SJS housing plan presented to board By ROGER WOO A schematic presentation was made to the SJS Housing Board last Wednesday of A.S. Pres. Mike Buck's proposed low-income housing project. The four-story, 84 -unit apartment complex which has been erroneously termed "co- operative," was revealed to the Spartan Daily last month. Originally. Buck and the A.S. Housing Board wanted the plans kept under wraps for fear of jeopardizing pending negotiations of the estimated $2.8-3 million project. In a story last month, Housing Board Chairman Scott Lefever and project supervisor Ray Murphy told reporters SJS would split the $240,000 down payment with the private cor- poration by paying $120,000. Steve Biggs, who was representing the private corporation, said that the project was "not to create physical housing per se, but to create a community." Proposed rents for the project range from $111 for the one -bedroom, $133 for the two- bedroom and $155 for the three-bedroom units. The only possible increase for rents is if project estimates go up because of inflation. Biggs pointed out that the FHA dictates rent price. Peter Behn, a former SJS political science major, of Behn and Gavin an architectural firm in San Francisco, pointed out that the project is one of high density. The 84 -unit complex would cover a little over an acre of land. The project also includes and underground parking facilities, a sun deck and a laundry room. Financing the project calls for funding by SJS, a private corporation and the Federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) according to proposed plans. Money to pay for the rest of the project will be borrowed from a commercial institution. The Federal Housing Act (FHA) subsidizes the interest and insures the mortgage payments which is to be spread over a 40 year period. The low income project is geared to married students, but is not exclusive. Surveys which Buck had completed showed that married students had a lower income and greater Buck's model of plans for low income housing project need of housing in the immediate area. At the moment, project officials forecast three major problems when the project is presented to the San Jose City Council for approval to build. The high-density project is more than twice the amount allowed by the city. City Monday, May 15, 1972 regulations call for a maximum of 40 units per acre of land, while the present designs have over 80 units. City regulations also call for a 15 -foot setback around the housing project, which is not included in the architectural design. Regulations also require 1.5 parking spaces per unit. Buck's survey revealed that if the project was located near campus, students would not be driving. It was also brought out that most married couples would not be two -car families. (Continued on page 3) Spartan' Dail was held up Serving California State University at San Jose Since 1934 Store during war protest Eating sugar? More details too much on a liquor store robbery was the getaway cal. 'Catch 22' which took place near an anti -war march Officers said three other cull)! iis Jp- Thursday in downtown San Jose have been parently were waiting in a similar car but reported by police. took off when they saw police cars passing by You may become violent author to The Spartan Daily reported Friday that on their way to the war protest march. police halted a parade of SJS anti -war pro- By DARRELL CROW The bandits made a dash into nearby Coyote testers at 19th and Santa Clara streets be- Last of Four Parts Creek where they were soon captured by po- speak Tuesday cause a robbery was in progress six blocks lice after a brief shoot-out. The next time you're thinking of apple pie or a Sugar Daddy, hold on. You may be pre- ahead at a liquor store near 13th Street. paring yourself for a good case of irrational, violent behavior. Joseph Heller, author of the best-sell- The information on the location of the Police following the demonstration were Tooth decay is easily associated with overconsumption of sugar, but mental disorder? ing novel "Catch 22," will visit SJS robbery was obtained from an officer at the told shortly after the robbery chase was in According to J.I. Rodale's book, "Sugar and the Criminal Mind," metabolizing refined sugar Tuesday. -An Afternoon with Joseph scene of the march. progress to halt the demonstration until the destroys Thiamine, a vitamin necessary for the digestion and assimilation of all carbo- Heller" will begin at 1 p.m. in Morris Actually, the robbery occurred at a liquor shooting had ceased. After the bandits were hydrate foods. Dailey Auditorium. store at 302 E. Julian St. near 13th Street. captured, the march was allowed to continue. Thiamine is a B -complex vitamin and is associated with the nervous system. It's often The talk is sponsored by the A.S. Pro- Three bandits held up the store :Ind fled on The official police record concerning

called the "morale" vitamin. gram Board. foot toward a getaway car parked nearby. details of the robbery was unavailable to the and a condition The constant destruction of Thiamine results in a craving for sweets, But they discovered it was the wrong car, Spartan Daily when the paper went to print results in several symptoms because known as hypoglycemia can occur. Hypoglycemia one that was similar to an auto policebelieve Thursday night. it triggers psychological and physiological changes. The most common are dizziness, confusion, irritability, paranoia and depression. "You need gulcose sugar for your brain to function, but you do not need sugar in the diet," commented Jean Mayer, Harvard nutritionist. "The body makes its own sugar out of starch and protein." PAU Day' celebration sugar cane, 'Solidarity energy, health food stores recommend carob products, unrefined For quick holds syrup, date sugar and honey. Other diseases scientists are trying to link sugar with are bowel cancer and heart disease, To celebrate the 14th anniversary of Pall day African freedom fighters gathered in Fernando Valley State College according to Dr. John Yudkin, professor of nutrition and dietetics at the University of London, African Solidarity Day, SJS' Pan African Accra to discuss the liberation of Africa. Black films will be shown in the C.U. and Dr. Denis P. Burkitt of the Medical Research Council in London. Union (PAU) will sponsor Black activities Opening the week's activities will be a Ballroom both Wednesday and Thursday nights variety of favorite desserts would be impossible without talk by Bob Cayou, Black studies professor But sugar is not all bad. A wide today through Friday. at 7. sugar. Jam needs sugar to give it body. Without sugar, jam would be virtually all liquid. Black Solidarity Day, normally celebrated at San Francisco State. Cayou will speak Lemon juice and apple sauce would be difficult to consume without at least a little sugar. on May 25, has been moved ups week because on the principles and concepts of Pan-Afri- "Vunlinedal" and "Sons and Daughters of However, raw sugar or honey can be used instead. The average American consumes 115 of finals. canism. Kush" will end the week's activities with a pounds of sugar every year. Rephrased, that's about 500 calories a day, according to Dr. Pan African Solidarity Day had its begin- Tuesday will feature a performance by the jazz performance at 7 p.m. in the C.U. Coda W. Martin. ning in Accra, Ghana, in 1958. This is the Pan African Union Boot Dancers from Say Ballroom.

Many SJS students Scuba divers explore the depths

By LaQU1TA BALDOCK taking about the same chances as an unlicensed Donning and doffing scuba equipment is but Earth's last and largest frontier is being novice driver on a rush-hour San Francisco one of the things with which you must become conquered on a part-time basis. street. familiar while attaining your diving certi- Weekends and vacations find many SJS stu- Certified scuba instruction is available fication. dents among these conquerors of the under- through local clubs and diving -specialty Only slightly less pathetic looking than the sea frontier, which covers 71 per cent of stores, as well as classes on campus under proverbial fish -out -of-water, the suited -up the earth's surface. coach Robert Titchenal. diver is awkward, hot, and resembles a In today's rush -rush, overpopulated, "You acquire a tremendous number of masked Martian while on dry land. Once clanging world the spacious undersea world necessary skills from the diving courses, in the water he swims as freely and grace- of muted light and sounds offers one of the but what you really learn from scuba is respect fully as any fish. best places where you and a "buddy" diver for the ocean's power," said leans, who With the skin diver's mask, snorkel can still find unspoiled peace and beauty. received his certification at Foothill College. and fins, the scuba diver must have a tank When scuba (abbreviated from Self Con- Aside from swimming skill, your life of compressed air, a breathing regulator and tained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) div- quite literally depends upon equipment famil- an air pressure gauge. ing first became popular, the number of fish iarization. Also, if the water temperature warrants you could skewer in one dive session was It, a wet -type rubber exposure suit is needed, the measure of how good a diver you were. with a belt of lead weights to counteract the 'Masked Martian' Steve leans Today this situation has changed. A buoyancy of the suit. large number of divers have discovered it In addition to swimming skills and equip- is more gratifying and challenging to shoot ment use, divers must learn another lan- fish with a camera instead of a spear gun. guage. Aside from this, if you're a confirmed Few sounds can be heard by divers since fisherman who has fumed when the tiny underwater sound travels at 4900 feet per striped bass, swimming alongside his 20- second and is almost totally nondirectional. pound mother, bit your hook first; kick off Divers clench either a snorkel or breathing your hipboots and jump into diving instead. regulator between their teeth underwater. Underwater you can pick your catch. Communications are limited to memorized Still not convinced? Here area few quotes visual and line-pull signals. about what SJS divers think of diving: "Div- Once you learn the simple ABC's of ing's the complete experience." "It's phy- diving, the fascination of this submarine sical, but most of all it's a mental thing." fairyland will grow with each new dive. "A place where peace is really supreme, Dreamlike and weightless in the under- the beauty's unimaginable." "It's sorta like water world, you can soar like a bird in sky diving, you and the elements play a the sky, yet just like astronauts on the moon's duo." "It keeps you in good physical Shape surface, you are out of your "element." without the boredom of routine exercises." In the water you'll find your air supply "Diving? Diving's great." is used up far too quickly. Too many things "It's a lifetime sport, as long as you to do and see and seemingly never enough air. recognize your own physical limitations," Too soon you must return. according to Gary Swindell, who assists with The light brightens as you ascend toward SJS course ocean check-outs (these corres- the silvery surface. pond to lecture class finals on a pass -fail As your face plate breaks the waves you basis). leave the world of flickering lights and silent "Dangers are there, but like sharks, shadows and are forced to blink at the you just don't worry about them," explained blinding sunlight of man's world. Steve !vans, senior aeronautics major. With abalone in hand Below you the submerged world awaits An uncertified scuba diver in the water is other part-time explorers. Gary Swindell dives off Monterey Page 2, May 15, 1972 11( )1jri,ic:A L Bob l'ellerin Sparta!! I )41111 t'il ii it r Se g seSa o 5in 914 Jerry Herdegen Gillette `inspiring enough' -The job of the newspaper advertising manager is to comfort the afflicted editorial adv isor board Penn, Spar " By Joyce Krieg and afflict the comfortable. JIFce MCCa1111.01.1' B. Frank Gillette, Democratic ment, which 62 -year -old school 6 --there are just too many of them. 11:11111. C.11'11111111 candidate for Congress in the 10th superintendents aren't supposed to But when Dennis King, newly - district (Gilroy, Westside San Jose), do." elected A.S. president, comes in with - -F.P. Dunne 1:111 111.11’71111 wasn't too happy when this column He explained that he defended a story on a school district election, of May 1 referred to him as "an two of his teachers against what he we listen. 1:111% Ill King, a transfer from Foothill Vol 59 Ni.118 aging and uninspiring school super- termed "cruel and unusual punish- II:111 ii11.-.11 intendent". ment" by their principal. College in Los Altos Hills, is very With a wry grin, Gillette, 62, Gillette's term of office has been concerned about a tax over -ride pro- notes that Mahatma Ghandi was 78 terminated as of June 30. position (Proposition 5) that will be when he was leading the fight for "I'm a young person when it comes on the June 6 ballot. Letters to the Editor Indian nationalism, Benjamin Disraeli to protest," he remarked. The measure would allow the dis- was 70 when he was prime minister Gillette feels he has the best trict to add 10 cents to the property of Britain, George Washington was chance of beating Gubser in the tax for four years to finance programs 57 when he became president and November election and he took a few in the district. Solidarity V% eek begins Charles Darwin was 50 when he swipes at Mrs. Rosendahl. -Her Joe Crowder, a Foothill student developed the theory of evolution. career has been housewife if she's who is working with King on Pro- Editor: Gillette also thinks he's "inspir- honest about it --being on the school position S, explained that several On May 25, 1958, there was a a very heavy brother from San Francisco State's Black Studies De- ing" enough to beat the Democratic board (Mrs. Rosendahl is on the thousand transfers from the Foothill conference held in Accra, Ghana. Cupertino School District Board) is Community College District come to fighters partment, will be rapping on the oppostion (Elaine Rosendahl) and leap All of the African freedom into the fray against Rep. Charles not a career." SJS every year. If programs at the came together on that day of dis- principles and concepts of Pan Afri- canism. Gubser. two colleges in the district are cut cuss the liberation of the Mother- students will by- Tomorrow the Pan African Union As superintendent of the Los We hadn't planned to write about all back, many more land. From then on, May 25 has Gatos the various school district proposi- pass the community college to come Day and Boot Dancers from San Fernando -Saratoga High School District, been Pan African Solidarity Gillette said, "I fought the establish - tions that will be on the ballot June directly to SJS, he warned. the week in which it falls Pan Afri- Valley State will be getting our roots can Solidarity Week. A time for all together in the Morris Dailey Audi- those who relate to Africa to cele- torium at 7 p.m. On Wednesday Staff Comments brate. and Thursday there will be films This year, May 15 through May starting at 7 p.m. in the C.U. Ball- 19 has been declared Pan African room; probably the Dutchman by Solidarity Week. This seems to Leroi Jones on Wednesday and the distress more than a few students Biography of Malcolm X on Thursday. End war by boycotts rather than marches who feel that a holiday or celebra- Vunlinedela and the Sons and Daugh- ters of Kush will be blowing some through his re- tion should be held only on the original 1) Mark Simon feeling President the fools to stop yelling. day and should not, therefore, be mellow jazz on Friday, May 19, in fusal to listen has helped turn marches Maybe they'll realize that action, moved up or postponed for con- the C.U. Ballroom at 7 p.m. I know, deep inside, that marches absurd. a boycott of national goods. is the venience. Personally, I'm glad to see Soli- don't mean anything. I know that Maybe being used has made me only answer. Maybe they'll learn SJS' Pan African Union (PAU), darity Week celebrated early this slogans, chants, PRG's and seven tired. When Bob Scheer, speaking what Martin Luther King knew about the equivalent of other schools' Black year because now I will be able to points' don't mean anything. at Kezar April 22, tried to get people Mississippi and buses, what Mohandas Students' Union (BSU), has wisely participate in the celebration and at And I'm really kind of tired of to chant "NLF is gonna win" I K. Gandhi knew about freedom in decided to celebrate Solidarity Week the same time support my PAU by it all. felt tired. India, and what Cesar Chavez proves a week in advance because of finals. attending its events. Maybe I'm tired because I see We had the numbers once, in time and again in the valley. The PAU has planned a week of Once again I would like to com- the same people, for whatever rea- 1968, '70 and '72. But all we got Maybe I'll be tired for a long, celebration, enlightenment and en- mend the PAU for making a very sons they may have, chanting the were slogans, chants, and sore hands long time. tertainment. Take, for example, to- wise decision. same things, clapping the same cal- instead of action and commitment. night at 7 in Sci. 142: Bob Cayou, Evered C. Cohen loused palms and trying to reach When the numbers were there, the same level of hysteria they might the march leaders wanted to stand have attained once upon a time in on the White House lawn because it aging Arar another era. made a stirring scene on television Maybe I'm tired because those that night. 13) Jackie Bressler marches and slogans and so on meant handrails for safety Now, the stirring scenes aregone, is Congress'? President C.V. something once but have deteriorated apathy brought on by Where replaced by Nixon can blithely go ahead and wage from ridiculous to absurd. more slogans, chants and marches. when the constitution invests this Editor: of responsibility to do whatever was Maybe I'm tired because an un- So while I'm tired, I'll wait for war Some students have expressed necessary to prevent possible future right only in Congress. It is about concern about the new handrails both injuries or even loss of life. time Congress took action to prevent inside and outside the College Union The funds used for these hand- presidents from usurping its con- building. While I am sure most rails came out of money remaining stitutional rights. students are unconcerned, several in the Chancellor's Office as a part The mining of North Vietnam is a have written notes and left them at of a small balance in the College blatant act of war. our Information Desk so I believe. the Union Construction Fund. These Of course, mining the harbors is a following explanation regarding the monies could be freed only for items smart tactical move from the point of handrails is in order. to complete in the College Union. view that direct confrontation between More than two years ago, a stu- Other items now being done in- Russian and American vessels is dent fell from the railing and he and clude the addition of panic handware avoided. The mines are a passive another student were injured. As a on exit doors in the building, the in- means of preventing ships from en- result of this accident, the College stallation of benches, planters, and tering North Vietnam ports, but Union Board of Governors voted to trash receptacles outside the build- American war ships are not directly install some type of railings as a ing, as well as the recently com- involved in the interdiction of mari- safety factor. The railings now in pleted paving and landscaping of the time traffic. place were selected from among entire south plaza. (The panic hard- What happens if a Russian mine several options presented by the ware being installed on exit doors sweeper is sunk clearing these ship- building architect as the most aes- is required by the State Fire Mar- ping lanes? thetic and functional. shal so as to assure rapid exit from If it was important enough for It is important to note for those a public building in cases of emer- Americans to be sacrifices in this who objected to the handrails that gency.) senseless foreign adventure, then the overwhelming concern of the Ronald C. Barrett Congress should have declared war Board of Governors was our feeling C.U. Director from the BEGINNING. Should American boys be made to die in foreign lands without Congress declaring war? My answer is NO! Eleminating T's opposed If we couldn't justify declaring war on North Vietnam, then what the hell are we doing over there? Editor: course. If there is this level, what Also, why should we be made to I would like to state my opposition grade under proposed standards would give up our lives for people who to the Academic Council in approving the instructor give out? Would it be won't even fight to defend themselves? a proposal to eliminate the "D" letter a no-credit grade, and therefore deny Is the real reason we are mining grade from the marking system. The the student his due for his work these harbors to prevent Richard "D" has a highly useful purpose: (admittedly of low scholastic level, Nixon from going down in history as that of defining a level of study but of some scholastic value), or being the first American president which although not acceptable as an would the instructor give the student who lost a war? One wonders. average or normally gotten grade, a "C-" thereby passing him but giving It is about time these Congress- serves as an acceptable minimum for him more credit than the student de- men stopped being primarily con- a particular course. serves? To translate "D"s into "C-" cerned about patronage and party Certainly no one can or should be is no more fair than to translate them loyalty and started to stand upon able to get through school with "D" into "F"s, for in one case the stu- principles they professed to have level work, but the present rules of dent's work is undervalued, and in when running for Congress. the school are enlightened enough the other his classmates work which to permit students to get occasional rightfully deserves a "C" is under- "D"s in weak subject areas, if valued. These refugees have been: ( A) South Vietnamized. Swaim' balanced out by adequate work in other There is certainly some merit in Dail) courses. giving students "no credit" grades ( B) North Vietnamized. ( C) Victimized. ( D) All of the above Serving the San Jose State Col loge Community Since 1934 For example, under present rules instead of failing ones, for marking Second class postage paid at San Jose, California Member of California Newspaper Publishers Assts.*. I would be allowed to graduate with should be a sign of achievement, lion and the Associated Press Published daily by Seri several "D"s this semester; if those rather than a judgment of the acade- Letter to the Editor Jose State College. except Saturday and Sunday, during mic worth of the individual. But to the college year The opinions expressed herein are not "D"s were translated into "F"s then nec ..... ily those of the Assoc ieledStudents, the College I would fail to graduate. deny the opportunity of a student to Administration, or the Department of Journalism and Certainly there is a definable level earn a course credit for "poor" but Advertising Subscriptions accepted only on a remain passing studies, is to deny him an ,ler-of -semester basis Full academic year, $9, each of study which is not up to normal Packard's Semester. $4 SO Off campus price per copy. 10 cents scholastic standards which is, none- option which, at times, is a very $$ interests Phone 277-3191 Advertising 277-3175 Press of F olger Publications, Inc , Union City theless, showing enough merit to be useful one. Editor -in -chief Bob Feller in described as not utterly failing the Walt Fitzsimons buy their wares, and though the Viet- Advertising Manager Jerry Herdegen Assistant Editor Penny Spar Editor: nam war has been especially good News Editor Joyce McCIlister Former Deputy DefenseSecretary for their business, what if the war Make-up Editor Pal Hampton Editorial Page Editor Elaine Wester lund David Packard, speaking for the Busi- were to end? What would become of Copy Editor Alan Ahlstrand Outstanding prof award ness Achievement Banquet, takes war contracts? How can we expect Asst Copy Editor Mary Donahue F nature Editor Cory Farley issue with Sen. McGovern's recom- Mr. Packard to be as keen as peace Sports Editor Keith Peters Editor: name has suddenly popped into your mendation that there be a reduction as McGovern and his supporters? f .no Arts Editor Betty Fleriu I going to the departmental in the Air Force, F xchencte Editor Adenrele loos,, am not a teacher, only a head, get a halting of de- Mr. Packard is probably solicitous Wire Editor Anne Vogel fellow -traveler of whom you office he works under. By going to ployment of the anti -ballistic missile of the welfare of Americans. He may Photo editor Gary Fong asked the way. [pointed ahead-- the department chairman you might and no further development of the cherish for us the effective (?) "um- Public Relations Director Para Petry other Chief PhotOgrapher Dave Millena,, ahead of myself as well as of be surprised to find out that B-1 bomber. brella of security" provided the South Staff Artist Jack Zeiders you. teachers and students feel the same One would be interested in knowing Vietnamese by our air power. As the Magnum Editor Jim Murphy --George Bernard Shaw way you do. how much money Hewlett-Packard second in command of the Defense National Ad Manager F at C lark if others expressed Retail Ad Manager Jill Flesuras It would help might lose were McGovern's mea- Department, he may bear some res- Classified Ad Manager Steve Bohn Think about it- -honestly. the same feelings as yours, but if sures to be adopted. The company ponsibility for decisions which have Advertising Art Director April Hashiguchi While a student at SJS, haven't you can write a convincing letter of may not be directly involved in the lead to the present situation in Indo- Reporters Linda Altaic, L Vonia Anderson, La you come across a teacher that im- support, it may be all that you need production of military armaments but china. Quota Beldock. William Bellou, Paula Betel's*, Pauline pressed you .a bit more, took teacher his just bondonno Jacqueline Bressler, Carole Brown, Frank more to give a certain does make electronic test equipment We should perhaps be thankful Bruno, Eileen Colic Fred Correa, David Crawford, interest in his students, or was just award. needed for research and development. that he is no longer in Washington Darrell Crow, Bruce De Angelis, Lor Finnegan, Linda an all around teacher that knew his time is getting short--hurry. It is rather common Frisvold, Jay Goldberg, Jeanine Healy. Anne Hasson, The sense, and good but giving after dinner speeches and Sharon Holt, Adenrele lposu, Melvin Johnson, Pattie stuff? Nominating letters, supporting Christianity too, that "Where your working for the reelection of Presi- Knapp, Jacquie Kobel, Nick Lbash, Glenn 1. Frank. The teacher in question does not letters (get a teacher to help support treasure is, there will your heart be dent Nixon. Hopefully his efforts Sandy Loess., Miner Lowe. Rock Malaspina, Steno like Socrates, Marino< ci, L arry Mauler, LynneMaytietd, L ise McK have to talk write like you), and other documentation must also." in the latter activity will be re- Jack Mogg, Kenneth Mohr, Abraham Gni. Shirley -Anne Shakesphere, and look like Richard be sent by May 16 to the Outstanding Mr. Packard would be most re- warded with the same kind of suc- Nolen, Joanne Petersen, Dan Russo,D J Salvatore. Eric It's his or her Committee, in care markable person Schtrneler. Mark Simon. Linda Smith, Lion.. Smith, Burton. teaching Professor Awards were he not to cess as his endeavors on behalf of Stephen Smythe. Terri Sprenger Cathy TIlyn, Steve qualities that the Outstanding Pro- of Philip Blair, Mechanical Engineer- frighten us with prospects of Soviet the Thieu regime. Webber, Roger Woo, David Zapata fessor Awards Committee are after. ing Department. belligerency. It is understandable Richard 1. Ingraham, PhD If at the moment, a teacher's Ellen Jo Cefalu that defense industries want us to Assoc. Prof. of Biology May 15, 1972, Page 3 China show, talks today 2,500 demonstrators ousted from Union Square Judy Woodard, a member of Concerned Asian Scho- Anti -war demonstrators tors and law enforcement About 2,500 protestors called by the April 22 Coali- seven -point peace proposal mg to speeches denoucing square and into side streets. lars, will present an in- were driven from San Fran- officers, although a police had gathered in the square tion to demand immediate of the Provisional Revolu- **capitalism, imperialism Newspaper stands, rocks formal talk and slide show cisco's Union Square by traffic officer was taken to across from the St. Francis cessation of the war and tionary Government of South and American genocide" in and a variety of other debris about "Women in China" police Friday, as Bay Area San Francisco General Hos- Hotel, where Goys. Ronald withdrawal of American Vietnam. Southeast Asia. littered surrounding streets today. protest continued to swell pital for treatment of a wound Reagan and Nelson Rocke- troops and war materials The crowd wcathered the Vietnamese flags were as scattered squirmishes Miss Woodard has re- in reaction to President on his left arm, inflicted by feller were scheduled to in accordance with the searing mid -day sun. listen- waved, signs displayed and continued on into the after- cently returned from a month Nixon's escalation of the a thrown rock. speak before the Common- chants repeated before de- noon in the People's Republic. Vietnam war. Several demonstrators wealth Club, igniting Pres intror**************************$ monstrators began march- By 3:30 p.m., it was "all She will speak at 12:30 in There were no serious were hurt, many receiving Nixon's California re-elec- ing around the perimeter of quiet," accoi ding to one of- Centennial Hall 227 and at injuries reported in the gashes from police night- tion campaign. the square, a necessary ficer. Arrests were made, 1:30 in Engineering 132. melee between demonstra- sticks. The noon rally had been drudgery for marchers but but the number was not avail- an apparently pleasant di- able at press time. version to pedestrians gath- Windows were broken at ering along the sidewalks to a Woolworth's, a men's watch the proceedings. clothing store and other es- Birth Control Center Mounted police stood in tablishments along Market readiness, and motorcycle Street, patrolmen sped up and down Cable cars and other streets, attacting jeers from traffic were halted along Po- the demonstrators. well Street. Then a police motorcycle Demonstrators earlier budget ok'd after cuts was set afire, and enforce- vowed to effect a tie-up of ment officers declaring an the Oakland Army Terminal, Deliberations over the orders. Last week's Tuesday $5.50 for the lab work which unlawful assembly drove the "People's Blockade" budget by A.S. Council "Every item on the bud- night clinic ran about three includes a pap smear and a fleeing protesters across the scheduled for Wednesday. Wednesday left the birth con- get was important but the hours late due to the delayed gonorrhea check. The total trol . center with $10,000 of cuts had to be made," re- arrival of one of the physi- cost depends upon the type of At Women's Center the $12,865 asked for. marked Donna F* rig, student cians, Miss Fung said. contraception a woman de- The budget, subject to coordinator for the center. Miss Fung said she was cides to use. approval by Pres. John "We'll probably have to pleased by the cooperative- A six-month supply of Bunzel and A.S. Pres. Mike order less of everything," ness of the clinic volunteers birth control pills will cost an additional $9. The cost Male raps planned Buck, cut two work-study she commented. The pro- and the patients. "None of the for a diaphragm' and cream postions and about $200 gram will be reevaluated patients complained about the The San Jose Women's ing toniorrow 3,1111 Home The pilot clinic is -55 worth of proposed literature during the summer in rela- delay!' During the past two is $4. Center is opening its doors Economics Room 5. They tion to the pilot program sessions 23 students have not furnishing intra-uterine to males. Beginning tomor- were invited by Lori which will continue through been treated. devices but they are planned row at 8 p.m. is men's rap Relnibold, a New College in- in next year's program. May 30. The cost of the clinic is night at Ninth and San Carlos structor.

Plan gets Students wishing to be streets. treated at the center must Birth control center rap session schedule. The rap night will be attend an entire birth control Today 11:30 to 1:30 Health Center Room 208 a monthly event where men rap session. Clinics are held EUROPE to board Wednesday 7:30 to 9 p.m. Health Center Room 206 will get together to discuss $220. - $275. R.T. Tuesday evenings from 5 to Thursday 2 to 4 p.m. Health Center Room 206 SJS brilliance is replaced * issues affecting them, re- Continued from page 1 10 on the second floor of the From West Coast Friday I to 3 p.m. Health Center Room 208 marked Sandra Lindsey, an Biggs also predicted an- Health Center. Fly One WayFrom$125 May 22 11:30 to 1:30 Health Center Room 208 SJS volunteer at the center. other problem, an adminis- Flights MI Year Long May 24 7:30 to 9 p.m, Health Center Room 206 Male suppression and trative one of obtaining funds Flights Also Available May 25 1 to 3 p.m. Health Center Room 206 men's role -oriented atti- from Spartan Shops. Plans to Israeland the Orient call for Buck to approach May 26 1 to 3 p.m. Health Center Room 208 tudes toward women will be For Information' May 30 10 a.m to noon Health Center Room 407 Bomb considered. Spartan Shops, which operate scares losing impact; Contact 365-8625 the Spartan Bookstore and Ms. Lindsey said mem- E.S.E.P. bers of men's liberation from campus food services, tore - Pre -registration 801 Woodside Rd. channel some excess reserve San Francisco and Berkeley Redwood City funds for the proposed pro- may attend the session. The ESEP SJSC Members ject. evacuation irritates students male libbers will be speak- Currently, an audit is be- By JEANINE HEALY 1:45 p.m." The man added, are still there, and I'm still ing made and exact amount Therapy class Gone is the carnival at- "Do you remember the two protesting Nixon :11111 GARLIC FACTORY available will not be known mosphere of the bomb scare. bombs that I put in the Busi- Packard." until the middle of summer. Irate students were evac- ness Building'? Well they SPECIAL Fall According to Biggs, it pre -registration for OT 130, 135, 136, 167 uated Friday from their Occupational would take about two years Therapy clas- 4:00-4:45 classes in the Business sea will take for the project to be com- place Wednes- OT 175, , 176 Building and MacQuarrie MARION BRANDO MONDAY NITE HAPPY HOUR day through pleted, one year for preli- Friday, May 5:00-5:30 Hall, as bombs were re- 17-19, Starting 6pm Lasting minaries and another year from 3:30 to 5:30 OT 140 ported inside. ON THE p.m. WATERFRONT for actual building. 3:30-5:30 Since the beginning of o lid All Nile Registration will be of- Students must bring their the threats on April 20, there advising fered for the following sheets with them have been 14 bombs report- in Enjoy Pinball, Pool & Foosball classes at these times on order to pre-register. ed. Friday's threat to the THE WILD ONE Students unable to regis- Tri-M Wednesday, May 17, in Business Building was a re- 3 end 8 pm showings Health 301: ter on Wednesday may re- newal of a threat received gister on Thursday from 8 on May 4. SEE A LIFE-SIZE TRAIN OT 117, 134, 166 to 11:30 a.m, or all day Fri - Campus security re- Morris Dailey Auditorium banquet 3:30 -4:00 day in Health 420. BEING BUILT INSIDE THE ceived a call from a man at Mon r)(1c- May 1 12:39 p.m. saying "There is two plastic explosive GARLIC FACTORY bombs in the Business Build- tomorrow 1001 FIRST STREET 293-9316 The annual Tri-M A- Student lobbying bill ing. nil; will go off at wards Banquet of Tri-M, the American Marketing As- sociation will be held tomor- row at Sunnyvale's Bold passes the Assembly Knight Restaurant. TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE for the din- Key speaker State college students are dents Association and the ner will be Dr. Edward nearing the opportunity to Statewide Academic Senate. Laurie, a marketing pro- lobby in the State Capitol. The bill gives rights to fessor known for his The chance comes state college students which Backpacking is another way of living humorous classroom lec- authored by through a bill University of California stu- of really living! Why not trade tures. Assemblyman Ken Maddy dents presently have through Beginning at 6 a.m. with a (R -Fresno) which passed the lobbyists. ... pavement for mountain trails social hour, the evening will Assembly on a vote of 55 to Maddy says legislation ... skyscrapers for giant redwoods cost $4.50 for students and 2. both wants and needs "input .smog for mountain mist That's where we come in. faculty, or $4 for members. Next the bill must pass from state college students ... neon lights for starry skies Sullivan be purchased Educational Ventures Tickets may the Senate. It is endorsed in areas of critical con- ... noisy crowds for peace and leaders are experienced from the officers. hy the State College Presi- outdoor cern." solitude men and women. They know their ... the plastic trip for a natural way around a mountainside or high through the wilderness. They'll Living in the wilderness is teach you to (C71 TOIL (401, 11 fantastic ... but it's tough. ... weather a storm Nature makes no allowances ... build a fire for inexperience. ... ford a stream ... practice trail safety and first aid should be reported to the Registrar's ... fix a camp meal Office. Room 110. Library North, no III later than May 24 ... find your way with a compass 11111 eetings SC IP is collecting used children's books for the child day care center ... climb a rock face TOMORROW Books may be deposited in collection AIKIDO CLUB, 1 p.m., CU Council TODAY boxes at the Reserve Book Room, On a 2 - 3 week Chambers Spiritual and physical PRE -REG for photo students and photo SEV backpacking venture, Education Building, Central Library, training majors in the Industrial Studies De- not only will you have a great time, you'll Spartan Bookstore and Women's Con - ALPHA ETA RHO, 7p.m., C.U. Pache- partment begins today and runs all learn to survive. co Room. Elections, week. Duncan Hall, fourth floor and 9 MARION BRAND FILMS, "On The JESUS PEOPLE UNITE, 11:30 a.m., EROTIC FILM FESTIVAL, 7 Try on backpacking as a way of life. Waterfront" and "The Wild One," 3 campus chapel .m., C.U. Ballroom, SI FINAL GRADES will be mailed June and 8 p m , Morri s ley Auditorium 2 to the address on the Registrar's 50 cents. Sponsored by Sigma Delta speakers official study list. Changes of address Chi TODAY ED KOUPAL AND OR. DONALD AIKEN If you think it on the pros and cons of fits... will speak Proposition 9. "The Clean Environ ment Act," 2 p.m Journalism 141 Koupal is the founder of the People's Lobby andAitken ischa4rm.nottfteSJS Environmental Studies Department it's yours... FREE! 4AINT AND\ Lis . .. "ISADORE ' S has five If you decide that the backpacking way of life suits You, come on and join us. Enroll in one of our summer drawings nightly (Mon-Wed ).. Ventures before May 19, 1972, and we'll give you, absolutely FREE, a backpack and aludtinum frame SKETCH giving four FREE Plankhouse (American-made), a $39.95 value. Use it on your first Venture, and keep it for all your future backpacking dinners each time! Also, big trips on your own. OUTDOORS happenings....May 7th. ss' MIA, Groups are small and enrollment is limited. Only thoke enrolling before May 19, and presenting this ad Come in today for our ORFF May 14th. = THOUGHT, May 21st will receive a free monthly how -to-do it magazine backpack and frame. So send away NOW for more information and your enrollment TODAY'S ART It will show you = BLUES EXCHANGE, and May 28th form to: SULLIVAN EDUCATIONAL VENTURES, 3250 Alpine Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Or call (4151 how to enjoy sketching and paint =56 ROCK AND ROLL! American 854-0500 today. ,nq outdoors The equipment you will need plus everything else to Headband appearing nig,htly! hedp you get started Supply ISADORE' S... next to the Plankhouse 1,ruited So cOrne ,o today 3830 Stevens Creek Blvd. ,San Jose. I am interested in the Ventures checked below. Please rush me more !wound S. J. State You'll always start it at ISADORE' lion and an enrollment agreement. .. even if you finish it someplace SIERRA VENTURES 121 days, for ages 16 & up) $350' 1st choice 2nd choice Name _ _Age el sel thanx for listening." SV-1 June 19 to July 9 5V-2 July 15 to August 4 Address. Zip SV-3 August 12 to September 1 LASSEN VENTURES (14 days, for ages 13-15) $260' LV-1 tune 16-29 LV-2 July 2-15 5 IV-3 July 19-August 1 LV-4 August 5-18 It_ LV-5 August 21 to September 3 VENTURES san lose paint n,v,Pos atuarrosai - 'H ALit 010111 CNTH 'Cost includes all food, supplies, training, and use of motintainevrinQ et-11111i ment, including backpacks and sleeping bags. 31SOALPINI11008 411101.01,111t Cu,:, 04015 [PA afinc 365 SAN ANTONIO F.,1,1 MT VIEW 941 3600 Page 4, May 15, 1972 Encounter theater TTh A (e)1 4t1701 Inhibitions shed BY BETTY HARJU and blacklights that were and inviting them to doodle Psychodrama, or the act- never properly adjusted. on sketch boards, loosened Queen Mary, Liz ing out of inhibitions, may Coats flung over chairs, and most of the shyness left. not be new to college stu- these two little people shuf- What Vegas acts wouldn't dents who have been to en- fling around. I wanted to give for such smoothness. counter sessions or modern stand and appeal to the Situations between two acting classes. Such she- glassy -eyed early arrivals, people, utilizing encounters just plain folks nanigans there have become "Please, don't go. Some- of lovers, spouses, parents part of the New Age Estab- thing might just happen." and children and homo- By ERIC SCHATMEIER Another weakness ot this set them up lishment. sexuals, were begun by the Historical costume dra- kind of film is that the dia- Vanessa The key word was dig- Redgrave was The Encounter Theatre, puckish duo and handed over mas like "Mary, Queen of logue is often written to tell nominated for an nity. When Philene, veteran Academy however, makes profes- to whomever wanted to in- Scots" are always a lot of the audience when and where Award for her show business personality, performance sional entertainment out of terrupt. Shyness crept back, fun.' they are in history. That as Mary Stuart coaxed the audience in closer but Glenda these middle-class mind But quiet encouragement by flaw is existent in -Mary" Jackson (also and assured them there It's always fun to see nominated for ticklings. In doing so they one or the other wandering, but not all that annoying, (Sunday, Bloody would be no embarrassment kings, queens, would-be Sunday") is manage to rib, as well as replaced actor soon brought especially for those who need at least as or pressure put upon any- kings and would-be queens good as Queen sympattgze with, the need surprisingly gifted ad- the refresher. Elizabeth. She behaves like one, that old load of hidden going through their royal mo- for such activity. threats slipped libbers to the stage. All this modern charac- an absolute monarch should away. tions, lusting after power and When Philene Kirkwood When One of the roost hilarious terization might sacrifice a behave, ruling over every- Ken, former psy- Philene Kirkwood and Ken Michalski that sort of thing, while and Ken Michalski, the en- chiatric counselor and and inventive put-ons invol- bit of personal accuracy but thing because she is intel- Esa- displaying the same kind of tire personnel, busied them- len "group ved the ker-plopping masks. fluenced him toward show as personally rewarding as the historical backdrop of the lectually superior to anyone leader," pushed drives and emotions that we selves a weekend ago set- up his glasses, smirked shy- Foiur people were instructed business. a compliment from a child. story is real. Mary Stuart. else. In the end her super- normal folk have. ting up for that night's ex- ly, and quiveringly added his to don "whatever mask ap- However, their genuine queen of Scotland seeks to iority is her downfall when pected Joint Effort crowd, appeal, we knew we would be pealed to them the most for concern for the uptightness Somehow, you expect gain the throne of England it makes a martyr out of the talk differently one felt encouraged to re- sharing humor and not caus- whatever reason." They ACCOUNTING MAJORS monarchs to which is held by her bastard naive young Mary. in us all and the gentle in- mark, "What is this mickey ing it. then learned they were to in everyday life, saying sister Elizabeth. In order Veteran actors Patrick tegrity they bring to their mouse garbage? Twenty minutes or so of introduce themselves and things like, "I came, I saw, to do so, she must cope with McGoohan and Trevor act make an evening with A Screens festooned with their quick, inane blackouts, answer in "character" all I conquered," or "Let me her illegitimat ebrother Howard play the male roles them as easy to take as SAN FRANCISCO 415 781-4395 Halloween masks that kept with skimming through the questions directed to them. SAN JOSE 408 251-8446 make this perfectly clear..." James who wants Scotland competently, McGoohan the strawberry shortcake and falling. Oddly placed lights audience, greeting members Out of a pig, an African In "Mary" though, she and for himself. The whole film conniving brother of Mary ceremonial mask, a pirate Queen Elizabeth reasuringly is one big machination with and Howard as Elizabeth's and a village idiot, was made talk just as you and I even plots, counterplots double adviser. Their main func- an Italian ' film maker, a DIRTY STUDENTS... though they throw in a few dealings. Indeed, all of the tion seems to be to provide "spellbindress," Ronald BRING US YOUR WRINKLED thees and thous in their pray- action scenes are edited out counsel which the two queens New Bouton book McDonald and his son, the ers. in favor of the scenes that can ignore. YOUR SOILED, REEKING village idiot. The explaina- YOUR tions later of why they chose GARMENTS about 'Ball Four' their masks revealed some- Rock session is a flop, thing of what was secretly WE BY RICK PETERS Those pages are a little felt about these projected DO ANYTHING Special to the Daily boring. "I'm Glad You personalities and the society COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE, REMEMBER, "I'm glad you didn't Didn't Take It Personally" that made them. take it personally," was book about a 0 D_ I S. C .U. N29 except for Clayton is a Encounter Theatre has WITH ASB CARD AT sportswriter Dick Young's is like Clifford Irving's played to prisons, state hos- I 07 statement to Jim Bouton proposed book on how he pitals, drug addicts and By MINER LOWE with the Raelets,- said the Supremes, and Pearl when they met in New York got involved in the Howard homosexuals in Northern ART CLEANERS There was a concert a Merry, after her per- Bailey, she continued into the after Young had reviewed Hughes autobiography. Jim California, as well as rela- BY CAMPUS, CRNR. OF 9th & SANTA CL ARA few weeks back in the SJS formance. "Blue jeans is fine Raelets scene. It was around Bouton's first book,''Ball Bouton took advantage of tively staid college and men's gym. Merry Clayton, for me." the time she was getting Four." his first book. church groups. OWNER ,DA VID ROSENTHAL, SJS 5 5 5 Stoneground, Copperhead, Merry grew up in L.A. tired. of the Raelets her "I'm Glad You Didn't Bouton pitched for Their purpose is un- A CLEAN OLD Loose Change. Except for with Billy Preston. He's mother told her, "You got Take It Personally" also several major league doubtedly theatrical. Phi - MAN Merry Clayton and the brief another red hot talent a la your talent from God. You happens to be the title of teams including the New lene's pizazz and energy rr bit of Loose Change, it stunk. Bangladesh. "He's just like go use it for him." She did Jim Bouton's new book. York Yankees. fleet her earlier years as gI When you say "rock" I my brother. Sometimes his and the rest of the facts are Published by Dell Pub- Jim Bouton is now a singer and actor. Ken's to tt think about the Grateful Dead mama would take care of us, well known in the rock scene. lishing Co. Inc., and edited sports reporter with ABC tally lost - but - devilishly 24 Hour Sem ice fi playing at Speedway Mea- sometimes my mama No longer is Merry backing by Leonard Schecter, the Eye Witness News in New at home humor, plus his Si' dows in Golden Gate Park, or would." up. Now she's out front. book is spiced with humor- York cond City type cerebral We have Quicksilver jamming at Ava- Merry speaks very ous ancedotes of Bouton's creativity, obviously in lon. lovingly of everybody. Mick introduction to broadcast- Thanks to Merry Clayton Jaggers. "Oh he's my baby, ing. It also tells some of EVERYTHING those days are still around. and very sweet." They Music class the personal anxieties of YOUARE INVITED TO TOUR When she and her tightly filmed "Gimmie Shelter'' such an introduction. A PHOTOGRAPHIC knit back-up men got it on her Bouton examines the together. Lou Adler, on with "Gimmie Shelter" (and Cheech and Chong's) ostentatious Howard Cosell AT that good time feeling was promoter. "He's beautiful," at the Joint among others. still there. With eyes closed, beamed Merry, as she did An SJS modern music The book picks up wher) CALIFORNIA'S OLDEST and Merry and the boys wail- on stage at the end of her class, taught by Dwight Can-. "Ball Four" leaves off. ing it was like riding in a show, when she waved kisses non, will present an evening Bouton writes of his last i TWA 747 CAMERA SHOP magic bus down the Grand and held two outstreached of contemporary music half season in the major Canyon. Well, almost. peace signs to the crowd. titled, "Something Absurd: leagues. Those were the Merry's husband and sax She ended her performance Projections in Sound and same days when the first DATE:Tues. May 16 TIME: 8:30 PM player does his thing well at the McGovern benefit, in Sleeping Bags," tonight at aftershocks of "Ball Four" PLACE: TWA -San Francisco with her. He really rips his San Francisco last week, 7:30 in the coffeehouse. Ad- began to be felt. jazz sax around, inside the with the same symbolic mission is free. Like "Ball Four," Bou- International Airport Gate 56 BBS group's tight elastic rythm stance. Both crowds roared According to Cannon, the ton again points out the PRIZES, MOVIES, FREE: GIVEAWAYS Black and white developing & and blues patterns. It gave back with applause. show will be very informal seemingly no- common - me the feeling of having a Merry entered the pop and relaxed and students sense posture of organi- See the inside of a 'real' Boeing 7471 printing Kodochrome mulcts and slides truck inner tube around my zed baseball. RSVP TWA Campus Rep Bruce Freeman 287 8668 scene in '62. She was 13, should bring pillows or Humorous, 1084 LINCOLN A. FREE PARKING COUPON AVAILABLE AT SPARTAN TRAVEL MART waist bouncing down a sand and in high school. She did sleeping hags because he yet somehow futile. C. LOWER LEVEL OF UNION 56 VALLEY FAIR CENTER 479 UNIVERSITY dune. "You're The Reason I'm Liv- doesn't know when the The middle of the 299 - Merry met Curtis Amy ing,' with Bobby Darin. performance will end. page book is where its +/hen they were with Ray Playing with Motown groups "The students are doing comparison to "Ball Four' Charles. "I didn't like wear- like Sister's Love, and back- this as a class project. Some suffers. These pages are ing those sequined dresses ing up folks like "The King," of them have invented their reserved for letters Bou- own instruments so it should ton received as a result be pretty fa r -out ," said of -Ball Four". Cannon New Janis album 0,.., ****** ..,..... ***** ...... * :* FAR OUT** 1 * * *Try our great $ 1 .9 9 dinner * a 'disappointment * * (Your choice * * of 5 entrees) * BY STEVE MARINUCCI * mixed to be almost all you : The release of "Jams hear. Instrumental breaks LOBSTER PRAWNS Joplin Live" on Columbia are barely audible, and even is somewhat of a disappoint- the voices of the other mem- 4’ STEAK GROUND ROUND ment. bers of the band are pretty For one thing, unlike weak sounding. if. CHICKEN HAPPY HOUR 3-7PM Janis' last posthumous al- The music stays fairly bum, " Pearl." Columbia has close to previosly recorded Grab a bite tonite! packaged this as a memorial versions, and except for album, the type of thing Re- three never -before Corner 3rd prise has been doing with released songs there isn't Jimi Hendrix in releasing much you haven't heard be- & Santa / anything of his they can find. fore. THE INTERLUDE Clara The inside of the album But, on the other hand, 4******************************1 has a big picture of Janis it is Janis. And that in it- and some liner notes by some self is a redeeming factor Columbia Records exec tell- enough to ing how great Janis was. Do make this album worth it for we need some Columbia big- everyone. Repeat wig to tell us that? Janis fans will love it. The sound on )the inside Others will shrug their isn't Much better. Thequal- shoulders and still not know ity is horrible, with Janis' what they missed when she performance. voice either recorded or was alive. Unload! JET PILOTS/NAVIGATORS 89,0 of BMW owners will repeat the purchase, according to Road & Sell your books Career Track's Oct. 1969 "BMW Owners future ahead Survey:' To find out why, ask us for OTS the free booklet, "33 Reasons Why at your key to a future career BMW is Better:' Or ask for the key. of executive opportunity You'll get the message on the aerospaco foam

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Officer Training School involves 3 months of intensive training preparation for flight training During this course you will rove., pay and benefits lull BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS Officer Training School is your preparation for growing respnnsobil 'NA Qog ties and real challenge Training School is the beginning of your career in apron... SAN JOSE BMW your entry to leadership on a team of aerospace professional. On Tenth Street For more rnformetron contact. USA F R ****** Mabee j I 138 S. 1st St. San Jose San Jose 292 1301 Campbell 371.4370 Advantageous European delivery plan May 15, 1972, Page 5 Alums top SJS varsity gridders By JAY GOLDBERG Inc and the players not 10 they weren't going to have e Taking a position on the Junes. The block enabled It took only one play of beat us by to many points and rookie camp. They had one line, George made the most quarterback Dave Ellis to run chicanery by the Alumni as it to run the ball during the last weekend , " McMillen of his one play as a foot- out-of-bounds and end the day defeated the Varsity, 7-0 in entire fourth quarter." said. ball player by putting a block and Krazy George's brief , ' the sixth annual football tus- "That was an insult to "111 get the standard free on the varsity's Seymour career. sle at Spartan Stadium Satur- my intelligence, but obvious- agent contract and a possible day before a sliarse sun- ly the players swallowed it," small bonus." g". drenched crowd. added King. McMillen is married and With approximately six Experience was a key fac- has one child, so he wants minutes left to play, defen- tor in favor of the Alumni. something for his efforts with loot wook's Phantom Photo: stack of Spartan Dilly sive end John McMillen ("71 Ten players from the 1970 the Patriots this summer it it alumnus) stole the show and and 10 players from the 1971 he doesn't make the grade clue word: voice the ball from senior half- squad sprinkled its line-up. professionally. *inner: Ron back Joe Hicks. Missing from the varsity The Patriots are inter- Carpenter Hicks swept right end and line-up due to injuries or ested in McMillen as a punt- picked up a firstdown on other reasons were 11 first ing specialist. runners-up: Marsha Braverman the Varsity's 34. and second stringers. Varsity AIumai "I looked down and the ball "Their absence !Tom Me First Downs 14 Ron T2FliZAM2 was right there, so I took game had nothing to due with Not Yards nothing MO 31 Noy Yards Passing it," said McMillen. IS 117 Mil(e O'Connor what happened out there," Total Oftans 178 "He (Hicks) had the ball King pointed out. real good." "The young men got a The real highlight of the McMillen rambled 19 chance to function under day came with only 23 The Phantom thanks you for your interest. yards to the Varsity's 15 pressure, whichl believe was seconds left in the contest. and four plays later Chon the most important thing Krazy George, who had Gallegos ('61 alumnus) hit garnered from this game. - been sitting up in the stands Joey Gayton '69 alumnus Mike Scrivner in This Krazy George ( 74) leaps for joy at his new found endeavor was the second for most of the game, decided the left corner of the end - straight win for the Alumni he wanted to get into the zone on a five yard pass. as the series now stands at action on the field. Larry Barnes, ('71 alum- 4-2 in favor 01 the varsity. As time ran out in the GEORGE VVEIN PRESENTS nus) added the extra point. * * * fourth quarter, George boy area McMillen also kept the McMillen announced alter charged out of the stands and Spikers post top varsity deep in its own ter- TICKET PRICES marks the win over the varsity that somehow acquired a uniform. ritory with his punting. He he would probably sign with After a quick change, $7.00 - 6.00- 5.00 - 4.00 ff All Snots Reserved} Despite not getting any corded their best time this pic squad. averaged 45.3 yards per kick the New England Patriots. which cost the alums a delay FPICES ARE PER PERSON first places, the SJS track and season. "I was pleased with the and had a 67 yarder in the "I would have signed with of game penalty, George Festival PER PERFORMANCE field squad still posted some Running with the likes of time." said Evans, who com- third quarter. them by now. but they tOld IIIP made his appearance. career and season bests in USC and UCLA, the Spartans peted yesterday in the Martin Gallegos, who appeared in BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR .,,es pre rrn siGne. the 45th running of the West reeled -off a 40.4 time, by far Luther King games in Phila- his sixth Varsity -Alumni tilt, TWO GREAT NIGHTS Coast Relays Saturday in a vast improvement over delphia. directed the Alumni to their last win in 1966, 28-21. A. SIAM= 1111111111C11 IN OAKLAND COLISEUM STADIUM Fresno. previous times this year and "The time would have The 5-11 field general hit FRIDAY JUNE 9..0 PM SATURDAY, JUNE 10 8 PM Milt Whitley, who has last. been a 44.7 or 44.8 on a on 10 of 16 passes for 63 Ray Charles / Ike S. Tina Nina Simone / Donny been running somewhat in the Flocks of records fell synthetic track, declared the W6,11.001111/011K yards. He did the same in Turner / B.B. King / Stan Miles Davis / shadow of his brother Ted during the afternoon and former SJS star. Hathaway / evening competition, one of 1966, except he had more Getz / Jimmy Smith Jam Les McCann / The Giants all season, broke into the 169. them to former SJS assistant In other events, theSpar- yardage, Session with Kenny Bur- of Jazz with Dizzy Gilles- world class category in the Last season's quarter- and Olympic champion Lee tans grabbed a third in the rell, Clark Terry, Joe New- pie, Thelonious Monk, 120 high hurdles. back for SJS, Dave Ellis Evans. distance medley (7:44.1); got man, Roy Haynes, Zoot Sonny Stitt, Art Blakey, Kai Matching talents with an saw considerable action. Running in 92 -degree a third place from Greg Born 11AM Simms, Illinois Jacquet, Winding, Al McKibbon extremely fast field, Milt "Maybe it was better that evening heat, Evans turned in the shot put (58-10) and Louis stayed then to have beaten Bellson with the field and it on to win the invitational swept the college discus. we lost, posted a 13.7 clocking, the the Alumni by 40 points," t, sets Coliseum 1435-7110:0; In OaklandSherman Clay 14441711, Rey Ticket 440 in 45.2. The time broke In that event, Chuck IsA/11 km Office (141201; Frifinent-lookmark I/1340101; also fastest of his life. assesed varsity mentor San Jose Sox Office (24411501, Peninsula lot Offic 11446001; ASUC Sea Lee's old meet record of Sherman, Born and Tom Offices 1642.31211; Si Downtown Center 1770.20111 ley Atee tither. While Whitley's time was 46.2 he set last year. Wilson were all within four Dewey King. 1121.50601, ALL MACY'S and 11 Coliseum Apencis mat o,clers from COLI- SEUM 1100 OFFICE, Nimitz Freeway A H. ersberor Rood, Oakland 14421. good enough for third place, It also kept him unde- feet of each other with "The Alumni kept telling the Spartan 440 relay team feated and moved him closer Sherman winning with a toss finished fifth but still re- to a spot on this year's Olym- of 170-0. Prof. Heath, 78, retires

BY DARRELL CROW Heath, "started their pri- mary education in that build- Dr. Harrison F. Heath, ing. longest - employed educator "The original Spartan at SJS, will retire this sum- Bookstore was a single, mer at age '78. Dr. Heath is small storeroom just to the concluding a teaching career right of the entrance tc Mor- 1. of 57 years, the last 46 at ris Dailey Auditorium. That SJS. place is now a small wo- A dinner honoring the men's restroom." retiring educator will be hold Dr. Heath also commen- +IV in the College Union Monday, ted on teaching loads, "In May 22. my first semester here I Dr. Heath will be leaving was assigned 17 units of his post as director of test- mathematics as my teach- .ng, where he supervises ing load; so I smile a bit student entrance examina- Joey Csayton indulgently at present day tions, credit exams and tests Dr. Harrison F. Heath efforts to get the normal ear. counseling prescribed by the all athletic events of the teaching load reduced from department. He has held the year. 12 to nine units." post since 1954. "The only gym was a ,1sked what Dr. Heath Dr. Heath came to SJS wooden structure next to intends to do after retiring, in 1926, where he taught all Morris Dailey Auditorium, he replied, "I haven't any of the academic mathematics about where the TV studio great immediate plans." offered for the first two is now. That old barn was He enjoys traveling and years. torn down when the women's commented, "I have travel- In 1930, Dr. Heath shift- gym was built, and our bas- ed 250,000 miles by air and ed into the psychology de- ketball games were played have visited all continents partment, where his teaching there for several years, un- except Australia." field had been measurement til the men's gym was built." Dr. Heath's favorite va- and statistics. Reminiscing further, Dr. cation spot is Hawaii. "It's He entered Stanford in Heath added, "The ratio of relaxing for my wife and me 1926 for his doctorate in women to men was about 10 to be there. I like the mild education. to one, and didn't even up shirtsleeve weather. It's

While at SJS, Dr. Heath until the late '30's. close to San Jose, only five was coordinator of the junior "Our title was San Jose hours by plane. college technical curricula State Teacher's College, and Summing up his feelings for 24 years until the San the word Teachers, explain- about SJS Dr. Heath said, moved Jose junior college ed Dr. Heath, "wasn't drop- -I've always been very proud tk, to its own campus. He has ped until 1935. Now we are of SJS. Not only is SJS the col- been a member of the about to change the word oldest college in the state - lege's student personel com College to University. but it's one of the best. I mittee since 1929. "The present Journalism don't think there's another Asked what SJS was like Building was the Training college on our level to com- in the late 1920's Dr. Heath School for practice teachers. pare to us. SJS is still commented, "Incredible as My two sons," added Dr. number one." it will appear to our present NIT WIT 'i.%1 IT Athletic Department, every -sovr--- Fr faculty member was given an annual card which was a free pass for himself and mate to 2600 IIComm, SANTA LLAMA III CINEMA 150 g4.3 OSCAR WINNER NICHOLAS or% To ALEXANDUA EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT PI* LL .0 eerea PRUNE YARD 311 JON COPTIC WA& 4111 THE C %H \ IN THE OLD CAIITIIIA ON TM WM Sill OF TNI COLLEGE U111011, OF l'I\ZI CO\TI\IS or r cmL 0 C EVENTS in MAY PRUNEYARD 311 MON flth MAGIC NIGHT ieltb Reser Platte A1,40.,ISlE MI.d in Co1111,1101 "Come to life, Come to life, Includong (111 ` y - 1' Abalone TUE 9111 SPAGHTITI FEED SO( starts el 130 Dream Ch rk TOE We can make a party out of living:i* Stng-A-Song Man l'HE 11.11Eli FRI 1211, ILICIRONIC MUSIC 9Pti Free /nary Imagonotion PLUS Or Out 0,04E110S SAT 13111 OPEN NIGHT The PROFESSION %LS 110 NON Mil MODIRN MUSIC CLASS P 00000 4 C". 1:0 12.0 Sonethina absstd New.. la Soands n.M slaspons Bags PRUNEYARD lit 4 1070 NI loth 15(11 RONUS-Greet Reeordieg Artist Her first album is abalone dreams, Mann County, mad 41. I LOOSE (HANOI with Sid Clifford and 1111 !India dogs, magic rings, sunlight, Nicky Hopkins, sisters, brothers, 411 Nl %It QI Er\ GO FRI lath INDIFFERENT ONES Taj Mahal, cozy fields, acorn squash,TM. and life itself OF SCOTS SAT 20sh CONCERT of SYNTHESIZED I 1.1ST RI \ PROCESSED SOUNDS Free ,40up RATES CALL III 10/0 Pamela Polland fills a very special space. TUI 23rd DIRTY RUTTER IAND Ivo lead Ilmlaw SI 00 ,3, IL CAN040 On Columbia Records e and Tapes REGENCY 740 FRI Mk-- SNOW ME Folk Rock M.iral Free :,R weNfe eete IIAI Stettin, Times at 11.30 AMERICA'S FIRST X RATED CARTOON Appearing at the Boarding House May 9-14,1972 FRITZ THE CAT ,111,4) /rere, Page 6, May 15, 1972

Spartan Shops allocate $9000 B&B Fbreign Car Center AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE

lAvRiAN raofOR WORy Child care center given funds MLiraCH

Create d non-structured learning Spartan Shops board of directors approved an allocation The center will be a non-profit , non- sectarian pre-school, -We will be able to Hansen, member of the Child Day sill DENT DINCOL of $9;000 to the Child Day Care Center at its Thursday offering comprehensive child care from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., environment," said Peggy Committee. meeting. Monday through Friday. Care Center Steering Phone 247-3444 will be admitted on a priority scale According to Miss Hansen, plans include a loosely sche- swIDEN 4855 STEVENS CREEK SLUE) SJS students' children SANTA CLARA CALIF 95051 Last month A.S. Council allocated $9,000 to the Child that weighs ethnic balance, academic load, income, job work duled learning environment, which will include painting, a Day Care Center, but stipulated it had to be matched by such load and nearness to graduation as essential factors book corner, toys, maps anti other learning activities funds before it could be placed into the center's account. A few board members expressed concern over whether the A.S. allocation was just a gesture to receive better nego- tiating strength from other funding organizations. tl A 2.12.1141) A.S. Pres. Mike Buck assured the board that the A.S. allocation was binding. GIRLS only Private Rm available in OVERSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS PISCEAN WATERBEDS '64 VW BUG. Enroll meal Lurid PART TIME HOUSING 5 Bd house. summer & fall 72-73 Australia. Europe, S Arnerirc Africa 1628 W San Carlos 294-1455. Just Needs body work $200 297-8659 $S EVENINGS $S Kitchen & front rrn Intl No pets. etc All professions and occupations west of Sears K ing-Oueen 521, Dbl 5-7 PM Time -Life Books offer steady employ- The Child Day Care Center, which is expected to open 300 blk on S 11th 295-2660 5700 to $3,000 monthly E xpenses paid $19, Twinr $15, Safety Liners $2, ment callrng our customers evenings next September, will be located at St. Paul's Methodist SAN JOSE RESIDENCE C LLJB CO-ED overtime. sightseeing Free infor Frames $10 plus 10.Year Guaran- '71 KHAN GHIA CONV. fan yel. 6 pm -9 and Saturday a m Earn S2- JUST OFF CAMPUS EXPL FOOD. Men-Rms, with kitchen pnvileges, mationWrde. Jobs Overseas, Dept tee on all beds Water Sofas, U L AM, FM, Most sell $1,995 Call 54 on salary and bonuses Pleasant Church, 10th and San Salvador streets. LINEN & MAID SERV PARKING, singles and doubles S40 mu and up 04 P 0 Box 15071, San Diego, Ca Listed heaters, pillows, tapestries Rick 227-7100 est 6081 or 224 interesting work for mature individual COLOR T V . INSIDE COURTYARD Summer & fall 617 So 6th St 92115 Ask about our N RD policy. 294.1455 0908 eves who can talk easily about books All BEAUTIFUL BUILDING RUN BY work done on our nearby San Jose PEOPLE WHO CARE SHARED 2010/ PANICI 2 female roommates needed FLYING SOON? ELEANOR'S FLOWERS of Los Gatos '70 HONDA C1-175 Ex coed Bob office Leads only Weekly paycheck wit MEALS OPTIONAL 10.50/vAr. for summer, fall, spring 3 bdrm EAST to Denver. Chicago, New York. is a lovely large "fresh cut" flower after 6 PM 293-5660 or ask at 5-15, Call 298-5433 for intervrew appt Ph. 293-7374 2025. 11 St house Own room rent only $4315 Boston, Washington or Europe WEST shop We have the best quell ity flowers office HIS art panel Call Ann 298-7388 after 5 pm on to Hawaii or the Orient Your TWA at the lowest prices in town Lovely OVERSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS Faculty Campus Rep Freeman ran here Bruce STUDENT RENTALS weekdays carnations at 51 00 do. Ina kidding, IS VW 15.000 miles on rebll eng . Austral., Europe, S America, you make your GETAWAY NOW! Save Furnrshed Houses 3 & 4 Bedrourns Long stem roses at $3 50 & SO 50 doe ex coed in every way Sunroof 5715 Africa. etc All professions and 1 3 with a TWA YOUTH PASSPORT 2 Baths BEAUTIFUL 3 BDRM. house avail and lie a florists box for additional 65c1 379-5620 or 37d-3946 occupations, $700 to 3,000 monthly. take up to 24 months to pay with a F urnished Apt% & Studios 6:1 Garden yard AEK :furn Easy Daisies 65c bunch. Bachelor Buttons Expenses paid, overtime, sightseeing. FREE. 1 & 2 bedrooms atmos $5626 each 10 min lo EASILY OBTAINABLE, TWA 95C bunch. -Daffodrls, Tulips, Ins '64 CHEVY NOVA. Automatic Good Free information -Write, Jobs Over- GETAWAY CREDIT CARD. Call Bruce Rental Specralists since 1955 SJSC Cull 294-1744 Stock, Violets etc etc etc You name running condition Looks good 6 cyl seas, Dept P0 Box 15071, Son 287 8668 for information Borelli Realty. 195 No 10th at it we've got 00 Whether you buy one $400 294-3432 Diego, Ca, 92115. Cali 297;2410 MALE Single and double rooms, kitchen flower or a dozen you will recerve the afternoon priv living room Avail. 1st June EURORAIL, -tours solatrights same "fuss & rebbons" Every pur '70 VW Westphalia Camper Am Fm for Si hour up and amateur set DANCERS, carrentals-hastels pensions Worts chase is gift wrapped You never gal Radio Covered front mounted spare FEMALE ROOMMATE needed, share Clean men only 115 So 14th St SJ topless every Wednesday SI5 to all europeancars-shipping sleeping bags so much for so little money TRY US- Hitch 22,000 miles Warrented to bdrm house with 4 others Part 286-2704 porta ipants. $25 to winner Pail,,, the first 100 persons at mountambools, etc Condor, 2305 --YOU'LL LIKE VW We also have a -Everything You Want to to turn very nice with large backyard 24,000 Excellent condition. $2,650 pants offered contract The Brass Isnire Boulevard Santa Mon,. 213 large selection of potted plants lei 286 6244 the discussion. or drop by 268S NON-SMOKING female who called Rail 734 t454 Know About Art and Are 560 mo 293 1544 628.6084 rariums, dish gardens and dry or 12th 998-0303 Monday 'Please call back Afraid to Ask.** is the title There has been a very important change rangement flowers Everything at PONT. '69 FIREBIRD 4013 A, AT PS Smidt's exhibit, "Art for UNIVERSITY TRAVELERS CLUB prices you can afford Our specialty PB am fm TH Excel Must sell 249- WANTED of a panel discussion led by Bdrrn Apt. furn $123 made Art's Sake," which was on COUPLES 1 Traveling this summer, Slay over is our small ' for the hospital' ar 3893 or 374-3610 after 5 Student nurses. RN LVN Athos and Summer rates avail JuneAugust orderlies needed for temp help ser- art faculty which will be held FOR RENT: 2 bdrrns in 3 bdrm night free, Stuck at home' Host rangements at $I 956 $2 50 They're display in the Art Building 627 S 9th St vice in hospital, home and Dr of at 1:30 house Share with 1 male 1 -year travelers Meet friendly people Ex- cute and "just enough' We are open '62 VESPA with side car. tommorrow afternoon five Call 293 0112 Arne, ir an Re gallery last week, was round. 1 -summer only 553 33 ea change privileges with members in 9 AM to 7 PM daily & Sunday 11 2 day Engine needs work in the C.U. Almaden Room. BAY WINDOW ROOM for rent in now for full gislry of Nurses Agency "assaulted" twice and the 2889-8073 US and Canada. Write Holidays/ 720 University Ave Los $75 or offer 286.1243 large house Summer only Sunny, details UTC. PG. Box 9147, Berkeley Gatos 356 6314 or 356-4839 (at the cheerful with cool breeze $80 Call Please help us Let it nor be said by Art professors Sam chicken wire surrounding the Cal.; 94709 end of the cyclone fenre behind Oak 59 OLDS. Station Wagon. good running Jeanine 998-2993 LARGE HOUSE for rent, corner of 12th a future, forlorn generation that ours display fell down, according & San Carlos. call 246-5825 after Mr-adder Parkl order, new brakes. $175 Tent tratler Smidt and Sam Richardson JET CHARTER FLIGHTS was lime when we lost our nerve 10 p.m for summer camprng. $1013 244-7621 will lead the discussion. to Smidt. MARRIED COUPLES LONDON from $129 ONE WAY PASSPORT PHOTOS -ONE DAY SER- and wasted our great potential be Large 2 bdrm apt well -marntained HONG CONG, ORIENT VICE 4 FOR $3 75 15 minutes ser cause we despaired Wore we dared Harry Powers, professor of ROOMMATE WANTED, start June, own EUROPE. Quiet bldg pool, Recently painted Weekly Departures, vice available Daily am -3 p m George McGovern needs student vol He has invited the thrash- room & bath, S50 my call Bill at FOR SALE sculpture, will moderate. and carpeted $150 mo Resident PLEASE CONTACT 415-171-3331 Sat till noon Tinker Bell Studio unteers, 1878 W San Carlos or 297-5759 er (the individual who tore owner 466 5th Cl, 286-0944 Win a free trop to London 1040 The Alameda, S.1 phone 289-9118 We need YOU down the display) to appear THE PISCEAN Smidt originals will be MENT MANAGER FEMALE ROOMMATE needed, 21 or RUSSIA -SCANDINAVIA. 5 wks $350 LIFT YOUR SPIRITS! 35 S Fourth, 1 2 block from SJS TEACHER OPENINGS: Current list- at the panel discussion. Couple wanted II child alcl to manage over, to live with one other 2 bdrm given away as door prizes inclusive London departures Small Join a college -age BALLET class at Library King Queen complete water ings of hundreds of California schools 9 unit apt near campus $55 rent re- Turn apt $130 mu 635 5 11 St $33 group camping travel (ages 18-301 Eufrazia School of Ballet Essential beds $46.00, Double 544, Twin seeking teachers in all fields ductron on 2 bdrm turn apt 295- Available 6 15 Call 998-0303 $3 Also Eueope, Africa Write, Whole techniques for the beginning dancer Frames $IO 84 up Liners 52. Heaters Calif School Placement Bureau. 1974 7438 Earth Expedttions Ltd. US.Agents 246-6675 if no answer 201-1776 $24 and up 10 year guarantee on all GIRLS needed to rent 3 bdrm house Thousand Oaks, Berkeley, CA for Transit Travel Ltd , Box 1497 beds Also water sofas, organic fur, across from SJS Sum and -or fall PUBLIC AUTO MART FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. K C , Ma 64141 aura, pillows, tapestries Mellow $250 Call Kathi 736-5837 has expanded into a "Mobile Flea One leader For overpopulated, under' modern duplex, own room, nice area, solos people and right on prices 35 Campus Market" autos, trucks, boats, motor- governed country Wise, perceptive, On 416 287.1030 yard. 1 girl $85, 2-562 50 297-3625 TRAVELING? STAY OVERNIGHT S LRG. CLN, MOD. APTS. evil 6/5 honest, and intelligent No FREE? Stuck at home, Meet tra- cycles, trailers. etc. We do the adver previous Low sum rates. $80/mo no lease rag tising, you do the selling! We aver - experience necessary Mutt be able ROOMS, IVY HALL, 279 E San Fer- veling people Exchange privilege - NIKON II CAMERA with 28 F-2 - prof to mature older staying thru over 2,000 "Prospective Buyers" each to overcome the mess left by the nando, across from administration with members in U.S and Canada. 50 1.4 - 150 - 150 lenses,' 'also El fall Reserve now for sum 2 blks weekend Total cost for seller - $12 last two, and of South Dakotan birth- bldg single, double. Kitchen prry Write University Travelers Club. Nikor enlarging lenses 356-5681 S J 5 , free parking. until sold) fee includes place well managed. Taking rrrrr vations Box 9147, Berkeley, CA 94709 (good 30 day listing for any vehicle not sold the for summer & fall semester Summer BIG HOUSE, 2 blks SJS, need 4 people first weekend on our exper- SHREDDED FOAM RUBBER 350 per MAKE 550-5200 DAILY by mallorchr Foreign student work permits rates June -Sep. 294-6472, 293-9814, Based for July and fall, quite reasonable SUMMER IN EUROPE - -Only $2101 ience in March, 35% of all vehicles pound Any amount Ph 293-2954 in your spare time at home No 253-8434 294-3837 Call collect 16171 599-0287 UNI - were sold after I weekend of display' Experience Start at Oncr. rand a SELECTION of current, TRAVEL CORPORATION we do even better on V W 's & mod LARGEST self -add stamped envelope to Box Foreign students who plan to work during the summer SNARE AN APT. Male Rent $160,no paperbacks. records and books MALE, OVER 21, needed to share 2 priced trans vehicle, Every Sat used 1503 Opt A44 San Jose, Ca 95109 235 S 14th St 286 7708 Ask for Grant Bike across Quality books and records should apply to the Foreign Student Office, Administration bdrm apt own room $50; ma summer GOING TO EUROPE? Sun 9-4 Capital Drive -In T heatre 1;2 price Write Paola, 2160-2 Patterson purchased Top prices par d cash. or 655 11100 998-1976 Italy, Capital Expressway & Monterey Rd WANTED: Counselors 121-351 for 269. for work permits. GIRLS WANT 3 BDRM HOUSE to rent Or 97405 trade Lots of fiction. supplementals, Dr Eugene. For further info 287-9566 fine High Sierra private girls' counselor Philip Persky said the office near SJSC Call Angie 288-6718 and classics RECYCLE BOOK camp Foreign student TWO GIRLS NEED HOUSE in Los Gatos PUBLIC AUTO MART Canoeing. water skiing, archery, NEW YORK on or 286-6275 186S 2nd St has been authorized by the Immigration and Naturalization Call RIDE NEEDED TO "A meeting place for private parties western riding. arts & Grafts dor , ROOMS OPEN IN HOUSE for summer 286-2950 Must be there before Hareeaat h be yr 3.'571; 108 b U1ndy about June I to buy and sell used vehicles " secretary, maintenance. dishwashers. Servicc to issue summer work permits only. & possibly fall Males Close to SJS June 8 Willing to share expenses FINE CLASSICAL GUITARSFOR PER - Call 287-7853 June 20 -Aug 23,14151 967 8612 1 ELK. campus Fall rental Large. & driving Call 293-13677 VOICE -GUITAR -PIANO FORMERS AND TEACHERS. L Furnished AEK 1 2 3 BR Sunnyvale 783 2671 I NEED A ROOMMATE TO SHARE Modern Today's Music or "Classical" C CANDIDATES FOR SALES MANAGE- Apts. Contract 247-6039 Training or Life -Enrichment Har- MENT We may have the uppor you an apartment Own room bath w -w WATER BEDS San Jose's oldest PERSONALS mony Way Stud io - 286- 8917 o r Summer are looking for, but you must be carpet, pool Away from campus water bed store. Yin Yang Water Vasconcellos to speak at SJS Session in Santa Crux 476-6616 sales orient'd 2 yr & training Call 287-8032 all lOPM Bed Co invites you to compare SERVICES I MAKE CAST GOLD & SILVER wed- New York Life Equal uppor employ A PRECINCT FOR GEORGE. quality, price, and servi; e LIMITED 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES needed for bands & other jewelry, all one WALK er M & F Make appt with Mrs dis- ding California a McGovern victory NUMBER OF PARACHUTES 28ft dia Assemblyman John Vasconcellos (D-San Jose ) will summer Nice, spec ious house on 12th of a kind If you have unusual de Make McGinnis, Bldg 0 Rol 3 for 5-16-72 Precinct walking from now till June meter, orange and white Great for funding for state colleges and universities tomorrow at Street Call Pam 294-2909 ARTISTS' MODEL available for ar sires in this area call me at 354 - cuss 6 1878 W San Carlos 289-9118 ceilings, drapes, clothes, etc Only 9:30 a.m. in Centennial Hall 239. His appearance is part of lists. photographers, students, groups. 8804 or corne by Old Town in Los 55 Visit one of our stores at 400 WILL do painting Fast. neat, ex FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for workshops Rotes open NO porno Gatos afternoons Wednesday through deo-tended parntrng interior or ea College -American Studies Department lecture series. MCAT/DAT: Summer home study re- Park Ave 18 blocks west of 5.151 a New Summer my Noce House on 13th After 5. weekends, 275-6168 Saturday view and testing program for the Medi - Ph 286-1263 or 28 E Campbell Ave tenor Rates 515 per room, $150 girls It is free and open to the public. St Backyard Share w 5 other George L ar more cal/Dental Admission Test For in- fat W inchesterl Ph 378-1040 per house Call 247 1512

Vasconcellos in chairman of the Joint Committee on the $50 my Call Joan Castle 292-0764 WHO'S ON THIRD? formation write Graduate Studies Your friendly neighborhood Typing FINE FOR DOPE Center, Box 386, New York, NY 10011 HAND MADE RINGS. Choose from FACULTY WIVES-EXTRA SU Master Plan of Higher Education, which is delving into the ROOM FOR RENT. One block from Service 2814355 I TRY IT, YOU'LL If 15011 enough candles (large. scented, red di gold tiger eye, turquois and College Marketing Roup represent, school Private bath Move in now LIKE all & only S2.00) to pay my FINE for 18 publishers to college faculties college and university programs. He is also FREE -TOUR OF TWA 747 Tue . May fire agate 510 00 & up Ph 225- future of state 562 460S 4th 297-7088 smoking grass, I$5001 they won't send through out the nation We need 16 at 8:30 pm TWA, San Francisco 7472 a member of the Education Committee. me to jail on May 13 Come by part-time help with car in gathering TYPIN.1--term papers, etc.. reaper International Airport. Prizes, Movies, SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 BDRM APTS Fore 7th dr San Carlos and meet a real live HELP! BUSINESS IS LOUSY! and disseminating rnforrnation on local lanced and fast Phone 269-8674 Giveaways Free park ongcouponavail- HELP? & unfurn No pets or children Low IS% off all items in stock veth this campuses, responsrble, resourceful able at Spartan Travel Mart, College summer rates 283- E Reed 266-20(16 ad EXCEPT articles already on sale persons who can also help our regional FOR PROBLEM PREGNANCY CARE, Union. RSVP TWA Rep Bruce THE CLOTHES HORSE BOUTIQUE salesmen poth displays at facultybook pregnani y testing entre, iiption and Earn extra money! Whole 01000 Freemen 247-8668 Brando classics shown today 431 SO. 11M ST. 53. Unfurn 1 bdrm Sterililation Call Family Plannino Plasma programs 51 00 Bonus with of San Jose fairs and nearby academic meetings Couples $120 Quiet Resident owner For more informatron about this op Alternaliars /89 9011 student ID on first visit Calif Blood MARIJUANA 36 South First Street Pool portunity to earn extra money in a Bank Foundation 35 So Almaden Ave Come to Calif Marijuana Initiatrve flexible situation please write to Two of Marlon Brando's classic films, "On The Water- DICK'S AOUASERV opposite Greyhound Bus Depot phone Concert Have I on di help legalize ion BLOND FENDER AMP. Guild 2 A11811 MacGregor, College Marketing SUMMER RENT large 2 bdrrn turn, Aqua. 'urns repaired, serviced 294-6535 Bands. Stoneground; Earthquake; speaker boxes 286-3339 front" and -The Wild Ones," will be shown today at 3 and 8 Group, 198 Ash Street quiet, clean Close to campus $120 Buy 191 8006 Sell Jessie, Wolf, Whings Reading, Mass 01867 p.m. in Morris Dailey Auditorium. Admission is 50 cents. 643 5 8th St 294-4749 DON'T CUT YOUR LONG HAIR, get Fox Theater, May Nth. 8:00 PM MALEMUTE SAMOYED PUPPIES a short -hair wig All styles J & J 2.(X/ 2 50 door Beautiful markings Super size S25 Sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi. professional journalism GRADUATING? Need life insurancT ado WANT MD/DENTAL DEG & NEED Wigs, Valco Village, crnr of Home- Get tickets at Blind Pilot, 72 E. San 257-6011 society. -On The Waterfront" won eight Academy Awards in ONE 151311114. DUPLEX. 540 5 9th Low rates Guaranteed renewable ADM. ASST. WRITE BOX 3323 STFD St Available Now, $125 rno CorneBy stead & Wolfe Rd Fernando or Andre's Pipe Gallery, to age 100 The cheapest whole FOR SALE MODERN 3 bd 2 ba CA 94305 1954. including best picture and best actor. "The Wild life product on the market today 567 E. Santa Clara YOUR PERSONALIZED HOROSCOPE So 17th Privacy, trees, creek on Ones.** also released in the '50's, is known as the original 254-4360 Owner $38,950 297- $1000 per HOUSES-WOMEN. For summer & next $10. SEND HOUR, PLACE, DATE IRISH SETTER Male. 11 months Show 1/4 plus acre SUMMER WORK - Earn cycle flick. school term Just redecor & turn (DAY/MO./YEAR) OF BIRTH. AS- 1476 hour over WO a day Be your own ACCURATE, Experienced ty- winner Free 298-4634 Very cheerful Fireplace, gar dis- FAST. TROSCOPES. P.O. BOX 4561, STA, boss Michigan St student made over pist IBM Selertrrc pica Can edd seli posal. rafrig & freezer volley ball, C, SAN JOSE, CA. 95126, FLEA MARKET BOOKS BOOKS S5,000 last sum Deliver or 4 miles from 535 Mrs Asianran Call to 501 Directories For sample basketball court 01-1 Street park San Jose City College May 21 9104 10c Nat Zip Code 298 4104 "Hale in the Head" details send $1 00 and Summer rates 406 S 11th St ANDRE KOLE KNOWS Space 13298-2141. eat 314 Hu Weds of Books and complete New folk singing club forming 455 E Williams St Between 10th & your home & school address, to Zip RENT A TV OR STEREO $10 per llth St Bring in arts & crafts Cide Publishing Co PG Box 115 GIRLS ONLY? New rooms with kit- HAPPY BIRTHDAY PORTIFEROI Bring this ad in and get month, free servIce, no contract Call TOSTADAS. HelenvrIle, Wis 53137 chen env From $60 99 S. 996 Glad you finally made it "old man" 6 TOSTADAS for $I 00 atSENOR TACO and 27RS 10th Across carnpuspark - Esche's 251-2598 Love Tweek, Jokes! Stories! RoutineslMonologuesl 17th and East Santa Clara Streets $$$, An organization meeting will be held tomorrow at? p.m. ing, phone 295-8526 or 295-6514 For comedians, entertainers, or own ON GI BILL but looking for more PARACHUTE JUMP INSTRUCTION enjoyment Special Student Offer- - Interested prior service & CONTROL in the C U. Montalvo Room to form a folk music club. All TABLE 5: You are invited to SEE Marlon "Godfother" Brenda in 2 Complete first jump course $100 Order today, Wilson's West' Group Personnel contact Bill 867-3335 CHEAP SUMMER RENT $95 For post graduation pig -out at Choles classics. "On The Waterfront" di "The Election of officers and the forming of a club constitution equipment furnished Special student are Humor, Box 71, Casper, Wy5 clean. comfortable 1 bdrm, turn (we're speaking now) Please corneby, Wild Ones" Monday May 15 in Morris will be the main topics of the meeting. rates Stevens Para -Loft Oakland 82601 pts Well maintained by owner, 297. Airport 565-5358 would like to see you before I leave Dailey Aud 3 & 8 p.m Admission Further information can be obtained 0465 or 294-7332 R lions two for Chicago. Jimmy, 50c sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi from John Erwin, GUITAR IEKOI: Floc Doublecutawa, fhailable 6336 8th St fast. also edit 293-1899. TYPING, Experrenced, dual pickups, ebony f ingerboard. Ell pony ing Farmer English teacher BRIDAL FAIRS PHOTOGRAPHY FOREIGN STUDENTS Vibrato Mint coed $1130 243-7158 FOR RENT-UNFURNISt4E0 HOUSE 244 6444 aft 6 Mary Bryner High quality wedding photography for First 50 to Andre Kole performance 2 bdrm & sleeping porch, liu rm LOWEST Bay Area rates $98 Inc lodes free admission IBM SELECT 5199, G E TV $25, -fireplace, lerge dining rrn. Rent gold & white album, 60 color prints - vo AUTO INSURANCE ADM PHONO 525, MERC MONTEREY me (summer $225/rno I 375 S refused low mu r ales of your choice BRIDE KEEPS ALL Future of ExC to $250 No de ,ver S165, Ency Brit $15, VAC $15. POTS be discussed for appoint NEGATIVES EXtra full color 11/10- 17th Call 262-9329 Harvey Diesner 241 3900 AUTOMOTIVE & PANS Call 328-8671 EVES 277-2757 June 4th No pets $I 25 each Staff of 20 photographers to see Avail ------MWF 330 A brain storming meeting to discuss what the Experi- TYPING - ELECTRIC Mas- Make an appointment to see our samples THESIS TAKE THE HASSLE OUT of buying ROOMMATE needed im- Reports Disrtations then decide Open every evening until mental College is or should be will be held Thursday, at FEMALE ters used auto, truck, motorcycle, hund- NEW RIVERA HIDA-BED, matching block from campus Harris Ave 10 p.m For FREE Bridal Packet call mediately 1/2 Marianne Tarnberg 1924 reds of new vehicles on display each love seat, t v , desk, chest drawers, 3 p.m in the C.U. Pacheco Room. Lower in Summer 297-2737 257-3161 $59 ma Call 371-0395, San Jose weekend Stop by early - the best dinett, lamps, statues, woman's bike 427 5 5th St Apt 6 According to ExC director, Randy Kern. anyone inter- buys are sold fast Free admission Best Offer Call 288-6922 after Hp m by part-time legal snore. & FOUND Free parking PUBLIC AUTO MART ested in educational innovations or experiments in education $145 . NEW TYPING LOST Call Lesley 1See our ad-announcernents) is invited to attend the meeting. Ideas or suggestions as to POOL, RECREATION LOUNGE lary Reasonable rates. .1 253-9299 $40 REWARD for return of 10 -speed - - the direction of the ExC should take will W Glen area. Adults 1 bdrm Medd HELP WANTED be discussed. Furn Wood Paneling, Huge Closets, Schwinn taken from 7th St rack I3ap '67 PONTIAC GTO 4 sp. trans., 400 ARABIC BELLY DANCING IN- 3pm R & H. 3850 "We're hoping to generate enthusiasm for a summer Instil Close to bus Shops 6 min to Nogues Call Tom 998-1695 all cu. ,n, 58,000 mm STRUCTION Special rates for stu vend WANT UV hey 17 & 280 2 bdrm S170.00 Bkt. sts.. Clean, body in ex. YOU program and also for the Fall ExC program," Kern ex- dents, for information call Zang, Hlp Other PeopM 286-3879 LOST: FEM. CAT, Brownish calico, 259-5272 or 374-7504 Your Chanc to plained. Persons who would like to work with the ExC in the 295-5418 possibly pregnant, last seen 6th St Money Is A Bonus Fun, Education MALE RM. NEEDED: 28 yr old April 28 Please call Gary 295 9722 '14 VW BUS. Excellent condition Freedom, fall are asked to call Kern as soon as possible in the A.S. TAILORING -DESIGNING - UNLIMITED Sr like to share clean, quiet, 2 Engine recently rebuilt Runs per- SHAKLEE'S offices ALTERATIONS OPPORTUNITY at 277-3201. bdrm apt with clean mature straight MALE BLACK GERMAN SHEPHERD, fectly 286-9542 For men and women, special rates FROM CAMPUS person. prefer non smoker Call 1-f.'? yr old White paws Lost ONLY 1/2 BLOCK for students Call Nancy 293-5009 02 297 3666 George 296 6980 Fri 5 near SJS fountain Name 466 South 5th Or come -by, 951 Walnut St 5.1 '62 IMPALA CONV. 5250 or offer John & Mary Rhoades Jeremiah & my partner Call 926-26% Power steering. 327 cm dependabld NEED to find 3 people by May 15th - - - - --- trans Well cared for Tim, 287- WORK PART TIME to share my home from June 1st PARTY DANCER LOST: black & white springer spaniel NOW and lull time 0678 or 275 11158 this or I'll lose it Own Rrn S50 ono Add excitement to your next party 3-4 me reward call 274-0716 was summer We train you for an exciting position in management, WHOOP IT UP! summer. $60 winter serious students Call Brandy. 266-2167 in vicinity of 7th SI garage earth into cooperative living Linda Weller '65 FORD GALAXIE. Good running ALCOA'S largest subsidary. If you or best offer ca11265 6167 998-1772 WOODED SECLUDED CAMPSITES Coed 5175 like to work with people, call 268 amiable Sant Cruz mountains, lake, ANN011Nt I ME N 8739 after 4 PM ROOM FOR RENT. Private, 536/rno redwoods, pines, Nudism allowed 14 VW VAN '69 rebuilt engine. Extra Summer only Call 295 7121 Ask for Write P 0 Box 2023 St James Branch. set of snow tires and chains Exalt ATTRACTIVE GIRLS WANTED ' AMATEL R Vic San Jose SHAKLEE net condition Call 356-2026 node modeling Study while you w.-'' ECOLOGICALLY SOUND No see or porno S50 to $101) I FRIENDLY GIRL for beautiful house day Full or part time, rnornini- TYPING - Reports Resumes, IBM Home Cleaners (Basic H. L, etc I. '67 INTNL SCOUT 4 wheel drive on So 16th Share w 5 girls, S513/rno afternoons, even in;. Artists & Executive Typewriter. Cupertino area Food Supplements lInstant Protein) Rollbar, long top, 4 speed, extra set Starts June 1 Call 294 3432 Models Studio 1415 Alameda 53 252-3833 Beauty Aids 1ProteinizedSharnpoorttc wide rims & tires, spareparts 51,600 TOPLESS John & Mary Rhoades 297 3866 327 4476 FOR RENT. 2 bdrm furnished apl Carpets, drapes, garbage & vaster paid Summer rentals & re rrrrr TRANSPORTATION Classified Rates Print Your Ad Here: 1 lions for fall semester Call 252 Onr Two Three Emir five tabadd. ICount ;roves 37 letters and spaces for aac h Ever' day Jays days days days lional day Wednesday 2243 NINTH ANNUAL JET FLIGHTS 3 lines $1 50 200 225 2.40 2 50 35 Large Studio Gas. water, 6 garbage EUROPE FROM $299 ROUND TRIP JAPAN FROM S349 ROUND TRIP 275 290 300 35 at paid Near SJS SI19,rno 165 So 4 lures 200 250 3rd St 298 1055 CALL FLIGHT CHAIRMAN -19161 451-790S 5 lines 250 300 325 340 350 35 SUMMER RENTALS 4248 OVERLAND, DEPT B 5 lines 300 350 375 390 400 35 $125 $145 CULVER CITY. CA 90230 ,k The FALL SIGNUPS - - & 3 bdrm. 2 bath. opts EUROPE -ISRAEL -EAST AFRICA Large 2 ^ 50 50 SO SO 50 Ph'''. paneled, shag carpeting, AEK pool Student T1111.11)1SCOLIIItt. furnished Come & compare 470 student crimping tours through out We.' ArldresN_ I Ith 287-7590 and East Europe, including Russia , SOFA agent for Brass inter -European student City En Rail los id s Days S F ROMMATE NEEDED charter flights CONTACT !SCA a Classification FEMALE Check SEND CHECK ..MONEY ORDER OR UeadIrne Two days prior lo publication Share 2 bdrrn apt at Royal Lanai 11687 Son Vicente Blvd 04 LA Calif VIEW Announcements Help Waisted Personals CASH TO, SPAR1 AN DAILY Consecuirso publicalron dates only 760 MT ALVISO RD SUNNYVALE Apts with one other Furnished, 90049 TEL 12131 826-S649 12131 826 - r] p ServIcirs No refunds .in cant tilled ad, June 16 Prefer someone 0955 or call campus rep Steve Cosel Automotive Housing CLASSIFIED, SAN JOSE STATE available Tr ansprorlatinn Call 926 1622 14151 845-7131 hours 4-7 pm For Sale IU Leal awl imed COLLEGE. CALIF 95114 PHONE 277 3175 over 21 br Am. . diMO, ANME, =r mimr _1