INDEX TO PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) 16th Angtlst, 1983, to 1st hlareh, 1984 INDEX TO SUBJECTS Explanation of Abbrevintiorls: Address, Address in Reply; adj., h4otion for Adjournment; ad. rcp., Adoption of Report; appn, Appropriation Bill; Conz., Committee; cons. ar~rdts, Consideration of Amendments; corzs. ntes., Consideration of Message; rlec. zirg., Declara- tion of Urgency; griev., Grievance Debate; int., Introduction; loarz appn, General Loan Account Appropriation Bill; rrz., Motion; rnes., Message; ruin. stnit, Ministerial Statement; nz.s.o., Motion for Suspension of Standing or Sessional Orders; pcrs. expl., Personal Explanation; p.o., Point of Order; q., Question; IR., 2~.,3~., First, Second, Third Reading; recorn., Recommittal; recons. nr~zdts, Reconsideration of Amendments; select com. rep., Select Committee Report; spec. ndj., Special Adjournment; urgcrzcy, Motion of Urgency. A Abortion: Abattoirs (See "Meat Industry") Australia's Record, adj., 4886. Contraceptives Sor Children, q., 179. Aborigines: Right to Life, address, 244. Statistics, q., 2124. Aboriginal Land Council Account, appn, 905. Aboriginal Land Councils, q., 1455. Address in Reply: Aboriginal Lands Trust, apprz, 2088. ASSEMBLY: Assistance, nppn, 1080. First Day's Debate, 139; Second Day's Budget Allocation, apprl, 1642. Debate, 218; Third Day's Debate, 375; Burnt Bridge Reserve Water Supply, q., 2367, Fourth Day's Debate, 444; Fifth Day's 2570, 3750. Debate, 560; Sixth Day's Debate, 651; Community Maintenance Programmes, appn, Seventh Day's Debate, 707; Eighth Day's 2096. Debate, 796; Presentation, 897. Culture, apprz, 2096. COUNCIL: Employment, apprz, 2096. First Day's Debate, 27; Second Day's Debate, Hcalth, nclrJress, 865, 866. 74; Third Day's Debate, 181; Fourth Day's Debate, 259; Fifth Day's Debate, 382; Sixth Health Services, nddress, 865; apprz, 2096. Day's Debate, 526; Seventh Day's Debate, Fiospitalization, address, 866. 841; Eighth Day's Debate, 960; Presenta- Housing, cippn, 2096. tion, 1093. I and Rights, ntidrcss, 865. I and Rights Legislation, (iddress, 732. Advertising: Life Expectancy, address, 267. Mot-tal~tyRate, ntldress, 865. Billboard Defacing, q., 2891. Public Health Irnp~ovement Programme, Cigarette, q., 1159. rrcitfl ess, 867. Commonwealth Government, addrcss, 664. Tash Force, acldr-err, 868. Medical Consumer Information, q., 3634. WelFare, nppn, 1546. Milh, q., 1395, 3949. Youth Fitness Programmes, npprz, 2096. Political, in Parliament House, q., 1835. C Volumes 175-178 Advertising (col~tinued): Aircraft and Air Services (contilzued) : Political, at Parliament House, q., 1835. Second Airport for Sydney, q., 214; address, Railways and Government Buses, q., 1259. 221, 740; q., 1311; apprz, 1356, 1772; q., Sewage Pollution Poster, q., 3353. 4246. Tobacco, address, 710; q., 1385. Second Parallel Runway for Mascot Airport, address, 667. Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport, nz., 1411. (See "Social and Aged Persons Welfare Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport Expan- Services") sion, address, 739. Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport Upgrad- Agent-General and Agencies Abroad: ing, apprz, 2791, 2795. Allocstion, apprz, 1806. London, nppri, 1805, 1807, 1808. Ambulance Services: Tokyo, appn, 1805. Additional Ambulance Oficers, address, 47 1; nppn, 1895. Agents and Brokers: Air, apprz, 1921, 1922; q., 3187. Mitchells Bass Booking Agency, q., 2347. Ambulance Subscriptions, q., 13 17. Ambulatory Patients, npptl, 1572. Blayney Ambulance Station, q., 3738. Agriculture (See also "Industry, Primary"): Budget Estimates, npprt, 1897. Biological and Chemical Research Institute, Byron Electorate, adclrcss, 582; q., 4503. apptr, 907. Centrai West, apprz, 1909. Budset Allocation, cddriss, 577; npprr, 1644, Con~n~unitySubsidies, rcppri, 1897. 1791. Contribution Scheme, q., 3430. Contribution to State's Economic Recovery, Cost, appri, 1896. apptr, 907. Delays, q., 2052. Department of, nddress, 486. Dubbo Electorate, npprl, 19 11. Department of, Programme, apprl, 1645. E'unding, npprz, 1899. Effects of Drought, aliptr, 907. Ford FlOO Vehicles, crpprr, 1574. Government Allocation, apprz, 2204. Incit~strialDispute, ccpprl, 1917. Government Policy, n(kdress, 266, 425. Lachlan Electorate, nddress, 7 17. Government Record, npprt, 2204. Lithgow, crppr!, 1248. Government Services, Reduced, addrc.ss, 578. Pensioners, atldress, 581; npprr, 1898. Jojoba Plant, q., ,1900. Pensioners' Fees, q., 1871. Monaro Electorate, ad~lrrss,486. Public Accotints Committee's Investigation, Murrumbidgee Agricultural College, nppfz, trpp~r,1897. 908. Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade, Parasitic Weed Control, q., 4772. (fpp~r,1898. Rangeland Research and Advisory Unit, nppti, 908. So~~thC-oast; q., 1386; opprl, 1571: 1904. Scrub Infestation, appn, 2102. Sporting Events, trpp~i,1897. Western Lands Clearing and Cropping, q., Tneed Heads District: 4894. address, 581; npprr, 1899. Fees, npprr, 1540, 1898. Aircraft and Air Services: Cover-nmcnt Funding, oi>pti, 1898. Pensioners, nppt!, 1899. Air Ambulance Services, q., 3187. Tweed Heads Station, appr!, 1898. Government Policy, apprz, 1357. Intrastate Airline Services, q., 2638. Korean Airlines Flight 007, q., 825; address, Animals: 842, 973; rii., 1152. Lord Howe Island Air Service, q., 4927. Experiments, q., 1454, 1663. Noise, appn, 1356. Liberation Movenient, (rdn'ress, 17 1. Opposition Policy, address, 739. Welfare, q., 3528. 16th August, 1983, to 1st March, 1984 Annual, Long Service and Sick Leave: I Arts and Culture (contin~led): i h~ardConditions, address, 565. Government Policy, address, 266. David Jones Limited, address, 564. Government Projects, apprz, 911. I<oadings, urldress, 655. Henry Lawson, apprz, 2106. Long Service Leave, q., 4462. Musei~niof ~p~liedArts and Sciences, appn, 1 1x00. Apprentices (See ulso "Youth") : Museum Storage Shed, apprz, 1653. Opera House, apptl, 180 1. Apprenticeship Directorate of New South Orang: Art Gallery and Library, address, Wales, acfciress, 30. 405. Australian Iron and Steel, trddress, 236, Performing Arts Organizations, q., 2362. 2611. t'omJer House Museum, appn, 2082. Block Release System, address, 409. P~omotion by Governments, address, 293, Budget Programme, apprz, 1637. 295. Building Industry, address, 492. State Patronage, address, 293. Building Industry Training Limited, appr~, Sydney City Ballet company, apptz, 1802. 2612. Sydney C~tyBallet School, q., 4502. foal Inctustry Apprenticeship Course, q., Sydney Dar~ce Company, appn, 1802; q., 3434. 4674. Course Completion, irpprt, 2612. Sydney Entertainment Centre, appn, 1774, Dairyfarm Apprenticeship Scheme, q., 3058. 1776. 1801; q., 2644. Electricity Comn~ission,trppr~, 261 1. Employment, apprz, 2609. Asia and Asian Affairs: Empioyment Opportunities, adclrrss, 33. Intake. q., 215; irppn, 1643, 2609, 2610. As~an~zat~onof Australla, address, 975. Newcastle-Hunter Apprenticeship iidvisory At~stralranInvolvement, address, 977. <'omniittee; cipprz, 2610. Colombo Plan, address, 977. Newcastle-Hunter Region, apprr, 2610. Econom~cGrowth, address, 976. 1-'lumbing, q., 2642. Inclones~a'sper capita Income, address, 976. Pre-apprenticeship Training Scheme, address, Tapan Connect~on,adclress, 976. 723. Japanese Econom~cCond~tions, address, 243. PIlvate Ente~prise, address, 98 1. Jdpan's per capltcz Income, address, 976. Technical College Courses, apprl, 261 1. Ta~nan'.,Fconom~c Condrt~otls, address, 976. Trarning, i~rltlrets,484, 980; ilpprl, 1558. 1-1aining Allowance, apprz, 2612. Tiavel to Obtain Work, apprz, 2611. Assembly, Legislative: Une~nployment.trclcr'resr, 408; npprl, 2097. Acting-Chairman of Committees, 4317. Archives and Libraries: Additional Sitting Days, rn., 3444. Auditor-General's Report, 1094. 1,ibraries for Elderly Persons, cipprl, 1639. Allocation of Time for Discussion, 1827, Public Libraries Funding, apprl, 1800. 1933, 3181, 3341, 3929. State Library, apprf, 1799, 2082. Censure: ' Mr Speaker, urgerzcy, 110; nr., 111. Arts and Culture: Premier, urgency, 2452; rn., 2452. Chairman of Committees, Election, m., 134. Aboriginal, apprz, 2096. Deputy I.eader of the National Party, Art Gallery of New South Wales, apprl, 1800, address, 234. 1803. Deputy Leader of the Opposition, address, Aust~alian Museum, npprl, 1547, 2082. 234. Banjo Paterson, apprl, 2105. Deputy Premier, apprl, 2093. Capital Allocations, apprz, 1547. Dissent: Ruling of Mr Speaker, m., 1106, Darling Harbour Site Proposals, address, 1109, 4708. 482. Distinguished Visitors, 3886. Funding, address, 482; apprz, 1802, 18C4. Election Funding Authority, report, 589. xiv Volumes 175-178 Assembly, Legislative (contirzried): I Assembly, Legislative (corztiizued): End of Session Legislative Programme, spec. / Members (corztir7rieci): nclj., 20 11. I Canterbury: Appointment to Ministry, End of Session Sitting Hours, spec. adj., 4672. 2462. C;tstlereagh: House Committee, Member. Financial Statements, 913. 771; Ter~iporary Chairman of Gom- Former Minister for Corrective Services, q., mittees, 530. 2117, 2121, 2123. Cessnock: rippri, 1798. Hours of Sitting, spec. adj., 545, 1462. Charlestown: pcrs. expl., 3641; PI-inting Committee, Member, 772. Joint Committees: Clarence: Appointment to Ministry, 1384. Parliamentary Privilege, report, 4241; nz., 43 18; /77es., 43 18, 4351. Coogee: Appointment to Ministry. 4384. Road Safety, n7., 117; itzer., 2979. Co~.rirnai: House Committee, Member. 771; Library Committee, Member, 771; Western Drvrs~onof New South \Vales, ?>I., Standinf: Orders snd Procedure Com- 4318. mittee, 772. Workers' Conipensatiott Insurance, ??I., Davidson: Printing Committee,
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