Urban Rail Transit https://doi.org/10.1007/s40864-020-00125-4 http://www.urt.cn/


Data Analysis to Study Sub-threshold Delays Incurred by Metro Trains

1 2 2 3 Daniel Screen • James Parkinson • Christopher Shilton • Aleksandrs Rjabovs • Marin Marinov4

Received: 20 June 2019 / Revised: 24 November 2019 / Accepted: 6 January 2020 Ó The Author(s) 2020

Abstract The performance of sys- and automating the analysis through the use of other tem in the UK is measured on a headway basis, and gaps in software. service that are 4 min or more in excess of scheduled gaps are investigated and the cause documented. The Keywords Urban rail transit Á Punctuality Á Performance metro system has a number of infrastructure constraints analysis Á Metro Á Metro trains Á Delays Á Timetables including single-line sections, junctions and level cross- ings, all of which have to be taken account of when con- structing the timetable, in order to avoid trains being held 1 Introduction by the signalling system, causing delays. The objective of this study is to analyse delays less than 4 min, which are The Tyne and Wear Metro is a light rail network in North not investigated or attributed to a cause, known as sub- East England. The network consists of 60 stations which threshold delays. The purpose of the analysis is to identify form two lines, the yellow line and the green line. During regularly occurring issues which are due to the timetable, the daytime, a 12-min frequency is provided on each line, in order to recommend changes. Two different data sets with additional trains added to run between selected sta- were used. The first data set explored specific trains, areas tions during weekday morning and afternoon peaks. A and times of day where delays were highest. The second 15-min frequency runs on each line during evenings and data set allowed us to drill down on each of those in greater Sundays. detail by studying station departure times for each train. A The objective of this study is to analyse the operation number of options to resolve the issues identified during data and investigate sub-threshold delays incurred by Tyne the analysis are proposed. Whilst the results are specific to and Wear Metro trains. The performance of Tyne and the Tyne and Wear Metro system, the methodology is Wear Metro is measured on a headway basis, with delays suitable for use by other urban rail transit systems. The being attributed to causes when the actual headway is study identified several areas of future work including 4 min or more greater than scheduled. Sub-threshold resolving data recording issues, carrying out further delays are defined as delays of less than 4 min, and are not investigation of trains at peak times in particular scenarios, investigated or attributed in the current performance regime of the metro system in question. & Marin Marinov Performance of metro systems and train delays have [email protected] been studied by Marinov and Viegas [1], Rjabovs et al. [2], Rjabovs and Palacin [3], Wales and Marinov [4], Dampier 1 Newcastle University, , UK and Marinov [5], Darlton and Marinov [6], Rjabovs and 2 Tyne and Wear Metro, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Palacin [7], Rjabovs and Palacin [8], and Powell et al. 3 Network Rail, London, UK [9, 10]. Marinov and Viegas noted that because of the ‘‘up- 4 Aston University, Birmingham, UK stream downstream’’ flow nature of the rail system, a Communicated by Waressara Weerawat. malfunctioning rail subsystem such as a junction may 123 Urban Rail Transit compromise the entire service, causing upstream delays • Ensure robust real-world data sets, preferably row data and downstream idle periods. In such awkward situations, of the behaviour of trains. the final product of the train service rapidly deteriorates, • Check the data collected, and if inaccurate records are leading to low customer satisfaction and a significant detected, cleanse the data. increase in operating costs on average over the long • Check whether the cleansed data can be described by term [1]. normal distribution. Wales and Marinov developed a variety of tactics to • Complete the data cleansing. reduce primary and secondary delays by introducing both a • Create a new data set, set and run macros to format and delay information system and measures to reduce travel analyse the data. times. Strategies to address ahead-of-schedule operations • Draw interim conclusions based on what the data were also developed and evaluated using an event-based analysed so far have identified. simulation modelling methodology [4]. • Outline the areas of the system where large delays are Rjabovs et al. studied the performance of metro drivers occurring. in terms of safety-related incidents and what performance- • Call these areas ‘‘areas of large delays’’ (ALD). shaping factors could affect them. They concluded that • Take a sample and continue the data analysis for the there is a clear relationship between locations and incident outlined ALDs. propagation. The operational environment and physical • Identify the sections where more time can be given to system constraints were major contributors to this rela- particular trains within each ALD. tionship. For example, the risk of signal passed at danger • Identify the metro trains with the highest average train occurrences is higher at locations where conflicting train delays and rank them. movements might occur, such as near sidings and double • Select the trains with the greatest delay and perform an junctions [2]. in-depth analysis for each of them. Rjabovs and Palacin concluded that drivers have good • Identify possible causes for each of the most delayed route knowledge that should in theory translate into near trains. ideal timetable keeping if there are no other influences. • Draw conclusions and suggest improvements. One can claim that irregularities in a timetable causing • Advise on future work. conflicting movements and delays is one of the examples of such influence [3]. Marinov et al. provided an overview of the general 3 Tyne and Wear Metro Network principles of constructing a timetable. This paper, however, is interested in issues with metro performance due to the 3.1 Layout and Stations assumptions used in constructing the timetable that do not reflect the actual situation when trains run. Therefore, this The layout of the Tyne and Wear Metro operating network analysis is not interested in large, one-off delays such as a is shown in Fig. 1, with the stations at which performance technical fault. Specifically, this paper is developed with is routinely measured, known as monitoring points, shown the aim of amalgamating data for a time period of in red. Performance is measured in both directions at each 16 months, ranking metro trains by lateness, investigating station, with the exception of Longbenton, where perfor- reasons for regular metro train delays, and recommending mance is measured in the direction towards South Gosforth changes to reduce this issue [11]. only. For the purpose of both simplicity and presentation, a list of metro station abbreviations is added, as shown in Table 1. 2 Methodology The Metro owns and controls most of the infrastructure used, with the exception being Pelaw to South Hylton, A methodology was developed that can be used in the which is controlled by Network Rail. The yellow and green future to repeat the analysis. Specifically, macros were lines combine between Pelaw and South Gosforth, which is created in Excel so that this analysis would be easy to the busiest part of the network. Trains are timetabled to repeat. A stepwise approach was employed and applied to provide regular service frequency between Pelaw and the Tyne and Wear Metro: South Gosforth; as a result, on a 12-min service for the • Identify any operational and infrastructure-related con- yellow and green line, this gives a 6-min frequency straints to be taken into consideration when analysing between Pelaw and South Gosforth. Peak short trains run train delays. between Pelaw and Monkseaton and between Pelaw and Regent Centre during weekday morning and evening

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Fig. 1 Illustration of the layout of the Tyne and Wear Metro operating network Source: Nexus peaks. These peak short trains result in a 3-min frequency peak short services terminate at Monkseaton or Regent between Pelaw and South Gosforth, and as they run Centre, they must cross the other line to access the sidings, between the services that run to the end of the yellow and creating an opportunity for clashes and delays. At Pelaw green line, this results in them running within 3 min of this does not present a problem, as the siding is located these trains between South Gosforth and Regent Centre, between the two tracks. and South Gosforth and Monkseaton, in both directions. The Network Rail-controlled infrastructure also has constraints. There are junctions at Pelaw and , 3.2 Network Constraints and this section of track interfaces with other train services such as LNER, Grand Central, Northern Rail and freight There are several network constraints that must be taken trains. into consideration when analysing the Tyne and Wear These constraints are mitigated in the current timetable; Metro train delays. Firstly, there is a single line section however, the margins between trains at these constraints connecting the four stations between Pelaw and Bede, with can be very small. Whilst options to improve the margins passing loops at stations. This means that only one train have been examined in the past, improving a margin at one can travel in either direction at any given time, and trains constraint can decrease the margin or create a conflict at must be timetabled so that there are no clashes caused by another constraint. Therefore, as the margins can be very this single line section. small, ensuring that the actual train running times reflect Secondly, there are junctions where the green and yel- the timetable assumptions is important, in order to prevent low lines combine at Pelaw and South Gosforth. At these delays. junctions, if two trains are ready to enter the same platform All these network constraints mean that the effects of a from the separate lines, one must wait for the other. In a small delay to a train can multiply. For example, if a train similar manner, the timetable must be constructed to avoid is slightly delayed, it can miss its allotted slot to enter a trains crossing each other’s paths at the junction, for junction and become delayed additional minutes, or it can example at South Gosforth a train departing to Longbenton cause delays to other trains if it is late into a junction, at the same time as a train arriving at South Gosforth from making the other train wait. As the signalling system used Regent Centre. in Tyne and Wear Metro is based on a fixed block, a late- There are also five level crossings on the system. They running train can create a ‘‘domino effect’’ of small delays are located at Howdon, Fawdon, Kingston Park, Bank Foot to trains behind it, especially when running through the and Callerton Parkway. Only one train can use a level central section between South Gosforth and Pelaw at a crossing at one time, meaning the timetable must avoid peak time. trains arriving at level crossings at the same time. When

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Table 1 Tyne and Wear Metro Tyne and Wear Metro stations station names and abbreviations Station abbreviation Station name Station abbreviation Station name

APT Airport TYN Tynemouth CAL Callerton Parkway CUL Cullercoats BFT Bank Foot WTL Whitley Bay KSP Kingston Park MSN Monkseaton FAW Fawdon WMN West Monkseaton WBR Wansbeck Road SMR Shiremoor RGC Regent Centre NPK Northumberland Park SGF South Gosforth PMV Palmersville ILF Ilford Road BTN Benton WJS West Jesmond FLE Four Lane Ends JES Jesmond LBN Longbenton HAY Haymarket FGT Fellgate MTS Monument (North and South lines) BYW Brockley Whins CEN Central Station EBO East Boldon GHD SBN Seaburn GST Gateshead Stadium SFC Stadium of Light FEL Felling MSP St. Peters HTH Heworth SUN Sunderland PLW Pelaw PLI MTW Monument (East and West lines) UNI University MAN Manors MIL Millfield BYK Byker PAL Pallion CRD Chillingham Road SHY South Hylton WKG Walkergate HEB Hebburn WSD Wallsend JAR Jarrow HDR Hadrian Road BDE Bede HOW Howdon SMD Simonside PCM Percy Main TDK Tyne Dock MWL Meadow Well CHI Chichester NSH North Shields SSS South Shields

4 Data Analysis The second data set, dataset2, was similar to dataset1, though it included more data. Specifically, dataset2 con- 4.1 Data Sets tained the time that each train departed each station as opposed to each monitoring point. It also contained the Two data sets, provided by Tyne and Wear Metro, were time that the train approached, changed ends, pressed studied for the purpose of the analysis. The first data set, ‘‘ready to start’’ and stood in the station. This created dataset1, consisted of records from the 15 monitoring significantly more data, including 14 columns and points shown in Fig. 1, including a large amount of 20,299,755 rows of data in total. information about the performance of each train. Specifi- cally, it contained 17 columns including the time that trains 4.2 Data Cleansing departed from the 15 monitoring points around the Tyne and Wear Metro system, the delay at each location, train Data records were checked and cleansed carefully. Certain number, timeslot (time of day), direction of travel and other dates were removed due to events which would skew the information regarding headway and attributed events results of the analysis. The date column was filtered to where excess headway was 4 min or more. Dataset1 con- remove data coinciding with such events. Specifically, data tained 894,527 rows of data. cleansing resulted in removing days when a different timetable was in place, which included all weekends and

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Fig. 2 Q–Q plot and histogram of delay data

bank holidays and periods of engineering works. Days analyse. Histograms and Q–Q plots for several different where performance was affected by other factors were also ranges of data were plotted. The delay range closest to a removed, including periods of low rail adhesion in autumn normal distribution was the range -5 min to 10 min, as and records of disruptions caused by extreme weather shown in Fig. 2. These plots show that this data range fits conditions, for example large storms and flooding. the description of a normal distribution but do not confirm The data was checked for any patterns of delay that that the data is normally distributed. would cause a day or records to be an outlier, skewing the It was also observed that when a train arrives early, its results. This led to the identification and exclusion of large delay time is recorded as a negative value. Hence, early jumps in delays between stations, or large value delays, as train arrivals were excluded from the analysis of dataset1, these were considered to be one-off events. as negative values would cancel out some positive delay There were several delay values of around -33,000 s values and skew the results. Early train arrivals were due to a technical fault with the train tracking software. included in the analysis of dataset2. Such values were removed as well. Large delays caused by The cleansed data was then used as a new data set. For one-off incidents were removed. Several normality checks formatting and analysis of the new data set, macros were were performed to determine which range of delay data to set and run in Excel.

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4.3 Data Reformatting 5 Results and Discussion

The cleansed raw data was re-formatted using custom made 5.1 General Findings macros in Excel. Apart from removing unnecessary col- umns, improvements to layout of the data, and converting The table of delay by train, at each monitoring point, is data into a required format, the macros were used for: shown for a sample of trains in Fig. 3. Studying such diagrams for all trains produced a number of findings. • Displaying the data by a timeslot (time of day) Firstly, trains were most delayed during Peak timeslots, • Displaying the data by a monitoring point e.g. 7 am to 9 am. The peaks are the most congested times • Displaying the data by train in the system when headways are considerably reduced, • Displaying the data by train at each monitoring point especially through the central section, and volumes of • Colour-coding delays passengers are highest. Any late running will have a sig- nificant knock-on effect. One can note that for the evening 4.4 Sample peaks (3:30 pm to 5:30 pm) the knock-on effect continued well past those times, with many monitoring points high- To maximise accuracy and produce representative results, a lighted as red from 6 pm onwards. This can be attributed to sample of 49 days from a 16-month period were selected. a timetable change after 6 pm when running times between Before collecting the sample, all days deemed to be outliers stations are reduced, corresponding to the change in service were excluded. One day from each week was then cho- frequency for the evening when there are fewer passengers. sen—for example, Monday 6 February, Tuesday 14 This results in less time available for drivers to recover any February, Wednesday 22 February 2017—and cycled to delays. Hence, it would be of interest to consider changing account for daily changes, and this was continued up to the the time when the change to running times occurs in order end of June 2018. This provided both a more manageable to mitigate the peak knock-on effects. and a more representative data set. Secondly, trains were most delayed at certain monitor- ing points. These were typically those towards the end of 4.5 Macros the line, such as Callerton Parkway OUT and Monument OUT. This suggests that trains pick up delay on each Macros were used to amalgamate data from different days journey, which is typically recovered at a terminus station. and calculate the average delay change between stations It is possible that trains are affected by the constraints of compared with the time allowed in the timetable. Infor- the system, e.g. not arriving on time for a timetabled slot mation on the time allowed in the timetable was also for a level crossing, towards the end of their running dia- added. Macros were written to present the information in grams. Future work should look into rearranging any slack two different ways. The first was by amalgamating data for time available in the timetable towards the end of each all trains between stations, as in Table 2. Data across the journey to mitigate such trends. network was analysed in the same manner and other similar Thirdly, trains pick up the largest delays travelling in changes identified. certain sections of the line, notably around Seaburn (refer Individual trains, e.g. T101–T111, T125, T155, were to Fig. 3). studied next in order to determine an average delay per Finally, Table 2 shows that on average, each metro train location and a delay change from the last monitoring point. that travelled between Pelaw and Fellgate became delayed In order to speed up the investigation process, colour by 11.1 s more than they had been. In addition, between coding was employed for this analysis, as can be seen in Brockley Whins and East Boldon, each train was delayed Figs. 3, 4 and 5. This colour coding was added both for the by an additional 66.7 s. However, trains decreased their average delay against timetable, and delay change between delays between Fellgate and Brockley Whins, and East stations. Boldon and Seaburn. Assuming that any decrease in delay will have a positive effect on performance, it can be proposed that the

Table 2 PLW–SBN, table showing average delay change from PLW to SBN and time allowed in the timetable to travel between each station Station-to-station departure PLW–FGT FGT–BYW BYW–EBO EBO–SBN

Average delay change compared with timetable (seconds) 11.126 -3.564 66.712 -16.004 Time allowed in timetable (minutes: seconds) 04:45 02:00 03:00 03:00

123 ra alTransit Rail Urban

SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN 101 5:19:00 5:38:45 5:51:30 6:28:00 6:41:45 7:02:00 7:15:00 7:30:15 7:43:30 8:03:15 8:16:00 8:52:00 9:05:45 9:26:00 9:39:00 9:54:15 10:07:30 10:27:15 10:40:00 11:16:00 11:29:45 11:50:00 12:03:00 12:18:15 12:31:30 12:51:15 13:04:00 13:40:00 0.658257 0.590061 1.160179 1.256723 1.053252 0.696513 1.058586 0.665764 1.444501 1.137689 2.031264 1.643603 1.603203 1.568575 1.812277 0.782061 1.269308 0.825342 1.526454 1.519389 1.268955 1.021859 1.311263 0.77337 0.701225 0.697787 1.600166 1.467177

SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN 102 5:32 5:51:45 6:04:30 6:40 6:53:45 7:14 7:27 7:42:15 7:55:30 8:15:15 8:28 9:04 9:17:45 9:38 9:51 10:06:15 10:19:30 10:39:15 10:53 11:27 11:41:45 12:02 12:15 12:30:15 12:43:30 13:03:15 13:16 13:52 0.72577 0.484627 1.275451 1.525763 1.323027 1.150236 1.645922 0.817926 1.331488 1.124321 2.081298 1.608081 1.497786 1.402469 1.745076 0.770909 1.195977 0.828799 1.509367 2.090493 1.121218 1.107467 1.449458 0.790954 0.778359 0.784867 1.971695 1.537006

SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN 103 5:58:30 6:18:15 6:33:00 6:52 7:05:45 7:26 7:39 7:54 8:07:30 8:27:15 8:40 9:16 9:29:45 9:50 10:03 10:18 10:31:30 10:51:15 11:04 11:40 11:53:45 12:14 12:27 12:42:15 12:55:30 13:15:15 13:28 14:04 0.734502 0.750215 1.171206 2.086045 1.747114 1.502867 1.842848 0.724472 1.455072 1.734722 2.761944 2.059877 1.949288 1.977816 2.121446 0.686705 1.121535 0.773577 1.797082 1.953356 1.530314 1.094595 1.297637 0.622509 0.607448 0.748594 1.640301 1.331001

CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW 104 5:29:15 5:39:15 5:52:30 6:12:15 6:25:00 7:04 7:17 7:38:00 7:51 8:06 8:19:30 8:39:15 8:53:00 9:27:00 9:41 10:02:00 10:15 10:30 10:43:30 11:03:15 11:16:00 11:52 12:05 12:26:00 12:39 12:54 13:07 13:27:15 0 0.72343 1.069925 0.683924 1.601678 1.187919 1.201596 1.244464 1.650942 0.849176 1.520495 1.655969 2.077106 2.311512 1.536557 1.442949 1.682396 0.650833 0.984364 0.686463 1.518362 1.965342 1.548556 1.182946 1.370588 0.70322 0.733715 0.727075

CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN 105 5:51:15 6:04:30 6:24:15 6:37 7:16 7:29:45 7:50 8:03 8:18:15 8:31:30 8:51:15 9:04 9:40 9:53:45 10:14 10:27 10:42:15 10:55:30 11:15:15 11:28 12:04 12:17:45 12:38 12:51 13:06:15 13:19:30 13:39:15 13:53 0.747653 1.163817 0.807787 1.779034 1.337347 1.455029 1.625685 2.667751 0.742317 1.662444 1.7691 2.428361 2.034268 1.770979 1.629893 1.905556 0.70116 1.228401 0.757995 1.496577 1.518944 1.223631 1.030204 1.18706 0.718035 0.733205 0.665432 1.308106

CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW 106 5:55:15 6:06:15 6:19:30 6:39:15 6:52 7:27 7:41:45 8:02 8:15 8:30:15 8:43:30 9:03:15 9:16 9:52 10:05:45 10:26 10:39 10:54:15 11:07:30 11:27:15 11:40 12:16 12:29:45 12:50 13:03 13:18:15 13:31:30 13:51:15 1.58279 0.747714 1.216367 0.759205 1.764107 1.818576 1.344981 1.676329 1.982584 0.815175 2.033277 1.9473 2.708991 2.230527 1.943779 1.626679 1.771282 0.668624 1.205 0.77725 1.677015 1.609406 1.371201 1.036942 1.307414 0.765576 0.780421 0.825578

SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN 107 6:30 6:50:15 7:03 7:39 7:53:45 8:14 8:27 8:42:15 8:55:30 9:15:15 9:28 10:04 10:17:45 10:38 10:51 11:06:15 11:19:30 11:39:15 11:53 12:27 12:41:45 13:02 13:15 13:30:15 13:43:30 14:03:15 14:16 14:52 1.119221 0.973251 1.666257 1.103109 0.783654 0.943783 1.294103 0.748436 1.254441 1.117454 1.820132 1.442514 1.354314 1.227676 1.51959 0.718315 0.722244 0.539522 1.145256 2.084441 1.081716 0.885606 1.155775 0.613858 0.987397 0.759656 1.542754 1.519955

CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN 108 6:21:15 6:34:30 6:54 7:09 7:52:00 8:05 8:26 8:39:00 8:54:15 9:07:30 9:27 9:40 10:16:00 10:29 10:50 11:03:00 11:18:15 11:31:30 11:51:15 12:04 12:40:00 12:53 13:14 13:27:00 13:42:15 13:55:30 14:15 14:28 0.772509 0.989382 0.672504 0.859707 1.161498 1.439504 1.921385 2.928228 0.789053 1.606236 1.113997 1.850932 1.621595 1.412413 1.384393 1.65463 0.899697 0.982414 1.080495 1.744189 1.837062 1.603382 1.315108 1.399239 0.675249 0.978563 0.701859 1.45783

SGF PLW PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF 109 5:22 5:41:45 5:49 6:09:15 6:22:15 6:39:15 6:52:30 7:12:15 7:25 8:04 8:17:45 8:38 8:51 9:06:15 9:19:30 9:39 9:53 10:27 10:41:45 11:02 11:15 11:30:15 11:43:30 12:03:15 12:16 12:52 13:05:45 13:26 0.518689 0.958527 0.799702 0.419382 1.098848 0.483333 0.835346 0.722265 1.916897 1.469381 1.649537 1.861188 2.88254 0.71171 1.461204 1.148898 1.616604 2.167008 1.220818 1.191835 1.530444 0.687659 1.310718 0.948791 1.627982 1.520648 1.201195 1.018353

SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN PLW SGF CAL CAL SGF PLW SBN SBN 110 5:04 5:23:45 5:36:30 5:55 6:08:45 6:29 6:42 6:54:15 7:07:30 7:27 7:40 8:16 8:29:45 8:50 9:03 9:18:15 9:31:30 9:51:15 10:04 10:40 10:53:45 11:14 11:27 11:42:15 11:55:30 12:15:15 12:28 13:04 0.852901 0.855208 1.621319 1.381585 1.172378 0.820618 1.189673 0.662895 1.520638 1.054473 1.851938 1.580602 1.741409 1.93231 2.808362 0.762261 1.353982 1.012432 1.753846 1.717608 1.473178 1.390947 1.719288 0.682117 0.730961 0.729894 1.69637 1.422314

Fig. 3 Extract of train delay tables for trains 101–110, with delays of 1–1.49 min in yellow, 1.5–1.99 in amber, and 2 min or more in red 123 Urban Rail Transit

Fig. 4 Formatted table of average delays for the 125 metro train, with average delay of 60 s or more in yellow and 150 s or more in red, and average delay change of 0–15 s in yellow, 16–29 s in amber, and 30 s or more in red. Negative delay changes are shown in green timetabled allowance in that section of the system be 5.2 Performance of Particular Trains redistributed, in particular by reducing the timetabled allowance from East Boldon to Seaburn by 15 s and Train 125 increased its delay from 40 to 215 s between increasing it by 15 s between Brockley Whins and East 16:50 at BDE and 17:34:45 at West Monkseaton (WMN) Boldon. Even though this would not account for all the on average (see Fig. 4). It was also observed that Train 125 delay incurred between these two stations, it should reduce maintained an average delay of around 100 s or more from the risk of a train being affected by system constraints.

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Table 4 Potential causes of the high average delays for Train 155 Delays at junctions Delays at Monkseaton (MSN) and Pelaw (PLW). This is caused by the 155 train needing to enter sidings at these stations

Hadrian Road (HDR). To resolve this, it is recommended that the timetabled allowance between these stations be increased. It was also observed that large delays were picked up at West Monkseaton (WMN) during the evening peak. Large delays did not occur at West Monkseaton during any other period of the day, implying that this delay was caused by peak shorts entering sidings late at Monkseaton. Analysis was carried out on other trains which were most delayed. The analysis of Train 155 (Fig. 5) shows that on average, the train arrived at its first station 21 s late and then gained another 50 s of delay before reaching South Gosforth. It is important to note that Train 155 is an eve- ning peak service. Two potential causes were proposed to explain this pattern (see Table 4). One of those is drivers leaving the depot late, thus arriving at the South Gosforth junction late and missing their slot at the junction, hence picking up 70 s of delay before leaving the first timetabled station. The analysis further shows that Train 155 is delayed by 1 min or more for its entire journey. This provides strong support to an assumption that peak services outside the central corridor can significantly affect regular trains, when delayed. When entering sidings at Pelaw and Monkseaton, the train is delayed on average 170 s and 146 s, respec- Fig. 5 Formatted table of average delays for the 155 metro train tively. As peak shorts are only 3 min ahead of normal service trains, Train 155 would cause delays to trains 18:26:30 to 21:02. Several potential causes of this train’s behind it. This is likely to occur with other peak shorts as high average delay are listed in Table 3. well. One way to mitigate this is to increase the gap Data analysed for other trains following the same route between peak and regular trains to 4 min. However, further showed the same patterns as Train 125. What was observed investigation is needed to understand how such a change was that large delays were frequently picked up travelling would affect timetables and interfaces between trains in from Manors (MAN) to Monument (MTW), South Gos- other parts of the system, particularly between Pelaw and forth (SGF) to Longbenton (LBN), and Howdon (HOW) to South Gosforth.

Table 3 Potential causes of the high average delays of Train 125 Possibly held at West Monkseaton (WMN) waiting for peak train to clear following signal

Frequent delays picked up travelling from MAN to Monument (MTW)

Frequent delays picked up travelling from South Gosforth (SGF) to Longbenton (LBN). Possibly caused by waiting at junction

Frequent delays picked up travelling from Howdon (HOW) to Hadrian Road (HDR)

Possibly a recording error or consistent delay increase from Simonside (SMD) to Tyne Dock (TDK) then decrease from Tyne Dock (TDK) to Chillingham Road (CHI)

123 Urban Rail Transit

6 Conclusions and add 6 min to the timetabled allowance for the trains to travel to Monkseaton and back. This would mean that the In this work, a data analysis was conducted to investigate peaks are always on time and would not hold up the regular the sub-threshold delays incurred by Tyne and Wear Metro service train when entering sidings at Monkseaton. When trains. The analysis first made use of cleansed data from 15 they arrive at South Gosforth they would be 3 min in front monitoring points to identify trains, areas and times of of a coast train and would run as normal to Pelaw. When at interest where delays most frequently occur. This allowed Pelaw, the train would turn around and have 6 min less use of data from each station to home in on these items of time in sidings, and it would depart Pelaw 3 min behind a interest to more precisely identify the area in which the coast train. For peak shorts that travel to Regent Centre, the delay occurred and, in conjunction with network and ser- procedure would be the same but with a 6-min extra wait at vice pattern knowledge, the potential reason for this delay. Regent Centre instead of travelling to Monkseaton. The analysis revealed that there are several changes that As peak trains are leaving the depot late, this analysis could be made to the timetable which would reduce the suggests that train drivers should make sure that they leave size and number of sub-threshold delays. on time for service and monitor their performance. Firstly, the analysis of the data provided showed that Whilst the infrastructure constraints and service pattern there were consistent large delays from 6 pm to 8 pm will vary in other metro systems, the methodology can be throughout the network. The timetables for most trains applied to other metro systems, as it will capture similar change at roughly 6 pm, giving each metro train less time data on the running of trains. to travel between stations. This change does not allow the metro trains to decrease their delays, meaning that this causes the trains to remain delayed until 8 pm or later. To 7 Future Work prevent this from occurring in the future, it is suggested that this timetable change is implemented at 7 pm instead To increase the accuracy of data analysis, future studies of 6 pm. can be done to more precisely investigate data recording The data analysis suggested several changes to the errors. Resolving these errors would make it possible to timetabled allowance for trains between stations, to better gain greater knowledge of the delays currently match the actual running times achieved. experienced. In addition, this analysis suggested that the timetable for It is worth analysing the pattern of peak trains in greater peak shorts should change. The large delays occurring at detail. Sometimes during peak periods there is a 6-min gap West Monkseaton during the peak periods and the fact that between two trains through the central corridor followed by Train 155 and other peak trains are on average 3 min late at two gaps of 3 min. This could be changed in the future to some points in their journey prove that peak trains cause be more flexible, and instead of these gaps we could create delays for regular service trains. To reduce these delays, three gaps of 4 min. This would ease the pressure on this analysis has suggested running peak shorts 4 min in junctions and cause fewer knock-on delays. It would be front of regular service trains. worthwhile to investigate the junction margins to see Another option to reduce these delays at West Mon- whether there are any changes that could be made to reduce kseaton would be adding another signal halfway between the likelihood of trains waiting to enter the junction. West Monkseaton and MSN. The journey from West Further work should also be carried out to analyse the Monkseaton to Monkseaton has a timetabled allowance of performance of the Tyne and Wear Metro system when 2 min. This means that while the peak train is entering peak trains do not run. There are some days when peak sidings at Monkseaton, the regular service train could shorts do not run due to a shortage in drivers or operational depart from West Monkseaton and travel for roughly 1 min trains. These days could be analysed and compared with before needing to wait at the signal. The added delay to days where all peak shorts do run, to show exactly how regular service trains is typically 40 s, which implies that much the delay of regular trains is reduced by peak shorts. by the time the train reached the new signal, the peak will In addition, there have been temporary speed limit have cleared the station at Monkseaton, and the regular reductions in place over several sections of track, and service train will not need to stop. This solution would also further analyses could be carried out here to determine the cause less congestion than changing peaks to 4 min in repercussions of these speed limits. front, as they would be further away from the green line Whilst the macros automate the data analysis, they are trains while travelling between Pelaw and South Gosforth. constructed to work with a specific timetable. As the To reduce delays during the peak period, it may be of timetable can change permanently on a 6-monthly or interest to run coast peak trains 3 min behind coast trains annual basis, the macros have to be updated to work with

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