16th Angtlst, 1983, to 1st hlareh, 1984


Explanation of Abbrevintiorls: Address, Address in Reply; adj., h4otion for Adjournment; ad. rcp., Adoption of Report; appn, Appropriation Bill; Conz., Committee; cons. ar~rdts, Consideration of Amendments; corzs. ntes., Consideration of Message; rlec. zirg., Declara- tion of Urgency; griev., Grievance Debate; int., Introduction; loarz appn, General Loan Account Appropriation Bill; rrz., Motion; rnes., Message; ruin. stnit, Ministerial Statement; nz.s.o., Motion for Suspension of Standing or Sessional Orders; pcrs. expl., Personal Explanation; p.o., Point of Order; q., Question; IR., 2~.,3~., First, Second, Third Reading; recorn., Recommittal; recons. nr~zdts, Reconsideration of Amendments; select com. rep., Select Committee Report; spec. ndj., Special Adjournment; urgcrzcy, Motion of Urgency.

A Abortion: Abattoirs (See "Meat Industry") 's Record, adj., 4886. Contraceptives Sor Children, q., 179. Aborigines: Right to Life, address, 244. Statistics, q., 2124. Aboriginal Land Council Account, appn, 905. Aboriginal Land Councils, q., 1455. Address in Reply: Aboriginal Lands Trust, apprz, 2088. ASSEMBLY: Assistance, nppn, 1080. First Day's Debate, 139; Second Day's Budget Allocation, apprl, 1642. Debate, 218; Third Day's Debate, 375; Burnt Bridge Reserve Water Supply, q., 2367, Fourth Day's Debate, 444; Fifth Day's 2570, 3750. Debate, 560; Sixth Day's Debate, 651; Community Maintenance Programmes, appn, Seventh Day's Debate, 707; Eighth Day's 2096. Debate, 796; Presentation, 897. Culture, apprz, 2096. COUNCIL: Employment, apprz, 2096. First Day's Debate, 27; Second Day's Debate, Hcalth, nclrJress, 865, 866. 74; Third Day's Debate, 181; Fourth Day's Debate, 259; Fifth Day's Debate, 382; Sixth Health Services, nddress, 865; apprz, 2096. Day's Debate, 526; Seventh Day's Debate, Fiospitalization, address, 866. 841; Eighth Day's Debate, 960; Presenta- Housing, cippn, 2096. tion, 1093. I and Rights, ntidrcss, 865. I and Rights Legislation, (iddress, 732. Advertising: Life Expectancy, address, 267. Mot-tal~tyRate, ntldress, 865. Billboard Defacing, q., 2891. Public Health Irnp~ovement Programme, Cigarette, q., 1159. rrcitfl ess, 867. Commonwealth Government, addrcss, 664. Tash Force, acldr-err, 868. Medical Consumer Information, q., 3634. WelFare, nppn, 1546. Milh, q., 1395, 3949. Youth Fitness Programmes, npprz, 2096. Political, in Parliament House, q., 1835. C Volumes 175-178

Advertising (col~tinued): Aircraft and Air Services (contilzued) : Political, at Parliament House, q., 1835. Second Airport for , q., 214; address, Railways and Government Buses, q., 1259. 221, 740; q., 1311; apprz, 1356, 1772; q., Sewage Pollution Poster, q., 3353. 4246. Tobacco, address, 710; q., 1385. Second Parallel Runway for Mascot Airport, address, 667. Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport, nz., 1411. (See "Social and Aged Persons Welfare Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport Expan- Services") sion, address, 739. Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport Upgrad- Agent-General and Agencies Abroad: ing, apprz, 2791, 2795. Allocstion, apprz, 1806. London, nppri, 1805, 1807, 1808. Ambulance Services: Tokyo, appn, 1805. Additional Ambulance Oficers, address, 47 1; nppn, 1895. Agents and Brokers: Air, apprz, 1921, 1922; q., 3187. Mitchells Bass Booking Agency, q., 2347. Ambulance Subscriptions, q., 13 17. Ambulatory Patients, npptl, 1572. Blayney Ambulance Station, q., 3738. Agriculture (See also "Industry, Primary"): Budget Estimates, npprt, 1897. Biological and Chemical Research Institute, Byron Electorate, adclrcss, 582; q., 4503. apptr, 907. Centrai West, apprz, 1909. Budset Allocation, cddriss, 577; npprr, 1644, Con~n~unitySubsidies, rcppri, 1897. 1791. Contribution Scheme, q., 3430. Contribution to State's Economic Recovery, Cost, appri, 1896. apptr, 907. Delays, q., 2052. Department of, nddress, 486. Dubbo Electorate, npprl, 19 11. Department of, Programme, apprl, 1645. E'unding, npprz, 1899. Effects of Drought, aliptr, 907. Ford FlOO Vehicles, crpprr, 1574. Government Allocation, apprz, 2204. Incit~strialDispute, ccpprl, 1917. Government Policy, n(kdress, 266, 425. Lachlan Electorate, nddress, 7 17. Government Record, npprt, 2204. Lithgow, crppr!, 1248. Government Services, Reduced,, 578. Pensioners, atldress, 581; npprr, 1898. Jojoba Plant, q., ,1900. Pensioners' Fees, q., 1871. Monaro Electorate, ad~lrrss,486. Public Accotints Committee's Investigation, Murrumbidgee Agricultural College, nppfz, trpp~r,1897. 908. Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade, Parasitic Weed Control, q., 4772. (fpp~r,1898. Rangeland Research and Advisory Unit, nppti, 908. So~~thC-oast; q., 1386; opprl, 1571: 1904. Scrub Infestation, appn, 2102. Sporting Events, trpp~i,1897. Western Lands Clearing and Cropping, q., Tneed Heads District: 4894. address, 581; npprr, 1899. Fees, npprr, 1540, 1898. Aircraft and Air Services: Cover-nmcnt Funding, oi>pti, 1898. Pensioners, nppt!, 1899. Air Ambulance Services, q., 3187. Tweed Heads Station, appr!, 1898. Government Policy, apprz, 1357. Intrastate Airline Services, q., 2638. Korean Airlines Flight 007, q., 825; address, Animals: 842, 973; rii., 1152. Lord Howe Island Air Service, q., 4927. Experiments, q., 1454, 1663. Noise, appn, 1356. Liberation Movenient, (rdn'ress, 17 1. Opposition Policy, address, 739. Welfare, q., 3528. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Annual, Long Service and Sick Leave: I Arts and Culture (contin~led): i h~ardConditions, address, 565. Government Policy, address, 266. David Jones Limited, address, 564. Government Projects, apprz, 911. I

Volumes 175-178 Assembly, Legislative (contirzried): I Assembly, Legislative (corztiizued): End of Session Legislative Programme, spec. / Members (corztir7rieci): nclj., 20 11. I Canterbury: Appointment to Ministry, End of Session Sitting Hours, spec. adj., 4672. 2462. C;tstlereagh: House Committee, Member. Financial Statements, 913. 771; Ter~iporary Chairman of Gom- Former Minister for Corrective Services, q., mittees, 530. 2117, 2121, 2123. Cessnock: rippri, 1798. Hours of Sitting, spec. adj., 545, 1462. Charlestown: pcrs. expl., 3641; PI-inting Committee, Member, 772. Joint Committees: Clarence: Appointment to Ministry, 1384. Parliamentary Privilege, report, 4241; nz., 43 18; /77es., 43 18, 4351. Coogee: Appointment to Ministry. 4384. Road Safety, n7., 117; itzer., 2979. Co~.rirnai: House Committee, Member. 771; Library Committee, Member, 771; Western Drvrs~onof New South \Vales, ?>I., Standinf: Orders snd Procedure Com- 4318. mittee, 772. Workers' Conipensatiott Insurance, ??I., Davidson: Printing Committee, Member, 2557; rnes., 2836. 772. Judeo-Christian Ethic, m., 2011. Drr:mmoyne: i7ppt1. 1375: Library Com- Kogarah Electorate: lssue of Writ. 1178. mittee. Meniber. 771. Leader of the National Party, ~cldress,231, Dubbo: Library Committee. Men~brr,771. 233, 234; urg., 313; irl.s.u., 314; >,I., 315; crpprl, 1791, 1795; pc~.s.c.spi., 32'72. Leader of the Opposition, addre,ss, 232, 234; ber, 2557. apptz, 1564; pers. expl., 3272. Ea\t Hills: Libraiv Committee, Meniber, Leave of Absence: Schipp, R/lr J. J., i~.,139. 771. Eastwood: Library Committee, Member, Macquarie Dictioticlr~,Presentation to Legis- 77 1: Standing Orders and Procedure lative Assembly, 589. Committee. Member, 771: Teiiiporary Maroubra Electorate: issue of Writ, 1179. C'hairman of Committees, 530. Marrickville Electorate: lssue of Writ, 1178. Elizabeth: Appointnient to Ministry, 4384. Member Named, m., 766. Pairfield : House Committee. Member, '77 1. Members: Georges River: Appointment to Ministry, Ashfield: pers. r:xpi., 153; Appolntnient to 4671: Standing Orders and Procedure Ministry, 4672. Cornlilittee: Member. 772. Auburn: Absence from Parliament, 3055; Gladesville: Appointment to b'liniqtrz;, Appointment to Ministry, 4384. 4384. Balmaiu: Mouse Committee, iMember, 771. Gordon: Select Committee upon Workers Rankstown: Library Committee, Meniber, c 'ompensation Insurance, Member, 2557. 771. Goulbt~rn: Select Conirnittee upon Worker.; Bass Hill: Appoint~ilent as Minister for Cornpensarion Insurance, Member, 25.5'7. the Arts, 4384; Appointnlent to Ministry, Hnwkesbt~ry: oppiz. 1768. i770; Standing 4384. Orders and Procedure Committee, Mein- Bathurst: Library Committee, Member, her, 772: Extension OF Time, nr. 21 16. 771. Heathcote: Resignation from Ministry, Blacktown: Printing Committee, Member, 21 10. 772. HefTron: .4ppointment as Minister for Blue Mountains: Printing Committee, 1 Roads. 2110; Appointment to Ministry, Member, 772. I 4384: Resignation as Minister for Roads, 2916. Broken Mill: nppn, 1804: House Com- mlttee, Member, 771; Seiect Comni~ttee 'iIornsby: Library Con~mittee, hlen~her, upon Workers' Compensation Insurance, 771. Member. 2557. i1lawar.r.a: privilege, 3067. Byron: nppn, 1798: pers. e.rpl., 3641; Kiania: q., 1865. House Committee, Member, 771. Kogarah: Crabtree, The EIon. W. F., Cabramatta: Appointment to Ministry, ! Wesigiiation, 46. 4384. I Kogarah: Langton, Mr B. I., Election, Camden: House Committee, Member, 77 1. ' 2109; Oath of Allegiance, 2109. 16th Augnst, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Assembly, Legislative (corztirzzied) : Assembly, Legislative jcoritilzned) : Members (contiizued) : Members (coizt~r~zicd). I,achlan: Printing Committee, Member, The H~lls: House Committee, Member, 772. 771. Lihe M,icquarie: House Committee, Mem- Wagga Wagga, nppn, 1244; Leave of Ab- ber. 771. sence, nz., 139. l.ismore: select Committee upon Prostitu- Wallsend Appo~ntmentto Min~st~y, 4384. tion, Member, 441. Wentworthv~lle. Temporal y Chair man of 1.iverpooi : Appointment as Minister for Committees, 57 1.

Ro:tds. 2916: Joint Standing Committee W~lloughby:mmfi Printrng Committee, Member, ~iponIioad Safety, Discharge, 2979. 1 IL. Maitlantl: Select Committee upon Workers' Wollongong: Stnnili~lg Orciers and Pro- ('ompensation Inwrance, Member, 2563. cednre Committee, Member, 772; 'Te~n- M;!no~!hrn: C'arr. Mr I<. I., Electiort, 2109; porary Chairman of Coninlittees. 53 3. Oath of i1llegi:incc. 2109. Woronora: Temporary Ch;iirrnan of Com- 1Claronhr;i: Haigll, The IIon. W. H., Re- mittees. 53 1. signation? 46. Minister for Corrective Services, address, Marl-ichville: Cithill, h4r 'T. J., Death, 45, 449; q., 1511; 1671, 1676, 1678, 1755, 1760, 53. 1864. M;rrt-ichville: Refshauge, Dr A. J., Elec- -Minister for Corrective Services and Minister lion. 2109; Aflirmation of Allegiance, for Roacis, q., 1586: Rcsignation, iltij. (S.0. 2109. 49) 2130; m., 2137. Mcrrylands: Retirement as Deputy Ere- M~nisterfor Ecltlcnt~on, niitiretr, 246; rlpplz, niier, ttrldr.e.rr, 979; Resignation as Deputy 1530. Premier, 4383. Minister for Energy nncE Millister for hliranda: Joint Standing Committee upon Finance, pers. PXOJ., 23 18. Ro:rd Safety. Member. 217; Printing Minister for Heaith, q., 2198, 3630. Committee, Member, 772. Minister for Local Governmellt and Minister Murray: per.s. e.rpl., 3273; pri~silege,4029; for Lands, ztr,qratlcy, 11 82. Stantling Orders and Procedure Commit- Minister for Water Resources. q.. 459 I. tee, Member, 7'12. Minislerial Staff: Mr Brian Dale, q., 1950. %lurrumhiilgee: Appointment to Ministry, '1384. Mr Speaker. ~rtlclt~e.s.s,Z42. Notices of Molio~i,1309. 0r;lilpe: iipp~l, 1246: library Committee, Member. 771 : Select (:ommittec upoil Oath ot lllegiance ilpprl, 1804. Prostitution, 134; Select Committee upon Open~nyof Seiiion, 43. bsostitiition, Discharge, 441. Opposit~on. Oxley : Standing 01-clers and I'rocednre Committee. Member, 772. (IPPII 1563 Meniberz. iiddiccr. 241. Par!.arnattc~: /\dministration of Oath or t\liir~nationof Allegiance: 585; Chairman PI ogramme. cipprl, 156'7. of Coniniittecs. 134: I-ibl-ary Coninlittee, Rest1 uctnre, clpprz, 1564. Me~~ibcr,771; Standing Orders and Pro- riole, clpprz, 1808. ~edtu-eC:onrmittee, Member. 772. Pecunra~y Intel e5ts of Mernbet s, 21 10 Penrith: ,\ppointmeilt as Minister for 1'1ececIen~eoi Bus~ness,3441. C'orrective Services; 21 10; Appointine~lt to Ministry, 4384. B'tecectence of Bus~tressHours of S~ttrng,III., Pittwater: House Committee, Member, 2486. 111 s o , 2486. 771. Preiil~er: Iiiverstone: Anterp. Mr R. S., Election, nddic~rc,566. 2110: Oath of Allegiance. 1-110; q., 4516. Popula~~ty, nppiz, 2769. liivcrstone: foilnson, Mr A. V. P.. Resig- V~nd~cationby Royal C ornmlwon rrcidr ess, nation. 45; Tribute to, adrlrrss, 483, 484. 359. Swansea: Printing Committee, Member, Publ~cAccounts Committee nz.. 107: ?<,port, 772. 107; nddress, 476; uppn, 1524, 1525, 1806, 'Tamworth: Printing Committee, Member, 1825, 2085; report 2636, 4242. 772; Select Committee upon Workers' Public Accounts Committee Mernbel5' Ks. Compen\ation Insurance, Member, 2557. muneration, trppn, 1798. Volumes

Assembly, Legislative (coiztinried): Assembly, Legislative: Rulings, Observations and Opinions of Chair (contiizsied): Public Accounts Committee Report on De- partmental Accounting, nppiz, 1525, 1526. Question Time, privilege, 217; spec. ndj., 2931. As Acting-Speaker: Questions Without Notice, q., 3056. Riverstone Electorate: Issue of Writ, 1178. Debate A member had exhausted his time for speaking, 640. Select Committees: I:lter;iectior~s, I~lierrrrpliorzsirr~d Disorcler: Prostitution, 134; in., 441; nzes., 585; Examination of Members of the Legis- Intr~jeciionsare disorderly, 4069, 4580. lative Council, nz., 544: Member Ap- The following members were called to pointed, nz., 441; Member Discharged, order: Mr Fisher, 1337, 1644; Mr Singleton, m., 441. 641. Upon Woi kers' Compensation Insurance, E. D. RAMSAY,EsQ.: nz., 2557: rtzer., 2836. Appointnient, 530. Sessional Committees: House, m., 771. Library, rn., 771. Printing, IH.. 772; report, 807. 1182, 1501, 1718, 2042, 2636, 2979, 3498, 4317, CHAIRMANOF COMMITTEES(B. C. WILDE, 4406, 4708, 4974. EsQ.): Standing Orders and Procedure, in., 772; Appropriatiorz Bill: The Chair asked mem- spc'c. ntij., 1462. bers to consider whether it would be advan- Sitting Hours. spcc. ndj., 546; aclj., 3 18 1. tageous to the Committee to grant leave for Sound Antplification System, 892. some clauses to be proposed together so that Special Adjournment: I??., 545, 1462, 2007, meiiibers co~~ldciiseuss in detail as part of the 2930, 4932. one qnestion the whole of the loan pro- gramme, 1796. Special Adjoarnment: Seasonal Felicitations, 4358. 1ii~~i.siori.s:The standing orders apply dnr- Televising of Proceedings, 893. ing tlivislons, 2537. Temporary Chairman of Coni~iiittecs,530. Iiitc.rjcc~:iofr.s, lii!crrrrpliot~s nricl I)i.sorc/c>r: !\ rnc~i~bzrsho~~lil seek the call if he wishes The Ministry, 2110, 2916, 3055, 3.383. to roniribtlte to n debnte, 1822; for interjec- Vacant Seats: t,oris a:.,: clisorilerly, 1932; ancl a member Kogarnh, 36. s'ic>i~lclbe beard in si!ence, 1929. Maroubra, 46. Tile following rnen~bers were called to Marrickville. 45. ~\~.\l!:i.: h4r Came:.on, 2551; Rfr Whelaii, 1930. Riverstone, 45. Illcmhers were asked to 1-educe the level of aaclible conversatioi~,1797, 1930, 3666. Ofl~:lsi\~c~irrltl Objectiot~iiblcRe~ntrrX.s, 11t1- /~rrttriior~srir~rl Aspersioris: The following re- Assembly, 1,egislative: Rulings, Observations mark was required to be withdrawn: "Not and Oginioris of Chair: only has the Preniier's perception of truth clisappcared; his perception of relevance has likewise disappeared", 2551. Pairits of Orrler: Points of order upheld, or i~pheldin part: 1931, 2550, 3666, 3667. Appointment, 530. Points of order disallourecl: 1802, 18 19. Points of order not involved: 2553, 2556. Procedlrre: A member may not refer to As Acting-Speaker: the Budget Speech in Committee, 1818. Appointment, 530. Relcv~rnce:A member's remarks must be Sltb jrrdice Rule: A member may not relevant to the specific question before the canvass matters that could be the subject of Committee, 1801, 1804, 1808, 1813, 1818, court proceedings 4043. 1821, 1822, 1824, 1826, 1906, 1908, 1916, 1927, 2541, 2550, 2552, 3667; though he E. N. QUINN,EsQ.: may niake passing reference to other issues, Appointment, 530. 1808. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Assembly, Legislative: Rulings, Observations Assembly, Legislative: Rnlings, Observations and Opinions of Chair (continued) : and Opinions of Chair (corztinued) : CHAIRMANOF COMMITTEES(B. C. WILDE, DEPUTY-SPEAKER(B. C. WILDE, EsQ.) E~Q.)(contirtned) : (continued): A member must not make a second read- Select Conztnittees: A member may discuss ing speech in Committee, 1814, 1823; nor evidence given to a select committee if the refer to the debate that took place at the committee has not made an order prohibiting second reading stage, 3666. disclosure of that evidence, but the member should consider whether he might refrain DEPUTY-SPEAKER(B. C. WILDE,EsQ.) : from doing so, 479. Debate: A member is entitled to make Sub jrtdice Rule: A matter that is the explanatory remarks before dealing with the subject of a coronial inquiry is sub jrrdice, provisions of a bill, 2864. and a member may not discuss it, 503. A meniber is entitled, by way of introduc- tion, to refer to the findings of a Royal com- SPEAKER(THE HON. LAWRENCEBORTHWICK niission, particularly if the Minister has re- KELLY): ferred to that matter in his second reading Adjorrrt7rnent: A member may raise a speech, 4049. niatter other than that originally raised in It is not the function of the Chair to ad- the adjournment debate, 3526. judicate on the veracity of comments made Until the Address-in-Reply debate is con- by a member in debate, 501. cluded, debate on a niotion for the adjourn- A member had exhausted his time for ment of the House is restricted to matters speaking, 657, 719, 919, 1197, 1790, 4089, that niight need urgent attention, 377. 4421, 4461, 4659, 4663. Adjorirt~rize~tt(S.O. 49) : A motion will be It~terjecfioizs, Interrrrpriotzs orrcl' Di.sorclrr: ruled out of order if the matter to be dealt Interjections are disorderly; 499, 1077. with is regional and not one of statewide importance, 1766. The followine members were called to 01-dcr: Dr ~ctiereli,4658; Mr Singleton, Standing Order 49 makes no provision for 3915; Mr Smith, 2668. I an extension of time, 2136. Lagislati1.e Asser?rbly: The Chair congratu- Adt1i.cs.r ir~Reply: Debate on the Address- lated a Minister on the introduction of his in-Reply niotion is wide-ranging and a mem- first bill, 4875, ber should find it possible to raise almost any matter, 217, 564; but a niember's remarks Motior~:A motion lapsed, 4664. must be relevant to matters contained in Offctl.rit,e ntrti Ohjc,rriot~nble Rcr7znrl<.s, the Governor's Speech. or to matters that Irt~~~~ttniiorrsorrrl /Ispcrsiorir: A nieniber map might have been included in it, 230, 231. not ask for the withdravial of a remark not An amendment to the Address-in-Reply directed specifically at him, 4050. motion will be ruled out of order if it deals The follo\ving expressions were required to with a matter that had not been mentioned be xvithdrawn: "The honourable meniber is in the Governor's Speech and could not a hypocrite and he knows he is a hypocrite", rightly have been mentionedt 229. 3 127; "Perhaps (the nieniber) could get Though the debate is wide-ranging a meni- soniebocly to write his speech as they did her who wishes to criticize another memb-r for (ano!Jtcr member)". 4082; "He who or debate material irrelevant to the Address assoc~oteswith and supports criminals is one in Reply, must do so by way of a separate hinis-lf", 4837. substantive motion, 227. Poit~t.~of OTCICF:IJoints of order upheld, or CIznir: A member may not reflect on the upheld in par-t: 503, 718, 2504, 2860, 2865, Chail-. 116. 227, 568, 649, 733. 3678. A nteniber should not persist in wilfully Points of older disallo\vcd: 1080, 2860. disregarding the authority of the Chair, 231. Pointr of order not involved: 502, 2862, The prerogative of giving the call rests 3677, 4049, 4077, 4081, 4082. with the Chair, 1309. Proceclrirc: A member must address the Debnrc (see also Procedlire): A meniber Chair, 3336. should use the opportunity of debate to put Relcvnt~re:Remarks must be relevant to forward his arguu-tents, 3079, 3243. the question before the Chair, 631. 1037, Members should base their remarks on 2503, 2504, 2666, 2858, 2862, 2863, 2864, fact. The Chair must assume that a niem- 2865. 2866, 2868, 4047, 4283, 4285. her's remarks are based on information avail- If a bill is germane to the admlnistra- able to that member. Tf a member makes tion of a department a member is in order an incorrect statement. succeeding sveakers in in referring to other legislation applyi~igto the debate have an opportunity in -challenoe that department, 4083. it, 467, 1029. xviii INDEXTO SUBJECTS

Volumes 175-178 Assembly, Legislative: Rulings, Observations , Assembly, Legislative: Rulings, Observations and Opinions of Chair (corztin~~erl): atid Opinions of Chair (corrtirz~~ed): SPEAKER(THE HON. LAWRENCEBORTHWICK SPEAKER(THE HON. LAWRENCEBORTRWICK KELLY) (continued) : KELLY) (conti~tued): In reply a member may canvass some of A Minister who summarizes a letter but the matters he raised earlier, 4717; but in does not quote from it is not bound to the main his remarks should relate to argu- table it: and confidential or private docn- ment advanced by other members, 125, 373, menis passing between officers of depart- 923. ments. cited in debate. do not have to he The Chair could not give the call to the tabled, 4923. Leader of the Opposition to reply to an Govenlor's Spcccll: Incorporation in T'otc's urgency niotiotl because the Opposition Whip and Proceedings, 139. had called for a clivision before the Chair I-lorlwrd: To enable Hansard to recorcl the was able to do so, 315. debates, members leaving tlie Cbariiher The right to mo\le for the adjournnient of should do so quietly, 3642. a ctebate is vesteai in the member who moved the ~iiotion, 1029. Interjecttons ale d~sorderly, 1023, 10'0 When leave is given for the :hirtl reacling 1245, 2120, 3836, 3880. 3921, 39?2: nnC a of a hill forthwith n nlember niay not speak member should be heard in silelice, 356. to the motion, 3331. 1029, 1114, 2455, 2-192. 3233, 3214, 3710, A men~her had exhausted his time for 4717, 4829, 4861, 4934. specking, 173, 366, 669, 671, 747, 894, 917, Members were directed to ttllo\v a Ml~ii~fei 928. 1193. 1249. 1499, 2136, 2159, 3250, to anzwer a question, 210, 2120, 2272, 306 1. 3333, 4603, 4715, 4766. 3436. Di.stitlgrrisllc~tl I.isitor..r: The Grant of Mentbers shoulcl not interject but should Grant, Lord Strathspey, Rt I-lon. Andrew seek the call if they wish to participale in MacThomas of Finegand, the Earl of Dun- the debate. 351, 2520, 2919; and nienibcrt; more, Ian Nicholson of Scorrybreac, the Rt who continually interject will be removed Hon. Lord Forres and other Scottish from the Chanib-r, 1024. 1097. Chieftains, 3886. Rlembers should note the remarks of other L)ivisiurrs: The standing orders apply dur- speakers in the debate and reply to them at ing divisions, 439, 1024. the appropriate time, 2665, 2824, 4834. If the Opposition Whip calls for a divi- If men1be1.s wish to ask questions they sion, the Chair will cause tlie division bells should seek the call; 761. to be rung, 313. Members should not converse aloud or The seats in the chamber had bee11 re- niake any noise or disturbance during cle- arranged to divide clearly the Governmelit bate, 2460, 2469. from the Opposition, 1110. Members should reduce the level of aucl- Docrcrnet~ts: A member may quote from tble conversation 1587, 1761, 2003, 1062 a clocument or newspaper, 2964; provided 3081, 3633, 3731. 4324, and menlbers ulslt- he identifies it. 2823, 4712; and vouches for ing to engage In conversatton should do $0 its accuracy. 1022. He may niake composi- outs~dethe Chamber, 376, 4931, 4970, fur tions from such a document, 4712; but may menibe~swho convelse so loudly that tlie not make the conlposition his by interpolat- Cha~ican hear them w~llbe ~emovedftom ing words of his own, 330, 354: or use it the Chamber, 1875. as the basis for his whole argument, 331. If, because of the lateness of the ho111, tile It is repugnant to the spirit of debate to appl~catlon of Standlng Oldel 392 ~~oulcl read at length, 332, 1023, 2964; and a member have llttle puntt~veeffect, Stnnd~ng01de1 187 must use his own language and deliver his ln~ghtbe applled, 3344, 3926 speech as a bona fide unwritten composi- 111 view of the apology made by a ~nemh-I tion. 329, 332, 353, 1033, 4954. the Chat1 asked the M~nlstel to w~thdiam The Chair had been advised that it was the motion that the membei be suspendcci illegal even in the Parlianie~it to quote fioni the servlce of the House, 766 from a transcript made from the tape re- A member was wa~nedthat ~f he per- cording of a tapped telephone conversation slsted In be~ngd~sorderly he would be lidmcd and a member was directed to cease quoting and suspended fro111 the House for t~ocia\\, froni such a transcript, 4842. 4924. The Leader of a party may not table a As a member had been called to oldel on report. 330; and it is not competent for a at least three occasions, he was remo~ed private member to table papers, 1877. froni the Chamber, 765. 16th August, 1983., to 1st March, 1984

Assemblly, Legislative: Rulings, Observations Assembly, Legislative: Rulings, Observations and Opinions of Chair (continued) : and Opinions of Chair (continued) :

SPEAKER(THE HON. LAWRENCEBORTHWICK SPF'LI-R (THE HON I AWRCNCE BORTIIWICX KELLY) (continued) : KELLY) (co~zti~zued): The following members were calied to Oflenszve and Ob~cctroiztrblr Rertzr~iXc, order by name: Mr Akister, 3242. 3731, ln7pzltntrorts nizd Arpci ~011s: I he Cli?ir 4016, 4840: Mr Anderson, 3432; Mr would be ~nterfer~ngwith the slght of free Arblastcr. 1757, 2459, 2464; Mr Bradinp, speech ~f ~t wete to direct that everyth~nga 3081; Mr Brewer, 1592: Mr J. H. Brown, 885. niernbe~ sad sho~ild be w~thdlawnat the 226:. ?271. 4812. 4870: Mr Camaon. 126. request of another niembel on the ground that ~t wa\ offenswe, 3221. A membei niay not ask for the wrtl-dlawal of rema1 ks made about anothel menibel. 222, 2468. 2257, 3433 MI Day, 2489. 3631, 4014: MI As oRcnce was tab11 at the quggesflo~ilht t Do\\tl, 1588 4922; R4i Foan, 1646, 2271, nle111bcr uas crooked, the member mah~ns 2457, 3324, 4011; Mi Fac-, 2456 Mi the retnail, was asked to wlthdiaw it 536 Fei -u~oi,2556, 3272: MI FISC~PI,337, 1026, Membl-rc should not scflcct upon the ch~t- 306'1: MI Fishcr. 1319. 4867: MI?Font. 538. actel of a nlembei of elthe1 House. 567. 2139, unless ~t IS In the p~ibl~c~nterest. 3268 1029, 1594, 2811, 3272, 4812, 4926; Mr Remaihq d~rectedto a g~oupof mcnikeii Keane, 4008; Mr Mcllwaine, 3925; Dr ale not rega~decl as a reflection upoh an Metherell, 310, 430, 762, 883, 1020, 1186, lndlvidual member, 3243. 1865, 1874, 2266, 2268, 2458, 2644, 2919, The drificulty fo~the Chai~1s to choxe between those ~3rd~that ~t should lequi~e Moore. 765. 1186. 1316. 2006. 2142. 2144: to he w~thdrdwn at the ttme they ale ex- R4r O'Connell. 4015; Mr O'Ne~ll, 1355; Mr p~essed,and those that should be left to the Page. 4831; Mr Park, 679, 765; Mr Pickard, member nho is offended by them The meni- 1018. 1757, 2268, 2465, 2817, 2925, 4707; ber niakrng the rematk, "Th~s man was Mr Punch, 107, 536, 679, 915, 1018. 1185, gnrlty", d~dnot say what the member mas 1319, 1320, 1592, 1877, 2265, 2268, 2274, gu~ltvof Though two mesiibers had asked 3222. 4529. 4531. 4532. 4605. 4607. 4812, that the explesvon be withdrawn the Chal~ 4821. 4866. 4922: Mr Rozzoli. 1756. 3070: could not dl~ectthat it be withdrawn, 2468 Mr Schiuo. 601. 1594. 4316. 4869: Mr Shea- The tollow~tigexpressions were I equir ed to han, 1515, 4842; Mr Singleton, 107, 3710, be withd~awii "I am infor nicd that he 19 also 3925, 4924; Mr Smith. 3076,4701; Mr Wade, pu~lty of actions in some of the 345; hlir Walker, 2556; Mr West, 1083; Mr thtngs that he did", 231; "moron", 2494, Whelan. 915, 1020, 2519, 4851: Mr Wrsn, "phoney",4529. "The (membel) 1100, 3222, 4010. is a bo~nliar", 126; "The (ntenibels) ale 'The followine members were ie~iioved:Mr some of the greatest cr~mlnalsin New Sout,f,~ Arblaster, 2462; Mr 5. A. Clough, 2463; Wales". 3243: "You are a co~~ttptlia~ . Mr Pickard, 2465. 4866; "You are a liar". 2454, 3244, 4527; J~/dzriarv(see also Pioceclrrir): A member "You ale co~rupt", 2467; "Yott ale dishon- may not reflect upon a judge except by way est", 2474; "You got your instructions fro71 of a snhct7ntive motion, 224, 431, 4864; but the PIemiei", 451 1; "Whingeing hypoc~~te may, in the exercise of flee speech, criticize and ravlng lunatic", 127. a judgment, 2520. When a membel is directed to withd~aw Lcgidnti~le Asrrnzbi). Presentation of a rematk the w1tl.tc11awal shottld be uiiqua11- Mncqrtaile Dictionnrv, 589. fied, 3245. Sound amplification system, 892. Parlrrr~i~cr~tHodsc: Restoration, 93. Televising of proceedings, 893. Peisortal Eaplnnnriorrs A member wirhing A4irlirterial Strrrrr~~eizt:The Leader of the to make a personal explanation ninst do so Opposition should not, under the guise of In the ploper way, 430, 1139, 2115, 2455 I ep1) ing to a ni~nisterialstatement, a!tack the 3261. integlity of a Minister, 1509. A member may make a personal explana- These is no right of leply to a ministerial tion if he believes he has been misrepi csented statement, 106. in debate, or that his position as a member has been affected by the action of someone Motiotls: An amendment lo a motion was outside the House. A member should not use ruled out of order, 346. a personal explanation to correct newspaper A motion was ruled out of order, 134. reports unless those reports impugn the chsr- A motion lapsed, 697, 1147, 1500, 2042. acter of a member, 3644. Volumes

Assembly, Legislative: Rolings, Observations Assembly, Legislative: Rolings, Observations and Opinions of Chair (continued): and Opinions of Chair (contiizlied) : SPEAKER(THE HON. LAWRENCEBORTHWICK KELLY) (continued): When making a personal explanation a No prima facie case of breach of privilege member must show how his character has had been established, 3070, 4535, 4567. been impugned, 216. A member had stated sufficient facts to Poilib of Order: A member could not take show how his position as a member of Par- a point of order as a point of order was liament had been affected, 3069. already before the Chair, 2816. Though Standing Order 158 deals with a A member must confine his remarks to matter of privilege suddenly arising, the the point of order, 225, 227, 2009, 3926. Chair was willing to allow a member to A member should come quickly to the proceed later, 2934. point of order, 1875. Under Standing Order 158 there is no A member who wishes to take a point of provision for an extension of time, 3070. order must rise and state audibly that he is Procedure (see also Chair., Debate, taking a point of order, 4529. Motiorls): A nienlber must address the chair, Points of order upheld, or upheld in part: 2453. 125, 127. 4833. The Chair nlay not entertain two questions Points of order disallowed: 234, 2488, at the same time, 2136. 3061, 3246. A merilber is out of order in attempting Points of order not involved: 114, 363, to raise a matter that is not before the 537, 564, 568, 649, 733, 1017, 1027, 1320, Chair, 1888. 1482, 1510, 1592. 1876, 2000, 2138, 2260, A member may criticize another member only by way of substantive motion, 227, 3261; 3444, 3692: 4007; 4011; 4400, 4531, 4843. 4565, 4603, 4702, 4812, 4818, 4825, 4923, Allegations of improper conduct against 4924. another member sho~~ldbe the subject of The Chair was of the opinion that the a substa~itivemotion, 226. point of order taken was correct but felt A member may not move for the adjourn- that some flexibility should be allowed in ment of the debate on a motion while the view of the time of the year, 4372. member- who moved it is still addressing the Pri~.ilege (see also Qrcestioizs IVitlioirt House, 1026. ~Votire): The privileges of members are not A member may atiock or c:.iticize a judge apt to be i~ifiuei~cedor diluted by external only by way of n st~bstantive~xotion, 214. authorities, judicial or non-juclicial, whether A notion lapses if the member who constitutect by State or federal laws, 688. gave notice of it is not present when the Under the la^-s governing dcfamation and n-rolio.1 is called on, 697. libel. !etters passing between a member and a Minister do not attract privilege. If a A motion will be ruled out of order if it member felt strongly about details of his relates to the introd~!ction of a money bill correspondence being disclosed in Parlian-rent, and is not the subject of a reconi~iielldation he could move to censure the Minister. As by the Governor; 1482. the problem was in an area that was already Q~~estiorlsWiflloirt Nofire (see also being considered by the Privileges Commit- Pri~~il~ge):The purpose of asking a question tee, the Chair ruled that a prima facie case is to seek information, 1590. of breach of privilege had riot been estab- Questions niay be put to a p~ivatemem- lished, 2939. ber, but only about a bill, motion or other It wotd be trifling with the House if a public matter connected with the business of rnerliher were to speak for ten minutes estab- the House in which that private rnenlber lishing that his privilege had been affected may be concerned, and the question must by an action of the House taken in accord- relate to the nicchanics, not the details, of ance with the standing orders, 4029. that matter, 1098. A member must be referred to by the A member was asked to place his question name of his constituency, 335. on the Qite~fiotls011d At~~werspaper, 892, A member should wait until Hnrzsnrd is 3639. available in corrected form before raising a A question was allowed, 537, 1872, 4400. matter of privilege, 2260. The Chair allowed a question in which a A member was allowed to tell the House member gave relevant information in order how his privilege had been affected, 4566. that the question might be understood, 1588. xxi

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Assembly, Legislative: Rulings, Observations Assembly, Legislative: Rulings, Observations and Opinions of Chair (continued) : and Opinions of Chair (continued) : SPEAKER(THE HON. LAWRENCEBORTHWICK SPEAKER(THE HON. LAWRENCEBORTHWICK KELLY)(confirlued) : KELLY) (contirzued) : Had the standing orders been applied more is to deal with matters that offend, or appear strictly a question would have been ruled to offend, the provisions of the Telecom- out of order on the ground that it sought munications (Interception) Act as each information about the personal affairs of a matter arises, 4564. Minister. The question was allowed, 1758. Quorum: The Chair was satisfied that the A purely hypothetical question was dis- Government could form a quorum, 1031. allowed, 3842. Helevonce: Remarks muqt be relevant to A question that sought a legal opinion was the question before the Chair, 227, 362, 373, disallowed, 883. 1124, 1316, 1474, 1476, 2008, 2469, 2474, A question was disallowed because it con- 2475, 2482, 2503, 2504, 2521, 3246, 3261, tained too much argument and opinion, 3442. 3921. 4012. 4362. 4533. 4534. 4763. 1679. 4817; 4830, 4832, 4833, 4844, 4852; and A question was disallowed because of its within the order of leave given for the prolixity, 1865. introduction of a bill, 2516, 2517, 2518, 2521. A question was disallowed on the ground that it reflected on the judiciary, 4401. Sensonu1 Felicitntiorzs: 4368. As no inference was to be drawn from a Special Adjoztrnr//ent: Debate should be question that it was based on a press state- related to remarks made by the mover of ment, a member was not required to vouch the motion, 2008; and a member should not for the accuracy of the information con- discuss matters that are not directly rele- vant, 2010, 2011. A rnelnbcr may make brief tained in that statement, 109. reference to iss~ieshe believes are important A member should direct a question to the to the comrt~uniiy,2009, 2011, 4361, 4365; appropriaie Minister, 3834. though debate on hypothetical matters will A member should not anticipate a Minis- 11ot be allowed, 4358. ter's reply to a question, 109. The Chair rulecl a member oui of order Members should not endeavour to assist a on the gro~~ndthat the member had devoted hlinister to answer a question, 4244. all of his time in debating the motion to dis- cussing in detail drugs, corruption and the So long as a Minister's reply is relevant early release of prisoners. The member was to the question, he is in order, 432. dircctcd to resume his seat, 2011. There is nothing to prevent the Premier Sub jiltlic.~ Xt11~: A member should be r~sking any Minister a question if he so careful not to prejudice the rights of any desires, 4008. persons involved in court proceedings, 223, The Chair has no control over the manner 743. in which Ministers answer questions, 432. A n:cn:bel- had not breached the SII~ The prerogative of giving the call rests jr!clicc rule, 222, 741, 4818. with the Chair, 217. A 113ember was ruled out of order, 745. The Chair deprecated the action of a The Chair asked a member to be careful n~enlber in persisting with inaccurate state- in referring to a former chief stipendiary ments about the number of calls Opposition magistrate so that the member's comments nlen~bershad been given at question time, did not prejudice a fair hearing of the issues 3056. in a case involving that person, 334. When answering a question the Premier may refer to information given in. reply to Tctliorrs Repetition (see also Dcbnte) : A an earlier question, 1875. member should not engage in tedious repeti- tion, 231, 2551. As the Solicitor General was of the view that disclosure of any of the material in Urgency: A member moving urgency must the tapes and documents provided by the give reasons why the business of the House Age newspaper, even in the Parliament, should be set aside to deal with the subject would be a breach of the Commonwealth of urgency, 4012, 4601; but the House will Act, the Chair intended io rule out of order decide whether a matter is urgent, 3222. any further questions about the tapes or 111 the past the Premier had been ex- the transcripts, 453 1. tended the courtesy of being allowed to speak The Chair vacated an earlier ruling at page briefly about the granting of urgency but on 4531. Having reconsidered the ruling, the this occasion the Opposition had chosen to Chair decided that the appropriate approach object to that course, 2817. xxii

Volumes 175-178

Auditor-General (See "P~tblic Service and Bills (corztinzied) : Statutory Offices") AGRICULTURALSCIENTIFIC COLI-ECTIONS TRUST BILL (corztir~z~ed): Australian Constitution: Colrrrcii: IR., 3188; 2R., 3210; Conr., 3217; Convention, ndclrcss, 195; riz., 1972, 4901. crcl. rep., 3217; 3~.,3217; ci.r~erlt,4670. Pi oposed Amendment, an'ci~c~s, 407. Refe~endun~,riclclr ess, 195, 260. Right of Appeal to PIIVYCouncll, ndilre~s, 978. Cortncil: l~.,3820; 2n., 3951; Cor~.at1i1 ad. Australian Labor Party (See "Political rep., 3961; 3~.,3961; asaerzt, 4670. Parties")

Automation, Mechanamization and Co~nlpnte~s Ar~fllib/~:r/lf., 2651; 2R., 2651, 3171, 3278; (See also "Science"): Cot17. iiiiii ~d.rcp., 3285; 3~.,3285; /i~es., 3498; crrJrtrt, 4382. Comp~iterEquipment Imports, ndci~,ess,574. Cff:ltlti/: lR., 3357; 2R., 3366; C'otll., 3388; Computer Software, q., 1587. ad. rep., 3391; 3R., 3391; nsserrt, 4670. Development of Technology, npprz, 2613. Gove~uil~ent Orders for Computers, q., 1147, 1661, 1938, 2348, 3351. Asser~zbly:irrt., 1035; 2R., 1035, 1327; Conl., 1329; trcl. rep., 1330; 3R., 1330; rlres., 1826; crsse~rt,3051. Courlc.i/: SR., 1261; 2R., 1738; ad. r.rp., 1743; 3R., 1743; tr5Yerzt, 2981. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION(AMENDAI~NT) BILL: Beaches: A~~cr~zhlv:irtt., 2276; 2R., 2276, 2857; Cotil., Improvement Programme, q., 684. 2868; (id. rep., 2868; 3R., 2869; Illf'J., 3273; assent, 4381. Indccent Exposure on Benches, q., 827. C~Z~IZLI(:IR., 2807; 2R., 3202; Corn. nrrcl ad. No1 th Cronulla En~banl;ment, npprz, 1522. rep., 3205; 3R., 3205; assent, 4669. Palm Beach Erosion, ndj., 1088. Asrerl~bly: rn.s.o., 897; ir~t., 897; ZR., 898, Betting and Gambling: (See also "Poker 1231, 1347, 1521, 1619, 1768; Corn., 1796, Machines"): 1891, 2016; czd. rep., 2021; 3R., 2021; rlzes., 2916; nJhcnt, 4002. Aniusemellt Machines, q., 212. Corirlcil: SR., 1972; 2R., 2078, 2201, 2589, Casinos, q., 2718. 2755; Cor?~.nrzd ad. rep., 2805; 3~.,2805; Footy TAB, q., 681. nsserlt, 3939. Illegal, nclclress, 848, 849. Pub TAB, q., 4707. Shaloub, Neville John, q., 3429. Starting-price Bookmaking, addless, 848. Totalizator Agency Board, q., 1869, 4242. Totalizator Dividends, q., 3835. Asserlzbly : nsserrt, 44. Courzcil: n,sserzt, 16. Bills: ARTIFICIALCONCEPTION BILL (COGNATE): ABORIGINALLAND RIGHTS BILL: Asser71bly: ill?., 3448; 2R., 3449, 4429; 3~., 4442; ~izes.,4764. Asserizbly : asserlt, 44. Cour~cil:IR., 4673; 2R., 4682; Conz. and ncl. Courzcil: assent, 16. rep., 4693; 3R., 4693. AGRICUI.TURALSCIENTIFIC COLLECTIONS TRUST BILL: Asser~zbly: irlt., 2647; 2R., 2647, 3169; 3~., 3170; rnes., 3273; assent, 4382. xxiii

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Bilk (continued) : Bilk (corztinzled) : PROPERTYTRUST BILL (COGNATE)(cont- BUSINESSFRANCHISE LICENCES (PETROLEUM irirtcd) : PRODUCTS) ( ADMINISTRATION) AMEND- irrued) : MENT BILL (COGNATE): Courzcil: l~.,4673; 2R., 4680; Corn. arid ad. Assenzbly: assent, 43. l.f'(?.,4682; 3R., 4682. Coro~cil:nssertt, 15. B,irrisr UNION INCORPORATION(AMEND- BUSINESS FRANCHISE LICENCES(TOBACCO) MENT~BILL (COGNATE): (ADMINISTRATION)AMENDMENT BILL Asseri~bly:ir~t., 3286; 2R., 3286, 4428; 3R., (COGNATE): 4429; mes., 4764. As~embly: crssent, 43. Co~tr~cil:IR., 4673; 2R., 4680; Cotpz. and ad. Courlcil: assent, 15. rep., 4682; 3R., 4682. BILLSOF SALE (AMENDMENT)BILL: Assembly: irzt., 4626; 2~.,4626; dec. urg., Asserirbly: irif., 3295; 2R., 329.5; dec. urg., 4720; 2R., 4761, 4875; 3R., 4884. 3658; 2R., 3669; 3R., 3671; rlzes., 3898; Courzcil: IR., 4890. BISHOPSGATEINSURANCE AUSTRALIA LIMITED Couiicil: In., 3551; 2R., 3750; Corn. nrcd ad. BILL: rep., 3756; 3R., 3756; nsserct, 4670. Asseii~bly: rn.s.o., 1462; int., 1463; 2R., CAMPBELLTOWNPRESBY IERIAN CE~IETERY 1463; 3R., 1470; iizes., 1500; assent, 1583. BILL: Cour~cil:l~., 1405; 2R., 1405; Corn. and ad. Assenzbly: irzt., 4539; 2R., 4539, 4726; dec. rep., 1410; 3R., 1410; assent, 1722. urg., 4720; 3R., 4728. BORDERRAILWAYS (AMENDMENT) BILL: Courrcil: IR., 4693. Assembly: ilzt., 1683; 2R., 1683, 2675; 3R., 2677; nzes., 3083; assent, 4381. Asserr~bly: assent, 44. Courzcil: IR., 2589; 2R., 3008; Conz. and ad. Council: asserzt, 16. rep., 3010; 3R., 3010; asserct, 4669. CATTLE CO~.IPENSATION(MEAT INSPECTION) BROKENHILL WATER AND SEWERAGE(AMEND- AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): MENT) BILL: Assenzbly : assent, 44. Assernbly : assent, 43. Courzcil: assent, 16. Courrcil: assent, 15.

BROKENHILL WATER AND SEWERAGE(RATES) CENTENNIALPARK TRUSTBILL: AMENDMENTBILL: Asserizbly: irzt., 3083; 2~.,3084, 4034; 3R., Assembly: int., 1767; ZR., 1767, 2852; 3R., 4035; ri~es., 4067; assent, 4382. 2853; ines., 3170; assent, 4381. Courzcil: IR., 3962; 2R., 3966; Corn. arid ad. Zor1ricil: IR., 2806; 2R., 3036; Conz. and ad. rep., 3970; 3R., 3971; assent, 4670. rep., 3038; 3R., 3039; assent, 4669. CHILDREN(EQUALITY OF STATUS) AMEND- BUILDINGAND CONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRY LONG MENT BILL (COGNATE): SERVICEPAYMENTS (AMENDMENT)BILL Assei?zbly: itit., 3448; 2R., 3449, 4429; 3R., (COGNATE): 4442; ines., 4764. Assenzbly : assent, 44. Courzcil: IR., 4673; 2R., 4682; Colt?. and ad. Council: assent, 15. rep., 4693; 3R., 4693. BUILDINGAND CONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRY LONG CHILDWELFARE (PROBATION AND PAROLE) SERVICEPAYMENTS (AMENDMENT) BILL: RILL (COGNATE): Assenlbly: int., 3289; 2R., 3289; dec. urg., Asserizbly: irzt., 3460; 2R., 3460, 4041; 3R., 3658; 2R., 3697; Conz., 3711; ad. rep., 3717; 4067; nzes., 4317; assent, 4383. 3R., 3717; tries., 3898; assent, 4381. Council: lR., 3998; 2R., 3999, 4115; ad. Coilrtcil: IR., 3627; 2R., 3761; Con?., 3768; rep., 4128; 3R., 4128; asseizt, 4671. ad. rep., 3770; 3R., 3770; assent, 4670. CLEAN AIR (LICENCESAND APPROVALS) BUSHFIRES (AMENDMENT) BILL: AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Assembly: int., 3312; 2R., 3312, 4328; 3~., Assenzbly: int., 1040; 2~.,1041, 1472; 3R., 4329; n~es.,4351; assent, 4382. 1479; nzes., 1826; nsserrt, 3051. Collrrcil: IR., 4185; ZR., 4193; Corn., 4195; Cottrleil: IR., 1410; 2R., 1728; Corn. and ad. ad. rep., 4195; 3R., 4195; assent, 4670. rep., 1738; 3R., 1738; assent, 2981. Volumes 175-178

Bills (continued) : Bib (continued) CLEANWATERS (LICENCES AND APPROVALS) CONSUMERCREDIT (AMENDMENT) BILL: AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Assembly: asxrrt, 44. ATJ~III/J~~:illt., 1040; 2R., 1041, 1472; 3R., Colrr~cil:nsserrt, 16. 1479; nzes., 1826; nsserrt, 3051. Colrrlril: In., 1410; 2R., 1728; Cotlz. nrzcl net. CONVEYANCING(AMENDMENT) BILL (COG- tep., 1738; 3R., 1738; n.rseizt, 2981. NATE): COALAND OIL SHALEMINE WORKERS (SUPER- Assenrbly: irrt., 4626; 2R., 4626; dec. llrg., ANNUATION)AMENDMENT BILL: 4720; 2R., 4761, 4875; 3R., 4884. Asserrzbly: int., 2279; 2R., 2279, 2872; Corrr., Cormcil: IR., 4890. 2874; ~c!.rep., 2876; 3R., 2876; nzes., 3273; nsserrt, 4382. CONVEYANCING(POWERS OF ATTORNEY) AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Colrrrcil: IR., 2807; 2R., 3204; Con?. arzd nc/. i(,p., 3210; 3R., 3210; nsserzt, 4670. Asscr,~bly:nsserzt, 44. Coliizcil: asserrr, 16. COAL MINING (AMENDMENT)BILL (COG- NATE): CO-OPERATION(AMENDMENT) BILL: Assembly: irzt., 2283; 2R., 2283, 3143; Cor?~., Assembly: int., 3446; 2R., 3447, 4038; 3R., 3159; acl. rep., 3169; 3~.,3684; nzes., 3827; 4040; nzes., 4101; nsserlt, 4381. nsserrt, 4382. Corfncil: IR., 3962; ZR., 3971; Con?. arrd ad. Corrtlcil: IR., 3564; 2R., 3595; Cor?z., 3619; rep., 3973; 3R., 3973; flssellt, 4669. (I((. rep., 3626; 3R., 3626; nsserzt, 4670. COUNTRYINDUSTRIES (PAY-ROLL TAX RE- COMMERCIALVESSELS (AMENDMENT)BILL BATES)AMENDMENT BILL: (COGHATE): Assenibly: in;., 1038; 2~.,1038, 1330; 3~., As~<'lllb/~:Ill.S.O., 772; illf., 773; 2R., 773, 1345; ines., 2172; asserz;, 4002. 1217: 3R., 1230; rtzes., 1380: trsseflt, 4381. Cour1cil: IR., 1281; 2R., 2062; COI?I.arid nci. Colrlrc~il:In., 1261; 2R., 1281 ; Coiir. trfrd ad. rep., 2071; 3R., 2071; assent, 3939. rep., 1289; 3R., 1289; cisserzt, 4669.

Asser,zbly : nssrrzt, 43. Conrrcil: nsserzt, 15.

C'OXII'ENSATIONCOURI. BILL (COGNATE): CRIMES (DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)AMENDMEN I. Assetr~bly: irzt., 4619; 2R., 4619; dec, wg., BILL: 4720; 2R., 4735; Cotrz., 4758; nd. rep., Asser),b/y: irrt., 1877; 2~.,1877, 2668; 3R., 4760; 3R., 4760. 2673; rlrer., 3170; nsserlt, 4381. Cozrtrcil: In., 4767. Co~trrc~l:In., 2589; 2R., 3010; Corn. and ad. rep., 3021; 3R, 3021; nsre?rt, 4669. CONSTITUTION (EBROI-MENT OF ACTS) AMENDMENTBILI : CRIM~S(ENDANGERED FAUNA) AMENDMENT A.sserribly: irrt., 4626; 2R., 4626; r1t.c. urg., BILL (COGNATE): 4720; 2R., 4761, 4875; 3R., 4884. Asserttblv: irzi., 1044: 2R, 1045, 2688, 2845; Co~rf~cil:I R., 4890. 3R., 2852; irrcs., 2979; tons. arndtr, 3115; ad. rep., 3 116; nssetlt, 4383. CONSTRUCTIONSAFETY (AMENDMENT) BILL: Coti~zctlIR., 2806; 2R.. 2894; fld. rep., 2907; Asser~zbly:irzt., 1479. 3R., 2907; nsserrf, 4671. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Bills (continued) : Bib (continued) :

CRIMES(FURTHER AMENDMENT) BILL (COG- DEFAMATION (PROBATION AND PAROLE) NATE): AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Assembly: int., 3460; 2R., 3460, 4041; SR., Assenzbly: int., 3460; 2R., 3460, 4041; 3R., 4067; nzes., 4317; assent, 4381. 4067; mes., 4317; assent, 4383. Coiolcil: l~.,3998; 2R., 3999, 4115; ad. rep., Cotcnci/: IR., 3998; 2R., 3999, 4115; ad. rep., 4128; 3R., 4128; assent, 4670. 4128; 3R., 4128; assent, 4671. CRIMES(MENTAL DISORDER) AMENDMENT DEFAMATION(RACING APPEALS TRIBUNAL) BILL (COGNATE): 1 AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Asset~~bly:int., 3086; 2R., 3087, 3843, 3886; Assembly: int., 1052; 2~.,1052, 1613; 3~., Cotn., 4037; ad. rep., 4038; 3R., 4038; mes., 1616; mes., 2486; assent, 4383. 4101; assent, 4383. Cffuilcil: IR., 1722; 2R., 2071; rrd. rep., 2078; Corrncil: IR., 3962; 2R., 3974; ad. rep., 3996; 3R., 2199, 2365; assent, 4671. 3R., 3996; assent, 4671. DENTISTS(AMENDMENT) BILL: CRIMES (PROCEDURE)AMENDMENT BILL Assenzbly: int., 3303; 2R., 3303, 3898; 3~., (COGNATE): 3903; rnes., 3930; assent, 4382. A.s.scnrbly: rn.s.o., 4254; int., 4268; 2R., CounciI: 1R., 3808; 2R., 3821; Corn. nircl rrcl. 4268, 4330; 3R., 4334; rites., 4351; assent, rep., 3823; 3R., 3823; assent, 4670. 4382. DISTRICT COURT (AMENDX~ENT)BILL Corcr~cil:IR., 4196; 2R., 4196; Con?. and ad. (COGNATE): rep., 4199; 3R., 4199; assent, 4670. Asselnbly : asserzf, 44. CRIMES (REGISTRATIONOF INSTRUMENTS) Corlncil: assent, 16. AMENDMENTBILL: Asscrnbly: fni., 4626; ?R., 4626; dec. urg., DISTRICT COURT (INTEREST) AMENDMENT 4710; ?R., 4761, 4875; 3R., 4884. BILL (COGNATE): Cor~rlcil: Assembly: inl., 1596; 2R., 1596, 2160, 3R., IR., '4890. 2161; izes., 2979; assent, 4383. CROWN LANDS (SPECIAL LEASE RENTS) Corrncil: IR., 2106; 2R., 2907; Cortz. and ad. AMENDMENTBILL: rep., 2910; 3R., 2910; assent, 4671. Assenzblj~: assent, 44. EGGINDUSTRY BILL (COGNATE): Cor~rzcil:assent, 16. Assenzbly: assent, 44. CROWNLANDS (sr.4~~RECREATION AREAS) Courzcil: nsserzt, 16. AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Asscrr~bl~:irlt., 1044: 2R., 1045, 2688, 2845; ELEC.IRICITYDEVELOP~VIENT (AMENDMENT) 3R., 2852; riies., 2979; cOllS. nll~n't~,3115; BILL: cirl. rcp., 3 1 16; nsserzt, 4383. As.seiltbly: int., 4354; 2R., 4354; dec. rug., Corrncii: IR., 2806; 2R., 2894; ad. rep., 4538; 2R., 4558; 3R., 4558. 2907: 3R., 2907; n.tserzt, 4671. Colcrlcil: IR., 4673. CROWNLANDS (V~LIDATION OF REVOCATIONS) EIVIPLOYMENTPROTECTION (AMENDMENT) BILL: BILL: Asrerizhly : asscrlt, 44. Assernhly : assent, 44. Cor~ntil:assent, 16. Col~trcil:nssent, 15. Cuhf~rrnr-,i~~OV~L (AMENDMENT) BILL : FACTORIES,SHOPS AND INDUSTRIES(RETAIL Asserrz bly : assent, 44. TRADE),~MENDI\~ENT BILL (COGNATE): A~serizhl~:iirt., 3319; 2~.,3319; dec. urg., Corinc 11: rrssent, 16. 3658; 2~.,3718; Conr., 3731; ad. rep., 3734; DAIRYINDUSTRY (AMENDMENT) BILL (COG- 3R., 3734; tiles. 3918; a~Se?lt,4382. NATE): Council: In., 3627; 2R., 3772; Corn., 3806; A ireriibl~~:1l7.r.o , 4254; irlt., 4264; 2~.,4265, nci. rep., 3807; 3R., 3807; cissent, 4670. 4344; Conz., 4349; ucl. rep., 4350; mes., 4369; assent, 4382. FARMPRODUCE BILL (COGNATE): Cor~ntil:IR., 4214; 2R., 4214; Conz., 4217; Assernbly : assent, 44. trd. rep.. 4218; 3R., 4218; nrserzt, 4670. Council: assent, 16. FIRE BRIGADES(AMENDMENI-) BILL (COG- NATE): Assenlbly : assent, 44. Assenrbly: assent, 45. Corrtltil: cz~serrf,15. Council: assent, 16. Volumes 175-178

Bills (continued) : Bills (continued) : GREATERNEWCASTLE (AMENDMEN r) BILL: Assembly: irzt., 4934; 2~.,4934. Asse1~1Bly: assent, 44. Corrrz t il : czssent, 16. HEAL~HINSURANCE LEVIES (ADMINISTRATION) AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Assernbly : crsserzt, 43. Cozctzcil: nsserzt, 15.

FREEDOXIOF INFORMATIONBILL: HEALTHINSURANCE LEVIES (AMENDMENr) BILL (COGNATE): Assembly: irzt., 4255; 2R., 4255. Assenlbly: irzt., 3307; 2~.,3307, 3908; GAMINGAND BETTING (AMENDMENT)BILL Conz., 3916; ad. rep., 3917; 3~.,3917; (COGNATE): ~nes.,4067; asserzt, 4382. Assenlbly: assent, 45. Corrrtcil: 1~.,3820; 2R., 3951; C~IJZ.and ad. Corrrlcil : as.rerzt, 17. rep., 3961; 3R., 3961; irssent, 4670.

GA~~JNGAND BETTING (FURTHER AMEND- HUMANTISSUE BILL (COGNATE): MENT)BILL: Asscnlbly: irzt., 2651; 2R., 2651, 3171, 3278; As~e~~zhlp:/?Z.S.O., 700: illt., 700; 2R., 700, Corn. nrzd od. rep., 3285; 3~.,3285; t~res., 1053; 3~.,1054; rnes., 1347; assent, 2110. 3498; nsserzt, 4382. Corrtrcil: IR., 1008; 2R., 1268; Conl. ar~dad. Colrlzci~: In., 3357; 2R., 3366; COI?Z.,3388; rep., 1272; 3R., 1272; assertt, 2056. ad. rep., 3391; 3R., 3391; nsserzt, 4670.

GahrrNc AND BETTING(PENALTIES) AMEND- HUNTER DISXRICTWATER, SEWERAGEAND MENT BILL: DRAINAGE(RATES) AMENDMENTBILL A.ssernbly: int., 1325; 2R., 1326, 1686; Conz., (COGNATE): 1694; ad rep., 1695; 3R., 1695; iltes., 2042; Assernbly: r?z.s.o., 700; ir~t., 702; 2~.,702, assertt, 4381. 1056; 3R., 1083; incs., 1231; nrsent, 1670. Corr?lci/: IR., 1723; 2R., 1855, 1955; Car??., Courlcil: In., 1009; 2R., 1162; Carl?., 1174; 1965; ad. rep., 1966; 3R., 1966; assent, ad. rep., 1177; 3~.,1177; asserzt, 1722. 4669. INCLOSEDLANDS PRO ~ECTION (AMENDMENT) GAMINGAND BETTING (POKERMACHINES) BILL (COGNATE): TAXATIONAMENDMENT BILL (COGNATE): Assernbly: int., 4029; 2~.,4030; IJI.~.~., Assenzblp: assent, 45. 4254; 2R., 4275; 3R., 4295; nzes., 4328; Cot~ncil:assent, 17. assent, 4383. Courzcil: IR., 4169; 2R., 4169; COIII.and ad. GASAND ELECTRICITY(AMENDMENT) BILL: rep., 4175; 3R., 4175; assent, 4671. A rse~llhly:assent, 43. Cortrlcil: asserzt, 15. INDUSTRIAL ARBITRATION (AMENDMENT) BILL (COGNATE): GLENBAWNDAM (ENLARGEMENT) BILL: Asserizbly: irzt., 1035; 2R., 1035, 1327; Conz., Asse~nbly:irzt., 1321; 2R., 1321, 2312; 3R., 1329; ad. rep., 1330; 3R., 1330; r?~es.,1826; 2318; n~es.,3083; nsserzt, 4382. asserlt, 3051. Co~mcil:IR., 2252; 2R., 3000; COT??.and ad. COILIIC~'~:IR., 1262; 2R., 1738; Cor~z., 1742; rep., 3007; 3R., 3007; assent, 4670. ad. rep., 1743; 3R., 1743; asserzt, 2981. GOVERNMENTRAILTNAYS (AMENDMENT) BILL INDUSTRIALARBITRATION (COMPLEMENTARY (COGNATE) : INDUSTRIALRELATIONS SYSTEM) AMEND- Asscrnbly: irzt., 2277; 2R., 2277, 2869; 3R., MENT BILL: 2872; riles., 3170; assent, 4381. Asse~nbly: asser~t,45. Corrrzcil: IR., 2807; 2R., 3045; ad. rep., Cortrlcil: assent, 16. 3050; 3~.,3050; arsent, 4669. INDUSTRIALARBITRATION (CONTRACTS OF GRAINSORGHUM MARKETING BOARD (SPECIAL CARRIAGE)AMENDMENT BILL: PROV~S~ONS)BILL: Asse~nbly: irzt., 3293; 2R., 3293; dec. rrrg., Asserizbly: irzt., 1888; dec. nrg., 1889: 2R., 3658; 2R., 3718; 3R., 3718; nzes., 3898; 1889; 3R., 1890; riles., 2042; assent, 2110. asscrlt, 4382. Corcizcil: 1R., 1849; 2R., 1967; Corn., 1970; Col~ncil: 1R., 3627; 2R., 3770: Conz. czrzd ad. rep., 1971; 3~.,1971; assent, 2056. ad. rep., 3772; 3R., 3772; asserzt, 4670. xxvii

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Biils (continued) : Bills (continued) : INDUSTRIAL ARBITRATION (RETAIL TRADE) LANDTAX MANAGEMENT (AMENDMENT) BILL AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): (COGNATE): Assenzbly: i~zr., 3319; 2~.,3319; dec. urg., Assembly: i~zt.,3298; 2R., 3298; dec. urg., 3658; 2R., 3718; Com., 3733; ad. rep., 3658; 2R., 3690; 3R., 3696; lnes., 3898; 3734; 3R., 3734; tnes., 3918; RSS6?IZt, 4382. rrssent, 4382. Council: IR., 3627; 2R., 3772; Con?., 3806; Council: IR., 3627; 2R., 3756; Corn. arzd ad. ad. rep., 3807; 3R., 3807; assent, 4670. rep., 3760; 3R., 3760; assent, 4670.

INSURANCE(AMENDMENT) BILL: LAW OF EVIDENCEBILL (pro for~na): Assei?ihly: int., 1323; 2R., 1323, 1616; Assembly: IR., 139. Com., 1617; ad. rep., 1619; 3R., 1619; nzes., Council: IR., 17. 1933; assent, 3051. Colrrlcil: 1R., 1723; 2R., 1849; Conl., 1854; LAWREFORM (MARITAL CONSORTIUM) BILL: ad. rep., 1855; 3R., 1855; assent, 2981. Assembly: i~it.,4871; 2R., 4871. JUSTICES(AMENDMENT) BILL: LAW REFORM (MISCELLANEOUSPROVISIONS) Assem bly : asserzt, 44. BILL (COGNATE): Council: assent, 16. Asser~ibly: assent, 44. Couricil: assent, 16. JUSTICES (COMMUNITYJUSTICE CENTRES) AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): LAW REFORM (VICARIOUSLIABILITY) BILL (COGNATE): Assenzbly: int., 1880; 2R., 1881, 2854; 3R., 2856; mes., 3170; nssent, 4381. Assenzbly : assent, 44. Council: In., 2806; 2R., 3021; Con?. n~zdad. Cozr~icil:assent, 16. rep., 3026; 3R., 3026; assellt, 4669. LEGALSERVICES COMMISSION (AMENDMENT) JUSTICES (PROCEDURE)AMENDMENT BILL BILL (COGNATE): (COGNATE): Asse~i~bly: assent, 44. Assmlbly: nssent, 43. Couticil: assent, 16. Cozrncil: assent, 15. IJE DETECTORSBILL: Assen~llly:assent, 45. Council: nsserzt, 16. Assembly: nz.s.o., 4254; int., 4268; ?R., 4268, 4330; 3R., 4334; Iizes., 4351; asserlt, (A~ENDMENT) 4382. (COGNATE): Cozrncil: IR., 4196; 2R., 4196; Co1i2. and ad. ASsellZbly: aSseizt' 44' rep., 4199; 3R., 4199; assent, 4670. Courzcil: assent, 16.

LANDAND ENVIRONMENTCOUR~ (STATE POL- LOCALGOVERNMENT AND OTHERAUTHORITIES LUTION CONTROL COMMISSION)AMEND- (PUBLIC AUTHORITIES SUPERANNUATION MENT BILL (COGNATE): BOARD)AMENDMENT BILL (COGNATE): Asseri~bly: int., 1040; ?R., 1041, 1472; 3R., Asser~zbly: irrt., 1599; 2R., 1599, 2161; 3~., 1479; mes., 1826; assent, 3051. 2172; mes., 2853; assent, 4002. Corcncil: IR., 2107; 2R., 2729; ad. rep., 2755; Corr~icil:lR., 1410; 2R., 1728; Conz. and ad. 3R., 2755; ffSSellt, 3939. rep., 1738; 3R., 1738; assent, 2981. LOCALGOVERNMENT AND OTHERAUTHORITIES LANDTax (AMENDMENT)BILL (COGNATE): (SUPERANNUATION)AMENDMENT BILL Assenzbly: int., 3298; 2R., 3298; dec. urg., (COGNATE): 3658; 2R., 3690; 3R., 3696; mes., 3898; Assetnbly : assent, 44. assent, 4382. Conncil: asserzt, 15. Council: lR., 3627; 2R., 3756; Corn. and ad. rep., 3760; 3R., 3760; assent, 4670. MENT BILL: LAND TAX MANAGEMENT Assembly: m.s.o., 441; int., 443; 2~.,443, AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): 553; 3R., 560; mes., 585; msent, 759. Assembly: assent, 43. Council: lR., 505; 2R., 517; Corn., 526; ad. Courzcil: assent, 15. rep., 526; 3R., 526; assent, 822. Volumes 175-178

Bilts (continued): 1 Bills (continued):

LOCALGOVERNMENT (POWERS OF INVEST- LOTTERIESAND ART UNIONS (AMENDMENT) MENT) AMENDMENTBILL: 1 BILL (COGNATE): Assenzbly: inr., 1611; 2~.,1611, 2335; 3~., Asse~nbly: assent, 45. 2338; mes., 3170; assenf, 4381. I Cozl~icil:assent, 17. Council: lR., 2253; 2R., 3043; Conz. and ad. rep., 3045; 3R., 3045; assent, 4669. , LOTTERIESAND ART UNIONS(AMENDMENT) BILL: LQCAL GOVERNMENT(PURCI-IASES) AMEND- Asserizbly: inf., 4873; 2R., 4873. MENT BILL: Assernbly: int., 4033: 2R., 4033; nz.s.o., 4254; MACQUARIEUNIVERS~TY (AMENDMENT) BILL ZR., 4319; 3R., 4321; riles., 4351; assent, (COGNATE): 43 82. Asserizbly: irzt., 4721; 2R., 4722. Council: IR., 4185; 2R., 4185; Co~n.and ad. MARKETINGOF PRIMARYPRODUCTS BILL: rep., 4187; 3R., 4187; assent, 4671. Asser~zblv:nz.s.0.. 4254; irif.. 4261; 2~..4262, 4334; 3R., 4344; mes., 4369; assent, 4383. Corrtlcil: IR., 4203; 2R., 4204; Con?., 4213; ad. rep., 42 14; 3R., 4214; assent, 4671. MEAT INDUSTRY(AMENDMENT) BILL (COG- NATE): Council: IR., 4176; 2R., 4176; Coin. and ad. Assembly: assent, 44. rep., 4184; 3R., 4184; nssetzt, 4671. Coztncil: assent, 16. LOCAL GOVERNMENT(RATING AND VALUA- MEDICALPRACTITIONERS (AMENDMENT) BILL: TION) AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Asseriibly : assent, 44. Assembly: inf., 1470; 2R., 1470, 2149; 3~., 2159; mes., 3170; assent, 4383. Couricil: asselit, 16. Colmcil: IR., 2106; 2R.. 3039; Corn., 3043; MEDICALPRACTITIONERS (EMERGENCY MEDI- ad. rep., 3043; 3R., 3043; crssent, 4671. CAL TREATMENT)AMENDMENT BILL (COG- NATE): LOCALGOVERNMENT (REGULATION OF FLATS) Assetizbly: irzt., 2651; 2R., 2651, 3171, 3278; AMENDMENTBILL: Cor~z.and ad. rep., 3285; 3R., 3285; mes., Assembly: irif., 3318; 2R., 3318, 4324; 3R., 3498; assent, 4382. 4327; nzes., 4351; assent, 4383. Corlticil: IR., 3357; 2R., 3366; Con?., 3388: Council: IR., 4185; 2R., 4202; C0111. and ad. ad. rep., 3391; 3R., 3391; assent, 4670. rep., 4203; 3R,. 4203; nssenf, 4671. LOCAL GOVERNMENT(REVENUE SHARING) AMENDMENTBILL: Assetnbly: irit., 2840; 2R., 2840, 3498; 3~., Assembly: nl.s.o., 700; inf., 701; 2R., 701, 3504; riles., 35 16; assrent, 4383. 1054; 3R., 1056; ines., 1380; assent, 2110. Cozt~zcil:IR., 3421; 2R., 3421; Coriz. and ad. Council: IR., 1008; 2R., 1273; Co~il.a11d ad. rep., 3426; 3R., 3426; ffSse?Zt,4671. 1280; 3R., 1280; 2056. rep., assent, MENTALHEALTIT RILL (COGNATE): LONG SERVICE LEAVE (AMENDMENT)BILL Assertzblv: inf., 3086; 2R., 3087, 3843, 3886; (COGNATE): Con?., 4035; ad. rep., 4038; 3~.,4038; Iiies., 4101; a.rsertt, 4383. Assembly: inf., 1035; 2R., 1035, 1327; Corn., Cozrncil: lR., 3962; 2R., 3974; Con?., 3995; 1329; ad. rep., 1330; 3R., 1330; fries., 1826; assent, 3051. rrd. rep., 3996; 3R., 3996; nssent, 4671. Council: IR., 1262; 2R.. 1738; nd. rep., 1743; MENTAL HEALTH (POWERS01: ATTORNEY) 3R., 1743; fl.?Se?it, 2981. AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Asseitrbly: assent, 44. LONG SERVICE LEAVE (METALLIFEROUS Corrncil: assent, 16. MINING INDUSTRY) AMENDMENT BILL (COGNATE): METROPOLITANW:\TER, SEWERAGEAND DRAIN- Assembly: irtt., 1035; 2R., 1035, 1327; Corn., AGE (AMENDMENT) ILL (COGNATE): 1329; ad. rep., 1330; 3R., 1330; files., 1826; Assetnbly: m.s.o., 700; int., 702; 2~.,702, ussenf, 3051. 1056; 3R., 108;; nles., 1231; assenf, 1670. Council: IR., 1x2; 2R., 1738; ad. rep., 1743; Cortl1ci1: lR., 1009; 2R., 1162; Cot??., 1174; 3R., 1743; assent, 2981. ad. rep., 1177; 3R., 1177; ffsset!f, 1722. xxix

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Bills (continued) : MINESINSPECTION (AMENDMENT) BILL: MOTORTRAFFIC (AMENDMENT) BILL: Assetnbly: int., 4353; 2R., 4353; dec. urg., Assembly: assent, 44. 4538; 2R.. 4556; 3R., 4558. Cozc~zcil:osserzt, 16. Coziricil: IR., 4673. MOTOR TRAFFIC (FURTHER AMENDMENT) MINE SUBSIDENCECOMPENSATION (AMEND- BILL (COGNATE): MENT)BILL: Asse~nbly:int., 2013; 2R., 2013, 2663; 3~., Assetnbly: in?., 2660; 2R., 2661, 3516; 3R., 2668; n~cs.,2836; asserzt, 3051. 3523; rnes., 3690; assent, 4381. Council: IR., 2573; 2R., 2724; COI~.and ad. Corincil: l~.,3528; 2R., 3551; Corn. and ad. rep., 2728; 3R., 2728; assent, 2981. rep., 3553; 3R., 3553; flSSellf, 4669.

MINING(AMENDMENT) BILL: MOTOR TRAFFIC (LOCAL GOVERNMENT) AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Assernbly: int., 2290; 2R., 2290, 3116; Corn., 3135; ad. rep., 3143; 3R., 3683; mes., 3735; Assen?bly : assent, 44. asserzt, 4383. Council: assent, 16. Colcrlcil: IR., 3564; 2R., 3565; Col??.,3586; ad. rep., 3594; 3~.,3594; I,?., 3951; rtssent, 4671. Assembly: int., 1604; 2R., 1604, 2173, 2299; MISCELLANEOUSAc~ s (MENTAL HEALTH) 3R., 2312; riles., 3051; assent, 4382. REPEAL AND AMENDMENTBILL (COG- Coulzcil: IR., 2252; 2R., 2910; ad. rep., 2913; NATE): 3R., 2913; asserzt, 4670. Assenlbly: irrt., 3086; 2R., 3087, 3843, 3886; rid. rep., 4038; 3~.,4038; mes., 4102; MOTORVEHICLES (THIRD PARTY INSURANCE) assent, 43 83. (RECREATION VEHICLES) AMENDMENT Council: IR., 3962; 2R., 3974; ad. rep., BILL (COGNATE): 3996; 3R., 3996; flsserlt, 4671. Asse~nbly:int., 1604; 2R., 1604, 2173, 2299; 3R., 2312; ??les., 3051; assent, 4382. MISCELLANEOUSACTS (NATIONALPARKS AND Council: 1~.,2252; 2R., 2910; ad. rep., 2913; WILDLIFE)AMENDMENT BILL (COGNATE): 3R., 2913; assent, 4670. Asser17hly: int., 1044; 2R., 1045, 2688, 2845; 3~.,2852; riles., 2979; cons. onzdts, 3115; NATIONALPARKS AND WILDLIFE (ADJUST- nd. rep., 31 16; nsselzt, 4383. MENT OF AREAS)BILL: Council: IR., 2806; 2R., 2894; nd. rep., 2907; Assenzbly : assent, 44. 3R., 2907; nssellr, 4671. Conncil: assent, 16.

MISCELLANEOUSACTS (Prin~lcFINANCE AND AUDIT) REPEAL AND AMENDMENTBILL NATIONALPARKS AND WILDLIFE (AMEND- (COGNATE): MENT)BILL (COGNATE): Assernbly: int., 2954; 2R., 2954; dec. zrrg., Assernbly: i~tt.,1044; 2R., 1045, 2688, 2845; 3285; 2R., 3504; ad. rep., 3515; 3R., 3515; 3R., 2852; rnes., 2979; cons. n~ndts,3115; nzes., 3690; nssenr, 4382. ad. rep., 3116; assent, 4383. Coztnci/: IR., 3426; ZR., 3529; ad. rep., 3550; Corcncil: IR., 2806; 2R., 2894; Conl., 2905; 3R., 3551; assent, 4670. ad. rep., 2907; 3R., 2907; mes., 3027; assent. 4671. MISCELLANEOUSACTS (STATE SUPERANNUA- TION FUND) AMENDMENTBILL (COG- NATIONALPARKS AND WILDLIFE (FIRE BRI- NATE): GADES)AMENDMENT BILL (COGNATE): Assen~bly:int., 4541; 2R., 4541; dec. urg., Asseinbly : assent, 45. 4720: 2R., 4728: 3R., 4735. Council: asserzt. 16.

NAVIGATIONAND OTHER ACTS (VALIDATION) MISCELLANEOUSACTS (WORKERS' COMPEN- BILL (COGNATE): SATION)AMENDMENT BILL (COGNATE): Assembly: m.s.o., 772; int., 773; 2~.,773, Assenlbly: irzt., 4619; 2~.,4619; dec. rcrg., 1217; 3R., 1230; mes., 1380; assent, 4381. 4720; 2R., 4735; ad, rep., 4760; 3R., 4760. Coztncil: 1R., 1261; 2R., 1281; Com. and ad. Cozmcil: IR., 4767. rep., 1289; 3R., 1289; assent, 4669. Volumes 175-178

Bilk (continued) : Bills (continued): NAVIGATION(COMMERCIAL VESSELS) AMEND- OMBUDSMAN(AMENDMENT) BILL: MENT BILL (COGNATE): Assembly: m.s.o., 4254; int., 4258; 2~.,4258; Assembly: m.s.o., 772; int., 773; 2a., 773, 3R., 4261; mes., 4317; assent, 4383. 1217; 3R., 1230; nzes., 1380; assent, 4381. Council: l~.,4128; ZR., 4131; Corn. and ad. Council: In., 1261; 2R., 1281; Corn. and ad. rep., 4132; 3~.,4132; assent, 4671. rep., 1289; 3~.,1289; assent, 4669. NEW SOUTH WALES RETIREMENTBENEFITS OMBUDSMAN(COMMUNITY JUSTICE CENTRES) (AMENDMENT)BILL (COGNATE): AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Assenzbly : assent, 44. Assembly: int., 1880; 2R., 1881, 2854; 3~., Co~tncil:assent, 16. 2856; mes., 3170; assent, 4381. Cozincil: lR., 2806; 2R., 3021; Com. and ad. NE.W SOUTH WALES RETIREMENTBENEFITS rep., 3026; 3~,3026; assent, 4669. (AMENDMENT)BILL (COGNATE): Assembly: int., 4541; 2R., 4541; dec. urg., OMBUDSMAN(POLICE REGULATION)AMEND- 4720; ZR., 4728; 3~.,4735. MENT BILL (COGNATE): Council: 1R., 4694. Assembly: iiit., 2940; 2R., 2941; dec. zirg., NEW SOUTH ALES RETIREMENTBENEFITS 3285; 2R.. 3323; 3R., 3341; riles., 3516; (FURTHERAMENDMENT) BILL (COGNATE): assent, 4383. Council: In., 3358; 21<., 3392; Cam. and ad. Assenzbly : assent, 45. rep., 3412; 3R., 3412; assent, 4671. Council: assent, 16. NEW SOUTH WALES RETIREMENTBENEFITS PARLIAMENTARYCOMMITTEES ENABLING BILL: I- (PUBLIC AUTHORITIES SUPERANNUATION Assetizbly: assent, 45. BOARD)AMENDMENT BILL (COGNATE): Corincil: assent, 16. Assemb/y: in?., 1599; 2R., 1599, 2161; 3~., 2172; mes., 2853; ussent, 4002. Council: lR., 2107; 2R., 2729; (zd. rep., 2755; PAROLEORDERS (TRANSFER) BILL: 3~.,2755; assent, 3939. Asserizbly: int., 3452; 2R., 3453, 4040; 3~., 4040; nles., 4102; ussent, 4383. NOISECONTROL (AMENDMENT) BILL: Council: lR., 3962; 2~.,3996; Coin. and ad. A.sseri~bly:int., 3455; ZR., 3455, 4442, 4544; rep., 3998; 3R., 3998; cssent, 4671. 3R., 4555. Couizcil: In., 4673. PAY-ROLLTAX (ADMINISTRATION)AMEND- MENT BILL (COGNATE): NOISE CONTROL(LICENCES AND APPROVALS) AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Assetnbly : asserzt, 43. Assenlbly: int., 1040; 2R., 1041, 1472; 3R., Corincil: assent, 15. 1479; ines., 1826; assent. 3051. Corrtzcil: IR., 1410; 2R., 1728; Com. and ad. PAY-ROLLTAX (AMENDMENT) BILL: rep., 1738; 3R., 1738; assent, 2981. A.ssenzbly: inf., 3294; 2R., 3295; dec. lug., OBSERVATORYPARK WEATHER BUREAU SITE 3658; 2~.,3659: Conz., 3665; ad. rep., 3669; (REPEAL)BILL: 3R., 3669; rnes., 3696; assent, 4382. Assenzbly: iitt., 1681; 2R., 1681, 2674; 3R., Corrrzcil: l~.,3551; 2R., 3558; Cof?~.and ad. 2675; ~nes.,3083: assent, 4381. rep., 3564; 3R., 3564; assent, 4670. Coutzcil: In., 2589; 2R., 2997; Con?. and ad. rep., 3000; 3R., 3000; assent, 4669. PERIODICDETENTION OF PRISONERS(PROBA- TION AND PAROLE) AMENDMENTBILL OCCUPATIONALHEALTH AND SAFETYBILL: (COGNATE): Assembly: assent, 44. Assembly: int., 3460; 2~.,3460, 4041; 3n., Council: assent, 15. 4067; rncs., 4317; assent, 4383. Council: lR., 3998; 2R., 3999, 4115; rid. rep., OFFENCESIN PURLICPLACES (AMENDMENT) 4128; SR., 4128; assent, 4671. BILL (COGNATE): Assembly: int., 4029; 2R., 4030; m.s.o., 4254; ZR., 4275; 3~.,4295; mes., 4328; assent, PERPETUI~E~BILL: 4383. Assmzbly: int., 1049; 2n., 1049, 4558; 3n., Council: In., 4169; 2R., 4169; Com. and ad. 4564. rep,, 4175; 3~.,4175; assent, 4671. xxxi

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

BiUs (continued) : 1 Bib (continued) PETROLEUM(COAL MINING) AMENDMENT PROSTITUTION(AMENDMENT) BILL: BILL (COGNATE): Assenzblv: assent. 43. Assembly: int., 2283; 2~.,2283, 3143; ad. council: assent, 15. rep., 3169; 3R., 3684; nzes., 3827; assellf, 4382. PROTECTEDESTATES BILL (COGNATE): Council: IR., 3564; 2R., 3593; ad. rep., 3626; Assembly: int., 3086; 2R., 3087, 3843, 3886; 3R., 3626; assent, 4670. ad. rep., 4038; 3R., 4038; rnes., 4102; asserzt, 4383. PLUMBERS, GASFITTERS AND DRAINERS Council: IR., 3962; ZR., 3974; ad. rep., (AMENDMENT)BILL: 3996; 3~.,3996; nssent, 4671. Assembly: ilzt., 4638; 2R., 4639. PUBLIC AUl HORITIES (FINANCIALACCOM- POLICEBOARD BILL: MODATION)AMENDMENT BILL: Assenzbl~l: int., 3468; 2R., 3468, 4067; ad. Assembly: asserzt, 45. rep., 4329; 3~.,4101; nzes., 4317; cons. Colcncil : assent, 17. amdrs, 4329; assent, 4382. Collncil: In., 4108; 2R., 4132; COI?~.,4163; PUBLIC AUTHORITIES (FINANCIALACCOM- ad. rep., 4169; 3R., 4169; rrres., 4219; MODATION)FUR~HER AMENDMENT BILL assent, 4670. (COGNATE): Assernb!y: tll.s.o., 441: itzt., 441; 2R., 441, 547; 3~.,553; riles., 585; assent, 759. Cou~~cil:IR., 505; ZR., 511; Corn., 515; Assembly: int., 2940; 2R., 2941; dec. lrrg., ad. rep., 517; 3R., 517; assent, 822. 3285; 2R., 3323; 3R., 3341; lnes., 3516; assent, 43 83. PUBLIC Au? HORITIES SUPERANNUATION COMIIC~~:IR., 3358; ZR., 3392; Corn. and ad. BOARDBILL (COGNATE): rep., 3412; 3R., 3412; asserrt, 4671. Assembly: itrt., 1599; 2a., 1599, 2161; 3R., 2172; mes., 2854; assent, 4002. Corrlzcil: In., 2107; ZR., 2729; Conz., 2753; ad. rep., 2755; 3R., 2755; assent, 3939. Assenzbly: int., 2940; 2~.,2941; dec. zirg., 3285; 2R., 3323; 3R., 3341; mes., 3516; PUBLIC FINANCEAND AUDIT BILL (COG- nssent, 4383. NATE): Council: IR., 3358; 2R., 3392; Con?. and ad. Assernbly: int., 2954: 2R., 2954; dec. urg., rep., 3412; 3R., 3412; assellt, 4671. 3285; 2R., 3504; Corn., 3514; ad. rep., 3515; 3R., 3515; mes.. 3690; assent, 4382. POULTRYPROCESSING (AMENDMENT) BILL: Colc~tcil:IR., 3426; 2n., 3529; Conz., 3543; Assenzbly : asserzt, 45. ad. rep., 3550; 3R., 3551; asserzt, 4670. Council: assent, 16. PUBLIC HEALTH (EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRISONERS(INTERSTATE TRANSFER) (PROBA- TREATMENT)AMENDMENT BILL (COG- TION AND PAROLE) AMENDMENTBILL NATE): (COGNATE): Assenzbly: int., 2651: 2~.,2651, 3171, 3278; Assenzbly: ittt., 3460; 2R., 3460, 4041; 3R., Con?. and ad. rep., 3285; 3R., 3285; rnes., 4067; mes., 43 17; asserlt, 4383. 3498; assent, 4382. Cozlncil: IR., 3998; 2R., 3999, 4115; ad. rep., CorrrlciE: IR., 3357; 2R., 3366; Corn.. 3388; 4128; 3R., 4128; assent, 4671. ad. rep., 3391; 3R., 3391; arsertt, 4671. PRISONS(AMENDMENT) BILL (COGNATE): PUBLICHOSPITALS (AMENDMENT) BILL: Assembly: int., 3460; 2R., 3460, 4041; 3R., Assembly: int., 2836; 2R., 2837, 3475; ad. 4067; rnes., 4317; assent, 4382. rep., 3497; SR., 3497; nres., 3523; assent, Council: IR., 3998; 2~.,3999, 4115; Corn., 4383. 4127; ad. rep., 4128; 3R., 4128; assent, Cortrtcil: la., 3413; 2~.,3413; Corn., 3420; 4670. ad. rep., 3421; 3R., 3421; assent, 4671. PROB~TIONAND PAROLEBILL (COGNATE): PUBLIC HOSPITALS (HOSPITALSINCORPORA- Assembly: int., 3460; 2R., 3460; 4041; 3R., TION) AMENDMENTBILL: 4067; rnes., 4317; assent, 4383. Assembly: int., 3315; 2R., 3315, 3918; 3~., Cordncil: IR., 3998; 2R., 3999, 4115; Corn., Courzcil: IR., 3939; 2R., 3962; Coin., 3965; 4125; ad. rep., 4128; 3R., 4128; assent, ad. rep., 3966; 3R., 3966; assent, 4671. 4671. 3929; rnes., 4067; assent, 4383. Bilk (corttirl~led): RICLRMURR~Y WATERS BILL: Arser~zhly rrl.s.o., 772; irlt., 781; 2R., 781; c/c(. IiIg., 10S3; 2R., 1083, 1203; 3R., 1217; r?rer., 1446; rrsser~f,21 10. PUBLIC SERVICE (DAIRY CORPORATION) Corir~trl In . 1177; 2~.,1289; Cot??. arid AAIPNUMENTBILL (COGNATE): ad. rep., 1307; 3R., 1307; assertt, 2056. Asser??b(y: rrI.s.o., 4254; it~t., 4264; 2R., 4265, 4344; ad. rep., 4350; rnes., 4369; nsJeirt, 43 82. Colii~ci!:IR., 4214; 2R., 4214; ad. rep., 4218; 3R., 4218; flssfill, 4670. Punr ic SERVICE (PUBLIC AUTHORIT~ES SUPERANNUATIONBOARD) AMENDMENT As~crr~blv:irlf., 2338; 2R., 2339; dcc. IiFg, BILL (COGNATE): 2486: 2R, 2487; Corrr., 2533; nci. rep., 2556; ATSPIII~~Y:112f., 1599; 2R., 1599, 2161; 3R., 3R., 2557: Iricr., 2564: a~serlt,2634. 2172; rnes., 2854; asrerlt, 4002. Cortr~cil:IR., 2107; 2R., 2729; nd. rep., 2755; 3~.,2755; (ISSerlf, 3939. SPLIT ROCK DAM BILL: R,ICING ~PPLALSTRIBUNAL BILL (COGNATE): A,ssrrizbly: in/., 2834; 2~.,2844, 3645; 3~., AJMI?I~/?':fill., 1052; 2R., 1052, 1613; 3R, 3658; rrlcs., 3690; nssrtlt, 4382. 1616, rr~c.~.,2486: corls. crrndts, 2662; (10'. Corir~cil:IR., 3551; 2R., 3553; Cor11. nrrd ad. rep., 2662; assent, 4383. r('p., 3557; 3R., 3558; asserlf, 4670. Corrr~cil: 1~ , 1722; ZR., 2071; COI~I.,2078; rrri. rep., 2078; 3R.. 2199; recor?~.,2201; ad. SPORIlNG INJURIESINSUR\NCE (AMENDMENT) rep., 2201; 3R., 2365; rnes., 2565; asserlr, BILL: 467 1. As.rer~~bly:cissort, 45. RAILWAYCONSIRUCTION (EAST HILLS TO Coitrr cil: rr.rso~f, 17. CA~IPBE~..L~~WN)BILL (COGNATE) : SPORIING IN.JURIESINSURANCE (AMENDLIENT) A,sserttbly: ir~i.,3273; 2R., 3273; dec. urg., BILI.: 3658; 2R., 3671, 3684; 3R., 3690; 171es., Assc~rrthly: irit., 4934: ZR., 4935. 3930; cisscr~f,438 1. Cozrrlcil: IR., 3627; 2R., 3808; nd. rep., 3820; 3R., 3820; nsserrt, 4669.

RAILWAYCONSTRUCTION (MALDON TO PORT Assc~i~?bl\~:ir~t., 4619; 2R., 4619; der. nrg., KEMBLA)BILL (COGNATE): 4720; 2R.. 4735; c~d.rcTp., 4760; 3R., 4760. Assernbly: irzt., 3273; 2R., 3273; dec. zrrg., 3658; 2R., 3671, 3684; 3R., 3690; I~ICS., 3930; nsselzt, 438 1. Corlllci/: IR., 3627; 2R., 3808; Cc??ri., 3818; nd. rep., 3820; 3~.,3820; risso~t,4669.

REAL PROPERTY (CONVERSIONOF TITLE) AMENDMENTBILL: STAIIPDUTIES (AM~NDMENT) BILL: Assenrbly: int., 4628: 2~..4628; dcc. rirg., Corir~c,il:ill/. and III., 2370. 4870; 2R., 4944; 3R., 4951. Cortr~cil:1~., 491 1.

RECR~ATIONVEZ~ICLES BILL (COGNATE) : Assembly: irlf., 1604; 2R, 1604, 2173, 2299; 3R, 2312, r?les., 3051; LISSE~?~,4382. Corrrlcil: IR., 2252; ZR, 2910; Cor?~.,2912; STATE POLLUTION CON.IROL COVMISSION ad. rep., 2913; 3~.,2913; oscerir, 4670. (LICENCESAND APPIIOVALS)AMEND~IENT BILL(COGNATE) : REGISTERED CLUBS (AMENDMENT) BILL A.rscr??hly:ill?., 1040; 2~.,1041. 1472; 3R., (COGNATE): 1479: riic..~., 1826; nsset~t,305 1. Assernbly : cisserrt, 45. Corrlrc~i/:IR., 1410; 2R., 1728; Corrl. tr!ld nd. Coztr~cil:asserlt, 16. rep., 1738; 3R., 1738: nssc,rit. 2981. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Bills (cotztinued) : Bills (continued) :

STATUTORYAND OTHER OFFICES REMUNER~- TION (DAIRYCORPORATION) AMENDMENT BILL (COGNATE): Asserr~bly: rn.s.o., 4254; ir~t., 4264; 2R.. 4265, 4344; ad. rep., 4350; rnes.. 4369; nsserrt, 4382. SUPPLYBILL: Colirfci/. IR., 4214; 2R., 4214; tit/. rep., 4218; Assert~bly: 117.S.O., 792; int, 793; 2a., 793; 3~.,4218; nsserlt, 4670. 3R., 796; mes., 929; nssenf, 1178. Coirlzcil: lR., 823; 2R., 828; Cot/?. and ad. STASUTORYAND OTHER OTFICIS RIMIJNFRA- rep., 831; 3R., 831; trsserlt, 1152. TION (EGG INDUSTRY)AMENDMIYT BILL (COGNATE) SUPREMECOURT (INTEREST) AMENDMENT Asseti~bly. rrAacrzt, 44. BILL (COGNATE): COI~IIC~Iasser~t, 16. rl.s.ser,ibly: irlt., 1596; 2R., 1596, 2160; 3~., 2161; rr~rs.,2979; trsserz!. 4383. STATUTORYAND OTHER OFFICES REAIUNERA- Corr~rci~:IR., 2106; 2R., 2907; COI?~.tlttd ad. TION (METROPOLITANWATER SEWERAGE rc'1,., 2910; 3R., 2910; ti.s.~ellt,4671. AND DRAINAGEBOARD) AMENDMENT BILL (COGNATE): Asseri~/?lj~:r?l.s.o., 700; iilt., 702; 2R., 702. 1056; 3R., 1083; r?ies., 1231; cisser~t. 1670. Corrrtcil: IR., 1009; 2~.,1162; Corn., 1174; ad. rep., 1177; 3R., 1177; trssarlf, 1722.

S~SATUTORYAND OTHER OFFICES REAIUNERA- TION (PUBLICAUTHORITIES SUPERANNUA- TION BOARD) ARIENDMENTBILL (COG- NATE): Asst~ri~bly:itzt., 1599: 2~.,1599, 2161; 3R., THEKIRESAND PU~~LICHALLS (AMENDMENT) 2172; riles., 2854: trsserrt, 4002. BILL (COGNATE): C~llll~i(:IR., 2107; 2R., 2729; trd. rep., 2755: Assertlh!,: int., 3313; 2~.,3313, 4321; 3~., 3R., 2755; trssellt, 3939. 4324; rfres., 4351; trsserlt, 4382. Cortrrcil: IR., 41 85; ~IZ.,4188; Conr. urrd ad. SIOCK(CHEMICAL RESIDU~S) MI AI INSPLC- rep., 4193; 3u., 4193; ci.\senf, 4670. IION (AMENDMENT)BILL (COGNATE):

A~sc~rbly' n~sctl t, 44. TISSUEGRAFTING AND PROCESSING(REPEAL) Ccirricll trsscrit, 16. BILL (COGNATE): A.s.rerirhly: irlt., 2651; 2R., 2651, 3171, 3278; Cor~.(/rid crd. rep., 3285; 3R., 3285; riles., 3498; crs,rerrr, 4382. Colrrrcii: 1R., 3357; 2R., 3366; Corn., 3388; (it/. rep., 3391; 3R.. 3391; cisserlt, 4670.

SUNDAY E~ZTERTAINMENS (~EPE:\L) BILL (COGNATE): Tou~lsrINDUSTRY DEVELOP MEN,^' (FURTHER Asscrrrbly: itit., 3313; 2R., 3313, 4321; 3R., A~IENDMENT)BILL: 4324; n~es.,4351: risserlt, 4382. Asscrribly: irlr., 2298: 2~.,2298, 2876; 3~., Colrilci/: IR., 4185; 2R., 4188; Corn. cirrtl tic/. 2883; r~cs.,3273; trssertt, 4382. rep., 4193; 3R., 4193; tzsseilt, 4670. Corincil: IR., 2808; ZR., 3192; Corn. and ad. r.c'p., 3198; 3R., 3198; nsscrlt, 4670. SUNDAY(SERVICL 01- PROCESS)BILL: Artrrlzbly: rrff., 4351; IR . 4351: dec. [rig., 4538; 2R., 4555; 3R., 4556. COI~IZLI~:IR., 4673. Volumes 175-178

Bills (continued) : 1 Bills (continued): TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES (AMENDMENT)I TRUSTEE(INVESTMENTS) AMENDMENT BILL: BILL: Assembly: nz.s.o., 4254; inl., 4273; 2R., 4273, Assernbly: itzt., 3473; ZR., 3473, 4102; 3R., 4329; 3R., 4330; Ilzes., 4351; assent, 4383. 4103; tlzes., 43 17; usserzl, 4382. Co~ct~cil:IR., 4185; 2R., 4199; Coil?. and ad. Council: IR., 4108; 2R., 4128; Conz. and ad. rep., 4201; 3~.,4201; assent, 4671. rep., 4130; 3R., 4130; asswzt, 4670. TRUSTEE (POWERSOF ATTORNEY)AMEND- TRANSPORT AUTHOR~TIES (INFRINGEMENT MENT BILL (COGNATE): NOTICES) AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): Assetn bly : assent, 44. Assenzbly: iill., 2277; 2R., 2277, 2869; 3~., Couizcil: assent, 16. 2872; rnes., 3 170; assent, 4381. Cozcncil: IR., 2807; 2R., 3045; con^., 3049; ad. rep., 3050; 3R., 3050; crs~crzt,4669.


TRANSPORTEMPLOYEES KET~REMEN~ BENEFITS (PUBLIC AUTHOR~TIESSUPERANNUATION BOARD)AMENDMENT BILI : Assembly: irzl., 1599; 2R., 1599, 2161; 3R., 2172; ~nes.,2854; assent, 4002. Coltl~~i~:In., 2107. 2R., 2729, at!. Iep., 2755; 3R., 2755; assent, 3939.

TRANSPORT(MOTOR TRAFFIC) AMENDMENT BILI (COGNATE): Assernbly: int., 2013; ZR., 2013, 2663; 3R., 2668; n~es.,2876; assetzt, 3051. Council: SR., 2573; 2~.,2724; Conr. nncl ad. VALUATIONOF LAND(LAND VALUE) AMEND- rep., 2728; 3R., 2728. asserzt, 2981. MENT BILL: Assrn~bly:irzt., 1610; 2R., 1610, 2319; Conz., TRANSPORT(RECREATION VEHICLES) AMEND- 2330; crd. rep., 2335; 3~.,2335; nzcs., 3083; risrolt, 4382. MENT BILL (COGNATE): Asse~nbly:int., 1604; 2~.,1604. 2173, 2299; Courlcil: SR., 2252; 2R., 2913, 2989; Conz., 3R., 2312; rlzes, 3051; asserli, 4382. 2996; ad. rep., 2996; 3R., 2996; asAerzt, 4670. ColclzciE: SR., 2252; 2R., 2910: aci rep., 2913; 3R., 291 3; assellt, 4670. VALUATIONOF LAND (RATINGAND VALUA- TION) AMENDMENTBILL (COGNATE): TREASURYCORPORATION BILL (COGNATE): Assc~r~~l~ly:irlt., 1470; 2R., 1470, 2149; 3R., Assernbly : assent, 45. 2159; r?zc~.,3170; asserzt, 4383. Cou~zcil: assent, 17. Corl71cii: IR., 2106: 2R., 3039; ad. rep., 3043; 3R., 3043; assent, 4671. TROTTINGAunioIun (AMENDMENT)BILL: Assenzbly: 17?.s.o., 697; int., 698; 2~.,698, WALKERTRUSTS (AMENDMENT) BILL: 783; 3R., 792; Ines., 929; assent, 1178. Asser7zbly: i~zr.,3301; 2~.,3301, 3903; 3~., COUIIC~~:IR., 823; 2R., 831; Ccmz., 841; ad. 3908; rnes., 3933; ersserzt, 4383. rep., 841; 3R., 841; assent, 1152. Coritzcil: lR., 3808; 2R., 3823; Conz. and ad. rep., 3826; 3R., 3826; asselit, 4671.

Assernbly: in[., 1200; 2R., 1200; dec. urg., WATER(AMENDMENT) BILL: 1345; 2R., 1346; 3R., 1347; lizes., 1479; Asser7tbly: int., 1685; 2R., 1685, 2677; 3R., assent, 1583. 2688; ntes., 3170; assent, 4382. Collncil: IR., 1281; 2R., 1396; Conz., 1404; Council: IR., 2633; 2R., 3027; Con?., 3035; ad. rep., 1405; 3R., 1405; assent, 1722. ad. rep., 3036; 3~.,3036; asserzt, 4670. 16th August, 1983, t~ 1st March, 1984

Bii (continued) : Bridges (continued) : WORKERS' COMPENSATION(AMENDMENT) Tom Ugly's, appn, 1240. BILL (COGNATE): Bridge Works, apprz, 2757. Assen~bly: inl., 4619; ZR., 4619; dec. zrrg., New Bridge, address, 659. 4720; 2R., 4735; Cori~., 4759; ad. rep., 4760; 3~.,4760. 1983-84 (See also Council: l~.,4767. Budget, "Government State"): Accuracy of Results, appn, 2803. Assembly: irzt., 4619; 2R., 4619; dec. urg., Consolidated Fund, appn, 2079. 4720; 2R., 4735; ad. rep., 4760; 3R., 4760. Effect on Business, apprz, 2085. Cotrrlcil: IR., 4767. Errata, appn, 1629. WORKERS'COMI'ENSATION (DUST DISEASES) Estimates, appn, 1815. AMENDMENTBILL: I-ormat, appn, 1630, 1640, 2086, 2206, 2232. Assernhly: inl., 1885; 2R., 1885, 2856; 3R., Interest Repayments, appn, 2222. 2857; r72e~.,3273; asserzl, 4383. Media Comment, appn, 1543, 2765. Co~cncil: lR., 2806; 2R., 3198; Corn. and Public Sector Funding, apprz, 2221. ad. rep., 3202; 3R., 3202; assent, 4671. Buifders, Building and Building Materials: Birds: Building Industry Safety, q., 2349. Construction Industry, appn, 2086, 2802. Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, q., 1091. Deregulation, appn, 2084. Home Building Decline, address, 34. Books, Newspapers and Publications: Business and Trade Practices (See nlso Country Newspapers, appn, 2205. "Consumer Affairs"): Macquarie Dictionary: Presentation to Legislative Assembly, 589. Agroprom Pty Limited, q., 1719. Presentation to Legislative Council, 822. Aplex Commodity Trade~sLimited, q., 1659. Media Comment on Budget, apprz, 2767. Australian Federation of Construction Con- tractors, address, 166. Pornography, ntldress, 245. Bankcard Charges, q., 2355. Stnrc Ronrl Ir~iticzfivcs,q., 1989. Bargold Metals Pty Limited, q., 1662. Bishopsgate Insurance Australia Limited, q., Bread: 73; adj., 4805. Building Contracts, q., 4373. Price Controls, rlppn, 1621 Company Profits, q., 4890. Corporate Affairs Commission: Montant Bridges: Finance Corporation Pty Limited, q., 2058. David Sherwin Management Consultants Funding, nppn, 1562. (N.S.W.), q., 1829. Government Record, appn, 2770. Duty Free Stores, q., 2346. Hexham. apptz, 1240, 2757. Employment Opportunities, appn, 1773. Lachlan River, Cowra, apprz, 2202. Essington Pty Limited, q., 1874. Point Clare Railway, q., 1953. Failure of Businesses, address, 492. Railway Bridge at Church Street, Parramatta, Federal Assistance for BHP, address, 250. q., 3637. G & A Pest Control Pty Limited, q., 4374. Rolands Creek, Uki, q., 4504. Government: Second Bridge for Ryde, q., 1099. Policy. appn, 1777. Sydney Harbour, q., 2120. Record, address, 489; appn, 2084. Additional Lane, appn, 2226. Support, address, 575. Floodlighting, q., 4483. Labour Contracts, address, 994. Toll, q., 680. ' Montant Finance Corporation Pty Limited, Traffic, q., 2980. q., 2058. Volumes 175-178

Business and Trade Practices (corztirtlred) : Cemeteries: Motor Dealers' Conlpe~~sationFund, q., Charges. q., 4508. 4926. Private Cemeteries Investigation, q., 437. Negri River Report, q., 506. Opalton Group of Companies, y., 257. Charitable and Community Organizations: Opposition Policy, address, 489. Pacific Commerce and Traders, cl., 3 190. Funding, apptz, 1540. Paperwork, address, 486. Hunter Valley Cancer Appeal, npprl, 1913. Private Invrstme~~t,nddrers, 733. Regulation, address, 491 ; nppu, 1773. Chemicals: Retail Sales, nddrcss, 447. Pesticides, q., 1720. Retail Trading Hours, y., 892. Pharnlaceutical Products, q., 813. Small Business, address, 288, 424, 488; Snifling of Toxic, q., 255, 1392, 2368. 4501, flpp17, 1351, 1359; q., 1765; npp17, 1774, 4507, 4508. 1775, 1776. Sprays, adj., 3523. Small Business Loans, addresc, 998 Statistics. nddresr; 488. Churches, Cults and Sects: Taxes and Charges, appr~,1777. "The Franklin Mint", q., 4467. Ananda Marga, adilrcss, 239. Video Cassettes, y., 4895. Allti-Discrii:~ination Board Report, (i., 4676. Church Influence, nddress, 862. Business Undertakings, State: William Wilberforce, ndciress, 855. State Dockyard: Cities and Towns: czddress, 462, 477. Profitability, (, 479. Major Centres, app~i,1376. Work Programme, nddrcss, 478 Sydney Developments, crdil~err,569.

Clubs (See olro "Poker Machines"): Club 80, rrddte~s,857. Helensburgh Workmen's Club, apprl, 2211, 2212 2213, 2214, 2215 Cancer (See "Health") hl;ariiime Services Board Charges, npprz, 2018. Parraniatta Police-Citizens Boys' Clubs, adj., Caravans and Camping: 38, 200: ndclr.e.cs, 741. 743; q., 1580, 1665, 1840. 1841, 1847, 2004, 2267, 4469. Kioloa Caravan Park, c/, 2189. Poker Machines, q., 3063. Pensioners, oddt rss, 582. i'olice-Cikizens Boys' Club, q., 180, 1581. Rents, crppn, 2017. Cattle, Sheep and lJivestock (Scc nlto South West Rochs Workers Club, gricv., "Animals", "Meat Industry" and 1705. "Pests"): Coal Industry (See "Minerals and Ivlining") BI-ucellosis Eradication Campaign. npprz, 2606, 2607, 2608. Currumbin Valley, 579. College4 of Advanced Education and l'ech- Dipping: nicat Colleges (See olto "Education" Cattle, nddr.c,s.s, 577; nppt~,1541, 1542. and "Schools"): Compulsory, address, 579, 580. An1;llgeniation in Newcastle, riddress, 189. Voluntary, addrc~ss, 578. BI-oken Hill, crdcirrss, 585. Domestic Stock Diseases, rrpptr, 2103. (;oulburn, crcldrr.s.s, 803, 804. North Coast, clddrc~ss,580. l.ofius Techrlical and Further Education Stock Numbers, c~ddress,422. College, czplJtr, 1546. Strain 19 for Brucellosis, c~pptr,2607. ICurri Icurri, nddrc.w, 270. SESSION1983-84 xxxvii

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Colleges of Advanced Education and Tech- Conservation (conrin~ted): nical Colleges (corrtintted) : Valley ot the Waters Rainforest, npprl, 2776. Nornian Selfe's Views in 1887, nddress, 153. Waste Disposal, y., 1946 Orange Technical and Farther Education Waste Disposal and Recycling, griev., 2965. College. ndj., 2343. Waste Recycling, q , 820. School of Mines for Lithgow, upprr, 1246. Wetherill Park, address, 153. Consumer Affairs: A~istralian Coitsnrners Association, griev., Comnruanwealth-State Relatio~rs (See (I?SO 1635. "Australian Constitution"): Budget Ailocation, apprr, 1366. Corporate AKairs Commission inquiries, Changed Conditions, ndtlress, 484. grii v., 2969. <'onimo~iwealth Constitution Powers, tzcl- Cr)s:al R:iIl Cenire of Clairvoyants, q.,, 79. 2566, 2892. Eniployment Opportunities, npprz, 899. Foot1 1-ahelling, (1.. 1937. Excise Duties imposed by States, ntlrlress, introduction .Ageni.ies, q., 1724. l X3. htarriagc htatchmakers, q., 4465. 1,i11;1ttcc.trpptt. 901, 1538. Nader, Mr Ralph, visit, q., 1262. Fiscal Powers of States,, 183. Oftice Closures, N~JIII,1366. Foreign Treaties, trdrlress, 182. Overflow Services. q., 4376. Franklin Dam Case, address, 196, 260. PI-ibate Cemeteries Investigation, q., 437. High Court Decisions: Staff Cuts, clpprt, 1366. ndclres,~,1 82. Effect of, add~.os.v,195. Hawke Federal Labor Party Government, Co-operative Societies: ndrircss, 708. Lla~id Jones Mutual Aid Society, trdclress, Loan C'o~tncil Meeting, irpprl, 2762. 563. National Econon~icGrowth, ncldrcss, 728. Revenue, trtirlrcss, 83. Tax Sharing, q., 537; rrddress. 563; trpprz, Corrective Services (See crlso "Courts and 901, 1793. Legal Proced~~re"and "Crime and Criminals") : Conservation: Batliurst Gaol: (I., 1776. Battle of Vinegar Hill Site, clpprr, 1527, 12iots, r/, 7 19. 1528, 1768. 13idui.a Metropolitan Remand Centre, q., Blue Mountains, crddress, 800. 4 110. Byron Bay Dune Stabilization, rrppri, 2096. Brookfield Afforestation Camp, q., 2125. ~nvii-onment,cidclrrss, 298. Collins, Brett, tidrlrc~ss,140, 1-41. Fi-anklin Dam Case, trcfu', 978. Convicted Drug ORenciers, crclcir'ss, 717. C;overnnient Record, cipp:r, 1772. Cooley, Stephen, Release from Prison, Heritage Council of New South Wales, cl(ltircss, 449. nppn, 1769. Depal-tment of Corrective Services Docu- Honieb~~shBay Bicentennial Park, apprt, ments, q., 2117. 1362. Drugs in Prisons, ncldr.ess, 718; q., 1865, Jamiesoil Valley Rainforest, ripprf, 2777. 1868. Lake Macquarie Environmental Audit, Early Parole Systeni, cicldrrss, 405, 499. trpprr. 1567. Govei-nment Record, ttcldr.rss, 143. Plant Hire Scheme, nddt.ess, 37. New Pi-ison for Women. q., 304. Soil, crddrrss, 36; q., 380; nddress. 425, 998; Parole Board Report, q.. 2923. (1~1211,. . 1644, 2204. p,'11 -.I amatta Gaol: Soil Erosion, q., 811; nddress, 967; tlpprt, 1567. ltiot, q., 3060. Soil Erosion Control Programmes, npprl, Refurbishing, trpprr, 1534. 2204. Periodic Detention, q., 1756. Volumes 175-178

Conective Services icolzrinmed) : I Council, Legislative (continued): I f-'ii\oner.;. Age of, address, 717. 1 Members (continued) : Prisoners, Early Release, q., 429; nddress, F~sher,Won. Marie. Pr~nt~ngCommrttee, 449, 718, 726; t~rin.srmt, 1507; q., 1512, Member, 942. S88. 1592, 1679. 1866, 1997, 1998; spec. I Freeman, Hon. D D., Library Committee, <.dj., 200'7; pcis. rxy!., 2129; q., 2636, 2638, Member, 941. 2639. F~ench,Hon I-I. B., Llblary Comm~ttee, I#,-:: >~L.L,.,-$ ..? , Female, q., 3349. Member, 941. pt ;.\~)i, - :!A. ki.:~ve of Absence, q., 1870. Gailand, Hon. J. D . Pr~ntingConlnlittee, I Member, 942. i,l -.isL)ll ozcers: r)r:,;:titi:. q., 4928. Grusovln, Hon. Deirdre, Mouse Commit- tee, Member. 941; Library Committee, D.r L>;~/I~ i ' . ,,;.~tei~~el~ts ;, by; q., 1515. I -_.. Member, 941. i .>,.,ii-ic. B(*ys Hon-IC,,itdcr'ic>ss. 270. Hallam, Hon. J. R., Appointment to Ministry, 4672. Mealey. Hon. C., House Cornnilttee, CoanciIi, Legislative: %lent:-er, '341, Stnndlng Or del s Commit- tee, Member, 941. ,i\inpiification System, 2573. Cnmmitiee on Crime fontrol, c~tldr~ss,989. Isaksen, Hen. Dorothy; Appointment as 'Temporary Gliairman of Committees, iui-iipositioi~.nd(ire.s.~, 966. 17; Standing Orders Committee, Mem- ,P?.,,,ty.>, Leader of the Opposition, nppn, ber, 941. 2799. Johnson, Non. J, R.: House Committee, Distinguished Visilors, 177, 2724, 37b2, 3leniber-. 94 1; Library Committee, Mem- 41 12, 4798. ber, 941; Standing Orders Committee, Eight-year Term, iiiiclress, 989, 1002. Meniber, 941. Eleclion Ft~nding.Authority, report, 822. Kennedy, Hon. T. W., Leave of Absence, Harlsarri, Indexing of, q., 22. :?I., 67: Standing Orders Committee, Joint Conlmiltees: Member, 041. Parliamentary Privilege, Progress Report, Killen. Hoir. R. W., Mouse Committee, 4109; it7., 4175; 17res., 4201. Member, 941. Road Safely, Jnes., 2981. King, Hon. N. L.,Printing Committee, Western Division of New Soiith Wales, Member. 942. in., 4108. Kirkbv. Ken. Elisabeth. Examination be- Workers' Compensation insurance, ??ips., EOI e Selrct C ommittee upon Prast~tutlon, 244; i~.,2574, 258 I, 2587; rires., 2588. 51 I; iiirr, 585. 2755. K~te, Hen Delela, T I~?Iary Cotrtm~ttee, i eave of Absence: Kennedy, Hon. J. W., Member. 941 67. l anda, Hon L) P Appointmeilt lo Luthei, MIS Elaine, Retirement, nl., 4219. Win~stry,4672, Attoiney Geneiai, apprz, 467 1. 1355, Standing Orders Gorn~nrttee.Mem- Mncyrl~lricI)ic.fior~trry : Psesentation to Legis- ber, 941 lative Council, 822. T ange, Mon W E . Standrng Oldeis Cum- Members: m~ttee,Member, 941 Arena, Hon. Franca, Printing Committee. IMacDiarm~d, IIon F M House Com- Member, 942. nuttee, Member, 941 Burton, Hon. D. R., House Committee, Matthews. Hort J C J , Printing Com- Member, 941; Standing Orders Com- mlttee, Meniber, 942 mittee, Member, 941. W~le,Reverend the Hon F f , Examtila- Calabro, Hon. F.. Appointment as Tem- tlon before Select Committee upon Plo- porary Chairman of Committees. 17. strtutlon, In, 511, rrrer, 585, q., 2721, Chadwick, Hon. Virginia, Library Com- perr e~p1,2728 mittee, Member, 941. Orr, Hun N M, Prlnting Comm~ttee, Duncan, Hon. F. N., House Committee, Member. 942 Member, 941. Phrlrps, Hon P. S M, Joint Committee Dver. Won. R. D.. Joint Contmittee uDon upon Workers' Compensation Insurance, workers' Compensation Insurance, em- Member, 2574; L~brary Committee, ber, 2574. Member. 941. xxxix

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Council, I~gislative(coiztinued) : Council, 1,egislative: Ruling, Observations and Opinions of Chair: Members (conitnued): P~ckenng,Won. F,. P., Printing Lommittee, Member, 942; oppn, 2216. Sandwith, Non. W. J.. House Committee, Member, 941 : Stand~ng01 den Commit- THEMON. F. CALARRO: tee, Member, 941. Appointment, 17. Smith, Pion R. B Rowland, Standing Ordei s Committee, Membet , 941, THEWON. DOROIHYISAKSEN. Solomons, Elon. Sir Adrian, H.ibi a1 y Com- Appointnkent, 17. ni~ttee,Mernbe~, 941. Synlonds, Hon. Ann, erppi~,2603. r~bI-Ion. J. S THOMPSON. Thompson. Hon. J. S., I,lbiarv Cornm~ttee, Appo~ntment, 17. Member, 441 ; Standing Ordels Commit- tee, Meinber, 9441. DEI>I~TY-PRESIDENT!rNU (:HAIRMAN OF Unswotth, Hon. 8. J , P~intlngCommit- COMMITTEES(THE PION. C. HEALEY): lee, Me~nbcr. 942; lolnt Commtttee As Deputy-President: Up017 Workers' Cumpen\ation Insurance, Dorirnients: 'The i'hair refused to grant Membei. 2574; nppn, 2603 leave for the incorporation of a document Vaughan. 13011 N H , klottse Comm~ttee, in Nat1sc1rd as it was readily available ,to Mernbei. 941 members and, because of its length, ~n- Watk~ns,E-lou P F , I ibraiy ( ummittee, ciusion would place an unnecessary burden Member, 941 upon i7ci1rsc1r.d and the Govez.nment Printing Oftice, 403. Mcmbe~t'Tern1 ot Office, ~iddrcn,8'9, 185, intrrj~~r~ions,Ir~~~ri.~pfior~~ iind .Disorder: 194 Interjections are disorderly, 408, 2247, 2417, Opening ot 5eslion, I. 2598, 2605; ancl if a member v~isllesto con- tribute to a tiebale, he should seek tile call, Pecunr,~~\/ Fntere7l.l of Mernbea\, 2057. 209 3. Prayel, citidrc\i 842 Poirrt oj Order.: Upheid, 2416. Pi ccedciice of I3us1ness, ril 1'391 1405, Relevclr1t.e: Remarks ri~usibe relevant :a 1856. 1067, 2365, 2399, 2891, '3188 the question berore the Chair, 832. Ouestions upon Xotice, q , 1267 As fI:hairtnan of Committees: Xeferentilini, nticr',esr, 966 birterjec,tiorrs, irifvi-rlipfiorls iirtcl diisorcfcr: Members siionld reduce the level of audible Reforn~,clcril*c\r 861 !:onversation, 3587. IZeitoration of l icisiatl\e ( outlcii Chamber, i3tjen.sil.e tirid iihjeciiorlcrble Hf~r11cirks, 26 1117;7i~l~.~:A nleniber was ie,,son,ir I-eirclrat~ons, liz 4220 asked to \z,ithcllnw a remark on the ground seclu it), o., 1773 ihat the htlin~ster ciiaimeu that lie iiril not use tile words ~ittribtttedto him. 3588. Sclec", otmrniltee upotr ~'rostitutlon,in, "ill; trir\ 5 1 1 Pirirris of 0i.ric.r: No point of order was involved, 2588, 3626. Qess~on,tI( ornmittee? i'+~r(.i~iliii.~:'4 member srtoulcl wtiit lor the Iiiorise, tn., 041. rail 1,efol.e he adv;inccs to the table, 3589. 1 bra: y, ti] , 94 41 !iirlci*nrlc~e:Remarks milst be relevant io Pllillllig, 111 , "42 Ie[lOtf 14L0, '391, the question before the Chair., i965, 4166. 4175 Standing C)t ders, nl , 441. PR~SI~FYT( f HI [{ON 3011~ RICHARD ioausow) Session,ll 01dei s Ariietrcctc L'rrp, 11 52 quo run^ dnd Uivlslon Bells, rii., 69. .In"dresr ltz l2epij P~esentation 1093 Sitting Days. Hotirs of Mectlng, rn , 67, 94 1 Cilnir. When the Chair is speaking mem- I bers should Iemain srlent, 3799 Special Adjoulnrnenf, n7., 38, 199, 529, 875, 1009, 109'3, 1'307, 1432, 1856, 1985, 2108, , Corrdtr/errc~r Aldm, The IJon Anthony 2253, 2449, 2633, 2914, 3050, 3217, 3426, Alexander, a fo~rner men~be~ol the Legis- 3627, 3826, 4001. 4220, 4912. 1 lative Counc~l, 17, Warren, 7 he Won S~I 1 Edward, K Chl G, K 5 E, M S M, Temporary Chalrmen of Cornmrttees, 17. 1 0.M S 1 . R S G C.. a foimei menibel of the The Ministry, 2056, 2891, 4672. I Legislative ~ouncil;822. Volumes 175-178

Council, Legislative: Rulings, Observations Council, Legislative: Rulings, Observations and Opinions of Chair (cotztitzued) : and Opinions of Chair (corztinued) : PRESIDENT (THE HON. JOHN RICHARD PRESIDENT (THE HON. JOHN RICHARD JOHNSON)(contirtued) : JOHNSON)(continued) : Debate: Unless a member rises and ad- Temporary Parliamentary Building, 2197. dresses the Chair the Chair cannot know Personal Explorzirtiorz: When making a that that member wishes to contribute to the personal explanation a member may not debate, 3042. amplify the matter, 4114. When the mover of a motion has spoken in reply, the debate is concluded, 4187. Poirzfs of Order: A member has a right to speak to a point of order, 41 19. Distirlgcrished Visitors: Mr Toliadouros, Parliament of Greece, 177. As a member had concluded his personal Senator Alan Missen, President of the explanation, it was unnecessary for the Chair Commonwealth Parliament Branch of Am- to rule on a point of order, 2729. nesty International, 2724. Points of order upheld, or upheld in part: The Hon. W. G. Hayden, Minister for 1961, 3038, 3042, 3800, 4899. Foreign Affairs, 4798. Points of order not involved: 990, 1156, The Rt Hon. Grant of Grant, Lord 1277, 1395, 1836, 2214, 2216, 2987, 3943, Strathspey, 41 12. 4143, 4144, 4178. Hrrrlsarcl: Index, 22. Privilege: The public interest requires that Retirement of Mr Kelvin John Mieren- there should be no restraint on freedom of dorff, Editor of Debates, 2057. speech beyond the rules of the House. The Irzterjectiotls, ltzterruptiotzs and Disorder : q~~alifiedprivilege of the news media also Interjections are disorderly, 290, 865, 997, must be strongly maintained, 959. 1848, 2231, 2410, 3020, 3945, 4177. Qrrestiorzs Witliorct Notice: In asking a A member should be heard in silence, question without notice a member may seek 4785, 4789. information, not give it, except so far as it A Minister should be allowed to answer a may be necessary to explain the question, question, 1266. 3191, 4769. Members should refrain from ccnversing A question was ruled out of order on the in the Chamber, 3366. ground that a member may not anticipate It is disorderly for a person in the public debate, 2988. gallery to converse with a member seated in The Chair asked a member whether he the Chamber, 3006. would make available a copy of the question Legislative Corirzcil: Anlplification system, he was about to ask so that the Chair may 2573. peruse the question and make a decision on Minister: The President left the chair to it, 1844, 1845. await the arrival in the Chamber of a A member was asked to rephrase a ques- Minister, 854. tion, 1266, 2061, 4675; and having done so Presentation of Macqrcnrie Dictior~at?), was allowed to ask it. 2062. 822. Relevnrzce: A member was allowed to pro- Restoration of Chamber, 26. ceed on the basis that the matter sought to Security, 4773. be advanced was relevant to the bill, 1960. Staff: Retirement of Mrs Elaine Luther, Remarks must be relevant to the question secretary to the President and Clerk of the before the Chair, 852, 1275, 2990, 4145. Parliaments, 421 9, 4220, 467 1. Offensive nrzd Objectionnble Renzarks, Sensonnl Felicitations: 4224. ltizputatiorzs arzd Aspersiorls: No member Select Conzr?zittee: Attendance of the Hon. should use offensive words against a member Elisabeth Kirkby and Rev. the Hon. F. J. of either House, 1395, 2429. Nile before the Select Committee upon The following remarks were required to be Prostitution, 51 1. withdrawn: "The Minister is treating this House with contempt", 2990; "The moneys Srcb jrrclice Rrtle: The Chair ruled that an that were paid to him gave rise to a conflict answer may be given to part of a question of interest", 3943. without offending the sub jrrdice rule but intimated that any further questions that Parlinnzent House: Advertising, 1835. might appear in any way to lead to the pre- Land, 1726, 2988. judice of a fair trial of any person would Moreton Bay Fig Tree, 2984. be ruled out of order, 1846. SESSION1983-84 xli

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Courts and Legal Procedure (See also Courts and Legal Procedure (corztinr~ed): "Corrective Services" and "Crime and Rules of Evidence, address, 241. Criminals") : Saffron, Mr A. G.. q., 1338. Administration of Justice, address, 261, 405, Sentences for Murder, q., 3737, 3743. 406, 852, 853. Sentencing Procedure, address, 263. Ainsworth and Vibert Allegations, griev., Sexual Assaults on Children, q., 1518, 1832. 2959; pers. expl., 3114; urgency, 3220; rrz., Special Commission of Inquiry, q., 2198; 3222; prrs. expl., 3364, 3365. appn, 2751. Ainsworth, Mr Len, q., 3058. Special Commissions of Inquiry Act, q., 2920. Anderson, James, Trial of, q., 4676, 4770. Stathopoulos, A., Committal Proceedings, Botany Council Bribery Allegations, address, address, 262. 226, 726. Testators' Family Maintenance, q., 945. Capital Punishment, rrdclress, 244. Touch of Class Brothel, q., 3744. Charge Sheets, q., 507. Traffic Infringements: Child Abuse, q., 1312. q., 1578. Children's Courts, q., 2367. Fines; appn, 2767. Circuit Courts, q., 1162, 1267. Transcript of Evidence Delays, address, 262, Circuit Court Claims, q., 2984. 265. Committal Proceedings, q., 2369. Woodleigh, Terrence Allan, griev., 1710; q., Custody of Children, q., 1392. 4809. Criminal Cburt Delays, address, 262. Metric Measurements of Criminals, q., 3940. Crime and Criminals (See also "Courts Downer, Victor William, address, 239, 240. and Legal Procedure" and "Correc- Equal Opportunity Tribunal, q., 545. tive Services"): Family Court: Agreements, q., 1728. Alleged Drug Conspiracy, q., 4599. Settlements, q., 1161. Armed Holdups, q., 542. Fa~quhar,Mr M., q., 179. Armed Robberies, address, 499. Gorman, Mr Russell, q., 946. Baldwin. Mr Peter, Attack on, q., 21, 2720. High Court, address, 529. Cameron, Anthony William, q., 4247. High Cou~tand Prlvy Council Appeals, q., Cooley, Stephen, address, 449. 4768. Corruption in Government Instrumentalities, High Court Appointments, oddress, 195. address, 746. Inquests: Credit Card Theft, address, 845. Lanfranchi, Warren, q., 3739. Freeman, George, nddress, 850, 851. Mackay, Donald, q., 25, 3065, 3746. Gardner, Michael George, q., 2928. Nielsen, Juanita, q., 2269; appn, 2756. Hilton Hotel Bombing, q., 4109. Intoxicated Persons Act, q., 1943. Incidence of Crime, q., 4606. Jones, Mr Kevin, Immunity from Pros- Increase in Crime, address, 245; app~i,2797. ecution, q.. 20. McPherson, Lennie, address, 851. Judiciary, The, dec. urg., 4820; nl., 4821. Motor Car Theft, addr ess, 845. Legal Costs of Marla Salakas, q., 4372. National Crimes Commission, address, 199, Magistracy: 260, 528, 529, 844, 849. address, 197, 965. Organized Crime, address, 199, 225, 499, Corruption: address, 459. 528, 844, 845, 846, 852, 862; q., 1516. Mason, Rodney, nddr ess, 240. Sinclair, Mr Ian, Bribery Allegations, apprz, 2756. No Bill of Indictment Applications, address, 853; q., 2059, 2061; apprc, 2211; q., 2982, Smith, Neddy, q., 4469. 3191. Stathis, Mr Andrew, q., 23, 508. No Fault Accident Compensation, q., 1153. Suicide, addres~,244. Penalties for Prostitution, q., 2985. Sydney Metropolitan Area, addrerr, 449. P~ivyCouncil Appeals, address, 195, 280. Tax Fraud, address, 847. Reform in New South Wales, address, 142. Theft from Central Police Station, q., 2646. Release of Prisoners on Licence, address, 265. Trimbole, Mr Robert, q., 4699. Volumes 175-175

I Decentralization and Development (cont.) : Western Sydney Area Assistance Fund, Dairy Industry: address, 495. Western Sydney Regional Organization of Butter Prices, address, 974, 975. Councils, address, 495. Government Subsidy, address, 974. Industries Assistance Commission, q., 1265; Defence: Reprt, address, 974. Milk Prices, nddress, 974. Ex-Service Organizations, appn, 1929, 1930. Victorian Milk, q.. 1439. Work Force, address, 975. Demonstrations: Nurses, 1888. Dams (See "Water") Dental Services and Dentists: Daylight Saving: Batemans Bay Services, appn, 1570. Dates of Operation, q., 1833. Dental Therapists, q., 308. Rural Dental Services, nppn, 1924; q., 2922. Decentralization and Development (See also School Dental Service, appn, 1894, 1904, "Town and Country Planning"): 1910; q., 4236. United Dental Hospital, nppn, 1894. Advanced Technology, apprz, 9 11. Western Shires Dental Scheme, nppn, 1924. Advantages of, address, 246. Albury-Wodonga Development Corporation, apprz, 2089. Discrimination: Bathurst-Orange Development Corporation, Aged Persons, address, 268. appn, 2226. Anti-Discrimination Board Administration, Bathurst-Orange Growth Cent~e, nddresr, npprt, 1803. 413. Feminism, crddress, 245. Blue Mountains Planning, address, 801. Gay Embassy, trddress, 857. Broken H111, ndclress, 584. Gender, nddress, 859. Budget Allocation, q., 1189. Gove~n~nent Record, atirlress, 142. Country Indust~lesAssi\tance, crpprl, 1807. Racist Slogans, q., 4705. Countiy Industlies Assistance Frtnd, apprz, Superannuation, q., 1384. 908. Country Industries Assistance Plan, address, Women, address, 860. 413. Country Industries Preference Scheme, q., 4893. Development Assistance Fund, nppn. 911. ASSEMBLY: Encouragement of, npprz, 2794. Address in Reply, ril., 806; mrne~lrltnerzt,806. Fail field, addrcss, 153. Address in Reply: Extension of Time, m., Family Life in Country Areas, oddress, 246. 746. Ainrworth and Vibert Allegations, nr., 3270, Goulburn Electorate, atldress, 802. 3271. Government Offices at Fairfield, address, 154. Anti-Discrimination (Amendment) Bill, 2~., Government Programme, address, 465. 2867. Industry, address, 412; appn, 1779. Appropriation Bill, 2a., 1795; Corn., 1932, Macarthur Development Board, q., 3631. 7020. Office of Special Development, crddress, 30. Botany Council Bribery Case, urgency, 439; Policies, nppn, 2603. nl., 440. Public Sector, nddress, 496. Building and Construction Industry Long Servtce Payments (Amendment) Bill, dec. Secondary Industry, Housing for Personnel, urg., 3658; 2R., 3709; Corn., 3713, 3714, address, 4 13. 3715, 3716. Small Business, q., 4675. Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Western Suburbs, address, 494, 495. Amendment Bill, dec. urg., 3658. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Divisions (continued) : Divisions (continued) : ASSEMBI.~(contirlucd) : ASSEMBLY(cor~tirzlied) : Campbelltown Presbyterian Cemetery Bill, Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drain- dec. airg., 4720. age Bills, 2~.,1082. Censure: Leader of National Party, urgency, Mines Inspection (Amendment) Bill, dec. 313; m., 374. 211.g.~4538. Censure: Mr Speaker, nz., 123, 128. blit~ing(Amendment) Bill, 2~.,3134; Corn., Censure: Premier, rn., 2485. 3136, 3139. chairman of ~~~~~i~~~~~:~l~~~i~~,137, Minister for Local Government and Minister 138. for Lands, urgency, 1187. coal alld ~~t~~l~~~~i~i~~Bills, 2~,,31 59; National Parks and Wildlife Act: Disallow- Corn., 3160, 3161, 3162, 3165. ance of Proclamation, rn., 928. Coal Freight Concessions, adj. (S.O. 49), South m.l 4025, 3080, 3082. 4026, 4027. ti^^ court ~gl~,dec. urg,, 4720; New South Wales Retirement Benefits Bills, 2R., 4757. dec. urg., 4720. Convcyallcing ~ct:Disallowance of Parts of P"Y-"oII Tax (Amendment) Bill, dec. urg., a General Order, urgency, 4608; rn.s.o., 3658; ZR., 3664; Corn., 3668. 4610; rn., 4618. Police Board Bill, 2~.,4101. Conveyancing (Amendment) Bilis, dec. urg., Police Regulation (Allegations of Miscon- 4720. duct) Bills, dec. urg., 3285. Country Industries (Pay-Roll Tax Rebates) Precedence of Business (208 (c)), m., 3444. Amendment Bill, 2R., 1345. Public Authorities Superannuation Board Dairy Industry Bills, Corn., 4350. Bills, 2R., 2172. Dissent: Ruling of Mr Speaker, in., 11 10, Public Entertainment Bills, 2R., 4323; (208 4715, 4719. (c)), 4324. Electricity Developmeni (Amendment) Bill, Public Finance Bills, dec. urg., 3285; Corn., dec. urg., 4538. 3515. Electricity Price Rises, rig., 2833, 2835. Public Hospitals (Amendment) Bill, 2~., 3496; ad. rep,, 3497. Extensions of Time, IIZ., 4656. F~~~ produce ~i~~ll~~~~~~of R~~~-Public Hospitals (Hospitals Incorporation) lations, m., 1199. Amendment Bill, 2R., 3928; 3~.,3929. Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Amendment Railway Construction Bills, dec. urg., 3658. Bill, Corn., 1694. Real Property (Conversion of Title) Health Insurance Levies Bills, 2R., 3915; Amendment Bill, dec. urg., 4870. Com., 3917. Resignation of Minister for Corrective Ser- Hermitage Reserve, Vaucluse, urgency, 4605. vices and Minister for Roads, ndj., (S.O. Human Tissue Bills, 2R., 3284. 49), 2145, 2148. Industrial Arbitration (Contracts of Car- Retail Trading Hours Bills, dec. urg., 3658; riage) Amendment Bill, ci'ec. urg., 3658. 2R., 3730; Corn., 3732, 3734. Insurance (Amendment) Bill, Corn., 1618. Special Adjournment, m., 2012, 4932, 4933. Landcom, urgency, 4253. Special Comn~issionsof Inquby Bill, dec. Land Tax. m., 4970, 4973. urg., 2487; 2R., 2532; Corn., 2534, 2535, 2537, 2539, 2543, 2544, 2544; nd. rep., Land Tax (Amendment) Bill, dec. urg., 2556. 3658. Land Tax Management (Amendment) Bill, Sunday (Service of Process) Bill, dec. urg., dec. r~rg.,3658. 4538. Local Government (Elections) Amendment Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport, m., Bill, 2~.,559. 1431. Local Government (Rates and Charges) The Judeo-Chris,tian Ethic (208 (c)), m., Amendment Bill, 2R., 4315, 4316. 2040. Marketing of Prinlary Products Bill, 2R., The Judiciary, nz., 4822, 4869. 4343. Tourist Industry Development (Further XPember for Dri~mmoyne be not further Amendment) Bill, 2R., 2882. heard, rn., 2867. Trotting Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2~., Mental Health Bills, 2R., 3892; Corn., 4035, 792. 4036, 4037; (208 (c)), Corn., 4038. Unemployment, m., 646, 650. xliv INDEXTO SUBJECTS

Volumes 175-178

Divisions (continued) : Drug: ASSEMBLY(contirzued) : Abuse, appn, 1905. Valuation of Land (Land Value) Amend- In Prisons, address, 719; q., 1865, 1868. ment Bill, 2R., 2329; Corn., 2331, 2334. John Knight Rehabilitation Services, rl., 510; Wollongong City Council, rcrgency, 1018; address, 565, 566; q., 2370. ni.s.o., 1024, 1025; in., 1026; ztrgmcy, 1111; Mackay, Mr Donald, nddress, 528. rii.s.o., 1116; tn., 1137, 1138. O'Connor House Detoxification Centre, q., X-Rated Video Movies, rn.s.o., 4569. 3740. Operation ~oah,q., 3945. Building and Constn~ction Industry Long Rectory Rehabilitation Centre, q., 256, 510. Service Payments (Amendment) Bill, Corn., Rehabilitation Centre, q., 510. 3769. Trafficking, nddress, 245, 824. Coal and Petroleum Mining Bills, 2~.,3618. Youth, address, 566. Country Tndustries (Pay-roll Tax Rebates) Amendment Rill, 2R., 2071. Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Amendment Bill, Conl., 1966. Health Insurance Levies Bills, 2~.,3960. Local Government (Elections) Amendment Economic Conditions: Bill, Corn., 526. Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drainage Advantages of Econon~ic Growth, address, Bills, Corn., 1176. 249. Mining (Amendment) Bill, ZR., 3585, 3586; Advisory Body, nddress, 874. Corn., 3589, 3591. Australia, nddress, 243. Police Board Bill, 2~.,4163; Cum., 4168. Australian Exchange Rate, npptz, 2247. Public Authorities Superannuation Board Business Confidence, nppn, 1652. Bill, Conr., 2754. Business Growth, rrpprl, 1236. Public Finance Bills, Coni., 3550. Capitalism, address, 163. Public Hospitals (Hospitals Tncorporation) Co-operation in Tndustry, oppti, 2617. Amendment Bill, ZR., 3965. Cultural Effects, address, 294. Retail TIading Hours Bills, Cotn., 3807. Decline, address, 489. Special omh hiss ions of Inquiry Bill, 2R., 2438; Cotil., 2441, 2443, 2447. Depression,' rr~ldre~s,163. The Judiciary, m., 4786, 4804. Economic Policy Forn~ulation.addrc,ss, 247, 248, 252. Tourist Industry Development (Further Amendment) Bill, 2R., 3197. Effect of Wage Pause, npprl, 2780. Effcct on Einplo\.me~it,/rci

Economic Conditions jr/)f?tii?r/ed): Education (contirzued) : National Economic Growth, cippir, 1619. Choice of Subjects, ~ppn,1650. National Economic Recovery, cippii, 2079, Commonwealth Funding, uddress, 185. 2083. Composite School Classes, q., 3937. National Economic Summit Conference, Computer, q., 2352, 3350. c~ddre.s.r,250, 251, 285, 388, 389. 393, 487; tippri, 901: titidress, 996; :rppr~2216. 2245. Computers in. y., 3185. 7-15 1. Coventry, England, Syster~i.lrppi:, 1650. Opposition Philosophy, clpprl, 11-15. 6:tirriculum Consultants, y., 4234. Otitlook. idd dress, I6 1. Declining Standards. rrtldrrs.r, 451. PI-iv:~teSector Capital Expenditure. rititiress, Department's Influence, ilcirirc'ss, 246. 1-17. Eal-1y School Leavei-s. c~ppt!.165 1. Privileged Sector, rrdiires.~,166. Eniphasis on Process Rather than Product, Procluciivity, iipptl, 2590. t~,n~ii,1649. Pronlotion of ll, 153 1 Policy, acidrtrs, 45 1, 870, PI-c,g~:inime, ti.; 1451

Edneation (See iiico '"Colleges. of Ad- v,lncecl Educ'ition ,ind Iechn~cdl Colleges", "Schools" L~nil"7 cdchers") : 4idminis1i :ition, iippir, 1647. Atillit. tipj111, 1650. E'rimai.) :tnci Inlant, ci~ldr.~,s\,473. ,\llcicirl Principles, ~rridress,2-16. Priorities. ~icltlrt~~s,964. A~istralianI-iistory, q., 1837. PI-ivtire fcliools: Bihleh in Schools, (f.. 1265. rlppir, 2799, 2800. Board of Secondary Education, i~ddress,970, t;~ilidi~~g.(ij~j~ii, 2608. Budget Allocation, tipprr, 1647, 2784. I3r!pil Record C~I-ds,q., 380, 3948. B~~iigetRlc;tsures, crppii, 1623. Pupil-l'eacher Ratios, uppn, 1247. Capital Works, (zppir, 2080. Recurrent Expenditure, crddress, 188; appn, Capital Works Expenditure, apptt, 1350. 1546. xlvi

Volumes 175-178

Education (conti/zued): Electricity: Recurrent Funds, appn, 905. Accounts, q., 509, 2571, 3748. Relevance, appn, 1648. Bayswater-Mount Piper Transmission Line, Religious, q., 3936. ndj., 80'1; appn, 1783, 1784; q., 2722; griev., 2971. Remedial, for Children in Care, address, 278. Blackouts, appn, 2766. School Leaving Age, appn, 1375. Broken Hill Supplies, address, 584. Secondary, q., 2268. Capital Works, appn, 2082. Select Committee upon New South Wales Charges, address, 219, 724, 797, 1001; appn, School Assessment Procedures, appn, 1649. 1232, 1237; q., 1461; appri, 1541, 1653, 1778, 2756, 2765; urgency, 2816; m.s.o., Services, appn, 1794. 2817; rn., 2817; griev., 2967; q., 3630. Special, appn, 1789, 1790. Charges for Caravan Users, q., 4593. Statistics, apprz, 1373. Coal : Study Assistance Programme, q., 1440. Costs, appn, 1627. Talented Children, q., 4233. Stockpiles, apprz, 1784, 1785. Teachir.p Services oven, 1239. Co-generation, address, 387; appn, 1626. Technical and Further, address, 152, 188; q., Comniission, address, 386; appn, 1781, 1782, 305; address, 451; q., 4404. 1785, 2208, 2234. Technical Training, appn, 1651. Bollowings, appn, 1628. Tertiary Enrolments, address, 188. Coal Supplies, q., 213. Tribute to Minister, appn, 1568. Government Interference, appr~,1629. Views of late Senator J. F. Kennedy, address, Programme, apprt, 91 1. 153. Stafling, q., 4402. Vocational, address, 97 1. Tendels, q., 752. Willis. Sir Eric, appn, 1557. Conservation, npprt, 2766. Cost, appn, 2208. Elections and Electorates: Cost to Pensioners, address, 798. Cost to Unemployed Persons, addi-esr, 798. Australian Electoral Office Enrolments, County Councils, q., 1091. griev., 1713. County Councils, Revenues, address, 799. Ballot Papers, q., 819. Distr~butionSystem Inquiry, appn, 2209. Budget Expenditure, q., 1389. Domestic Tariffs, appn, 2101. Confidence of Voters, apprz, 2094. Gas Tul b~nes,apprz, 1626. Election Funding, address, 185; appn, 2787. Gene~atron,q., 887. EXectoral Comn~ission,appn, 2787. Gunnedah Substation, q., 4400, 4809. Electoral Rolls, appn, 1536, High-voltage 'Fransmission Lines, q., 2190, 2191. 2192. Electorates: Blue Mountains, address, 797. Illawarra County Council. apprz, 2209, 2210. East Hills, appn, 1630. Illawarra County Council, Meters, q., 755. Kogarah, Return of Writ, 2109. Inverted Tariff, appn, 2766. Lake Macquarie, Ministerial Visits, Means-tested Rebates, address, 799. address, 73 1. Mount Arthur North Mine, appn, 1629. Maroubra, Return of Writ, 2109. Muswellbrook to Mount Piper Li, apput, Marrickvllle, Return of Writ, 2109. 1627. Miranda, address, 657. Payment by Instalment, apprz, 2766 Riverstone, appn, 1527. Pensioner Concessions, appn, 1541. Riverstone, Return of Writ, 21 10. Pensioner Rebates, address, 582; q., 746; South Coast, implications of Budget. appn, address, 797, 798, 799. 1569. Power Stations, address, 797; q., 1672. Woronora, uddress, 163. Bayswater, address, 237; appn, 1626. Gerrymanders, appn, 2104. Eraring,- appn,.. 1629. Local Government Elections, griev., 1700 Mount Piper, address, 237; appn, 1248, State Election Non-voters, q., 4497. 2226; q., 3742. xlvii

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Electricity (continued) : Employment (coiztinued) : Power Stations (car~tirlued): Employment Protection Act, address, 571; Pyrmont, address, 472. appn, 2758. Tallawama, address, 236. Equal Opportunity, q., 1441. Vales Point, q., 1159, 2569, 3748. Fairfield Programme, address, 150. White Bay, address, 472. Fairfield Statistics, address, 149. Private Enterprise, appn, 2203. Full-time, appn, 2082. Production, address, 146. General Motors-Holden's Pty Limited, appn, 2780. Rebates for Home Dialysis Machines, q., 3739. Generation, address, 148, 164; appn, 1532, 2225. Rural Tariffs, appn, 2101. Government: Supplies, applr, 1781, 1782. Policy, uddress, 766, 496, 723; uppn, 1558, Ti-ansmission Lines, appn, 1248; q., 1581. 1806. Programme, address, 29, 447, 872; appn, 1349, 1350, 1354, 1772. Employment: Record, adriress, 446, 484, 495; appn, Abolition of Jobs, appn, 2017. 1232, 1234, 1350, 1358, 2095. Aborigines, appn, 2096. H~ghTechnology Indust~ies,address, 574. Australia, address, 975. Huntel Reg~on, addreis. 459, 728; appn, 2226. Australian Iron and Steel, address, 235. Hunter Valley Economic Summit, address, Bicentennial Roads Programme, q., 434. 464. Birch Research (America), appn, 2758. Hunter Valley Training Programmes, Ulr~cklownUnemployment, address, 409. address, 463. Budget Measures, apprl, 1623, 1792. lllawarra Region, address, 235. Budget Objectives, appn, 1635. Industrial 'Training, appn, 1651. Burragorang Valley Coalmine Retrench- Industry Development Boards, address, 409. ments, q., 601. Job Tenure, nppn, 2223. Capital Expenditure Schemes, address, 664. Labour Costs, czddr~ss,995. Capital Works Programme, appr~,902. Leyland Motor Corporation Retrenchments, Charlestown Unemployment, npprr, 1553. crddres.~,409. Coal Industry, q., 68; address, 657, 985; q., Metals Industry, address, 463. 3748. Mid-career Opportunity Programmes, Commonv~ealthGove~nment's Record, appn., address, 709. 2095. Middle-age Unemployment, address, 708. Co~nmonwcrtlth Schemes, address, 149, 732. Migrant Unemployment, q., 4898. Con~mun~tyBuilding Projects, addre~s,709. Monaro Electorate, address, 483. Community Programmes, [iddr~ss, 7 19; Non-English Speaking Persons, ayprl, 2096. crppn, 903, 1232. 1545, 2079, 2097, 2601, Ofice of Special Employment, address, 30, 2629:, ti.... 3429, 3636. 728: nppn, 2095; q., 3940. Council Scheme, appn, 2095. Opportunities, appn, 2079. f'rpntion.- . - - - - - o. 107: address. 388. 424. 570. 870; nppr;.'8~8,901, 902; q., 1187; appn, Opposition Policies, address, 1004; appn, 1364, 1365, 1543, 1563, 1619, 1626, 1631, 1620, 2617. 2079, 2095, 2245, 2590, 2591, 2601, 2609, Part-time, nddress, 572, 970; appn, 2792. 2629. 2758. 2779. 2782. 2783, 2787, 2790, Peats Electorate Road Construction, q., 309. David Sherwin International Agency, q., Premier's Statements, nddre.r:~,446. 4466. Private Agents, q., 1015. Day 1.abour Force, nppn, 1242. Private Fnterprise, address, 571; apprl, 1627. Davs l.ost from Work, address, 869; appn, 2768. Pr~vateSector, appn, 899, 1243. Disabled Persons, q., 4916. Programmes, nddress, 727; q., 892 Effects of Fraserism, appn, 2615. Protection, nddresr, 975; appn, 2794. Effects of Taxation, address, 655. Public Sector, apprt. 1242 Effects of Unemployment. apprz, 2094. Queanbeyan, address, 484. Volumes 175-378

Employment (corzti~zued): I Employment (contitzz*ed): Rate, address, 420. 1 Work Force Skills, appn, 1651, 1651. Recession Effects, apptz, 2094. i Woronora Electorate, address, 163. Reduction in Government Sector. c~pprl, Youth Programmes, acidress, 570. 2616. i Youth Schemes, nppn, 1928. Regi0nd Develo~mentScheme, 872' 1 Youth Uneil,plnyment, appn, 2083, 2783, Riverina Area, apgn, 2017. ! 2784. Rural Areas, opprz. 1567. 1 -- Rural Unen~p!oyn~ent,griev., 2972. 1 Ryde Electorate, Special Programmes in. / Energy: address, 7 1 9. / Authority, address, 386. Schemes, address, 85. Blue Mountains Corxlmun~ty Scbetne, Service Sector, oppr~,2222. !, 800. i Ski Resorts, ciddress, 484. , Budget Allocations, ccppn, 1626. Smalf Business, address, 871, 872; rrpprf, 1 Develop~nent,a'jdrrss, 386. 1637. / Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Advisory Snowy klountains Engineering C:orporation, Committee, q., 1993. address, 483. 1 Energy in Buildings Advisory Committee, Special Schemes, appti, 902, 903, 1365, 1643, q., 1992, 1993. 2609. Energy Recycling Corporation Pty L,irnitecf, Specid Schen~es to Pi-onlote Employri~ent q., 4916, 4917. Account, c~ppii. 1234, 1757. i Land A'i'itnsport Energy C'ominitiee, q,, 1991. Statistics. appri, 2094. 1 Y%tl.oienrn ."ivisory C'trnrmiltee, y., i 99 1. Steel Indi~stry: I Power Costs, upprr, 2788. addrrss, 75. 388. Pricing Policy, rid~iri.~~~.797, Sackings. oppn. 1236. 1 ~olar: I Structuring of Job,-. ~ipl~n,3647. 1 Access, rieir!i.esr. 174. Sydney, cippri, 1094. /,1'73. 174. Tecltnology : I (.~ollecloi.s, ntitii.cs.s: 174. Renefiis of. nppti, ! 65 I. / I3:)nlestic Use. i:drli.r2ss, 174. Effects of. liciiIr.c>,rr,995. Solos IZ!?c!-g!,Comn~irlee, ti., 1990. Timber Industry, y., 1936, Tourist Irldusti-v, address, 584, 668. 1 Training Schenies, nclciress. 484. j Ethnic .\R;airs: l?nemployrneiit, c7c/dre,ss, 27, 75. 84. 183. 119. 291, 292. 338. 408; q.. 435: ciiltiress. i\p;%d Per:>c\t~s.~cicir.~i,. 168. 446, 562, 570: ~IQCIIC?.,601,: iii.~.~..602: *~~sirali:ili si is ti title ()I \iuiticuituia! z\tlairt. pi?., 603: rirldrers. 732, 843, 967, 970. 980. j :idtlri,sr, 763. 992, q.. iOl3: cippn. 1231, 1351. 1358. 1 1631, 1633, !:-g, 208~.2099, 210(;, 1237. 1 C!~ineseWomen. (IPP~,1097. 2591, 2608, 2627, 1756, 2760, 2781, 2788: (.~tillln?i~ii~n,(:[l?tl, 1805. q., 3832. Coininui:i::u Intolerance. izpj~n,1557. Unemployment Benefits, address. 962, Emploq~~~enlof Wornen, npprl, 2097. Unemployment Statistics, address, 220: cipp,r, ~io~erllnicr~tL~l!ocation. iipp/2, 905. 2782. (?reek F'rol'essional .-\ssociation, irppiz, 2097. Unemployment: United States of America, Et'omes for the 4ged, nddress, 269. adm'ress, 994. T.ringuage Difliculties, ~iddrer~,268. Vickers C~cltatooIsland Dockyard. 9.. 4910. Mncetionian Conlnulnity, Ilpppz, 2097. Victorian tio~erilrnentRecord. apprr, 1235. icligraiits, riddress, 494. Wage Pause Progr;itnme, adclress, 31: q., 1 Migrant Unemployment, q., 4898. 209; address, 414: q., 1754. i Multilingual Health Posters. iippri, 2097. I Western Suburbs, crdcirc.c.r, 495, 496; i:pptr. / Occupational Health, izppn, 2097. 2609. 1 Pensions. nddresr, 269, 270. Women, uppn, 2781. 1 Social Security .4gr-eement, 269. Women's Prograntme, appn, 2096. ' Tongan Community, appn, 2097. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Fires and Fire Fighting: Brigade Levies, address, 725. Fauna and Flora: Buildings at Nimbin, appn, 1898. Wildlife Research, q., 1150. Bush Fire Brigades, q., 2889. Bushfire Fighters, address, 988, 989. Ferry Services (See also "Transport, Finance Bush Fire Relief Committee, q., 1149. and Policy"): Equipment, address, 504; appn, 2205. Funding of Services, address, 503. Balmain Ferry Depot, q., 679. Government Allocation, appn, 2205. Budget Measures, appn, 1625. Government Record, address, 502. Drummoyne Electorate, apprt, 1815. Harden Shire, appn, 2205. Ferry Construction, q., 1750. Industrial Relations, address, 504. Funding, nppn, 1815. Monaro Electorate, address, 483. Mosman and Athol, q., 4489. Municipal Levies, address, 503. Parr-amatta River, address, 474; appn, 1372; Port Protection, address, 503. q., 1943. Rationalization of Services, address, 502. Sydney Harbour, q., 22; nppn, 1815; q., 2570, Regional Boundary Problems, address, 502. 3747. Urban Transit Authority: Sawer, Mr R., address, 987. Weston, Mr W., foi-mer President of Board q., 4513. of Fire Commissioners, address, 502. Policies, npprt, 181 6. Wl~arfs,nppn, 1815. Fish Industry and Fishing: Festivals: Administrative Reorganization, address, 171. Boat Harbour for Jervis Bay, apprz, 1574. Australia's Bicentenary, address, 978. Botany Bay Trawling, q., 599. Diseased Fish, address, 171; q., 180, 942, Films: 1 102. Female Crabs, q., 3935. Morality, q., 381. Fisheries Inspectors, q., 2887. Mort Bay Studios, nddrcs.~,473. Imports, address, 483. New South Wales Film Corporation, appn, Rural Assistance Board, q., 2358. 1800, 2088; q., 3362, 3363. Tuross Fishing, q., 2888. Video Cassettes, q., 381. X-Rated Video Cassettes, q., 4775. X-Rated Video Movies, urgency, 4567; m.s.o., Floods: 4568; rn., 4570. Commonwealth Relief, appn, 1559. Flood Maps, q., 1727. Finance and Investment: Flood Mitigation Funding, q., 1749. Administrative Reforms, appn, 911. Insurance, q., 4399. Cash Management Trust Securities, q., Statewide, adj., 4406. 1746. Toongabhie Creek, q., 3437. Financial Capital of Australia, nppn, 1794. Home Loan Interest Rates, q., 2814. Forests: Investment Attraction Programmes, address, 412. Addition to National Parks, q., 3066. Private Sector Investment, address, 733. Commission: Profits, addres.~,164. nppn, 1380. Securities Trading, q., 1743. Staff, appn, 1380. State Bank, q., 1872. Eucalyptus Dieback, q., 1456. Sydney Futures Exchange, q., 1263. Government Record, address, 14. Trustees Executors and Agency Company Jamieson Valley Rainforest, appn, 2777. Limited, q., 178. Opposition Policy, address, 1005. Venture Capital, address, 575. Rainforest Logging, q., 2006 Forests (cotztiilzled) : Government (coi?ti,zzied): Rainforests Preservation, q., 1946. Prime Minister Hawke, ripprz, 2632. Softwood Plantings, q., 4515. Steel Industry Assistance, nd(, 389, State, q., 887. 390, 391. Tallaganda State, q., 4376. Technology Research Grants, ndrircss, 575, Valley of the Waters Rainforest, appn, 2776. 576. Whitlam Government, apprl, 2633. Funeral Services: Quecnsland: npprz, 1542. Recc?c', rcpprz, 1632. Burial Costs of Deceased Destitute Persons, State: appn, 1904. Accounting Procedures, crpprl, 2094. Funeral Delays, q., 2923. Accumulatcct Borrowings, trpptl, 1637. Mortuary Service, q., 1190. Administration, ndrfress, 736, 1261, 1308; Russell Kinsela Funeral Fund, q., 2347. tnes., 2056, 21 10. Advertising, q., 4494. Askin Government. apprz, 1240. Assets, o~;J:E,1241. Assistance to Country Areas, oppn, 1791. Auditing Reforms, rrpprr, 1524. Gas Industry: Auditor-General's Report, q., 1451. Australian Gas Light Company, q., 307. Australian Bicentennial Road Development Programme, q., 4496. Liquefied Petroleum Gas: Borrowing. crpprr, 1792. address, 387. Butlget, 1983-84: Installations, q., 3840. npptz, 1543. Allocations. npptr, 1545, 1640, 1772, Geographical Names: 1777, 2764. Huntleys Point, q., 4522. Deficit, ildc!rc,.rs. 28 1 ; nppn, 2086. Initiatives, apprr, 1790. Objectives,, 874; crpprr. 2594. Government: Papers, apptz, 1626, 2079, 2216. Con~monwealth: Policy, ccppn, 2589. Budget 1983-84, ciddress, 407, 472; Programme, appn, 1632. nppn, 2 100. Record. npprr, 2083. Budget: Effects on Farmers, apptz, 2100, Speech, apprr, 2099. 2101. Strategy, cipprr, 1241, 2079, 2789, 2800. Conference of Technology and Industry Bureaucracy, citldrcss, 961. Ministers, apprz, 2613. Cabinet Reshuffie, npprr, 2755. Consensus, addrc,.ss, 250. Capital Works: Economic Planning and Advisory Council, rrpprr, 2217. nddrrss, 728: apprr, 2222. Economic Policies, apptl, 2760. Expenditure, q., 1015; npprz, 1791, 2756, 2757, 2764. Financial Assistance to New South Wales, appn, 1635. Programme, address, 871; apprz, 1543, 2788. 2803. Fraser Administration, appn, 1543. Provisions, address, 282. Fraser Government Record, address, 562; apprz, 2628. Cash Balances, appn, 1638 Free Enterprise Policies, appn, 2632. Charges, address, 491, 492; appn, 1558; Funding, apprz, 1547. q., 4225. Cleaning Service, q., 208; appn, 1242. Hours of Sitting, spec. adj., 545. Income Equalization Deposits Scheme, Coal Export Charges, address, 385. appn, 2100. Coalition, appn, 2205, 2206. Petroleum Freight Subsidy, appn, 2101. Coalition Government's Record, ndrfress, Prices and Incomes Accord, appn, 1236, 232, 233, 234. 2629, 2762. Consensus, address, 148. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Government (corztinued) : Government (cotztinaied) : State (corztinued) : State (ror~firiz~cd): Control Over Expenditure, appn, 2082. Payroll Tax Payments, apprz, 1930. Corruption, crppr~,1357. Petrol Levy Revenue Redistribution, appri, Cost of Government, apprz, 2592. 1377. Debt, q., 1096; apprl, 1241, 1347, 2223. Policies, appn, 1634. Deceit in Budget 1983-1984, appn, 1347. Policymaking, appn, 2220. Decision Making, address, 961; appn, Premier's Department: 2594. Administration of, apprg, 1808. Deficit, address, 148; appn, 1929. Budget Allocation, appn, 1803, 1804, Department of Youth and Community 1807. Services, udriress, 272. Press Reaction to Budget 1983-1984, nppri, Director of Finance, appn, 1638. 1631. Discrimination Against Motorists, appn, Priorities, appn, 1647, 1808, 2221, 2226, 1378. 2590, 2627, 2631. Distributiui~of Funds, uppr~,2589. Private Enterprise Policy, apprz, 1236. Economic Management, appn, 1233. 1 Private Sector Contracting, apjrrr, 1242. Economic Policy, address, 247; apprl Programme, address, 140, 173, 468, 487, 1232. 1 493, 1003: avnn,. . 1776. Economic Programme, cvfdlri~ccss,250. Programme Budgeting, address, 282; oppiz, I 911, 1569, 2094. Economic Record, addrcss, 569. Progress and Development, address, 736. Employment of Apprentices, address, 34. Projects, address, 1003. Employment Creation Schemes, appn, 1236. Promises, address, 980. Employment Reccrd, address, 570; apprl, Public Sector Budget Outlays, appn, 2221. 2768. Public Works Programme, apptl, 2086. End of Session Legislative Programme, Record, address, 280, 420, 489, 662, 1003; spec. adj., 545. appn, 1348, 1357, 1624, 1912, 2082, Expenditure Priorities, address, 490. 2222, 2604, 2605. Fe6eraI Funds, appn, 2762. Recurrent Expenditure, appn, 2086. FInnnces, czpp11, 1630, 2233. Reforms, uppn, 137 1. Financial Management, addtess, 281, 562; Regulation of Industry, address, 492. appri, 2207, 2804. Regulation of Small Business, address, 447. Financial Record, address, 28; appil, 1348, Regulations, address, 447. 1357. Relationship with Police Force, address, Financial Reforms, address, 145. 198. Ertndirg Priorities, apprl, 2224. Rural Discrimination, appiz, 1376, 1377. Fucds. appn, 1526. Rural Record, appn, 1567. Future, addrc~r,966. Service Charges, appn, 1237. Gambling Revenue, appn, 2785. Social Democracy Policies, uppn, 2762. Housing: Special Con~missions of Inquiry, appn, Policy, address, 447. 2756. Special Deposits Account, q., 1502; appn, Record, appn, 1792. 1537. Increased Budget Expenditure, apprz, 2591. Superannuation Schemes, appn, 1552. Tndexation of Charges, q., 433. State Rights, q., 1764. Industrial Strategy, appn, 2631. Strike Record, appn, 2092, 2093. Inflation Rates, clpprz, 2768. Sutherland, Mr Doug, criticism by, appn, Interest and Bank Charges, app?z, 1929. 2759. Lack of Initiatives, address, 445. Tapes and Documents Provided by the Age Newspaper, min. stmt, 4393; q., 4394, Legal Costs of Employees, q., 535. 4396, 4526, 4528, 4531: privilege, 4565; Natural Disasters Fund, q,. 1501. 1 q., 4596. 4698, 4813, 4919, 4921. Opposition Criticism of Budget, 1983-84, Taxes, q., 883, appn, 2233. uppn, 1630, 1631. Taxes and Charges, uppn, 1348, 1349, Over-regulation, address, 655. 1774, 1775, 2101. Volumes 175-178

Government (continued) : Handicapped Persons (continued) : State (continued) : Kirrawee Handicapped Children's Centre, Technology, nddrers, 173. appn, 1546. Technology Committee of Cabinet, appn, Mental Health Services, appn, 1821. 2614. Paralympics, q., 4400. Term Deposits, q., 1580. Parking, q., 1664. Transport Policy, appn, 1549. Pre-school Subsidy, appn, 2599. Treasurer's Budget Allocation, uppn, 18 18. Services, nppn, 904; griev., 2962. Welfare State, appn, 2798. Transportation Scheme, q., 1090. Wilenski Report, nddress, 281. Youth and Community Services Budget Harbours: Allocation, appn, 2618. Youth Employment Programmes, ciddress, Bulk Coal Carriers, q., 4227. 570. Coal Loaders: Victorian: nildress, 86, 665. Budget, nppiz, 1236. Botany Bay, nddress, 665, 739. Kooragang, nddress, 186, 399. Governor and Governor-General: Port Kembla, atlilrcss, 186, 339, 386, 656, Go\e~nor's Speech, address, 973. 983; q., 1266, 1310. Coffs Harbour Marina, q., 1856. Se~vice.ciddrr~s, 192. Darling Harbour, cidtli-rss, 475. Tribute to Sil James Rowland, address, 27, 74, 280, 420, 527, 973. lllawrtrra Port and Rail Advisory Committee, q., 3 i88. Grains: Jervis Bay, Boat Harbour for, trppn, 1574. Middle Harbour Moorings, q., 14-14. Clops, nppn, 2082. hlorts Dock,,472. G~ainISaiidlrng Authority, q 826. 1161, Nencastle, Berthing, q., 1391. 3939. 1725, 1838, 1839 2369, 2892 Po;-t Hacking Dredging, iippn, 1521. Pioposeti Bulk Wheat L oadez. q , 1839. 1951 Sydrlcy J-fnrborrr Safely, q., 1362. Ra~lFie~cht Coi~ceriion, trp~rii, 2789 State Ilnii Authority Wl~cat Haulage, q., 3746. Nealtl~,((Sre also "Hospitals" and "Medical 'Ter~~~i~inlFoi- Port Menibla, q., 4678. ancl Pai-ametlical Pi.;icbitioners'" ): Tcrmin:ils, q., 254. /i;qiiii.cii 111ri11i~no Bcficici~cy Syi~tl~oi~re b\711e;t1 C'IO~, %7; llppi!, 2100. i~\ll9'S), trtidrcpr.s. 857, 8-58; 965; rippti. \Vi~sc:it -ri-;i~~sk?c?rti~tic>:~<.osts. up{~?i.18 1'1. 1I 271<-;. .4lhiir! Seibi~xsq. ?"?I?. GrcyIlorrnd Rasing ('Tee "Racing") 1 hicni~oiiii~,. 2045. : i3iitiget Allncatiorzs. ciddrc*,,;,"$68. i / R~irt::\ti of h"k:ilic.;ii liw\pci'iioii. iiyr,nra 19.23. El / 13irrnix1il i'lceior;lie. cipprr. 13'9.

(11171:~~ " Ila-s~dicappestPersoles: izp~u"'. 0i i', i "i i 8. kpi t:;1si. q,,4-?7h. ,Isso, C,,'inrr of Sficiic: cd I'l'orh\licps, q.. C~II,q", 1477, 2 [ 07, i I!(.{\, ip R't:\w:t~ ~~ltL.1 rn!l. !lpp?I, !900, li~ll'~i~1~~? , 2001 bLc"9i:;,~ *il1/111, 10 10. C :iiij~~kcIitt;~\n 1 fostcf* ~ppil,?t.i:2:-:. :, l<[J/jtt,'210.5, Disaiiicii 1); tcui., q., ?Cl(i44. < <:iutGLi'fidt-ct, (d"t!p<,%,ss >l-L '):,<. f ~l(~l~~~~L~\f(\r!yl~<:![t . :1,;:117, !~~i~J~t-i~~!~%'\\k- 8 8 >t. < I,!]:! ~>>L7 t. t\ ,:*. c)r)/~!l,i '<.. '1 (~t~. <,,t.,11- :!I q;+

l?,/?. t ;i:,:::r '~~~~\,:l:~>j:]p,({,, 1 Health (continued): Health (continued): Commonwealth Fundlng, appi~,1897. Public: Accounts Committee's Recommenda- Community Health Programins Transpol t tions, apprz, 1897. Services, nppn, 1907. "Quit for Life" fampaign, address, 710, Country Services, address, 193, 220, 736, 859. 802; appn, 1352, 1353, 1369. Radio-active Sand, q., 1760. Decentralization of Servrces, czddrers, 715. Rationalization of Services, address, 151 Department Administration, appn, 1895. liecurrent Services, appn, 208 1. Discussion Paper, ctddrers, 713, 7 14. Regional Director, Western Area, rrddress, 715. Drug Abuse. crppn. 1905. Reglonal Health Boards, appn, 1905. Drug Affected Bab~es,q., 2050. Regional Management Board, nppn, 1360. Drug and Alcohol Rehabilltat~on PIO- grdmrnes, q., 259, 2572. Research, appn, 1899, 1902. Educat~onOficcrs, q , 1388. Richmond Report, address, 144, 191, 192, 475. EBects of Smoking, nddresl, 71 1. 712 Royal Far West Children's Scheme, appn, Expenallure on, appn, 2229. 1923. Funding, npprz, 1820 Rural Services, address, 29 1. Gosford Scrv~ccs,0.. 1674. Safety Officers, q., 2352. Government Policy, ciddress, 452: lipprr, Services, address, 143, 190, 400, 401, 468, 1352. 469, 715, 869, 1006; appn, 1359, 1367, Government Programme, address, 465: 1566, 1622. 1895, 1910. nppn, 1370. Shoalhaven Services, nppn, 1905. Half-Way Houses? nppn, 1370. Soutli Coast Services, crpprl, 1904. Home Care Service, cippn, 1624. Stt-atcgic Overview, itddress, '713; nppn, Home Diaiysis Mlrrchines, y., 3739. 1907. Home Nursing Service, (I.> 44770. Tobacco Smoking, q., 1385. Thornsi>y and Kii-I-ing-gai .Area Service, Trjhuie to Minister, nppn, 1656. rrdiiiess, 192. West Wj~alongServices, (irldress, 7 16 Hornsby-K .3')41" Iiistorii )Ii>ri.;c-. PIi\ie;tio~i. uppi.1, 1 "irr". ~la~ijiti~;i.r Pla::c Ili?c!i:%b, :!", 12 1 Old S'fdi?~~'1 9Wn. y , 408, .'i,i,??:?, t2iJr11i, t92,O: (I,, !95%,< 3ib50. Volumes 175-178

Historic Areas, Buildings and Records Hospitals (conti~zued): (corztirzned) : Cancer Treatment, q., 3430. Purchase of Land from Haddad Family, Capital Woiks, apptz, 1369. apprz, 1770. Central West, apprz, 1907, 1909. ~esinl~tionof Rouse Hill Estate Land, Charges, apprz, 2 101. czpprr, 1770. Coifs Harbour, address, 470. Richmond Cottage, apptz, 1771. Community Role, appn, 1907. Richmond Township, appn, 1528. Coolamon-Ganmain, q., 4378. Rouse Ilill Estate, appn, 1769. Cooma, appn, 1903. Rou~eHill House, appn, 1768. Costs, appn, 1555. Rouse Hill House Barn, apprz, 1770. Country, address, 220, 400, 402, 403, 466, Rouse House, rrppn, 1527. 470, 1007; appn, 1352, 1656, 1896, 1921. Rural Bank Building, Martin Place, address, Country Isolation, address, 716. 296. Country, Upgrading, q., 3526. State Record, appn, 1563. District, appn, 1902. Dubbo Electorate, appn, 1910, 1911, 1912. Hospital and Medical Benefit Funds: Effects of Medicare, address, 466. Medicare, apprr, 1368, 1821; q., 2060; appn, Equipment, appn, 1656. 2240; q., 3950. Expenditure, apprz, 1368, 1824. Facilities, address, 471. Hospitals (See ulso "Health" and "Medical Fairfield, address, 150; appn, 1239. and Paramedical Practitioners"): For Mentally I11 and Intellectually Handi- Accomn~odation: capped Persons, address, 191. appn, address, 466. Fund, 1897. Funding, appn, 1243, 1368, 1643, 1820, For Parents, appn, 1894; q., 2716. 1823. For Patients' Relatives, appn, 1909. Geriatric, apprl, 1920. Adelong and District, appn, 2605. Government: Administration, address, 425. Allocation, appn, 907, 1901. Adnlissions, address, 467, 468. Policy, nppn, 1655. Article by Hon. A. H. Jago, address, 151. Programme, address, 469, 855. Bangalow, appn, 1898. Record, address, 467; appn, 1352. Bankstown, crppn, 1634; q., 4107. Record and Programme, address, 143, 400. Batemans Bay: Responsibility, apprz, 1903. rrpptz, 1570. Gulgong, nppn, 1902, 1903. Dental Services, appn, 1570. Hawkesbury District, q., 3064. Bed Charges, apprz, 1367. Hornsby, nppn, 1916. Bed Cost, Daily, appn, 1902. Hunter Region, nppn, 1554. Bed Occupancy Rates, address, 1007. Hunter Valley Requirements, appn, 1913, Bed Ratios, address, 1007. 1915. Bed Reclassification, address, 713. Intensive Care Facilities, q., 206. Red Redistribution, appn, 1367. Ivanhoe, nppn, 2105. Beds, address, 869; apprz, 907, 1566, 1567, Jean Colvin Hospital, apprz, 1919. 1655; a., 3632. Lachlan Electorate, Submission, address, Blacktown, q., 3839. 716. Boards, Appointment of, address, 1006. Liberal Partji-National Party Promises, Bourke, appn, 2105. clpprz, 1903. Broken Hill, address, 584; appn, 1924. Lourdes House, Dubbo, appn, 2105. B~tdgetAllocation, appn, 1891. Mater Misericordiae, Waratah, appn, 1554, Budget Information, appn, 1368. 1918. Budgets, appn, 1367. Medical Practitioner Payments, npprz, 1825, Building Programme, address, 467. 1826. Calvary Hospital, Wagga Wagga, appn, Menial, q., 2363. 1892, 1893. Minister for Health, Policy, appn, 1243. Hospitals (continr~ed): Hospitals (continued): Miranda Electorate, address, 659. Sydney Dental, cipptz, 1555. Mount Druitt, q., 596. Tamworrh Base, upprt, 1896. Nelson Bay, appn, 1915. Tenching, apprt, 1901, 1902, 1903. Newcastle Electorate, appn, 1913. Treatmcrit of Elderly Patients, q., 2984. Newcastle, Western Suburbs, appiz, 19 19. Tullainore, aypii, 1908. Newmed 11, appn, 1554, 1918. Ungaiie, nddr ess, 7 15; appn, 1909. Nimbin, appn, 1898. Upg~adingof Major Referral, q., 4520. Olsen Report, appn, 1554. Wagga Wagga, appn, 1891, 2605. Oncology Units, appn, 1918, 1919. Wanaaring Nursing Home, appn, 2105. Orange, appn, 1909. Well~ngton,address, 735; appn, 1655. Outpatient Depariments, q., 4706. Weste~nSuburbs of Sydney, apprl, 1360. Paediatric, appn, 1919. Westmead, q., 596, 1154; nppn, 1901, 2605. Private: West Wyalong District Submission, czddress, Classification, q., 2054. 716. Guidelines, appn, 1892. Private Nursing Homes, address, 736. Housing (See also "Land and Land Settle- P~ofessorLeeder, appn, 1554, 1918. ment" and "Town and Country Rankin Park, appn, 1919. Planning"): Rationalization, address, 190, 425, 713; appr:, Adelaide Rentals, address, 726. 1907. Commission: Rationalization of Services, address, 452. nppn, 910; address, 1005; appn, 1928. Reclassification, appn, 1555. Accommodation, address, 963, 985, 986; Reduced Beds, Lachlan Electorate, appn, apprz, 1544, 2081, 2223; q., 4405. 1908. Administration, address, 734. Resources Allocation, appn, 1556. Applications, q., 4887. Royal Newcastle, appn, 1554, 1555; q., 1644; appn, 1919. Dual Occupancy, crddress, 722. Royal Prince Alfred, appn, 1900. Dwellings in Cronulla, appn, 1522. Rozelle, address, 475. Eligibility for Accommodation, adj., 376. Rural, address, 190, 291, 452; appn, 1562, Flats, q., 256. 1920, 2101. Premises Vacations, q., 4889. Rural, Reductions, appn, 2105. Property Sales, appn, 2098. Ryde, address, 721; q., 4246. Rental Co!lection, address, 474. Ryde, Intensive Care and Coronary Unit, Review, appn, 2098. appn, 2019. Sales Policy, appn, 2098. Services: Tenants, appn, 2098. address, 470, 864; appn, 1567. Tetms Sales Scheme, appn, 2098. Decline, address, 869. Waiting List, appn, 1238, 1522; q., 4887. Rationalization, appn, 1824, 2229. Commonwealth Funding, address, 487. Reduced, nppn, 1655. Commonwealth Grant, address, 484. Small Country Towns, appn, 1554, 1555. Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement, South Coast Electorate, appn, 1905. appn, 1555. Southern Cross Nursing I-iome, address, 585. Construction Programme, address, 1006. St George, q., 3635. Costs : Land Component, address, 663. St Margaret's, q., 540. Department of Health Residences, q., 937. Stafling, address, 401; appn, 1368, 1822. Disabled Persons, q., 4705. Strategic Overview of Country Hospitals, Doonside, address, 497. appn, 1821. Effect of High Interest Rates, address, 34. Surgery, address, 466. First Home Buyers' Stamp Duty, q., 1453. Sutherland, q., 676, 1104, 1313; appn, 1367, Government: 2231; q., 4530. Assistance, address, 35. Sutherland, Elective surge^?., appn, 12A3. Policy, address, 447. Sydney, q., 4378. Programme, address, 492. Mousing (cotltirlrrrd): Indusbial Welalions (See also "Trades and Trade Unions"): Government (corlrinried) : Record, ar?dre,~s,734; nppn, 1348, 1541, Australian Law, rn., 2378. 1792. Black Bans,, 299. G~ants,npprz, 1371. Disputes, rrlidress, 286, 425, 2092. Heat Insulation for Disadvantaged Pelsons. Government Record. address. 446, 452: addresf, ROO. appn, 1235. Homeless Families, address, 163. Industrial Confiict, nppn, 2614. Homeless Peisons. address. 963. Indnst~.ialUnrest, acfdress, 219. Home Loan Intel-est Rate?, crpprl, 1793; q.. National Economic Summit Conference, 4598. adrlress, 78. Home Purchase Assistance Schemes, y., 539. OfSicei-s, adj., 4764. Industry, address, 733. Prices ancl Incomes Accord, addresf, 1002. Inner City, address, 722. Prison Officers Dispute. q., 4928. Land Commission, address, 86. Teachers Strike, q., 1761. 120ans. ndriress, 727; nppri, 1523. 'Tr.:tde Unions, address, 28.5. Lard Have Island Loans, q., 4595. Train Drivers Strike, ~tlciress,453. Mort Bny Development, q., 4247. United Stales of America, address, 993. Mort's Dock Site. cirl(Irrs,r, 472, 473. Workirig Environment, nppn, 2614. Opposition Policy, iiddresr, 219: appr.1, 1238. Ownership, appn, 1523. Industry, Brineany (See also ~~A~iculture" Pensioners, appir, 1372. and "Grains") : Private Sector. cidilress, 733. Prograii~me,riddress, 28. Achieveiilents since Settlement, ciddrcrss, 284 Pi-otected Tenants., 726. i\isictance from Biiiiget ihiiocaiiaus, rcppra, 1795. Record of Foriiiei- Governments, appjr, 1522, Assistance Programn~es,udtlress, 403. Rent aiiii hfoi-tg:ige Relief Schemes, 4.. Cash Floiv, riiMrr.r.7, 803. 1.7 14; (1(11JrZ, 1927. 14\29. C':iltlc Tick Control, cippri, 2102, 2103, 2104. Rental ilccon~modation,nppii. 2098. Cl~ichcil,Illeat Ir:diisli.y, y., 2053. lieili Ccnti-oi, (itl:drers, 725. Co-opcralive Selling, cirkdrc~.r,r,i 69. Rents, ntltlrc~.r.s.725. Eifect on Econoii~y,nrii/res,r, 36. Ro~elleHospital Site, cid~Jrer.v,475. Egg 1Z1ri1 Sales and Transfer-s, q., 4509. Sacitvilic Report,, 725, 726. i~iii~?loyiiient.t//)iiii, 2246. St;~tisiics,i~j~p?l, I371 F:cdcrai HriiZget CuiumiCi.~::n:s, iiti~irc<,,, l000. Su;ii~sea,izppr~, i 568. 1'1 CL. ISciiigi. Eggs, :idili.c .iV. 17 1 . 'Te~i:inis'Aitci ~iiions,cc,j~ 16s. 15.515. 1.556.1023, 1773, 1792, 1906. I'i.oiiricfio~i <'o\ts. crpji:~, i 6-4-1. irpjiri, Welf:ire, Soliih < oaiii, 1573. i3;iii I:!-eight,~~/I/IM, Wi)R 13". Welfare. Wtivcrle~r.ii , 263% tndj.. 'P71 I; q., Rur.11 6j,:i.tL)i-. pi??^^ 208 1. :?718. Sei~rireof C:iiioi,e:i,;. y., 2?"i"i. St-i~ti:.~of Fgg';, q., &50-i Toi!;icct> iit:eiice Fee, nr?pis. Vi'iilw Jndii,:lr>, !I., 2i 1'1. 16th .Auguqt, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Industry, Secondary (corztirzued) : bternational Affairs: Ettamogah Paper Mill, address, 411. Canada, appn, 2597. Fisher Inquiry, address, 235. Chile, address, 242. Government Assistance, address, 285, 411, Czechoslovakia, address, 528. 412; apprl, 2630. Democracies, address, 407. High Technology Parks, address, 576. Dictatorships, address, 527. Hunter Development Board, address, 462. Foreign Aid, appn, 2250. Hunter Region, as Australian Model, address, Recession, address, 977. 462. United States' Economy, address, 77. Hunter Regton, High Technology Parks, World Peace, appn, 2602. addr ess, 576. Hunter Valley Dzvelopment, address, 459. Hunter Valley, Future cf, addrcss, 461 Import Restrictions, address, 392. Industttal Development, nppn, 2761. Industry Restluctur~ng,q., 4894. Labour Costs, address, 287; npprl, 1236. Japan (See "Asia and Asian Afiairs") Lansdowne Eng~neering,address, 412. Letona Cannery, q , 943. Mdnufncturlng, appn, 2765 Manufacturrng Industry Technology, address, 411 Modcini~ation,appn, 2248. Mttltinat~onals,~ppn, 22 in, 2250. Land and 1,anJ Settlement (See rrlro "H~LIs- Natlonalrzat~on,uddrets, 237. itlg" and "Town and Country Plan- Nem c~stleCo-opei ative Programme, nddl ers, ning"): 46'3 Kepolt hj Austia'~dn Academy of Techno- Blire Mountains Subdivisions, address, 801. iu~~c,,iScsel-c*.; atl" esr 574 Clearirig C:rown Land, y., 932. S~~iallBLIC~T~P~~ S c'ni, ctdtitesr. 961. Eastein Suburbs Hospital Site, q., 4777. Speedo Knttling M~lis,trppri, 2593 Gleiihave~i,~ppn, 1654. S eel (!(id/(TJ 236, 390, 413; trppn, 900; ciiiiiretr 976, 982 Ciovernmeiit Invoivemeiit, trddi.rss, 733. Steel T~i,lr~=trj \rscitante, ~ddrrtr,29, '389, (;<;;crr;i;zent Resrrrnptions, cacldrase, 297. 300 201 I .:ind Cornmission: \i,t i li,tii~\r~\Rotiittv, cvitirztr, 392 trplii!, 7088, 2804; iii.,qeric.y, 4249. 1 eclh~c> c [ i(, ii.,291 9. 1-t cJt~v(xl$i~\1 I ~P\~LIC <>ti7?~11, 01tdtc $G 463 E :*n!ffor tiuiising. i; , 4232. -1 OIII ipt) SIIL~~CJ(~ddrc 7~ 459 1 i311:l 7'itlc.i B;\ske,n, y., 3062. 8j\; ill Tccl~rio?~ir', ntiii(ci 571 ?I:~c.ariii~iiUcwt-lolxi~eiit Ruorai, lwjiiiir, 2089. i, ,LI 4 i ,( t ,r;lilii ucxi.1 iid q .I~PC) 11 1 it? q 39l! 7~~j$t>r7! lviii

Volumes 175-178

Law and Order (See also "Courts and Legal Local Government (corztinzted) : Procedure", "Crime and Criminals" and "Police"): Charges, q., 890. Commonwealth Subsidy, appn, 1572. Administration of Justice, address, 23 1. Community Employment Funding, q., 4889. Allegations of Corruption, address, 225. Council Rates, address, 725. Government Policy, address, 448. Decision Making, npprz, 2758. Personal Safety, address, 448. Denigration, address, 869. Private Inquiry Agents: Development Applications, address, 297, q., 1577, 1578, 1664, 1763. 298, 299. Licensing, q., 1577. Effect of Government Policies, apptz, 2759. Election Irregularities, q., 4487. Law Refonn Commission: Election Rolls, q., 214. Elections, griev., 1700; appn, 2756; q., 4500. Programme, address, 143. Employment Programme, address, 32. Report, address, 414, 418. Far North Coast Weeds County Council, q., Reports and Reconlmendations, address, 1721. 182. Finances, q., 1667. Gonlburn City Council, nppn, 1646. Leader of the Opposition: Government Policy, address, 453. Greater Lithgow City Council, q., 1519. Attitude to Taxation, appn, 1246. Illawarra County Council: Budget Speech, appn, 1553. q., 1161. In Debate, apprz, 1244. Catering, q., 756. Parliamentary Confrontation, appn, 1244. Koonawarra Community Centre, q., 3360. Parliamentary Tactics, appn, 1244. Planning Powers, appn, 2758. Policies, appn, 1553. Purchasing, q., 3833. Political Radio Commercials, q., 2005. Rate Pegging, address, 453; q., 2001; appn, Popularity, apprz, 2769. 2759. Rating, adj., 3341. Legal Profession: Rylstone Shire Council, adj., 1574. Scone Property Development, q., 4480. Barristers and Solicitors, address, 414. Sydney City Council, Allegations Against, Queen's Counsel, address, 419. I address, 23 3. Waverley Municipal Council, appn, 1375; Liquor: / adj., 4370. Western Suburbs, address, 495. Hotel Industry, address, 265. Wollongong City Council, urgency, 1016; Wine Industry, q., 2119. nz.s.o., 1019; m., 1026; q., 1098; urgency, Wines, q., 750. 1111; m.s.o., 1112; q., 1393, 2197; appn, 2210. Local Government: Wollongong City Council, Report upon, 1035, 1 1037. Amalgan~ations,address, 453; q., 3637, 4506. Arkell, Alderman F., Lord Mayor of Wol- Lotteries: longong, address, 984, 985, 986; appn, 1375. Instant, q., 2927. Blue Mountains Rezoning, address, 801. Botany Council Bribery Allegations, address, 226, 233, 726. Botany Council Bribery Case, urgency, 438; Q., 600. Markets, Farm Produce: Boundaries Commission, q., 307; address, 453, 869; apprz, 2758; q., 3066. Flemington Markets Levy, address, 968. Building Applications, nddress. 488. Produce Promotion, address, 968. Campbelltown Municipal Elections, q., 685. Selling Procedures, q., 4896. SESSION 1983-84 lix

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Meat Industry (See also "Cattle, Sheep and Minerals and Mining (continued) : Livestock"): Cod (continued): Abattoirs : Export Earnings, appn, 2091. Byron Bay, adj., (S.O. 491, 1766, 1933; Freight Charges, appn, 2090. griev., 2974. Freight Concessions, adj., 3070. For Singleton, q., 254. Freights, address, 656, 985. Goulburn, address, 804; appn, 1646. Government Record, address, 666. Homebush, q., 1155, 1158. Industry, q., 68: address, 146, 657; q., 823, Operations, apprz, 1560. 1436; appn, 1926, 1927, 2084; q., 2571, Rationalization, appn, 1646. 3748. Wagga Wagga, apprz, 1646. Industry Dispute, q., 3837. Industry, New south Wales and South Wingham, q., 3189. Africa, appn, 2218. Export Charges, appn, 1560. Industry Technology, q., 1438. Homebush Abattoir Corporation, address, 805; q., 1097; appn, 1559, 1646; q., Markets, appn, 1627. 1999; appn, 2087, 2803. Output, appiz, 2091. Inspection Charges, address, 1000. Production, address, 384, 420, 463. Inspection Fees, q., 3934. Royalties, address, 384, 385. Prices, address, 170. SaIes to Japan, address, 411; appn, 1806. Rationalization, address, 804. Transportation, address, 453, 739. Regan Report, q., 680; address, 805. Transport Costs, address, 384. Coalmining, Upper Hunter Electorate, appn, 1628. Medical and Paramedical Practitioners Exploration, address, 383, 384, 385. (See also "Health'' and "Hospitals") : Exploration and Development, address, 582. Acupuncturists, q., 2717. Hunter Valley, appn, 2089. Bogacki, Dr W. A., griev., 1707. Huntley Colliery, address, 236, 237; appn, Collier, Dr Clive, q., 4475. 1785. Olsen, Dr, appn, 1918, 1920. Invincible Colliery, q., 2565. Royal Flying Docior Service, appn, 1923. Mining Imposts, address, 184. Saba, Dr Said Hashim, q., 2061. Mining Industry, address, 453. South Coast Paramedics, q., 2053. Mount Arthur North Coal Mine, appn, 1629. Stewart, Dr, of Newcastle, nppn, 1913. Mount Arthur South Coal Pty Lited, g.. Tullamore, apprz, 1908, 1909. 2189. Mount Misery Quarrying, q., 1514. Minerals and Mining: New South Wales Coal Market, appn, 2796. Broken Hill, address, 582. New South Wales Industry, appn, 1364. Broken Hill Metals NL, q., 4913. Opposition Policy, address, 382. Broken Hill Ore, address, 583. Processing, address. 383. Burragorang ValTey, address, 982, 983. Private Coal Rights, q., 1101; adj, 1432; Buragorang Val!ey Coalmine Retrenchments, q., 1949, 2057: aunn,- - 1924. 1925. q., 601. Resource Development, appn, 1363. Coal: Roxby Downs, appn, 2632. address, 662, 981, 982, 983; appn, 1363, 1364, 2207. Royalties, address, 184. Sand Mining, address, 85, 454, Acquisition Compensation, q., 177. Charges, address, 656, 984, 985. South African Coal Freight Rates, q., 2986. South African Coal Industry, appn, 2090, Company Profits, address, 656. 2091. Costs, address, 86. South African Coalmining, q., 1394. Export Markets, address, 665. ' Steaming Coal Exports, address, 187. Exports, address, 186, 384, 655, 1004; appn, 1349; q., 1437, 1858; appn, 2085, Taxes and Charges, address, 454. 2089. 1 Utah Development Company, appn, 2596. Volumes 175-678

Motor Vehicles (continued): Morality: I Alleged Corruption, q., 4401. 1 Thefts, adj., 3930. Australian Paedophile Support Group, q., Tiail Bikes, q., 1866. 2567, 2568. 1 Trail Bike Riders, q., 3063. Exploitation of Children, address, 853. Homosexuality, addrcss, 245. Importance of the Family, addrcss, 243. Importance of Marriage, addrcss, 243. Indecent Exposure on Beaches, q., 827. Pornography, address, 847. Pornographic Cards, q., 2361. Noxious Weeds: Pornographic Movies, q., 1726. Pornographic Video Cassettes, address, 860, Biological Weed Control, q., 942. 861. Control, appn, 1561. Prostitutes, addrcss, 846. Loans for Eradication, q., 4594. Prostitution, adrlress, 245, 855. Parthenium Weed, apptz, 1560. Survey by the 20/10 Organization, address, Paterson's Curse. q., 2892. 854. Serrated Tussock Infestation, q., 4517. Taking of Human Life, address, 244 Video Cassettes, q., 381. Nurses: Education, q., 4485. Enlployrnent, appn, 1900; q., 2643. Charlestown Service Station Development, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, nppn. 1897. griev., 1698. Specialized Training, nppr~,1901. Coin-operated Air Dispensers, q., 70. Wanaaring Nursing Centre, q., 381, 944. Retailing, q., 768. Westmead Hospital, apprz, 1655. Trade, appn, 1378

Coin-operated Air Dispensers7 q., 70. Definition of Vehicle, q.? 3737 Drivers' Licences, q., 42411. Government Order-s, address, 410. q., Holden Cam~nociore'Thefts, 4464. A?nni,A. A,,:I former Merniixr t~filw lxgis- Bnnpasrted, Registration, g., 44'79. lalive blorinci2, 44. Eeyland Motor Cc?rpoi;ltio~~of A~~strcllla C:ihiiE. T. 3.; kfeankr lor a!arrickx/ille. Lianiletl, Z,elland I'lanl, addri~ivs, 410. Deplrty-Speaker and Chairman of Cnmrnil- Motor C~ycleS:xfetp, q., 4527. lees of the L.cgislalarc: AssermbJy, m., 53. Hooper, Mr Don, Ijeplpiy Seci.ei?ary of 1J1.o ?'re:iiir ry, apprr, 2082. ii~E~rz\loi-te,i . 4.. a Foi.~~ei-!~lci.i~ber of tlre 1.egislnti.i-l; $~sci-nb?y,$77., 46. \V.ri',. tTti;i. Sir Fdwarcf, u l'tri rt~ci.Menibor of tire 1 :.gis?.rti~~' Cotiacil, 822. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Oil lindnslq and Petrol (corztinued): Petrd: apprr, 1652. Parking: T,icence Fee, appn, 912. Prices, q., 4404. Handicapped Persons, q., 1664. Prices, South Coast Electorate, appn, Trailers, q., 939. 3571. Pricing, appn, 1622. Parliament (See also "Assernb'iy, Legisla- Petroleum Retail MarkctiPzg, q., 2714. tive" and "Council, Legislative"): Taxation, rrppn, 2079. Alleged Bugging of Ministerial Ofices, q., Olympic Gams: 207. Alleged Buggutg of Parl~mentMouse, q, Pal-nlympics. q., 4400. 506. Attlre of Members, q , 944. Attitude to Rtgbt to Life Issue, nddtess, 244. Ombradsmm: Automation Committee, appn, 1796, 2797. Annuat Report, 1982-83, q., 4511, 4512, Bebavlour of Members, c7rklress, 960. 4513. Budget Debate. spec ad], 546 Complaints against Police, address, 146, Character Assass~nat~on,nddress, 801. 181, 500, 969. Chr~st~anAllegldnce, nddiess, 243 Complaints to, q., 4896. Conduct of Members, address, 234. Duties, address, 141. Coopel, Mr T. W , Editor of &bat% Office Travelling Expenses, g., 451 1. Appointment, address, 498. Powers, g., 309. 4512. Dally Hansard, nppn, 2227. Work bad, q., 4506. Estmates Commlltees, address, 721. Natz ~ard, pravdege, 2260. Omnibas Services (See also ""Transport, Jolnt Gornmlttee upon Workers9 Cornpens&- tlon Insui ance, rn , 2557, 2574 Finance 311d Policy"): Joint Stanti~ngCornrn~ltee upon Road Safety, Articulalecl Brrses in Piltwater Electorate. iicidsess, 850 nppfi, 1814. Lib~ary,nppn, 1798, 1799 Baulkhan Hills, cippi?, IRPG. Members' C'orr cspandence to Ma~ljsleira, C*sndobo2in, ~Jdress,7 IT. p~iuiege,2934 Improved Facilities, nppn, 910. R'b~e~endorff,MI K T , Ed~nltor of I)ebate~, Ret~renrenl,m, 1'7, ndiIres3, 2218 498, hS?, Mercedei;- BSenr Buses. nppn, 1373: q., 3835, 2057 4005, Minrsieiiai Rrspoi~sibdiiy q, 2566 2720 Priv:\ie Bus Services in East~voodElectorate. iippn, 1820. P'ii 11,irnent Woisse Ryde Electorate, q., $38, 1668, L669; ta'dj., Land, q i 726, l9SB 3181. Mureton Bay P1g TI ec y 2983 S~ttiici-lnntPShire, address, 661. Pq >I thein b--or~~~rr~~i,cl , 3634 Syalney Cricks Ground. q., 2362, 4500, West-lerr~Are:is, nppn, 18 16. \x4cster~rSydrrey Bus. Needs, a~idrc,?~*~152.. Pft7c.stt:rn Syciieey Private BUS Fk.~~i~~sI irtlitrpsr, E $2. lxii INDEXTO SUBJECTS

Volumes 175-178

Parliament (continued): Petitions (contiizued): I Refurbishment Architect, Mr Andrew Ander- 1 ASSEMBLY(continued) : sons, address, 181. Bennelong Road, Homebusl~, Mr Aquilina, Reporting of Proceedirlgs in News Media, 96. appn, 1244. Bondi Junction Technical and Further Edu- Staff, appn, 1799. cation Annexe, Mr Pnge, 4388. Stanrding and Select Committees, spec. adj., Booragul High Scl~ool,Mr Hunter, 300. >4b. Botany Municipality, Mr Brereton, 98. Temporary Parliamentary Building, q., Bridge Road, Nornsby, Mr Pickard, 1181. 2197. Canowindra Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Mr Traditional Attitudes, address, 243. Artnstrong, 877. Vicieo Units, appn, 1930. Car Park for hliranda, Mr Robb, 590. Child Care Services, Mr Flaherty, 302; Mrs Peace Movements: Foot, 99, 201, 302; Mr Jackson, 99. Child Pornography, Mr McGo~van,882. Week of Prayer for World Peace, appn, Children's Services, Mr Akister, 100; iMr 2602. Arblaster, 302; Mr Armstrong, Mr Beck- roge, Mr Beclford, 100; Mr Boyd, 202; Mr Brading, 530; Mr Brewer, 202; Mr J. H. Broivtz, 100: Mr Caterson, 302; Mr Cava- lier, 100; Mr Collins, 202; Mr Cox, Mr Board of Tick Control, uddress, 292, 579. Degerz, 100; Mr Dowd, 2111; Mr Durick, 100; iilr Face, 1181; Mr Fiscker, 202; Mr Cattle Tick, address, 577, 578, 581; appn, Fislzer, 530; Mr Hairon, 428; Mr Hunter, 1541. 759; A4r Knigf~t,2111; Mr McCarthy, 100; Cattle Tick Review Committee, address, 580. Mr Mcllwaine, 594; Mr Mack, 302; Mr Feral Pigs, q., 258. Mnir, 100, 530; Mr Miller, 1585; Mr T. J. Flying Foxes, q., 2641. Moore, 100; Blr W. T. J. Murray, 100, 302, 594; Mr Neilly, 100; Mr O'Connell, 3831; Government Policy, address, 581. iMr O'hreill, Mr Page, Blr Park, 202; Mr Pest Exterminators., adi..,. 1827. Peacocke, 1861; Mr Pickard, 675; Mr Tick Control, address, 172; appn, 2102, 2103, PZOIC~I,594; Mr Ramsay, 100; Mr Robb, 2104; q., 4773. 594; h4r Rogan, 202; Mr Sclzipp, 530, 594, Tick Control Technology, address, 580. 675; Mr Singleton, 302, 594; Mr Snzitlz, 428; iMr Walsh, 428, 675; Mr Webster, 302; Tick Fever, address, 579. Mr West, 675. Tick Infestation, address, 577, 578.


ASSEMBLY: Condobolin Hospital, Mr Greiner, 1013. Aboriginal Medical Centre for Brewarrina, Cost Increases, Mr Walsh, 3427. Mr Beckroge, 97. Darling River Anabranch, Mr Fischer, 1179. Animal Experiments, Mr Akister, 2809; Mr Bannon, 1585, 1752; Mr Brading, 4390; De Facto Relationships, Mr Duncan, 2113; Mr Collins, 1862; Mr Ferguson, 21 12; h4rs Mr Smitlt, 1862. Foor, 2635; Mr Gabb, 2262; Mr Knott, Drayton Colliery, Mr Fisher, 96. 2635; Mr Mcll~vaine,1012, 2809; Mr Mack, Drive-in Theatres, Mr McGowan, 879; Dr 2112, 2809, 2916; Mr Ariair, 2262; Dr Metlzerell, 4523; Mr Sizeahan, 4390; Mr Metherell, 1862; Mr H. F. Moore, 1996; Worton, 94. Mr T. 3. Moore, 1752; Mr Neilly, 1862; Mr OJNeill, 3220; Mr Page, 1996; Mr Drug Usage, Mr J. A. Clough, 1446; Mr Petersen, 2635; Mr Rozzoli, 1862; 1996, J. H. Murray, 94. 2112; Mr Ryan, Mr Schipp, Mr Wade, Education, Mr J. A. Clouglz, 1447; Mr Mc- 4390; Mr Webster, 2112; Mr Wilde, 4525. Goivan, 881; Mr J. H. Murray, 102; Mr Armed Holdups, Mr Flaherty, 3831. Sheahan, 4389. Batemans Bay Hospital, Mr Hatton, 2917, Education Services, Mr Hills, 1180. 4241, 4525. Family Planning Services, Mr Mack, 97, Batlow District Hospital, Mr Sheahun, 595. 593. Belrose Public School, Dr Metherell, 673. Fiiearms, Mr Armstrong, 877. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Petitions (continued): Petitions (continued): ASLEMBLY(corttiitued) : ASSEMBLY(continued) : Firearms and Dangerous Weapons Act, Mr Moree Public School Annexe, Mr W. T. J. Akider, 104; Mr Brewer, 674; Mr J. H. Murray, 2810, 2918, 3053, 3219, 3628. Brown, 593, 882, 1585, 4004; Mr Face, Mortdale Police, Mr Greiner, 2114. 531; Mr Fisher, 593; Mr Greiner, Mr Mc- Mount Ku-ring-gai Sewerage, Mr Pickard, Carthy, 674; Mr Page, 1013; Mr Park, 882; 1181. Mr Peacocke, 882, 1309; Mr Punch, 593; i?4r Rozzoli, 428; Mr Webster, 593; Mr Myall Lakes National Park, Mr Puizch, 1753, West, 674; Mr PVofton, 2264. 4386. Five Dock Public School, Mr J. H. Murray, North Brother Mountain Quarry, Mr 878 Fcrgusort, 21 14. Forbes District Hospital, Mr Greirter, 675. Pedestrian Crossing for Victoria Road, Mr Mclhvmirte, 4385, 4523. Gttrining Water Supply, Mr Brewer, 203. Pensioners' Motor Vehicle Registration and Hon~osexual Laws, Mr Doivd, 101; Mr Insurance, Mr Akister, 103; Mr Bownian, Gabb, 2260; Mr Knowles, 101; Mr Mc- 1505; Mr Gorrlor~,592; Mr Hatton, 1583; Carthy, 1449; A4r McGo~van,880; Mr Mc- Mr Il~itifer,2810, 3829; Mr Neilly, 1182; il~t,aine,4385; Mr Peacocke, 1860; Mr Mr P:inch, 4387; Mr Singleton, 4807; Mr Schipp, 101. Wade, 1860. lilc~spital Funding, Mr Collins, 3629. Police-Citizens Boys' Clubs, Mr Arzderson, Independent Schools Funding, Mr Akister, 676: Mr Beckrogc, 100, 302, 595; Mr 104. I)~'djorrl,428; Mr Bo+vtr7itrr, 100, 428, 595; Inglzside Take-away Restaurant, Mr Smith, Mr Brereton, 428, 595; Mr Brewer, 100, 594. 2(!2, 531, 595, 675, 1448; Mr Degeiz, 100, !s!amic School for Chullora, Mr Mochalski, i852; &lr Ejiiin, 100; Mr Face, 202, 302, 98. 428, 531, 595, 1182; Mr Greiner, 531; Kirrawee High School, Mr Kenne, 1094. Mr Fliitton, 428; Mr Hills, 1 182; Mr Hun- ter, 202, 531, 595; Mr Jackson, 100; Mr Liquor and Licensing Laws, iMr Arblaster, Knigkt, 2111; Mr Mack, 428, 595, 675, 4240, 4388; Mr Collins, 4004; Mr Dow~d, 882, 1012, 1095, 1182, 1308, 1448, 1507, 3831; Mrs Foot, 4240; Mr Mcllwaine, Mr 1584, 1670, 1752, 1996, 2263, 3053, 3219, ~\,lacl;, Mr itfiller, Mr Page, Mr A. G. 3629, 3827, 4002; A4r Miller, 100, 202, Stewart, 4i104; Mr Wilde, 4524. 302, 1095, 1507, 2918; Mr Neilly, 100, Liverpool Bus Services, Mr Bradirzg, 4695. 418, 595, 1182, 1507; Mr O'Neill, 1752; Loftus School Ancillary Staff, Mr Keane, Mr P~acocke,1862; Mr Petersen, 595, 760; 591. Mr Pickcird, 675, 1182; Mr Ramsay, 100, hfarihuana, Mr Christie, 104. 202; Mr Robb. 595; Mr Rozzoli, 1991; Mr Schipp, 531, 595, 882, 1996; Mr Mathoura Red Gum Forest, Mr Fisclier, Sheahan. 100: Mr Wade. 531. 595. 882. 4387. 4384; Mr Wahh, 428, 675; Mr Wilde, 202, B~linistryfor Peace, Mrs Crosio, 2451. 428, 1670; Mr Wotfon, 675. ,%oral Standards, Mr Arblaster, 4808; Mr Pornog~aphy,Mr Day, Mr Debus, Mr Dun- Banrzort, 1863, 3052, 4003; Mr Beckroge, cczrz, Mr Punch, 100; Mr Sheahan, 4385. 4003; Mr Bedford, 1671; Mr Boyd, 3218; Primary and Infants Schools, Mr Day, 2262. ibfr Carr, 2635; Mr Caterson, 1450, 1506; Mr Cleary, 3052; Mr J. A. Clough, Mr Primary Schools, Mr Jackson, 591. Day, 4391; Mr Debus, 2112; Mr Duncan, Primal y Schools Ancillary Staffing, Mr 1753; Mr D~trick, 1506; Mrs Foot, 3052; Bootlz, 876. Mr Greiner, 3218; Mr Harton, 2635, 4391; Prost~tut~on,Mr McCowan, 879. Mr Jncksorz, 3052, 3828; Mr Knott, 4697; Rantlorn Breath Testing, Mr R. I. Clough, Mr McCarthy, 1448; Mr Mack, 2263; Mr Mr West, 99. Mochalski, 2112, 4391; Mr H. F. Moore, 1584; Mr J. H. Murray, 103; Mr W. T. J. Rectory Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Mr Murray, 1671, 3218; Mr O'Neill, 1671, K~tott,99, 301. 1754; Mr Pickard, 1753, 2112; Mr Punch, Richmond Report, Mr Arrnstrong, Mr Beck- 1506, 2451; Mr Ranzsay, 2263, 4524; Dr roge, Mr R. J. Clo~gh,102; Mr J. El. Refskauge, 4003; Mr Rogan, 2112, 2635, Murray, 96; Mr West, 878. 4003, 4391; Mr Rozzoli, 1506, 4003; Mr Rozelle Hospital, Mr Degen, 590. Ryan, 4391; Mr Schipp, 1506, 4918; Mr Sheahan, Mr Singleton, Mr Smith, 4391; School Staffing and Funding, Mr Pickard, Mr A. 6. Stewart, 2917; Mr Walker, 2112; 2451, 4240. Mr Wilde, 4391; Mr Wotton, 2263, 2635, Sccond International Airport, Mr Rozzoli, 4524. 594. Beti~oions(continued): ASSEMBLL(co~ttrt~uedj : COUNCIL(cotzfi~z~ied) : Selective School foi Sutheilaild Shiie, Mt Pornography, Hon. Elisohetli Kiricby, 4673. Kenne, 4807. Snlall Business, H~II.Elisnbetlr Kirkby, 1723. Singleton Drug Abuse, Mr F~~itei,21 11. Wanaaring Nursing Centre, Hon. J. J. South Coart, Tiaitspoit Sertrces. MI Nnr'ton, Doolzan, 1153. 591 Water Charges. Hoic. E/i~a2jetl1Kirkby, 67. South Sydney Transport Services, Mr Yotrlh Forum, Non. iV. L. King, 1262. Brrreton, 593, 1504. Split Rock Dam, Mr Pork, 673. State Youth Grant Fund, Mr J. A. Clnligl~. Poker Machines (See also ''Clubs'') : ,4fr Debrr.r, hfi' Dutic~an,439 1: Mr Ferglisuiz, 3829: Mr Fisc,iier, Mi. Hills, 4391; Mr Alusworth, Mr Lzn, q., 3058. Wnlslr, 3829. In Clubs, q., 3063. Superannuation Funds, Mr Fiscizc,r, 93. Police Investigations. q., 3055, 3057 Syclney City Boundaries. Mr Miller, 1505. Victorial? Goveniment Inquiry. q , 676, 3059. Sydney Homeopathic Hospital. Mr Hills, 301, 1505. Sydney lo 'dc~vcastle Freewi~y. Mr Picliiird, Police (See also ''Crime aiid Criminals'" 1180. and "Law and Order"): Teachers Seniority Lists, hfr Egoi~. -1391: Academy, acldress, 500. Mr Wriisii, 3053, 3829. 4696. Accident liivestigation &Sq~~a.d,q., 1385. Tottenham Hospilat, Mr. fVeiic,ockc, 427. Additioilal Staff, nppil, 1232, 1239. Tr-rrndle Health service^, .Mi. Arn~.sti.or~g, $76. Adn~inistration,rrddre::~, 968. Tul!amore 1-?ospiitxl. Mt. Ai~~~i.sii.oiig,589. i-llJep:itions of Bribery, q., 2264. Wakehurst Parkway Sand Plant, Mr Stniili, Alleg:iLions of Misconduct, q., 4394. 98. Alleged PoliticaJ Tilterfererzce, q., 3438. Water Charges. Mr Bonti~,33. 877; Mr Ailen hilqniry, adcfress, 241. 95; 1 ; i?"o~t.tnn~r, Mr. Fiice, ?\4r Noiinrz, 20 Ai-:inlz, Mi Philip, q., 72, 886. MP HIIII~C'I",300, 53 1, 592; Mr Neilly, 427: -7tlr Wiide. 300. 877. Atisti illtin Fedi.1 a1 Police Tape Recorc~~~~gs, q '196, 2199, 2366 Wentwoi-th Disti-ict Iluspit;il. tfr Fi.rc,hcr, 95. Ri'ohel-i Hilt Siatioi~,nrier'ress. 585. V4esleri.r Sy~lileyhlnei~~picq rncnt. frXnrzoli. 2 E 11, 3450, 2634. Biriidiiigs anti Equipment, appii, 909. Wyec Coal 7 i.anrpoi-t. Mr 7Tiliif(.r., I 180. d'entrai C'i~xsr,ilji[Jli, 1568, York Piihiic School, Mr A~l~Jt:~.olz,671. C'ei7tres trtldr<,,~.~,501 ~ Coinpl;iinf:i Ag~iinsl,q.. 4666, 4667. G?crolrt:ic: F;I?.I!, iPt:tii.e~~?eiii.i.nti~I> rss, SOP. Abortion, Hair. F. a'tiftrhro. 1391. I 194: Noti. ?:vidi:rrce, cidiirCsc.,241 I7ir,qiniii i'1iatiii'ic.h. 1162 IiToii. R, L). %PI., 126'2. 4673: 14oit. Sjeirdri' i;rtrsoi.iri, 1362, Fii.c;ii nis. i:., 1100. 1392, li lQ4: P-iori, 1. IY. iL'cvrnr,~Is, 1/24: !-/CN~.i?l~~s(~lit~t?! Kirk/\.-<, 4'767: H(VI. F. .'k. Aliiciiitiriiiiii. 1391; d-loit. i.C. .i, ;~Icrtiicoi:vi, i~icr-caie iii 1"c.i wrir~ei :irril Ser \ i'ppii, 1 77: fIOt!. '\'~1AL err. 1262: F10?7, ,TB" .Y. '\f. ;53?. iJjriii~~.iI 19 1, P 1941:Htrii, 1. S. 7 /coi:c~irriti. i 723 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Police (confirzued): Pollution (See also "Conservation" and "Water"): PoIiceCitizens Boys' Clubs, address, 500, 740. Air: Political, nddress, 23 8. Lead-free Petrol, address, 145. Population Ratio, address, 500. North Shore, q., 2360. Possible Visits to George Frcenian, q., 1943. Trains and Buses, q., 4486. Powers, nddress, 500. Beach: Burwood Beach Sewage Outfall, adj., Promotions, address, 969; q., 2254. 586. Coal Washery Reject, q., 2060; griev., 2975; Proposed Board, q., 2988. q., 3190, 3950. Prosecuting Branch, address, 198, 260, 965. Government Record, apptz, 2225. Prosecution of Mr K. E. Numphreys, Grease Trap Wastes, q., 4491. address, 197. Industrial Liquid Waste Disposal, apprt, PI-osecutors, address, 500. 2224. Pyne, Assistant Commissioner, q., 1514, Keep Australia Beautiful Campaign, address, 2927. 498. Raid on Club 80, q., 1457. Noise : Recruiting, address, 501, 968; q., 889; applz, Aircraft, nriclress, 476, 740. 2797. Bexley, addresr, 739. Regional Grime Squad, appfr, 1546. Eastern Suburbs Railway, q., 4473. Resignations, address, 501. Holsworthy Artillery Range, q., 1265. Retirements, q , 1579, 2355, 4665 Power Boats and 08-road Vehicles, q., Scivices, appn, 1530 683. Staffing, adrlre~s,405, 502, 869, nypiz, 909, Trains and Buses, q., 4486. 1546, 2082. Ocean, q., 1443. Station foi Batemans Bay, rrpprz, 1570. Prosecutions, q., 1950. Super annuaflon, q , 4599 State Politition Contlol Commission, Record, Sutveillavrce ndd~rsr,241; q , 4399 lippri, 2234. Srrtirer land-1lla.r;nrln Regmu, q , 2117. Tomago Aiui-iliniurti Snrelier Toxic Wastq q., 1919. 7 oohey. Super rnieniienl, ndiltcsr, 726 Toxic Wastes in Sewpage IEfl~rent,q., 4229. TI,ill RILC Squad q 1'384 Waste Disposal* q., 810. 1042. ci~!d;/br~~c10, 'cferl>al\, 2 24 1 W:I t er : WaFden, Chref SuperinleiltIer~l cititlie\c, 726 R'irges for Rubbish Collection, nppn, Woilurrgoi~g,ladj 929 2018. Rot:iriy Bay Oil Spill. y., 7812. I-I-or11 Scv, agc 1'1eaiiilerri PE:ants, aippn, 1531. Hal Lioui. Foreihorcs i'roiri Storinwater Piiii~-~fl~q",2 120. ~~~l~~~ll~l~~t~:~1

Volumes 175-178

Posts and Telecommunications (See also Public Service and Statutory Offices "Privacy"): (corztirzued) : Rural Mail Services, appn, 2104. Albury-Wodonga Development Corporation, Telephone Tapping, q., 1863, 21 15, 3839. apprt, 2089. Annual Reporting, nppn, 1525. Prices (See also "Consumer Affairs"): Anti-Discrimination Board, appn, 1654. Attacks Upon, nppn, 1786. Book, q., 4374. Auditor-General's Allocation, appn, 1805. Butter, address, 974, 975. Auditor-General's Report, appn, 1375, 1537. Cinema Admission, q., 1937. Australia Post, address 271. Consumer Price Index, appn, 2802. Autonomy, npprl, 2233. Egg, q., 3190, 3946, 3948, 4110, 4677, 4680. Bathurst-Orange Development Corporation, Food, q., 3359, 3360. nppn, 2226. Fuel, griev., 2963. Board of Tick Control, address, 292. Incomes and Prices Accord, apprz, 2762. Borrowing, and Investment, address, 283. Inflation, appn, 900. Clerk of the Peace Office Security, q., 1665. Land, q., 2919. Council of Auction-e:.~ and Agents, q., 1724. Meat, address, 170. Departn~entof Agriculture, q., 4768. Milk, address, 974. Department of Corrective Services Docu- Petrol, appn, 1652; q., 2194; appn, 1637; q., ments, pers. erpl., 2128. 1674; griev., 1716; q., 4404. Department of Education, Permanent Part- time Work, q., 4478. Department of Indust~ialDevelopment and Prisons and Prisoners (See "Corrective Decentralisation, nddress, 409. Services" and "Crime and Criminals") Department of Local Government and Lands, q., 2124. Frivacy: Department of Main Roads, appn, 2087. Department of Youth and Community Ser- Bugging, address, 446. vices, rnin. stntl, 203; q., 1836, 1837, 2198; Committee: apprl, 2597, 2609. appn, 1654, 1655, 1803. Department of Youth and Conlmunity Ser- Funding, appn, 1654. vices, Budget Allocation, apprz, 1624. George Orwell's 1984, address, 86 1. Department of Youth and Community Ser- vices, McKinsey Report upon, q., 3944. Rights of Social Security Beneficiaries, q., 4974. Egg Corporation, q., 4776. Egg Marketing Board, address, 170. Electricity Commission Borrowings, npptl, Prostitution (See "Morality") 1628. Employnlent Costs, address, 662. Public Holidays: Ethnic Affairs Commission, address, 75; appn, 1809. Broken Hill, address, 582. Expenditure, nppn, 2233. Financial Accountability and Controls, Public Service and Statutory Offices (See address, 28 1. also "Government, State") : Freedom of Information, appn, 1569. Hunter VaUey Research Foundation, appn, Accountability, address, 145, 399, 728, 745. 1927. Accounting and Reporting Standads, apprz, Maritime Services Board, appn, 2018; q., 1525. 3358. Accounting, Computerized, address, 282. Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Accounting Procedures, address, 721. Board, appr~, 1241, 1242, 1379, 1531; q., Administration of Regulations, q., 1434. 1952; apprz, 2234. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Public Service and Statutory Offices Public Works (continued) : (continued) : Projects, appn, 902. Ministry of Industrial Development and De- Proposed Bulk Wheat Leader, q., 1951. centralisation, appn, 2786. Ryde Electorate, appn, 2020. New South wales Film Corporation, appn, S~:lcols,clpp:;, 5'05. 2088. State ORce Block, Newcastle, apprt, 1557. New South Wales Treasury Corporation, The Hills Electorate, apprz, 1653. appn, 2233. Wage Pause Programme, nddress, 33. Office of Special Development, address, 728. Office of Special Employment, opprt, 1640, 2016. 2095. Ombudsman, appn, 1654. Premier's Department: apptt, 1802. Allocation, appn, 1645. Racing: Programme Budgeting, appn, 2094. Small Business Agency, address, 288, 492, Greyhound, q., 4398. 873; appn,. . 1359. Greyhound Racing Control Bo3rd. q., 2646. Staffing, address, 489, 490. Race Rigging, q., 4810. Stzffing, Levels, appn, 9 11; address, 100 1. State Emergency Services, q., 3345. State Emergency Services, Radio Equipment, Radio, Broadcasting and Television: q., 2354. State Rail A*-lthoiit~r, nddrcrs, 490, 660, Australian Children's Television Foundation, 661. q., 4466. Strike Record, nppn, 2092, 2093. Political Radio Commercials, q., 2005. Supel-annuaion Benefits, appit, 2241. Sydney General Registry, Birth Certificates, q., 1833. Railways (See 01.~0 "Transport, Finance Telecom, address, 29 1. Policy"): Treasury, Economic Policy, ndilress, 247. Additional Facilities, appn, 910. Tribute to the late Professor liichard Neville Spann, nddress, 37. Ardglen Tunnel, q., 2357. Urban Transit Authority, nddrrrs, 660, 661; Australian, address, 290. q., oppn.. . 1372. Australian Capital Territory, 1517. Wagga Wagga Vocational Services Branch, Botany Area, nddress, 738. 0.. nddre.s.s, . , 4509. British Rail, 159. Water Resources Conimission Staff, appn, .British Trancport System, appn, 1550. 1379. Budget Allocation, apprt, 1625. Wild Dog Destruction Boarcl, apprl, 2101. Coal Freight Charges, q., 3836. Computerized Booking Service, apprt, 1813, Public Works: 1814. Crossing at Sutherland, npprt, 1545; q., 1864. Budget Allocations, apprz, 1232, 1235, 1545. Deficit, nppn, 1378, 1549. Bathurst Electorate, apprl, 1249. Double-deck Carriages, appr~,1535. Capital Works Funding, appn, 1240. Eastern Srtburbs, q., 509. Commonwealth Grant, ntldre~s,484. East Hills Electorate, nppn, 1634. Expenditure, nppn, 1349, 1521. East Hills to Glenfield, q., 4484. Funding, appn, 1547, 1635. Eastwood Electorate, appn, 18 19. Government: Electrification, nddress, 400. Policy, nppn, 1645. European, nddress, 157; q., 2257, 2258, 2259. Programme, appn, 1772, 2232. Fare Increases, npprt, 1237, 2756. Opposition Policy, appn, 1238. Former Government's Record, apprt, 1245, Private Enterprise, appn, 1646. 1557. Programme, address, 140. Freight and Passenger Reduction, appn, 910. lxviii INDEXTO SUBJECTS

Volumes 175-178

Wiways (continued): Railways (conti~zzied): Freight: State Rail Authority: Charges, address, 998, 1626. Deficit, appn, 2769. Handling, appn, 18 13. Policies, appn, 910. Port Botany, address, 738. Tamworth to Barraba, griev., 1715. Revenue, appn, 1558. Technology, Modern, appn, 1550. Statistics, q., 3345. Track Upgrading and Electrification, appn, Funding, appn, 193 1. 909. Gosford to Newcastle Electrification, apprl, Train Services, address, 661; q., 1871, 2645. 1556; q., 1644, 1859. Trains to Westmead Hospital, q., 1393. Government Record, address, 660, 1007, Transport Investigation Branch, q., 3353. 1008; appn; 1245, 2207. Ulan to Guigong, appn, 1240, 2751. Government Record and Programme, address, 144. Ulan to Sandy Hollow, appn, 1625. Granville to Westmead Quadruplication, Unecortomical Routes, appiz, 1379. crppn, 1535. United States of America, nddress, 158. Gymea to Caringbah Duplication, address, Upgrading Programme, nddress, 28. 659. Victorian Government Policy, apprz, 1550. Illawarra Electrification, q., 4912. Wanvick Farm Derailment, q., 3 184. In~provedFacilities, appn, 909. Wheat Freight Costs, q., 4505. Ceasing of Rolling-stock, appn, 1538, 1812. Workshops, address, 157. Leverage Leasing, q., 1457. XPT Trains, address, 158; appn, 1550. Liberal Party's Policy, appn, 2203. XPT Train Strike, appn, 2755. Locomotive Servicing Centre for Iithgow, appn, 1248. Losses, address, 154; appn, 1378. Rescue Squads: Main Line Upgrading, appn, 1928. Maldon to Dombarton, address, 739, 983, Coolangatta Air Sea Rescue Unit, appn, 984; appn, 1620; q.. 1954, 4777. 1539. Maldon to Port Kembla, q., 3945. South Coast Rescue Helicopter Services, 4499. Miranda Electorate, address, 658. Opposition Philosophy, appn, 1246. Opposition Policies, appn, 1554, 1620. Reserves: Passenger Service Losses, q., 4592. Bayview Yacht Racing Association, griev., Passenger Statistics, q.. 4492. 1708. Rail Buses, appn, 1818. Bowling Club Rentals, q., 883. Rail Construction, appn, 1619. Broken Hill Showground, address, 585. Railway Employees Voluntary Redundancy, Byron Electorate, q., 1667. nppn, 1550. Goulburn River National Park, in., 697. Rolling-stock, appn, 1553. Grazing of Livestock, appn, 1380. Rpdge's Journal, address, 290. Hermitage Reserve, Vaucluse, zcrgerzcv, 4600; pers. expl., 4607; q., 4701. Services: Homebush Bay Bicentennial Park, npprz, Central Coast, q., 1867. 1362, 2019. Country, q., 1751. Homebush Bay Bicentennial Park Cycle Fairfield, Off-peak, drew, 152. Access, appn, 2019. Hornsby, q., 4497. Honorary Rangers, q., 1089. North Shore, q., 4495. Meadowbank Park Upgrading, address, 720. Small Freight, q., 761. National Parks: South Maitland, q., 4517. address, 145; appn, 909. Southern Coalfields, address, 739. E,.~tensions, q., 4537. 16th Angust, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Reserves (contirzzrrti) : Roads and Road Safety (continrted) : Newcastle Velodrome, irdj., 747. Goveniment : Parramatta Park: Allocation, apprz, 2202, 2769. q., 769, 151 1. Contribution. iippn, 1645. Upgrading, rrpprt, 1533. Policy, oppn, 2202. 2605, 2771. Showground and Race~ourseTrusts, q., 309. Programme, appn, 1353, 1354, 1356. Suggested Teili relit Nat~onaiParh, q , 4536. Record, arldress, 487; apprz, 135i, 1356, 2769, 2770, 2771. Sydney Cricket Ground, q., 24 Great Western Highway. q., 1105. Valhalla Lodge, Pelirher Valley, q , 760. Heavy Vehicles. clddic.;s, 739. Waterfi ant Parkland, y ., 1444 Improvement. rrppn, 910. 1ntei.section of Woodviile Road and Hlrme Highway, Villawood, npprl, 2770. Roads and Road Safety (See ciiso "Bridges" lugiong Bypass, nppn, 2202. and "Motor Vehicles"): Junction of Hume Highway and Great West- ern Highway, nppn, 2771. 4ccident Toll, appn, 2788. Kyeernagh-(:hullora Road, aiiiircss, 739; y., AI ter~alRoad Grants, q., 3437. 1989, i997. Adeqtlacy. n~ldress,738 I.iddell Road Deviation. q., 4516. Autobahns, apprt, 2102. I.ocn1 Comniunities, c:ticirtrss, 739. Bathurst F,lectorate Roadworks. apprr, 1248. Kiarna Bypass, y., 4698. Kexiey Road as Port Botany Corridor, Mali for Pitt Street, address, 482. rrtitiri,ss. 737. Maitlai~dBypass. q., 4535. Bexlev Traflic, (1.. 3346. Member for 1,achIan's Report, (ipprl, 2203. Mir-anda Electorate. nddrrss, 658. Rexfey Il'rafic Cungesticrrl. ~:IPLSI.(>.TS.738. Old Northern Road, apprr. 1653. Bicrnrenniai Roads Proprainme. q., 434; cri~pn,1240. Overbr~dgefor Sutherland, y., ,3057. Overse;~(:ornparisons, uppn, 2770 Botan> Ray Areit. iitfrfress. 737, 738. p,,icihc :- hiiglrway and Wiseman's Fer-ry Road, Burwood Electorate. cipprr, 1362. (7.. 3630, 4004. Bicycles. ~rirr.,2957. I'aiistow Road Widening, q., 4483. Pioneer d-lighl~ay,rj., 1994. Port Botany Facilities, oddri.s,s, 737. ( alg'i to Wyee Express\%d},~l~iiiri'w. "3 1. Random Breath Testing: a apltal Wor kc. ~ipnrl 2087 tiddi ct~,144 858: nppir, 1370. 2202: spec Captain Cooh Drive, Kurnell npprl, 1521. trtl~'. 13h4 Carnage. cippti. 2770. Statistics, trppit. 2203. Road Fundii~g,~zppri, 1562. Commissionei- K irLh1's Report. ntldrcss. 737, 738. Roads Prograrnrne, c~ppt~,1240; q., 884. C'c~mrnon\+eaiihFi~nds. citiiii.cs.r. 731. Koait~c~i-ks,~ipprr, 1535. C'ornrnonwe;~lthGrants, iipprr, 1232. IiocLdale Bypass ('ol-ridor. irildrrss, 737. Cooks Kiver C,'oi.r-idor., 738. Rochiiaie E!ectorate: Cycleways. (ippri. 1817. ~rcirlr.cs.e,738. Depiiit~nentof Main Roads: Transport Facilities. ndtlrr~s.r.737. Day Labour. q.. 1095. I<>de Electorate Traffic, q., 1658, Siatfing, q., 1450., nppri, 2201. I>isastel. Relief Fiinding. q., 14.58. Silver-~vaterOverpass,, 72 1. I3~ialCarriageways. npprr, 2788. So~~th\vesternCorridor, address, 738. Errforcement of Kegulaliiln~,irppir, 2202. Soutl~westernFreeway. q., 2193, 4482. Funding,, 424; q., 1420. Sylvies Gap Rypass, nppil, 2202. F 4 Freeway, rrpprt, 1534. Tlie Hills Electorate: Ckpps Street, Wollongong, liailway Crossing, Traffic. gi.ic,~j., 2977. q., 4521. Tralfic Signals, gi,iev., 1717. Ixx INDEXTO SUBJECTS

Volumes 175-178

Roads and Road Safety (coiztinuecl) : j Schools (continued) : Traffic Infringements, q., 255. Curriculum Councils, appn, 1789. Traffic Signals: Democratization of Schools, appn, 1650. q., 1099. Demountable Classrooms, q., 4235. Hume Highway, Sutton Forest, q., 23. Dental Service, q., 4236. Tweed Heads Bypass, q., 2188. Department of Education Capital Works, q., Warringah Expressway, q., 542. 4235. West Ryde Underbridge, address, 721. Disadvantaged, appn, 2102. Windsor Road, Castle Hill, appn, 1653. Dover Heights, q., 3432. Wollongong Level Crossings, q., 3838. Electorate: Rurwood, apprz, 1361. Royal Commissions: Davidson, a&., 669. Drummoyne, appn, 1375. Appraisal, address, 528, 849. Lake Macqt~arie,apprz, 1640. Into Human Relationships, address, 860. Riverstone. cipptz, 1790. Painters and Dockers, address, 663, 844, 845. Ryde, npprr, 2020. Stewalt Royal Commission into Drug South Coast, rrpprr, 1565'. Trafficking, mitt. sfnzt, 105. Street Royal Commission: Facilities, apprz, 1374. ~Wirt.sfrnf, 25; address, 29; report, 106; Facilities Use Committees; q., 3640. ndj., 129; address, 196, 198, 222, 229, Functions of. tippr~,1648. 260, 528, 566, 850, 851, 2755. Funding, ndrlrc~ss,451; crpprr, 1640, 2799. Premier's Comments, address, 454, 456, 457. Government Grants. trddrcss, 869, 870. Recommendations and Findings, address, Government Policy, address, 451. 232, 456. Havenlea School for Handicapped Children, Terms of Reference, address, 232, 454, q., 2356. 849. High: Booragul, appri, 1641. Royal Family: Constrrlction, q., 2256. Crest\vood, (rpprz, 1653. Prince and Princess of Wales, address, 991. ;21arsden. Library. nddres.7, 720. Meadowbank. rrddres.~,722. Morisset, n~ptt,1641. Moss Vale, apprr, 1647. Northlakes, crppn, 1568. Plunipton. q., 3352. Schools (See also "Colleges of Advanced Richmond, appt~,1529. Education and Technical Colleges" arid Warner's Bay, apprl, 1640. "Education"): Independent: Ancillary Staff, apprz, 1788; griev., 2963. ni~rlress,870; q., 3841. Asbestos in, q., 2361. Fire Precautions, q., 4377. Assembly Halls, apptz, 1557. Kilaben Bay, address, 961. Bathurst, appr~,1246. Librar-ians, Full-time, appr7, 1532. Boarding, q., 2812. Libraries, (~pptz. 1374. Building Programme, address, 219; apptz, 1789. 1,ibrar-y Services, npptl, 1239, 1529. Central : Long Day Care Centres, iippn, 904, 1642. Boorowa, q., 3840. Maintenance, irpprz, 1529, 1545, 1557; q., Walcha, q., 3066. 4236. Community Uses, address, 969. Moriah War Memorial College, q., 3361 Councils, Appointment of, apprt, 1649. Multipurpose Units, appr!, 1557. Counselling Services, appn, 1789. Non-government, q., 3349. Country, apptz, 1647. Pre-school Funding, appn, 1239, 164 1. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Schools (continued): Science: Primary: Australian Technological Strategy, apprl, Construction, q., 2254. 2613. Eglington, appn, 1246. Foetal Tissue Research, q., 2893, 2915. Enfield, q., 3352. Technological Advances, appn, 2226. Fnrolments, appn, 1232. Technological Change, address, 574; appn, Morisset, appn, 1641. 2613. North Epping, Library, apprr, 1639. Staffing, czppn, 1548. West Epping, q., 767. Security Organizations: Private: Australian Security Intelligence Organiza- trppn, 906, 1238; q., 2047. tion, address, 237, 238, 239. Aid for, address, 727. Funding, q., 886, 2722, 2723, 2724; apprr, 2796. Sewerage: Public: Barrenjory Peninsula, address, 669. Cherrybrook, g., 4473. Leichhardt, address, 476. Burwood Beach Outfall, adj., 586; apprr, 1556; q., 4248. I.indfield East, adj., 2883. Meadowbank, appn, 2020. Connection Costs, q., 4463. West Ryde. address, 720; adj., 4588. Contract Works, q., 532, 3428. Yamba, q., 4470. Culburra and Dalmeny Works, q., 4886. School Physiotherapy Services, q., 4915. Davidson Electorate Services, griev., 1711. Schoolroom Closures, address, 474. Environcycle Pty Limited, Frenchs Forest, School Speech Therapy Services, q., 4914. address, 962. Fiecondary, nddress, 859. Frenchs Forest and Belrose, q., 4487. Security. q., 4239. Funds, address, 730. Selective High, address, 246. Glenfield Water Pollution Control Plant, q., Seitror Zligh. crddress, 189. 4484. Senior ~khSchool for West Sydney, q., Lake Macquarie Electorate, address, 729, 3 186. 730. Teacher-L~hra~lans, appn, 1548: ndj., 1656. Leura, appn, 2774. Tullamor e. apprl, 1908. Outfalls, q., 3744. Vocational CUII ~culun~,i~drlress, 971. Wanaar ing, trppn, 2102. Package Un~ts,address, 668. Whitebridge. opptt, 1557. Plttwater Electorate: Loning. q., 3946. q., 3639. Exten.iions, q., 451 8. Pollur~onPoster, q., 3353. School Transport: Progr amme, address, 729. Buses, q.. Y 104. P~ojects,Sydney Region, address, 961. Bus Passes, q., 307. Recycling, npprt, 2225. Bus Services, q., 2715. Rive1 stone-Schofields, q., 3632. East Hills Electorate, appn, 1634. Sewage Stab~l~zationPonds, q., 4231. Free Travel, appn, 181 1. Sewage Treatment at Malabar, q., 3348. Government Record, app~i,1787, 1788. Shortland County Councll Mans Extensions, Inquiry, appn, 1810. q., 4488. Non-government Schools, g., 2001. South Coast, appn, 1569; q., 2127. Private Vehicle Conveyance Allowance, appn, 1811. The Hills Electorate, apprr, 1653. Rural Areas, appn, 1810. Treatment, appn, 153 1. Russell Report, appn, 1817. Water and Sewerage Rates, appn, 1237. Volumes 175-178

SGpping: , Social and Welfare Services (corztinued) : Bulk Coal Carriers, q., 4227. Expenditure Statlstrcs, nppn, 1632. Carrington Slipways Pty Limited, ocfdrrss, 1i Fairfield Stat~strcs,acidress, 149. 478. j Fam~lyCase Reviews, address, 278. Costs, addre~s,286. Foster Care, crddress, 278 Floating Dock for Melbourne, address, 477. Foster Palent tUlowances, uppix, 3318. Government Contracts, address, 480. Fundmg, cldci~err, 964; npprz, 1238. Laying-up Berth, 12ddress, 475. Fundlng of Yc~ghbourhood Centres, y., Motor Vessel South Steyrze, uddrcsr. 476. 4897. Shipbuilding and Repairs, address, 475. Government A\ss~siance,trppri. J361, 2639. Vickers Cockatoo Island Dockya~d,q., 4920. Home Care Sei~ice,iipprr, 904, 1238, :5?3 2080, 2621. Homeiesr, Men at Woy Wov. q. 1954 Snow Mounlah Scheme: 1 Hunter Valley, ciddr ess 454 Tourist Rewrt, acidrers, 485 Tnst~tut~onal~zedCare. irpprr, 2619 instltui~onai~zedChlldren uddr~ss,275, 276, 27 7 Social and Welfare Sedces: Job C'ieation rrpprr, "96. 2097 Aged Persons, address, 267. Kyogle Chamber of Commerce. tlppn, 2096 Agelng Population, uppn, 155 1. 1 ong Day Care Centres. oppn, 904 Alternate Care Committee, uppr7, 2599 Mcklnsey Repolt r'iidrrrr, 272. ~pprt,3-624, Alternate Care Fundlng, idpprt, 2619 2626 Backlog oi Welfare Cases, izddress, 274. McKirdy, Mrs F..(~pptr, 1524. Bidura, address, 279. Miranda Electorate, t7d(jress, 658. Budget 4llocatrons, apprl, 1642. Montcaim Report. upprr, 2.624. Budget Concessions *or Pens~oners, npptl Murwillti~iibahJaycees, ilppn, 1539, 1540. 1639 National c..uuncil of Social Services Repoi?, Burwood Elector ate, q~pn,1361. address, 272. Child Abuse, y , 945, npptz, 1633. 2600; y , Neglected and Abused h'hildren, cippn, 904. 3745. Overhaul. tiddress, 798. Ch~ldAbuse and Protection, appn, 2625 Pensioner Services. appn, 1535, Child Protecllon Officers, appn, 2625, 2626 Private Sector Contribution, ilppn, 2601. Children's Services, ~ddress, 452; rzppn, l~roclaimedPlaces, apprr, 2619, 2620. 2620. Children's Seryices m Western Sydney. Programmes, address, 14 1, 142. address, 150. Remedial Education for Children in Ca1.e. Commonwe3lth Unemployment Assisidnce, acfdre.~.~,278. appn, 2097. Rent ReIief 0ilice1.s' Repoi?. czdtiress, 273. Community Development Projects. trppn, Report on Directions for Residential Care, 2620, 2611. Conlrnunity language Tralslations, uddress, Report on "Lost In Care", address, 277. 267. Reports of Department of Youth and Com- Community Services, address, 28. munity Services, address, 280. Community Welfae Fund, appn, 903, 905. Residential and Alternate Care Programmes, Cost, czppn, 2236. address, 274. Day Care, address, 452; appn, 904, 1239. Residential Care Funding, apprt, 2618. District Officers' Qualifications, appn, 2625. Residential Foster Units, Staffing, addr~ss, 275. Effects of 1983-84 Budget, nppn, 2627. Ryde Home Care Service, adj., 2185. Elderly Persons, appri, 903. Emergency Housing Assistance Scheme, Ryde Hostel for Homeless Children, griev., address, 272, 273. 1 1703. Ethnic Communities, address, 268. Section 27~hllowances, appn. 2619. Fspansion Programme, appn, 2080. Spender, Mr J., apprz, 2599. Expenditure, appn, 2079. State Care Centres, appn, 2599. 16th August, 1983, to Ist March, 1984

Social and Welfare Services (continued) : Statute Revision: State Wards: Anti-Discrimination Act, address, 857. address, 277. Audit Act, appn, 1798. Care of, address, 279. Birth Certificates for Transsexuals, q., 1831. Sydney City Mission Buses, appn, 2620. Child Indecency, q., 944. Unemployment Benefits, appn, 2628. Coal Acquisition Act, address, 386. Valder Report, appn, 2599. Commonwealth Interstate Commission Leg~s- Voluntary Care Agencies, address, 275. lation, address, 82. Voluntary Welfare Organizations, address, Community Welfare Bill, 1982, nddress, 271; 964. appn, 2618. Welfare State, appn, 2602. Employee's Liability (Indemnification of Woronora Electorate, address, 163. Employer) Act, q., 4775. Youth and Community Services: En~ploymentProtection Act, address, 873. Funding, appn, 1638. Environmental Planning and Assessment Offices, q., 1311. Act, address, 295. Stalling, appn, 2624. Farm Produce Act: Disallowance of Regu- lation, nz., 1191. Freedom of Information Bill, address, 745. Sprt and Recreation: Gas and Electricity Act, address, 387. Academy of Sport, q., 1759. Intoxicated Persons Act, appn, 2620. America's Cup, 1152; griev., 2974. Legal Status of Children, q., 507. All India and South Asia Rugby Cup, appn, Local Courts Act, address, 198. 2098. Mental Health Act, address, 29. Armenian-Australian College of Old Boys National Parks and Wildlife Act: Disallow- of Sydney, appn, 2098. ance of Proclamation, m., 893, 913. Assistance to Sporting Bodies, q., 770. Offences in Public Places Act, address, 239. Bayview Yacht Racing Association, grim., Public Finance and Audit Bill, address, 281. 1708. Public Transport Authority Act, address, Bush Walking, q., 2642. 660. Cycling, address, 669. Sex Change Operations, adj., 1249. Department of Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Solar Easements, address, 176. appn, 1536. Trespassers, q., 1383. Donations to Sporting Organizations, Trustee Companies, q., 1953. address, 7 13. Unincorporated Associations Legislation, Electronic Games, q., 3744. / address, 193. Facilities, appn, 908. Waste Disposal Idegislation, q., 4520. Fitzgerald, Mr Denis, appn, 1536. Footy TAB Distributions, q., 1454. Government Programme, appn, 1361, 1362. Steel Industry (See "Industry, Secondary") Gymnasium Instructors, q., 4537. Homebush Bay Sports Centre, appn, 1362. Leura Golf Course Development, appn, Superannuation and Retirement Funds: 2772. Miranda Electorate, address, 659. Ccmmonwealth Schemes, appn, 1552. Newcastle Velodrome, adj., 747. Government Policy, appn, 1550. Parramatta Park Upgrading, appn, 1533. Local Government Superannuation Board, Sailboards, Regulations for, q., 4401. appn, 2242. Spectator Facilities, appn, 1537. Railway Superannuation Board, appn, 1552, 1553, 2242. Sporting Achievements, address, 284. Retired Miner, Mr E. Kinerson, adj., 1380. Sydney Cricket round Grandstand, add re^^, 979. State Superannuation Fund, q., 1435. lxxiv

Volumes 175-178

1 Taxation (continued) : Liquor Licence and Poker Machine Fees, Tariffs: appn, 1379. Pay-As-You-Earn, appn, 2760. Cost of, address, 169. Pavroll: Import Duties, appn, 2761. address, 447, 448, 723, 724; appn, 912; Manufacturing Industry, appn, 2761. address, 1001; appn, 1235, 1236, 1573, Purpose, address, 169. 1635, 1645, 1779, 2080, 2085, 2592, 2768. Exemption, appn, 1236, 2757, 2758. Incentives, appn, 1651. Taxation: Rebates, address, 413. Article by Senator P. A. Walsh, address, Revenue Loss, appn, 1236. 183. Temporary Surcharge, appn, 2757. Avoidance, address, 448; pers. expl., 506; q., Per capita Rates, apprz, 2801. 532; appn, 912; q., 1102. Petrol: Broken Hill Mining Royalties, address, 582, flpprl, 1237; q., 1944; appn, 2104. 583. Levy, appn, 1377. Burden on Industry, apprz, 2595. Licence Fee, nppn, 1637. Charges, appn, 2801. Poker Machine, appn, 1897. Coal Tndustry, y., 1438, 1857. Premier's Statement in 1974 on Fuel Levy, Company, address, 582. npprz, 1378. Concessions, apprz, 912, 2630. Queensland, appn, 1539, 1542. Concessions to Business, apprz, 2791. Resources Rental Tax, address, 88, 183. Co~tntry Industries (Pay-roll Tax Rebate) Revenue, appn, 2759. Amendment Bill, appn, 2758. Sales, appn, 1623. Direct, apprz, 1636. Small Businesses: Distribution of Wealth, address, 163. npprz, 1637. Effect on Population, apprz, 2221. Relief for, nppn, 2758. Employment, appn, 2769. Stamp Duty, q., 757; apprz, 912; q., 1104, Financial Institutions Duty, address, 724, 2810, 4490. 873, 1001; appn, 1565, 1653, 1779, 1780; State: a., 1869, 1944, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, address, 869; nppn, 1232, 1539, 1794, 2253; appn, 2767. 2765. Financial Institutions Duty on Pensioner Charges, address, 447, 448; OppJZ, 1635. Cheques, appn, 1573. Collection, appn, 1636. Fuel, address, 724. Sharing, nppn, 901. Government Record, appn, 1526. Statistics, appn, 1779. Homeowners' Exemption, appn, 2080. Structure, appn, 2597. Import Duties, address, 286. System, appn, 1636. Income Tax Surcharge, appn, 1635. Threshold System, appn, 2782. Increases, address, 489; apprl, 1538, 2085, Tobacco : 2760, 2794. appn, 1237. Indexation, apprl, 2765. Duty, appn, 2080. Indirect, apprz, 1635. Licence Fees, appn, 2767. Land: oddress, 289, 448, 663, 724, 725, 728; appn, 912, 1635, 1779, 2080; adj., 4459; q., 4536; m., 4951. Taxicabs and Hire Cars: Exemption Level, appn, 1237, 2757. Land Clearing and Draining Allowance, Operators' Industrial Agreement, q., 2357. appn, 2101. Regulations for Use, q., 3743. Levels, address, 873. Taxicab Plate Values, q., 4518. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Teachers (See also "Education" and Timber (See also "Forests"): "Schools"): Elcom Collieries Pty Limited, q., 3944. Additional, appiz, 905. Elcom Collieries Tenders, q., 4243. As Primary School Librarians, appiz, 1247. Industry, address, 1005, 1006. Community Languages in Fairfield, addre~s, Royalties, nddress, 491. 153. White River Corporation, npprz, 1544. Face-to-Face Teaching, q., 303; appn, 1232, 1239. Federation, appn, 1623. Tourist Activities: For Physically and Intellectually Handi- capped Children, appn, 1247. Accommodation, address, 405. Job Satisfaction, appn, 1648. Advertising: Militancy, address, 859. address, 668. New Appointments, address, 188. Campaign, appn, 908. New South Wales, address, 1002. Broken HilI: Numbers, appn, 906. address, 583. Parental Roles in Schools, address, 970. Grants, nddress, 583. Primary, appn, 1247. Tourist Oflicer, address, 583. Principals, Keclassification, applz, 1548. Commonwealth Funding, address, 486. Promotion, q., 306. Crookwell Campaign, q., 539. Secondary, appn, 1247. Eden, nddrc~ss,485. Strike, q., 210, 311, 1761; upptz, 1786. Employment, address, 584. Teacher-Librarians, appn, 1247, 1558; adj., Expansion, address, 404. 1656. International, address, 666. Technical and Further Education, q., 2368. Kosciusko National Park, address, 485. Unen~ployment,address, 78. Manly, uddrrss, 668. Monaro Electorate, acidrcss, 483, 485, 486. Penalty Rates, nddress, 404, 994. Television (See "Radio Broadcasting and Promotion, nddr~ss,404, 666. Television") Regional Promotion, appiz, 908. Sapphire Coast, nddrrss, 485. Sewerage Facilities, address, 668. Tenancies: Snowy Mountains Scheme, address, 485. 1,andlord and Tenant Act, q., 1951. Tourist Commission, q., 4403. State Rail Authority Property Leases, q., Tourist Industry Development Fund, address, 3183. 583. Warrumbrtngles, address, 668. Textile and Clothing Industries: Town and Country Planning (See also Bradmill Organization, Closure, address, "Decentralization and Development", 460. "Housing" and "Land and Land Settle- Demise of, apprz, 2615. ment"): Fraser, Rt Hon. J. M., policies, appn, 2615. liutherford Textiles, Closure, address, 460. Agencies, address, 296. Staples, Mr Justice, appn, 2616. Eexley Road Suboption, address, 737. Whitlam, Hen. G., policies, appn, 2615. E. Charlestown Service Station Development, griev., 1698. Chatswood Town Centre Plan, q., 814, 818. Theatres and Public Halls: Environment and Planning Levies, address, Licences, q., 4521. 725. Sydney Entertainment Centre, appn, 1774, Flood-prone Lands, q., 770. 1776. Government Initiatives, address, 495. lxxvi


Town and Country Planning (continued): Trade (continued): Height of Buildings Advisory Committee, Mr Morgan, Western Mining Corporation, q., 1726, 2893, 3635, 3950, 4899. npprz, 2603, 2604. Jamberoo Valley, q., 1595. Preference for Australian Products, q., 1666. Legislation, address, 296. Rural Exports, appn, 2762. Leura Golf Course: Silicon Chip Development, appn, 2765. Development, apprl, 2772. With Japan, appn, 2249, 2250. Retirement Village on, appn, 2772. With Thailand, appn, 2248. Licensed Designers, nddress, 296. Mount Misery Quarrying, q., 1514. Trades and Trade Unions: Naval Stores at Randwick, y., 4377. Newcastle East Development, q., 826, 2571, ACTU Congress, address, 874; appn, 2218. 3749. Amalgamation of Unions, apptz, 2763. Northbridge Marina, q., 3 1 1. Australian Transport Oficers Federation, q., North Sydney Development, q., 1945. 2125. Open Space Corridors, address, 497. Black Ban on Rathborne Pty Limited, q., Opposition Policy, address, 295. 4493. Portland Development, q., 3354. Building Unions, appiz, 1234. Pyrmont Point Development, q., 3356. Clothing and Allied Trades Union, q., 24, Service Station Retailing, q., 768. 3747. Solar Energy Use, address, 175. Consensus, nddress, 997, 998. South Coast, appn, 1570. Effect of Unions on unemployment and wages, npprl, 2614. Tribute to Premier, apprz, 1568. New South Wales Teachers Federation, Water World, Wiseman's Ferry, q., 22, 1396. appt~,1374, 1623. Western Community, address, 494. Rural Workers' Conditions, apptl, 2204. Western Suburbs, address, 496, 498. Secret Ballot, address, 452. Western Sydney Area Assistance Scheme, Shortage of Tradesmen, appr~,1558. nddress, 570. South Africa, apprl, 2219. Western Sydney Planning and Development Committee, ~lddress,497. Trade Union Membership Statistics, q., 2349. West Wyalong Isolation, address, 716. Unemployn~ent,address, 992. Union Movement, addrcss, 452. Trade: Union Participation and Strikes, nppn, 2220. Union Socialism, czddress, 667. Asian-Australian Partner ships, address, 977. Wage Policy, upprl, 2217. Australia-Japan, addrcss, 976; czppr~,2250. Waterside Workers Federation, address, Australia-Korea, riddress, 977. 186. Australia Uncompetitive, address, 289. Avocadoes, q., 1719. Traffic Signals (See "Roads and Road China Contracts, address, 727. Safety") Country Towns, appn, 2202. Exports, apprz, 2761. Transport, Finance and Policy (See also Exports to Japan, apprl, 2598. "Ferry Services", "Omnibus Services" and Government Interference, apptl, 2604. "Railways") : Importation of Foodstuffs, griev., 2972. Aged Persons, appn, 1572. Import Quotas, apptt, 2761. Australian Transport Officers Federation, q., Imports, address, 286. 2125. Lachlan Electorate, npprt, 2203. Bicycles, Use of, apptl, 1817. Manufactured Goods Exports, rrpprz, 2762. Blacktown Electorate, address, 495. Japanese Business Community Relations, Burwocd Electorate, apptz, 1358. apptz, 2218. Bus and Rail Fares, q., 2266. Meat Exports to South Korea, address, 286. Carriers' Time Limits, appn, 2202. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984 Transport, Finance and Policy (corztirzued) : I U Coal Freight Concessions, adj., 3070. Coalition Parties Policy, appn, 1550. Universities: Commuter Council, address, 660. Cycleways, appn, 1810, 1814. Entry Requirements, address, 972. Deficit, address, 28; upprr, 1548, 1653, 1816. Discrimination in Serviced Areas, appn, 1376. Fairfield Services, apptt, 1377. Fare Increases, nppn, 2767. Freight Concessions, q., 3435. Funding, nppn, 1819, 193 1. Valuation of Land and Valuer-GeneraI: Government Policy, appn, 1358. Property Rates, q., 684. Government Record, address, 144, 151, 660. Property Revaluations, q., 72. Haymarket Traffic, appn, 1801. Valuer-General's Burwood Office, q., 2275. Intertown, apptz, 1818. London Transport, address, 159. Maglev Hovertrain, address, 160. Mmchester, address, 159. Mercedes-Benz Buses, address, 29. Multimodal Tickets, address, 160. Opposition Policies, appn, 1553. Wages and Salaries: Pensioner Concessions, nppn, 1809, 1812. Average Weekly Earnings, address, 289, 290. Promotion of Staff, address, 157. Beck, Mr Mervyn, q., 70. Public Transport: Demands for Increases, nppn, 899. m., 4641. Discrimination against Women, q., 4462. Lachlan Electorate, address, 716. Effect of Increases, nppn, 2591. Losses, address, 158. Income Groups, nppr~,1544. Manning Levels, npprt, 1242. Incomes and Prices Accord, appn, 2762. Patronage, q., 1764. System, appn, 2082. National Economic Summit Conference, nddress, 25 1. Rail Bus, nddress, 159. National Wage Increase, nppn, 2099. Redundancies, address, 161. Penalty Rates, address, 667, 993; appn. Rural Assistance, npprz, 1567. 2793. Subsidies, q., 2646. Real Income Reductions, nppn, 2760. Surveys, appn, 1817. State Comparisons, applr, 1236. The Hills Electorate, apprz, 1816. Wage Loadings, q, 2060. Ticket Selling, apprt, 1819. Wage Restraint, apprz, 2099. Transport Charges, appn, 1232. Wages Bill, npprt, 900. Transport for Unemployed Persons, nppn, wagespause: 1572. addresr, 285, 289; q., 1460, 1511; appn, Transport Industry, nddress, 16 1. 2097. Transport Strike Traffic Plan, q., 3346. Progran~me,npptr, 1,095. Travel Concessions, appn, 1549, 1819. Savings, npptl, 2096. Underbridge at West Ryde, address, 721. Weekend Penalty Rates, Abolition, appn. Urban Transit Autho~ity : 2756. Bus and Ferry Services, q., 2886. Welfare Workers, apprr, 2626. Deficit, apptz, 2769. Women's, nppn, 2628. Western Sydney Bus Needs, nddress, 152. Western Sydney Private Bus Services, address, 152. Waste (See "Conservation" and "Pollution") Volumes 175-178

Water: Water (cotztitzued) : Alcohol Related Drownings, q., 1459. Shortland County Council Mains Extensions, Australian Water Resources Council Meet- q., 4488. ing, q., 762. South Coast, appn, 1569. Barnard River Supply, appn, 1626. Storage and Reticulation, appn, 1653. Bega Valley, Cartage, q., 755. Storages, address, 967. Bridgman, Dr, appn, 1556. Storage System, address, 997. Brunswick River Siltation, q., 1439. Supply, address, 96 1. Burnt Bridge Reserve Supply, q., 2367, 2570, Sydney Board: 3750. q., 3065. Burwood Electorate, appn, 1363. Charges, apprl, 1654. Charges, appn, 1232, 1237, 1379, 2101. Day Labour, appn, 1654. Contract Works, q., 532, 3428. Tamworth Electorate Projects, address, 654. Country Town Supplies, apprz, 908. Culburra and Dalmeny Works, q., 4886. Dams: Women's Affairs: Bredbo, adj., 4103. Training Opportunities, nppn, 2226. Burdekin, address, 654. Women's Refuges, appn, 1641. Chaffey, q., 2255. Glenbawn, address, 653; apprz, 2081, 2224. Wool: Glemies Creek, apprz, 1240, 2757. Split Rock, q., 24; address, 653, 654; q., Promotion, address, 999; apptz, 2101. 678, 1265; address, 1003; appn, 1239, 1249, 2081; q., 2369. Windamere, appn, 1240, 1248, 2081, 2757. Workers' Compensation: Wyangala, apptl, 1380. Dan1 Construction, address, 652, 653. Adversary System, appn, 2240. Farm Water Storages and Bores Subsidies Bishopsgatc Insurance Australia Limited, q., Scheme, q., 4379, 4474. 71. Georges River, adj., 4884. Bushfire Fighters, q., 73. GriRth and Yenda Supply, q., 4228. Cost, appn, 2235, 2236, 2237, 2238, 2239, 2241. Hunter District Board: Florida Scheme, appn, 2239. address, 464, 962; apptr, 1556, 1568. Insurance, q., 3834, 3842. Rates, address, 729; q., 4678. Joint Committee Upon Workers' Compen- Irrigation Areas, address, 422. sation Insurance, nz., 2557, 2574. Irrigation Charges, q., 1252. Occupational Health and Safety, apprz, 2237. Lake Mejum, npptz, 1379. Preni~un~s,q., 68; address, 447, 802; appn, Leura, appn, 2774. 1645. Molong Supply, address, 735. Queensland Premiums, appn, 1539. Patonga Supply, q., 4109. Queensland Scheme, npptz, 2238. Patterson, DK, nppn, 1556. Rates, address, 655. Pipeline from Wollondilly River, appn. 1646. Quality, apprt, 2225. Working Week: Rates, appn, 2767. Electricity Comniission Employees, appn, Rates for Hotels, clddl.ess, 266. 1635. Rates Increase, apprt, 2756. Flexible Honrs, cipprl, 2793. Reclaimed, q., 826, 4111. Thirty-Five Hour Week, npptz, 2590. Resources, nz., 1482. United States of America, address, 993. Shoalhaven Supply Scheme, q., 4230, 4233. Work-Leisure Relationship, apptz, 1647. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Youth (contiizued) : Leadership, address, 246. Youth (See also "Apprentices"): Minds, appn, 2623, 2624. Accommodation for Unemployed Persons, Policies, nppn, 2622. address, 723. Refuges, apprt, 2600. Blacktown Crisis Centre, address, 495. Services, appn, 2621, 2804. Campbelltown Facilities, q., 685. State Youth Corps, address, 854; appn, 1643, Campbelltown Shelter, appn, 2623. 2601. Capital Allocations, appn, 2223. State Youth Grants Fund, appn, 2621. Child Services, Budget Allocation, appn, "Teenage Skid Row" Documentary, appn, 1641. 2600. Education, address, 246. Training, appn, 1365, 1651, 2095, 2601. Employment: Unco-ordinated Services, apprz, 2622. Creation, appn, 2095. Unemployment, address, 570; appn, 2600. Grants, appn, 1928. Wagga Wagga Multipurpose Centre, appn, Scheme, address, 728. 2623. Homeless, appn, 2600. Yasmar Hostel, appn, 2622, 2623.


16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Explanarion of Abbrevicitions: Address, Address in Reply; adj., Motion for Adjournment; ad. rep., Adoption of Report; appn, Appropriation Bill; Coin., Committee; cons. atndts, Consideration of Amendments; cons. mes., Consideration of Message; dec. urg., Declara- tion of Urgency; griev., Grievance Debate; int., Introduction; loan appn, General Loan Account Appropriataion Bill; nz., Motion; mes., Message; min. stint, Ministerial Statement; m.s.o., Motion for Suspension of Standing or Sessional Orders; pers. expl., Personal Explanation; p.o., Point of Order; q., Question; l~.,2~., 3~., First, Second, Third Reading; recoin., Recommittal; recons. arndts, Reconsideration of Amendments; select corn. rep., Select Committee Report; spec. adj., Special Adjournment; urgency, Motion of Urgency.

Akister, Mr J. E. (Monaro): Akister, Mr J. E. (continued): Address in Reply, n7., 483. Employment: Agent-General and Agencies Abroad: Government Record, nddress, 484. London, appn, 1807. Monaro Electorate, address, 483. Agriculture: Queanbeyan, rrddress, 484. Department, address, 486. Rura! Unemployment, griev., 2972. Monaro Electorate, address, 486. Ski Resorts, address, 484. Apprentices: Training, address, 484. Snowy Mountains Engineering Corpora- tion, cicidress, 483. Bills: Appropriation Bill, Corn., 1806, 1811, Training Schemes, address, 484. 1903. Fires and Fire Fighting: Monaro Electorate, Conveyancing (Amendment) Bill, and rrddrcss, 483. cognate bills, 2~.,4875. Fish Indastry and Fishing: Imports, address, Country Industries (Pay-roll Tax Rebates) 483. Amendment Bill, 2~.,1334. Funeral Services: Burial Costs of Deceased Pay-roll Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2R., Destitute Persons, crppn, 1904. 3661. Hospitals: Perpetuities Bill, 2~.,4558. Coonia, appn, 1903. Real Property (Conversion of Title) Arnendnient Bill, 2~.,4950. Government's Responsibility, appn, 1903. Liberal Party-Nationai Party Pronlises, Business and Trade Practices: Paperwork, apptz, 1903. addrc~ss,486. Teaching, uppit, 1903. Commonwealth-State Relations: Changed Conditions. czddress, 484. Housing: Dental Services and Dentists: School Dental Comnlonwealth Funding, address, 487. Services, apprz, 1904. Commonwealth Grant, address, 484. Drought: Motor Vehicles: Government Assistance, address, 486 Pensioner Registration Concessions, appn, Monaro Electorate, address, 483, 486. 1811. Economic Conditions: National Economic Registration, q., 4496. Summit Conference, ctddress, 487. Registration Fees, appn, 181 1. Education: Commonwealth Funding, ad- Points of Order, 335, 478, 1801, 2819, 1823, drers, 485. 1 4852. Elections and Electorates: State Election 1 Public Works: Commonwealth Grant, Non-voters, g., 4497. address, 484. Volumes 175-178

Akister, Mr J. E. (contirzued) : 1 Anderson, The Hon. P. T. (corztinzled): I Roads and Road Safety: Government 1 Clubs: Record, addre~s,187. Parrnmatta Police-Citizens Boy$' Club, q., School Transport: I/ 1666. Free Travel, appn, 181 1. Police-Citizens Boys' Clubs, q., 1582 Private Vehicle Conveyance Allowance, C~I-rectiveServices: ffppn, 1811. Rrookfield Afforestation Camp, q., 2125. Snowy Mountains Scheme: Tou~istResort, Department of Corrective Services Docit- nddr ess, 485. ments, q., 21 17. Tourist Activities: Early Release of Prisoners, q., 1588, 2636. Commoriwealth Funding, nddress, 486. Female Prisoners, q., 3349. Eden, nrldress, 485. Parole Board Report, q., 2923. Kosciusko National Park, clddre~s,485. Parraniatfa Gaol Riot, q., 3061. Monaro Electorate. no'dre~s, 483, 485, Prison Officers' Dispute, q.. 4928. 486. Courts and Legal Procedure: Sapphire Coast, mddress, 485. Ainswortl~ and Vibert Allegations, nr., Trade: Importation cbf Foodstuffs, griev., 3222. 2972. Intoxicated Persons Act, q., 1943. Coronial Inquiry, q., 2270. Amery, Mr R. S. (Riverstone): Trafic Tnfringcments, q., 1578. Crime and Criminals: Assembly, Legislative: Armed Holdups, q., 542. Cleclloti, 21 10. Caineron, Anthony Willian~,q., 4217. Oath of Allegia~zce,2110. Child Abuse, q., 1312. Bills: Offences in Public Places (Arnend- Gardner, Michael George, q., 2928. nient) Bill, and cognate bill, 2~.,4277. Incidence of Crime, r~.,4606. Crime and Criminals: Incidence of Crime, q., 4606. Smith, Neddy, q., 4469. Health: Pensioner Care, q., 4244. Theft from Central Police Station, q., 2647. Sewerage: Riverstone-Schofields, q., 3632. Trimbole, Robert, y., 4699. Elections and Electo~ates: Budget Expendi- Anderson, The Won. P. T. (Penrith): ture, q., 1390. Fires and Fire Fighting: Bush Fire Brigades, Assembly, Legislative: q., 1889. Appoirrtrt~rrzt rrs Mitzisler for Corr~~cti~,e Government, State: S~rl,iccs,2 1 10. Tapes and Documents Provided by the Minister for Corrective Services, q., 1671. Age newspaper, q., 4396, 4597, 4698, Reuppoir1fnlcr1i ro Ministry, 4384. 4919. Resignation of Minister for Corrective Industrial Relations: Prison Oficers' Dispute, Services and Minister for Roads, adj. q., 4928. (S.O. 49), 2139. Law and Order: Betting and Gambling: Shaloub, Neville Private Inquiry Agents, q., 1578, 1664, John, q., 3430. 1763. Bills: Private Inquiry Agents Licensing, q., 1577. Bush Ftres (Antendment) Bill, 2R., 3312. Leader of the Opposition: Political Radio Community Service Orders (Amendment) Commercials, q., 2005. Bill, 2R., 4634. I.ocal Goveru~nent: Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Amend- Botany Council Bribery Case, q., 600. ment Bill, 2R., 1326, 1692. Rating, a&., 3343. Police Board Bill, 2R, 3468, -1097. Morality: Pornographic Cards, q., 2362. Police Regulation (Allegation of Miscon- duct) Amendment Bill, and cognate bills, Motor Vehicles: ZR., 2941, 3339. Thefts, a&., 3932. Probation and Parole Bill, and cognate Trail Bike Riders, q., 3064. bills, 2~.,3460, 4064. Trail Bikes, q., 1866. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Anderson, The Hon. P. T. (corztirzued): I Aquilina, iMr J. J., B.A., DipEd. (continued): Ombudsrrtan: 1482-83 Annual Report, q., 4513. Corrective Services: New Prison for Women, Poinis of Order, iL!, 502, 503, 2138, 2926, q., 304. 3249, 4046, 4048. Deccntralisation and Development: Po!,ei Machines: Police Investigation, q., Public Sector, address, 496. 3055, 3057. Western Suburbs, urldress, 494, 495. Police: Westcrn Sydney Area Assistance Fund, Acc;d:ut Invcstigatio~lSquad, q., 1385. address, 495. Allegations of Bribery, q., 2264. Western Sydney Regional Organizatioll of Allegations of Misconduct, q., 4394. Couilcils, address, 495. All~geclPoliiical Interference, q., 3438. Employment: Arantz, Philip, q., 886. Governlllent Policy, address, 496. Assistant Comi~liss:oner Py:ie, q., 15 1 -:, Government Record, address, 495. 292;. Western Suburbs, adrlress, 495, 496. Chief Inspector Loomes, q.. 4-294. Ethnic ARairs: Migrants, address, 494. Complaints Against, q., 4666, 4667, 4668. Hospitals: Blackiolyn, q., 3839. Firearms, q., 1 101. Housing: Tniernal Aflail-s Branch, q., 4666. Doo~;side,address, 497. New South Wales Police Force, in., 4019. Fi!-st Home Buyers' Stamp Duty q., 1453. Penna~~tElills Station, y., 4471, 4472. Western Suburbs, nddress, 494. 4473. Local Government: Western Suburbs, Possible Visit to George Freeman, q., riddress, 495. 1943. Polluiion: Keep Australia Beautiful Cam- Promotions, q., 2254. paign, addrcs.~,498. Raid on Club 80, q., 14.58. Town and Country Planning: Recruitment, q., 889. Government Initiatives, address, 495. Retirements, q., 1579, 2356, 4665. Open Space Corridors, address, 497. Sutherland-Illawarra Region, q., 2117. Western Community, an'clress, 494. Trail Bike Squad, q., 1384. Western Suburbs, address, 496, 498. Wollongong, adj., 930. Western Sydney Planning and Develop- Posts and Telecomn~unications: Telephone ment Committee, address, 497. Tapping, q., 3839. Transport, Finance and Policy: Blacktown Public Service and Statutory Offices: Electorate, nddress, 495. State Emergency Services, q., 3345. Youth: Blacktown Crisis Centre, address, State Emergency Services Radio Equip- 495. ment, q., 2354. Radio Broadcasting and Television: Political Radio Commercials, q., 2005. Arblaster, Mr D. A. (Mosman): Address in Reply, m., 723. Aqugna, kf~3. 3.9 B.A.9 Dip-Ed. (Black- Bills: Commer-cia1 Vessels (Amendment) town): Bill, and cognate bills, 2~.,1223. Corrective Services: Early Release of Prison- Address in Reply, m., 493. ers, nddress, 726. Assembly, Legislative: Coul-ts and Legal Procedure: Botany Council Election: Chairman of Committees, m., Inquiry, nddress, 527. 135. Crime and Criminals: Theft from Central Members: Tribute, address, Police Station, q., 2646. 483, 484. Prirztirig Conznzittee, Menzber, 772. Electricity: Charges, address, 724. Bills: Employnlent:-,*-, Government Policy, address, Noise Control (Amendment) Bill, 2~., ILJ. 4548. Ferry Services: Mosman and Athol, q., 4489. Real Property (ConverGo~ of Title) Fires and Fire Fighting: Brigade Levies, Amendment Bill, ZR., 4946. address, 725. Volumes 175-178

Arblaster, Mr D. A. (continued) : Arena, The Hon. Franca, A. M. (corztinued) : Housing: Adelaide Rentals, address, 726. Bills: Protected Tenants, address, 726. Anti-Discrimination (Amendment) Bill, Rent Control, rrddress, 725. 2~.,3204. Rents, nddress, 725. Appropriation Bill, 2R., 2094. Sackville Report, address, 725, 726. Community Justice Centres Bill, and cog- Tenants' Alterations, address, 726. nate bills, 2R., 3024. Tenants' Rights, address, 725. Budget, 1983-84: Programme Budgeting, nppn, 2094. Local Government: Conservation: Byron Bay Dune Stabilization, Alleged bribe by Minister for Health, nppn, address, 726. 2096. Botany Council Bribery Allegations, Consumer Affairs: address, 726. Crystal Ball Centre of Clairvoyants, q., Council Rates, cddress, 725. 2566, 2892. Introduction Agencies, q., 1724. Police: Chief Superintendent Walden, addre~s,726. Council, Legislative: Prirltirig Conzrnitfee, Mernber, 942. Morale, address, 727. Superintendent Toohey, address, 726. Courts and Legal Procedure: High Court and Privy Council Appeals, q., 4768. Schools: Aid for Private Schools, address, 727. Discrimination: Aged Persons, address, 268. Employment: School Transport: Buses, q., 1104. Aborigines, rrppn, 2096. Taxation: Commonwealth Covernmellt's Record, Financial Institutions Duty, address, 724. nppn, 2095. Fuel, address, 724. Community Programme, appn, 2097. Land, address, 724, 725; ndj., 4459; 111., Council Scheme, rrpprz, 2095. 4963. Creation, appn, 2095. Payroll. address, 723, 724. Effects of Unemployment, nppn, 2094. Town and Coulitry Planning: Environment Government Policy, addrers, 266. and Planning Levies, address, 725. Government Ilecord, uppn, 2095. Nan-English Speaking Persons, nppn, 2096. Arena, The Hon. Franca, A.M.: Recession Effects, apprl, 2094. Special Women's Programme, apprt, 2096. Aborigines: Statistics, rrppn, 2094. Communi~y Maintenance Programmes, Ethnic Affairs: appn, 2096. Aged Persons, address, 268. Culture, apprt, 2096. Australian Institute of Multicultural Af- Employment, nppn, 2096. fairs, acldress, 269. Health Services, npprz, 2096. Chinese Women, appn, 2097. Housing, appn, 2096. Employn~entof Women, nppn, 2097. Life Expectancy, address, 267. Greek Professional Association, appn, Youth Fitness Programmes, appn, 2096. 2097. Address in Reply, nz., 266. Homes for the Aged, address, 269. Agriculture: Government Policy, address, Language Difficulties, address, 268. 266. Macedonian Community, appn, 2097. Apprentices: Unemployed Persons, appn, Multilingual Health Posters, nppn, 2097. 2097. Occupational Health, appn, 2097. Arts and Culture: Pensions, address, 269, 270. Aboriginal, appn, 2096. Social Security Agreement, (iddress, 269. Government Policy, address, 266. Tongan Community, appn, 2097. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Arena, The Hon. Franca, A. M. Armstrong,MrI.M.,O.B.E. (continued): (continued) : Bills: Government, State: Accounting Procedures, Appropriation Bill, Corn., 1806, 1817, rippn, 2094. I 1907. Housing: Campbelltown Presbyterian Cemetery Bill, 2R.. 4726. Commission: Property Sales, appn, 2098. Parole Orders (Transfer) Bill, 2~.,4040. Probation and Parole Bill, and cognate Review, appn, 2098. bills, 2~.,4041. Sales Policy, appn, 2098. Tenants, appn, 2098. Corrective Services: Terms Sales Scheme, apprr, 2098. Age of Prisoners, address, 717. Rental Accomn~odation,appn, 2098. Brookfield Afforestation Camp, q., 2125. Convicted Drug Offenders, address, 717. Population: Ageing, address, 267. Drugs in Gaols, address, 718. Public Service and Statutory Offices: Early Release of Prisoners, address, 718. Office of Special Employment, clppn, 2095. Public Statements by Prison Oficers, q., Programme Budgeting, apprl, 2094. 1515. Social and Welfare Services: Crime and Criminals: Gardner, Michael George, q., 2928. Aged Persons, address, 267. Commonwealth Unemployment Assistance, Dental Services and Dentists: School, appn, rrnarr.. . 2097. 1910. Community Languages Translations, ad- Drought: Effects on Residents of Ungarie, drr~s,267. apprl, 1909. Ethnic Comn~unities,address, 268. Employment: Job Creation, apprz, 2097. Government Policy, apprz, 1806. Job Creation P~ojects,apprl, 2096. Programmes, q., 892. Kyogle Chamber of Commerce, appiz, Government, State: Australian Bicentennial 2096. I Road Development Programme, q., 4496. Sport and Recreation: Grains: Wheat Transportation Costs, apprz, 1817. All India and South Asia Rugby Cup, nppn, 2098. Health: Armenian-Australian College of Old Boys Cancer Research, apptl, 1910. of Sydney, LI~~II,2098. Central West, address, 713, 715. Wages and Salaries: Decentralization of Services, address, 715. Wages Pause, npprr, 2095, 2097. Discussion Paper, address, 71 3, 714. Wages Pause Savings, npprt, 2095. 1,achlan Electorate Protests, ncId~-ess,71 5. 1,achlan Electorate Services, odd, iJ.rr, 715. Youth: I Minister's Actions, addrc.~:,7 14. Employment Creation, npprl, 2095. Reduced Standards of Care, address, 715. Training Programme, apprt, 2095 Regional Director, Westcrn Area, address, 71 5. Strategic Overview, address, 713; appn, 1907. Armstrong, Mr I. M., O.B.E. (Lachlan): West Wyalong Services, address, 716. Address in Reply, rn., 713. Hospitals: Agent-General and Agencies Abroad: Alloca- Accommodation for Patients' Relatives, tion, upprl, 1806. appn. 1909. Bed Reclassification, address, 713. Ambulance Services: Central West, appn, 1907, 1909. Central West, appn, 1909. Community Role, apprz, 1907. Lachlan Electorate, address, 717. Country Isolation, address, 716 Assembly, Legislative: Prirlring Coinn~itice,/ Lachlan Electorate Submission, address, Member, 772. 716. Volumes 175-178

Armstrong, Mr I. M., O.B.E. (corztirzued) : Bannon, Mr B. J. (corztinuerl) Hospitals (co~~tinued): Motor Vehicles: Bexley Congestion, address, Orange, appn, 1909. 738. Ralionalization, address, 7 13; appn, 1907. Obituary: Cahill, T. J., Member for Reduced Beds, Lachlan Electorate, appn, Matrickville, Deputy-Speaker and Chair- 1908. man of Committees of the Legislative Assembly, in., 60. Tullamore, apprl, 1908. Ungarie, address, 716; appn, 1909. Pollution: West Wyalong District Submission, Botany Bay Oil Spill, q., 2812. crddress, 71 6. Noise: Law and Order: Private Inquiry Agents, q., Aircraft, address, 740. 1753. Bexley, address, 739. Medical and Paramedical Practitioners: Railways: Tt~ilamore,appn, 1908, 1909. Botany Area. address, 738. Minerals and Mining: Coal Sales to Japan, Maldon-Dombalton Rail Link, address, crpprz, 1806. 739. Omnibus Sei vices: Condobolin, address, 715. Port Botany Freight, address 738. Points of Older, 718, 4042, 4048, 4049. Southern Coalfields, crddress, 739. Railways: Rail Buses, trpprz, 18 18. Roads and Road Safety: Schools: Tullamore, ~~ppn,1908. Adequacy, address, 738. Bexley Road Suboption, riddress, 737. Town and Country Planning: West Wyalong Isolation, address, 716. Botany Bay Area, address, 737, 738. Commissioner Kirby's Report, address, Transport, Finance : nd Policy: 737, 738. Intertown, apprz, 18 18. Cooks River Corridor, address, 738. Public Transport, Lachlan Electorate, Heavy Vehicles, address, 739. address, 71 6. Kyeemagh-Chullora Road, address, 739; Water: Resources, m., 1493. q., 1997. Local Communities, address, 739. Bannon, Mr B. J. (Rockdale): Port Botany Facilities, address, 737. Rockdale Bypass Corridor, address, 737. Address in Reply, nz., 736. Rockdale Electorate, address, 738. Aircraft and Air Services: Southwestern Corridor, address, 738. Expansion of Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Transport Facilities, Rockdale Electorate, crddress, 73 7. Airport, nddress, 739. Opposition Policy, address, 739. Town and Country Planning: Bexley Road Suboption, address, 737. Second Airport for Sydney, address, 740. Second International Airport, address, 740. Betting and Gambling: Beckroge, Mr W. H. (Broken Hill): Amusement Machines, q., 212. Address in Reply, m., 582. Pub TAB, q., 4707. Arts and Culture: Art Gallery of New South Films: X-rated Video Movies, m., 4570, Wales, appn, 1803. 4588. Assembly, Legislative: Fish Industry and Fishing: Botany Bay House Committee, Metnber, 771. Trawling, q., 599. Select Conznlittee zipon Workers' Coi,rpeil- Government, State: satior~Insurance, Member, 2557. Administration, address, 736. Bills: Progress and Development, address, 736. Appropriation Bill, Corn., 1803, 18 13, Harbours: Botany Bay Coal Loader, address, 1923. 739. River Murray Waters Bill, 2~.,1209. Minerals and Mining: Coal Transportation, Colleges of Advanced Education and Tech- address, 73 9. nical Colleges: Broken Hill, address, 585. 16th August, 1983, to 1st Rlarch, 1984

Beckroge, Mr W. H. (continued) : 1 Beckroge, Mr W. H. (continued) : Decentralization and Development: Broken / Tourist Activities: Hill, address, 584. 1 Broken Hill, address, 583. Dental Services and Dentists: Broken Hill Grants, t~ddress,583. Rural Dental Scheme, appn, 1924. Broken Hill Tourist Officer, address, 583. Rural Dental Services, q., 2922. Employment, address, 584. Western Shires Dental Scheme, Tourist Commission, q., 4403. 1924. app'i' 1 Tour Industry Development Fund, Electricity: address, 583. Broken Hill Supplies, address, 584. I Charges, q., 1461. i Bedford, The Hon. E. L., B.A. (Cabramatta): Employment: Tourist Industry, riddress, 584. / Advertising: Sewage Pollution Poster, q., Floods: Statewide, nclj. (S.O. 49), 4418. 3353. Government, State: Premier's Department ~i~~~~f~and ~i~ services: second ~i~~~~~ Budget Allocation, nppn, 1803, 1804. for Sydney, q., 214, 1311; appn, 1772. Health: Assembly, Legislative: Bureau of Medical Inspection, tlppn, 1923. Members: Hawkesbury, nppn, 1768, 1770. Royal Far West Children's Scheme, appn, Reappoirltrnent to Minisfry, 4384. 1923. Automation, Mechanization and Computers: Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Government Orders for Computers, q., Broken Hill Ambulance Station, trddress, 1147. 585. 1 Bills: Hospitals: Appropriation Bill, 2~.,1768. Broken Hill, address, 584; npprz, 1924. National Parks and Wildlife (Amend- Southern Cross Nursing Home, rrddress, ment) Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 1045, 585. 2848. Medical and Paramedical Practitioners: Noise Control (Amendment) Bill, ZR., Royal Flying Doctor Service, crpprz, 1923. 3455. Recreation Vehicles Bill, and cognate bills, Minerals and Mining: 2R., 1604. Broken Hill, address, 582. State Pollution Control Commission Broken Hill Ore, address, 583. (Licences and Approvals) Amendment Exploration and Development, address, Bill, and cognate bills, 2~.,1041, 1478. 582. University and University Colleges Moto~Vehicles: Pensioner Registration Con- (Amendment) Bill, and cognate bills, cessions, appn, 1813. 2R., 4722. obituary: johnstone, L, A,, a F~~~~~Mem- Birds: Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, q., 1091. ber d the Legislative Assembly, m., 48. Conservation: Points of Order, 1110, 2493. Battle of Vinegar Hill bite, nppn, 1768. Police: Broken Hill Station, address, 585. Government Record, appn, 1772. Public Holidays: Broken Hill, address, 582. Heritage Council of New South Wales, appn, 1769. Public Service and Statutory Off~ces: De- partment of Local Government and Lands, Waste Disposal, q., 1947. q., 2124. Waste Recycling, q., 820. Railways: Computerized Booking Service, Wildlife Research, q., 11 50. appn, 1813. Dental Services and Dentists: Dental Ser- Reserves: Broken Hill Showground, address, vlce, q., 4236. 585. Education: Technical and Further, q., 4404. Schools: Facilities Use Committees, q., Elections and Electorates: Electorate Budget 3640. Expenditure, q., 1390. Taxation: Electricity: Broken Hill Mining Royalties, address, Bayswater-Mt Piper Transmission Line, 582, 583. adj., 809. Company, address, 582. Transmission Lines, q., 1581. lxxxviii INDEXTO SPEECHES

Volumes 175-178

Bedford, The Hon. E. L., B.A. (continued) : Bedford, The Hon. E. L., B.A. (continued) : Forests: Teachers: Teacher-Librarians, dj.,1658. Addition to National Parks, q., 3066. Town and Country Planning: State, q., 887. Chatswood Town Centre Plan, q., 815, Funeral Services: Mortuary Service, q., 1190. 818. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Height of Buildings Advisory Committee, q., 3635. Battle of Vinegar Hill Site, apptz, 1768. Jamberoo Valley, q., 1595. Blacktown Historical Society, apprz, 1771. Mount Misery Quarrying, q., 1514. Flrst Government House Site, q., 1100. North Sydney Development, q., 1946. Government Record, appn, 1769. Portland Development q., 3354. Heritage Council Consultancies, q., 933. Pyrmont Point Development, q., 3356. Heritage Council of New South Wales, npprz, 1771. Service Station Retailing, q., 768. Historic Artefacts, q., 3741. Historic House Protection, appn, 1769. Macquarie Place Obelisk, q., 821. Purchase of Land from Haddad Family, npptz, 1770. Booth, The Hon. K. G. (Wallsend): Resumption of Rouse Hill Estate Idand, Aborigines: Aboriginal Land Council nppn, 1770. Account, apprt, 905. Richmond Cottage, nppn, 1771. Agriculture: Rouse Hill Estate, npptz, 1769. B~ological and Chemical Research Insti- Rouse Hill House, appn, 1768. tute, appn, 907. Rouse Hill House Barn, appn, 1770. Co~lttibutio~lto State's Economic Recovery, Housing: Waverley Welfare, adj., 2713. nppn, 907. L.znd and 1.and Settlement: Waterfront Effects of Drought, apprz, 907. Lands, q., 1750. Mutrumbidgee Agricultural College, np~r~,908. Minerals and Mining: Mount Misery Quarry- ing, q., 1514. Rangeland Research and Advisory Unit, apptl, 908. Motor Service St:.tions: Retailing, q., 768. Arts and Culture: Government Projects, Points of Order, 1474, 1475, 1477. appn, 9 11. Pollution: Assembly, Ixgislative: Rcnppointrilent fo Coal Smoke, q., 1834. Mirli~tr-11,4384. Grease Trap Wastes, q., 4492. Bills: Noise: Powel Boats and Off-road Vehicles, Appropriation Bill, 2~.,898. q., 683. Public Authorities (Financial Accommoda- Tomago Aluniinium Smelter Toxic Waste, tion) Further Amendment Bill, 2~.,441, q., 2920. 552. Waste Disposal, a., 81 1, 2043. Public Finance and Audit Bill, and cog- Water, q., 2120. nate bill, ZR., 2954; Conz., 3514. Reserves: Supply Bill, 2~.,793. Honorary Rangers, q., 1090. Budget: 1983-81: Capital Works Expendi- Valhalla Lodge, Perisher Valley, q., 760. ture, q., 1015. Schools : Commonwealth-State Relations: Teacher-Librarians, ndj., 1658. Employment Opportunities, npprz, 899. West Ryde Public, adj., 4590. Financial, apprt, 901. Sewerage: Tax Sharing, npprz, 901. Sewage Pollution Poster, q., 3353. Decentralization and Development: Sewage Stabilization Ponds, q., 423 1. Advanced Technology, appn, 91 1. Statute Revision: National Parks and WiId- Country Industries -4ssistance Fund, appn, life Act: Disallowance of Proclamation, m., 908. 894. Development Assistance Fund, appn, 91 1. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Booth, The Hon. K. G. (continued) : Booth, The Hon. K. G. (continued) : Economic Conditions: Insurance: Interest Rates, appn, 900. Government Insurance Office, q., 3638. National Economic Summit Conference, Motor Vehicle, q., 4819. appn, 901. Meat Industry: Homebush Abattoir Cor- Recovery, appn, 898. poration, q., 1097. Education: Noxious Weeds: Loans for Eradication, q., Government Icecord, appn, 906. 4594. Long Day Care Centres, appn, 904. Oil Industry: Petrol Licence Fee, npprz, 912. Pre-school, appn, 904. Omnibus Services: Improved Facilities, oppn, Recurrent Funds, appn, 905. 910. Elections and Electorates: Electorate Budget Police: Expenditure, q., 1390. Buildings and F!uipment, apptz, 909. Electricity: Commission Programme, appn, Staffing, nppn, 909. 911. Prices: fnflation, apprz, 900. Employment; P~lblicService and Statutory OEces: Staff- Capital Works Programme, iippn, 902. ing L.evels, iippri, 911. Community Programme, appn, 903; q., Public Works: 3429. Projects, apptz, 902. Creation, appri, 898, 901, 902. Schools, appn, 905. Private Sector, nppn, 899. Railways: Special Schemes, npptt, 902, 903. Additional Facilities, apptt, 910. Unemployment, q., 1013, 3832. Freight and Passenger Reduction, nppn, 910. Ethnic Affairs: Government Allocation. cipptl, 905. lniproved Facilities, appn, 909. State Rail Authority's Policies, nppn, 910. Finance and Investment: Track Upgrading and Electrification, apptz, Administrative Reforms, nppti, 91 1. 909. State Bank, q., i872. Rewr ves Nat~onalParks, rrpprz, 909. Floods: Statewide. ndj. (S.O. 49), 4424. Roads and Road Safety: Gas Industry: Australian Gas Light C(m- Disaster Relief Fundtng, q., 1458. pany, q., 307. Improvement, LI~~II,910. Government, State: Schools Pr~vate,appn, 906. Audttor-Gene1 al's Report, q., 145 1. Soctal and Welfale Services: Natural D~saitersFund, q., 1501. Cor-niu~-~i:Welfare Fund, npptz, 903, Piogr3rnme Budgettng, upptz, 91 1. 905. Speclal Depos~tsAccount, q., 1502. Flderly Pelsons, ~pprz,903. Telm Deposits, q., 1580. Ifome Care Servtces, c~ppn,904. I-1,lnriicapped Persons: Long Day Ca~eCent~es, npptz, 904. Government Allocation, irppr?, 903. Neglected and Abused Children, nppn, Serv~ces,npptz, 904. 904. I!ospitals: Sport and Recreatio?. Facilities, nppti, 908. Beds, cipptz, 907. Taxation: Government Allocation, nppn, 907. Avoidance, uppn, 9 12. Concess'ons, appn, 912. IRousing: Land, nppn, 912. Commission, nppn, 910. Payroll, cippt~,9 12. Lord Howe Island Loans, q., 4595. Stamp Duty, rrpprz, 912; q., 2810. Industry, Primary: State Sharing, npprz, 901. Rail Freight Charges, apprz, 908. Teachers: Tobacco Licence Fee, appn, 912. Additional, npprz, 905. Industry, Secondary: Steel, apprz, 900. Numbers, nppn, 906. Volumes 175-178

Booth, The Hon. K. G. (contiizued): Bowman, Mr D. J., B.A., Dip.Ed. (corztinued) : Tourist Activities: Advertising Campaign, appri, 908. School: Northlakes High, nppn, 1568. Regional Promotion, nppn, 908. Taxation: Financial Institutions Duty, apprz, Wages and Salaries: 1565. Demands for Increases, appn, 899. Tonn and Country Planning: Tribute to Wages Bill, appn, 900. Premier, nyptz, 1568. Water: Transport, Finance and Policy: Rural As- Bega Valley, Cartage, q., 755. sistance, nppn, 1567. Country Town Supplies, apprz, 908. Water: Hunter District Board, npprz, 1568.

Bowman, Mr D. J., B.A., Dip.Ed. (Swansea): Boyd, Mr J. C. (Byron): Assembly, Legislative: Opposition, apprt, 1563. Address in Iteply, rrz., 577. Programme, npptz, 1565. Agriculture: Restructure, appn, 1564. Budget Allocation, address, 577. Priittirtg Corttr~zittee,Metizber, 772. Reduced Services, address, 578. The Jucleo-Christian Ethic, rn., 2033. Ambulance Services: Bill : Appropriation Bill, 2R., 1563. Antbulance Subscriptions, q., 13 17. Conservation: Budget Estimates, npprz, 1897. Lake Macquarie Environmental Audit, Byron Electorate, address, 582; q., 4503. crppiz, 1567. Comn~unitySubsidies, npprz, 1897. Soil Erosion, npprz, 1567. Pensioners, address, 581; npprz, 1898. Drought: Government Relief, npprt, 1567. Pensioners' Fees, q., 1871. Education: Tribute to Minister, nppii, 1568. Public Accounts Committee's Investigation, npprz, 1897. Employment: Queenstand Ambulance Transport Brigade, Creation, apprz, 1563. npptz, 1898. Rural Areas, appn, 1567. Sporting Events, appri, 1897. Government, State: Tweed Heads District, ncidress, 581; nppn, Auditor-General's Report, q., 1451. 1899. Rural Record, npprt, 1567. Tweed Heads District Government Fund- Health: ing, npprz, 1898. National Party Policy, apptt, 1567. Tweed Heads District Pensioners, appn, 1899. Services, appn, 1566. Tweed Heads Fees, npptl, 1540, 1898. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: State Tweed Heads Station, apprz, 1898. Record, appiz, 1563. Hospitals: Assen~blp,Legislative: Beds, npprt, 1566, 1567. Hnfrse Cortirtzittee, Mettiber, 771. Resourcc A!location, nppn, 1566. Members: Byron, pers. expl., 3641. Services, nppn, 1567. Opposition's Role, apprz, 1808. Housing: Swansea, npptz, 1568. Bills : Appropriation Bill, 2R., 1537; Coin., 1807, Leader of the Opposition: Opposition Re- 1812, 1896. vitalization, appn, 1564. Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) 1,otteries: Instant, q., 2927. Amendment Bill, 2~.,3669. Point of Order, 361. Land Tax Management (Amendment) Bill, Police: Central Coast, nppn, 1568. and cognate bill, 2R., 3690. Pay-roll Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2~., Population: Non-metropolitan Growth, npprz, 3659; Corn., 3665. 1567. Public Authorities (Financial Accommo- Roads and Road Safety: Cain's Hill Widen- dation) Further Amendment Bill, 2~., ing Programme, nppn, 1568. 550. xci

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Boyd, Mr 3. C. (continued) : Boyd, Mr 3. C. (coiztinued): Bills (continued) : Hospitals: Public Finance and Audit Bill, and cognate Bangalow, appn, 1898. bill, ZR., 3510. Fund, apprl, 1897. Supply Bill, 2R., 795. Nimbin, npprt, 1898. Water (Amendment) Bill, ZR., 2686. Housing: Bridge: Rolands Creek, Uki, q., 4504. Government Record, apptz, 1541. Caravans and Camping: Pensioners, address, Welfare, apprz, 1541. 582. Local Govcrnment : Cattle, Sheep and Livestock: Far North Coast Weeds, County Council, Board of Tick Co:ltrol, address, 579. a.. 1721. Cattle Dipping, address, 577; appn, 1541, Finances, q., 1667. 1542. Meat Industry: Byron Bay Abattoir, adj., Cattle Tick Review Committee, address, 1933; griev., 2974. 580. Compulsory Dipping, address, 579, 580. Motor Vehicles: Currumbin Valley, (iddress, 579. Pensioner Registration Concessions, apprt, 1812. Nor th Coast, addiesr, 580. Registration Fees, apprz, 1812. Tick Control Technology, address, 580. Tick Fever, address, 579. Nurses: Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, applt, 1897. Tick Infestation, address, 577, 578. Vo!untary Dipping, address, 578. Ohilu:,ries: Cahill, T. J., Member for Marrickville, Charitable and Comn~unity Organizations: Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of Com- Funding, apprl, 1540. mittees of the L~gislativeAssembly, In., Chemicals: Pesticides, q., 1720. 66. Commonwealth-State Rclations: Financial, Johnstone, L. A,, a Former Member of apppz, 1538. ike Legislative Assembly, m., 50. Decentralization and Development: Assist. Parliament: Northern Forecourt, Parliament ance to Country Industries, appn, 1807. House, q., 3633. Electricity: Pests: Charges, appn, 1541. Cattle Tick, address, 577, 578, 581; appn, Pensioner Concessions, appn, 1541. 1541. Pensioner Rebates, address, 582. Government Policy, address, 581. Transmission Lines, q., 1581. Point of Order, 1028. Fires and Fire Fighting: Buildings at Nimbin, Population: Queensland Increase, applz, rrppn, 1898. 1539. Fish Industry and Fishing: Rural Assistance Public Service and Statutory Off~ces: Board, q., 2358. Auditor-General's Report, appn, 1537. Government, State: Railways: Leasing of Rolling-stock, appn, Natural Disastet s Fund, q., 1501. 1538, 1812. Premier's Department Budget Allocation, Rescue Squads: Coolangatta Air Sea Rescue appn, 1807. Unit, appiz, 1539. Prioritieq appn, 1808. Reserves: Byron Electorate. q., 1667. Special Deposits Account, q., 1502; appn, Roads and Road Safety: Tweed Heads By- 1537. pass, q., 2188. Term Deposits, q., 1580. Schools: Private, q., 2047. Health: Alcoholism, q., 2045. Social and Welfare Services: Munvillumbah Jaycees, appn, 1539, 1540. Commonwealth Funding, apprz, 1897. Department Administration, appn, 1896. Sport and Recreation: America's Cup, griev., Increased Allocation, appn, 1896. 2974. Public Accounts Committee's Recommen- Superannuation and Retirement Funds: dations, appn, 1897. Retired Miner Mr E. Kinerson, adj., 1380. Volumes 175-178

Boyd, Mr J. C. (continued) : Brenner, The Hon. G, (continued) : Taxation: Conservation: Financial Institutions Duty, q., 1944. Soil, appn, 2204. Increases, appn, 1538. Soil Erosion Control Programmes, appn, New South Wales, appn, 1539. 2204. Petrol, q., 1944. Daky, Industry: Industries Assistance Com- Poker Machine, appn, 1897. mission, q., 1265. Queensland, appn, 1539. Drought: Trade: Avocados, q., 1719. Government Assistance, appn, 2203. Transport, Finance and Policy: Relief, q., 4772. Leasing of Rolling-stock, appn, 1812. Electricity: Private Enterprise, appn, 2203. Pensioner Concessions, appn, 1812. Fires and Fire Fighting: Subsidies, q., 2646. Equipment, nppn, 2205. Water: Farm Water Storage and Bores Government Allocation, appn, 2205. Subsidies Scheme, q., 4474. Harden Shire, npprz, 2205. Workers' Compensation: Queensland Pre- Government, State: Coalition, apprz, 2205, miums, appn, 1539. 2206. Political Parties: National Party, appn, 2206. Brading, Mr R. C., M.Arch. (Camden): Railways: Liberal Party's Policy, appn, 2203. Assembly, Legislative: House Committee, Roads and Road Safety: Member, 771. Autobahns, appn, 2202. Bills : Enforcement of Regulations, appn, 2202.= Coal Mining (Amendment) Bill, and cog- Government Allocation, appn, 2202. nate bill, 2R., 3147. Government Policy, appn, 2202. Dentists (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 3899. Honourable Member for Lachlan's Report, Railway Construction (East Hills to appn, 2203. Campbelltown) Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., Jugiong Bypass, appn, 2202. 3686. Random Breath Testing, appn, 2202, 2203. Recreation Vehicles Bill, and cognate bills, Semitrailer Drivers, appn, 2201. 2R., 2299. Sylvies Gap Bypass, appn, 2202. Decentralization and Development: Mac- Trade: arthur Development Board, q., 363 1. Country Towns, appn, 2202. Employment: Burragorang Valley Coalmine Lachlan Electorate, appn, 2203. Retrenchments, q., 601. Trades and Trade Unions: Minerals and Mining: Rural Workers' Conditions, appn, 2204. Burragorang Valley Coalmine Retrench- Carriers' Time Limits, appn, 2202. ments, q., 601. Mount Misery Quarrying, q., 1514. I Town and Country Planning: Mount Misery Brereton, The Hon. L. J. meffron): Quarrying, q., 1514. Abortion: Statistics, q., 2124. Advertising: Medical Consumer Information, Brenner, The Hon. G.: q., 3634. Aircraft and Air Services: Air Ambulance Agriculture: Services q., 3187. Budget Allocation, appn, 2204. Government Record, appn, 2204. Ambulance Services: Air, q., 3 187. BiU: Appropriation Bill, 2R., 2201. Ambulance Subscriptions, q., 1317. Books, Newspapers and Publications: Blayney Ambulance Station, q., 3738. Country Newspapers, appn, 2205. Byron Electorate, q., 4504. Bridge: Lachlan River, Cowra, appn, 2202. Contribution Scheme, q., 3430. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Brereton, The Hon. L. 3. (contirzued) : Brereton, The Hon. L. J. (continued): Ambulance Services (cotztinucd) : Health (continued): Delays, q., 2052. Leucotomy Consultative Committee, q., Pensioners' Fezs, q., 187 1. 1445. South Coast, q., 1386. New South Wales Diabetic Association, q., 820. Assembly, Legislative: Pensioner Care, q., 4244. Appoirztrrzent ns Minister for Roods, 21 10. Physical Exercise Classes, q., 818. Leader of the National Party, In., 336. Radio-active Sand, q., 1760. Renppoinfrncnt to A4inislry, 4384. Hospitals: Resigncitior~ or Millister for Roads, 2916. 1 Accommodation for Parents, q., 2716. Bills: Bankstown, q., 4107. Dentists (Amendment) Bill, ZR., 3303, Beds, q., 3632. 3902. Blacktown, q., 3839. Health Insurance Levies (Amendment) Cancer Treatment, q., 3430. Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., 3307, 3913; Cori~.,3917. Country, Upgrading, q., 3526. Human Tissue Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., Hawkesbury District, q., 3064. 2651. Intensive Care Facilities, q., 206. Medical Practitioners (Further Amend- Mental, q., 2363. ment) Bill, 2~.,2840. Private Hospital Classification, q., 2055. Mental Health Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., Ryde, q., 4246. 3087, 3893. St George, q., 3635. Public Hospitals (Amendment) Bill, 2R., St Margaret's, q., 541. 2837, 3492; ad. rep., 3497. Sutherland, q., 676, 1104, 1313. Public Hospitals (Hospitals Incorpora- tion) Amendment Bill, 2R., 3315, 3925; Sydney, q., 4378. 3R., 3929. Upgrading of Major Referral, q., 4520. Walker Trusts (Amendment) Bill, 2R., Westmead, q., 596. 3301. Housing: Department of Health Residences, Bridge: Sydney Harbour, q., 2120. q., 937. Chemicals: Industry, Primary: Wine Industry, q., 2119. Pharmaceutical Products, q., 8 13. Insurance: Ambulance Transport, q., 2274. Sniffing of Toxic, q., 4501, 4507, 4508. Liquor : Dental Services and Dentists: Wine Industry, q., 2119. Dental Therapists, q., 308. Wines, q., 750. Rural Dental Services, q., 2922. Local Government: Community Employ- ment Funding, q., 4889. Drugs: O'Connor House Detoxification Centre, q., 3740. Medical and Paramedical Practitioners: Acupuncturists, q., 27 17. Elections and Electorates: Electorate Budget Expenditure, q., 1390. Dr Clive Collier, q., 4475. South Coast Paramedics, q., 2053. Health: Albury Services, q., 3842. Nurses: Education, q., 4486. Alcoholism, q., 2046. Employment, q., 2643. Breast Cancer, q., 4476. Optometrists: Sale of Optical Appliances, Cancer of the Colon, q., 4477. 4., 4510. Child Services, q., 4106. Points of order, 225, 226, 466, 2474. Drug Affected Babies, q., 2051. Pollution, Air: North Shore, q., 2360. Education Officers, q., 1388. Public Service and Statutory Offices: Depart- Gosford Services, q., 1674. ment of Education: Permagent Part-time Home Nursing Services, q., 4470. Work, q., 4478. Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community Health Rescue Squads: South Coast Rescue Heli- Staff, q., 819. copter Services, q., 4499. Volumes 175-178 Brereton, The Won. L. J. (continued) : I Brewer, Mr R. A. St C. (corztinued): Sewerage: Culburra and Dalmeny Works, q., Meat Industry (corztinued) : 4887. Rationalization, address, 804. Water: Culburra and Dalmeny Works, q., Regan Report, q., 680; adclress, 805. 4887. Parliament: Character Assassination, address, 801. Privilege, address, 802. Brewer, Mr R. A. St C. (Goulburn): Points of Order, 432, 3433. Address in Reply, m., 801. Population: Urban, address, 802. Agriculture: Public Works: Departmental Funding, apptl, 1644. Government Policy, appn, 1645. Department's Programme, appn, 1645. Private Enterprise, appn, 1646. Assembly, Legislative: Roads and Road Safety: Government Con- Select Committee upon Workers' Compen- tribution, nppn, 164.5. sation Insurance, nt., 2557. Schools: Select Conzrnittee uporz Workers' Corn- Boorowa Central, q., 3840. pertsaliorz Irtsllrarzce, Menzber, 2557. Country, npprz, 1647. Bills: Moss Vale High, appn, 1647. Appropriation Bill, 2R., 1644. Taxation: Payroll, apprz, 1645. Trotting Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2R., Tourist Activities: Crookwell Campaign, q., 788. 538. Colleges of Advanced Education and Tech- water: pipeline fl-onl ~~ll~~dill~~i~~~, nical Colleges: Goulburn, adclress, 803, 804. appn, 1646. Coi~servation:Soil, apprz, 1644. Workers' Compensation : Decentralization 2nd Development: Goul- Premiums, address, 802; apprz, 1645. burn Electorate, arinrers, 802. Select Committee upon Workers' Cotnpen- Drought: sation Insurance, nz., 2563. Department of Agriculture's Role, appn, 1644. Government Assistance, apprz, 1644. Primary Producers, apprz, 1644. Brown, Mr J. H. (Oxley): Economic Conditions: Living Standard, ~~~~~bl~,hgislative: address, 802, 803. Judeo-Christian Ethic, nz., 203 1. Education : Seasonal Felicitations, spec. adj., 4367. Administration, npprl, 1647. Select Committee upon Workers' Compen- Pre-school, apprz, 1645. sation Insurance, m., 2561. Government, State: Stmzding Orders nrzd Procedure Co~nrilit- Premier's Department Budget Allocation, tee, Member, 772. appn, 1645. Bill: Special Cominissions of Inquiry Bill, Priorities, nppn, 1647. Conz., 2552. Health: Country Services, liddress, 802. Club: Sonth West Rocks Workers Club, Industry, Primary: griev., 1705. Cash Flow, address, 803. Employment: Community Prog~amme, q., 3636. Production Costs, cipprl, 1644. Forests: Local Government: Goulburn City Council, nppn, 1646. Addition to National Parks, q., 3066. Meat Industry: State, q., 887. Abattoirs : Obituary: Cahill, T. J., Member for Ma~rick- ville, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of Goulburn, address, 804; appn, 1646. Comntlttees of the Legislative Assembly, m., Rationalization, appn, 1646. 58. Wagga Wagga, cppn, 1646. Oil Industry and Petrol: Petrol Prices, q., Homebush Abattoir Corporation, nddress, 4404. 805; appn, 1646. 1 Point of Order, 3068. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Burton, The Hon. D. R.: Calabro, The Hon. F. (corztirtzied) : Aircraft and Air Services: Sydney (Kings- Bills (continued): ford-Smith) Airport, m., 1421. Transport Authorities (Infringement Bills: Notices) Amendment Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., 3046. Gaming and Betting (Further Amend- ment) Bill, ZR., 1270. Valuation of Land (Rating and Valua- tion) Amendment Bill, and cognate bill, Health Insurance Levies (Amendment) 2R., 3040. Bill, and cogrlate bill, ZR., 3956. Books, Newspapers and Publications: Media Railway Construction (East Hills to Comnient on Budget, nppn, 2767. Campbelltown) Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., 3812. Bridges: Government Record, appn, 2770. Transport Authorities (Amendment) Bill, Budget, 1983-84: Media Comment, clppn, 2R., 4130. 2765. Chemicals: Sniffing of Toxic Chemicals, q., Council, Legislative: I'ernporclry Chnirrrtnrt 1392. of Cornrnittees, 17. Cottncil, 1-egislative: Courts and Legal Procedure: Traflic Fines, Hozcsc Conztnittee, Mentber, 941. nppn, 2767. Security, q., 4773. Electricity: Starzding Orders Coinmittre, Mcnzber, 941. Blackouts, clppn, 2766. Charges, nppn, 2765. Political Parties: Queensland Government Turmoil, q., 20. Conservation, nppn, 2766. Inverted Tariff, c~pptz,2766. Pollution: Noise: Holsworthy Artillery Range, q., 1265. Payment by Instalment, nppn, 2766. EmpIoyment: Migrant Unemployment, g., Roads and Road Safety: Traffic Infringe- 4898. ments, q., 255. Ethnic Affairs: Migrant Unemployment, q., Sport and Recreation: Electronic Games, q., 4898. 3744. Floods: Flood Maps, q., 1727. Goarernment, State: Cahill, Mr T. J. (Marrickville): Employment Record, cippn, 2768. Inflation Rate, appn, 2768. Assembly, Legislative: Death, 45. Leader of the Opposition: Popularity, apprz, 2769. Motor Vehicles: Calabro, The Hon. F.: On-road Costs, upprt, 2767. Registration Fees, nppn, 2767. Assembly, Legislative: Premier's Popularity, nppn, 2769. Omnibus Services: Urban Transit Authority Deficit, nppn, 2769. Bills: Appropriation Bill, 2R., 2765. Point of Order, 3946. Local Government (Elections) Amend- Railways: State Rail Authority Deficit, appn, ment Bill, 2R., 523. 2769. Local Government (Rates and Charges) Roads and Road Safety: Amendment Bill, ZR., 4181. Carnage, nppn, 2770. Local Government (Regulation of Flats) Government Allocation, appn, 2769. Amendment Bill, 2R., 4202. Government Policy, nppn, 2771. Local Government (Revenue Sharing) Amendment Bill, ZR., 1278. Government Record, nppn, 2769, 2770, 2771. Motor Traffic (Further Amendment) Bill, Intersection of Woodville Road and Hunle and cognate hill, ZR., 2726. Highway, Villawood, nppn, 2770. Railway Construction (East Hills to Junction of Hume Highway and Great Campbelltown) Bill, and cognate bill, Western Highway, nppn, 2771. 2R.. 3810. Overseas Comparisons, appn, 2770. Transport Authorities (Amendment) Bill. 2R., 4129. Schools: Zoning, q., 3946. Calabro, The Hon. P. (continued) : Cameron, Mr 3. A., LL.M.(Hons) (con- tinzled) : Taxation: Employment, appn, 2769. Crime and Criminals: Financial Institutions Duty, appn, 2767. Increase in Crime, address, 245. Indexation, appn, 2765. Suicide, address, 244. Payroll, appn, 2768. Decentralization and Development: State, appn, 2765. Family, address, 246. Tobacco Licence Fees, appn, 2767. Physical, address, 246. Transport, Finance and Policy: Fare In- Defence: Taking of Humas1 Life. address, creases, appn, 2767. 244. Water: Rates, appn, 2767. Discrimination: Feminism, address, 245. Drugs: Trafficking, address, 245. Working Week: Days Lost, apptt, 2768. Economic Conditions: Australia, address, 243. Japan, address, 243. Cameron, Mr 3. A., LL.M.(Hons) (North- Education : cott): Ancient Principles, address, 246. Abortion: Departn~ent'sInfluence, trcldress, 2-16. Australia's Record, adj., 4886. Films: X-rated Video Movies, m.s.o., 4569; Right to Life, address, 244. IIZ., 4581. Statistics, q., 2124. Government, State: State Rights, q., 1764. Morality: Address in Reply, m., 242. Alleged Corruption, q., 4401. Assembly, Legislative: Fanlily Institution, address, 243. Censure: Mr Speaker, m., 122. Homosexuality, address, 245. Leader of the National Party, nl., 361. Institution of Marriage, czddress, 243. Minister for Education, address. 246. Prostitution, nn'drcss, 245. Precedence of Business, in., 3443. Taking of Human Life, nildrrss, 244. Seasonal Felicitations, spec. adj., 4360. Obituary: Cahill, T. J., Member for Marrick- Special Adjournment, nz., 1462. ville, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of The Judeo-Christian Ethic, notice of mo- Committees of the Legislative Assembly, tion, 1309; m., 2021, 2031. in., 59. Bills: Parliament: Compensation Court Bill, and cognate Christian Allegiance, addrr~s,243. bills, 2R., 4751. Privilege, in., 697. Dairy Industry (Amendment) Bill, Corn., Right to Life, address, 244. 4349. Traditional Attitudes. nddress, 243. Justices (Procedure) Amendment Bill, Points of Order, 361, 376, 2000, 2551, 3443, and cognate bill, ZR., 4333. 3841, 4171, 4529. Local Government (Purchases) Amend- ment Bill, 2R., 4320. Police: Pennant Hills Station, q., 4471. Marketing of Primary Products Bill, ZR., Political Parties: Call to Australia, address, 4341. 242. Offences in Public Places (Amendment) Population: Increase, addi.ess, 243, 244. Bill, and cognate bill, ZR., 4289. Schools: Perpetuities Bill, 2~.,4561. Cherrybrook Public, q., 3348, 4473. Special Commissions of Inquiry Bill, Independent, q., 3841. con^., 2550. Selective High, addrrss, 246. Rooks, Newspapers and Publications: Por- Statute Revision: Conveyancing Act: Dis- nography, address, 245. allowance of Parts of a General Order, m., 4614. Courts and Legal Procedure: Youth: Capital Punishment, address, 244. Education, address, 246. The Judiciary, m., 4862. Leadership, address, 246. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Cm, Mr R. J., B.A.mons) (Maroubra): Caterson, Mr F. D. C. (continued) : Assembly, Legislative: Hospitals (continued) : Election, 2109. District, appn, 1902. Oath of Allegiance, 2109. Equipment, appn, 1656. Select Conznzitfee upon Workers' Conz- Government Allocation, appn, 1901. pensation Insurance, Member, 2563. Government Policy, appn, 1655. Bills: Gulgong, appn, 1902, 1903. Compensation Court Bill, and cognate Reduced Services, appn, 1655. bills, 2R., 4752. Royal Prince Alfred, appn, 1900. Factories, Shops and Industries (Retail Trade) Amendment Bill, and cognate Teaching, appn, 1901, 1902. bill, 2R., 3724. Wellington, appn, 1655. Police Regulation (Allegations of Mis- Westmead, appn, 1901. conduct) Amendment Bill, and cognate Land and Land Settlement: Glenhaven, bills, 2R., 3327. appn, 1654. Hospitals: Cancer Treatment, q., 3430. Motor Vehicles: Pensioner Registration Con- cessions, appn, 18 17. Caterson, Mr F. D. C. (The Hills): Nurses: Employment, apptz, 1900. Arts and Culture: Museum Storage Shed, nppn, 1653. Specialized Training, appn, 1901. Assembly, Legislative: House Cornl??irfee, Westmead Hospital, appn, 1655. Member, 771. Oil Industry: Petrol, appn, 1652. Bills: Omnibus Services: Appropriation Bill, ZR., 1652; Corn., 1803, Baulkham Hills, npprl, 1816. 1816, 1900. Western Areas, appn, 18 16. Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 4328. Point of Order, 3692. Land Tax Management (Amendment) Prices: Petrol, npprl, 1652. Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., 3692. Privacy: Local Government (Elections) Amend- Committee, apprz, 1654, 1655, 1803. ment Bill, ZR., 558. Committee Funding, nppn, 1654. Public Hospitals (Amendment) Bi!l, 2~., 3491. Public Service and Statutory Offices: Corrective Services: Prisoners' Leave of Anti-Discrimination Board, appn, 1654. Absence, q., 1870. Ombudsman, nppn, 1654. Discrimination: Anti-Discrimination Board Public Works: The Hills Electorate, appn, Administration, trpprz, 1803. 1653. Economic Conditions: Roads and Road Safety: Business Confidence, apprz, 1652. Cycleways, appn, 1817. New South Wales, appn, 1653. Old Northern Road, appn, 1653. Recovery, nppn, 1652. The Hills Electorate Traffic, griev., 2977. Electricity: Charges, appn, 1653. The Hills Electorate Traffic signals, griev.. Employment: New South Wales, appn, 1717. 1653. Windsor Road, Castle Hill, appn, 1653. Health: School: Crestwood High, appn, 1653. Kanematsu Memorial Institute, appn, School Transport: Russell Report, appn, 1902. 1817. Research, nppn, 1902. Sewerage: The Hills Electorate, appn, 1653. Tribute to Minister, appn, 1656. Taxation: Financial Institutions Duty, appn, Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Bella 1653. Vista Farm, appn, 1653. Transport, Finance and Policy: Hospitals: Deficit, appn, 1653. 1816. Reds, appn, 1655. Surveys, appn, 18 17. Country, appn. 1656. The Hills Electorate, tipptl, 1816. Daily Bed Cost, nppn, 1902. Use of Bicycles, apprz, 1817. Caterson, Mr F. D. C. (continrred) Chadwick, The Hon. Virginia, B.A., Dip.Ed. (coiztinrted) : Water: Board Charges, appn, 1654. Colleges of Advanced Education and Tech- Board Day Labour, appi.2, 1654. nical Colleges: Kurri Kurri, address, 270. Storage and Reticulation, appn, 1653. Corrective Services: Bidura Metropolitan Remand Centre, address, 279; q., 41 10. Cavalier, The Mom. R. M. (Ghdesville): Yawarra Boys Home, address, 270, 271. Council, Legislative: Library Conittzittee, Assembly, Legislative: Mernher, 941. Appoirltnzent to Ministry, 4384. Courts and Ixgal Procedure: I.eader of the National Party, nl., 357. Children's Courts, q., 2367. Bills: Custody of Children, q., 1392. Anti-Disci-imination (Amendment) Bill, Dental Services and Dentists: School Service, 2~.,2859. a., 4236. Lotteries and Art Unions (Amendment) Drugs: John Knight Rehabilitation Services, Bill., 2R.: 4873. q., 510, 2370. National Parks ancl Wildlife (Amendment) Education: Bill, and cognate bills, ZR., 2704. Curriculum Consultants, q., 4234. Special Commissions of Inquiry Bill, Corn., 2535, 2538, 2548. English Languc~ge/Comn~unicatingat WolL Coulse, q., 4913. Bridge: Sydney Harbour Bridge Floodlight- ing, q., 4483. Pup11 Reco~d Caids, q , 380, 3948. Talented Chtldlen, q., 4233. Crime and Criminals: Child Abuse, q., 13 12. En~ployment: Elections and Ele-ctorates: Australian Elec- toral Office Enroln~ents,griev., 1713. Disabled Persons, q., 4916. Electricity: Office of Special Employment, q., 3940. Coinmission Staffing, q., 4403. Gove~nment, State: Department of Youth and Community Services, address, 272. Gunnedah Substation, q., 4400, 4809. Handicapped Pel sons: Geographical Names: Huntleys Point, q., 4522. Bu~eau,q., 2061. Historic Areas. Buildings and Records: First Campbelltown Hostel, apprt, 2623. Govelnnient House Site, q., 1591, 3432. Cailll7gfo1-d Hostel, appn, 2623. Parliament: Privilege, m., 688, 697. Disabled Drivels, q., 2569. Points of Order, 362, 2861, 2938, 3068, Healtlt D~ugand Alcohol Rehabilitation 3677. Progi mimes, q., 259, 2572. Local Government: Koonawarra Community Taxation: Iand, adj., 4461; q., 4536; nl., Centre, q., 3360. 4958. Meat Industry: Abattoir for Singleton, q., 254. PLiblic Service and Statutory Offices: Chadwick, The Hon. Virginia, B.A., Department of Youth and Community Ser- Dip.Ed.: vices, Q., 1836, 1837, 2198. Address in Reply, In., 270. ~epartmentof Youth and Community Services, Budget Allocation for, appn, Assen~bly,Legislative: Ministerial Staff: Mr 2618. Brian Dale, q., 1950. Department of Youth and Community Bills: Services Staffing, appn, 2624. Appropriation Bill, 2R., 2617. McKinsey Report upon Department of Artificial Conception Bill, and cognate bill, Youth and Community Services, address, 2R., 4684. 272; oppn, 2624, 2626; q., 3944. Child Welfare Rill, 1982, address, 271. Schools: Public Authorities Superannuation Board Demountable Classrooms, q., 4235. Bill, and cognate bills, ZR., 2749. Dental Service, q., 4236. Walker Trusts (Amendment) Bill, 2~., Department of Education Capital Works. 3825. q., 4235. xcix

16th August, 6983, to 1st March, 1984

Chadwick, The Hon. Virginia, B.A., Chadwick, The Mon. Virginia, B.A., Dip.Ed. (continued) : Dip.Ed. (corztin~ted): Schools (continued) : Statute Revision: Ma~ntcnance,q., 4236. Comniun~tyWelfare B~llof 1982, address, School Phys~otherapyServices, q., 4915. 271; appn, 2618. School Speech Therapy Services, q., 4914. Tntoutr tecl Persons Act, ayprz, 2620 Secit~ity,q., 4239. Legal Status of Ch~ld~en,q., 507. Soclal and Welfare Services: Town and count^ y Plannmg: Newcastle East AIte~nateC'lre Fundrng, apprt, 2619. Development, q., 826, 2571, 3749. Backlog of Welfa~eCases, nd(ltess, 274. Wages and Salailes: Welfare Worke~s,npprt, Bldu~a,nddress, 279. 2626. R~~dgetEffects, appn, 2627. Youth: C'tre of State Wa~ds,address, 279. Campbelitown She7,-I, apprz, 2623. Cbtld 'ibuse, q , 945, 3745. M~nda,nppn, 2623, 2624. Ch~lclilbuse and P~otect~on,czpprl, 2625. Poltc~es,nppn, 3522. Ch~ld Protectron Ofiice~s, appn, 2625, Se~vrces,npplf, 2h21. 2626. State Youth Grants Fund, nppn, 2621. Ch~ldlen'sSe~vrces, nppn, 2620. Unco-ordinated Se~vrccs,apprz, 2622. C ornm~~rr;ty Development Projects, appn, Wagga Wagga Multipurpose Centle, ~ipprt, 2620, 2621. 2623. District ORcers' Qualifications, apprt, Ya~marFJostel, ciplitl, 2622, 2623. 2625. Frllctgency Ho~t\ing Assistance Scheme, nridr csr, 372, 273. Christie, iMr R. CV. J. (Seven Hills): Fanlily Case Reviews, address, 278. Crime and Criminals: Armccl Holdups. q., Foster Care, c~ddress,278. 542. Fo\iei Parent i21lowances, appn, 2618 Education: Higher, q., 2637. Funding of Neighbourhood Centres, q., 4897. Motor Vehicles: Motor Vehicle Repa~rTn- tlustry Counc~l,q.. 1870. Home Care Service, appn, 2621. Sport and Recreatron: Footy TAB Distribu- Homeless Men at Woy Woy, q., 1954 tions, q., 1454. Institutionalized Care, apprz, 2619. I~~stitutionalizedChildren, nrldress, 275, / 276, 277. i Cleary, The Hon. M. A. (Coogee): Montcaim Report, appn, 2624. Assembly, Legislative: Renppobrtrlzerft to National Council of Social Services Re- Ministry, 4384. poi t, aridress, 272. Pioclai~nedPlaces, appn, 2619, 2620. Betting and Gambling: Remedial Education for Children in Care, Footy TAB, q., 581. nddr ess, 278. Pub TAB, q., 4707. Rent Relief Officers' Repo~t,address, 273. Totalizator Agency Board, q., 1869, 4242. ~epofton "Directions for Residential Totalizator Dividends, q., 3835. Care", ndrlress, 274. Bills: Repol t on "1,ost In Care", nddress, 277. Gaming and Betting (Further Amend- Report of Department of Youth and Com- ment) Bill, irlt., ZR., 700, 1054. munity Services, artcirc~.~,280. Racing Appeals Tribunal Bill, and cognate Resitieniial and Alternate Care Pro- bill, int., 2R., 1052, 1615, 2662. gramme, address, 274. Tourist Industry Dcvelopnlent (Further IZesideniial Care Funding, appn, 2618. Amendment) Bill, 2~..2298, 2879. Section 27~Allowances, crppn, 2619. Trotting Authority (Amendment) Bill, Staffing of Residential Foster Units, int., 2R., 698, 789. nddr ess, 275. Elections and Electorates: Budget Expendi- State War-cts, cddress, 277. ture, q., 1390. Sydneq. City Mission Buses, appn, 2620. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Old Voluntary Care Agencies, address, 275. Sydney Town, q., 109, 205, 212, 3059. Volumes 175-178

Cleary, The Hon. M. A. (continued): Clough, Mr 3. A. (continued) : Obituaries: Cahill, T. J., Member for Mar- Bills (contitzued) : rickville, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of Public Finance and Audit Bill, and cog- Committees of the Legislative Assembly, nate bill, 2R., 3504; Corn., 3514. i77., 64. Corrective Services: Racing: Early Parole System, crddress, 499. Greyhound, q., 4399. Parramatta Gaol Riot, q., 3060. Greyhound Racing Control Board, q., 2646. Crime and Criminals: Race Rigging, q., 4810. Armed Robberies, address, 499. Sport and Recreation: Organized , Academy of Sport, q., 1759. address, 499. Assistance to Sporting Bodies, y., 770. Defence: Ex-Service Organizations, npptl, Footy TAB Distributions, q., 1455. 1929, 1930. Gymnasium Instructors, q., 4537. Econonlic Conditions: New South Wales, Tourist Activities: appr7, 1635. Crookwell Campaign, q., 539. Education: Funding, appn, 1637. Tourist Commission, q., 4403. Employment: Water: Budget Objectives, crpp11, 1635. Alcohol Related Drownings, q., 1459. Small Businesses, nppn, 1637. Youth Schemes, upptz, 1928. Ethnic Affairs: Commission, appn, 1805. Clough, Mr 3. A. (Eastwood): Fires and Fire Fighting: Address in Reply, m., 498. Equipment Supply, addres.~,504. Agent-General and Agencies Abroad: Lon- Funding of Services, address, 503. don and Tokyo, appn, 1805. Government Record, address, 502. Apprentices: Budget Programme, appn, 1637. Industrial Relations, address, 504. Archives and Libraries: Libraries for Elderly, Municipal Levies, address, 503. trl~pn, 1639. Port Protection, address, 503. Ai-ts and Culture: Fl~qding,appr~, 1804. Rationalization of Services, nddress, 507. Asembly, Legislative: Regional Boundary Problems, address, 502. Library Conztnittee, Member, 771. Weston, Mr W., former President of Members: Broken Hill, appn, 1804. Board of Fire Commissioners, address, Oath of Allegiance, apprl, 1804. 502. Public Accounts Committee, apprz, 1806. Government, Comnlonwealth: Financial Sfnndi~~gOrders and Procedure Corn- Assistance to New South Wales, app~r,1635. nziftee, Member, 772. Government, State: Temporary Chnirtnan of Conlnzittees, 530. Accumulated Borrowings, apprz, 1637. The Judeo-Christian Ethic, m., 2037. Cash Balances, appn, 1638. Bills: Deficit, apprz, 1929. Appropriation Bill, 2~.,1634; Corn., 1804, Director of Finance, nppti, 1638. 1818, 1928. Inkrest and Bank Charges, appn, 1929. Artificial Conception Bill, and cognate bill, 2~.,4431. Over-sea Offices, apptz, 1805. Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Amend- Payroll Tax Payments, apptl, 1930. ment Bill, 2a., 1692; Cotn., 1694. Policies, appn, 1634. Noise Control (Amendment) Bill, 2~., Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Old 4452. Sydney Town, uppn, 1929. Police Regulation (Allegations of Miscon- Housing: Mortgage and Rental Relief duct) Amendment Bill, and cognate bills, Scheme, oppn, 1929. 2R., 3331; 3R., 3341. Obituary: Cahill, T. J., Member for Mar- Public Authorities (Financial Accom- rickville, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of modation) Further Amendment Bill, 2~., Committees of the Legislative Assembly, 547. t?~.,62. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Clough, Mr J. A. (continued): Clough, Mr J. A. (continued) : Ombudsman: Complaints about Police, Taxation (continrced) : nddress, 500. Small Businesses, apprz, 1637. Omnibus Services: Private Bus Services in State Charges, apptz, 1635. Eastwood Electorate, apprt, 1820. State ColIection, nppn, 1636. Parliament: System, appn, 1636. Cooper, Mr T. R., Editor of Debates, Appointment, uddress, 498. Transport, Finance and Policy: Mierendorff, Mr K. J., Editor of Debates, Funding, apprz, 1819, 193 1. Retirement, address, 498. Ticket Selling, nppn, 18 19. Video Units, appn, 1930. Travel Concessions, appn, 1819. Petrol: Pricing, nppn, 1637. Working Week: Electricity Commission Points of Order, 501, 502, 1316, 1819, 1822, Employees, appn, 1635. 1823, 1824, 1931, 3060, 3127, 4817. Polic:: Clough, Mr 8. J. (Bathurst): Academy, nddress, 500. Centre, nddress, 501. Ambulance Services: Lithgow, npprt, 1248. Early Retirements, nddress, 501. Assembly, Legislative: Police-Citizens Boys' Clubs, address, 500. Library Cornnzitfee, Member, 771. Population Ratio, nddress, 500. Members: Powers, nddress, 500. Orange, appn, 1246. Prosecutors, address, 500. Wagga Wagga, npprz, 1244. Recruiting, (iddress, 501. Question Time, privilege, 217. Recruitment, q., 889. Bills: Resignations, address, 501. Appropriation Bill, 2~.,1244. Undermanned, nddress, 502. Coal Mining (Amendment) Bill, and cog- nate bill, 2R., 3155. Public Service and Statutory Offices: Compensation Court Bill, and cognate Auditor General's Budget Allocation, bills, 2R., 4754. npprl, 1805. TIeasurer 's Budget Allocation, nppn, 18 18. Colleges of Advanced Education and Tech- nical Colleges: School of Mines for Public Works: Progtamme Fund~ng,nppn, Lithgow, appn, 1246. 1635. Economic Conditions: Railways: Opposition Philosophy, npprz, 1245. Eastwood Electorate, nppn, 18 19. Under Fraser Government, npprl, 1245. Funding, appn, 193 1. Education : Schools: Funding, nppn, 1246. North Epping Primary Library, npprz, Government Record, apprz, 1247. 1639. Pupil-Teacher Ratios, apprt, 1247. West Epping Primary, q., 767. Electricitv: Social and Welfare Services: Mount Piper Power Station, apprl, 1248; Budget Concessions for Pensioners, appn, q., 3742. 1639. Youth and Community Services Funding, Power Stations, q., 1672. npprt, 1638. Transmission Lines, appn, 1248. Statute Revision: Conveyancing Act: Dis- Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: His- allowance of Parts of a General Order, toric Artefacts, q., 3741. ??I.,4616. Leader of the Opposition: Taxation: Attitude to Taxation, apptt, 1246. Direct, appn, 1636. In Debate, nppn, 1244. Income Tax Surcharge, nppn, 1635. Parliamentary Confrontation, appn, 1244. Indirect, appn, 1635. Parliamentary Tactics, apprz, 1244. Land Tax, appn, 1635. Local Government: Payroll, apprz, 1635. Greater Lithgow City Council, q., 1519. Petrol Licence Fee, appn, 1637. Rylstone Shire Council, ndj., 1574. cii INDEXTO SPEECHES

Volumes 175-178

Clough, Mr R. J. (continlled) : Collins, Mr P. E. J., B.A., LL.B. (corztinued) : Noxious Weeds: Loans for Eradication, q., 4594. Archives and Libraries: Serrated T~lssockInfestation, q., 4517. Public Libraries' Funding, appn, 1800. State Library, nppn, 1799. Parliament: Reporting of Proceedings in News Media, cipprz, 1244. Arts and Culture: Points of Order, 3436, 3443. Art Gallery of New South Wales, crpprl, 1800. Public Works: Rathurst Electorate, nppn, Darling Harbour Site Proposals, nddress, 1249. 482. Railways: Funding, address, 482; npprt, 1802. Coal Freight Charges, q., 3836. Government Policy, nddress, 48 1. Former Government's Record, appfz, R4use~ini of Applied Arts and Sciences, 1245. opprz, 1800. Government Record, npprz, 1245. Opera House. (zppr~,1801. Loconlotive Servicing Centre for Lithgow, Performing Arts Organiza!ions, q.. 2362. iipprz, 1248. Sydney City Ballet Company, apprz, 1802. Opposition Philosophy, crppn, 1216. Sydney City Ballet School. q., 4502. Reserves: Showgro~rnd and Racecoutse Trusts, (I., 309. Sydney Dance Compsny, (ippfr. 1802. Sydney Entertainment Centre, cipprz. 1801; Ro:ids and Roacl Safety: a,.', 2644. Bathurst Electorate Roadworks, nppiz, Assenibly. Legislative : Prir~tirr,? Cori7rlzifiee, 1248. Men;her, 772. G~eatWestern Highway, q., 1105. Bills: Sport and Recreation: Assistance to Sport- Appropriation Rill, Co111., 1799. ing Bodies, q., 770. Centennial Park Trust Bill. 2R.. 4034. Schools: Mental Health Bil!, and cognate bills, 2R., Bathurst, nppn, 1246. 3888. Eglinton Primal.y, npprl, 1246 Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drain- age (Amendment) Bill, and cognate hills, Teachers 2R., 1063. As PI mas y School Lib~alians, npprl, National Parks and Wildlife (Amend- 1247. nient) Bill, and cognate bills, 2~.,2688. For Physically and Intellectually Handi- Noise Control (Amendment) Bill, ?R., capped Children, opp?~,1247. 4443. Primary, nppn, 1247. Recreation Vehicles Bill, and cognate Secondary, (rppr~,1247. bills, 2R., 2173. River Murray Waters Bill, 2~.,1206. Town and Country Planning: Portland De- velop~iient,q,. 3354. State Pollution Control Conimission (Licences and Approvals) Amendment Traii~por!, Finance and Policy: Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 1472. Australian Transport Officers Federation, Trustee Companies (Amendment) Bill, q., 2125. 2R., 1346. Freight Concessions, q., 3455. Bridge: Sydney Harbour Bridge Traffic. q., Water: 2980. Resources, nz., 1490. Business and Trade Practices: Split Rock Dam, apprz, 1249. Aplex Commodity Traders Limited, q., Winclaniere Dam, npprl, 1248. 1659. David Sherwin Management Consultants (N.S.W.), q., 1829. Duty Free Stores, q., 2346. Collins, Mr P. E. J., B.A., LL.B. Business Undertakings, State: (Willoughby): State Dockyard at Newcastle, nddress, 477. Address in Reply, i12., 476. State Dockyard Profitability, riddress, 479. Agent? and Brokers: Mitchells Bass Book- State Dockyard Work Programme, ing Agency, q., 2347. oddress. 478. SESSION1983-84 ciii

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Collins, Mr P. E. J., B.A., LL.B. Collins, Mr P. E. J., B.A., LL.B. (corztinued) : (confilzued): Cheniicals: Pharmaceutical Products, q., Roads and Road Safety: Mall for Pitt Street, 813. addre.rr, 482. Conservation: Schools: Independent, Fire Precautions, q., Soil Erosion, q., 811. 4377. Waste Recycling, q., 820. Sewerage: Connection Costs, q., 4463. Consumer Affairs: Shipping: Food Labelling, q., 1937. Carrington Slipways Pty Limited, address, Marriage Matchmakers, q., 4465. 478. Overflow Services, q., 4376. Floating Dock for Melbourne, address, Discrimination: 477. Racist Slogans, q., 4705. Government Contracts, address, 480. Superannuation, q., 1384. Town and Country Planning: Education: Computer, q., 2352. Chatswood Town Centre Plan, q., 814, 818. En~ployment: David Sherwin International Agency, q., 4466. Height of Buildings Advisory Committee, q., 3635. Films: Northbridge Marina, q., 31 1. New South Urales Film Corporation, Pyrmont Point Devcloprnent, q., 3356. trpprl, 1800. Transport, Finance and Policy: Haymarket X-rated Video Movies, in., 4586. Traffic, appn, 1801. Funeral Services: Russell Kiiisela Funeral Fund, q., 2347. Cox, The Hon. P. F. (Auburn): Health: Physical Exercise Classes, q., 817. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Advertising: Railways and Government Colonial Treasury Building, address, 481. Buses, q., 1259. First Government House, address, 480. Aircraft and Air Services: Intrastate Airline Services, q., 2638. First Government House Site, q., 1099. Gateway Site at Circular Quay, address, Assembly, Legislative: 480. Absence from Parliament, 3055. Macquarie Place Obelisk, q., 821. Joint Standing Committee Upon Road Land and Idand Settlement: Sydney Water Safety, rn.. 217. Board Resumptions, q., 3347. Assembly, Legislative: Reappointi?le~lt to Liquor: Wines, q., 750. Mirlistry, 4384. Local Government: Scone Property Develop- Bills: ment, q., 4480. Motor Traffic (Further Amendment) Bill, Motor Vehicles. and cognate bill, 2~.,2013, 2667. Holden Commodore Thefts, q., 4464. Transport Authorities (Infringement Notices) Amendment Bill. and cognate Imported, Registration, q., 4479. bill, 2~.,2277, 2871. Opera House: Suggested Alterations, appn, Bridge: Sydney Harbour Bridge Traffic, q., 1801. 2980. Parliament: Public Accounts Committee, Elections and Electorates: Budget Expen- addresr, 476. diture, q., 1389. Points of Order, 2503, 2518. Ferry Services: Pollution: Balmain Ferry Depot, q., 679. Sailor's Bay, q., 4462. Ferry Construction, q., 1750. Waste Disposal, q., 2042. Mosman and Athol, q., 4489. Prices: Parramatta River, q., 1944. Book. q., 4373. Urban Transit Authority, q., 45 13. Cinema Admission, q., 1937. Handicapped Persons: Radio Broadcasting and Television: Austra- lian Children's Television Foundation, q., Parking, q.. 1664. 4466. Transportation Scheme, q., 1090. Volumes 175-178

Cox, The Hon. P. F. (continued): Cox, The Hon. P. F. (continued): Motor Vehicles: School Transport: Holden Commodore Thefts, q., 4465. Buses, q., 1104, 1309. Imported, Registration, q., 4479. Bus Passes, q., 307. Motor Cycle Safety, q., 4527. Taxicabs: Plate Values, q., 4518. Number Plates, q., 672, 4514. Tenancies: State Rail Authority Property Registration, q., 4496. Leases, q., 3184. Rent-a-bus Drivers' Licences, q., 1519, Trade Unions: Black Ban on Rathborne Pty 1586. Limited, q., 4493. Stolen, q., 4594. Transport, Finance and Policy: Obituary: Cahill, T. J., Member for Marrick- Australian Transport Officers Federation, ville, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of q., 2125. Committees of the Legislative Assembly, Bus and Rail Fares, q., 2266. m., 63. Public Transport, m., 4652. Omnibus Services: Public Transport Patronage, q., 1764. Ryde Electorate, q., 1668, 1669. Subsidies, q., 2646. Ryde Services, q., 939. Transport Strike Traffic Plan, q., 3347. Sydney Cricket Ground, q., 2363, 4500. Urban Transit Authority Bus and Ferry Services, q., 2887. Parking: Handicapped Persons, q., 1664. Point of Order, 2666. Crabtree, The Hon. W. F. (Kogarah): Pollution: Noise: Eastern Suburbs Railway, q., 4474. Assembly, Legislative: Resignation, 46. Noise and Air: From Trains and Buses, q., 4486. Crosio, Mrs J. A,, M.B.E. (Fairfield): Railways: Ardglen Tunnel, q., 2357. Address in Reply, m., 148. Australian Capital Territory, q., 1517. Assembly, Legislative: House Committee, Central Coast Services, q., 1867. Member, 771. Country Services, q., 1751. Bills: East Hills to Glenfield, q., 4485. Conveyancing (Amendment) Bill, and cog- European, q., 2257, 2258, 2259. nate bills, ZR.,4877. Freight Statistics, q., 3345. Noise Control (Amendment) Bill, 2~., ~osfordto Newcastle Electrification, q., 4444. 1859. Recreation Vehicles Bill, and cognate bill, Hornsby Services, q., 4498. ZR., 2179. Leverage Leasing, q., 1457. Colleges of Advanced Education and Tech- nical Colleges: North Shore Services, q., 4495. Norman Selfe's Views in 1887, address, Passenger Service Losses, q., 4592. 153. Passenger Statistics, q., 4492. Wetherill Park, address, 153. Small Freight Services, q., 761. Courts and Legal Procedure: Equal Oppor- South Maitland, q., 4517. tunity Tribunal, q., 540. Train Services, q., 1871, 2645. Decentralization and Development: Transport Investigation Branch, q., 3353. Fairfield, address, 153. Warwick Farm Train Derailment, q., 3 185. Government Offices at Fairfield, address, Wheat Freight Costs, q., 4505. 154. Roads and Road Safety: Education: Technical and Further, address, 152. Bexlev Traffic., a..A 3346. Gipps Street, Wollongong, Railway Cross- Views of late: Senator J. F. Kennedy, lng, q., 4521. address, 153. Kyeemagh-Chullora Road, q., 1997. Employment: Traffic Signals, q., 1099. Commonwealth Programme, dress, 149. Warringah Expressway, q., 542. Fairfield Programme, address, 150. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Crosio, Mrs J. A., M.B.E. (continued) : Day, The Hon. D. (continued) : Employment (continued) : Government, State: Government Cleaning Fairfield Statistics, address, 149. Service, q., 208. Work Generation Programme, address, Industry, Primasy: Egg Run Sales and Trans- 148. fers, q., 4510. Government, State: Deficit, address, 148. Meat Industry: Health: Rationalization of Services, address, Byron Bay Abattoir, adj., 1935. 151. Homebush Abattoir Corporation, q., 1999. Hospitals: Regan Report, q., 680. Article by Hon. A. 13. Jago, address, 151. Pests: Flying Foxes, q., 2641. Fairfield, address, 150. Points of Order, 132, 2489, 3259, 3261. Local Government: Boundaries Commission, Public Service and Statutory Offices: Home- q., 307. bush Abattoir Corporation, q., 1999. Motor Vehicles: Trail Bikes, q., 1866. Statute Revision: Farm Produce Act: Dis- Point of Order, 4763. allowance of Regulation, m., 1193. Populz~tion:Fairfield Statistics, address, 149. Railways: Fairfield Off-peak, address, 152. Social and Welfare Services: Debus, Mr R. J., B.A., U.B. (Blue Children's Services in Western Sydney, Mountains): address, 150. Address in Reply: Fairfield Statistics, address, 149. Address in Reply, nz., 797. Teachers: Community Languages in Fair- field, address, 153. Wide-ranging Debate, address, 797. Assembly, Legislative: Printing Conlmittee, Transport, Finance and Policy: Member, 772. Government Record, address, 151. Bills: Western Sydney Bus Needs, address, 152. Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Amend- Western Sydney Private Bus Services, ment Bill, 2~.,1691. address, 152. Mental Health Bill, and cognate bills, 2~., 3886. Day, The Hon. D. (Clarence): Police Regulation (Allegations of Miscon- duct) Amendment Bill, and cognate bills, Assembly, Legislative: Reappointtnent to ZR., 3336. Ministry, 4384. Conservation : Blue Mountains, address, 800. Bills: Decentralization and Development: Blue Agricultural Scientific Collections Trust Mountains Planning, address, 801. Bill, 2R., 2647, 3170. Elections and Electorates: Blue Mountains Country Industries (Pay-roll Tax Rebates) Electorate, address, 797. Amendment Bill, inl., 2R., 1038, 1340. Dairy Industry (Amendment) Bill, and Electricity: cognate bills, ZR., 4265, 4348. Charges, address, 797. Grain Sorghum Marketing Board (Special Cost to Pensioners, address, 798. Provisions) Bill, 2R., 1889. Cost to Unemployed Persons, address, 798. Marketing of Primary Products Bill, 2R., Country Councils' Revenues, address, 799. 4262, 4341. Means-tested Rebates, address, 799. Courts and Legal Procedures: Ainsworth and Pensioner Rebates, address, 797, 798, 799. Vibert Allegations, m., 3259. Power Stations, address, 797. Decentralization and Development: Energy : Budget Allocation, q., 1189. Blue Mountains Community Scheme, Macarthur Development Board, q., 3631. address, 800. Elections and Electorates: Budget Expendi- Pricing Policy, address, 797. ture, q., 1390. Housing: Heat Insulation for Disadavantaged Fish Inductry and Fishing: Persons, address, 800. Botany Bay Trawling, q., 599. Land and Land Settlement: Blue Mountains Diseased Fish, q., 1103. Subdivisions, address, 801. Volumes 175-178

Debus,MrR.J.,B.A.,LL.B. (continued): Doohan, The Hon. 9. J., O.B.E. (cotztinued): Local Government: Blue Mountains Rezon- ing, address, 801. Arts and Culture: Sociai and Welfare Services: Overhaul, Banjo Faterson, apptz, 2105. address, 798. Hen~yLawson, apprt, 2106. Bills: Degen, Mr R. C. (Balmah): Agricultural Scientific Collections Trust Bill, 2R., 3213. Address in Reply, nz., 471. Appropriation Bill, 2~.,2099. Assembly, Legislative: Hortse Conzmirtee, Building and Construction Industry Long Member, 771. Service Payments (Amendment) Bill, Education: Primary and Infant, address, 474. Corn., 3768. Dairy Industry (Amendment) Bill, and Electricity: White Bay and Pyrmont Power cognate bills, 2R., 4217; Corn., 4218. Houses, address, 472. Grain Sorghum Marketing Board (Special Employment: Provisions) Bill, 2R., 1968; Corn., 1970, Unemployment, address, 471. 1971. Vickers Cockatoo Island Dockyard, q., Land Tax (Amendment) Bill, and cognate 4920. bill, 2R., 3759. Ferry Services: Marketing of Primary Products Bill, 2R., Balnlain Ferry Depot, q., 679. 4207; Cor11., 4213. For Parramatta River, nddress, 474. River Murray Waters Bill, 2R., 1291. Water (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 3028; Films: Mort Bay Studios, nddress, 473. Coin., 3035, 3036. Government, Commonwealth: Budget, 1983- 84, address, 472. Budget. 1983-84: Speech, appn, 2099. Harbours: Business and Trade Practices: Small Busi- Darling Harbour, address, 475. ness, nddress, 288. Morts Dock, address, 472. Council, Legislative: Joint Select Committee upon Workers' Compensation Insurance, Health: Richmond Report, adcfress, 475. m., 2585. Hospitals: Rozelle, address, 475. Drought: Housing: Fodder Subsidy, appn, 2100. Commission Rental Collection, address, Relief, appn, 2100. 474. Mort Bay Development, q., 4247. Economic Conclitions: Morts Dock Site, address, 472, 473. National Economic Summit Conference Communique, address. 285. Rozelle Hospital Site, address, 475. Total Labour Costs, address, 287. Industry, Secondary: Vickers Cockatoo Island Dockyard, q., 4920. Wages Pause, address, 285, 289. obituary: ~~h~~t~~~,L. A., a Former Mem- Elections and Electorates: Gerrymanders, ber of the Legislative Assembly, m., 52. apprz, 2104. Poll~~tion:Noise: Aircraft, address, 476. Electricity: Schools: Domestic Tariffs, appn. 2 101. Leichhardt Public, address, 476. Rural Tariffs, appn, 2101. Schoolroom Closures, address, 474. Employment: Unemployment, address, 291; appn, 2099. Shipping: Laying-up Berth, address, 475. Government, Commonwealth: Motor Vessel Soutll Steyize, address, 476. Budget, apprt, 2100. Shipbuilding and Repairs, address, 475. Budgetary Effects on Farmers, appn, 2100, 2101. Income Eqnalization Deposits Scheme, Doohan, The Won. J. J., O.B.E.: appn, 2100. Petroleum Freight Subsidy, appn, 2101. Address in Reply, m., 284. Government, State: Taxes and Charges, Agriculture: Scrub Infestation, appn, 2102. appn, 2101. cvii

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Doohan, 'The Zion. J. J., 0.B.E. Doollarn, The Bfon. J. J., O.B.E. (coittinued) : (coiztirt~~ed): Grains: Schools: Grain Handling Authority, q., 826, 1161, Disadvantaged, appn, 2102 1725, 2892. Wanaaring, apprl, 2102. 'l'erminal for Port Ke~nbla,q., 4678. Shipping: Costs, ncIdress, 286. W-heat Crop, nppn, 2100. Sport and Recreation: Sporting Achieve- Wheat Quality, q., 4900. ments, nclciress, 284. Health: Taxation: Capital Works Programme, npplz, 2105. Import Duties, atldress, 286. Rural Services, ncklress, 291. Idand Clearing and DI-aining Allowance, Hospitals: nppn, 2101. Rot~rke,apprz, 2105. Land Tax, crddress, 289. Charges, rrpp11, 21 01. Petrol, trpprz, 2104. Ivanhoe, nppn, 2105. Tracle : Lourtles FTottse, Dubbo, npprl, 2105. Australia Uncompetitive, otlcfress, 289. Rural, oridress, 29 1; nppil, 2 101. Imports, ccciciress, 286. Rural Reductio~ts,rlpprl, 21 05. Meat Expol-ts to South Korea, nddresz, Wanaaring Nursing Iiome, oppil, 2105. 286. Industrial Relntions: Trades and Trade Unions: Waterside Workers Federation, adrlr.c~s.r,286. Disputes, trdtlrc.r.r, 286. Trade Unions,, 285. Wages and Salaries: Average Weekly Earnings, nciclress, 289, Indrtstry, Primary: 290. i\r~stralianAcliieveme~its since Settlement, N;ttional Wage Increase, ~ppii,2099. ~tlriress,284. Wage Pause, cicldress, 285. Chicken Meat Industry, q., 2059. Wage Restraint, nppn, 2099. I>omestic Stock Diseases, cippn, 2103. (iove~n~iientAssistance, oddrerr, 285 Water: Charges, opprt, 2 10 1. Indust1 y, Secondary: Wool: Promotion, appn, 2101. Covei nnient Assistance, addic,ss, 285. I abour Costs, acldtess, 287. Dowd, kfr 3. R. A., LI,.B. (Lane Cove): 1 and and I and Settlement Rt11a1 Property Amalgamat~ons,nddiesr, 290. Assembly, Zmgislative: Ma1 ket.;, Falm Produce: Selling Procedures, Dicsent: iuling of Mr Speaker, ill., 4708, q, 4896. 4716. iutleo-Christian Ethic, rli., 2040. Nrri\es Wanaar~ngNnrsing Ceni~e,q., 381, 94.1, npp~z,2205. Mcmbe~-s:I-leathcote, Exlension of Time, ill., 2136. Perts Select Committee Upon Prosiitntion, 13oard of Tlck Control, acldress, 292. Examination of Members of the Legis- Idera1 Pigs, q., 258. lative Council, in., 545. l~ckContioI, nppiz, 2102, 2103, 2104; q., Bills: 4773. Baptist Cliurches of New South Wales Posts and Telecommunications: Rural Mail Property TI-us1Bill, and cognate bill, 2~., Sel v ices, npptl, 2 104. 4425. P~tl~licService and Statntorv Offices: Human Tiss~~cB111, and cognate bills, 28., Australia Post, address, 295. 3282. Roald oT T~ckControl, ndtfiers, 292. Jn\t~ces(Pioceclure) Anientlment B111, and cogi~atebill. 2R., 4330. Sm:11l Business Agency, address, 288. Mental TIealtIi RIII, and cognate bills, 2R., preleco~~i.acfdress, 291. 3877. W~lrlDug Dc$tnictio~zBoard, npprr, 2101. Yoi5e Co~~l~ol(Amentinlent) n~li,2~ , Ra~lvays. 4456 4t1,ti nlinn. oilrlrc rr, 290. Offences in Public I'laces (Amendment) lii rlge'r Jorirnni, address, 290. R~il and cognate hill, 2~,4287. f Bilk (contirzrred) : i Assembly, Legislative: Seasonal Felicitation.;, ndj., 4366. Special Commissions of 1nquii.y Bill. 2~.,I 2488; Corlr., 2533, 2534. 2535, 2536, Betting and Cam!>ling: Neville John Shaloub, 2538, 2539, 2540, 2541, 2542. 2543. q,, 3429. 2544, 2545. 2547, 2548, 2555; ad. rep., Commoiiwealth-State Relations: Tax Shar-ing 2556. Arrangements, (I., 537. Coi~rtsand 1,egal PI-ocedure: Government, State: Debt: q., 1096. Ainswoi-ih and Vihert Allegations. jiriev., Obituary: Cabill, T.J.. Member for hlarrick- rxpl., ?:I., 2959; pei.s. 3114; 3253. ville, Deput)) Speaker and C'haii-,nan of Juanita hlielsen C'oroniai Inquiry. q., 2269. Committees of the Legislative Assembly. Gover~imei~t,State: in., 57. 'Tnpes and Doc~iriienisProvided bq the Age, Police: Ailegations of hliscondiici, q.>4394. newspaper. q.. 453 i : priviic,gc, 4532. d565. Djer, The Hun, R. Parliament: Addres.; in Reply, r11., 18 I.,prii,ilepc, 7260. Austr;iIinri Constitution: Ca~nnron\vealthof Memlrer-s' Cori.cq?cri~ideiice to Iliiiisters. ,4ustrnlia C'onstit~i!ion Conventioi~, tit., privilege. 2934. 1972. P~.iviiege,in., 695. Points 01' Or-cier, 13 1, 712, 883, 1022, 1027. Cu:il hliiiing i/liiientii?~ent) Bill, and cog- 1023, i316, 2260. 2487, 1503, 2555. 2816. nate bill, 2~,,3606. 2817, 2924, 2925, 2937. 2938, 2940, 3246. 3260. 4001%.4029. 4531. 4513. 4565. 4566. 4817, iRi8, 4825; 4923, 4924. Police: ?\\si.;i;irii Coniilliiiionc;. P) ce, !I., 15 14" 2927. Nc\, "laiilh 51';1ics Police Force. 117.5.0.. ('iiilc::e\ of Atlv:!iicctl I;iliic:itioii ;inti Tech- 4010. nic~~!<.olicgc\: d~\~~?~~lg~~~iiiilic>ii~IINe\\ciistlc~ ~I(/C/I.~~.>.\. 1 89. 01I lci~i~iicii~:Tcicph~>ne T:ij?piiig. ij.. 3839. C'oi~iii~r.rii\vc;ilih-StiiicRcl:itiui~i: F~..i!\e: Dil1;cs irl1po~;eii hy St;l:~s. rrti'~/!,i'is. 1x1.

Ecli:c,;tion : Govci-iii~~ciitRecui-tl. odiirc9.cs. 187. Rccli~I-cii! Eupeiitiitiire. ;r;l'ii~.~,sc.,1x8. Tcchi~icnl:iiiii i;~lrtiici-. iii/.:i.c ec., i 88 'b'ei.tiiir) Y:iii ?lii~ci?i<,/~(!cii.~,.si, I SX. Dyer, The Harr. R,D. r iorztirzlced) : Harbortrs: Coal Loaders at Poi?. KemhEa and Br1l.i Kooragang, oiidrcss, 186. App~opr~ationB~ii, ?R , 1521. Conr , 1798, I-Iealth: 1823, 1899 Coinrnissiorl, ciclciress, 19 1. New Sor~tli Wn1e.i. Ketniement Benefits 21%~ I-lornsby 2nd I

R~:iotirct; Llisiltnl ?';rx, trci(/i"c,.cs,183. re:?cihei.\: New Apji~>iiiii~~eitIs,ot/ili.cs,r, LXS. l?gnsa, \lr hl, It,, (Crorinlln): T'viicc: Stitiicilaritl--Tiia~varia. Region, g., Arnbril;ince Scr vii-ci: i'iiritEii?g, cippn, 1859. 2117. ,lv;cir,hly, I.egisl:iti~e: Ptihiic Servi<,e anad Stnutory Ofices: Fieciioc: Cil:,ii-iii:ari or C'oi'rlrniiices, iil., 134. i\cceunliiig atid Re~mrtEng Slurrclnrsls, cipprr, 1525. Mcin1iei.s: AII~I~I:?~Rcporiing, iipjiti, 1525. Ryrn~l,iippri. 1798. C'ecci-loch. .i,tir>ii, 17%. Public Works: 'I'x~cII~~~III.~,nppi't, 152 4. P~tI)li(: AI:(:OI!II!<, OIII~I~~ICC"171 , 10'7; :24? 15.5, N25. [>I-ive.ICtirr~ell, cip:>rr, 152 1. I3tiri:li(, Accoiii~t.; ('on-!r:?it:cc. Pdci?~Bci.s' S:>Iid :in:i 12ci~iiiii(:i.;t!ii,ii,/!/"H'". !79S 1522%. I'illiiii Accas:n!g., Coi?:ri~iiiee Rcj~orl oia ilon-ie Care Sri-vice. c~ppn~ l-St:pi! tinc~~fzil,,A(:c(>tii~ti~~g, #I/?;J)~, 152.5~ X'lcE(ird\7. Xli-s I:., oppii, 1514. l52h" st~tti~t~I

Face, Mr J. R. (Charlestown): Face, Mr J. R. (corztin~~ed): Appreiitices: 'Training, rippil, 1558 Housing: Assembly, Iaegislative: Commonwealth-State Housing Ag~eement, npprl, 1555. Ivlembers: Welfa~e,rrppi7, 1555, 1556. Charlestown, pers. e.\pl., 3642. Pr-rtrlirzg Corlritiift~'e,Menrber, 772. Industry, I'rimary: Coal Production, nckiress, 463. P~em~er,v~ntl~iation by Roy31 comniission, nddress, 459. Industry, Secondary: Hunter Development Board, nddres.~,462. Bills: Hunter Region as Australian Model, Appropriation, ZR., 1553; Coin., 1918. cltldress, 462. Crimes (Domestic V~o!ence) Amendment Hunter Valley Development, ndclress, 459. Bill, 2~.,2669. Hunter Valley, Future of, oclclr-ess, 461. Busineas Undertakings, State: State Dock- Newcastle Co-operative PI-ogramme, trcl- yard, cirlrlr-css, 462. ~I~Ess,463. Cotrective Services: Paiolc Board Report, Technology TIansfer Council, c7clciress, q., 2923. 463. Education: Federation of Parents and Citi- Tonlago Smelter, eitlclrer~,459. zens' Associations of New South Wales, q., Insurance Ambulance TIanspo~ t, q., 2274. 1513. Leader of the Opposition: Policies, npprl, Employnient : 1553. Hunter Region, c7cidress, 459. Motor Service Stations: Hunter Valley Economic Summit, crcirlress, Charlestown Service Station Development, 464. ,qyi(~l,., 1698. Hunter Valley Training Programn~es, Retailing, q., 768. address, 463. Motor Vehicles: Off-road Vehicles, griev., Metals Iniitlstry, ciriifrcss, 464. 2957. Unemployment, Ill., 629. Obituary: Johnstone, L..A., a Former Mem- Unemploynient in Charlestown Electorate, ber of the Legislative Assembly, in., 49. nppr7, 1553. Pests: Pest Exterminators, ndj., 1827. Ethnic Affairs: Community Intolerance, Points of Order, 631, 742, 1931, 3443, (1pp11, 1557. 3643. Police: Hospitals: Alieged Political Interfel-ence, q., 3438. Costs, npptz, 1555. Firearms, q., 1100. Country, crpprl, 1920. Pollrltion: Water: Burwood Beach Sewage Geriatric, nppt~,1920. Outfall, ciclj., 586. Hunter Region, npprl, 1554. Priblic Wol.6~:State Onice Block, Newcastle, Jean Colvin Hospital, npp~z,1919. cippn, 1557. Mater Misericordiae. Wat-atah, cippr7, 1554. Railways: 1918. I-:oi-mei-Ciovcrnnient's Recol-d, np11r1, 1557. Newcastle, npprl, 19 19. rrppi7, NewcaQle Western Srlburbs, opl~ir,1919. Newcastle-Gosford, 1556. Opposition Policies, cip0r7, 1554. Newnied 11, (10pi7, 1554, 1918. Olsen, Dr, npprl, 1918, 1920. lie.;erve5: Ne~vcactle Velodronie, cirlj., 747. Olsen Report, npprc, 1554. Ro;;cls and Road Safety: Bicycles. jii.iev., 2957. Olicology Units, crpprt, 1918, 1919. Schools: Paecliatric. npprt, 1919. .4csembly Halls, rip[~rr,1557. 1'1-ofe\sor. Ixeder, opprl, 1554, 1918. Maintena~iceProgramme, cippii. 1557. li;~nhinPark, nppn, 1919. Mtlltil>urpocc Units, trpprl, 1557. I

Face, Mr J. R. (coiztit.:led): Fergmsorn, Tlne Non. L. J. (corzrirzued) : Sport and liea-eltion: Newcastle Velodrome, Floods: Flood Mitigation Funding, q., 1749. trclj., 747. Harbours: Teachers: Strike, q., 210. Bulk Coal Carriers, q., 4227. Testiie and Clothing Industries: COBS Harbour Marina, q., 1857. HI admill Oi ganiration, Closur-, address, Middle Harbour Moorings, q., 1445. 460. Port Kernbla Coal Loader, q., 1310. Rutherford Teutiies, Closure, nddress, 460. Point of Order, 2474. Toa n and <'oun:~.y Planning: Poker Machines: Victorian Inquiry, q., 3059. Char-Ieslo\vn Service Station De\~elopment, Poll~~tion,Water: gric~v., 1698. Botany Bay Oil Spill, q., 2812. Sei.vice St;!(io:i iiet>i!;,:g, q., 768. Ocean, q., 1443. Trades ancl Trade Unions: Shortage of Tradesmen, r!p[~rz, 155s. Posts and Telecomn~unications: Telephone Tapping, q., 1864, 2115. Transport, Fin~nccai:d Policy: Opposition Po!icics. cipprr, 1553. Reserves: Waterfront Parkland, q., 1444. Water: Shipping: Bulk Coal Carriers, q., 4227. Briiigman. Dr, npprr, 1556. Town and Country Planning: I-lunter Disti ict Board, nclclie~r,464; (I~~II, Flood-prone Lands, q., 770. 1556. Northbridge Marina, q., 3 11. I'atterson. Dr, nppr~,1556 Wages and Salalies Wage Pause Programme, q . 1460. Fergoson, The Non. L. J. (Merrylands): Wa=es Pause, 9, 1511. Apprentices: Plumbing, q., 2642. Watei : Assembly, Legislative: Brunswlck R~veiSlltat~on, q , 1440. Members: Rcsigrrntiori as Deputy Preiirier, Gr~flithand Yenda Supply, q , 4228. Mi~ristc.r/or P[ihlic U'orh.r rind hdi;~i.rtcr for. Pott.r, 4383. Fischer, Mr T. A. (Murray): hlinister for Corrective Services, q., 1755. Be'iches: Imp~overnent PI oglanime, q , 685. Assembly, Legislative: Bills Additional Sitting Days, r~.,3444. 1301der liailuays (Amendment) B111, 2R., Election: Chairman of Committees, m., 2677. 136. Biohen H~llWatei and Sewerage (Rates) Hours of Sitting, .spec. a&., 545. Aniendnient 13111, 2~,1767, 2853, 3~, Menibel-s: 2853 Drunimoyne, npprr, 1375. ('oniniercial Vessels (Amendment) Bill, Murray, po.s. expl., 3273; pril,ilege, ar?d cognate bills, inf., 2R., 773, 1229. 4029. Ohservatory Park Weather Bureau Site Stciritiir~g Ordcrs ar~dProccdrrre Cornnzil- (Repeal) Bill, 2~.,2675. tcc, Mc~r~her,772. Coi-rective Services: Early Release of klinister for Water Resources, q., 4591. Prisoners, q., 2638. Precedence of Business: Hours of Sitting, Courts and Legal Procedure: Ainsworth and ill., 2486. Viha-t Allejiatiolis, I,?., 3250. Question Time, spec. adj., 293 1. Fclucation: Stiidy Assistance Progr.amnie, q., Seasonal Felicitalorrs, a&., 4364. 1440. Special Adjonl-nnient, n?., 2930. Elections and Electorates: Budget Expendi- nilis: ture, (I., 1389. Appropriation Bill. ZR., 1375. I~mploynicnt: 1301-cler R;til\vays (Amendment) Bill, 2R., < onlrnunity Employment Plog~amme, q., 3636. 2675. Ganiiiiji ancl Betting (Penalties) Arnend- Equ;rl Opporiiiiiity q., 1441. inent Rill, 2~..1687. Job Cre;ltion Pi-ogi-amme, q., 1188, kleti-opolitai~ Water., Sewerage, and Uneiiiploymcl~t, q., 436. Drainage (Arnentlment) Bill, and cop- Wtipec i':irise, q., 209, 1'754. liate bills, 2~.,1056. Volumes 275-178

Bills (continued): Roads and Road Safety: Random Breath Observatory Park Weather Bureau Site Testing, npprl, 1379; spec. ndj., 4364. (Repeal) Bill, 2~.,2674. Statute Revision: National Parks and Wild- River Murray Waters Bill, 2~.,1083. life Act: Disallowance of Proclamation, In., 921. Split Rock Dam Bill, 2R., 3650. Supply Bill, 2R., 793. Taxation : Water (Amendment) Bill, ZR., 2677. Liquor Licence and Poker hfachine Fees, npprr, 1379. Business and Trade Practices: Petrol Levy, npprz, 1377. Agroprom Pty Limited, q., 1719. Premier's 1974 Statement on Fuel Levy, Building Contracts, q., 4373. rrppir, 1378. Cities and Towns: Major Centres, appn, Sianlp Duty, q., 1104. 1376. Transport, Finance and Policy: Clubs: Poker Machines, q., 3063. Discrimination in Serviced Areas, nppn, Courts and Legal I'rocedure: Legal Costs of 3 376. Maria Salakas, y., 4372. Fairfield Services, izppiz, 1377. Employment: Timber Industry, q., 1936. Water: Films: X-rated Video Movies, rt7..7.o., 4568. Bredbo Dam, nclj., 4103. Floods: Statewide, ncij., 4423. Co~nmission Charges, nppn, 1379. Forests: Commission Staff, nppn, 1379. Comnnission, izl~ptt, 1380. Trrigation Charges, r/., 1252. Commission Staff, nppra, 1380. Lake Mejurn, appiz, 1379. Rainforest Logging, q., 2006. liesoui-ces: !?I., 1487. Government, State: Wy;ing:iIa Dam. iippiz. 1380. . Discrin~iiiatioll Against IMotorists, nppn, 6378. End of Session I-egislalive Programme, spcc. riilj., 545. Petrol Levy Rctcniae 12edistrihutioi1, appn, 1377. Assemhiy. Legislative: hiember for River- stone, q., 4516. Rural Discriininatioi1, (~ppti;1376, 1377. Bill\: Iaoc:ll d~ovcrriment: ,4ppi'opriatioil B3i11. 2~.1625. Arkelk F., hla),or of Wollongoilg, nppir, 1375. Sishopsgaie Iniurnnce Arisiraii:l Limiied Bill, 2~.,1468. Waverley Cu~ulcil,nppti, 1375. Coal and Oil Shaie RBine Woi-lters (S~I~PI.- Woiiongong City Coilncil. !?I., 1Ci26. E 115. ni~i~uiiiioii):lr~iei:dii?e!~t Bill. 2n., 28'72. Motor Service Stations: Trade, nppii, 1378. Coal Miniiig i.4n1ciidnicnt) Bill, anti Obituai-y: Sohn~ione,L. A.,a Forn-ies hfenl- cognate hill, 2~.,3151. lier of the Legisi:aiive Assembly, ijt., 49. Country Yiltl~istries (Pay-1.011 Tax Rclmtesj Aniciidnie~~tRill. 2~.,1330. G!enh;l\sn Dan1 (Enlargenient) Mill, %R., 2312. Poker- Macliii~es:'in Q;iirbs, q., 3063. Iocal Go\er nment (Rates and Chaiges) Public Scrvice and Statutory OWces: B1lP. 2R., 4307. Auditor-General's Report, apprt, 1375. Mine Siih~iitlence Cornpensatio~? (Arnenii- Mctropolitari Water Sewerage and Drain- ment) Bill. 2~..3520. age Boai-tll, nppii. 1379. Water (/irncnilmenC) Bill, 2~.,2681. .Rrnilways: Bi?tiget. 1983-84 : Bridget Papers Enforii>n- Deficit, nppii, 1378. tion. iipp~i, 1626. I-osse.;, ~J)~)PI,i 3'78. Demonstrntionr: Nurses, 1RXX. U~~econoniic;iiRoutes. nppri, f 3'73. Resei-ves: Graziiig of 1,ivestocE;: irpptr, 1380. Natioi~;iT XParks Fxienslons, (I.. 4537. Idtlr August, 8983, to Is4 Marsh, 69104

Fisher, R4r &=.M, (~0lliil~l4c~~/): Fisher, ?+Pa: C,M. (eorltinlieil) : Electricity (coritinrted) : Transport, Finance and Policy: Coal Charges, irrgelic>l, 2816; :n..c..o.,2817; n?., Freight Concessions, ilcli., 3070, 308 1. 2317. 2834. Water.: Coal Costs, npp:r, 162'7 Barnard River. Water Supply, nppn, 1626. Co-gene1 ation, izpjirl, 1626 Shoriland County Cati~icil Mains Exten- C'cn1n2ission: sions, G., 3488. Borrowir~gs,npp", 1628. ('oal Supplies. q., 213. (iovei-nrne~itinlei fercnce, cippii, 1629. Stafling, q., 4402. I:... 'ii~i-~g: I'ov,~cr Statioil, nppii. 1629. Gas 7'ui bines, iippir, 1626. Piit.iiannerrt: Pirrlia~ncnt lionsc Iblo~.eionR;ty Fig Tree, q., 2983. Mount R~litie.cippii, 1629. ?vlbrus.tvcilbi-ook to bioiilii Piper I iiie. irppir. 162'1. Flaherty, Mr J, P. (Granville): i ( ie;~iion Sci-~c.n?c\.iippi~, 1626, Comp~ilerSoftavare. '7.. 1.587. PIivnic l(iiicrpi isc, iipp~i,1627, Ecoi~oinicCoildiiiuni: Ke!:ovci-y, q., 48 L2. iJiienrpIoy:r~e~~t,III.. 635. E~npluyr~~eiit: Job Cre;~iii?ii.q., 1 18'7. Eilcigy: X'tritigei "\lioi.;riioi~\, (ii~l~ii.1626. Firei 2nd Fire Fighting: liiisl~Firc 131.ig;tiics, (I., 28119. Flooti.,: St;ilc\i itic. /!(li.. 4-42 1.

Mcai lntliistiy. 1-inniehi:sh iib;itivi:. C'naporx- tion, c/., IO%O. Motor. Veiiicles: Motor t gcie S,iieiv, ti., 452 1.

i"idtl!-es5 iir Elci?ly, I?), 5hh. ;"iiitiri~l:ii-Ici. Srrvices: k>cl;c>s, q., 10?2 Foot, Mrs R. A., B.A. (corztinued) : Foot, Mrs R. A., B.A. (coiitii~mecl) Bills (cutiritiirerl) : Health (cotitirirrcd) : Medical Practitioners (Further Amend- New So~~thWales Diabetic Association, ment) Bill, ZR., 5498. (I., 810. Mental Health Bill, and cognate bills, ZR., Services, cipprl, 1367, 1822. 3844. Hospital and Medic;il Benefit Funds: hledi- National Parks and Wildlife (Amend- care, npptl, 1368, 1821. ment) Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 2703. Hospitals: Puhlic Hospitals (Amendment) Bill, 2~., 3475. Bed Charges, iil~ptz,1367. Public Hospitals (Hospitals Incorpora- Bed Redistribution, ilp[Jil, 1367. tion) Amendment Bill. 2R., 3923. Beds, q., 3632. Business and Trade PI-actices: Motor Budget Information. rippit, 1368. Dealers' C'onipensation Fund, q., 4926. Butlgets, iipptr, 1367. Cities and Town: Sydney Developments, Capital Works, cii~pri, 1369. address, 569. Espencli!ure Increases, r~ppr~,1368. Consunler Airairs: Funding, irlipri, i368, 1820, 1823. Budget Allocation, ,,&,prl, 1366. Mental, q., 2363. Oflice Closures, apprt, 1366. St Margaret's, q., 541. Stan' Cuts, cipprz, 1366. Staffing, cipptz, 1368, 1822. Corrective Services: Early Release of Strategic Overview of Country Hospitals, Prisoners, q., 1592. opp11, 1821 . Courts and Legal l'rocedure: Equal Oppor- Su!he~-lancl. q.. 13 13; ol~ptr,1367. tunity Tribun~ri,q., 540. Sydney, q., 4378. Electricity: Rebates for Home Dialysis Medical and Paran~edical Practitioners: hl;tcliines, q., 3739. Acupuncturists, q., 2717. Employment: Collier, Dr Clive, (I., 4475. Employment Protection Act, tidilrc,rs, 571. Parliament: Privilege, npptz, 1364. Job Creation, arltiress, 570: mppri. 1364, Points of Order, 373, 631, 1826, 4601, 4603, 1365. 47('2. Pel-n~anent Part-time, ilrlrlress, 572. Police: Surveillance, ti., 4399. Private Sector, nrldres.~,571. Posts and l'elecon~niunicntio~~s:Telephone Special Eniployii~entSchemes. iil~/~~,1365. Tapping, q., 1863, 21 15. Public Service and Statutor-v Offices: Denari- nient of Educat~on. Peimanent Pal t-iirne \Vages Pause, q., 209. Work, q , 4478 Funeral Services: Funeral Delays, q., 2923. Resel-ves: I-lei-niitage Reserve, Vaucluse, fJI'gPtI('?', 4600; peBr.s.,4607. Government, State: Economic Record, irddres.r, 569. Iioyal Comn~issions:Street Royal C'omniis- sion, ciclrlr~,s.r,566. En~ployment Record,, 570. Town and Coantry Planning: \I/ester.~i Yorrth Employment Progranimes, cicliTress, Sydney ,41-ea Assistance Schenie, rirlii?i.c..\s, 570. 570. 1-Iandicapped Persons: Mental T-Iealth Ser- Yol~lll: vices. cippri. 1821. Training, (fpi~tr,1365. Wealtli: Unemployment,, 570. Child Services, q., 4 1 06. Countr-y Services, Overview, iipprr, 1369. Freernan, The IIon. HB. I>., A.M., B.D.S., Education 0Gcel.s. q., 1388. D.D.S. (Tororata), &,.D.S. (Ollhrio), Funding, crpptt, 1820. F.l.C.D,, B'.R.A.C.D.S., F.A.d'.Ib.: I-lalf-way IIouses, rippit, 1370. R111s. Woriie Dialysis kf;lclriiies, q.. 3739. Comrne~cln! \'esrel~ (Amcndinent) B~il, I-Zo~neNnrsing Service. q., 4470. and cogii'ite bllis, 2~ . 1287 hlental, iippn, 1370. Wtim;rn 'l'issiie Bill. anci cognate bill<, 211.. hlcntnl I-iealth Ser-vices, cippri. 1821. 3374: C01?1., 3390. SESSION19 83-84 cxv

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Freeman, The EIon. D. D., A.M., B.D.S., French, The Hen. H, B. (corztitrlted) : D.D.S. (Toronto), E.D.S. (Ontario), Governn~ent, Con~monwealth: Steel Lndus- F.I.C.D., F.R.A.C.D.S., F.A.C.D, try Assistance, addrcss, 389, 390, 391. (continued) : It~:!t~s:r~~.lITcl:~tion:;: An:,tt-:~lizn I..a\v, !ti., Bills (cotltirzucd) : 2397. Medical Prcctitioners (Further Amend- Bnd~istr;;, SPco!idilr);: ment) Bil!, ?R., 3423. Import Restrictions. ri;ldrc-r.7, 297. Police Reglilatio~l (Allegations of Mis- Steel, tidcl~tJs.r, 392. co.~c?u;t) Ainendment Rill, and cognate bills, 2R.. 3405. Steel iniitlsii-y A~~;stniicc,trildi.c.;s, 389, 390, 391. Special Commissions of inquiry Bill, 2R., 2415; Coi,~.,2439. Steel iild~istr~Uo~~n!~~, riciclrcsr, 39.1. Tourist Industry Development (Further Anlendn~ent) Bill, 2R., 3 195. Gabb, Mr K. C., LL.B. (Earllivood): Clt~hs. J'arranialta Police-Citizens Boys' Club, Address in Reply, rlr., 173 trtij., 38, 200; q., 1840, !841 , 1847. Asse!nhly. I.egislati\e: Council, 1.egislative: Jtldeo Chi-istian Ethic, in., 20.11. Lihr.!ii.y Coriirilittee, Meiz hrr, rn., 941. Questions Wiitlout Notice, q., 3056. Se!cct Committee on Crinlc Control, q., 1848. St,lcc.f C'o,irr,zitic~c Upoil WorXc,r..\' C'orrr- pcirscitioir lii,!/~ciiir,r,Mei?zbo., NZ., 2557. Courts and Legal Procedure: Ainsworth and Vibert A!legations, pcrs. Bills: rxpl., 3365. Appropriation Bill, 2R., 1619. Azzopardi, Mr Edgar, q., 1848. Ar-tificinl Concertion Bill, and cognate Jailles Anderson, Trial of, q., 4676, 4770. bill. 2~.,443('. Speci;~!Comn~issions of inquit-y Bill, ZR., Films: New South Wales Fill11 Corporation, 2522. q., 3362, 3363. Harbours: Sydney Harbour Safety, q., Bread: l'rice Controls. (~ppiz,1621. 3362. Budget, 1983-84: Job Creation Measures, Hospital and Medical B-nefit Funds: Medi- ap,711,161 9. care, q., 2060, 3950. Conservation: Waste Disposal, q., 1946. Hospitals: Westmead, q., 1154. Corrective Services: Feiilaie Prisoners, q., Parliament: Millislerial Responsibility, q., 3349. 2566, 2720. Economic Conditions: Points of Order, 1842, 1844, 1847, 3366. Governnlent Activities, riddres~,173. Police: Arantz, Mr Philip, q., 72. National Econonlic Growth, appt7, 1619. liailways: Eastern Suburbs, q., 509. Etlncatioii: Budget Measures, npppi, 1623. Town and Country Planning: Height of Buildings Advisory Cornnlitlec. q., 2893, Electricity: Solar Energy, riddrcss, 174. 3950. Emp!oyment: Budget Measures, LIPPIZ,1623. French, The I-Ion. EE. B.: Opposition Policies, rippr~, 1620. Energy: Add:-ess in Reply, I~I.,387. Soiar, rrii'drt~ss, 1 73. Bill: Workers' Compensation (Dust Solar Arc.rss, address, 174. Diseases) Amendment Bill, 2R., 3201. Solar Collectors, an'cirt~ss,174. Council. Legislative: Library Coil~rniftee, Solar. Domestic Use, rrddrcss, 174. Mei~hcr,in., 941. Economic Conditions: National Economic Ferry Services: Btidgzi Measures, npprl, Confelence,, 388, 389, 393. 1625. Employment: Government, State Job Creation Initiatives, address, 388. PIO~Iammes, ndclr cJsr, 173 Steel Industry, address, 388. Record, nppt7, 16?4 Unemployment, nddr cis, 388. Teilinoio2. nddr ers, 173. Volumes 175-1178

GauBmsnd, The Heal. J. D. (coiztirzrted) : Health: Government, State: Home Case Service, ctpprr, 1624. Federal Funds, N~PII,2762. Radio-active Sancf, q., 1760. Financial Management, address, 281. Mo~~sing:Welfare, opprr, 1623. Programme Budgeting, nckircs.~,282. Obituaries: Cahill, T. J., Member for Mar- Record, iidcirc~ss,280. rickville, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of Social Democracy Policies, c~ppri,2762. Committees of the Legislative Assembly, Wilenski Report, ircldrrss, 281. llI.l 65. Governor and Governor-General: 12owland, Oil Industry and Petrol: Petrol Pricing, cipprz, Sir Jarnes Anthony, cici'tlres.~, 280. 1621. Industry, Secondary: Parliament: Pariiarnent House Renovation. 1iid~istri:ilDevelopment, rrpprl, 2761. crcict~.crr, 176. Manufacturing Industry, cipl2i1, 2765. Poiiit~~ok Order, 2503, 2504, 2515, 2517, 2518. Parliament : Political Parties: Liberal Pai-ty's Policies, Parliament House Renovations, ciiitlrc~ss, Cip(Jl1, 162 I. 280. Public Sei-vice and Statt~toryOffices: Uepal-i- Proceeclings, crrf(/rc.c.s, 2x0. nieiil of Youtll and Community Services, Prices: Incornes and Prices Accord, cippr~, B~idgetAllocation, npprz, 1624. 2762. Railways: Public Service ancl Stittutorp Offjces: B~~dgetAllocation, rippir, 1625. Borro~viiigand Investment. ndrirc'.r.i; 283. Maldoil to Dombarton line, rii~prr,1620. Computerized Accounting,,282. Opposition Policies, npprr, 1620. Financial Accotintability anci Controls, Rail Construction, irpptz, 1619. ci~ii/rc.vs,282. St:llute Revision: Solar Easements, ciclclrc~ss, Stal~iteiicvisioii : 176. Financial Accountabilitv,, 28 1 7 nxation: S:tles Tax. cipprr, 1673. P~~blicFinance :lnd Audit Bill, ciei/l~.ess, 281. 're;ichei-s: Fedei-atioo, (I~JIJ~I,1623. l'ot\n anti Country i'lanning: Solar Energy, Tariffs: Use, ciric/ 175. Impori Duties, crppir, 2761. i~,fa~ti~:icti!ri~lg 111clu?,try. c1[)[)11. 2761 Taxation : Gadand, The HOPI.9. 119.: Increzses, irj~p12,2760. Pay its YOLIEarn, iip.~~ti,2760. Acltlress in Reply, rii., 280. Trade : Bill: ilppropriation Bill, 2~.,2760. Exports, (ipp~r,2761. Hutlg~t, 1982--83: Deficit, ircfdress, 28 1. li~1por.tQuotas, cippir. 2761. Budget, 1983-84: Manufactured Goods Exports. iippr~,2762. .\llocations. clppii, 2764. Rural Exports, npprr, 2762. Capital Works Expenititure, LI~IIII,2764. Silicon Chip Development, iipprz, 2765. Capital Works Provisions, acidress, 282. Trades and Trade Unions: Ainalga~l~atiortof Co~nmonwealth-State Relations: Loan Coun- UllioI7~,tl[Jpll, 2763. cil Meeting, npprz, 2762. Wages and Salaries: Council, Legislative: Prilzrirlg Corllriliffee, Incomes anci Prices Accord, rrppti. 2762. rlil~iirber,tiz., 942. Real Income Reductions. trppri, 2760. Courts and legal Procedure: Privy Cou~icil Appeals, cirlilr-ess, 280. Drougl~t:Relief, apptz, 2765. / Gopdon, The Hon. A. R. E, (Mumuaaabid- Employment: Unemployment, nppri, 2760. 1 gee): Government, Comnionwealth: Animals: Experiments. q., 1454, 1663. Economic Policies. appri, 2760. Assembly, Legislative: Appoir~fr,ieni fa Prices and Incomes Accord, crppn, 2762. Mirristry, 4384. cxvii

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Gordon, The EHon, A. R. L, (continued): Gardon, The Hon, A. R. L. (coiltinued) : Automatiori, Mechanization and Computers: Local Government (coiztir~rc~.d): Government Orders for Computers, q., Rylstone Shire Council, aclj., 1576. 1661. Scone Property Development, q., 4480. Bills: Wollongong City Council, q., 1098; ?TI., Conveyancing (Amendment) Bill, and 1132. cognate bills, 2R., 4626. Obituary: Cahill, T. J., member for Marrick- Dairy Industry (Amendment) Bill, and ville, a former Deprtty-Speaker and Chair- cognate bills, 2w., 4347. man of Committees of the Xde,eislative Local Government (Elections) Amend- Assembly, tit., 62,. ment Bill, 2~.,443, 558. Parking: Trailers, q., 940. Local Govern~nent (Powers of Invest- Points of Order, 568, 1022, 1027, 1124. ment) Amendment Bill, 2R., 1611, 2338. Public Service and Statutory Ofices: Depart- I

/ Greiner, Mr N. F. (corztirzued) : Betting and Gamblin!:: Employment (cott/irzrted) : Totalizator Agency Board, q., 4242. Government Record, address, 446; appn, Victorian Government Poker Machine In- 1232, 1234. quiry, q., 676. Job Creation Plan, q., 107. Bills: Premier's Statements, address, 446. Appropriation Rill, ZR., 123 1. Private Sector, appt~,1243. Building and Construction Industry Long Public Sector, nppn, 1242. Service Payments (Amendment) Bill, Special Schemes to Promote Employment 2~.,3705. Account, appn, 1234. Pay-1-011 Tax (Awencimcnt) Bill, Cot??., Steel Industry Sackings, nppn, 1236. 3666, 3668. Unemployment, ocldress, 446; q., 10 13; Police Board Bill, ZR., 4067. (rpptz, 1231; q., 3832. Police Regulation (Allegations of Mis- Victorian Govrrnn7ent's Record, npprz, conduct) Amendment Bill, and cognate 1235. bills, ZR., 3323. Gove~nment, Coninio~lwealth: Prices a~id Bridges: Incomes Acco~d,npptr, 1236. Hexhain, nppri, 1240. Govctnment, State: Torn Ugly's Point, apprl, 1240. Ask111 Government, npptz, 1240. Business and Trade Practices: Retail Sales, Assets, nppn, 1241. adclress, 447. Budget Strategy, (I~~II,1241. Corrective Services: Cleaning Services, nppn, 1242. Early Release of Prisoners, q., 429; nd- Debt, apptz, 1241. dress, 449; rnitz. stnlt, 1509; q., 1997, Economic Management, nppn, 1233. 2636. Economic Policy, upprz, 1232. Perioctic Detention, q., 1756. Employnient Cleation Schemes, upptz, Courts and Legal Procedure: 1236. Ainsworth and Vibert Allegations, Housing Policy, ncldress, 447. urgerlcy, 3222; HI., 3233. Lack of Initiatives, address, 445. Corruption of Magistracy, address, 459. Private Enterprise Policy, appri, 1236. Equal Opportunity Tribunal, rizin. strnt, Private Sector Contracting, apptz, 1242. 544. Regulations, nddress, 447. The Judiciary, urgeilcy, 4820; rrl., 4827. Service Charges, npprz, 1237. Crime and Criminals: Tapes and Documents Provided by the Age C'ooley, Stephen, acldress, 449. Newspaper, tnitz, str~zt, 4394; q., 4394, Sydney Metropolitan Area, address, 449. 4526, 4596, 4698, 4919. Economic Conditions: 'Taxes, q., 883. Business Growth, cipptz, 1236. Government: Victorian B~~dget,npptz, 1236. Ciovernment Policy, riddress, 447. Harbours: Port Kembla Coal Loader, q., Inflation, ndclress, 447; npprz, 123 1. 1310. Private Sector Expenditure, address, 447. Health: Government Policy, crddress, 452. Recession, apprr, 123 1. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Old Education: Sydney Town, q., 205. Declining Standards, address, 451. Hospitals: Government Policy, tzddress, 451. Fairfield, ripprz, 1239. Teaching Services, apptr, 1239. Funding, apptz, 1243. Technical and Further Education, Minister for Health, Policy, ripptl, 1242. acltiress, 45 1. Mount Druitt, q., 596. Electricity: Charges, nyptr, 1232, 1237; q., Rationalization of Services, address, 452. 3630. Rural Areas, address, 452. Employment: Sutberlanct, Elective Surgery, npptz, 1243. Community Employment Programme, Westmead, q., 596. N[)plZ, 1232. Housing: Day I,abour Force, npprz, 1242. Commission Waiting List, nppil, 1238. Government Programmes, address, 447. Opposition Policy, nppn, 1238. cxix

Greiner, Mr N. F. (continnetl) : Greiner, Mr N. F. (corztirzuecl) : Industrial Relations: Railways: Government Record, address, 446, 452; Fare Increases, appn, 1237. appn, 1235. South Maitland, q., 4517. Train Drivers' Strike, (iddress, 453. Ulsn-Gulgong, appn, 1240. Inclustry, Secondary: Labour Costs, appn, Reserves: VaIhalIa Lodge, Perisher Valley, 1236. q., 760. Land and Land Settlement: Land Commis- Roads and Road Safety: sion Prices, q., 2919. Bicentennial Roads Programme, nppn, I aw and Order: 1240. Government Policy, address, 448. Commonwealth Grants, appn, 1232. Personal Safety, nddress, 448. Department of h/Lain Roads Day Labour, 1-ocal Government: cr., 1095. Amalgamations, address, 453. &u-tment of Main Roads StafFrng, q., 1450. Government Policy, address, 453. Road Programmes, oppn, 1240. Local Boundaries Commission, nddress, 453. Royal Commissions: Rate Pegging, rzddress, 453. Siewnrt Royal Con~missioninto Drug Traf- Wollongong City Council, rn.s.o., 1020, ficking, min. rtmt, 105. 1114. Street Royal Commission, arfj., 129. Minerals and Mining: Street Royal Comnii.ision: Premier's Comments, ri~IcIrers,454, 456, Coal Transportation, address, 453. 457. address, Mining Industry, 453. Recommendations and Findings, ad- Sand Mining Industry, address, 454. dress, 456. Taxes and Charges, address, 454. Terms of Reference, address, 454. Obituaries: Schools: Cahill, T. J., Member for Marrickville, Government Funding, address, 45 1 Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of Com- Government Policy, address, 451. mittees of the Legislative Assembly, m., 54. Library Services, appn, 1239. Johnstone, L. A,, a former Member of the Pre-school Funding, apprl, 1239. Ingislative Assentbly, m., 47. Primary, Enrolments, apprt, 1232. Points of Order, 108, 131, 133, 567, 568, Private, appn, 1238. 883, 4830. Sewerage Poker Machines: Police Investigations, q., Cont~actWorks, q, 532, 3428 3055. Water and Sewerage Rates, apprl, 1237 Police: Soc~aland Welfare Se~vlces Additional Staff, upprr, 1232, 1239. Chlld~en'sServtces, address, 452 Allegations of Bribery, q., 2264. Day Care, oddress, 452, ( iipri, 1239 New South Wales Police Force, urgency, Fund~ng,uppn, 1238 4008. Home Care Servlce, nppn, 1238 Prices: Land, q., 2919. Hunter Valley, addte~s,454. Privacy: Bugging, address, 446. Statute Revision: Conveyancing Act : Dis- allowance of Parts of a General Order, Public Service and Statutory Offices: rrrgetlcv, 4608. Department of Youth and Community Taxation: tnin. Services, stmt, 204. Avoidance, clddress, 448. Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drain- Land Tax, riddress, 448. age Board, crppn, 1241, 1242. l..and Tax Exemption Level, nppn, 1237. Public Works: Payroll Tax, address, 447, 448; appn, Budget Allocation, apprz, 1232, 1235. 1235, 1236. C,:pital Works Funding, appn, 1240. Payroll Tax Exemption Level, appn, 1237. Opposition Policy, appi~,1238. Payroll Tax Revenue Loss, nppn, 1236. Racing: Race Rigging, q., 48 10. Petrol Tax, appn, 1237. Volumes 175-178

Greiner, N. F. (cofztinuecl) Grusovin, The Non. Deirdre (contiraued) : Taxation (coizfiitued): Parliament: Parlianientary Privilege, ,]I., 951. Stamp Duty, q., 2810. Police : State, crcl'diatr, 447, 448; clpprl, 1232. Administration, acklress, 968. Tobacco Tax, nppiz, 1237. Promotions, aclrlress, 969. Teachers: Face-to-face Teaching, q., 303; Recruiting, cirldrr,ss, 968. rippic, 1232, 1239. Schools: Trncles and Trade Unions: Community Uses, ndclrrrs, 969. Building Unions, nppr~,1234. Vocational Curriculum, ndilrc.s.r, 971. Secret Ballot, acltlres.~,452. Teachers: Parental Roles in Schools, crclriress, Unioli Move~lient,ric/t/ress, 452. 970. Transport, Finance and Policy: Universities: Entl-y Requirements, cicfdress, f'ublic Transport Manning Levels, trppiz, 972. 1242. Water: Storages. trcirlre~s967. Transport Charges, cipprz, 1232. Wages and Salaries: State Comparisons, Haigla, The Ifon. W. H. (Marombra): (ippri, 1236. Water: Assembly, Legislative: Xr.sigrznfio/z, 46. Charges, npptl, 1232, 1237. Coiltract Works, q., 532, 3428. Hallam, The Non. 9. R.: Dams: Agiiculture: Glennies Creek, nppt7, 1240. Jojoba Plant, q., "100. Split Rock, NP~II,1239. Parasitic Weed Control, cj., 4772. Windamere, rippii, 1240. Soil Conservation, g., 380. M'ol-kcrs' Conipensation: I-'rcniiums, ntlcfrr~,s,s, Western lands and Cropping. q., 417. 4894. Anlmnls: Welfaie, (1.. 3528 Bills: Agi-icultui-a1 Scientific C'ollcciioiis Trust Adctress in Reply, ill., 967. Bill, 2R.. 3210, 3216; Cor?r., 3217. Conservation: Soil Erosion, (i(/r/rr~.s.s,967. Broken Hill Watei- and Sewerage (Rates) C'ouncil, I.egislative: Arncndment %ill; 2~.,3016, 3018. Ifnttrr Coi~~viittc.cj,ikfc.n7hri., 117.. 941. Bush Fires (Amend~i~cni)Bill, 2~..4193. Lihrriry C'or,zi~iifrt~c~,Mci~zhcr, /?I., 941. Centennial Pal-k 'Trust Bill, 212., 3966, Education: 3970. Coal Mln~ng(Amrndrnent) f3111, ancl cog- Australian History, q., 1837. nate hill, Zit, '4595, 9417; Coil7 , 3619. Board of Secondary Education, nclcfress, 3620, 3h21, 3622, 3623, 3624. 3625, 3626. 970. Co-opelation j/lrnenclntent) 13111, LR , Faniiiy Life Responsihililies, ii(lclrc,.ss, 970. 3971, 3973. Higher School Certificate, cidtlr~ss,972, Cotlntl-y Industries (Pay-roll Tax Kebaies) Joh Skiils, rrt/dress, 971. Aniendment Bill, 2~.,2062, 2069. Per-sonal L)eveloprnent. rrclrr', 970. Dairy Industry (i2mendmeni) Bill; and Vocatioii;~l,cicf(/rcss. 971. cognate bills, 2n., 4214, 4217; Coi,l., 4218. Factor ~zs, Shops arid Industries (Retarl Trade) Amenclnient Bill, and cognate bill, 2~.3772, 3804, Coi11, 3806, 3807. GI-ains: Wheat Crop. ndcO~es.r,967. Gam~ng and Rettrng (Fulther Amend- Markets, Famm Produce: rnenr) Rill, 2~,1268, 1272 Flemington Markets Levy, ctdn', 968. Glenbawn Dam (Enlargement) B1l1. IR , 3000, 3006 Produce Promotion, ridrli.e.s.s, 968. Gra~nSorghum Matket~ngBoard (Special Oiiib~:cisman:Complaints against Police, (mi- Provisions) Bill, ZR., 1967, 1969; Corrc., dress, 969. 1970, 1971; 31<, 1971. cxxi

16th August, 1983, tu 1st March, 1984

Hallam, The Hun, J, R, (corlrirlrieti) :

B~lls(coritirz~rcd) Bnsiness and Trade Practices: Agroprnrn Pty Health lrrsu~dnce I,ev~ec (Amendment) Limited, q., 1719. Bill,

hall an^, The Han. J. R. (cor~tit~sled): Hattsn, Mr J. IE. (corztinz~ed) Noxious Weeds: Business and Trade Practices: Bankcard Biological Weed Control, q., 942. Charges, q., 2355. Paterson's Curse, q., 2892. Clrtbs: Parraniatta Police-Citizens Boys' Serrated Tussock Infestation, q., 4517. Club, nddress, 741, 743; q., 1580, 1665, 2004, 4469. Pests: Feral Pigs, q., 258. Courts and Legal Procedure: Tick Control, q., 4774. Donald Mackay Inquest, q., 3065. Points of Order, 2213, 2215, 3038, 3799, Lanfranchi Inquest, q., 3739. 3942, 3943, 4183. The Judiciary, rn., 4860. Prices: Crime and Criminals: Anderson, Mr Neddy, Egg, q., 3190, 3947, 4679, 4680. q., 4469. Milk, q., 4494. Dental Services and Dentists: Batemans Bay, nppn, 1570. Public Works: Bulk Wheat Loader Proposal, q., 1951. Drugs: Abuse, rippn, 1905. Railways: Maldon to Port Kembla, q., 3945. Elections and Electorates: Public Service and Statutory Offices: Ballot Papers, q., 819. Department of Agriculture, q., 4768. Budget Implications for South Coast Egg Corporation, q,, 4776. Electorates, appn, 1569. Trade: Avocados, q., 1719. Electricity: Iilawarra County Council Meters, q., 755. Hatton, Mr J. F,. (Soutl~Coast): Pensioner Rebates, q., 756. Address in Reply, rn., 740. Fauna and Flora: Wildlife Research, q., Advertising: Tobacco, q., 1385. 1 150. Ambulance Services: Fires and Fire Fighting: Bush Fire Relief Ambulatory Patients, rrpprr, 3572. Committee, q., 1149. F100 Vehicles, npprz, 1574. Fish Industry and Fishing: South Coast, q., 1386; (IO~II,1571, 1904. 'Boat Harbour for Jervis Bay, appiz., 1574. Assen~bly, Legislative: Precedence of Fisheries Inspectors, q., 2887. Business, nz., 3441. Tuross Fishing, q., 2888. Bills: Forests: Tallaganda State, q., 4376. Appropriation Bill, 2R., 1569; Corn., 1904. Government, State: Programme Budgeting, Building and Construction lndustry Long apprz, 1569. Service Payments (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 3707. Hand~capped Persons: Intellectually FIandi- Conimercial Vessels (Amendment) Bill, capped, Facilities in South Coast Elec- and cognate bills, 2R., 1226. torate, npprr, 1573. Country Industries (Pay-roll Tax Re- Health: bates) Amendment Btll, 2R., 1337. Child Care Services, nppn, 1905. Industrial Arbitration (Amendment) Bill, Community Health Programme Transport and cognate bills, 2R., 1328. Services, appn, 1907. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 2R., Drug Abuse, apptt, 1905. 4261. Reg~onalHealth Boards, nppn, 1905. Pay-roll Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 3662; Conz., 3668. Shoalhaven Services, npprl, 1905. Police Board Bill, 2R., 4089. South Coast S~Iv'ces, nppil, 1904. Probation and Parole Bill, and cognate Tobacco Smoking, q., 1385. bills, 2R., 4062. Hospitals: Recreation Vehicles Bill, and cognate bills, Batemans Bay, appn, 1570. 2R., 2302. Valuation of Land (Land Value) Amend- Batemans Bay Dental Services, apptr, 1570. ment Bill, Coin., 2333. South Caast, appn, 1905. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Natton, EMr J. E. (corztinzled) : Hatton, 3. E. (continued) : Housing: Rescue Squads: South Coast Rescue HeIi- Department of Health Residences, q., 937. copter Services, q., 4499. Welfare, applz, 1906. Schools: Welfare, South Coast, appn, 1573. Havenlea School for Handicapped Child- ren, q., 2356. Insurance: Claim Payments, q., 4168, 4505. South Coast, appra, 1569. Land and Land Settlement: Permissive Occupancies, q., 936. School Transport: Bus Services, y., 2715. sew-LI ..age: Local Government: Commonwealth Subsidy, appn, 1572. Culburra and Dal~nenyWorks, q., 4886. Illawarra Cou:ity Council Catering, q., South Coast, appil, 1569. 756. Statute Revision: Freedom of Information Wollongong City Council, rn.s.o., 1021, Bill, address, 745. 1113. Taxation : Meat Industry Meat Inspection Pees, q., Financial Institutions Duty on Pensioner 3934. Cheques, appn, 1573. Medrcal and Paramedical Practitioners: Payroll, appn, 1573. South Coast Paramedics, q., 2053. Stamp Duties, q., 757. Rlotor Veh~cles: Taxicabs and Hire Cars: Registrations, q., 758. Operators' Industrial Agreement, q., 2357. Stolen, q., 4593. Plate Values, q., 4518. Oil Tndust~y and Petrol: Tenancies: State Rail Authority Property Petrol Prices, South Coast Electorate, Leases, q., 3183. appn, 1571. Town and Country Planning: South Coast, Petroleum Rctsil hlarketing, q., 2714. llll(Jn, 1570. Ombudsman: Transport, Finance and Policy: Annual Report, 1982-83, q., 4511, 4512, Aged Persons, appn, 1572. 4513. Transport for Unemployed, appn, 1572. Office Travelling Expenses, q., 451 1. Water: Powers, q., 309, 4512. Bega Valley, Cartage, q., 755. Workload, q., 4506. Culburra and Dalmeny Works, q., 4886. Par lianlent: PIivilege, address, 745. Farm Water Storages and Bores Sub- Po~rttsof Order, 741, 742, 743, 744, 1024, sidies Scheme, q., 4379. 2937, 3068, 3442, 4048, 4831. South Coast Services, appn, 1569. Polrce: Accident Tnvestigatioil Squad, q., 1385. Complaints Against, q., 4667. Healey, The Won, Qive: Affairs Branch, q., 4665. internal Arts and Culture: Sydney Dance Company, I,oomes, Chief Inspector, q., 4494. q., 4674. Police-Citizens Boys' Clubs, address, 740. Council, Legislative: Possible Visits to George Freeman, q., 1943. House Committee, Member, m., 941. Retirements, q., 1579, 2355, 4665. Standing Orders Committee, Member, m., 941. Station for Batemans Bay, appn, 1570. Trail Bike Squad, q., 1384. P~tblicService and Statutory Offices: Nsls, The Hen. P. D. (Elizabth): Accountability, address, 745. Clerk of the Peace Office Security, q., Annual, Long Service and Sick Leave: Long 1665. Service Leave, q., 4462. Corruption, address, 746. Apprentices: Freedom of Information, appn, 1569. Dairyfarm Apprenticeship Scheme, q., Sydney General Registry: Birth Certifi- 3058. cates, q., 1833. Intake, q., 215. E%,The WO~,P. D. (continued) : 1 Hi&, me Hen. P. D, (conti??ued): Assembly, Legislative: Point of Order. 537. Appainfnletzf to Mhistyv, 4384. Police: Superannuation, q., 4599. Censure of the Premier, m., 2475. Public Service and Statutory Offices: Wagga Bills: Wagga Vocational Services Branch, q., 4509. Building and Construction Industry Long Roads and Road Safety: Service Payments (Amenhent) Bill, KEarna Bypzss, g., 4698. 2R., 3289, 3710. Maitland Bypass, q., 4535. Campbelltown Presbyterian Cemetery Bill, ZR., 4539, 4728. Superannuation and Ketilement Funds: Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Super- Kinersnn, Mr E.; Ret~redMiner, adj., 1380. annuation) Arnendmeni Bill, 2R., 2279, Taxicabs and Hire Cars: Operators' Indus- 2873; Con?., 2875. trial Agreement, q., 2357. Factories, Shops and Industries (Retail rrades and Trade Unions: Trade Union Trade) Amendment Bill, and cognate Membership Statistics, q., 2350. bill, 2x., 3319, 3730; Conz., 3733. Wages and Sala~ies:Discrimination Against Industrial Arbitration (Amendment j Bill, Women, q., 4462. and cognate bills, 2~.,1035, 1329. Industrial Arbitration (Contracts of Car- riage) Amendment Bill, 2R., 3293, 3718. $iloiiC, The Hon. W. J,, QX.: Mines Inspection (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 4353. Address in Reply, in., 414. New South Wales Wetirement Benefits Bills: (Amendment) Bill, and cognate bill, 2n., Appropriation Bill, 2~.:2771. 4541, 4734. Baptist Churches of New South Wales Public Authorities Superali~uationBoard Property Trust Bill, and cognate bill, 2~., Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 1599, 2170. 4681. Builders, Building and Building Materials: National Parks and Wildlife (Amendment) Building lndustry Safely, q., 2349. Bill, and cognate bills, 2n.. 2899; C0177., Business and Trade Practices: 2907. David Sherwin Management Consultants Racing Appeals TiibunaI Bill, and cog- (N.S.W.), q., 1830. nate bill, Corn., 2078; 3~.,2200; Corn., 2201. Retail Trading Hours, q., 892. Special C'ommissiuns of Inquiry Bill, 2~., Chemicals: Sprays, adj.. 3525. 2422: Corn.. 2445 Elections and Elector ales: Budget Expendi- Conservation: ture, q., 1389. Tanlieson Valley Rainforest, appn, 2777. Employ mnt: The Valley of Lhe Waters Rainforest, Rivate Employment Agents, q., 1015. czppn, 2776. Unemployment, m., 408. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: First Funeral Services: Funeral Delays, q., 2923. Governnlent House Site, adj., 1009. Gas hdustry: Liquefied Petroleum Gas In- Legal Profession: stdlations, q., 3841. Barristers' and Solicitors' Professions, Health: address, 414. Occupational Health and Safety Inquiry, Law Reform Commission Report, addres.~, g., 754. 414, 418. Occupational Health. Safely and Rehabili- Queen's Counsel System, address, 419. tation Council, q., 886. Point of Order, 1842. Safely Officers, q., 2352. Sewerage: Leura, appn, 2774, &dustrial Relations: Oflicers, adj., 4766, Sport and Recreation: Leura Golf Course Motor Vehicles: Motor Vefiicfe Repair In- Development, appn, 2772. duslry Council, q.. 1870. Town and Country Planning: Objtuxy: Gal, T. P., Member for Marrick- Leura Golf Course Development, apprr, viEb, Deputy-Spaker and Chairman of 2772. Cornittees of the kgslative Assembly, Retirement Village on Eeura Golf Course, m., 44. appn, 2772. Pests: Pest Exterminators, adj'., 1829. Water: Eeura, appn, 2774, 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Hunter, R/lr M, L. meMaequde): Aborigines: Budget Allocation, apyn, 1642. Taxation: Land, address, 728. Address in Reply, I??., 727. Trade: China Contracts, address, 727. Applentices: Intake, nppn, 1643. Water: Hunter District Water Board Rates, Assembly, Legislative: IIollse Cor?zuniftee, address, 729. Member, in., 771. Women's Affairs: Womnen's Refuges, appn, BIII: Appropriation R111, 2~.,1640. 1641. Budget, 1983-84: Youth: Allocation irrcreases, upptl, 1640. Child S~~vices,Budget AIlacatian, appra, 1641. P~esentation,uppn, 16/10. Corps, appr~,1643. Welfare Funding, apprr, 1642. Employment Scheme, address, 728. Commonwealth-State Relations: National Ecot-ron~icGrowth, address, 728. Elections and Electorates: Lake Macquarie, Ministerial Visits, address, 73 1. Electr-icily: Generatior?, q., 887. Aborigines : Employment: Burnt W~idge Reyerve Water Supply, q., Hunter Region, nddrcs.~,'728. 2367, 2570, 3750. Office of Special Employment,, Health. izar'cfress, 865. 866 728. Health Se~v~ces,addr crs, 865. Programmes. ciddi.c.\s, 717. Hosprta',~zntion,addies, 866. Special Employment Schemes, nppn, 1643. I and R~ghts,acr'rircr~, 865. Government, State: Capital Works, nddress, Mortalrty Rate, nddresr, 865. 728. Publ~cHealth Snp~ovement Programme, Hospitals addieo, 867. Funding, nppil 1643. Ta5k Force, crdciri~sr,868. Ttoyal he.ivcastle, npprt, 1644 Addless 111 Reply, m , 864. Wot~s~r~gLoans, crddrerr, 727 Council, Pxg~slalive. Strrtidirlg Orders d'oliirri~ttee,Mc~nbcr, m., Pubi~cService and Statutory Oflices 941 Accountat?~l~ty,acldtcss, 728. Teir~poriiryCl~nrri~~mt of Corrzrtzitlec.~, 17. Office of Specral Development,, 728 Nospltals: ,Services, nitdress, 864. Office of Special Employment, nppr, 1640 Motor Vehicles Coin-operated Air Dispen- sers, q., 70. Railways GoqLor d ha Newcastle Eiectt rfica- Parliamenl Pariirirnent House B~tgging, q., Iton, appn, 1644 506. Roads and Road Safely \Vatel . BUI111 Rtidge Reseive Wates Supply, Ca1g.i to Wyee Expressway, addie~r 731 q, 2367, 2570, 3750. Commonwealth Frri~ds,addr ec.7 731 Schools Booragti1 H~gh,R~~II, 164 1 Jackson, Mr R, F. (ETmtheotc): Funding, appri, I640 A~sembly,h egislative' Lake Macquar~eElectoiate, rrppn, 1640. Min~sler fo~ Lorrective Services and Long Day Care Centres, appn, 1642 Miriister tor Roadr, q., 1586. Moi lsset T-FI~~,rzppn, 1641. R~srgrranor2fro121 Mhiictry, 21 10, Mon~sset Pnlr~uy,appn, Ib4l Res~gitat~onof Minister For a~~stivs: Pre-school Fundrng, appra, 164 1. Service.; and Mirri~ter for Rwads, a4i9 Warner'? Bay High SehmI, appn, 1640 2134 Sewerage: Books, Newilpapers and Publication$: Stare Rood fniiintives, (1, 1990. Funds, alldress, 73 0. Br~dges: Secmd Btidge for Qde, q., 1099 Sydney IQarbour To'oil, q., 680. cxxvi

Volumes 175-178

Jackson, Mf R. F. (continued) : / Johnson, The Won. J. R. (corztirzzred) : Corrective Services: Council, Legislative: Drugs in Prisons, q., 1868. Amplification System, 2573. Early Release of Prisoners, addless, 429; Distiitguished Visitors, 177, 2724, 4112. q.. 1592, 1679, 1998. House Comr?iittee, Metnber, m., 941. New Prison for Women, q., 305. Indexing of Hnrisnrd, q., 22. Periodic Detention, q., 1756. Library Cotnrnittee, Mett~ber,ill., 941. Prisoners' Leave of Absence, q., 1870. Macqziarie Dictiorinry, Presentation, 822. Public Statements by Prison Officers, q., Restoration of Legislative Council Cham- 1515. ber, 26. Courts and Legal Procedure: Equal Oppor- Retirement of Mrs Elaine Luther, m., 4219, tunity Tribunal, q., 540. 4220. Drugs: Prisons, q., 1868. Seasonal Felicitations, m., 4224. Security, q., 4773. Elections and Electorates: Budget Expendi- ture, q., 1390. Sfa;1din,~Orders Conztniftec, Menzber, ?n., 941. Employment: Obitriaries: Bicentennial Roads Pro$'amme, q., 43.5 Alani, A. A., a Former Member of the Peats Electorate Road Construction, q., Legislative Council, 17. 309. Warren, Hon. Sir Edward, a Former Mem- Parliament: Alleged Bugging of Ministerial ber of the Legislative Council, 822. OAices, q., 207. Parliament: Points of Order, 431, 718, 2010, 2454, 2455. Attire of Members, q., 944. Public Service and Statutory Offices: Depart- Parliament House Bugging, q., 507. ment of Corrective Services Documents, Parliament House Land, q., 1726, 2988. pers. expl., 2128. Parliament House Moreton Bay Fig Tree, Railways: Crossing at Sutherland, q., 1864. q., 2984. Roads and Road Safety: Parliamentary Privilege, rn., 959. Bicentennial Roads Programme,- q., 435. Retirement of Mr K. Mierendorff, Editor Department of Main Roads Day Labour, of Debates, 17. q., 1095. Tenlporary Parliamentary Building, q., Department of Main Roads Staffing, q., 2197. 1451. Sport and Recreation: America's Cup, 1152. Great Western Highway, q., 1105. Kyeemagh-Chullora Road, q., 1989. Pioneer Highway, q., 1994. Jones, Mr S. %I. warahh): Road Funding, q., 1520. Ryde Electorate Traffic, q., 1658. Assembly, Legislative: Merizber, 772. South Western Freeway, q., 2193. Tweed Heads By-pass, q., 2188. Baldis, The Won. J.: Zohnson, Mr A. V. P. (Riverstone): Address in Reply, in., 74. Assembly, Legislative: Resignation, 45. Economic Conditions: Recovery of Austra- lian Economy, address, 77. Education: Multilingual Teaching, address, Johnson, The Hon. J. R.: 76. Employment: Address in Reply, 27. Steel Industry, address, 75. Advertising: Political Advertising at Parlia- Unen~ployment,address, 75. ment House, q., 1835. Books, Newspapers and Publications: Mac- Energy: Supplies, address, 79. quarie Dictionary, Presentation to Legisla- Governor and Governor-Genexal: Tribute, tive Council, 822. address, 74. cxxvii

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Kaldis, The Hon, J. (contirzued) : Keane, Mr M. F. (continued) : Immigration: Economic Conditions (continued): Multicultural Society, odrlress, 77. Outlook, address, 161. Non-English Speakers. nddres.~,77. Privileged Sector, address, 166. Industrial Relations: Economic Sun?mit Promotion of Growth, address, 162. Meeting, ., 78. Public Sector Expenditure, address, 164. Interilational Affairs: United States' Eco- "Stagflation", address, 165. nomy, trrldress, 77. Taxation, address, 162. Public Service and Statntoi-y Offices: Ethnic Education: Recurrent Expenditure, ripprl, Affairs Comn~ission,address, 75. 1546. Teachers: Uneniploymcnt, citlciress, 78. Elections and Electorates: Woronora, nrlclrcss, 163. ECeane, Rlr M. F. (Woronora): Community Employment Programme, Aborigines: Welfare, apprr, 1546. npprl, 1545. Job Generation, address, 164; uppn, 1543. Address in Reply, nz., 161. Woronora, address, 163. A~tsand Cultale: Finance and Investment: Profits Level, add- Australian Museum, npprt, 1547. ress, 164. Capital Allocations, nppn, 1547. Govcrnment: Aszembly, Legislative: Commonwealth: Fraser Administration, Stnrrrlirzg Orders crrzd Proced~rre Cornrrlit- cipptz, 1543. tee, A4~1?2bcr,772. Queensland: apprz, 1542. Teri~portrryClrcrirn7iirz of Cornrlzittees, 530. Handicapped Persons: Kirrawee Handi- Bills: capped Children's Centre, appn, 1546. Applopriation B:ll, 2R., 1542. Hospitals: Sutherland, q., 1104. National Parks and Wildlife (Amenci- Housing: merit) Bill. and cognate bills, 2~.,2699. C'ommission, appiz, 1544. Noise Coatrol (Amendment) Bill, 211.. Homeless Families, address, 163. 4453. Points of Order, 362, 1510, 2521. Recre~tionVehicles Bill, and cognate bills, 2~.,2306. Police: Special Commis~ions of Inquiry Bill, Regional Crime Squad, npprt, 1546. Corrl., 2554. Stafling, appn, 1546. Budget, 1983-84: Political Parties: Capital Allocations, oppn, 1545. Australian Labor Party, address, 165. Capital Woi ks P~ogran~me,apprz, 1543 Democratic Socialism, address, 163, 167. Media Comment, appn, 1543. Public Works: Funding, appn, 1547. Public Works, appn, 1545. Railways: TIeasurer, apprz, 1543. Crossing at Sutherland, q., 1864. Bu~iness and Tiade Practices: Australian Illawarra, Sutherland, appn, 1545. Fedelation of Const~uction Contractors, Roads and Road Safety: Overbridge for nclrlress, 166. Sutherland, q., 3057. Colleges of Advanced Education and Tech- Schools: Maintenance Programme, czpp11, nical Colleges: Loft~tsTechnical and Fur- 1545. ther Education College, npprz, 1546. Social and Welfare Services: Woronora Economic Conditions: Electorate, uddress, 163. Capitalism, address, 163. Statute Revision: National Parks and W11d- Depression, address, 163. life ACL: Disallowa~lce of Proclamation, F~aserGovernment Policies, iddress, 161. I/?., 91 5. Inconle Distribution, address, 162. Taxation: Inequalities, address, 163, 167. Distribution of Wealth, address, 163. Inflation, adclress, 161. Queensland, appn, 1542. Management of Economy, addtess, 164. Revenue, address, 161. Volumes 175178

Keane, Fvlr M, F. (contirz~ietl): Kemedy, The Haan. 9. W. (continued): Timber: White River C:orporation, npprn, Bills (continlied): 1544. j Pay-roll Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2~., Transport, Finance and Policy: I 3560. Redundancies, address, 161. Recreation Vehicles Bill, and cognate Transport Industry, address, 161. bills, ZR., 2912. Wages and Salaries: Income Groups, cipprr, State(Licences Pollutior~ and Approvals) Control AmendmentComrnissioi~ 1544. Bill, and cognate bills, 2~.,1729. Valuation of Land (Land Value) Amend- Kelly, The Hon. Ti, B. (Corrimal): ment Bill, 2~.,2989. Valuation of Land (Rating and Valua- Assembly, Legislative: tion) Amendment Bill, and cognate bill, House Com?i?itlee, ibferrzber, 771. 2~.,3040. Lapsed Motion of Honourable Member Budget. 1983-84: for Upper Hunter, 697. Go~e~~lmeiitPolicy, npp~t,2589. Library Cornnnittee, Merriber, 771. Increased Expenciiture, npptn, 259 1. Presentation of Mncqrrcirie Dictior~crry, Objectives, uppii, 2594. 589. Council, Legislative: Questions without Notice, q., 3056 Leave of Absence, 67. Sound Amplification System, 892. Sfai~cJ'ingOrders Coini?ninee, Meilgber, 941. Srrrrzdirig 0~de1.snrrd Proced~trr Coni- r?~iitee,Member, 772. Economic Conditions: Televising of Proceedings, 893. Productivity, nppri, 2590. World Trends, npprl, 2594, 2595. Parliament: Privilege, q., 306. Employment: Restoration of Chambers, 93. Job Creation, appn, 2590, 2591. Seasonal Felicitations, spec.. ciclj., 4368. T_ineniployment Levels, ripprz, 259 1. Government, State: Cost of Government, npptr, 2592. Kennedy, The Won. J. W.: Decision-making, nppi~,2594. Bills: Distribution of Fnnds, npprl, 2589. Appropriation Bill, 2~.,2589. Priorities, nppin, 2590. Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Rates) Indilstry, Secondary: Alnendrtient Bill, 2R., 3037. Burclen of Payl-011 Tax, nppri, 2532. Building and Construction Industry Long Speeclo ICnitting Mills, appir, 2593. Se.rvice Payments (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 3766. 1n:ernational Affairs: Canada, nppii, 2597. Dairy Industry (Amend~iient) Bill: and Meat Industry: Wi~lgham Abattoir, q., cognate bills, Corln., 4218. 1 3189. Factories, Shops and Tndu.itries (Retail Minerals and Mining: Utah Development Trade) Amendment Rill, and cognate Company, npptl, 2596. bill, ?R., 3798. , Local Government (Powers of Invest- i Points of Order, 3526, 3944, 4143, 4183. rnent) Amendment Bill, 2R, 3044. I Political Parties: Local Government (Rates and Charges) Liberal Party-National Party, npprr, 2593. Amendment Bill, 2~ , 4177. Socialism, nppr~.2594. Local Government (Revenue Sharing) 1 Pub?ic Service and Statutory Offices: Amendment Bill. 2~.,1273. 1 Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drain- Marketing of Primary Products Bill, 2~., age Board, q., 1952. 4212. 1 Taxation: Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, Drainage (Amendment) Bill, and cog- Burden on Industry, apptr, 2595 Effect of PayrolI Tax. apptt, 2592. nate bills, 2R., 1164; Cot??., 1175, 1176.and I Structnre, npptr, 2597. Mining (Amendment) Bill. 2R., 3581. National Parks and Wildlife (Amend- Timber: Elcom Collier-ies Pty Limited, q., ment) Bill, and cognate bills, 2~.,2897. 3944. 16th August, 1983, lo 1st Mxch, 1984

Kennedy, The I-lsnr. $, \V, (contilzued) : / Kbsg, ZRe Mon. N. L, (coixtlnued): 'Trade Exports to Japan, crpprt, 2.598 Cotlncii, Legislative : Pri~rtlrrg Corrrt~ritlee, Wages and Salar~es. F,ffect oi Imreases, Mcrniier, 942. appn, 2591. Drought: Relief, culdresr, 421, 423.

Working Week: Tbirty-F~ve Hour Week, kmployment ' appn, 2590 lob Creailon, caddr~ss,424 Rdie, address, 420 Government, State Recortl, address, 420. Ciovei-nor. and Governor-Cellerd: Tribute, Rills odd)-em, 420" App~oprratlon8111, 2n. 2786 I-Tealth: Obstetrics, c~ddress,425. Glenb;lwn Darn (F,nla~geinent) R~ll,2~ , 3002. I-Iospitals: Motor Traffic (I-~IIthe1 I\mendme~lt) Bill. Ad~ninistraiion,address, 425. and cognaie bill, ?a. 2727. R;tiionalization, address, 425. Rallwav Constluct~on (East TItils to Tndustrml Relations: Disputes, addtess, 425. Cainpbetlto\vil) R~il,anti cognate bill, 2R., 3814 Meat Tnciustiy: Mumebush Abattoir, q., 1155 Budget, 1983 84 Govei nrnent S!I ategy. nppiz, 2789 Mtne~nls and Mining. Coal Productio& Council, I,eg~slatlve 1foicc.e Corizi?zitfee, aifrii r ts, 420 Memhrr, 941 Roads and Rod Safety: Fundlug, ncfdress, F.lecl~onsarid Electorates: 424. Electoral Commiss~ou,rippri, 2787. Wafer. Itligat~onAreas, address, 422. Funding, appit, 2787. Employment. Kirkby, The Hon. EBkakklx: Job Creat~oi?khemes, crpprr, 2787. Levels of Unemp!oyment, iippt~,2788. Agrlctrlture Pa~asitic Weed Control, q., Energy Power Costs, appn, 2788. 4772. Government, Slate. B?apitnl "Wo~ks Pro- Aircraft and Air Services: Sydney gramme, appn 2788. (Kingsford-Smith) Airport, in., 1425. Grains Rail Freight Goilcessiorr, apptz, Assembly, Legislative: Exarninalion before 2789. Select Committee upon P~ostitulion, nzer, Political I%rries National Party. appn, 585. 2788. Bills. Public Service and Statuloly Ofices Min- A.ppropriation Rill, ZR., 2220. istry of Industrial Development and Artificial Cortception Bill, and cognate Decentral~sat~on,appn, 2786. bill, ZR., 4688. Roads and Road Safety: Co~~ntiy Indt~stiies (Pay-roll T:LX Accident Toll, appn, 2788. Rebates) Amendment Bill, 2R, 2067. Dual Carliageways, appn, 2788. CIimes (Domestic Violence) Amerrdmenl nil], 2~.,3016 Factories, Shop5 and lnd~lstries (RetdB King, The Hon. La: Trade) Anrendment Bill, and cognate N. bill, 2~ 3797. Address in Reply, m., 420. Glenbawn Dam (Enlargenrenl) Bill, ZR., 3005. Agriculture: Covernnrent Policy. nddress, 425. Health Insurance Levies (A~mlendmenl) Bill, 2R., 3958. Rill: River Murray Waters Bill. ZR., 1303. Hnman Tiswe Rill, and cognatc b111s, 2R., Business and Trade Practices: SrnaH Busi- 3380; Corn , 3390 ness, address, 424. T ocal Government (Electio~rs) knlerrcl- Cattle, Sheep and 1,ivesiock: Stock Num- rent Sill. 2~.521 bers, address, 422. Medrcal Practittone~s (Fur-thc~ Amend- Conservation: Soil, address, 425. ment) BIII, 2~,3425 Volumes 175-178

Kirkby, The EIon. Elisabeth (corztinued) : Kirkby, The Non. Elisabeth (cotltinltetl) : Bills (continued) : Education: Mental Health Bill, and cognate bills, 2~., Priorities, address, 964. 3986. Technical and Further, q., 4893. Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drain- Electricity: age (Amendment) Bill, atid cognate bills, 2n., 1171. Power Stations: Motor Traffic (Further Amendment) Mount Piper, appn, 2226. Bill, mil cognate btll, ZR., 2727. Vales Point, q., 1159, 2569, 3748. National Parks and Wildlife (Amend- Employment: ment) Bill, and cognate bills. 2R., 2900. Hunter Region, u11p11,2226. Offetices in Public Places (Amendment) Job Generation, appn, 2225. Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., 4172. Job Tenure, apprl, 2223. Police Board Bill, 2R., 4151. Service Sector, npprz, 2222. Police Regulation (Allegation of Miscon- Unemployn~entBenefits, address, 962. duct) Am~ndmentBill, and cognate bills, 2~.,3408. Unemployment Level, address, 962. Probation and Parole Bill, and cognate Government, State: bills, ZR., 4122. B~~renucracy,, 961. Public Hospitals (Amendment) Bill, 2~., Capital Works, appr?, 2222. 3416. Debt Burden, apprz, 2223. River Murray Waters Bill, 2~.,1298. Decision-making, address, 961. Special Commissions of Inquiry Bill, 2~., Funding Priorities, nppfz, 2224. 2418. FLIture, ciddwsr, 966. Split Rock Dan1 Bill, 2n., 3555. I'olicy::~akiiig, apptz, 2220. State Pollution Control Commission PI-iorities, appn, 2221, 2226. (Licences and Aporovals) Amendment Bit!, and cognrte bi!;s, ZR.. 1730. Record, npprz, 2222. Valuation of Tmqd (Land Value) Amenci- Flnnclicapped Persons: Association of Shel- ment Bill, ZR., 2992. tered Workshops, q., 2197. Water (Amendment) Bill, 2~.,3031. llcalth: Workers' Co~npensation (Dust Diseases) Acquired Tnirnune Deficiency Syndrome Aiiiendlnent Bill, 2R., 3200. (AIDS), nrldress, 965. Bridge: Sydney Harbour Bridge Additional Human Tissue Transplants, ndilre.~~,965. Lane, clppn, 2226. Hospitals: Treatment of EIderly Patients, q., Bndget, 1983-n4: 2984. Interest Repayments, appri, 2222. Houcing: Public Sector, nppn, 2221. ('ommission. Accon~modation, nrldress, Council, Legislative: 963: nppn, 2223. Address in Reply, in., 960. Homeless Persons, addrese 963. Composition, address, 966. Industry, Secondary: Small Business Sector-, Referendum, nddress, 966. address, 963. Select Committee upon Prostitution: Land and T,and Settlement: Eastern Suburbs Examination of Members of the Legis- Ho~pitalSite, q., 4777. lative Council, 51 1. Parliament: Courts and Legal Procedure: Behaviour of Members, nddress, 960. Magistracy, address, 965. Parliament House Restoration, address, The Judicialy, in., 4794. 960. Privilege, nz., 957; address. 961. Crime and Criminals: Hilton Hotel Bomb- ing, q., 4109. Point of Order, 3042. Decentrali7ation and Development: Bathurst- Police : Orange Development Corporation, npprl, Federal Police Tape Recordings, q., 2199. 2226. Pro.jecution Branch, address, 965. Economic Conditions: World Economy, Political Parties: Australian Democrats, appt7, 2221. address, 967. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Kirkby, The IIon. Elisabeth (continued): / Kite, The Han. Idelcia: Pollution: Rill. Appropriation Bill, 2~.,2627. Governrnenr Record, nppn, 2225. Budget, 1983-84: Priorities, nppn, 2627, Inclust~ial Liquid Waste Disposal, appn, 2631. 2224. Council, I.egis!a?ive: XI icssculions,. q., 1950. Horrse Colilr?rirtee, 1Met77ber, 941. State Pollution Control Commission, Library Co~niniiiee,~lilernber, 941. Record, rrpprz, 2224. Economic Conditions: Transfer of Re- Toxic Waste in Sewage E>l?d ~0yl?:it!2 bi\l\. ZR.,i738, "id??. 2082. iritlriii!-i:il ciri~iii-;ition (CnrnCracls of 4 a:.- ;ir?s a1?d ct11turc: :i;ige) ,*iin,enc!i~?ei-iiDill. h.,1770, 3'171. "xri\ir;~ii:ir Musci~ni.~ippir. 2082. i%i*d~ci. Hoax MI IS PI IT^. iippli. 2ii:?il Sydney Dar:ce Company. q., 4671. .\\.;eii~i?iy, I,egisi:ilive: 2':., s.:iisier ' for. Healtl-1, 17,, ?!9P. MiiiisteiiaX St;ifl: 9'11" Brian 1)rie. (I., i95ll.

4utoiil;rtion, hiechaniznilon iirrci Cor~ijiii~ers 4,F~>cer111lrcnlOrders for t oiilpulrr:;. q.. 23 /HI. h:r:ti.opolita~i 'v\~al~r, I,nitti Ireache.;. ludccent Zxpos:~r.:. OJI Rtnc:~es, q., 827. ~31-:~ill:~~g~(.411~ciic!!~l~11~ Hill :111cl a:c>:; na?? oillq,. 2~ . 1 l62, 11'74~C'(1121 , 1 I*;?. Landla, The Non. D, P,,L,L,B, (corrrii?~led) I,anda, The Nnn. .D, P.,Id;L.B, (corllhrued)z Bills (continuerl) : Budget, 1983--134. National Parks and W~ldiife (Amend Accuracy of result\, nppn, 2803 ment) Bill, and cogrrale bilk, 2~ , 2894, Conrolidnted Fund, npp12. 2079 2903; Corn., ?905, 2906 Idirrarrc~nl Maiiagement, nppli, 2804 Observatory Park Weather Bureau Site Go-vernment Strategy appn, 2800 (Remd) Bill, 2~.,299'7. Papers nppn, 2079 Offences in IDrlblic Places (hmendrneilt) Strategy, ~pprt 2079 Bill, anti cognate bill, 2~.,4163, 4173. On?budsman (Arnendn-icnt) Bill, ZR., Burlders, BulPdrng and Bullding Materials 4131. Constlitctiort. Inrlush 1, apgta, 2802 Parole Orders (l'rxnsfcr) Bill, 2n., 3996, Bi~rrnassand fr ade Pi actices 3998. ApIex C'omrnodtty TYanlicas B,imlted, y., Poiice Board I3iPI, 2~.,4132, 4158; Coirr., 1660. 4166, 4167, 4168, 4169. llnnkcard Charges, q., 2355. Police Regulation (Allegations of Mis- I3argold Metals Pty I,irniicd, q., 166%. coridircl) Amendment REIF, and cognate Bishopsgate X~~wrranceAustralia Lirmited, bills, 2nt., 3392, 3412. q., 73. I-"rolia!ion and Parole Bill, and cogrrate Company Profits, q., 4891. bills, 2~.,3999. 4124; Cni,l., 4125. COI-pcxate ,Affairs C'ommissioxr: Montrrnt Public Authorities (Piitancinl ilccom- Fii~ance Corporation Pfy tiinited, q., modation) Furtl~cr Arncncirneni Silt, 2058. PPZ.S.O., 505; 2~.,511, 514; Car??., 515, D~ityFree Stores, ti., 2346. 516, 51'1. Ncg1.i River Report, q., 506. Public Finance and Audit Bill, ZR., 3529, Opalton Group of Coi?ipanirs, q., 257. Corn., 3541; 5544, 3550. Pacific corn me^-ce :ind Ti-sdei-s. q., 3lN. Racing Appeals 'l'ribnnal Bill, and cognate "The Franklin Mint", q., 4467. bill, 2~.,2071, 2077; Coin., 2078; 31<., 2199; Coin., 2201. Vitieo Casettes. y.,4894. Recreation Vehicles Bill, aild cogrrnic bills, 2x., 2910, 291%; C'oria., 291 3. Special Carrirnliss~onsof Inquiry Bill, 2R., Churches: Allti-Discriii~iilniiipit Boarti Re- 2431; Cow., 24339, 2440, 2441, 2442, port, q., 4676. 2443, 2444> 2445, 2446, 244'7, 2449. Clubs: Stale Xaoil?rltion Control Commission (Lic- ences and ~ppr~~alh)kn~encimenl Kilf, Pai-I-amalta Police--C'itizcns Edoyr' C'III~. arid cognate hills, zit,, 1,728, 1'737. (/.. 1840. 1841, 1847. Sirppiy Hill, 2rr., 928, 830; 3rt., 83 i. Police- Citizens Bay,,' Cltihs, q., i iS 1. Supreme Coriri (Tnteresl) At~icitilnicr~i Bill, and cognate bills, ZR,,290'7, 2910. ?E roiling Auli~orlty (An~eii~iii~cni)Ui?i7 2~..838, COI?~.,841. Xr~trodilciioii .4peiicics. q., / 72.3. Marriage h,\i&atchn~aliers,g.. 4465, Nadei-, Mi. Ralpla, Visit, il., 1263 Trustee (invesirireiiii) irrilenclrncnt Mill, Ovei flow Selr'iiec, (7.. 4376. ?I?.., 4 Y 9") ,4200. S'orreclive Services: V;ilu:ltiorl of Liiii1.1 i 1,;ind Val~re)Amencl- 13aiiztrrst Cad. q., 4776 virent Bill, :!?I., L"a3, 299.5: Cotit., 2996. Walker Tr-rrrts (,kii~ei;drlienC) Bill, il~., 3823, 3826. Wcrrkcprs' Cn~n-r~rcr~sa!iarr(Drist Uiscascs'l i%niendrncnt Rill. 211.. 3199, 3201. kiooks, Neivspapei-s and l',ibEii:ations: Sioie Koud fnitlilfivcs, q., (990. SrE(?pc: Ptsirlt Clare Bi idge; q., 199. Volumes 175-178

Landa, The Hon. D. P., LL.B. (continued) : Landa, The Hon. D. P., LL.B. (continued) : Council, Legislative (continued) : Decentralization and Development: Joint Committee upon Workers' Compen- Country Inctustries Preference Scheme, q., sation Tnwrance, nl., 2574, 2587. 4893. Luther, Mrs Elaine, Retirement, nz., 4219. Small Business, q., 4675. Members: Nile, Reverend the Hon. F. J., Dental Services and Dentists: School Ser- q., 2721. vices, q., 4236. Questions upon Notice, q., 1267 Drugs: Seasonal Felicitations, rtz., 4220. John Knight Rehabilitation Programme, Select Committee upon Crime Control, q., 510. q., 1848. John Knight Rehabilitation Services, q., 2370. Operation Noah, q., 394.i. The Ministry, 2056. Rectory Drug Rehabilitation Centre, q., Courts and Legal Procedure : 256, 510. Anderson, James, Trial of, q., 4676, 4770. Traflicking, q., 824. Azzopardi, Mr Edgar, q., 1848. Economic Conditions: Charge Sheets, q., 507. Inflation Rate, npptl, 2800. Children's Courts, q., 2367. Circuit Courts, q., 1162, 1267. Management of Economy, N~~II,2799. Civil Court Clainls, q., 2984. National Economic Recovery, npprl, 2079. Committal Proceedings, q., 2369. Public Sector Capital Outlays. opprl, 1803. Custody of Children, q., 1392. Recovery, npprl, 2805. Family Court Agreements, q., 1728. Structure of Economy, nppii, 2801, 2802. Family Court Settlements, q., 1161. Education: Farquhar, Mr M., q., 179. Austr;~lianHistory, q., 1837. Gorman, Mr R~~ssell,q., 946. Bibles in Schools, q., 1265. High Court and Privy Council Appeals, Capital Works. (zpptz, 2080. q., 4769. Cx~rriculumConsultants. q., 4235. Jones, Mr Kevin. Ininlunity from Pro- English Langunge/Conimunicati~lg at Work secution, q., 20. Course, q., 4913. Judiciary, n7., 4778, 4801. Private Schools, nppn, 2799, 2800. Lanfranchi Inque~t,q., 3739. Pupil Record Cards, q., 380, 3948. Mackay, Donald, q., 25. Study Assistance Programme. q., 1440. Mackay, Donald, Iqquest, q., 3747. Talented Children, q., 4234. No Bill of Indictment Applications, q., Technical and Further, q., 4893. 2058. 2061. 2982, 3191. No Fault Accident Compensation, q., Elections and Electorates: Budget Expentli- li53. ture, a., 1390. Pena!ties for Prostitution, q., 2985. Electricity: Saffron, Mr A. G., q., 1838. Accounts, q., 509, 2571, 3748. Sentences for Murder, q., 3737, 3744. Capital Works, npprl, 2082. Sexual Assaults upon Children, q., 1832. Power Station: Vales Point, q., 1159, Special Commission of Inquiry, q., 2198. 2569, 3748. Testator's Family Maintenance, q., 945. Employ~nent Touch of Class Brothel, q., 3745. Coal in dust^ y, q , 68. 1748 Crime and Criminals: Community Enlploynlent Prog~~trn~tie, Baldwin, Mr Peter, Attack on, q., 21, nppr~.2079 2720. Crearion. cipptr, 2079. iqilt.;in Hoki Bombing, q., 4110. David Sherwin International Agency, q.. Metric Measurements, q.. 3940. 4466. Stathis, Mr Andrew, q., 23, 508. Disabled Persons, q.,491 6. Daylight Saving: Dates of Operation, q., Equal Opportunity, q., 1441. 1833. Full-time, nppn, 2082. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Landa, The Won. D. P., LL.B. (continued): I Landa, The Won. D. P., LL.B. (continued): Employment (co~ztinzied): Harbours: Migrant Unemployment, q., 4898. Bulk Coal Carriers, q., 4227. Office of Special Employment, q., 3940. Coffs Harbour Marina, q., 1857. Opportunities, apprr, 2079. Illawarra Port and Rail Advisory Com- mitee, (I., 3189. Energy: Middle Harbour Moorings, y., 1445. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Advisory Newcastle Berthing, q., 1391, 3949. Committee, q., 1994. Port Kembla Coal Loader, q., 1267. Energy in Buildings Advisory Committee, Sydney Harbour Safety, q., 3362. a..A, 1993. Energy in Vehicles Advisory Committee, Health: q., 1992. Capital Works, appn, 208 1. Energy Recycling Corporation Pty Cigarette Advertising. q., 1160. Limited, q., 4917. Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Pro- laand Transport Energy Committee, q., grammes, q., 259, 2572. 1992. Leucotonly Consultative Committee, q., Petroleum Advisory Committee, q., 1991. 1445. Solar Energy Committee, q., 1990. Occupational Health and Safety, (I., 380. Ethnic Affairs: Migrant Unemployment, q., Recurrent Services, npprr, 2081. 4898. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Old Sydney Town, q., 1952. Ferry Services: Hospital and Medical Benefit Funds: Medi- Ferry Construction, q., 1750. care, q., 2060, 3951. Sydney Harbour, q., 2570, 3747. Hospitals: Sydney Harbour Ferries, q., 22. Treatnient of Elderly Patients, q., 2984. Films: Westmead, q., 1155. New South Wales Fill11 Corporatioo, q., Housing: 3362, 3363. Commission: Video Cassettes, q., 381. Accomn~odation, apprl, 2081. X-Rated Video Cassettes, q., 4775. Flats, q., 256. Finance and Investment: 1 Waverley Welfare, q., 2718. Cash Management Trust Securities, q., Industry, Primary: 1747. Grain Crops, oppn, 2802. Securities T~.ading,q., 1743. Rural Sector, apprl, 2081. Sydney Future Excliange, q., 1263. Industry, Secondary: Industry Restructuring, Trustee Executors and Agency Company q., 4895. Limited, q., 178. Insurance: Floods: Bishopsgate 1nsur;tnce Australia Limited, Flood Mitigation Funding, q., 1749. ndj., 4806. Maps, q., 1727. Claim Paynients, (I., 4468. Funeral Services: Rlisseli Kinsela Funeral Land and Land Settlement: Fiind, q., 2347. Eastern Suburbs Fiospital Site, (I., 4777. Land Commission, iipprt, 2804. Government. State: Waterfront Lands, q., 1'150. Capital Works Progi-amnles, cipprl, 2803. Law and Order: Civil Distnr bances, q., Charges, q., 4225. 2568. Control over Expenditure, cipprr, 3082. I ocal Cove1 nment Record, nppri, 2082. Kooiiawarra Commun~tyCentre, q, 3361. Handicapped Per sons. 1 Wollongong City Council, q , 1'393. 2197 Association of Sheltered Workshops. g . Meat Industry Hon~ebusli Abnitoil C alp- 2197. 01at ion, rappil, 2807 Bureau, q., 2061. Medical and Paramedical I'ractitione~s: Disabled Drivel-s, y., 2569. 1 Saba, Dr Said Ilnshiln, q., 2061. Landla, Tlne HOB,D. P.,LL,B. (contitzued): Landa, The Hon. E), P.,I,L,HB. (co~ztinuecl): Miriei als and Mieung. Pollution: Broken Hill Metals NL, q., 4913. Coal Washerp Reject, q., 2061, 3190, Coal Acquisition Compensation, q., 177. 3950. Coal Exports, q., 1437, 1858. Noise: Hotsworthy ArtilEe1-y Range, q., 1265. Cod Industry, q., 68, 823; nppn, 2084: q., 2571, 3748 Ocean, q., 1443. Cod Indusiy Techrrology, y., 1438. Prosecutions, q., 1950. Coalmining Industry, q., 1436. Toxic Wastes in Sewage Eflluent, q., 4229. Bnvincible Colliery, q., 2565. Private Coal R~ghts,ndj, 1433; q., 1949, Prices: 2057. Cinerna Admission, q., 1937. South African Coal Freight Rates, q., Gonnsurner Price Index, appn, 2802. 2986. Egg, q., 3947, 3948, 4110. South African Coalir~ining,q., 1394. Food, q., 3359, 3360. Morality: Petrol, q., 2195. Australinrr Paedophrle Support Gloup, q., Public Service and Statutory Ofices: 2567, 2568. Adn~ioistration of Regulations, q., 1434. y., Indecent Exposure oil Bzaches, 827. Clerk of the Peace OAice, Security, g., Pornographic Movies, q., 1726. 1665. Video Cassettes, q., 381. Council of Auctioneers and Agents, q., Motor Vehicles: 1724. Coin-q3erated Air Dispensers, q., 70. Department of Youth and Community Services, q., 1836, 1837, 1,198. Definition of 'Vehicle, q., 3737. BLlawarra County Council, q., 1161. Purchaw Rebate, q., 16 54. Maritirrie Services Board, q., 3359. Nurses: Wanaaring Nursing Centre, q., 382, hletropoliian Water Sewerage and Drain. 944. age Board, q.$ 1953. Oil Trrdrpstry and Pet] 01: McKinsey Report upon Department of Lead-free petrol, q., 4677. Youth and Community Services, g., 3944. Petrolcorn Retail Marketing, q., 2714. Sydney General Registry: Birth Cerii- Taxation, apprz, 2079. cates, eg., 1833. O~nbudsxnan: Railways: Annual Repos-t, 1982-83, q., 4511. Counlry Services, q., 1751. Complaints, q., 4897, Eastern 8ibur-bs, q., 508. Pasli~.ment: Euiopeaii. g., 2257, 2258, 7259. Ministerial Repsonsibility, g., 2556, 2'720. GosFord lo Newcastle Eiectrification, q., Privilege, q., 379, 4674. 1859. Ratkernmi of hfr Kelvin John Mieren- YLlawarra Electrification, q., 491 2. d~~ff,IPI., 17. Xfalclon-Domb:irtoi~. 17., 1954, 47'77. Lo 9383, Points of Order, 1856, 8266, 1394, 1841, 'Rrains 4VesCinend Wnspit;iE, y., 184.2, 1845, 1848, 1960, 1961, 2061, 2416, Reserves: 2429, 2728, 4729, 2987, 2990, 3191, 3358, Sydney Cricket Grouiiel, q., 24. 3359, 3588, 37.56, 3820, 3942, 3944, 3945, 3946, 4113, 4114, 4165, 1675, 4788, 4899. 'Waterfront Pai.kTmd, q., 1444. Roads and 1Poa.d Safety: Police: Capiial Works, cappra, 208%. hsantz, Mi Philip, y., 12. Mianra. Bypass? g., 4698. r~i~stral,lla:rFederal iroiice 'Tape Record- Kycernagh--ChrlSIoi-a Road, g., 1989. mgs, q., 2196, 2199, 2;64. Main Road 518, Port Stephens, g., 3944. Pson~otions,q., 2254. Pioneer F-Bighway, q., 199%. ShP?sag, iipprr, 2082. 'S'raific Pa~fringemenls,g., 255. ..- I'd s'lical Parties: i?r~eanslnnd Covcrnmcn~ I rsik Signals: Fl~rmc: Lllgli.iaay, S~rltsaxr Q., 20. iocarcstiv, g., 23, Royal Commissrons: Street Royd Commia- Taxation (camtariued) sion5 ~jzirt.sttut, 25. Land, appri, 2080 Schools: Payr 011, nppn, 2080 l>emountable Classrooms, q., 4235. Per Cnprtcc Rates, nppn, 2801 Dental Service, q., 4B6. robscco IBlrty, npypi, 2080 B-Eeparlnleilt of ErIi~sntion C;,pii?Z Works, 1axrcabs ,iird Hlrecar 4 Regi:lotroi~\ fox Uw, q., 4235. q,1743 Firnding, nppfc. 2799. Teacher.;. "iecliiiical and Furtl-ier Filtlca~inn, High School Coii.;~i.iictioi:, I?., 2256. q, 2368 iMainten;trice, q., 4236. Tertancies: 1,tindlnrd xnd Ter~ant 'Act, q., MOI-itih War- Memoria! CoETege, i7.. 3361. 1951, Piiysiotiier-apy Servic~*s./i . 49 1 S 'Tirnhrr: Eiciiir: Coll~eries%.iri:iied, q.>'3944. Pri~llaryCon';t~-rictioii, q., 2255. 'Fown aa~d$:ouirtry lDlai.lnii:g: Private Filntlii-ig, I{,, 172" 279. 2'724, EIcight of Builtlirigs Ad~~isoryCon~anittae, Seciirity, q., 4'239. y , 1'726, 2893. 39.50, 4899. Speecll Thei-spy Services, q.. 10 R -1. Newcnstle East IPeveiopmexit, y., 826, Zoning, q., 3946. 2571, 3719, Wstcr- Valoi-id, Wi:;rn;lar~'s Ferry. q., 22, 1396. ,""*rrnties and 'Ti,nifi: Union?: ':lothing ant1 Sewerage : 4ilieci -&'iarbesIliiion, r~.,14, 3147. Sewage Oi~tfnils,q., 4744. Ykw:ii;l; Stabi:iza?iou?Pcrnrls, q,, 42". Transpol-l, Firlance ?nil Policy. Public Trans- port System, cipo~i.2082. Shipjiing: BliIk I"o;iX C;irriei.a ti,. ,122'7. i!ai~iaiior~ of Idanif ant1 VaE~:cr-iisiieriil: Social ar~c?%?elfarc Serv~cr!~: I'i.ope:ty Rs?v;iiiiniior:s, sp., 72. Ciiiltl Ai.tisc, q,. 095. 374?,. IVapres nrjd Snl;:ries: b:xpansiox~ Pr.ngi-nirlr~-!c,NJ~PI:, 208;:. RecEa, Mi Mei'vyri, y., 70. I;.xpsni'iii~irt:, iippn, 2070 3 ondir~gr,q. 2060. $;unding of Neigi~lioiix.hooii Centres, ti., 4893. Wcter : 1440. )kor-irc i;;~rc Service, [appri, LORR V2i-riri~;nicli Ri,vcr- Siiialion, */., iiome!c.;s Vclt ac \Voy \\Toy. q,; 395ii. Rrri-nI I\ritE;lii. WAIPI. Sujiply, (I., 236'7,Rb;i3, 3 7"ifi. Dams: ("ft:tfic.:t, tf," 2255. Gterii:3wn, ny;.ri?(,1081 V 1'' -i ,,iilit a

Volumes 175-178

Lange, The Horn. W. L.: Lange, The Hon. W. L. (contitzzred) : Aborigines: Aboriginal Lands Trust, appiz, Bills (cotztirzued) : 2088. Special Comrnissio~lsof Inquiry Bill, 2~., Address in Reply, tn., 79. 2402; Cot11., 2444, 2445, 2446. Advertising: Billboard Defacing, q., 2891. State Pollutioll Control Comnlission (I*icences and Approvals) Amendment Animals: Welfare, q., 3528. Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 1736. Assembly, Legislative: Supply Bill, 2R., 830; 3~.,831. Deputy Premier, opptz, 2093. Trotiing Authority (Amendment) Bill, Public Accounts Committee, appil, 2085. Con?., 841. Betting and Gambling: Casinos, q., 2718. Stamp Duties (Amendment) Bill, int. and Bills: In.. 2373. Agricultural Scientific Collections Trust Tructee Companies (Amendment) Bill, Bill, Corn., 3217. Cotiz., 1404. Valuation of Land (Land Value) Appropriation Bill, ZR., 2082. Amendniertt Bill, Corl7., 2996. Border Railways (Amendment) Bill, 2~., 3008. Valuatioll of Iand (Rating and Valua- tion) Amendment Bill, and cognate bill, Building and Constrirction Industry Long Corn , 3043. Service Payments (Aniendn~ent) Bill, Water (Amendment) B~ll,Co~n., 3035. Coin., 3768. Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Books, Ne\vspapers and Publications: Str~te Amendment Bill, 2n., 3755. Rocrd Irtitiniivcs, q., 1989. Centennial Park Trust Bill, ZR., 3968. Budget, 1983-84: Coal Mining (Amertdment) Bill, and cog- Changes in Format, (1ppi1, 2086. nate bill, 2R., 3598: C0111., 3619, 3620, 3621, 3622, 3623, 3624, 3625, 3626. Defic~t,appn, 2086. Grain Sorghum Marketing Board (Special Effect oil Business, cipptz, 2085. Provisions) Bill, 2R., 1967; Coin., 1971. Govelnment Recold, rrppn, 2083. Marketing of Primary Products Bill, 2R., Recurlent Exepnditure, nppiz, 2086 4211. Builders, Building and Building Materials: Mental Health Bill, and cognate bills, Construction Industry. npptl, 2086. Corn., 3996. Mining (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 3566; Business and Trade Practices: Coilz., 3586, 3587, 3588, 3590, 3591, Company Profits, q., 4890. 3592, 3593. Deregulation, appn, 2084. National Parks and Wildlife (Amend- Government Record, nppn, 2084. ment) Bill, and cognate bills, Corn., 2905, 2906. Ntg~iRiver Report, q., 506. Police Board Bill, 2R., 4134. Con~monwealthState Relations: Public Authorities (Financial Accommo- Con~n~onwealtl~Constitution Powers, ad- dation) Further A~llendnient Bill, dress, 79. m.s.o., 505; Con?., 515. Revenue, nddress, 83. Public Finance and Audit Bill, and cog- nate bill, 2R., 3531; Co???.,3543, 3550. Consumer Affairs: Mr Ralph Nader, Visit, Public Hospitals (Amendment) Rill, q., 1262. Corn., 3420. Council, 1-egislative: Public I-Iospitals (Hospitals Incorpora- Joint Committee Upon Workers' Com- tion) Amendment Bill, Corn., 3965, pensation Insurance, n?., 2578. 3966. Joint Select Committee Upon Parlia- Racing Appeals Tribunal Bill, and cog- mentary Privilege, rnes., 4201. nate bill, 2R., 2072; Coi?~.,2078; 3R., 2200. Men~bers' Term of Office, nddwss, 89. Railway Construction (East Hills to Questions Upon Notice, q., 1267. Campbelltown) Bill, and cognate bill, Seasonal Felicitations, ndj., 4222. Coin., 3819. Staff: Retirement of Mrs Elaine Lmther, Recreation Vehicles Bill, and cognate in., 4220. bills, Corn., 2913. St~zrrditrg Orders Corntnittee, Menzber, River Murray Waters Bill, 2~.,1294. 941. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

X,ange, The Haon. \V. L. (cotttii~zied): Langr, The Ron. W. L. (cotrtiiuled) : Courts and Legal Procedure: Hal bou~s(co/lrrr~rted) . ilinsworth and Vibert Allegntio!;r, pcJr:. lllawari a POIt and tiail Adv~sory Co~n- espl., 3364. mlttee, q, 3188 Gorman, Mr Russell, q., 9-16. Mlddle Hal bour Moorings, q . 1444 Jones, hlr Kevin: Iniinunity from Pro- Newcastle Be] thing, q , 1391, 3949 secution, q., 20. Leucotomy Consultat~vc Commrttee, q., Mackay, Donald, Inquest, q., 3746. 1445 No Bill of Indictment Applications, q., Housing: Latid Com~nission,atlilrcss, 86. 2982, 31"). No Fault Accideni C u~rlpensalio~l,q., Tndustrial Relations: Disputes, iipptl, 2092. 1153. Land acd I.ancf Settlement: Crime anci Crinrinals: Metric Measure Land Commission, ccpptt, 2088. inents, q., 3940. Macnr-thur Development Hoard, npprt, Dairy Industry: 'v'ic!i.i.ia~z Milk, (I., 1439. 2089. l3ece11tr:tlizatio11 and Uevelopii~ent: Waterfront I>ancls, q., 1749. Albury-Wociongii Development Corpor'a- tion, trppn, 2089. Meat Industry: 2-lomcbush Abattoir, q., 1158. Economic Conditions: Hoii~ebtish Abailoir Corporation, crpprz, National Econon~icRecovery, npprl, 2083. 2087. Queensland, trppn, 2084. Minerals and Minirtg: Elections and Electoraies: Confidence of Coal : Voters, nppn, 2094. Acquisition Compeiisalion, q., 177. EmploymenC: Costs, address, 86. Coal Tnd~istry,(I., 68, 3748. Export Earnings, cijrpn, 2091. Equal Opportilnzity, q., 1441. Exports, q., (858; nppil, 2085, 2089. Schemes, rrrldrcs.~,85. Freight Charges, nppn, 2090. Unemployntent, ntldrpsr, 84. loclustry, q., 68, 823, 2571, 3748. Unemployrncnt Ixvels, icpprr, 2083. Output, crppn, 2091. Youth. Uneinpiuyn~eill, rippn, 7083. Flunter Valley. npprc, 2089. Energy: Tnvincible Colliery, q., 2565. Electric 2nd liybrid Vehicles Advisory Private Coal. Rights, cicij., 1432; q., 1949, Committee, q., 1993. 205'7. Energy in Btiildings ~\dvicory Committee, %i-rci hlining, trtiiiri,rc, 85 0.. 1992, 1993 Sorlth Afrrcari Coal Incluqtxy, nppir, 2090, 2091. Noxious Weeti.;: Biological \Veetl Contr'oi, I'etrole~ini Advisory Con'tir~ittce, q., 1991. q.. 912. Solar I:rrcrgy Gorni~~iitec,y., 1900. Ohiiuary: Tiooper, Mi Tlor~,tip(~ii, 2083. Ferry Services: Fsrsy Constriictiorl, q., P:~rlinmcut: 1750. rnrlinn~eirt1-Do~~sc Ihesto~.ntion, nOt1i-ea.r, '19. Fil~lls:Ncw South Wales Film Corporation, I%ni ii:rinentaiy Pi ivilegc, (1.. 3'79: rri., 9.54; cipptiJ 2088. ti., 4073. 1;Iootls: I;!ootl hlitigaiiorr Fti trtling, q., 17-19"

Poiicc: Aii\ti-alinn Federal 1j'olii:e T;ip? Rccoi-d. iriys, q. 2366. $"I ornolior~s,q., 2254. i'oll~ilion: Ocr:ii~,ii.. 1.4-33. Volumes 175-178

Lange, The Hon. W, k. (cotttinued) :

I Prices: Apprentices Dairyfarm Apprenticeship Egg, q., 3946, 3948, 4170. Scheme, q., 3058. Petrol, q., 2194. Assembly, Legislative: Leader of the Public Service and Statutory Offices: National Pal-ty, 11pp12, 179 I, 1795. Albury-Wodonga Development Corpora- Bills: tion, upptl, 2089. Appropriation Bill, 2~.,1790. Co~~nciIof Auctioneers and Agents, q., Local Government (Rates and Charges) 1724. Amendment Bill, 2n., 4304. Department of Agriculture, q., 4768. Split Rock Dam Bill, 2~.,3648. Department of Main Roads. LI~~I?,2087. Business and Trade Practices: Retail Trad- Maritime Services Board. q., 3358. ing Hours, q., 892. N.S.W. Film Corporation. appri. 2088. Commonweallh-Stale Relations: Tax Shar- Strike Recortl, npp11, 2092, 2093. ing. ~ippti,1793. Railways: Gosford lo Newcastle Electrifica- Education: Services. appti, 1794. tion, cf., 1859. Employment: Butlgei Initiatives, crpp~r,1792. Reserves: Waterfront Parkland, q., 1444. Finance and Investment: Financial Capitai Roads and Road Safety: Kyeemagh- of Australia. rrpp~r,1794. Chullora Road, q., 1989. Foiestr Eucalqptus Dieback, q . 1356 Schools: Government, State: High, Constr-ticlion, q., 2256. Assistance to Country Areas, ripptr, 179 1. Prirn;try, Construction, q., 2254. Borrowing, cipp11, 1792. Shipping: Bulk Coal Carriers, q., 4227. Budget Initiatives, cipprr, 1790. Statirte lie;,i\ion: Comnoii~nealthTnterstate Capital Worhs Expcnditur-e, cippti, 179 1. Conimission Idegislation, ncldrcss, 82. Housing Record. ~~[JIZ,1792. Taxation: Fli~ndicappecl Persons: Pal-alympics. q., Coal Industry, q., 1857. 4400. Increases. nppl!, 2085. I-Iousing: Payroll, npplr, 2085. D:sableil pel-sons. q., 3705. Rent Resource. ncldr.css, 88. Governmeilt's Recor-d, nppii, 1792. Taxi Cabs and Hire Cars: Regillations for Home Purchase Assistance Schemes, q., Use, q., 3743. 539. Loan Interest Rates, npp11, 1793 Water: BI-crnsuich Xivei Silt;itioi?. q.. 1439. Vv'elfaie, rtpl~~i,1792 Chaffey Dam. q., 2255. Indnstry. Primary: Assistance from Rr~tlgct Alioc:rtio~is.cippti. 1795. Griiiith :riici Yend:~Suppl).. q., 4228. Olympic G:!mes: I'a~.alynipics, q,. 4400. 13atonga Supply, q., 4109. Rail~vays:Sniall Freight S~I-\ices,q., 761 Schools: Wnlcli;~Ccntrnl. q.. 3066. Asscrnhlp, 1,e~isIaiive: Tar;ttion : Neb\ Soirth W;ilcs, 01~1111.1794. Elertiotr, 2 109. Oritii of Allcgicirirc,, 2 109. SfacDiarmid, The liIoal. F. &I., O.B.E.: Bill: I'olicc Bozrrd Bill, 2~.,4073. Atidi-e\s in Reply, I,!., 971. liospit;il\: St George, ri., 3635. ;\ii-c~-:ift and Air- S-rvices: Koi-c:rii Airlines Point of Order, 4082. Fiigi~t007. ritlt11-c,.c..s,973. Taxation: Laiitl. !?I,,4966. ,,\si:~;~i~cf Asia11 Affai~-s: Asianization of Austi-nlin. citl~ii.c~.r.s,975. klcCartlny, Mr W. 3. P. (Pa'orllaern Table- Au\tr-aliun lnvolvernent, ci~/;ii~v It~rIustry ~:IIII<~II~;I~~II~)Bill, :i11d Wagg;~Wagga, c~ppti,2605. cog~iatebills, C'o!ii.. -i? 18. Westr~~cati,rcppri, 2605, <;!-:tit, Surghrtm Mni-krtirr? Roarti (Special 1'1-otisicii?~)Iiill.. C1O1!l., 107 1. 1ndiisti.y. Primary: n Interest Rates, q., riddress, 7 19. 4598. Handicapped Persons: Services. grirv., 2962. Land ant1 1,and Scitiemen!: Residential Land, q., 4924. Ryde, ndclress, 721; q., 4246. Oil Tndr~sti-pand Petrol: Qil aiid Gas Ex- 1 liyde Intensive Gal-e and Coronaly Unit. ploration, q., 21 22. ! rrpprl, 2019. Railways: Central C'oast Services. q., 1867. I Housing: Commission: Dual Occupancy, ndrlress, Schools : 722. Cot~nciis,appi7, 1649. Inner City,, 722. De~~iocratizatio~iof Schools, frppir, 1650. fnsurance: c;~,~~~~~~~~~Insurance office. Function of, cipprl, 1648. q., 3638. Select ('onin?ittee upon New South Wales Land and ~~~d settle,nent: ~~,,d-ritles Schooi Assessment Procedures, npp??, SJ-stem, q., 3062. 1649. Bmnib~isServices: Taxation: Payroll Tax Incentives, appri, Rjlcle, q., 938. 1651. Ryde Electorate, q., 6668, 1669; cim'j., 3181.

Teacher-s: Job Saiisfaction, n]~pri, 1648. p,a~l~anient: - ' Eslirnales Comniittees, c7dtire,ss, 721. working Weeh: Work-Leisure Relationship, applz, 1647. Points of Order, 503. 631, 733, 741. 2861. 2861. 2865, 4082. Youth: 'Training, crppri, 1651. Pollution: R'aste Disposal, q., 810. McBWwai~ae,Mr G,D., LI,.B,, (BQyde): Mra!er: Address in Reply, ??I.,719. Barges for Rubbish Coilcction, rrpprz, 2018. I Bills: i Parl-amatta River. tii~ptt, 2018. Appr-opriation Rill. C'orl~.,2018. Public Scrvice and Stnttrlory Oflices: Bishopsgnte Insiri-ance ,\usil.alia 1,illiitecl Accounting Procedrrres, iiririies.~,721. Bill, ?R., I466 C'onin~uiiity Justice ('entres liill, and cog- Marir inx Service5 licwi-d, rap pi^, 201 8. nate bills, ha.,2855. State Eincr-geilcy Serviccs. q., 33/15. Cornpe1isatio11 ('onit Bill, :i:!cl cogrlnte State Enlei-get~cy Sci-vil,es Riidio ".:1uij>- bills, :IR.,4'!.17. rnent. (I., 23.54. Gon\'eyaiicing (-.ii?le!ic!rna'!t~ Rill, ZR., I'~!hiic Woi.ks: 12ytie Flecloi-:lie, ~rpr:c. 2030. 4880. Rail~says: ifo~.~icI>ySei-vices, q., 4497. New Soiilli \V;iles I?olii.erl;enl ne~iefils (Amendnierlt) Bill. ;tntl cclgnatc bill, ?R., 1icserves: 471c1,. Noiiiehrisli lji~)~Biccnteiinia! Park, nppri, Per-petuiiies Rii!, 21t., 4562. 20 19. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Reserves (coritirlzcc~i~): Bills (cor~tinzi~ii): Ho~nehusli Rny Bicentennial Park Cycle Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Amend- i2ccess. rrr)i?il,. . 201 9. n~el~tBiil, 2~.,1638. Tvleaclom~harik Park lipgrnding. addrc~.r.r, River Murray Waters Bill. 2~.,1203. 720. En-iploymcnt: Unemployment, q., 415. and Jioads Road Safety: Health: Albury Services, q., 3842. Ryde Electorate Traffic. (I.. 1658. Inciristri:il Relations: Teacllers Strike, q., Silvernraier Overpass. nrlrit.r.rr, 72 1 . 1761. We~,tKydc Unclerhridpc. i:c!cirrs.s, 721. Teacl~ct-s:Strike. q., 176 i Schools: Staflife lievision: Farm Psodiicc ,'let: DIs- hlnrsden Iligh I.ihrary. on'tir-cs.s, 720. allo\~ac~ceof Regulation, ~II.,1197. h1entlov:b~nh Tliph. ci(ldrc.c.r, 722. Rlcntlo\~bank. i'tiblic. cippii, 2020. Nb tic Electorate. cfp!Jrl, 2920. Mattl~ens,The Htana. J, C, 3.: Weit Rytlc I'tibiic, ndtltci.r.r, 720; irrlj., 4588. in XZcply, iii., 809. Sucizl :ind \"telf,:i:: Services: Aircraft 2nd Air- Service\: Splney (Kings- Iiyde Momc Care Service, iirij., 2185. ford-Smiih'i ,A.irpol-t, 111.. 1428. Ryde Hostel For Ploii1clcss Childi-en. Bills: sqrj

Aleis, RZr 11. I>, (i\lI>arry): Iliil~ Cn~iiiti~ Inclii~tiici il<,i) Roll 'Tax Rchatcc) /in?ei-iii:trci~t Rili, 2~ , 1310 Council, I.e::.j!,,;ive: Pri)tli?zg Cuir?~nirfre, Local Govcr nment : Mer9lber, 942. 13oundarics Con.irnission, ntidress, 869, Court3 and I.egal Prnceciure' Juanita Nielsen Decision Making, nppiz, 2758. Inquest, uppa, 2756. Denigration, crrldress, 869. Grime ant1 C'r~minalsSincla~r, The Hon. 1 Effect of Government Policies, iipprl, McC, Bitberv 411egatlons, clpprz, 2756 2759. Drug.;. Elections, nppri, 2756. Rectory Rehabii~tatioil Centre, q,, 256, Local Ciovernmeiit Boundaries C'onrniis- 510. sion, iippr:, 2758, Econotltic Condri~ons: Planning Powers, crppii, 2758. Fr aser Gove~nment, (ipptr, 2632. Rate Pegging, appri, 2759. Improvement, nppti, 263 1. New Solsih Waies Inflation, ncfcire~s.869 Un~tetl St'1te.i of America, crpnri, 26'31, 2632. Police: Numbers, ridchess, 869. Ehfucaiion: Government Policy, cieitlrecs, 870. PI ices Eggs. ii , '3 190 Electricity: Public Service and Stai11tor.y Oillce.;: Slitnil Rayswater-Moiint Piper Pob%e~Line, q., Wnsiness ~Igciicy,iiddrc~ss, X 73. 2722. Rise in Costs, nppn, 2756 Railu-nys: Employrnenl: Fnre Increases, iipprr, 2756. Business 131-ofits to Create Jobs. ~I~IJI~,LJian to Gt:lgong, iippli, 2757. 2758. XI'T Train St:-ike, npprl, 2755. Ri!-ch Rcsearcii ( i\nierica) Finciirig~,npl~ri, 7758. Royal Coi~ii~iissions:Street Royal C'oinmiss- ion, cippli, 2755. Creation Schenie, ridtlrerr, 870. Eniploymeait Proleciion Act. oppil, 2758. Schools: Governnie~~tProgramme, nddrc,s,r, 872. Govcrriii-~eur Ciraiitsy riildi.i~s.i, 369, 870. Region;ii I>evelopnle;il Scheme,, 11iiiepeiiilciit. ii!l:ii.~~s,8 70. 872. Stature Revision: I:,mploymenl Protection Small Rusiners, cicirfr~rs,871. 872. Act, licieJi,~,c.r,873. Special Schenies Account. nppii, 2757. -, linempioynlznt. (ij?j?n.2756. L axal ion : Cnur~tryIniitistrics (L%iry-I

Metherell, Dr T. A., B.A.(XCons), Dip.Ed., Metilerell, Il)r T. A,, B.A.(Hons), Dip.Ed,, Fh.D., M.T.G.P. (Davidson): Pb.d., M.T.C.P. (continued) : Address in Reply, nz., 154. Railways (confinued): Advertising: Railways and Government British Transport System, npprl, 1550. Buses, q., 1259. Deficit, rrpp~i, 1540. Assembly, Legislative : Printing Cornn~iftee, East Hills to Glenfield, q., 4484. M~~nher,772. European, address, 157. Bills: Leverage Leasing, q., 1457. Appropriation Bill, ZR., 1547. Losses, crddress, 154. Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drain- North Slrore Services, q., 4495. age (Amendment) Bill, and cognate Passetiger Service I,osses, q., 4592. bills, 28.. 1068. Motor Traffic (Ftrrther Amendment) Bill, Passenger Statistics, q., 4492. and cognate bill, 2~.,2663. Railway Employees Voluntary Redun- Offences in Public Places (Arnendnlent) dancy, crppn, 1550. Bill, and cognate bill, 28., 4291. Rolling--stock, npptr, 1553. Railway Constrt~ction (East Hills to Technology, nppn, 1550. Carnpbelltown) Bill, and cognate bill, United States of America,,158. 2~..3671. Victorian Government Policy, crpp~z,1550. Transport Authorities (Amendment) Bill, Warwick Fai-n~ Train Derail~nent, q., 2~.,4102. 3 184. Transport Authorities (Infringement Workshops, citldrc~s.~,157. Notices) Amendment Bill, and cognate bill, 2~.,2869. XP'T Train, trdtirc~s.~,158: ai~p~~,1550. Roads and Road Safety: Bexley Trafiic, q., Bridges: Sydney Harbour Toll, q., 680. 3346. Electricity: Charges, grips., 2967. Schools: Ferry Services: Urban 'Transit Aathority, Davidioii E!ectol ate, cidj., 669. q., 4513. I'riniary. Slafiing, npprl, 1548. Government, C'ornnionwcalth: F~inding. nppn. 1547. Teacher-Librarians, npprl, 1548. Governmen!, Slate: School 'Tra!isport: Bus Passes, q., 707. Supcrannl~ationSchemes. nppfi, 1552. Sewerage: Transport Policy, cipprl, 1549. 13aviclson Eleclo~.aleServices, gries., 17 11. Handicapped Persons: French.; Foreit ;~ndRelrose, q.. 4487. Parking, ti., 1664. Social and Welfare Services: Ageing Popu- intion, cippri, 155 I. Trnnsportntion Scheme, i)., 1090. of Opposition: Butleet ~~~~~j~,Sup"-a~intratio~iand Retirement Funds: trppn, 1553. Commonwealth Schcmes. rrpprz, 1552. XAocni bovernmeni: Rating, c~ilj., 3341. C;overnrneiit Policy, iippii, 1550. Motor. Vehicles: Railway Siipei-annt~aiion Board, nppn, 1552, 1553. Drivrrs' I ii~ences,y., 4248. Number Plates, q., 4514. '1-e;rcliers: Principais, Reclassification, crppil. 1548. Omnibus Services: Mercedes-Benz Buses, q., 3835. 4005. Tenct~er-T,ibrnriarrs, ccpprz, 1548. Parking: Handicapped Persons, q., 1664. 'Tratles and Trade Unions: Black Ban on Rathboine Pty I_.irrliled, q., 4493. Pnrlinnlerit: Ptrblic Accounts Co~nmittee, rzppn, 1552. Transport, Finance arid I'oIicy: Points of Orcier, 2860, 2861, 2864, 2865, Coalition I'ai-tie\ Iklicy. nppiz, 1550. 2868, 3677. London Trarispor.1, ccn'drrr.~,159. X3011ution: Maglev I-fovertrain,,160. Eastern Suburbs Railway Noise, q., 4473. Mancl~ester,crrlrirrss, 159. From Trairrs and Buses, q., 4486. Multimoclal Tickets, nimrc'.r.~, 160. Railways: I'rornotio~i of Stag, citicii.rss. 157. Australian Capital Territory, q., 1517. Pi~hlicTransport, 771.. 4647. British Rail, oddreso, 159. Public Tri~nsportLosses, ndil~.c,.s.r,158. cxlvi INDEXTO SPEECHES

Volumes 175-178

Metherell, Dr T. A., B.A.(Bonas), Dip.Ed., Mochalski, Mr R. C., LL.B. (cor~tirzuecl): Bh.d., M.T.C.P. (coiztinztecl) : Medical enci Para~itedical I'saciitio~~ers:Dr Transpol t, F~nanceand Pol~cy(corltrtzrred) : W. A. Bogaclii, griev., 1707. Ra~lBus, rrtI(1ic 7, 159. Points of Order, 3 127, 4077, 4954. Transport Defic~t,nppn, 1548. Police: Complaints Against, q., 4666. TIavel Concess~ons,czpptl, 1549. U~banTransit Authority Bus and Ferry Political Parties: Australian Labor Party, Business Relations. citlcli~cs.~,249. Servtces, q., 2886 Public Service and Stat~ltory Ofices: Miller, Mr F. J. (Bligh): Treasury, Econoniic Policy, rrrftlrcss, 247. Sport and Recreation: Employnient: Private Agents, q., 1015. Bush Walking, q., 2642. Ho~pitals:Irite~i~ive Care Facilities, q., 206. Regulations for Sailboards, q., 4401. Police: Raid on Clrtb 80, q., 1457. Teachers: Striltes, q., 3 11. Mochalski, iGlr W. C., LL.B. (Banl~stor~n): Wages a!-iil Salaries: National Economic Summit Conference, ndtircs.~,25 1. i2tldress in Reply, rrl 247. Asscrilbly, 1,egisl:ltive: Lihrniy C'oi1ir17itfee, MCII~~PT,771. Moore, Mr iIa. F. (Targgerali): Bills: Bill: Hurn:~n Tiqs~ieBill, anit cognate bills, hlining (,\rnentinle?it) Bill, 2R., 3172. 2R., 3280. Noise Control (Ari~eadment) Bill, ZR., Healtli: Ciosford Services, (I., 1674. 4454. Police: Superannuation, q., 4599. H~isiness and Tratle Practices: Common- wealth Government Assistallce for BHP, czdr/r.c.s.r, 250. Corrective Services: Prison Oficers Dispute, Moore, hIr 'Hi. J., LL.B. (Gardon): q., 4928. Animals: Experiments, q., 1454, 1663 Crime ancl Criminals: Organized Crime, q., 1516. Assembly, Legislative: Censure of the Premier, i~r.,2478. D~s~ent:Ruling of hfr Speaker, ir7 , 1106, Econoinic Policy Fornirilniion. cic!r(r.ess, 1 109. 217, 2-48. 2.52. End of Session T.egisiative Programme, Gi'owti~Policy, cidtlrr.s.s, 249. S[JeC. (ldj., 201 1. National Economic S~iii11nitConrerence, End of Session Sitting Iiouis. .~17~(..(~dj., ciiltl~c.,c.s, 250, 251. 1462. Unemployment, trr/rlrc.rr, 252. 1-Iours of Sitting, spc'c. iitlj., 1462. Etlricniion: Computers, q., 3 185 Jucieo-Christian Ethic. nr., 2023. Cioverilrnerit, Cornmonwcalth: Consensus, Ixader of tlre National Pal-ty, ii~..r.o.,314: III/I~~~~.ES,250. ril., 343. C;ovrr~in~ent,State: hlemher: lllaw;!rra: Privilege, 111., 3069. Econo~nicPolicjr. iiti~lri;.c.r,247. Meinber Named, nr,, 766. I-'.cono~-i-iicIJrogrnnirrtes, iiiltli.e.r.r, 250. hlinister for Corrective Services, q,, 1676, Health: 1755. Breast Cancer, q., -33.76. Cancer of the Colon, q.. 4477. Oirig AtFeciccl B:ihies. y,,2050. 1-lo\pitnls: II:inXsto~n, ij., 4107. Tniirtsiri:al Relations: Prison Oflicers Ilispute, Standing Orilcrs C oi?imitlee, .\pi.(.. rii/j., (,I.,"128. 1462. I!-itirr~try,Secr>n?dary: Broken Hill Proprietary A!~ioni:itio~i.h1echaiiiz:ition and ('oi-nyuters: Coiiip:tr~>* iiddi.~~,s,s, 250, C;over.n~ne~~tC)rtlers for Computers, q.. I.ocn1 <:o~crn~ne~rt:Charges. q., 890. 1147. 1661, 1913i1, 2348. cxlvii

Moore, Mr T. J., I,X,.B. (corrrii7uerl) : Moore, Mr T, J., LL.B. (corztir~r~ecl): Rills: Courts and Legal Proceciure (cor~tinued): Artificial Conception Bill, and copnztte Sexual Assaults upon Child~en, q., bill, 2R., 4429. 1832. Bisliopsgaie Insl~lancc Au\tra!rn Limited TIrtfl; Infirngemcnts, (1 , 1578. Bill, 2R, 1465. Daylight Saving: Dates of Operation, q., I311ildillg and Construction Industry 1833 Service Payments (Amendment) Biil, 2n., 3697; Colii., 3712, 3715. 3717. Employment: Unemployment, ill., 627. Coal and Oil Shale Mine WOI-krrs(Super- Films: X-rated Video Movies; rir.s.o., 4568; allnuation) Amend~xentRil!, 2~.,2872: 171., 4574. Coriz., 2874, 2875. Covernnicnt; Com~nonwealth:Flours of Sit- Colnnrunity Justice Centres Biil, and cog- ling. spcc. nclj., 545. nate bill, 2~.,2854. Wenlth: Safety Oliicers, q.. 2352. Compensation Cou~t Bill and cognate bills 2R., 4736; Co~?z.,4758, 4759, 4760. HOLI\~II~.1md Flowe Isiancl Lcans, q., Crimes (Domestic Violence) Amendment 4595. Bill, ?R., 2668. Industry, Primary: Intlnst~l'rl Arbitrntron (Aniendnient) B111. Scirure of Chickens, q., 2359. and cognate bills, 2R , 1327; Corii , 1330. Seizure ol Eggs, q., 4504. lntl~~slrral A~bitratictn (Contracts of Gal- Land and Land Settlement: Clearing Clown I l:,ge) Amcrtdtrtent 13111, 2R , 1718 Land, q., 932. 11tsular1~e (Amentlnient) BlIi, 2R, 1616, Cnni , 1617. Law and Order: Tustices (Procedure) Further 4me1rclmeiit Plivate Inquiry Agents, q., 1577, 1578. Bill, 2~.,4273. 1664. National Parks and Wildlife (Aniencl- Private Inquiry Agents Licensing, q., inent) Rill, and cognate hills. ZR., 2710. 1577. New South Wales Retirement Benefits 1,ocal Government: Wolfongong City Coun- (Amendment) Biil; and cognate bill, 2R.. cil, nz., 1026; q., 1098; m.s.o., 11 12; m., 4728. 1 124. Offences in Public P1:rces (Amendment) Motor Vehicles: Bill, and cognate bill, 2~.,4275. Definition of Vehicle, q., 3737. Ontbudsman (Amet?dn~ent) I! 2~,, 4260. Number Plates, q., 672. t'trblic Authorilies Superannuation Board Par-liament: Privilege, tli., 694. Bill, nnil cognate bills, 2R., 2!69. Points of Order, 130, 346, 1017, 1027, 1028, Sunday (Service of Plocess) Bill, 2R., 1033, 1309, 1480, 1481, 2853, 2860. 2862, 4555. 2936, 2937. Sup1 enle Cot11t (Inte~est) Amendment Poker Machirles: \insworth, Mr Len., q., R~ll,and cognate bllls, 2~,2160 3058. l['ru\tee Companies (j.nicndment) Bill. 2R, 1346. Privacy: Rights of Social 3::crirify Rene- ficiaries, q., 4974. Trustee (Investments) Amendment Bill. ?R., 4329. Reserves: Honorary R;rngers, q., 1089. Workel-s' Con~pensa~ion(Dust Diseases) Schools: 12mcrrdrnent Bill, ZR., 2856. East 1,indfield Public, udj., 2883. Builders, Buildings :~nd Buildi~ig Materials: Teacher-Librarians, ntlj., 1656. Building Industry Safety, q., 2349. Statute Revision: Bi~sincssand Trade Practices: Birth Certificates for Transsexuals. q., Bargold Metals I'ty Iiinrited, (1.. 1652. 1831. G. & A. Pest Control Pcy Limited, q., Co~iveyancingAct Disallowance of Pa1 ts 4374. of a General Order, ni, 461 1 ""The Franklin hlint", q., 4467. Tlespasser.i, q , 1383 Courts and 1,egal I'rocediure: Teacher-s: Teacher-Librarians, nclj., 1656. Intoxicated Persons Act, q., 1943. Trades and Trade Unions: Trade Union Sentences for Murder, (I., 3737. Membership Statistics, q., 2349. Volumes 175-178 mulock, 711e Hen. R. J., LE.B. (St Marys): Mulock, The Hon. W. J., m.B. : Apprentices: Goal Industry Apprenticeship (coiztinued) Course, q., 3434. Schools (continued) : Assembly, Legislative: Appoitltnzetzt to Navenlea School for Handicapped Child- Mit~isrrj~,4384. ren, q., 2356. Automation, Mechanization and Computers: High, Construction, q., 2256. Government Orders for Computers, q., 3351. Independent, Fire Precautions, q., 4377. Non-government, q., 3350. Chemicals: Sniffing of Toxic, q., 4507. Plumpton High, q., 3352. Colleges of Advanced Education and Tech- nical Colleges: Orange Technical and Primary, Construction, q., 2255. Further Erlucation College, ndj., 2345. 13rivate, q., 2047. Courts and Legal Proced~tre:The Judiciary, Senior High School for West Sydney, q., rn., 4834. Education: Walcha Central, q., 3066. West Epping Primary, q., 767. Composite School Classes. q., 3937. Yamba Public, q., 4471. Comprtter. q., 2352, 3350. Coinputers in, q., 3 185. School Transport: Higher, q., 2637. Non-government Schools, q., 2001. Federation of Parents and Citizens Asso- School Bus Services, q., 2715. ciatioils of New Sotith Wales, q., 1513. Personal Development Courses, q,, 2358. Face-to-Face Teaching, q., 303. Religious, q., 3936. Promotion, q., 306. Secondary, q., 2269. Strike, q., 210, 31 1, L762. Technical and Further, q., 305. Water: Georges River, ndj., 4885. Elections nnii E!eclorates: Budget Expendi- trlre, q., 1389. Murray, Ak J. H., B.A, (Drun~moyue): C;overiiinent, Statc: Advertising. q., 4494. Ho~pitals: A~nhulanceServices: Funding, appiz, 1899. Outpatient Departrnenis, q., 4706. ;isqeinbly. I.egislative: Librruy Cotiiilli//c.c., Snti~eslancl,q., 4530. fifciilhcr, 771. ~Il~l,stri;i~~~l~ti~~~~: ~~~~h~~~ strike, q,, Beiiiiig anti Gambling: 'To!aiizntor Divi- 1762. dends. q.> 3835. Ohit~rnry:Cahill, T. .I., Member for Marrick- ville, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of iinti-Discrimiliation fAinecdnient) Dill, Comrr7iitees of the Legislative .issembly, 2R.. 2864. t~i.,59. Appropriatiort Bill, 2R.; 1370: C.oiil.. I R IS, ?iiblic Service and Statutory Ofices: 1899, 2017. Department of Etlucation, Permanent arid Idand Tax Management iAniendnreiit) Part-time Work, q., 4478. Bill, and cognate hill, 2~.,3691. Radio Nroactcasting and Television: Aus- T20cal Goveri~mciit (Waies anci Ci-iai-ges) ti-alian Children's Television Founclation. hmencimeni Bill, 'R., 43 11. q.. 4467. Perpetuities Bill, 2~.,4560. Schools: Bettiilg anti C;ambling: Footy TAR, g., 681. .Asbestos in, q., 2361. Budget. 1983-84: Estimates Anomaly. nppn, Boarding, q., 2813. 1815. Boorowa Central, q., 3840. Clubs: Cherrybrook Public. q., 3348, 4473. ,lilaritimc Sei vices Lioarcl Charges. cipptl, Dover Weights, q., 3432. 201 8. East Liridfield Prim:~ry. rriij., 2885. Rei~is,appfi, 2017. Enfieltl Prirnary, q., 3352. Educatio~i: Faciiities Use Committees, q., 3640. Funding, icppri, 1370. Funding of Non-Government Schools, q., School Leaving Age, njipii, 13-75, 886. Statistics, apprz, 3 373. 16th August, 1983, lo 1st Rlarch, 1984

Mnrrag, &fr 3", IE., R.A, (eorztintced): Fc114 Services. Assembly, 1,egislative: Leader of the Di uinirnoyne Eiecto~ate,apprt 1815 National Party, tn., 352. Fa~nding,npprz, 1815 Bills: Paiiari-rntta Rtve~,czpprr, 11'72, q , 1941 Agricultural Scientific Collections 'I~.rib.t Syilney Hal bonr, nppli, 1 8 15 Bill, 2R.. 3169. Urban Transrt Aulhor~ty Policies, npprz, Appropriation Bill, ZR., 1558. 1816 Dairy Tiidustry (Amendment) Bill, and Whai f Fdc~iil~es,nppri I815 cognate bills, 2~..4344; Coin., 4349. Gaining and Bctting (Penalties) Amend- Einance and Investment State Rank. q , ment Dilt, 2~.,1690. 18'12 Grain Sorguhm Marketing Board (Special Fish liictustry and Fishing: Izemale Crabs, Provisiorls) Bill, 2~.,2890, y., 3935. Marketing of Primary Products Bill, ?R., Govei ~~rnent,Sate Refoi rns nppii, 1371 4334. J-Tealth National Parks and Wildlife (Amend- ( ancer lieseaich Irisfitrrtc npprr 1900 rnertt) Bill, and cognate bills. ZR., 2696. (iolci nnletil Piogr alnme, cipprr, 1370. Split Rock Darn Bill, 2~.,3652. Ltrd\+~gCancer larseaich Institirte, nppii, Supply Biil, 2~.,794. 1900 Valuation of Land (Land Value) Arnend- liesearch, npptr, 1899. ment Bill, 2~.,2321. Hou~11ig. Mfater (Ailrelrdnre~lt) Dill, 2~.,2683. 61anti, rippiz, 1371. Bridges: Fi1ucling, l!p/Jll, 1562. Pci-ision~ns,cijipn, 1372 Cattle, Sheep ancl 1,ivestock: Tick Control Statiqt~c\,npprr, 1371., 1 72. Drarigllt: Agistlnent Drought Relief, rtddie,~~s,167. I'ffect, q7pIl. 1558. Mercetles-Bcnz Buses, cipprt, 1373. Relief, cippit, f58. Sytincy Cricket Groiinci, (I., 2362, 4500. Ernployn~ei?~: Ciovei-nment Policy, ccpprr, 1558. I";rrkiilg: 'I raiiers, q., 939. Eish Indiistry and Fishing: 2866. I'conrc of Order, 2864, Acln~inisirative Keorganizatioir, rrrl', Political Parties: Australian T,al)or Par-ty, 171. iipful, 1 3 7 1. Ulcer Disease, trcitb.css, [71. Pollation: W:\ier, q., 2120. F'iooc!s: 1'ril)lic Sctvice and Statutory Offices: Urbari ( ommonu.ealt11 Relief, nppli, 1459. ,tothoi.ily, n!~pi~, Transit 1372. Statewide, cidj., 4413. Schools: Gover-irnrent, State: ('hai-ges, rippri. 1558. Dl-unlmoyne Electorate, appit, 1375. Hospitnls: Rural, uppti, 1562. Facilities, apprr, 1374. Ihraries, cipprl, 1374. Pncirrstry, PI-imarp: ( o-operativc Selling. uddi.c,~s, 169. Sport and Recreation: Gymnr:siur-il Tnsirnc- tor-s, y., 4537. Free Range Eggs, riddress, 171. Primary Producers. riddi.~.~.~,168. -1-ai-iRs, ncid~.c,.us, 169. Trade Prefeie~icc fol Austr al~aiiPiod~rcts. q, 1666, Meat (nilustry: T~ades and Trade tinion\ New South Abattoir Operatioi~s,czppri, 1560. Wales l ecicliers Feder :ition, appil 1374. I-Jomebusl~ Abattoir Corpoixitiora, cl~p~z, 1559. Meat Export Charges, (zppn, 1560. Meat Prices, crddre~s, 170. Adddess itt Rcpiy, ill., 167. Noxious Weeds: Animals: 12ibcretion Movement, t~dthess, Control, cippn, 1561. 171. Piartheniurn Weed, uppiz, 1560. Volumes 175-178

Murray, RiIr W. T. 9. (co~~tirrll~d): Nile, Reverend the Hon. F. J., E.D., L.Th, (co~zfirzuetl): Point of Order, 353. Poker Machr~ies: t'ictoiiati I:iquirp, q., Aircraft and Air Services: Korean Airlines 3059. Flight 007, q., 825; n~lclrcss,842; ,,I., 1151. Prices: Meat, rrtldrcss, 170. i\ssernbly. Legislative: E.unri1ir1crtio11li~lorc Public Service and Statutory Offices: Egg Select Cor?t~iliZtee(Ipo11 Pro,\fit~rfior~,iricJs., Marketing Board, nddt.c~ss, 170. 585. Railways: Freight IZevenue, tippi!, 1558. Beaches: Indecent Expos111e on Beaches, y., 837. Reserves: Suggested Telli Tclli National Park, q., 4536. Betting and Gambling: Ro:tds and Road Safety: Illegal, c!clilrc~ss,848, 849. Arterial Road Grants, q., 3437. Starting-price Bookmaking, ncldre.s.7, 848. Disaster Relief F~uirling,y., 1,158. Bills: Rortd Funding, crpprr, 1562. Appropriation Bill, 2R., 2779. Schools: Yamba Public, q., 4470. Artificial Conception Bill, and cognate Statute Revision: bill, ?I<., 4691. Farm Produce Act: Dis;illo~vance of Baptist Chui-ches of New South Wales Property l-su~lBill, and cognate bill, 2R., IZegulation, I~I.,1191, 1 198. 4681. National Parks and Wildlife Act: Dis- Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) allowance of Proclan~ation. til., 917. Amendment Bill, 2R., 3755. Ta~iffs: .' Purpose, trcldress, 169. Crimes (Domestic Violence) Bill, 2R., Teachers: Promotion, q., 306. 3018. Factories, Shops and Industries (Retail Trade) Aniendnlent Bill, and cognare Neilly, Mr S. T, (Gcssnock): bill, 2R., 3794. Betting ancl Gambling: Totalizator Agency Gaming and Betting (Further Amend- Boarci, q., 1869. nient) Bill, 2R., 1272. Bills: Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Aniend- riient Bill, 2R., 1963. Con1 Mining (Amendment) Bill, and cog- nate bill, 2R., 3153. Hunian Tissue Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 3382. Compensation Court Bill, and cognate bills, ZR., 4741. Mental Health Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 3991. Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drain- age (Aniendnient) Bill, and cognate Offences in Public Places (Amendment) bills, 211., 1072. Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., 4171. Mine Subsidence Compensation (Amertd- Police Board Bill, 2R., 4153; Corn., 4164. nient) Bill, 2~.,3518. Police Regulation (Allegations of Mis- conduct) Aniendnient Bill, and cognate Gas Industry: Liquefied Petroleum Gas In- bills, 2R., 3410. stallatiotis, q., 3840. Probation and Parole Bill, and cognate Health: Occupational Hcalth, Safety and bills, 2R., 4124. Rehabilitation Council, q., 885. Railway Construction (East Hills to Housing: Rent and Mortgage Relief Canipbelltown) Bill, and cognate bill, Schemes, q., 1314. ZR., 3813. Racing: Greyho~~ndRacing Control Board, Special Comn~issionsof Inquiry Bill, 2R., q., 2646. 2424. State Pollution Control Conlmission (Lic- ences and Approvals) Amendment Bill, Nile, Reverend the Hon. F. J., ED., L.Th.: and cognate bills, 2R., 1733. Abortioli: Contraceptives for Children, q., Sunday Entertainment (Repeal) Bill, and 179. cognate bill, 2R., 4190. Addless in Reply, ?n., 527, 841. Business and Trade Practices: Advertising: Pacific Conlnielce and Traders, q., 3 190 Cigarette, q., 1159. Video Cassettes, q., 4895. Milk, q., 1395, 3949. Chemicals: Snifing of Toxic, q., 255, 2368. SESSION1983-84 cli

Nile, Reverend (he Hon. F. J., E.11., L.Th. Nile, Reverend the Son. I?. I., ED., L.Th. (contirzz/etl): (continueel) : Churches, Cults and Sects: Etnployment (cortti~rrrerl): Anti-Discrimination Rcarci Report, q.. Unemployment, ndc1re.r~.843; crpprl, 278 1. 4676. Une~nployment Statistics. appr~,2782. Church Tnfluence, trtfdrcss, 862. Women, appn, 2781. William ?Vilberforce, adrlress, 855. Yotrth Unen~ployment,clppr~, 2783, 2784. Clubs: Club 80, ntldress, 857. Films: Council, Legislative: Morality, q., 381. Member: X-rated Video Cassettes, q., 4775. Nile, Reverend the Hon. F. J., pers. expl., 2728. Government, State: Gambling Revenue, Prayer, nddress, 842. appn, 2785. Reform, address, 861. Governor and Governor-Genetal: Tribute to Sir James Rowland, address, 527. Courts and Legal Procedure: Administration of Justice: nrldress, 852, Health: 853. Acquired Immune Deficiency Synd~ome High Court, address, 529. (AIDS), trddress, 856, 857, 858; apptz, j\.lackay, Donald, Inquest, q., 25. 2785. No Bill of Indictme~lt Applications, Cigarette Advertising, q., 1159. address, 853; q., 2059, 2061. Human Tissue Transplants, crddresc, 861. Penalties for Prostitution, q., 2985. Quit Smoking Campaign, address, 859. Saffron, Mr A. G., (I., 1838. Hospitals: Government Prog~anime, Special Con~missionof Inquiry, q., 2198. address, 855. Touch of Class Brothel, q., 3744. International Affairs: Crime and Criminals: Czechoslovakia, address, 528. Credit Card Theft, rrddress, 845. Dictatorships, rrddi rsr, 527. Freeman, Mr G., uddrcs,~,850, 851. Law and Order: Society, addre~s,861. McPherson, htr L., nddress, 85 1. Medical and Paramedical Practitioners: Motor Car Theft, address, 845. Saba, Dr Said Hashim, q., 2061. National Crimes Commission, address, 528, 529, 844, 849. Morality: Organized Crime, nddress, 528, 844, 845, Australian Paedophile Support Group, q., 846, 852, 862. 2567. 2568. Stathis, Mr A., q., 23, 508. Exploitation of Children, address, 853. Tax Fraud, nddress, 847. Indecent Exposure on Beaches, q., 827. Pornographic Movies, q., 1726. Discrimination: Pornographic Video Cassettes, rrddiess, Gay Embassy, address, 857. 860, 861. Gender, address, 859. Pornogl aphy, address, 847. Women, nddress, 860. Prostitutes, trclclr en, 846. Drugs: Prostitution. adtlress. 855. Mackay, RiZr Donald, c~dcfrers,528. Survey by 20110 Organization, address, Operation Noah, q., 3945. 854. Economic Conditions: Wage Pause, Effect, Parliament: appn, 2780. Joint Standing Conunittee Upon Road Ed~icalioi~: Safety, acldrcss, 858. Bibles in Schools, q., 1265. Parliament House Restoration, eiddrcss, 527. Budget ,Mlocation, appji, 2784. Privilege, adclress, 529, 843. Peace Kits, appn, 2785. Point of Order, 3756. Employment: General Mot01 s-Holden's Ry Limited, Police: Proposed Board, q., 2988. appn, 2780 Roads zn-: Road Safety: Random B~eath Job Creation, apprr, 2779, 2782, 2783. Testing, rrdclress, 858. Volumes 175-178

Nile, Reverend the Hon. F. J,, E.D., Lar61a, (collrinr~ed): Bills (coiztiizrred) : Royal Cornmiss~oris. New South Wales Retirement Benefits Appraisal, cddr ess 528 849 (Amendment) Bill, and cmgnate bill, 2~., Cosiigan, nddres~,844, 845 4732. Into H~irnan Reiationchips, c~cidrc\r 860 Walker Trusts (Amendment) Bill. 2~., 3904. Street Koyal Commission, nrldreai, 528, 850. 851. Business and Trade Practices: SmalI Busi- ness, uppti, 1359. Suggested Koyal Commission illto Organ- ized C rline. iiddie~r,849. Employment: Schools Governnlent Record, uppii, 1358. hloriah War Mernoi la1 College g , 3361 Uneii~ployrnent,npplz, 1358. Piivate, Funcling, y , 2722, 2723 Government, State: Financial Record, cippri, Secoiltiar 11, address, 859. 1357. Szicnce boetal T~ssueResea~ch q 2893. Health. Burwood Electoiatr, npprr, 1359 Statute Revision: Regional Managenlent Boa~d,crppit. 1360 Anti-Discrimination Act, ciddrers, 857. Services, clppr!, 1359 Chiltl Indecency, y., 944. Nospitais: Wesirrrr Suburbs of Sydney, Taxation: Threshold System, trpprr, 2782. R~~IE,1360. Teachers: Militancy, iddress, 859. Minerals and Mii-~ii~g: Wages ant1 Salaries: Reck, Mr. R1., q., 70. Cc;nl, (ijipir, 1363, 1364. Yoilth: Siatc Youth Corps,, 854. New South Wales Industry, nppr!, 1364. Iiesoui-cc Developnlent. rrppn, 1365. Public Service and Statutory Offices: Small Business Agency, czpprr, 1359. I

E:-:.p:c::l 12.;t; Roc~ili;and Road Saftty. Rurwood Electorate, Peals Electorate 12oacl Constr~iction, q., iij7prt 1362 309. Schools: Btrr~voociElecloi.i~te. rrppri, 1361. Unemliloyment, tit., 623. Social arid Welial-c Services: It-liitoi-ic Areas, Bnildings and Records: Old Bui-woocl Electorate, (ippr!, 1361. Sydncy 'Town, q., f 08: p~i:s.r.xpl., 21 6; q., 3059. C;overnineni Assistance, nppir, 1361. I.ocal Govei-rirnent: U'ctllongorig City Coun- Spol-t antl Iiecreatioii: cil. I~I.,1125. Government Programme. npprr, 1361, 0hitir:ri.y: Cahill. 7'. J., RIemhcr for Mai-rick- 1362. viile. Dcpiity-Speaker- aiicl Cl~airman of Nomeb~ishRay Sport5 Centre, cipp/: 1362. Committees of the Legislative Assembly, Tratisporf, Fin:rnce anti Policy: it)., 65. Burwootl Elector;ite, (V?~J~I,1358. Points of Or-iler., 108, 114. 222, 333, 1588, Government Policy. cil~pri,13.58. 2455. Roads and Road Safely: P:~cific Highway V;rIuation of T.,antE and Valuer-General: antl Wisenian's Ferry Road, q., 3630, 4004. \'alner-General's Burwootl Office, q., 2275. Walei-: Burwooct Electorate, nppil, 1363

om, The Hsn. N. M.: Biils Appropriation Bill, t~,1357. Addi-ess in Reply, rrr., 399. hfetropoiltdn Water, Sewerage, axid Draln ,4gricuIture: age (Amendment) Uili and cognate bills, Jojoba Plant, q., 4900. 2~.1060 Western T

16th August, 1983, to 1st Rlarr'PL, 19114

Orr, The Won, N, M. (contiriued) : Arts and Culture: Orange Art Gallery and Prices: Eggs, q., 4673. Library, nddress, 405. Pubiic Service and Statutory Offices: Wills: Accoitntability,, 399. Agricultural Scientific Collecttons T~rtst Railways: B111, 2R., 3214. Eiectrification, nddrrs,~,400. Rush Fires (Ame~zdment) Rill, 2~.,4193. Maldon to Port Kembla, q., 3945. Glenbawn Dam (Enlargement) Bill, 2% 3005. 'l'otirisi Activities: Marketing of Primary Pruairrcts Dill, 2~., Accomniarlntian, iicidress, 405. 4209. Expansiorl, acitlre,ss, 404. Railway Construction (East Hills lo Penalty Rates, (iddress, 404. Campbeiitown) Bill, and cognate bill, Prontotiori, rrddress, 404. 2~.,3817. State Pollution Control Commission (I,icences and Approvals) Amendment Bill, and cognate bills, 2~,,1732. Stinday Entertainment (Repeal) Rill, and cognate bill, 2~.,4189. Assembly, Legislative: Water (Amendment) Bill, 2~.,3010. Appoirttrnetlt ci.r Miriister fur Rond.r, 2916. Bridge: Point Clare Railwav, q., 1953. A~~7oirrtirirr1tin Miilistry, 4384. Joitlt Sicrrditrg i"orttr?zitt'ee iiporl Road Corrcctivc Services: Early Parole, (iddress, Sri/c>iy, b)isil~nigr,2979. 405. Bills: Council, 1,egislative: Pririiit~g Coi~~rniflee, Mctnbcr, 942. Railway C:onstruciian (East Hills to Cainpbelitow~i)Rill, anti cognate hill. 2~., Courts and Legal Procedure: Administration 3273, 3689. of Justice, address, 405, 406. Drought: En'ect on Fcor3rrj. ~rtidi.r,sr,404. I3ridgcs: Relief, 403: (I., crddr.c..s.s, 2720. R;i:lway Rritlgc st Church Street, Parra- Econon-ric Goutliiions: Effect on R~iralSec- iit;~!t;r, q., 3637. tor, rirlriress, 403. Rol;tnc!s <:reek, Uki, q., 4504. I:isil Ind~istry and i;ishing: 1)iae;lszcl Fish, '' iilieq HAIhou~ Bridge 1-looiilighting, q., cr., I80. 4483. (;rains: Ci~-ainilnritliing /i~ithoi.iiy.y., 1838. Corrective Services: Early Release of 1810, 2369. Prisoners, q.> 16'79. F4ai-bo~irs: (roiernnlent. S!:ite: ilustralia~r BiceiitenninE Koorag:ing Co:tI L.o;~der, citlr/i.c.~.s,399. Ko.*ci Dcveloi?r-i~erilProgr;irnm@, (i ' "'?> Ibrt Keinbla Con1 i.oatler. trriclrr~s,399. Inili~stry,Prirn:!ry: Wine ?ndtir?r , q., 2119. 1Ie;ilth: Commission, ciddrc~ss,400. 12iquoi.: Wine Industry, q., LP 19. :scrviccs, nddrr~sr,-100, 4D 1. Motor \'ciiiclcs: Drivrrs' Lii.eiiceu. q.. 4218. F!osp;l:\!s: Onirrihas Services: Country. trddrcss, 400. 402, 403. iklei.cetles-Benz Buses, q., 3836, ,1005. C;o\jerntnent Record ;~~rtiProgr;ri~ln~c, Kq de Pleciorate, arlj., 3 183. cirldress, 400. Roatis and Ro;ltl Safety: Staff. crddrc.rr, 101. Arterial Koatl Grants, q., 3137. Industry, Prirnnry : A'isistance Pi-ogramnies. I_idiieii liontl Deviatiotm, q., 4516. cidtlrr.c..y, 403. Overbridgc Tor Stril~erland.q., 3057. Motor \7ehicles: Ro!l Bnrs loi- 'I'ractors, y., Pacific iligilwiiy and Wisenlan's, Ferry 4773. Roatl, (I., 3630, 4004. I?;\!-li;.rnen?. kiibl:c Accouiriu Conifniitee, I)ai!~:ow Ra;lil Widening.

Page, 1Mr E. T., B.E., B.Com. maverfey): Page, Mr E. T., B.E., B.Com. (cotztinued): Address in Reply, n?., 140 Political Parties: National Party, cidcfress, Assembly, Legislative: Members of the 147. Opposition, address, 141. Pollution: Lead-free Petrol, address, 145. Bil!s: Public Service and Statufory OiXces: Mental I-lealih Bill, and cognate bills, 2~., Accountability, address, 145. 3871. Public Works: Frogramme, addre,ss, 1?0. Public Finance and Audit Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., 3507. Railways: Government Record and Pro- gs amme, address, 144. Conqervation: Waste Disposal and Recycling, griev., 2965. Reserves: Natsonal Parks, crddress, 145. Cor I ective Services: Government Rccos J, Rond? and Road Safety: Random Breath crrldresr, 143. Testing, address, 144. Cotsrts and I egal Procedu~e: Reforms In Social and Welfare Services: P~.ogrammes, Ncw South Wales, address, 142 address, 141, 142. Discrimination: Government, Record, Transpol t, Finance and Policy: Govet-nnient (~rklrcss,142. Record, arirfrcss, 144. Dr-ought: Relief, nddress, 147. Economic Conditions: Recovery, adrfress, 140. Park, Mr E. N., D.S.O., E.D. (Tamwofi): Education: Government Record and Pso- ~dd~~~~in n2,,652. gramme, nddress, 147. Ambulance Services: Electricity: Productiorr, crddress, 146. Additional Ambulance Officers, nppn, Government, State: 1895. Consensus, address, 148. Cost, appi~,1896. Financial Reforms, address, 145. Annual, Long Service and Sick Leave: Psogrammes, aildress, 140. Loadings, nddress, 655. EleaIth: Apprentices: Coal Industr y Apprenticeship Hornsby-Ku-ring-gai Community Hcailh Course, q , 3434. Staff, q., 818. Richmond Report, adilress, 144. Assembly, Legislative: Services, address, 143. Piilirii~gCon?)?zif:~e, McI;~~cI, 772. Srlcci Corrtr?trftee tipon Wo!XPI s' Cori7pc.11- Hospitals: Government Record and Pro- sciriorz Irirurnrtce, Men~bcr,2557. granime, address, 143. Housing: Bills: Waverley Welfare, q., 2639; adj., 2711. Appropriation Bill, Cot77 , 1799, 1802, Welfare, address, 142. 1894, 1924. Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Rates) T>aw Reform Con~mission: Programme, An1endn:ent Bill. 2R., 2852 czddress, 143. Compensation Court Bill. and cognate Local Government: Waverley Municipal bills, 211.. 4739. Council, nclj., 4370. Fcctories, Shops and Industries (Retail Mincl.nls and Mining: Coal Industry, add re.^^, Trade) Anicnd~nent Bill, and cognate 146. bill. 2~.3726. Motor Vehicles: Thefts, cidj., 3930. Glenbann Dam (Enlargement) Rill. ZR., 2315. Ombudsman: Mine Subsidence Compensation (Aniend- Complaints Against Police,, 146. nienl) Rill, 2~,3516. Dniies, ndciiess, 141. Syli: Rock Dam Bill, 2R, 3645. Points of Order, 501, 3468, 4372. Dental Serviccs and Dzntist; Police: Denial Therapists, q., 308. Force, nrlrirr.r.r, 146. School Dental Service, appra, 1894. I.risher Report, address, 146. United Dental Hospital, app~t,1894. clu

16th August, 1983, to 1st Rbrcfi, 1984

Pa~k,&Er E, N., D.S.O., E.D. (coiztinueri): Lmploy ment : Acidress in Reply, in., 487. Coal Inriustry, address, 657. Ambulance Services: Dubbo Electorate, Effects of Taxation, address, 655. appn, 1911. Floods: Statewide, adj., 4406, 4426. App~entices: Bui!tling Inctustl y, crdclr esJ, 492. Government, State: Over-regulation, nddress, 655. I-"lumb~ng,q., 2642. Assembly, IAegislative: Harbours: Port Kcmbla Coal Loader, nrkirc~ss, 656. Leadel of the National Party, r12., 366. Ltbtciig COI~I~~II~IPC,Merllbcr, 771. Health: Services, nppn, 1895. Bills: Hospitals: Appropriation Bill, h.,1772; Corn., Country, appn, 1896. 1910. Tam~vorthRase, nppr~,1896. Building and Co~~structionIildustry Lung Service Payrnents (Amendment) BiU, Indurtrial Relaticcs: Officers, adj., 4764. ZR., 3702; COI~X.,2715. Minerals and Mining: Conil~ensat~onCourt Brll, and cognate Coal : bills, 2~.,4743. Charges, ad(ircss, 656. Offences in fQoblic I'laces (Amendment) Bill, :)nd cognate bill, 2R, 4282. Company PI-ofits, adilrc~s,656. Special Corlin~issions of lnqui~y BiU, Exports, cto'tlrcss, 655. Co111., 2554. Freigllts, ntiilrrss, 656. t)i1;1~ t 1983-84: Allocations, nppil, 1772- Industry, trddrcs.~, 657; nppr~, 1926, 1927. 13osiness and Trade Practices: Rights, nppn, 1924, 1925. Employment Oppoj-tunitics, il~~prz,1773. Private Cod Rigt,ts, q., 1101. Failure, ndcfrr~ss,492. Obituary: Callill. T. 1.. Member for Marrick- Clovern:itent Policy, apprl, 1777. ville, Deputy-Speaker ;tncl Chairnlan of Goierunient Record, ndrlress, 489. Conimittees of the Lcgis1:ltive Assembly, Opposition Policy, ndcire.ts, 489. ni., 63. l?egul:iiion, (iddress, 491; npprl, 1773. Ivlotor Vehicles: Relit-a-Bus Drivers' Small Business, nr?tlress, 488; npl7i7, 1774, Licences, q., 1519, 1586. 1775, 1776. Parliament: Statistics. rrd~f~es,r,488. Micrendorff, Mr K.. Fxlitor of Debates, Taxes and Charges, opp17, 1777. Retirement, nrldrcs~,652. Constirner Affal~s: Australian Consumers Rcsloration, ciddrcss, 652. Association, griev., 1695. Staff, rrppii, 3799. Corrective Services: Early Release of Prisoiiers, q., 1866. Public Service arid Statuto:.y Offices: Premier's Depnl-tmertt, (1pp91, 1802. Courts and Legal Procedure: The Judiciary, f?~.,4850 Ksilways: Crime and Crilniilals: Cameron, Mr A. 'CV., Tamworth to Barraba, grieis., 1715. q., 4247. Wheat Freight Costs, q., 4505. Ecollomic Conditions: Water: Decliile, addrrss, 489. I3t1utieki:i Dsm. aildress, 654. Recovery, nddrers. 487, 488. Dan1 Construction, address, 652. 653. Employment: Government Prog~amme, Glenbawn Dam,, 653. appn, 1772. Resources, m., 1499. Films X-Rated Video Movies, $71 , 4578. Split Rock Dam, address, 653, 654. Tantv~ortb Electorate Projects, crdcfres~, Government, Slate: 654. Budget Allocations, appn, 1772. Workers' Compensation: Pnsl~ranrePrerniam Charges, address, 491, 432. Rates. c~ddress,645. Expenditure Pr~orities,address, 490. Volumes 175-178 Peasoske, ItZr 6, B. I). (coiztinued): I Feteasen, NBr W, 6. (continued): Government, State (contirirted) : Corrective Services: Collins, Brett, Programme, address, 487, 493; appn, address, 240, 241. 1776. Courts and Legal Procedure: Record, address, 489. Downer, Mr V. W., address, 239, 240. Regulation of Industry, address, 492. Mason, Mr R., address, 240. Taxes and Charges, appn, 1774, 1775. Rules of Evidence, uddress, 241. Health: Services, appn, 1910. Electricity: Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Bayswater and Mount Piper Power Preservation of Buildings, appn, 1773. Stations, address, 237. EIospitaIs: Dubbo Electorate, appn, 1910, Tallawarra Power Station, address, 236. 1911, 1912. Employment : Housing: Australian Iron and Steel, address, 235. Government Programme, address, 492. Illawarra Region, address, 235. Welfare, appn, 1773. Floods: Local Government: Building Applications, Insurance, q., 4399. address, 488. Statewide, a&., 441 1. Opera House: Suggested Alterations, appn, Forests: Softwood Plantings, i.,45 15. 1775. Housing: Commission, EfigibiIity for Ac- Points of Order, 224, 362, 1029, 2518, 4283, comn~odation, adj., 376. 483 4852. 1, Industry, Secondary: Prices: Fuel, griev., 2963. Broken Hill Pty Co. Limited, address, Public Se~viceand Statutory Offices: 235, 2.36. Small Business Agency, address, 492. Fisher Inquiry, address, 235. Staffing, udciress, 489, 490. Nationalization, address, 237. State Rail Authorlly, address, 490. Steel Industry, address, 236. Public Works: Government P~ogramme, Lnternatio~lalAffairs: Chile, address, 242. appn, 1772. Local Government: Wollo~~gongCity Coun- Schools: Ancillary Staff, griev., 2963. cil, ~~z.s.o.,1022; /TI., 1117. Statute Revision: Conveyancing Act: Dis- Minerals and Mining: Huntley Colliery, allowance of Parts of a General Order, m., nddres.~,23 6, 23 7. 4613. Parliament: Privilege, q., 305, 687. Taxation: Increases, address, 489. Points of Order, 3068, 4042, 4048. Theatres and Public Halls: Sydney Enter- Police: tainment Centre, appn, 1774, 1776. Allen Inquiry, address, 241. Timber: Royalties, address, 491. Detectives McDowelI and Dawson, address, 240. Evidence, address, 241. Howse, Mr, address, 238. Political, address, 238. Address in Reply, m., 234. Surveillance, address, 24 1, Verbals, address, 240, 241. Apprentices: Australian Iron and Steel, address, 23 6. Pollution: Coal Washery Reject, griev., 2974. Assembly, Legislative: Security Organizations: Austrdian Security Members: lilawa-ra, Privilege, 3067. l~~telljgenceOrganization, address, 237, 238, Mr Speaker, address, 242. 219. The: Judeo-Christian Ethic, rn., 2026. Sewerage: South Coast, q., 2127. Bills: Probation and Parole Bill, and cognate Social and Welfare Services: Youth and bi119, 2~.,4047. Con~niunityServices OliTces, q., 13 X 1. Churches, CSI.iIt%and Sects: hmda Marnrga, Statute Revision: Offenas irk Public Places address, 239 Act; address, 239. Address in Reply, nl., 295, 382 Australian Constitution Australian Gon- Court5 and Legal Procedure: slitut~onalConvention, ir: , 4901. Ainsworth and 'CTibert Allegations, pera. expi 3365. Bills: Famlly Cotlrl Agleements, q., 1728. Appropriation Bill, 2~.,2232. I-nmlly Court Settlements, q., 1161. Bishopsgate In~urznce Australia Limited Teitaior's Farnlly Maintenmce, q., 945 Bill, 2R., 1409~ The Judzc~ar),rir , 4800 Building and Construction Industry liong Service Payrnet~ts(Amendment) Bill, 2~. Educdtion: Study Assistance Progr 3762: Corn., 3768, 3769. 1440. Business Franch~se: Lrcenm (Tobacco) Electricity: Amendment Bill, 2R, 7752 Co-generation, nddress, 387. Coal and Oil Shale M~neWorkers (Supel- Commission, address, 386; appn, 2234. annualion) Amendment Bill, 2~,7207. Employment: Unemploy~i-lent,appn, 2237. Coal h?ining (Amendment) Rd1, aitd cog- Energy. nate bill, 2~,3609 Authority, address, 386. Country Industries (Pay-Roll Tax Rebates) Development, nddress, 386. Alnendment Bill, 2R, 2066 Factorles, Shops and Industr~es (Retail Ferry Services Sydney Harbotlr, q., 22, Trade) Amendment B111, a14 cognate bill, 2570, 3747. 2R, 3784 Finance and Investment. Gaming and Beillrig (Penalties) Amend- Cash Management Trust Securities, q., nent Bili, ZR., 1959; Cam., 1965, 1966. 1746. Insurance (Ameridment) Bill, ZR., 1853; Securities Trading, q., 1743 Corn., 1854. Gas Industry: Lic~uefied Petroleum Gas, Land Tax (Alnendment ) Bill, and cognate addwss, 387. bill, ZR., 3758. Government, State. Mlning (Amendment) R111, 713,'3575 < halges, q., 4225. X'ay-Roll Tax (Amendment) Rill, 213, 3558 C oal Export Charges, nddress, 385. F~nanc~s,appn, 2233. Public Autllorlttes (li.inancra1 Acconimo- dation) Bill, 2% 513 7 axes, appn, 2233. Public Authoritles Supel nnnuatlon Board Harbours Port Kembla Coal L,oader, Bill, al;d cognate bills, 2n., 2731; Cona., cio'di-CSF,386. 2753 Health: Medicare, appn, 2240. Public F~nanceand Auclir Bill, and cog- Ii~rloricAreas, Buildings and Records: nate bill, ZR 3 535, Cnni , 3544 Old Sydney Town, q., 1952. Stamp Duties (Alnendrtlent) Bill, inr. anit 1R., 2370. Kural Bank Building, Martin Place, address, 296. Supply Bill, ZR., 828 Wou\ing: Comnussion Flats, q., 256. Trustee Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2~.,1'398. Industrial Relations: Black Bans, arddre~~, Tnrstee (It~vestments) A~nendrnent Bill, 299. 2~.,4200. Insurance: Budget 1983-84: Format, appn, 2232. Comp~~lsoryIl-hird Party, appn, 2242. Business and Trade Practices. Bishopsgatc Government Il~suranceOfice, appn, 2242, Insurance Austr aha Limited, q., 73. 2243, 2244. Gnsematio~~'Environment. addreess, 298. Land and Land Settlement: Government Resumptions, address, 297. Council, Legislative : Jo~ntCommittee upon Workers' Cornpen- Use. address, 295. sarion Insurance, na., 2581. Local Governmen"; Developineat App1ic0- Library Cornnzitfee, Member, 94 I. tions, addr~ss,297, 298, 299. clviii

Volumes 175-178

Philips, The Mon. P. S. M., LL.B. 1 Philips, The Hon. P. S. M., LL.B. (contin~red): I (co~~tirtz/ed): Minerals and Mining: Wor lie~s' Compensation. Coal : Aciversxy S}steni, appn, 2240. Exports, address, 384; q., 1437. Cost, LI~~IZ,2235, 2236, 2217. 2238, 2239, Industry Techno!ogy, q., 1438. 2241. Production, address, 384. Flor Ida Scheme, appn, 2239. Royalties, nddiess, 384, 385. Occupational Health and Safety, uppn, 2237. 'Transport Costs, ndrlress, 3 84. Queensla~dScheme, npprl, 2238. Coalmining Industry, q., 1436. Exploration, rrcidress, 383, 384, 385. Opposition Policy, cicicfress, 382. Pickard, &IrN. E. W., B.A., M.Ed., Dip.Ed,, Processing, address, 383. L.Th. (Hornsby): Prices: Food, q., 3360. Arnbulancc Services: Industrial Dispute, Public Service and Statutory Offices: npprl, 19 17. Administration of Regulations, q., 1434. Arsembly, Legislative: Librcrry Cotnmitrce, Autonomy, npptz, 2233. 11lenzher, 771. Expenditure, npprr, 2233. Automation, Pdechaniration and Compute~s: Metropolitan Water Sewerage ancl Drain- Ciovernment Orders for Computers, q., age Board. cippn, 2234. 3351. New South Wa:r-s Treasury Corporation, Bills: apptz, 2233. Appropr~atlon-- - Bill, 2~ , 1786; Co~fr.,1916. Superannuation Benefits, crppir, 2241. Transport: Authorities (Infringement Public Works: Government Prograntme, Notices) Amendment Bili, and cognate npprr, 2232. bill, 2~.,2870. Railways: Cl~enlicals:Snifiing of Toxic, q.; 4507, 4508. Country Services, q., 1751. Education: Furopean, q., 2257, 2258, 2259. C'o::~posite School Classes, q., 3937. Social 'and Welfare Services: Cost, nppr~, Contputer, q., 3350. 2236. Government Advertisements, rrppn, 1786. Statute Revision: Government Record, rn., 1144; appn, 1787. Coal Acquisition Act, addre~s.386. Religious, q., 3936. Enviionmental Planning and Assessment Special, nppn, 1789, 1790. Act, ciddresr, 295. Technical and Further, q., 4404. Gas and Electiicity Act, address, 387. Gobernment, State: Advertising, q., 4494. Superannuation and Retirement Funds: Health: Cancer, nppn, 1917, 1918. Local Government Superan~iuationBoard, E-lospitais: Hornsby, trpprz, 1916. uppr~,2242. Points of Order, 2863, 2864, 2865, 2866, Railway Service Superannuation Board, 3667, 4048, 4050. upprz, 2242. State Superannultion Fund, q., 1435. Public Service and Statutory Offices: Attacks Upon, nppn, 1786. Taxation: Railways: Transport Investigation Branch, Avoidance, pers. expl., 506. q., 3353. Coal Industry, q., 1438. Schools: Financial Institutions Duty, q., 1985, Ancillary Staff, apprr, 1788. 1986, 1987, 1988, 2253. Building Programme, appn, 1789. Tenancies: Landlord and Tenant Act, q., Counselliiig Services, appn, 1789. 1951. Curriculum Councils, appn, 1789. Town and Country Planning: Dover Heights, q., 3432. Agencies, address, 296. Enfield Primary, q., 3352. Legislation, address, 296. Funding of Non-government Schools, q., Licensed Designers, address, 296. 886. Opposition Policy, address, 295. P;o,l-government, q., 3349. SESSION1983-84 clix

16th August, 1983, lo 1st &larch, 1984

Pickard, Mr N, E. W., B.A., MaEd,, I Piekering, The Hon. E. P., B.Sc.(Chem. Dip.Ed., tT,.Th, (co~ilirli~ed): Eng.), iW.Ans.I.M.M., I7.A.I.E. (COI~~~~ZIICC~): Schools (cot~fir~ricd): Plumbton High, q,, 3351. Clubs: Helensburg Workmen's Club, nppn, Riverstone Electorate. appli. 1790. 2211, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2215. Senior High School for West Sytlney, q., Council, Legislative: 3 186. 1 Comn~ittee on Crinle Control, citlcli.e.!r, School Transport: 989. Government clpptl, 1787, ,788. Eight-year Term, i;ddw.7.5. 989. Non-government Schoofsl (I., 2001. / Pi.irititlg Conznlitt~se, MernDer, 932. Teachers: Strikes, nppn, 1786. Courts and Legal Procedure: No Bill of In- dictment Applications, npprr, 2211. Employment: Pickcring, The Moo. E. P., B$.Sc.(Clsenl. ( oal Industry, ntfclress, 985. Eng.),, F.A.I.E.: Uneniploqrrrent, rrrkirr.r,r, 980: op/~ii.2206. I Pleclricity: Address in Reply, I~L.,979. Conimission, trppn, 2208. i\ssembly, 1,egislative: :vIernbers: TtIer1.y- I ('osi. npprl, 2208. lands, Retirement as Deputy 1'1-et~~ier,i nistl-ibutiou System Inquiry, r!~ipii.2209. riddress, 979. Illakbarra County C'ou~icit, tipp~r, 27-09, Apprentices: 22 10. PI ivate Enterprise,, 98 1. ~~e~-gy:Energy Recycliilg Corpor;ttion Piy 'Traini~lg,nddress, 980. Limited, y., 4916, 4917. Rills: Fires oi~dFir2 Fighting: Appropriation Bill, 2~.,2206. B~lshfireFighters, nrldrcss, 988, 989. Broken Elill Water and Sewerage (Iiates) S;lwer, Mr R., ~itlrlress,387. Amendment Bill, 2~.,3038. Govcromrnt, Slate: Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill, 2~.,41%. Financial Alanagernent, apptt, 2207. C'oal and Oil Sltale Mine Workers (Super- PI-oniises. citltlress, 980. annuation) i\~uendment Bill, 2~.,3209. Grains: Proposed Bulk Whcnt Lontier, q.. Coal Mining (Amel~drnent)Bill, and cog- 1839, 1951. nate bill, 2~.,3612. Iiiarbours: Ibrt Ken~blaCoal I.oad~~.,[it[- Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Amend- rlrrss, 983; q., 1266. ment Bill, 2n., 1960. Housing: Co~nrnissionAccommodation, (I({- Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drain- t/r(i.~.~,985, 986. age (Amendment) and cognatc Tadustry, Secondary: Steel, clcldress, 982. bills, 2R., 1173. &fine Subsidence Conipensation (Amend- ment) Biil, 2~.,3552. i\~-kell,Alderman P., Lord Mayor of \Val- bfining (Amendment) Bill, %., 3578; 3~., longong, trddress, 984, 985, 986. 3594. Wollottgoi~gCity Council, y., 1393, 2197; crpp,r, 2210. Police Board Bill, Coill.. 4165. Railway Construction (East Iiiils :o and Mining: Campbclltown) Bill, and cognate hill, Broken Elill Metals NL, q., 4913. ZR., 3815. BUI-ragorangValley, ciddr~ss,982, 983. Railway Constructio~~(Malclon to Port Coal, ndtlr.ess, 981, 982, 983; nppi~,2207. Kembla) Bill, Cor?~.,3819, 3820. Coal Charges, trddress, 984, 985. Special Commissions of 111quiry Bill, 2~., Coal Freights, nildress, 985. 2428. Ombudsnlan: C.'o~nplaints to, q., 4896. State I'olIut ion Control Commissioi~ (~i~~~,~~~and ~~~~~~~l~) l'arliament: Parlianlent House Restoiation, Bill, and cognatz bills, 21~,1734. iirlrlress, 979. Transport Authorities (Infi.ingement Poillts of Order, lg609 2429. Notices) Arnendrnent Bill, and cognate Poll~~tion:Coal Washery Reject, q., 2060, bill, 2R., 3048; Conz., 3050. 3190, 3950. Budget, 1983-84: Format, apprz, 2206. Prices: Food, q., 3359. Piekering, The Herr, E. P., B,Sc.(Chem. Eng,), M.Atas.I.M.R.I., F.A.P.E. Corrective Services: (cor~fitzrrecl): Department of Corrective Scr vices Docu- Public Service and Statutory Offices: Illa- ments q., 2217. warra Conntp Council, q., 1161. Early Release of Prisnncrs, Q., 1312, 1588. P~ihlic\?'olk.\ Proposed Bulb Wheat Loader. 1998; spec. adj., 2007; pers. expupl., 2129; q., q., 1951. 2638. Railways: Council. Legislative: Mernbers: Attorney General, appir, 1355. Government Record, apprl, 2207. lllawnrra Electrification, q., 4912. Courts and Legal Piocedure: Maldon-Dombarton, address, 983. 984; A~nsworth and Vlbert Allegations, rn., q., 1954, 4777. 3242. Trade? and Track Unions: Clothing and Botany Courrcil Bribery Al!egationa, Allied Trades Union, q., 24, 3747. addtess, 226. Workers' Compensation : Bushfire Fighters, Special Conlmissions of Inquiry Act, q., q., 73. 2920. The Judiciary, rrz., 4838. CI-iine and C'riininals: Alleged Drug t'onspiracy, q., 4599. Address in Reply, ??I., 218 Oi-ganized Crime. uddress, 225. Aircraft aitd Air Services: Trimbole, MI. Robert, q., 4699. Government Policy, ct,9p!i, 1357. Decei~tralization and Development: Budget Noise, appn, 1356. Allocation, q., 1189. Second Airport for Sydney, nddrcss, 221; q., 131 1; cipprz. 1356. Ed~ication: ,4ssembly, Legislative: C'apital Works Expenditure, appit, 1350. Censure: Government Programme, q., 1453. Goveriin-ient Record, nppri, 1350. Mr Speaker, urgericy, 110: trz., 11 1, 124. Premier, in., 2467. Technical and Further, q., 303. 1,eader of the National Party, ijr., 326; Electt-]city: Chai Ses, address, 21 0 cxpl., perf. 3272. Enlployment : Ministei for Corrective Services, q., 1678, 1760, 1864. Bicenter~nialRoads Frogramn~e,(4 . 434. C ornmunlt\ Programme q , 34?9 Minister for Health. q., 3630. Gover nment PI ugrarnme pi1349 licsignalion of Ministei- for- Col-I-ective 1350, 1354 Services and iMinistes for Road?. 177., 2137. Government Record, nppir, 1350. Seasonal Felicitations. 1~7.. 4359. Unempioynler?t, atldtcss, 219; ti!., 616; ~1ppn.1351. Select Coinmittre Upon Workers' Com- pensation Insur-ance, nl., 2560. Unemployment Statistics, address, 220, Special Adjournment, m., 2007. Govei-nment, State: Bills: Aliegations of Corruption, appn, 1357 Appropriation Bill, 2R.. 1347. Debt, apprr, 1347. Police Board Bill, 2~.,4077. Finailcia1 Record, apprt, 1348. Racing Appeals l'riburial Rill, and cognate Legal Coqts of Employees, y., 535. bill, 2a., 1613. Recorci. apprt, 1748. 1357. Special Commissions of Inquiry Bill, 2x., 2512. Tapes and Documents Piovrcleil b> the Aye Newspaper. y, 4396. 4528. 4813, Budget, 1983-84: 4921 Capital Works Expenditure, q., 1015. Taxes and Charges, appri, 1348, 1349. Deceit, nppn, 3347. Business and 't'iade Fractices: Small Busi- Health. ness, apprt, 1351. Country Services, address, 220; npprr, Clubs: Parramatla Police-Citizens Boys' 1152, 1353. Club, q., 2267. Government Policy, appit, 1352. clxi

Punch, The IIon. d. A. (corztir~r~ed): X3ospitals: Schools: Country, ndrlress, 220; appn, 1352. Boarding, q., 2812. Goveritinent Record, crpplt, 1352. Building Programme, address, 2 19. Housing: Statute Revision: National Parks and Wild- Government Record, apprr, 1348 life Act: Disallowance of Proclamation, nt., 913. Opposition Policy, address, 219. 'Timber: Elcorn Collielies Tenders, q., 4243. InJt~~tila1 Relations: Pndtistl ial Unrest, ncidrcrr, 219. Water: Australian Water Resoulces Council Indtistry, Primary: Rail Freight Charges, Meeting, q., 762. nppii, t 35 1. Split Rock Dam, q., 678. and Order: Workers' Compensation: Insurance, q., Admirristration of Justice, ndctr.rss, 23 1. 3814, 3842. Aiiegations of Corruption, arldrcs.s,r, 225;. local Go~~ernnient: Uotanv Council Bribery Case, q., 600. Wollongong City Council, in s.o., 1023; Assembly, Legislative: Terltporury Cl~nirtnan 111 , I i27. of Conrrnitteer, 530. Meat Ilrciustry: Fiomebuslr Abattoir Corpora- 8111: Con~pensatloiiCouit Bill, and cognate tion, q., 1097. bills, 2~.,4738 Mincials and Mining: Coal Exports, apprt. Floods: Toongabbie Greek, q., 3437. 1349. Point of Oriler. 132. Obitu;,ries: CahiH, 'T. J., Member for Marrickviiie, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of Com- ntiitces of tile Legislative Assembly, In., 46. Assembly, 1,egisl;itive: Johnstone, I<. A,, a Former hfember of the Legislative Assembly, IT?.,47. Sfnrr~iirig Orders lrrrd Proceditre Cotn- rnittee, A.Irrnber, 772. Pai-Ii:t~nent: Tcr?z(~ot'ci~Ciinirrnnrr of Cor?~r?iiflcc's,530. ..llleged Bugging of Ministerial Offices, q., Local Government: Wollongong City Co~irr- 207. cil, irrgerir', 1016; ~~i.s.o.,1019: m., 1026. I">lli,rrnrrrt House Rcstor,ition, aridr css, ?iR Poiic-: Woliongong. adj., 929. I

Poker Machines. Police Invest,~dtions,q , Weed, 'The Mon, K. W.: 3057. Aiidress in Reply, m., 27, 1002. Poiice Mew Sorrth Wales Pollce Foice, m., 4014. Apprentices: Apprenticeship Directorate of New South L\tiblic Worhs Expenditure, upon, I349. W;~lcs,c~drlrc/ss, 30. Roads and Road Safely. Errlployrnent Opportunities, address, 33. 13icentenniai Roads Proglammr, q , 434. B~lilders, Huilding and Building Materials: C;overnrt~en"Lrogramme, app~z, 1353, Home Bnilding Decline, address, 34. 1354, 1356. Conservation: Q~ovcrnmentRecord, appri, 1355, 1356. Plant Hire Scheme, address, 36, 37. Roads Progr nrnme, q , 8634. Soil, uddrcss, 36.

Royal Cornmisston: Street Royal Cornmis- I Council, X2egisiative: Eight-year 'Term, sion, address, 222, 229. czddress, 1002. Rd,The Non. K. W. (cotztit71tecl) Reed, The Non. I<. W. (contitz~recl): Decentrali~ationand Development: Ofiice of Parliament: Parliament House Restoratiori, Special Development, aridress, 30. address, 1002. Drought: Go\ernn~entAssistance Schemes, Points of Order, 3943, 4178. nrlrfrrrc., 36. Public Sei-vice and Statutory Offices: Tribute Empioynient: to the iate Professor Richard Neville Spann, Government Initiatives, (~drlrcss,29. add, ess, 37. Office of Speciit! Emp!oyn~eni.ailt/rc~,rs, 30. Publ~c Works. Wage Pause Progran~nle, Opposition Policy, addrcs.~,1003. ucidi ex, 3 3. Unemployment, iidrlrc.~~;..27. Railways. Wage Pause Programme, ritldrc>ss,3 1. Go%ernrnent Recoi d. clrfdiess, 1007, 1008. Forests: Upgr ad~ngof PI ogi anil-rie, trcldrcrs, 28 Government Recorrl, nciclres,~.100-1. Roy:!l Commissions: Upon K. E. Humph- Opposi!;on Policy, rirldrcs.~,100. reyc Conimitt:,l 1-'roccedings, nddrc:,~,29. Social and Welfare Services: Community Services, ciciiiri~ss. 28. Statute Revision: Mental Health Act, nddieJs, 29. Projects, ado'rcss, 1003. Teacher 5 Nen So~~thWales. cldcires~, 1002. Record. ~cli/rc.s.s,1003. Timhei Tndn'itr; . nc/drrrs, 1005, 1004. Go\,errior a!15 Ciclvel-~;or-C;c~-~c~'r~l:Trihu!e to Sir James Rowlr:nd. ritldrc~.~.~.27. TI,tn?:?oi t, Fin'lnie and PoI~cy: Fln,inc~nlDeficit, ndrfiess, 28. Mercecles-Ben~Bwes nddtess, 29. lu'oitli Coast Faciiii;es, ctd(;r.

16th August, 1983, to 1st M:rrch, 1984

Robb, hlr W. E. (contilriicd) : Address in Reply, nr., 657. Transport, Finance and Policy: Annual, I.ortg Service and Sick Leave: Long Bus and Rail Fares, q., 2266. Service Leave, q., 4466. Cornmuter Cotli~cil,cidilrcss, 660. (;overnrrtent Record, nticiress, 660. Assembly, Legislative: Jnir~d Sinrlclin:: Conltilittee rlpoil Rottrl Wagcs and Salaries: Discrimination ag:iinst Sgfeiy, Member, 2 17. Wornen, q., 4462. Priilfing Covirnittee, Nenlber, 772. Birds: Sulphirr-cre~tedCockatoo, q., 1091. Rogan, RiXr P. A. (East IIills): Business and Trntle T'ractices: Small Rusi- ness, q., 1765. Address in Reply, /!I , 561. Cheinicals: Snif'iing of Toxic, q., 4501. Annual, Long Service ancl Sic!< Leave: Award Coilclitions. rrc!c!rc~.s.r, 565. Flectioi~sand i"l1cctorates: Mirat~cia,nildrc~ss, David Jones Einployee, iiciilrc,rr, 564, 657. David Jones Lii1:ired. iitlilr~ec.~,564. Elect! icity: County io~incll.;. q , 1091. / Assembly, Legislative: 1.ibrc1i.y ('o:~:;?iiitc~e, F~~ncralServices: hlortuary Service, q.. 1190. iCler~lDer, 77 1. Health: hlirancia Electorate, ncfdress, 659. Bills: Appropriation Bill, 1-11., 1629; Con?., 1796. FIospitals: Noise Control (,\rne:~ilment) Rill, ?R., Miranda E!ector.nte, address, 659. 4544. Sutl~ei.lnntl,q., 4530. Railway Construction (East llills to Minerals and Miniiig: Coal, ciildres.r, 662. Cantpheliiown'l Bill, and cogriait: bill, 2~.,3679. Rl'oi-ality : Po:~:o:rapliic Cards, q., 236 1. Recreatioil Vehicles Bill, ;inct cognate hills, Wrli.ces: Etlucation, q., 3485. 2~.,2305. Ohit11a1-V:(Iahill, 1'. J., R/lernl.?crfor- Mai-rick- Dudget, 1983- 84: vi!ie, Deputy-Speakel. and Chairman of Frinta, npprr, 1629. Committees of thc Lcgisiative Arsen~bly, Format, nppil. 1630 b6. ~n., Co~~~i~~oriwealth-StateRelations: 7'21s Shar- Omnibus Services: St~ihcr-landShire, ndc!re,s.r, ing, cr~i'clress,563. 661. Co-operative Societies: David .tones h'irrtual Pul~licService aid Statutory Bficcs: Aid Society, ricldress, 563. State 12:1i! A~ithoi-iiy,, 660, 661. d'ourii and 1 rgal Procedui.e: Sexual iiisnults Urlran Tiansit .Auil~nrity, otl(ii.c>.rs, 660, on C'hildren, q., 151 8. 661. Drirgs: Railways: John K17ig!1t Rehabi1it;ition Strvices In- corporated,, 56.5, 566. Ciovernment Rci.orcP. nddre,rs. 660. Youth, ndti:.e,ss, 546. Gyrircn to ('ctringb:iil, trtIdr,~ss,659. hiirnncla %loyl?~et~t: Sport anti 12ecre;iiion: Miixntia E+lcctorate, fob Creation Schriiics, iriilin, 1631. irtldrrrs, 659. IJncmpioyiiient, ii~itlress, 562, m., 640; nppn, 1631, 1633. Piinis: X i

Volumes 175-178

Rogan, Mr P. A. (corltinued): Rozzoli, 1% K. R. (corltirzlied) : Government Rills (corrtin~ted): Commonwealth: State Pollution Control Commission Fraser Government Record,, 562. (Licences and Approvals) Amendilient Bill, and cognate bills, 2~.,1476. Queensland: Recol d, NP~II,1632. Valuation of Land (Rating and Valua- State: tion) Amendment Bill, and cognate bill, Budget Programme, apprl, 1632. 2~.,2153. Finances, nppn, 1630. Education : Financial Management, address, 562 Facilities, appir, 1530. Opposition C~iticism of Budget, 1983- Funding, apprr, 1529. npptt, 84. 1630, 1631. Government Record, opp~~,1529. Press Reaction to Budget, 1983-84, npprl, 1631. Elections and Electorates: Riverstone, cipptr, 1527. Hoqpitals: Bankstown, apprr. 1634. Electricity: High-voltage Transmission L,ines, Parliament: q., 2190, 2191, 2192. Automation Committee, trppir, 1796, 1797. Forests: Rainforests PI-esei-vation, q., 1946. Library, opprr, 1798. Government, State: Funds, npprr, 1526. Points of Order, 563, 1823. Historic Areas, Bt~lldingsand Records: Pollution: Noise, q., 683 Richmond, upprz, 1528. Railways: East Hills Electorate, nppn, 1634. Rouse House, apprr, 1527. Site of Battle of Vinegar Hill. rrpprr, 1577, Roads and Road Safety: 1528. Padstow Road Widening. q., 4483. Hospitals: Hawkesbury District. q., 3064. South Western Freeway, q., 2193, 4482 Points of Order, 1475, 2553. Traffrc Signals, q.. 1099. Police: Services, rtppt~,1530. School Transport: East Hills Electorate, nppn, 1634. Pollution: Water, nppt~,1531. Social and Weifai-e Services: Public Service and Statutoi-y Oltices: Metrn- politan Water Seuer-age and 1)rainage Child Abuse, apprr, 1633. Boarcl, cipprr, 153 1. Expenditure Statistics, rrpprr, 1632. Schools: Transpori. Finance and Polic) : Public Library Services. crpptr. 1529. Transport, rtr., 4663. hlaintennnce, ccpprr, 129. Water: i2ichmontl High School, trpprr, 1529. Alcohol Related Drownings, (I., 1459. Se~tei-age:TI-catment. cippir. 153 1. Georges River, cirlj., 4884. Statute Revision: Fnl-m Protluce Act: Dis- Sydney Hoard, q., 3065. allowance of Regulation, ~II.,1195. Taxation: Government liecortl, rrpprc, 1526.

Ryan, Mr K. J., LL.B. (KIorstville): Aircraft and Air Services: Second Airport for Sydney, q., 214, 4246. Cia., industi-y: A~~stralianGas I.ight Com- Assembly, Legislative: pany. q., 307. Minislei- for- Education, appti, 1530. Police: '41-antz, Mr P., q., 886. .Sintrdirr,q O~.rler,.r iirrd Procc.ciclrt~ Cor~rr~~ir- fee, Mcrnhcr, 772. SendwiOr, The Hou. W. J.: Bills: Appropriation Bill, ZR., 1826. Acivel-ti~ing:Political at Parliament Mouse, (I.. 1835. Land Tax Rlanagement (Amendment) Bill, and cognate bill, 2n., 3693. Coui:cil. Lxgislative: Marketing of Primary Products B111. 2~.. Hc11,~eCotnr?ziftc~, Mer~iI~er, 94 1 . 4338. Member: Kennedy, Hon. J. W.. Leave of Special Commissions of Inquiry %ill, ZR., .4hsence, ~n,,67. 2527; Corn., 2553. Srtiritiitrg 0rdm.r Corriniitfrr, Metnber, 941. 16th Atigtrst, 1983, lo 1st March, 1984

C'olirts a.nd i .egal Proced~ire:Ainsworth and Caravans arid Camping: Kioln Gal-awn Park, Viherl Allegations, pers. erpl., 3364, q., 2189. Point of Order, 1836. Cemeteries: Charg-s. q., ,1918. Clubs: Police- Citizens Boys' Ci~ibs,q.. 1581. Corrective Services: nrugs in Prisons, q., 1865, 1868. Aircraft and Air Services: Air Arnbolanct: Drugs: L%rvices, id., 3 187. 111 Prisons, q,, 1865, 1868. .,\mhiil:lnce Scr18iccs: Ail-, (rppu, 192 1. 192%; O'Connor fiolase l)eloxificniion C-ntre, (I., q., 3187. 3740. Aswrntriy, Legislalive: lfiections and Eieclorates: L(acii e o! if liretlie, 1.19. Biidgct Expenditure, if.,1389. Sclec't Conii~~iltccupon Wor-ken' Corn- Local Cio-ve.rnrnen~R'lectians, griev., 1700. 1-ei!sation Inslit nnce, rn, 2563. Electricity: Charges lor C;!i-:ivr?n Uyers. q., Wii!ioiigong City Cortncii, :wrs. ~xpl., 4593. I 139.

13tiiltlinp anti Constr~rction 1ndust1-y I,ong Scrvice bnyn~erits (Amerrdlneilt) Bill, blnirt., 3-71 2.

I.oc;ii Gol'crni~rerrt (I!leciioris) Anrentl- ( oolamon--canmain, q., 41'78. rnent Bill, 2~.,553. Country: l ccal Goveri~n~ienl(I'owers oi Invest- apprl, 1921. nleni) Ai~iciitlnient Bill, 2~.,2335. Upgrading, q., 3526. i.oc:\i Govcrnirieni (I'tirchases) Antend- Ciiiitlcli~res,nppir, 1892. ilrenl Biii, 2~.,43 19. Pi.i\;ite Iiospiini Ciassification. q.. 2054. i ociil Goverirrncni (Rate? :Inti Clraiges) IJpgiatiinp of Xilajor Refcrrni, (1.. 4520. Arnciitirrreirt Ri:E, 2~.,4295. 1V:igg:k Witgg:~(i[9:~?1; 189 i . I,ocnl (;overnrneni ( Rcgiil~tion of F'lats) "\ci~enilmentBill, 2~.,'132.1. Tniiristry. Primarv: T:gg Kirn S:iie.a and 71'~-:insfer-s.q., 4509. I.oc;ri Governnieiit ( Reventrt: Sharing) :\rner~dincnf Bill, ?n., 1051. Noise Control (Arnencl~ncnti Mili. ZR., 4436. Xkrpcliiitics Llil!, 21t.. ,1559. Pi~hlic i\iitiioiitie\ Sripcranniiaiior~ no:ird i"eciio17 lireguiariiies, ii", 4488. Bill, nncl cognate bills, ZK..2 16 1. FiecCions, gr.iisv,. 1700; ti., -1500. Real Property (Gonversioii of 'Title) Opiomctrisis: Sale of Optical Appliances. q., Amei~ilmentBill, 2x., 4944. 45 10. State Pollutiori Control Cor~imissioti Parliament: i ibrary, iippii, 1795, 1799. il.icences and Approvals) Amendment Dill, and cognate bills, 2~.,14'14. Points of 01-der. 1028, 1375, 4763, 4954. Sund:iy Ea~icriiiinnlent (Repeal ) Rill. anti Public Service and Stattitory Ofices: cognate bill. 2~.,4321. Ofice of Special Bnployrneni, nppri, 2016. Vaiiration of I.itnd (1,and Value) Anlend- Wagga. Wagga Vocntionai Services Branch, mcnt Bill, ?n.. 2310: Coil?., 2.330. 2331. / '1.. 4509. 2332. I Railwa:~~:Freight Statistics, q.. 0345 'Valiiaiioni (if laird (Rating and Valuation) Amencimenlt Bii!, anti cognate bill, 2x., I Roads and Road Safety Gippi btreet, Wol 2 149. 1 longong, Railway Crossing, q, 4528. Volumes 175-178

/ Sheahan. The I-Ion. 3'. W., B.A., LI,.LI, (corifinrrecl): School Transport: 1 rnquiry, ilj~ptl,1810. Elections and Electorates: Budget Expencti- Rural Areas, npprl, 1810. ture. q., 1390. Sintr~teRevision : Waste Disposal Ixgislation, Electricity: y.. 3530. Bayswater to Mount Piper Tranqrnission Taxation: Land. !/I., 4951. 4970. Line. npprz, 1783. 1784. Charges. q.. 1461; cippil, 1778; ill., 11826, 'l'henires and Public f-falls: Licences. q., 452 1. 3630.

?, ('lial-ges for Caravan Users. y.,4593. I sanrpoi-t. Finance and Policy: C'o:il Stockpiles, crpp~l.1784. 1785. Cycleways, oppii, 1810. Coliimission. trpprl. 178 1, 1782, 1785. i'ensioaer Conccsi;ions, ci~pr~,1809. Comiiiission ( oal Supplies, q., 213. \':ilr~ation of t.nii,! aticl Valuer-Ciene~-al: PI-opei.ty Rates, q., 683. 4 oin?i:\iion 'Tenders, q,, 752. County ('onncils, q., 1091. Miages and Snlarics: Wage Paiise. q., 1.160. IS1 1. (ieneratioi?, q., 888. High Voltage Tian~n~iis~o~l1 iiiec, q , 2190, 2191. 2192 Illasvtirr:i County C'oui~cilMeters. if.. 755. Sheahan, The Hlon. T. W,, B.A., EI,.FZ, Mount Piper I'owei. Sta!ion. q.,37411. (IOurrinjnck): Pciisione:- Rebates. q., 746. Assembly, 1,egislative: ; Statio~ii;.4.. 1672. Appoiriitiler~ito Miizi.~/i.~,4384. Rehates for Nonic Dialysis Machines, (I., Meniber: Riverstoile, y.,4516. 3739. h4iriister for Energy and Miiiistei- Cor Sripplie.;. rippit J 78 1. 1782. Finance. jioi..s. PSPI., 23 18. Fniplo 1:ieiit: Uncmplovment. clppr~,1778. "iiltornatlon. hfechanirallon ;!ri,.i C'oi1:;;~:::-.,: Energ! : Ciovernment Orders for Computers, q., Elecrl-ic ancl H!;bi-itl Veliicles Advisory 193s. C'orniiiiitee. q., 1793. Betting anti Gan~biing: Arriiisement / Enei-21. in Buildings Atlvisory Comn~iliec, h'inchinen, q., 213. q.. 199.3. Bills: Anpropriation Rill. 2~..1777. N~icines Franchi\? Licences iToi?acco) Anicnclmeiil Bill, ZR., 1295, 3671. I i i'eti-oieiini ,Atlvisoi-?.Coriin~ittee, (I., 1991 1 Solar Encrgy ('ori-iriiittee. q., 1990. E :*?lfTRY Man:rgen~eiit (Anientl;iieni) (iover~niiieri:, State: Budget Alloc:itions, !ii!l. and cognate bill. ?R., 3198. cippll, 1777. ].and Tax Managenlent (Amenclrneiii) Healti?: Home I>i;ilysis Machines. q., 3739. Dill. and cognate bill. ZR.,3695. Floriiitig: 1:it-st Home I31i)ei";' Slanip Duty, Noise Control (Amendniei-it) Bill, ZR., q.# 11253. 4552. I.anci ant1 l.:inil Scttlenicnt: h4orint Arthrir Pa\-1-011 Tax ( Amendnleiit ) Bill, ZR.. South Ci?.il Pty 1-imiicd. (b 2190. 329.5, 3662; Corn., 3668. 13rrdget 1983-83: Al1oc:itions. rrppri. 1777. 1-oc:il C;oi.ernnlent: il1;in;iir:i Corlntj Couii- ri! C~iteiing.q.. 756. Clubs: 1

1 Minerals and Mining: nol.ei. Ma,-hl:ies, cl., 3063. 1 Htirltle! i'nilierq,, oppii. 1785. Clourts and Legal Pi-ocedure: The .I~iil;ciai-y. !\loriri! AI-t!!iii Scuih C'oa! F!y X.,imired, q.. ))I., 4844. 2 190. Decentralization and Developn-ient: Iritlus!ry, hfoior Vehicles: Registl-aiions, q., 756. uppn. 1779. Point5 of Orcler., 223. 22rl, 1026, 282.3; 3260, Economic Conditions: Inflation. rippit, 1778. 3643, 36616, 3667, 3b92. 16th August, 1983, to 1st R.l:trch, 1984

Sheairan, ?'he Hail, 'T. IT., B.A., JLXd.Bs (coirtiilzted) : Hospitals: Iic\ei\e\. S~tgge\led Tclli Telli National Accornniotiaiior~.adil~t,s.r, 466. I'd:!\, y., 4537. Adrnissions, ocicircrx, 467, 468. Sene1 age: Shot tland Cuu~ityCouncil Malns Hniltlir~gProgr;inlnre, ncidies, '$67. Pxici~s~on?,q., "148. C'ofl's Hu~.bour-,citlrircs.~, 470, Tnxntio:; : Country, ntr"(,1366, 470. Avoitiance, q., 533, 1102 Effects of h.ledicar.e, ndo'ress, 466. Prn,lnc~nl Initiiutioits Duty, ol~pri 1779, Facilities. czdrlrcss, 471. 1780, q 1869, lW4 1986, 1087 1988, (iove1.11mentProgran~i-r~e, nddress, 469. 1989, 1253. C;overnn~errlRecord, nddress, 467. Land, ilpprc, 1779. Oittpatieiit "reparlrnents, q., 4706. Payroll, cipprz, 1779. Service\, ncitlr~c.,c.s,470. Pe~rot'I'ax, q., 1944. Surgeryl nrii/i.c>.r.r,466. Sian1j-J Duties, ri 757. Poirits of Orcics, 234, 362, 503, 568, 3426, St;~nlpDuty P;iyntents Scheme, 4048. (1.. 4491. Slatisiics, cippri, 1779. Timber: Ficorn <'ollieries Tenders, q., 4213. Waiel-: ('rrnnly Coiri~c.)E Maiiis Atltisess irt l?.cpI>. iii., 09 1. Extensions, q., 4488. Xirciaft aiiii :\ir Ser\,iccs: Sydney (Kings- Cot-(2-Smith) riirjrort. ill., 14 1 l, 1430; nppiz, 270 1, 2705. Bill<: /.,:lri-ISisc~~ir~iii~ati~iii(,\ii~cndr~~errt) Rill. 711.. 3203. ,4n1btninrrre Sei vices: Approptiatior-i Will, ?R., 2789 C onti ihntioi~Schctne, q., 3430. ( otintry Inrii~\i~.ics(Pay-roll l'nx Rehatrc) Siafijng, uddr.ess, 47 1. Anientlmci~t RIII. ?x., 1064. F'icrories. Shops ;i11(1 liitlrrsilies (Retail Bills: '13i.:iiic ) II\IIICIICIIIICII~ Bill. ant1 cognate bill: Idei~iists(A~neirtlrner~t) t?ill, ?It., 3898. la.,3773, 3790: i'oiir., 3806. 1-leaIth Insrir aiice Txvies (.4111encWmciit) Gaming aiid Ilettirlg (Further Arr~end- Bill. and cognate hill, 2~.,3908; C'oiii., i~ieiii)Blii?, 211., E26R. 391 6, b3,iniing nrrrl Betting (Pennitit:~) Amenti.. 14uriinir 'l'isitle Rill. l~ildcogilatc bills, 2~.. r?iei~id3il1, 2~.,195% '3279. Racing Appe:ii\ 7'1-iiiiiiial Dill, and cognatc hill, 2n., 2075. TIollitig A~ithority (Arnendri~elit)Bill, 2~., 833. Birdgel. 1983 -84: Criticisxn of, nppn, 2791. Brisi~iescanti Trade Practices: ('oi-poratc Affairs blorr~ilrissioll; Montarrt I-ina::ce Corporario~r Pty 'I,irnited, q., 2055. li)rce~itraliratior, aind B?ieveiopmeni: Ciovei'n- I i~hoiir-CuntracEs, crddress, 99.5. nzcrir Programijie, crrkdrr.r,r, 465. Sn~nllBtrsincss I,oans, iatbtlrrss, 998. Eco?~i=;micCoiiditions. New Sonth W;\lcq, C'onservation : Soil, crridre~.~.~,998. address, 47 1. C'ouitcil. Lcgislnlive: St:rrtifirig 0i.rler.r Coni- C;u;~eri,inzrrl, State: Programnrc, n(f(11,rss.468 r~iiifcr,Aflcriiher, 941. Health: (.rime arid C~-~III~II:L~S: Builgct Allosaiions., riddres.~,468. Baldwin, Mr Peter, Attack an, q., 21, Governnrent P~ogmrnme,nddress; 465. 2720. Services, nddress, ,468, 469. Increase in Crime, appr~,2797. Smith, Tine Hsn. R. B. Rowland (cont.): Smith, The Ron. R. W, Rowlantl (coiri.)" hlecentrali7ation and Development: Railways Freight Charges, (~(kl'ress,998. Country Industries Preference Scheme, q., Royal Family: Prince nncl Princess of Wales, 4893. address, 99 1. Encouragement of, appn, 2794. Small Business. o., 4675. Schools: Independent, Funding, cipprl, 2796. Drought: Water Storage, address, 997. Taxation: Drugs: Trafficking, q., 824. Concessions to Business, (ippn, 2791. Financial Institt~tionsDuty, address, 1001. Economic Conditions: Incentives, r:cirii.c~ss,1001 Inflation, upprt, 2790. Increased (~harges, cipprz, 2794. National Econonric Surnmit Cdnferenc~, address, 996. Payroll, n(I~lr.ess,3001. Recovery, (iddress, 992. Tourist Activitie~: Penally Rates. address, United States of America, iiddrers, 992. 994. Flectricity . Charges, iddress, 1001. Town and Country Planning: ?Java1 Stores at Employment: Randwick, q., 4377. Creation of, npptl, 2790 Trades and Trade TJnions: I abour Costs, address, 995. Consensus. 17cldress, 997, 998. Part-time work, apprt, 2792. LTnernployment, crddrers, 992. Protection of Jobs, appn, 2794. Wages and Salaries: Penally Rates, nck%res$, Technology, Effects of, czddrSess, 995. 993; apprr, 2793. Unemployment, nddrrsr, 992. Water: Storage System, rrddress, 997. Unenlployment, Un~tedStates of America, address, 994. Wool : Promotion, cidclress, 999. Fish Industry and Fishing: Diseased Fish, Worker?' Compensation: Premiums, q., 68. q., 942. Working Week: Government: Weifare State, appn, 2798. Flexible Hot~rs,nppn, 2793. Industrial Rela.tions: United Stater of America, nddress, 993 Australian Law, m., 2390. 1 Prices and Incomes Accord, nddrrss, 1002. / United States of America, nddress, 993. Industry. Primary: Federal Budget Comrnit- ments, nddress, 1000. Address In Reply. nn., 662. Industry, Secondary: Wool Tops, pers. expl., 4113. Advertising: Insurance Workers' Compensation, address, Federal Government, rrddress, 664. 99.5. Sewage Poilutioil Poster, q., 3353. Meat Industry: Tnspection Charges, address, Aircraft and Air Services: Second Runway 'L000. for Mascot, nddress, 667. Minerals and Mining: New South Wales coal exports, app~i,2796. Assembly, Legislative: House Cornr?riftee, Metuber, 771. Oil Industry and Petrol: Increased Fuel 'Tax, address, 999. Beaches: Palm Beach Erosion, a&., 1088. Increase in Rural Costs, address, 999. Bills: Parliament: Parliament House, Restoration, Appropriation Bill, C'om., 1813. address, 99 1. Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Super- Poin?t of Order, 3942. annuation) Amendment BiIl, Corn., 2875. Coal Mining (Amendment) Bill, and cog- Police : nate bill, 2a., 3343; Coin., 3160, 3161, Australian Federal Police Tape Record. 3162, 3163, 3164, 3165, 3166, 3167. ings, q., 2196. Commercial Vessels (Amendment) Bill, Recn~ilment,npprt, 2797. and cognate hills, 2~.,1217. Public Service and Statutory Offices: Staffing Gaming and Betting (Further Amend- &eve!§, address, 1001. ment) Bill, 2w., 1053. clxix

16th August, 1983, to 1st mwch, 1984

Smith, WIr N, M., B.E,(I-Zons) (continued): / Sn~nlith, Mr R. M., B.E.(Ilons) (continued): Rillc (torttrrrucd): Minerals and Mining: Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drain- Coal: age (Amendment) Bill, and cognate bills, Export Markets, address, 665. 2R., 1075 Government Record, address, 666. Mtnes inspection (Amendment) Rill, 2a., 4556. Obituary: Johnstone, L. A., a former Mem- ber of the Legislative Assembly, n1., 52. Mines Subsidence Gompensat~on(Amend- ment) 8111, 2~.,3519. Omnibus Services: Articulated Buses in Pitt- Mining (Amendment) Hill, 2R., 3 118; water Electorate, cippn, 1814. Con?., 3135, 3136, 3137, 3138, 3239, 3140, 3141, 3142. Motor 'Ti affic (Further Amendment) B111, Pollution : and cognate brll, 2R., 2664. Coal Smoke, q., 1834. National Parks and Wildlife (Amendment) Grease Trap Wastes, q., 4491. Rill, and cognate bills, 2R., 2845. Public Service and Statutory Qfices: Em- Policc Board Bill, 2~.,4094. ployment Costs, address, 662. Probation and Parole Bill, and cognate Railways. bills. 2~..4055. Racing Appeals Tribunal Rtil, and cognate Conlputerized Booking Service, nppn, b~ll.2~., 1614; Com., 2662. 1814. Recreation Vehicle? Bill, and cognate bills, Freight Handling, nppn, 1813. 2R., 2183. Reserves: Bayview Yacht Racing Associa- Tourist Industry Development (Further tion, griev., 1708. Amendment) 21111, 2~.,2876. Roads and Road Safety: Cycleways, appn, Trotting Airtihority (Amenh~ent) Bill, 1814. 2R., 783 Royal Commissions: Painters and Dockers, Business and Trade Practices: Essington Pty address, 663. Limited, q., 1874. Sewerage Chemicals: Sprays, adj., 3526 Barrenjoey Peninsula, address, 669. Colleges of Advanced Education and 'Tech- Glenfield Water Pollution Control Plant, n~calColleges. Ham~ltonCatering College, q, 4484. udj., 3735 Package Units, address, 668. Courts and Legal I'"rocedu1e: Ainsworth and Yittwater Electorate, q., 1639, 4518. Vihert Allegatiorrs, m., 3262. Sewage Pollut~onPoster, q, 3753. Sewage Treatment at Malabar, q., 3348. Econonric Conditions: Quwnsland,, 668. Sport and Rect ation: Bayview Yacht Racing Association, griev., Employment: 1708. Capital Expenditure Scherlics, addrcsr, 664. Cycling, address, 669. Tourist Yndustr y, address, 468. Taxation: Land, address, 663. Crove~nment,Statc. Record, address, 662. 'Tourist Activities: Advertising, address, 668. XIIerbours International, address, 666. Botany Bay Coal I,oader, address, 665. Manly, actdress, 668. Con1 Loatlers, uridrcs~,665. Dl-ornotion, address, 666. Historre Areas, Bulldings and Records: Old Toilet Facilities at Cmnpiag Reserves, Sydney 'l'own, q., 2 12. address, 668. HXousing: Costs, Land Component, address, Warunrbungles, address, 668. 663. TI ades ant1 T~adeU~lro11.j: Union, Idand and I.

Solomons, The Hon. Sir L. A., B.A., LL.B.: Solomons, The Hon. Sir L. A., B.A., LL.B. (corztinzred) : Address in Reply, nz., 192. Assembly, Legislative: Minister for Health, Bills (cor~tirluecl): (I., 2198. Sunday Entertainment (Repeal) Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., 4188. Australian Constitution: Supreme Court (Interest) Amendment Atistralian Constitutional Convention, Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 2909. (iddress, 195; rn., 4906. Transuort i2uthorities (Infrineernent Refe~endtlm,address, 195, 260. ~otrces)Amendment Bill, and cognate bill, Com., 3050. Bills: Trustee Conlpanies (Amendment) B111, Bishopsgate Insu~ance Australia ,Limited 2R., 1400; Cottz., 1404. Bill, 2R., 1407. Valuation of Land (Land Value) i*imend- Comnlercial Vessels (Amendment) Rill, ment Bill, 2~.,2994. and cognate bills, 2R., 1285. Walher T~usts (Amendment) B111, ZR., Community Justice Centres Bill, and cog- 3824. nate bills, ZR., 3022. Workers' Compensation (Dust Diseases) Co-operation (Amendment) Bill. 2~., Amendment Rill, ZR., 3199. 3972. Buslnes~ and Trade Practices: Opalton C'rirnes (Domestic Violence) Amenilment Group of Con~panies,q., 257. Bill, 2R., 3012. ComnionwealthState Kel'itions: Hunian Tissue Bill, and cognate bills, ZR., Effect of High Court Decisiolis, nddress, 3368: Co171., 3388, 3389, 3391. 195. Industrial Arbitration (Arne~idment) Bill, Franklin Dam case, nildress, 196, 260. and cognate bills, ZR., 1740; Conz., 1742. Corrective Services: Release of Prisoneis on Industrial Arbitraiion (C'ontl.acts of Licence, uriclress, 265. Carriage) Amendment Bill, 2~.,3771. Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 1851. Council, Leg~slative: Lib) trry Corrzn~~ttee,Mrnzber, In., 941. Justices (Procedure) Further Amendment Members' Tei m OAice, crdrlress, 194. Bill, 2nd cognate bill; ZR., 4197. of Sub jrldice Rule, pers. expi., 1846. Mental Health Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 3976; Con?., 3995. Courts and Legal Procedure: i4,drninistration of Justice, ndclress, 261. Mining (An~e~ltPn~eni)Bill, Cotri., 3591. Charge Sheets, q., 507. Offences in Public Places (Amend~nent) Bill, and cognate bill, ZR., 4170. Circuit Cor~rts,q., 1162. Civil Co~1i.tClaims, q., 2984. Ombudsman (Amendn~ent) Bill, ZR., 4131. Ccmmmittal Proceedings, q., 2369. Criminal Court Delays, address, 262. Parole Orders (Transfer) Bill, 2~.,3997. Farquhar, Mr I\%.,q., 179. Police Board Bill, 2R., 4147: C'on~.,4164, 4169. High Court Appointments, nd(r'ress, 19.5. Police Regulation (Pallegations of Afiscorr- Magistracy, ~dilre.rrr,197. duct) Amenclment Bill. and cognate bills, National Crirnes Connmission, iddress, ?R., 3396. 199, 260. P~mbaiion and Parole Bill, anti cognate Privy C:ouncil, ndciress, 195. bills, 2R., 4116; Corn., 4125, 4126, 4127. Sentences for Murder, q., 37/53. Public Authorities (Financial Accornrno- Sentencing of 13riscners, ~r&,263. clation) Further Amendment Bill, Con?., Slathopoulos, A., Co~nrnittal Prmedinga 516. iitltirr,.c-.s, 262. Public Authorities Superannuation Board The Judiciary. ni,, 4783, 4787. Bill, and cognate biiis, Goi~l.,1751. Tranqcript Delays. citidra.s.s, 262. 265. Special Commissicrr~s of Inquiry Bill. 2~., 1407: Coni., 2439, 2440. 2441, 1442, Crime and C'rinrilinls: Organized Criurre, 2-143, 2444, 2445. 2437, 2448. iriidro.<,r. Z 99. Stamp D~ities (iinseiidn~ent) Bill. la., Government; Stale: Reiaiionsiiip with PR~c~ 237.6 Foi-ce,, X 99. 16th Augost, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Solomons, The Elion. Sir L. A,, B.A., LL.B. Stewart, The Won. M. J. (Canterbury): (continued) : Assembly, Legislative: Appoirltl?~ent fo Governor and Governor-General: Sir James Mi~zi~try,4384, 4672. Rowland, uddrcss, 192. B~lls: Health: Coal M~ning(Amendment) B~ll,and cog- nate b~ll,2R., 2283, 3156; Corn., 3160, Country Services, cctldress, 193. 3161, 3162, 3163, 3164, 3166, 3167, Occupational Health and Safety, q., 380. 3168. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Greater Newcastle (Amendment) Bill, 2~., Restoration of Parliament House, ndclress, 4934. 193. Mine Subsidence Compensation (Amend- Insurance: Bishopsgate Insurance Australia ment) Rill, 2~.,2661, 3521. Limited, czdj., 4805. Mining (a4me~idment) Bill, ZR., 2290, 3125; Corn., 3135, 3136, 3137, 3138, Law and Order: Civil Disturbances, q., 2568. 3139, 3141, 3142, 3143. Liquor: Hotel Indrtstry, ndtlic.~.~,265. Colleges of Advanced Education and Tecli- nical Colleges: Hamilton Catering College, Parliament: ntli.. 3736. Parliament House Land, q., 1726, 2988. Elections and Electorates: Budget Eupendi- Parliament House Restoration, ndclres.c, ture, q., 1390. 193. Employment: Burragorang Valley Coalmine Points of Order, 1841, 1844, 1848, 2728, Retrenchments, q., 601. 3358, 4118, 4788. Local Government: Waverley Municipal Police: Prosecuting Branch, nddress, 198, Council, aclj., 4372. 260. Minerals and Mining: Royal Commissions: Street Royal Commis- B~irragorang Valley Coalmine Retrench- sion, nddress, 196, 197, 198, 260. ments, q., 601. Statute Revision: Coal Freight Charges, q., 3836. Employee's Liability (Indemnification of Coal Freight Concessions, adj., 3074. Employer) Act, q., 4775. Coal Industry Dispute, q., 3837. Local Courts Act, otltlress, 198. Private Coal Rights, q., 1102. Trustee Companies, q., 1953. Obituary: Cahill, T. J., Member for Uninco~porated Associations Leg~slation, Mal-rickville, Deputy-Speaker and Chair- ntlrlrcss, 193. man of Committees of the Legislative Aslembly, nz., 55. Water: Rates for Hotels, nddress. 266. Oil Industry and Petrol: Oil and Gas Workers' Compensation: Bishopsgaie Tnsur- Exploration, q., 2122. ance Australia Limited, q., 71. Points of Order, 742, 3841, 4372, Railways: Coal Freight Charges, q., 3837 Transport, Finance and Policy: Coal Freight Stewart, Mr A. G., B.A.(ZPonsl, W.D.A. Concessions, crtlj., 3074. (Manly) Wzter: Bredbo Dam, ntlj., 4105. Bills: Metlopolitan Water, Sewerage, anti Drainage (.\mendment) B~ll,and cognate bills, ?R., 1065. Symonds, The Ilon. Ann: Fish Industry and Fiihtng Diseased Fish, Address in Reply, m., 292. q., 1102. Arts and Culture: Nat~onal Parks and W:itllife (Ameilrlment) Promotion by Governments, nddress, 293, RIII, and ccgnnt- hill\ 2~,2692. 295. Statute Revision: National Parks and Wild- State Patronage, i~cldress,293. life Act: Disaliowance of Proclamation, m., Bills: 919. Appropriation Bill, 2~.,2598. Transport, Finance and Folicy: Public Crimes (Domestic Violence) Amendment Transport, q., 1764; in., 4641. Bill, 2a., 3013. 12 Volumes 175-178

Symonds, The Hon. Ann (contirzuect) : / Thompson, The Hon. J. S., A.M. (cont.): Economic Conditions : Australian Constitution: Proposed Amend- Cultural Effects, address, 294. ment, address, 407. Materialism, address, 294. Bills: Appropriation Bill, 2~.,2245. Employment: Council, Legislative: Community Programmes, apptt, 2601. Library Corrzmittee, Member, rn., 941. Creation, appn, 2601. Startdirzg Orders Comnzittee, Mernber, m., 941. Unemployment, address, 292. Ter~~poraryClznirmnrz of Cor7lrnittees, 17. Handicapped Persons: Decentralization and Development: Care Centres, appn, 2599. Bathurst-Orange Growth Centre, address, Pre-school Subsidy, appn, 2599. 413. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Coilatry Industries Assistance Plan, nddress, 4 13. Government Support, address, 293. Industry. address, 412. Housing: Waverley Welfare, q., 27 18. Secondaiy Industry: Housing for Person- International Affairs: World Peace, apprz, nei, address, 413. 2602. Economic Conditions : National Economic Parliament: Restoration of Parliament Summit Conference, apptz, 2245, 2251. House, address, 292. Employment: Peace Movements: Week of Prayer for Blacktown Unemployment, adclress, 409. World Peace, apprt, 2602. Creation of, apprz, 2245. Public Service and Statutory OfTices: Industry Development Boards, address, Department of Youth and Community 409. Services, appn, 2599. Leyland Motor Corporation Retrench- Social and Welfare Services: ments, address, 409. Alternate Care Committee, apprz, 2599. Unen~ployment,address, 408. Child Abuse, apprt, 2600. Wage Pause, addres.~,414. Child Care Centres, apptr, 2599. Financa and Investment: Department of Youth and Community Australian Exchange Rate, crppn, 2247. Services, appn, 2599. Investment Attraction Programmes, Private Sector Contribution, npprz, 260 1. address, 4 12. Spender, Mr J., apprz, 2599. Government, Commonwealth: 1983-84 Bnd- Valder Report, appn, 2599. get, trddress, 407. Welfare State, apprz, 2602. Industrial Relations: Australian Law, m., 2378. Youth: Effect of unemployment on, apprt, 2600. Industry, Primary: Employment, appn, 2246. Homeless, czpprz, 2600. Industry, Secondary: Refuges, appn, 2600. Employment, appn, 2246, 2247. State Youth Corps, appn, 2600. Ettamogah Paper Mill, address, 411. "Teenage Skid Row" Documentary, awn, Government Assistance, address, 4 11, 412. 2600. Lansdowne Engineering, address, 412. Training Programme, appn, 2600. Modernization of Plant, appn, 2248. Multinationals, apprz, 2248, 2250. Steel, address, 413. Thompson, The Hon. J. S., A.M.: International Affairs: Address in Reply, in., 406. Democracies, address, 407. Apprentices: Foreign Aid, appn, 2250. Block Release System, address, 409. Minerals and Mining: Coal Sales to Japan, Unemployment, address, 4C8. address, 4 1 1. SESSION1983-84 clxxiii

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Thompson, The Hon. J. S., A.M. (cont.): Unsworth, The Hon. B. J. (continued) : Motor Vehicles: Industrial Relations: Strikes, appn, 2220. Closure of Leyland Plant, Zetland, address, Minerals and Mining: 410. Coal Industry, New South Wales and South Government Orders, address, 110. Africa, appn, 2218. Leyland Motor Corporation of Australia South African Coalmining, q., 1394. Limited Plant, address, 410. Parliament: Parliament House Restoration, Purchase Rebate, q., 1154. address, 873. Oil Industry and Petrol: Lead-free Petrol, q., Points of Order, 2728, 4118. 4677. Political Parties: Australian Labor Party, Parliament: Restoration of Parliament nddress, 875. House, address, 407. Trade: Japanese Business Community Rela- Public Service and Statutory Offices: Depart- tions, appn, 2218. of Industrial Development and Decen- tralization, address, 409. Trades and Trade Unions: ACTU Congress, address, 874; nppn, 2218. Science: Manufacturing Industry Technology, address, 4 11. South Africa, appn, 2219. Taxation: Payroll, Rebates, address, 413. Wage Policy, appn, 2217. Trade: With Japan, crppn, 2249, 2250. Vanghan, The Hon. B. H., LL.B.: With Thailand, appn, 2248. Bill: Appropriation Bill, 2R., 2227. Conservation: Soil, q., 380. Unsworth, The Hon. B. J.: Council, Legislative: House Committee, Member, 942. Address in Reply, m., 873. Electricity: Accounts, q., 509, 2571, 3748. Advertising: Political Advertising in Parlia- ment House, q., 1835. Health: Expenditure, appn, 2229. Bills : Hospitals: Appropriation Bill, 2~.,2216. Rationalization of Services, appn, 2229. Factories, Shops and Industries (Retail Sutherland, appn, 223 1. Trade) Amendment Bill, and cognate Parliament: bill, 2R., 3800. Daily Hansard, appn, 2227. Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Amend- ment Bill, 2~.,1961. Parliament House Land, q., 2988. Parliament House Renovations, appn, Police Board Bill, 2R., 4139. 2227. Police Regulation (Allegations of Miscon- duct) Amendment Bill, and cognate Privilege, m., 947, 959. bills, 2R., 3400. Temporary Parliamentary Building, q., Public Authorities Superannuation Board 2197. Bill, and cognate bills, 2R., 2737. Point of Order, 1277. Council, Legislative: Political Parties: Australian Labor Party In- Member: Nile, Rev. the Hon. F. J., q., terest in Rural Matters, appn, 2228. 2721. Railways: Trains to Westmead Hospital, q., Printing Committee, Member, 942. 1393. Economic Conditions: Advisory Body, address, 874. Inflation, appn, 2217. Wade, Mx W. A. (Newcastle): National Economic Summit Conference, appn, 2216. Aircraft and Air Services: Lord Howe Island Stimulation to Economy, appn, 2216. Air Sewice, q., 4927. Government, Commonwealth: Economic Bill: Appropriation Bill, Com., 1912, 1927. Planning and Advisory Council, appn, 2217. Charitable and Cornunity Organizations: Government, State: Hunter Valley Cancer Appeal, appn, 1913. Budget Papers, appn, 2216. Consumer Affairs: Corporate Affairs Com- Objectives, address, 874. mission Inquiries, griev., 2969. clxxiv INDEXTO SPEECHES

Wade, Mr W. A. (corztinued): / Walker, The Hun. F. J., Q.C. (contiizlred) : Couris ard Legal Pioc~clu!e: Wmdleigh, Sitting Hours, spec. adj., 546; adj., 3181. Terrenc~Allan, griev., 1710; q., 4809. Special Adjournnient, nz., 546, 1462, 2012, Decentralization and Development: Hunter 2930, 4358, 4369. - !ley Research Foundation, apprl, 1927. Stntzdir~gOrders ~~zrlPt-ocedlire Cotnn~ittee, Mrrnber, rn., 772. Economic Conditions: State, q., 1676. Bills: Government, State: Record, appn, 1912. Artificial Conception Bill, and cognate bill, Hospitals: 2R., 3449, 4438. Hunter Valley Requirements, applz, 19 13, Baptist Churches of New South Wales 1915. Pioperty T~ustBill, and cognate bill, 2R., Nelson Bay Hospital, appn, 1915. 3286. Newcastle Electorate, apprl, 1913. Bishopsgate Insurance Australia Limited Housing: Bill, 2~.,1463, 1469. Border Railways (Amendment) Bill, 2R., Commission, apprl, 1928. 1683. Mortgage and Rental Relief Scheme, apprl, Campbelltown Presbyterian Cemetery Bill, 1927. and cognate bills, dec. ut-g., 4720. Local Government: Eltction Rolls, q., 214. Centennial Park Trust Bill, 2R., 3084. Medical and Paramedical Practitioners: Dr Commercial Vessels (Ame,ndment) Bill, Stewart of Newcastle, appn, 1913. and cognate bills, nl.s.o., 772. Obiiuary: Johnstone, L. A,, a Former Mem- Community Justice Centres Bill, and cog- ber of the Legislative Assembly, m., 51. nate bills, 2~.,1881. Pollution: Tomago Aluminium Smelter Toxic Compensation Court Bill, and cognate bills, Waste, q., 2919. ZR., 4619, 4755; C0171., 4758, 4759. Co-operation (Amendment) Bill, 2R., Railways: Mainline Upgrading, appn, 1928. 3447. Youth: Employment Grants, appn, 1928. Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2R., 1323, 1616. Justices (Procedure) Further Amendment Walker, The Hon. F. J., Q.C. (Georges Bill, and cognnte bill, 2R., 4268, 4334. River): Law Reform (Marital Consortium) Bill, irlt., 4871; 2R., 4871. Aborigines: Aboriginal Land Councils, q., Obse~vatory Park Weather Bureau Site 1456. (Repeal) Bill, 2~.,1681. Assembly, Legislative: Offences in Public Places (Amendment) Additional Sitting Days, m., 3444. Bill, and cognate bill, 2R., 4030, 4293. Allocation of Time for Discussion, 1827. Parole Orders (Transfer) Bill, 2R., 3453. Appoirriment as Leader of tl7e House, Police Regulations (Allegations of Mis- 4384. conduct) Amendment Bill, and cognate Appointment to Ministry, 4384, 4672. bills, dec. urg., 3285. Censure: Real Property (Conversion of Title) Amendment Bill, dec. urg., 4870. Mr Speaker, in., 116. The Premier, rn., 2478. Special Commissions of Inquiry Bill, 2R., 2508. Dissent: Ruling of Mr Speaker, m., 1108, 4713. Sporting Injuries Insurance (Amendment) Leader of the National Party, urgency, Bill, 2R., 4935. 313; rn.s.o., 314; in., 315, 368. Sunday (Service of Process) Bill, and cog- Member Named, m., 766. nate bills, ZR., 4351; dec. urg., 4538. Precedence of Business: Hours of Sitting, Supreme Court (Interest) Amendment Bill, m.s.o., 2486; m., 3441. and cognate bills, 2R., 1596. Select Committees: Trustee Companies (Amendment) Bill, Prostitution, m., 441. 2R., 1200; dec. urg., 1345; 2~.,1346. Prostitution, Examination of Members Trustee (Investments) Amendment Bill, of the Legislative Council, m., 544. 2R., 4273. Workers' Compensation Insurance, in., Workers' Compensation (Dust Diseases) 2562. Amendment Bill, 2R., 1885. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984 Walker, The Won. F. J., Q.C. (continued): I Walker, The Non. F. J., Q.C. (continued): Consumer Affairs: Private Cemeteries In- Points of Order, 108, 114, 115, 127, 129, vestigation, q., 437. 133, 230, 231, 329, 330, 331, 332, 335, 346, Courts and Legal Procedure: 354. 361. 363. 883. 1316. 1317. 1479. 1481. Ainsworth and Vibert Allegations, m., 3237. Donald Mackay Inquest, q., 3065. Sexual Assaults on Children, a,. 1518. The Judiciary, urgency, 4820; nt., 4821, Poker Machines: Mr Len Ainsworth, q., 4822, 4865. 1 3058. Woodleigh, Terrence Allan, q., 4809. Prices: Land Commission Prices, q., 2919. Films: X-Rated Video Movies, urgency, Public Service and Statutory Oftices: Depart- 4567; ?n.s.o., 4568. ment of Youth and Community Services, Fires and Fire Fighting: Bush Fire Relief rnirt. stmr, 203. Committee, q., 1149. Social and Welfare Services: Government, State: Ryde Home Care Service, adj., 2187. Legal Costs of Employees, q., 536. Youth and Community Services Oftices, q., Tapes and Documents provided by the 1311. Age Newspapctr, inirz. slrnl, 4393; q., Statute Revision: 4528. Conveyancing Act: Disallowance of Parts Housing: of a General Order, urgency, 4608; Commission: rn.s.o., 4609; in., 4610, 4617. Accommodation, q., 4405. Sex Change Operations, adj., 1251. Applications, q., 4887. Youth: Campbelltown Facilities, q., 686. Eligibility for Accon~modation,adj., 377. Premises Vacations, q., 4889. Walsh, R.llr A. P., B.A.(Hons), L)ip.Ed. Waiting List, q., 4887. (Maitland): For Disabled Persons, q., 4705. Home Loan Interest Rates, q., 4598. Address in Reply, in., 573. Home Purchase Assistance Schemes, q., Apprentices: Intake, q., 215. 539. Assembly, 1,egislative: Joirzt Select Commif- Mort Bay Development, q., 4248. tee Upon Workers'Cornpensation Insur- Rent and Mortgage Relief Schemes, q., ance, Member, 2557. 1314. Automation, Mechanization and Computers: Waverley Welfare, q., 2640. Con~puterEquipment Imports, address, 574. Tqsur~nce:Workers' Compensation, q., 3834, Bills: Conlpensation Court Bill, and cognate 3842. bills, 2~.,4750. Land and Land Settlement: Business and Trade Practice: Land Commission Prices, q., 2919. Government Support, address, 575. Land for Housing, q., 4242. High Technology Parks, aclclress, 576. Residential Land, q., 4925. Econon~icConditions: Technological Enter- Local Government: prises, address, 574. Botany Council Bribery Case, urgertry, Enlployment: High Technology Industries, 438. address, 574. Campbelltown Municipal Elections, q., Films: X-Rated Videos, nr., 4576. 686. Finance and Invsstment: Venture Capitd, Wollongong City Council, urgency, 1111 ; address, 575. 1n.s.o., 11 12. Government, Cornmonwealth: Technology Omnibus Srrvices: Ryde Electorate, adj., Research Grants, address, 575, 576. 3181. Industry, Secondary: Parliament: Rradmill Industries Limited, q., 1318. Budget Debate, spec. ndj., 546. Renort by Australian Academy of Tech- Standing and Select Committees, spec. nological Sciences, address, 574. cidj., 546. Use of Technology, nddress, 573. n Walsh, Mi A. P., B.A.@Ioaps), DipsEd. Watkilas, The Hen. P. F. (continued) : (continued) : Government, Commonwealth: Conference of Technology and. Industry Ministers, nppn, Land and Idand Settlement: Hunter Region, 2613. High Technology Parks, dress, 576. Government, State: Technology Committee Point of Order, 631. of Cabinet, nppn, 2614. Roads and Road Safety: Maitland Bypass, Indnstrial Relations: q., 4535. Inclustiy in Conflict, nppn, 2614. Science: Technological Change, address, Worktng Environment, nppn, 2614. 574. Parliainent: Attire of Members, q., 944. Water: Resources, notice of rnoriofz, 1309; Public Service and Statutory Offices: Depart- m.. 1482. ment of Youth and Community Services, nppiz, 2609. Science: Watki~es,The Hen. P. F.: Australian Technology Strategy, appit, Apprentices: 2613. Australian Tron anci Steel Pty 1-imited, Technological Change, apprz, 2613. appn, 261 1. Trades and Trade Unions: Effect of Unions Building Industry Training Limited, appn, on Unemployment and Wages, apprz, 2614. 2612. Textile and Clothing Industries: Course Completion, npprz, 2612. Decline of, appiz, 2615. Diversify Choice of Trade, appn, 2611. Fraser, Rt Hon. J. M., Influence of, npprz, Electricity Commission, npprz, 2611. 2615. Intake, uppn, 2609, 2610. Staples, Commissioner, Comments on, NewcastleHunter Apprenticeship Advis- nppn, 2616. ory Contmittee, nppn, 2609. Whitlam, Elon. E. G., Influence of, appn, Newcastle Region, nppn, 2609. 2615. Special Training Allowance, apprz, 2612. Technical College Courses, rippn, 2611. Automation, Mechanization and Computers: Development of Technology, qrz, 2613. Address in Reply, in., 708. Bills: Advertising: Tobacco, nrldresr, 710. Appropriation Bill, 2~.,2609. Beaches: Improvement Programme, q., 684. Gaming and Betting (Further Anlend- Commonwealth-State Relations: Federal ~nent)Rill, 2~.,1271. Labor Party Government, nrldress, 708. Gaming and Betting (Penalties) Amend- Employment: ment Bill, 2x., 1958. Community Building Projects, address, Trotting Authority (Amendment) Bill, 709. ZR., 838. Mid-Career Opportunity Programme, Council, 1,egislative: Library Cornr?zitfee, nddress, 709. Member, In., 941. Middle-Age Ilnemployment, address, 708. Economic Conditions: Health: Co-operation in Industiy, appz, 2617. Effects of Smoking, address, 711, 712. Effect on Employment, appn, 2613. "Quit for Life" Campaign, address, 710. Recovery, apprs, 2613. Housing: Commission Accommodation, q., Enlploy n~ent: 4405. Abolition of Jobs, nppn, 2617. Land and Idand Settlement: 1,and for IPous- Appi entices, nppn, 2609. ing, q., 4242. Creation, nppn, 2609. Motor Vehicles: Trail Bike Riders, q., 3063. Effects of Fraserism, nppn, 2615. Prices: Pet~ol,griev., 1716. Raiirond Newspaper. appn, 2616. Spoi t and Recreation: Reduction in, appfz, 2616. Academy of Sport, q., 1759. Specid Sd~emes,applz, 2609. Donations to Spoiiing Organization?, Western Suburbs, oppn, 2609. address, 7 13. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

West, Mr 4;. ZP, (Orange): Aborigines: Abor~glnal1,and Councils, q., 1455. Agent-General and Agencies Abroad: Eon- Idand R~ghtsI,egislation, address, 732. don, app~z,1808. Address in Reply, nz., 732. Assembly, Legislative: Appoiiiiincnf to illinistry, 4384, 4672. Ambulance Services: Blayney Ambulance Station, q., 3738. ~Mir~islcrfor Water Re.sortrccs, Appoint- mort crs, q., 4591. Assembly, Z.egislative: Remarks of the Hen. D. D. Freeman, L,ibrary Coi?znzittce, Member, 771. M.I,.C., pers. expl., 253. Select Conzmrttec zipon Prorrilulion, Beaches: Palm Beach Erosion, aclj., 1089. Men~her,134. Bills: Sclcct Cornr?zrttec upon Piorlitutio~z, dis- cizn! ge, 44 1. Appropriation Rill, Conz., 1808. Community Justice Centres Bill, and cog- Rills: nate bills, ZR., 2856. Co-operation (Amendment) Bill, ZR., Forestry Revocation and National Parks 4038. Reservation Bill, 2~.,4636. Mental f-[ealth Bill, and cognate bills, 2~., Glenbawn Dam (Enlargement) Bill, 2~., 3884. 1321. 2317. Busmess and Trade 1)ract:ce.i: Private Invest- Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drain- ment, ociclresr, 777. age (Amendment) Bill, and cognate bills, 2~.,702, 1079. Colleges of Advanced Fducatlon and Tech- n~cal Colleges Orange Technical and Plitmbers, Gasfitters and Drainers?, Further Educat~onCollege, aclj., 2343. (Amendment) B111, 2~.,4639. Rtve~Murray Water3 B111, 2~.,781; dec- Economic Cond~t~ons.Inflation, address, Zllg., 1083; 2R, 1214. 732. Split Rock Dam B~ll,2~., 2844, 3654. Employment: Strata T~tles(Amclldment) B~ll,2~., 493T- Federal Job Schemer, atltlress, 732. Water (Amendment) BIII, ZR , 1685, 2686. Unemployment,, 732. Business and Trade P~actlces: Motor Finance and Investment: Private Sector Dealers' Compensation Fund, q., 4926. Investment,, 733. Courts and Legal Procedure: The Jutliciar~r, Health: Country Services, arldrecr, 736. nz., 4854. IJospitals: Elections and Electorates: Bi~tlgelExwndi- Private Nnrsing FIornes; nddress, 736. ture, q., 1390. Wellington, nddress, 735. Employment: Timber Tndilstry, q., 1336. Housing: Ethnic Affairs: Ethnic Affairs Commission of New Sot~thWales, npipfz, 1809, Con~mission: Administration, address, 734. Floods: Applications, q.. 4887. Insurance, q., 1400. Premises Vacations, q., 4889. Statewide, ndj., 4415. Waiting List, q., 4887. Toongabhie Creek, q., 3437. Government Record, ndrlress, 734. Forest.;: Indnstry, address, 733. Eu~aiqptusDieback, q., 1456. Private Sector, address, 733. Rainforest Logging, q., 2007. Welfare, addres,~,734. Rainfo~estsPreservation, q., 1946. 1,and and Land Settlement: Softwooti bldntings, q., 4515. Government Involvement, nddress, 733. Government, State: Administration of I,andcom, rrrgency, 4249. Premier's Department, nppn, 1808. Land and Land Settlement: Sydney Water Taxation: Board Resun~ptio-ns,q., 3348. Financial Institutions Duty, q., 1869. Obituary: Cahill, T. J., Member for Mar-. Stamp Duty Deferred Payments Scheme, rickville, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of q., 4490. Committees of the L~gislative AsrtcmbIy, Water: MoIong Supply, address, 735. nt., 64. Volumes 175-178

Whelan, The Won. P. F. P., LL.B. Wilde, Mr B. C. (continued) : (continued) : Elections and Electorates: Electoral Rolls, Oil Industry and Petrol: Petrol Prices, q., cipptr, 1536. 4404. Employment: Generation, appn, 1532. Points of Order, 744, 1080, 2520, 4860. Government, State: Department of Leisure, Pollution: Sport and Tourism, appn, 1536. Sailor's Bay, q., 4462. Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: Eliza- Water: Burwood Beach Sewage Outfall, beth Farm Restoration, appn, 1533. adj., 588. Insurance: Motor Vehicle, q., 4819. Reserves: National Parks Extensions, J., 4537. Local Government: Rate Pegging, q., 2001 Sewerage: Police: Increase in Personnel and Services, Burwood Beach Outfall, adj., 588; q., appn, 1532. 4249. Connection Costs, q., 4463. Railways: Coiitrnct Work, q., 532, 3065. Double-deck Carriages, appn, 1535. Granville to Westmead Quadruplication, Frenchs Forest and Belrose, q., 4487. nppn, 1535. Glenfield Water Pollution Control Plant, q., 4484. Reserves: Parramatta Park, q., 769, 151 1; Pittwater Electorate, q., 3639, 4518. appn, 1533. Sewage Treatment at Malabar, q., 3348. Roads and Road Safety: South Coast, q., 2127. F4 Freeway, appn, 1534. Statute Revision: National Parks and Wifd- Roadworks, nppn, 1535. life Act: Disallowance of Proclamation, Social and Welfare Services: Pensioner Ser- nz., 925. vices, nppn, 1535. Water: Sport and Recreation: Australian Water Resources Council Meeting, q., 762, 766. Fitzgerald, Mr Denis, appn, 6536. Spectator Facilities, appn, 1537. Chaffey Dam, q., 2255. Contract Work, q., 532, 3428. Farm Water Storage and Bores Subsidies Scheme, q., 4380, 4475. Willis, The Hon. M. P., E.D., LL.B.: Irrigation Charges, q., 1252. Bills; Resources, rn., 1495. ~itificialConception Bili, and cognate bill, Sydney Water Board, q., 3065. 2R., 4687. Cemmunity Justice Centres Bill, and cog- nzte bills, ZR., 3025. Wilde, Mr B. @. Parramatta): Ct~mes(Domestic Violence) Amendment Hill, 2R:, 3019. Assembly, Legislative: OEenccs in Public Places Bill, and cognate Adrnirzisterirtg Outlz or Afirnzatiort of 8111, 2R., 4171. Allegiance, 585. Pplice Board Bill, 2R., 4149. Electiorz cis Clzairrizcaz of Conzrnitfees, 134, ansport Authorities (Infringement 139. %otices) Amendment Bill, and cognate Library Coriimiftee, Merizber, 771. bill, 2R., 3048; Conz., 3049, 3050. Stut~dirzg Orders arzd Procedure Commit- fee, Me~itber,772. Courts and Legal Procedure: The Judiciary, nz., 4798. Bill: Appropriation Bill, 2R., 153 1. Parliament: Privilege, m., 956. Bridge: Railway Bridge at Church Street, Parramatta, q., 3637. Corrective Services: Parramatta Gaol Re- furbishing, appn, 1534. Education: Assembly, Legislative : Full-time Librarians, uppn, 1532. Holrse Corizrnitree, Meilzber, 77 1. Government Expenditure, apprz, 153 1. Temporary Chairman of Commitrecs, 530. SESSION1983-84 clxxix

16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984

Wotton, Nlr W. C. A. (coiltir7ued) : Wran, The Non. N. EL., Q.C. (continued): Eiectricity: Bills (contiruied) : Bayswatel--Mount Piper Transmission Special Commissions of Inquiry Bill, 2~., Line, griev., 2971. 2339; Cotrt., 2533, 2536, 2539, 2541, Gunnedah Substation, q., 4400, 4809. 2542, 2544, 2547, 2548, 2549, 2553, Floods: Statewide, (idj., 4419. 2555; ad. rep., 2556. Business and Trade Practices: Essingtoil Pty Limited, q., 1874. Wran, The Ho11. N. K., Q.C. (Bass Hill): Small Business, q., 1766. Clubs: Parramatta Police-Citizens Boys' Address in Reply, in., 231. Club, q., 1580, 2267. Advertising: Tobacco, q., 1385. Commonwealth-State Relations: Tax Shar- Aircraft and Air Services: ing Arrangements, q., 537. Lord Howe Island Air Services, q., 4927. Corrective Services: Early Release of Second International Airport, q., 4246. Prisoners, rrzirt. strnt, 1507; q., 1512, 1866, 1997. Arts and Culture: Courts and Legal Procedure: Performing Arts Organizations, q., 2362. Ainswo:-th and Vibert Allegations, Sydney City Ballet School, q., 4503. urgency, 3220; nz., 3263. Sydney Entertainment Centre, q., 2644. Equal Opportunity Tribunal, iniri. stint, Assembly, Legislative: 544. Appoirzfmenr as Minister /or tlze Arts, Legal Costs of Maria Salakas, q., 4373. 4384. Special Comn~issions of Inquiry Act, q., Appoir~frr~erztto Ministry, 4384. 2920. Censure of Mr Speaker, urgency, 110. Crime and Criminals: Censure of the Premier, urgcizcy, 2452; Alleged Drug Conspiracy, q., 4599. rn., 2458. Organized Crime, q., 1516. Deputy Leader of the National Party, Discrimination: address, 234. Racist Slogans, q., 4705. Deputy Leader of the Opposition, address, 234. Superannuation, q., 1384. Former Minister for Corrective Services, Economic Conditions: g., 2117, 2121, 2123, 2639. Economic Recovery, q., 4812. Leader of the National Party, address, State, q., 1677. 231, 233, 234; urgency, 313. Education: Government Record, q., 1453. Leader of the Opposition, address, 232, 234. Elections and Electorates: Member: Kiama, q., 1865. Ballot Papers, q., 819. Minister for Corrective Services, q., 1511, Budget Expenditure, q., 1390. 1676, 1760, 1864. State Election Non-voters, q., 4497. Minister for Health, q., 3630. Electricity: Charges, urgerzc)], 28 16. Minister for Local Government and Employment : Minister for Lands, urgetzcy, 1185. Job Creation Plan, q., 108. Seasonal Felicitations, nz., 4363. Unemployment, urgency, 602. Automation, Mechanization and Computers: Vickers Cockatoo Island Dockyard, q., Computer Software, q., 1587. 4920. Betting and Gambling: Victorian Govern- Finance and Investment: Home Loan ment Poker Machine Inquiry, q., 676. Interest Rates, q., 2814. Bills: Fish Industry and Fishing: RuraI Assistance Board, q., 2358. Anti-Discrimination (Amendment) Bill, ZR., 2276. Forest: Tallaganda State, q., 4376. Crimes (Domestic Violence) Amendment Government, State: Bill, 2~.,1877, 2673. Coalition Government's Record, address, Freedom of Information Bill, ZR., 4255. 232, 233, 234. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 2a., Debt, q., 1096. 4258, 4261. Indexation of Charges, q., 433. Volumes 175-178

Wran, The Hon. N. K., Q.C. (continued): Wran, The Hon. N. K., Q.C. (continued): Government, State (continued) : Ombudsman: State Rights, q., 1765. Annual Report 1982-83, q., 4512. Tapes and Documents Provided by the Office Travelling Expenses, q., 45 11. Age Newspaper, q., 4394, 4526, 4531, Powers, q., 309, 4512. 4814, 4921. Workload, q., 4506. Handicapped Persons: Paralympics, q., 4400. Parliament: Members' Conduct, address, 234. Health: Tobacco Smoking, q., 1386. Northern Forecourt, Parliament House, Historic Areas, Buildings and Records: First q., 3633. Government House Site, q., 1591, 3432. Points of Order, 109, 125, 126, 128, 131, Hospitals: Coolamon-Ganmain, q., 4378. 536, 883, 2454, 2467, 2550, 2551, 2816, Industry, Secondary: 3243, 3245, 3246, 4533, 4817, 4821. Bradmill Industries Limited, q., 13 18. Police: Vickers Cockatoo Island ~ock~ard,q., New South Wales Police Force, urgency, 4920. 4006; m.s.o., 4010; m., 4012, 4028. Insurance : Surveillance, q., 4399. Claim Payments, q., 4505. Prices: Petrol, q., 1674. Third Party, q., 3428. Reserves: Hermitage Reserve, Vaucluse, urgency, 4603; q., 4701. Land and Land Settlement: Landcom, urgency, 4251. Roads and Road Safety: Roads Programme, q., 885. Local Government: Royal Commissions: Botany Council Bribery Allegations, address, 233. Street Royal Commission: Purchasing, q., 3833. Recommendations and Findings, ad- dress, 232. Sydney City Council, address, 233. Report, 106. Wollongong City Council, urgency, 1018; ~z.s.o.,1023, 1113. Terms of Reference, address, 232. Stewart Royal Commission into Drug Obituaries: Trafficking, min. stmt, 105. Cahill, T. J., Member for Marrickville, Deputy-Speaker and Chairman of Com- Taxation: Stamp Duty, q., 1105. mittees of the Legislative Assembly, m., Town and Country Planning: Naval Stores 53. at Randwick, q., 4377. Johnstone, L. A,, a Former Member of Transport, Finance and Policy: Freight Con- the Legislative Assembly, m., 46. cessions, q., 3435. Olympic Games: Paralympics, q., 4400. Water: Split Rock Dam, q., 679.