The London Gazette, November 20, 1908
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8'.58« THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 1908. In Parliament.—Session 1909. • pipes situate wholly .in the said parish-of OLDHAM CORPORATION. Butterworth, commencing at .or in the winding, shaft of the said Butterworth Hall Colliery and (New Waterworks, Wells, Boreholes, Pumping terminating at or in the Butterworth Ha.ll. Stations ! and Aqueducts; New Road and Pumping Station. Footpath; Discharge of Water into Streams; Work No. 4.—An aqueduct, conduit or line Power to Collect and Impound Water; of pipes, situate wholly in the said parish of Maintenance of Waterworks; Breaking up Butterworth, commencing at or in the Butter-, Streets and Roads and Application of Water worth Hall Pumping Station and terminating Provisions of the Public Health Acts; Con- at or in the south-west corner of the existing firmation of Agreement with Platt Brothers Piethorne reservoir of the Corporation and .and Company Limited; Agreements with numbered 432 on the T»Vs Ordnance Map of Owners, &c., of Lands as to Drainage and the said parish of Butterworth, published in Protection of Waters and Waterworks from 1894. Pollution, &c.; Bye-laws for Preventing Work No. 5.—A well, borehole and pumping Pollution of Water; New Works to be part station (hereinafter referred to as "the Delph. of Water Undertaking of Corporation; New Pumping Station "), situate wholly in the parish Tramways and Incidental Works; Gauge ; and urban district of Saddleworth, in the West Motive Power; New Tramways to be part of Riding of the county of York, in the enclosures Tramways Undertaking of Corporation; Work- numbered 1621 and 1622 on the ysW Ordnance ing Agreements and Traffic Arrangements; Map of the said parish, and urban district .of Omnibuses and Motor Cars on the Trolley Saddleworth, published in 1906. System without Rails; Street Improvements ; Work No. 6.—An aqueduct, conduit or line Power to Deviate ; Subsidiary Works ; Power of pipes, situate wholly in the said parish and to Stop up and Alter Levels of and otherwise urban district of Saddleworth, and com- Interfere with Streets, &c.; Purchase of mencing in the Delph Pumping Station arid Lands and Easements for Works; Appro- terminating at or in the south-west corner of . priation of Lands; Exemption from certain the' existing Castleshaw Upper Reservoir of Provisions of Lands Clauses Acts; Acquisi- the Corporation, numbered 3072 on the JT^STS tion of Mines and Minerals under Lands; Ordnance Map of the said parish and urban as to Compensation and Purchase Money; district of Saddleworth, published in 1906. Supply of Electricity to Premises outside Area Work No. 7.—A footpath wholly situate in of Supply; Further Provisions as to Electricity the said parish and urban district of Saddle- and Gas Undertakings ; Appropriation and Use worth, commencing in the public road leading .of Further Lands for Gasworks Purposes; from Uppermill to. New Delph at the south- Provisions with respect to Streets and Build- westerly corner of the enclosure numbered ings, Health and Sanitary Matters, Infectious 1622 on the arVis Ordnance Map of the Diseases ; Common Lodging Houses ; Accident said parish and urban district of Saddleworth, and-Fire Insurance Funds; Bye-laws; Rates; published-in 1906, and skirting the westerly Borrowing of Money; and other Financial bank of the River Tame, and terminating in Provisions; Corporation to be Overseers; the said public road at the northerly corner of Confirmation of Agreements; Incorporation, the enclosure numbered 1621 on the said Amendment and Repeal of Acts; and other Ordnance Map. Purposes)* Work No. 8.—A well, borehole and pumping IVTOTICE is hereby given, that application is station (hereinafter referred to as " the Linfitts JL ^1 intended to be made to Parliament in the Pumping Station "), situate wholly in the said ensuing Session by the Mayor, Aldermen and parish and urban district of Saddleworth, in Burgesses of the county borough of Oldham, in the enclosure numbered 2064 on the inW the county of Lancaster (hereinafter called " the Ordnance Map of the said parish and urban Corporation ") for an Act for all or some of the district of Saddleworth, published in 1906. following purposes (that is to say):— Work No. 9.—A new road situate wholly in the To enable the Corporation, to make and main- said parish and urban district of Saddleworth, tain the waterworks, hereinafter described,, commencing at the Linntts Pumping Station at a together with all works which may be necessary in point 286 yards, or thereabouts, measured in connection therewith or ancillary thereto or a straight line in a westerly direction from required for collecting and impounding the the most northerly corner of the mill known as waters which by the intended Act the Corpora- Pingle Mill, and terminating in the occupa- tion will be empowered to take (that is to say):— tion-road leading from Carrcote to Pingle Mill Work No. 1.—A pumping station (hereinafter at a point 110 yards, or thereabouts, measured referred to as " the Butterworth Hall Pumping in a straight line in a south-easterly direction Station ") with a receiving tank situate wholly from the said most northerly corner of the mill in the parish of Butterworbh, in the urban known as Pingle Mill. district of Milnrow, in the County Palatine of Work No. 10.—An aqueduct, conduit or line Lancaster, in the enclosures numbered 1018, of pipes, situate wholly in the said parish and 1019 and 1025 on the rsW Ordnance Map urban district of Saddleworth, commencing at of the said parish, published in 1893. or in the Linntts Pumping Station and ter- Work No. 2.—A line of steam pipes situate minating by a junction with the existing con- wholly in the said parish of Butterworth, com- duit or line of pipes belonging to the Cor- mencing at or in the existing and more easterly poration at or near Stubbing, at a point in the boiler house and known as the hand-fired enclosure numbered 2140 on the Woo Ordnance boiler house of the Butterworth Hall Colliery, Map of the said parish and urban district of belonging, or reputed to belong to, Platt Saddleworth, published in 1906, 56 yards, Brothers and Company Limited, and terminating j measured in a straight line in a north-westerly at or in the Butterworth Hall Pumping Station, j direction fr-gm the most southerly corner of Work N.o. ,3.-^-An aqueduct, conduit or line of ' that enclosure,!;.