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BIO. CLUB HEARS COMMODORES TO DR. PICCOLI MEET RAMS TODAY THE TOMORROW IVol. 17 New York, N. Y., October 18, 1935 No. 3 ilbur Medical Fr, William Lonergan, S.J., Glee Club Opens Dr. Piccoli Addresses Bishop Hayes Bars Report Rejected Conducts Annual Retreat Concert Season Mendel Club Today Protestant Schools By Hughes Group The annual retreat for all classes at Fordham will take place Next Tuesday The Mendel Club will hold Its this year from October 29 to No- first regular meeting Friday, Oc- To Native Flock [Negative Awarded Decision vember 1. The Dean's office has tober IS, in Room 22 of the Biolo- announced that Father William I. Over 100 Members Will Sing gy Building. A Fordham Alumnus Proselytizing Assailed by in Debate on Sociali- and well known lecturer, Dr. Pic- sation Lonergan, S.J., associate editor of in New Rochelle Former Fordham "America" for the past ten years, Auditorium coli, Is scheduled to attend this will bo the retreat master in meeting and address the Society Prefect Joseph A. Larkin, Justin A. McCar- on the Interesting and little- charge of the retreat exercises The Fordham University Glee Club thy, William Mattlson and Leo S, for the Sophomore, Junior and known question, "Bacterlophage." In a vigorous message entitled hoomle, sophomore members of the will inaugurate Us concert season as •Besides this talk, there la being "Hands Off," the Most Reverend James Senior classes. The Freshman re- the guest of New Rocheile College on Hughes Debating Society, engaged In treat will be conducted by Father arranged an important experi- T. G. Hayes, Bishop of Cagayan, re- a spirited debate on the Socialization Tuesday night, October 22. Fr. Theo- ment which will be performed by cently warned non-Catholic and Prot- Thomas H. Moore, S.J., student dore T. Farley, S.J., Moderator of the of American Medicine at the meeting counsellor. the student members. In addition, estant schools in his diocese that he held on October U. The fact that three Club, announces that plans for an ac- preparations are being made for would not tolerate their efforts to draw of the contestants are leaders of the In addition to delivering the re- tive year have been made. the showing of a scientific moving Catholic students into their Institu- groups recently formed in the society treat for the three upper classes, In a program which will offer sev- picture. tions. This article, appearing in "la to arouse interest and a spirit of rival- Father Lonergan is also sched- eral numbers Included in the Town Defensa," a Catholic paper published uled to deliver the series of talks Hall Concert of last March 20, Pales- "The Cabmuth," besides fea- ry, heightened the competition. The turing such articles as "Entrance In Manila, was in response to attempts Negative upheld by Mattison '38 and for the annual Fall Conferences trina's immortal "O Domine Jesu on the part of Silllman, a Protestant to be held again this year in the Christue" and Koshetz's arrangement Requirements for Medical Roomie '38 were awarded the victory Schools," "The History and Eco- school, to increase enrollment by in- liy a committee of new members, with University Chapel. The general it "The Cossack" will be heard. The ducing Catholics to enter. topic of Father Lonergan's talks nomic Importance of the Frog" these same men chosen the heat speak latter is a rousing ballad which elicited "The general law of the Church," he era in the same order. will be "Rome versus Russia." spontaneous applause from the Town and "The Chiroptera," will also The first In the series will be en- Hall audience. A number of selections carry "Cell Structure," an article wrote (not Bishop Hayes' law as some The ambition of the Moderator, that titled "The Fact of Communism," not among those sung at last spring's by Howard P. FInne-y '30. It was ignorant people believe and some in- | the sophomores illustrate the differ- to be followed on successive Sun- concert will also be given, notably the announced that because of un- telligent people are trying to make oth- ences between the high school and col days by "The Fallacy of Com- "Children's Drum Song," and selections foreseen difficulty "The Cab- ers believe), "forbids Catholics to at- | lege manner of debating, was carried munism," "The Menace of Com- from the operetta "Sweetheart of the muth" which was originally tend Sectarian Schools. Silllman is nit to his complete satisfaction. The munism" and "The Remedy of Regiment." scheduled to appear during the now admitted to be a Protestant school great emphasis laid upon the debater's Communism." middle of this month will not be by its own President. Therefore, no ability to vary and shift his arguments Notre Dame College of Staten Island distributed until a week later. Catholic may attend that school. The to meet the verbal thrusts of the op will play host to the group of Fordham sooner Silllman authorities understand position, and thus heighten the audl HISTORY CLUB RENEWS singers on November 22. This date is this the better. Our campaign will con- ence interest, waB the feature of col particularly appropriate for such an en- CONVERSAZIONE TO BE tinue as long as even one true Catholic legiate debating style which he found STUDY AND RESEARCH tertainment, as it is the feast of St. attends that institution or any other adequately handled by the speakers Cecilia, the patron of music. Following RESUMED THIS YEAR Sectarian school." the appearance at Notre Dame, the The experience of the debaters In argu- The History Club will hold its first In view of the success enjoyed lasi Bishop Hayes continued In a more ing this subject a number of times last club will commemorate the one hun- meeting on Wednesday evening, Oc- dred and fiftieth anniversary of the year by the series of weekly informal general vein, declaring " 'Hands Off year doubtless increased their facility •ober 23, Mr. Samuel F. Telfair, Pro- the Catholic' is our warning to all Sec- I In this regard. founding of St. Peter's Church in Bar- discussions known as "Conversazione, fessor of History, announced recently. clay Street with a concert in the Grand tarian schools. Let Protestants go their Following the debate, William W. and held in the Mimes and Mummers own way and let Catholics follow their The meetings will be conducted In the Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Club Room, these weekly discussion; Love '38, temporary presiding officer, same manner as last year, when the The ambitious schedule will be com- way. True religious freedom guaran- Announced that the floor was open for will be resumed. This year, in addition tees and, in fact, requires that Protes- Club enjoyed no small amount of suc- pleted with appearances at Mount St. comment upon either the merits of the Vincent's on January 10, and at to the Fordham professors, outside au tants and Catholics go along life's way arguments or any new ideas the mem cess. Last year the members made a Georgian Court on February 12. thorities on subjects of interest will be side by side but not together. Catholics hers cared to air. This started a heated comprehensive study of Mexico begin- Invited to lead the Monday night dis do not interfere and are not interested controversy upon the relatively high At present there are about one hun- ning with the efforts of the early mis- dred members in the Club. They have Missions. In what the Protestants are doing for fees of doctors as compared with the sionaries to establish Christianity and Discussion leaders will include: themselves. But we Catholics are inter- small incomes of their patients. John survived spirited eliminations In which tracing the history of the country up Dr. Joslyu has found a wealth of ex- Samuel F. Telfair, Jr., M.A., Profes ested and will interfere once Protes- Burke '39 and James Flngerhut '39 sor of History; Frederic Joslyn, Direc tants or any other sect try to prosely- showed much promise in this extern to the present condition of chaos in ceptional new talent. It is expected tize openly or covertly among the Cath- joth church and state. that the number will be reduced dur- tor of the Orchestra; Rev. Ignatius W. poraneous speaking. Cox, S.J., Professor of Ethics; Franci: olics of the Philippines. The Y. M. C. The History Club is unique In that ing the course of the year by further The first test of the new group plan eliminations. X. Connelly, M.A., Professor of Eng- A., the Pioneers, all Protestant Schools will occur next Monday, when Leo S it has no officers and Is devoted strict- lish; Gabriel M. Liegey, M.A., LL.B and some Protestant teachers of the Loomie '38 sends Donald Wilson '39 ly to study. Those in the organization Professor of Literature; James H. Me public and private non-sectarian and Harrison Downs '39 against two believe that the benefits gained from JOSEPH V. McKEE, '11, Cabe, A.B., Professor of English. schools need watching, and we will members of Joseph Larkin's division intelligent study and discussion of his- Possible outside leaders include: watch them." The question, "Resolved, that Presi torical events are boundless in informa- ON BAR COMMITTEE I. Maurice Wormser, Fordham Law tive and broadening value. The activi- Bishop Hayes was formerly Prefect dent Roosevelt should be re-elected In Joseph V. McKee, A.M. '13, LL.D. '26, School (Author of Frankenstein, In of Discipline at Fordham, and much of 1936" should provide some hoatcd (Us ties are directed by the students them- former acting mayor of the city of New corp.); Dr.