Index to Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)
INDEX TO PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) 16th Angtlst, 1983, to 1st hlareh, 1984 INDEX TO SUBJECTS Explanation of Abbrevintiorls: Address, Address in Reply; adj., h4otion for Adjournment; ad. rcp., Adoption of Report; appn, Appropriation Bill; Conz., Committee; cons. ar~rdts, Consideration of Amendments; corzs. ntes., Consideration of Message; rlec. zirg., Declara- tion of Urgency; griev., Grievance Debate; int., Introduction; loarz appn, General Loan Account Appropriation Bill; rrz., Motion; rnes., Message; ruin. stnit, Ministerial Statement; nz.s.o., Motion for Suspension of Standing or Sessional Orders; pcrs. expl., Personal Explanation; p.o., Point of Order; q., Question; IR., 2~.,3~., First, Second, Third Reading; recorn., Recommittal; recons. nr~zdts, Reconsideration of Amendments; select com. rep., Select Committee Report; spec. ndj., Special Adjournment; urgcrzcy, Motion of Urgency. A Abortion: Abattoirs (See "Meat Industry") Australia's Record, adj., 4886. Contraceptives Sor Children, q., 179. Aborigines: Right to Life, address, 244. Statistics, q., 2124. Aboriginal Land Council Account, appn, 905. Aboriginal Land Councils, q., 1455. Address in Reply: Aboriginal Lands Trust, apprz, 2088. ASSEMBLY: Assistance, nppn, 1080. First Day's Debate, 139; Second Day's Budget Allocation, apprl, 1642. Debate, 218; Third Day's Debate, 375; Burnt Bridge Reserve Water Supply, q., 2367, Fourth Day's Debate, 444; Fifth Day's 2570, 3750. Debate, 560; Sixth Day's Debate, 651; Community Maintenance Programmes, appn, Seventh Day's Debate, 707; Eighth Day's 2096. Debate, 796; Presentation, 897. Culture, apprz, 2096. COUNCIL: Employment, apprz, 2096. First Day's Debate, 27; Second Day's Debate, Hcalth, nclrJress, 865, 866. 74; Third Day's Debate, 181; Fourth Day's Debate, 259; Fifth Day's Debate, 382; Sixth Health Services, nddress, 865; apprz, 2096.
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