize the Acknowledgments

need to respect and incorporate multiple knowledge sys- This paper is the result of two different international symposia, one held

at the International Congress for Conservation Biology and the other at

tems into conservation planning. However, these diverse

Colorado State University (funded in part by the Warner College of

sets of knowledge are based on distinct epistemologies, and

Natural Resources).

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