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Note: The symbol 't' after the page number indicates a table; and the symbol 'r indicates a figure

'abandoned' youth 119-20 Bail Acl1978 (N5W) 298 Aboriginal Legal Service 0NA) 15'1 bail hostels 219 Aboriginal people Ste Indigenous groups bail refused by coun 297-8 Aboriginal PrOlection Board 153,154 behaviour·managemem programs adolescents 2, 16 3 14-15 see: also youth Beijing Rules 91.104.221,267-8, affinity groups 376 270-3 African migrants 178, 180, 182, 185 Blagg, H. 236 age groups of juvenile offenders 67-9 Blue Light Discos 251,327 age of criminal responsibility 261 boot camps 81,113,322-3,354 alcohol abuse 74-5,145,161,193,211 Bralthwaite,J. 367 Alder, C. 217-18 Bringing Them Hom!! 154 Amnesty International 101 Brosnan Cemre (camp) 323 arrests, changes in arrest and crime Brough, Corey 93-4 rates 62-4 Buttrum, K. 82 Ashley Detention Centre, Tasmania 308 Australian Human Rights Commission car culture 56,62,65,228-9 (AHRC) 98 Carpemer. Mary 8, 10 Australian Institute of Criminology case management models 314 150,296 caseworkers 219,320 Australian Institute of Health and Catholic Commission for Justice, Welfare 296, 300 Developmem and Peace Australian Law Reform Commission (Melbourne) 101 (ALRq 67 Chan,J. 239 legal representation of children 287 Charllr oj Human Rights and Responsibilities national standards for juvenile Act 2006 (Vic) 90,94 juslic~ 371 Charter of Rights for Children and Young pre·semenc~ repons 282 People (1995) 100 semencing hierarchy 264-5,282, child labour 5,24 288,324 ChildWelfa ,.eAct1947(WA) 247 young women in cuslody 219-20 Child Welfart All 1960 (Tas) 108

4" lNDH

Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 community-based corrections 290-1, (Vic) 107 316-17,319-21,321 Children (Care and Protection) Act 1987 community-building 373-4 (NSW) 107 conditional release order 321 Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 consumption-Oriented social (NSW) 107,280--1 identity 125-7 Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987 Convention on the Rights of the Child (NSW) 295 (CROC) Children (parental Responsibility) Act 1994 Beijing Rules 91,267-73 (NSW) 247-8,249 promotion in Australia 98, 176 Children (protection and Parental stipulations 92-4, 262 Responsibility) Act 1997 (NSW) 56, universal human rights 279-80, 82, 248 340--5 Children (Criminal Proceedings) Amendment Crawford, A. 372 (Youth Conduct Orders) Bill 2008 Crime (Serious and Offendtrs) Act (NSW) 298 1992 (WA) 82 Childrens Aid Panel (SA) 366 crime as denial of dominion 358 children's courts 21-2,55,60-1 , 6Ot, crime prevention 259--64 accommodating approaches to it factors in judicial decisions 264 336-8,352 focus on parenting provided 139 coercive institutions 328,329-30, high rates of guilty pleas 263 334,351 international rights principles commercial institutions 328,330, 267-73 331-2 key function 264 'Communities That Care' legal representation 285-7 strategy 310 principle of panicipation 268 developmental institutions 328, sancti ons available to courts 265 330-1,334,352 sentencing options 264, 265 models and techniques 327-8,333 sentencing principles 265-7 Pathways and Early Intervention specialist courts 168,259 Approaches to Crimt: in AUSlralia 339 Youth Drug and Alcohol Court 283 SOCial-development approach 336, see also juvenile courts 341,312 classes in Australian SOCiety 116-1 7, summary 351-2 130 youth 311-8 Clear, T. 372 crime statistics coercive intervention 257-8 changing in the rate of juvenile Collins, J. 193 offending 62--4 Committee Against Tonure 280 ethnicityand 182 'Communities That Care' 340-1 National Crime Statistics community crime prevention co llection 83 strategies 147-8,323-4 recording of 199 community justice 372-5 South Australian 59,59t Community Policing Partnership Program Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police and (CP PP) 238 Public Safely) Act 1998 (NSW) 82, community policing principles 251 162,246-7 community service orders 265,319-21 'criminal families' 136-7 .,. INOH criminal justice system biased against Indigenous approaches 353-4 people 368 republican theory 357-60 defined 363 Criminal law Review Division 261 fonnal police cautions 364 criminology is multidisciplinary 46-52, juvenile conferencing 365-6 203,348-9 Dodson. Mick 176 CronuHa beach riots 81,193,245 doli incapax 5,260-2,288 cross-cultural policies 197- 9 'dominion' (republican liberty) 358. Crouse, Mary Anne 10 359. 363 CUneen, C. 265,291 drugs 74-5,211 curfews for youth 100,234 cannabis 56 ecstasy 80 Darcy, D. 252 heroin 64.80.200 day leave 321 methadone 64 day-in-prison scheme 318-19 use in detention 306-7 Decker, S. 191 Drugs and Crime Prevention Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Commi1.tee 200 Peoples 176 D'Souza, N. 160 Defence for Children International 94,101 electronic monitOring 320 delinquency 3-4. 6, 10, 14 employment opportunities 124, 130, Department of Aboriginal and 133-4 Torres Strait Islander Policy and ethnic descriptors in media 190 Development 173-4 ethnic minorities desistance theories 293 assimilation into AnglO-Australian detention culture 185 centres as universities of crime 316 in Australian society 171--81 by electronic monitoring 320 differential policing 185 at home 320 identifiable in public places 182. 183 a 'last reson' measure 324-5 migrant experiences 179 major source of recidivism 303 and the police 183-6 negative aspttts 309-11 pre-sentencing reports 282 outdoor programs 32 1-3 racism permeates many lives 188--9 problems after release 315-16. reactions to overseas events 189 323.326 youth as a social ca tegory 178-81 fo r properly crimes 302-3 ethnic youth gangs 182, 183-4 questio nable value of centres 325 targeted by media 186-7 trends 296 ethnicity m: also reformatories and crime statistics 182 deterrence versus rehabilitation 273. in juvenile Justice policy 70--1, 80--1. 302-3 347--8 Delhridge,Joe 255 in media reports 171, 189 Developmental Crime Prevention extended families 73-4 Consortium 340 disorder in public space 81,145 families 73-4,77,131,135-41 diversionary processes 285,296-7,318 'criminal' 136-7 analytical considerations 363-4 nuclear 73.75


Federation of Community legal Centres In homophobia 226-7 Victoria 244 homosexuals 226-7 female offenders see girls; young women Hu man Rights Act 2004 (ACT) 90,94, feminism in criminology 42-4 298-9 feminist criticism of research 203 Human Righl.S and Equal Opportunity feminist essentialism 211 Commission (HREOC) 67 feminist research on young women legal representation of children 287 204-8 national standards for juvenile justice 371 Gale, F. 263 pre-sentence reporl.S 282 gang membership to valorise lives 188, sentencing hierarchy 264-5,282, 190,192 288,324 gangs and internet sit~ 191 young women in custody 219-20 gender differences of offenders 69- 70 Human Rights Commillee 93-4 gender stereotypes and relations 44, Human Rights Conventions 343 213,230 human righlS standards 279-80,288 girls inputs imo programs 346 identification of young people in media judicial education forum 222- 3 rules 262-3 and juvenile justice 202-3 Illinois Ju.venile Court Act 1899 13 in the juvenile justice system immigration processes 194-6,198, 214--19 200-1 participation in justice system incarceration and mental illness 75-6 203-4 incarceration of young people 290-1, protection-and-welfare 213 299-301 sexual history in police reports Indigenous groups 49,68 206,230 and Amnesty International 101 trends in offending behaviour colonial massacres 152 208-11 diversionary measures biased against welfare complaints 208-11 them 368 Set also young women justice at outstations 172-4 Girls' and Young Wom t n~ AClion plan oppose mandatory sentencing 278 2002-2004 (NSW) 221 over-representatlon among goodbehaviourbonds 265, 31B offenders 71-2 'good lives' model of intervention 294 self-determination at grassroots 176 Goodfellow, G. 30B since colonialism 137-8, 139-40 graffiti groups 55,348-9 state wards and later detention 110 guardianship laws 24 Indigenous sentencing courts 174 Indigenous young ptople hanging of children 5 apprehensions by police 156-7 Hanson, Pauline 181 bail difficult to gel 298 Heitmeyer, W 1B7-8 causes of incarceration 155-6, Hickey, T.J. 162,165 167-70 home detention 320 context of social disadvantage 160 homeless people court ordered remedies police harassment 246 questionable 297 violence against 54--5 criminal {nIck record 297


in detention centres 150, 150t police preferences 371 formal contact with justice risk of double punishment agencies 212 371-2 harassment by police 246 juvenile convicts 6-7 and indigenous justice groups 173 juvenile courts 12-15 international obligations 149 Australian State Acts 14 juvenile conferencing less likely 370 Stt also chilrlrens courts Lake Jasper Project 322 juvenile crime theories mentoringprograms 17 1-2, centrality of 'politics' 27 344,375 dassicaltheory and choi~ 27-30 modesofintervention 152-3, control theory 35-6 156f differential association theory 36-7 offending patterns 157,1581, feminist approach 42-4 159-60 labelling theories 38-40 omitted from feminist analysis 211 levels of analysis 26-7 pre-sentence reports 282 multifactorial explanations 44-6 prone to criminal record 170-1 positivism and behaviour 30-3 protection-and-welfare of girls 213 social inequali ty 40-2,51 racial discrimination ISS sociological theories 33-8 refusal of bail 164-5, 175 Juve nileJuslietACI 1992 (Qld) 108-9, sexually abused 154 274,281,295 social consequences of juvenile justice institutions 86-7, 371 incarceration 300,304 accountability mechanisms 101-4 'uncontrollable' children 154 Commonwealth government 99 youth confeuncing 165-7,I66t in community services 96-7 industrial schools 11-12 cost pressures 311-12 IndUSlrial School5 ACll857 (UK) 4,8 international human rights 91-4 intellectual disabilities 75-6 legislative framework 87- 91 International Covenant on Civil and Local government 99-100 Political Rights (ICCPR) 93-4 non-government organisations international human rights in juvenile 100-1 justice 91-4 riots 311 international human rights statutory bodies 97-9 principles 267-73 Juvtnilt Offenders ACI 1837 (UK) 7-8 internet sites of gangs 191 Juvenilt Offenders Acl 1850 (Vic) 8 interpreters 198 juvenile offending 2-4,7-8 categories 18-19 Jamrozik, A. 130-1 changes In arrest and crime rates Juniperina Centre (Sydney) 221 62-4 justice model for juvenile justice 106-7, characteristics 56-8,57t 109, I I I costs resulting from 61 justice versus welfare debate 106-9, general patterns 84-5 113-14 nature and dynamics 53,84-5 juvenile conferencing 290-1,362, 'neighbourhood effect' 125, 365,370 13J-5 best practice guidelines 371 prediclors 76-8 New Zealand family model 366-7 social faclors 66-76, 1l6-22

'" IND EX juvenile offending can/. Miller,Jerome 303 sources of information 53-7, Miller, L 210 64-5,80 Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs South Australian statistics 59,59t v. Ah Hin reoh (1995) 93 theories and explanations 26-52, mob mentality 145-6 76-8 Morris, A. 366 and unemployment 124-5 motor vehicle offences 227-9 motor vehicle thefts 64 Kariongjuvenilejustice Centre riOts 307 multiculturalism 181,195 'kerbside justice' 254-5 Murri Courts 174 Koori Couns 174 Koori Justice Workers Program Naffine, N. 263 (Vic) 171-2 National Childrens and Youth law Kowanyama Justi~ Group 173-4 Centre 81,94.97.100 National Childrens Commissioner Lake Jasper Project 0NA) 322 recommended 97,100 'law and order commonsense' 78-9 National Community Crime Prevention law and order panics 82,8S Program 99 lebanese-Australian community 185, National Crime Prevention Council of 188,189,192 Canada 341 collectivities of youth in public National Crime Statistics collection 83 189-90 National Youth Policing Modd 238-9 everyday racism common 193 Neglected and Criminal Chadren~ Act 1864 legal Aid Commission hotline 288 (Vic) 8-9 legal representation of children 287 Neglected Children and Juvenile Offenders legislation in Australia, 2010 88-9 Aal90S (NSW) 17 lind, B. 134 Neighbourhood Watch 327 New South Wales legal Aid Macquarie Fields riot 253 Commission 287-8 male sex-role 223 New South Wales It:gislative marginalisation processes 117 Council 306 masculinity 214,223--6,229,231 New South Wales Office of the Mathews, Hon Justice j. H. 275 Ombudsman 309 Maxwell, G. 366 New York House of Refuge (1825) 6 McCulloch, J. 254 Noble, G. 193 media and riots 193 nuclear families 73, 75 media identification rules 262-3 Nunga CourtS 174 media images of youth 78--82,121,190, 194,201 O'Connell case (Illinois) 10 target ethnic gangs 186-7 O'Connor,1. 109 Melbourne Youth justice Precinct Operation Sweep 0NA) 247,249 308-9.312 Optional Protocol of the Convention mens rea (criminal intention) 261 Against Torture (OPCAT) 94 mental illness among young people orphan schools in AUSlralia 7 75-6 mentoring and support 171-2,344,375 Pacific Islander migrantS 180 Mika, H. 357 paid work for leenagers 120-1


Palmer, D. 245-6 skills of officers 236 pm-ens patriae 10, 12, 13 South Australian policy 238 Partnta! Support and Responsibility Act 2008 zero tolerance 234, 245-8 0NA) 284 poverty parole 89,218.321,323 cause of crime 26 Parramatla Industrial School for as a crime 7 Girls 17-18 effects 131-2,160,258 Parramatta Native Institution (1814) 152 Poynting, S. 193 Pascoe, T. 174 pre-delinquent children 13 pathways through life 339-40 preschool perceptions by parents Pearson, G. 187 138t peer-group interaClion 134-5,375-6 pre-sentence reports 281-2,295 'Plnkenba'incident 161-2 Prr:vention oj Crudty and Proliction oj police cautions 364-5 Children Act 1889 (UK) 21 police functions 20-1,83,96, Prichard,]. 141 135, 161 principles of juvenile justice 106-9 allocation of resources 335 proactive programs 346-7 cautioning 162-3 probation 14-15,265,318 dealing with homosexuals 227 probation officers 15-16 differential policing 185 Prosecution Policy oj the Cornmonwcalrh 91 options available 163-4 psychiatric theory of deviant 'proper' work 230-1 behaviour 32-3 relations with youth 184 psychological explanations of crime review of practices 194 31-3 youth liaison personnel 335 Public Schools Act 1866 (NSW) 4 police recruitment policies 19S-9 public space as a community Police Schools Involvement Program resource DO, 135,337-8, (Victoria) 251 34S-9 policing the young punishment approaches to young coercive intervention 257-8 offenders 353-4 contexts of intervention 236 Pyrooz, D. 191 curfews 234,24S-50 differential poliCing 253 Racial Discrimination Act 248 'kerbsidejuslice' 254-5 Racial Discrimination Act J 975 new powers for police 246 (NT) 176 'plastiC cops' 244 racial vilification and violence 196 police harassment 254 recidivism police in Australian society 234-5 after family conferencing 222-3 police procedures 242-3 after preventive detent ion Police Sc hools Involvement Program 278,293 (Victoria) 251 drug dependence 215 poliCe/youth mutual effects of camps 317,322,323 perceptions 237,256-8 greater after institutionalisation public-space issues 239-42 297,303,325,368 reports on girls 206 and Indigenous courts 174 'rough' persons 243-4 males 70 services for mental illnesses 305,309 Redfern riot 253

•• IItOE I reform movements 21-4 sentencing reformative organisations 21 according to needs 11 reformatories 7--8,9, 11-12 and age of offender 5--6 Set. also detention and case law 275-7 refugee groups 49 common dispositions 284-5,2aSt regulating juvenile justice agencies gender-based 16-17,25 101-4 general laws 89-90 establishing standards 104-5 of girls 207 rehabilitation 273, 276, 293, 303, hierarchy 264--5,282,288,324 312-13 indeterminate 12,16,24, 108 outdoor programs 321-3 mandatory imprisonment 85,101, reintegration of offenders 314 277-8 rejuvenation conceptS 293-4 national standards repeat offenders 301-2 recommended 214 republican responses to crime principles 265--7,214,288-9 358-9,360 'protective custody' 207 research, on young women 204--8 shaming responsibilisation 291-3 reintegrative 359,361,363 restorative approaches to young stigmatisation 359 offenders 353-5 shoplifting 129,159,211,240 origins 356-7 social dynamiCS of juvenile justice restorative justice 83,372,375 116-22,376 attractions 369-70 socioeconomic status links to general themes 373,376 crimes 118-19, 129, 135-7,324 moral framework 357 solitary confinement 311 practical forms 360-2, 'Somebody's Daughter' program 306, 361-2,375 313 restorative justice conferences 140-1 SOUlh Bank Corporation Amendmem By-law retributive justice 356, 368 (No.1) 1994 240-1 riots 81,145-6,253 specialist children's courts 168 Cronulla beach 8 1, 193,245 Standard Minimum Rules fo r the fuelled by media 193 Administration of Juvenile Justice risk measurement 291-3,339-40 (the Beijing Rules) 91 risk-need-responsibility (RNR) state wards model 293 boys 215 rock throwing 349-50 future criminalities 131,304 Royal Commission into Aboriginal girls 215,217 Deaths in Custody (1991) 155, Indigenous 110 165, 171-2 later detentions 217 Rudd, K. 155 suitable accommodation 316-7 stigmatisation form of shaming 359 Schelzer, L. 254 Stolen Generations Inquiry 153,154, schools and social identities 155, 163, 169-70 132-3,195 recommendations 175,347 Searles, M. 308 suicides 121,146,220,306 security officers 241-2 Summary Offences ACi 1988 (NSW) self-reports of juvenile crime 64-5 55,81 ,. INDEX supervised orders 318-19 welfare approaches to young suspended sentences 318 offenders 353--4, 369 Sveen, R. 321 welfare model for juvenile justice 106, system of juvenile justice 86, 94-6 107--8 welfare: support and payments 131 Tabar, P. 193 While, Rob O. Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, forum on female youth Lungtalananna 322 offenders 222 Torres Strait Islander people stt rock throwing 350-1 Indigenous groups sentencing options 265,291 tonure 91,92,94,195,270 social justice and rights 146, Turkish-Australian youth 180,192 344-5 Wilkie, M. 236 underclass 141-6 Workhouse Act (UK) 4 criminal families 136 working-class criminality 116-19, defming features 142 146-8,282 and labour market 143 Wundersitz, J. 263 marginalised young people 144-5 ponrayed threatening 146 as Yock, Daniel 161 threat to social order 143- 4 Young Offenders Act 1993 (SA) 108 underground economy 64, 136 Young Offenders ACI 1997 (NSW) 368 unemployment of young people 72-3, young people as victims of 83, 118, 124, 133--4 crime 82-3 in low-status areas 133--5 young women United Nations Convention on the Rights arrest rates for robbery 62-3 of the Child 342-3 in custody 219-20 United Nations Human Rights violence against 54-5, 121-2 Conventions 343 ste also girls United Nations instruments 91 Young Women in Custody Program vagrancy definitions 9 (NSW) 220 van Gemen, E 191 youth abuse of police 253 Veen v. Tht Queen 273 victims'rights 82-3 affinity groups 376 Victorian Equal Dpponunity and Human contacts with juvenile justice Rights Commission 94 system 65-76 Victorian Multicultural Commission 196 definition 2 Vietnamese-Australian youth 179, disrespect for the law 253 184,192 legal representation 285-6 violence, as a major issue 121-2, motor vehicle offences 22 7-9 159-60 reintegration of offenders 374 against young women 54-5, 121-2 see also adolescents: teenagers Youth Affairs Councils 101 wages under capitalism 122-3 Youth andJustict Act 1997 (Tas) 107 'war on terrorism' 181,186,256,347 youth conduct orders (YCDs) wards of State prone to later 284.298 detemion 110, 304 youth conrerenting 165-7, 166t Weatherburn, D. 134 Youth Control Orders (NSW) 298

'" INDEI youth crime prevention 341-8 Youth Peer Panels proposal 289 Youth Drug and Alcohol Coun Youth Restorative Action Project (YRAP), (N5W) 283 (Canada) 147 Youth Hotline 287-8 Youthful Offenders Act 1854 (UK) 8 YOUlhjusfice Act 1997 (Tas) 91 Youth Justice Coalition 90-1,95, 101, Zehr, H. 357 310-11 zero tolerance 65,374
