Digital Change Made in

Company Presentation Detecon Company Presentation Detecon is the leading consulting company that unites management with great digital technology expertise.

We merge business & technology perspectives into a consistent digital change journey for our clients.

Industry | Services | Telco

 More than 20.000 projects realized worldwide  1.200 associates in our offices worldwide  Clients in more than 165 countries  Colleagues from over 40 countries

2 Detecon Company Presentation Founded in 1977. Company Development Milestone Projects

Almost 40 years of  xxxx 2016 Establishment Detecon Innovation experience in the Institute in San Francisco  xxxx technology and  xxxx management 2012 Realignment of Detecon with consulting dedicated client areas makes us the perfect partner for the digital change. 2008 Strategic focus on ICT management consultancy

2002 Merger of Detecon and Diebold

Launch of the GSM Project D1: 1987 planning, build-up, and marketing of the digital mobile network D1. Major involvement in the development of the GSM standard at ETSI 1977 Detecon Deutsche Telepost Consulting is established as an affiliate of the Deutsche Bundespost in Bonn

3 Detecon Company Presentation Our set-up is client-centric and global.

Management Board

Dr. Heinrich Arnold Michael Hanke Dr. Jens Nebendahl Head of External Business and Cluster Leader Commercial Director Chief Executive Detecon Digital

Clusters Offices

Deutsche Telekom International Telco Industry & Services Europe MENA CASA Asia Pacific Dubai/ Johannesburg Michael Hanke M.-A. Schultze Dr. Yilmaz Alan

Corporate Functions Operators Automotive

T-Deutschland Authorities Manufacturing Dr. K. Grunert Issa Nasser Philipp Zindler Thomas Wehr T-Systems High-Tech GHS Pharma & Health China Switzerland USA / DII* Europe, NatCo Energy San Francisco Retail & Consumer Financial Services Travel & Transport Dr. Stefan Weigand Robin Euler Stefan Wilhelm Public Sector

A world class support team Talent Management | Research | Knowledge Development | Project Support

*Detecon Innovation Institute 4 Detecon Company Presentation Technological development is the driver of changes in customer requirements, market roles, and added value.

Technological Social Economical Progress Changes Changes

Life Changing New Perception, Businesses Transformation, Opportunities Behavior & Demand New Players & Competition

Chances increasing efficiency ‒ reducing costs benefiting from shifted market needs developing new products & services

Risks handling complexity ‒ staying on edge misunderstanding new demands getting disrupted by digital champions

Industry 4.0: Robotics: Sharing Culture: Millennials rise: Competition: New Players: 36 Bio. USD Increase in 16 Mio. user of born with tech/ > 77 Mio. User > 160.000 Uber market potential efficiency > 20% car sharing in EU 27% of population of Netflix in 2015 rides/day in LA

5 Detecon Company Presentation Digitalization is the competition for companies. There are challenges in all areas of the company.

 New business models –  Real-time systems for toward product + digital business & performance service data

„Digital” is changing the very Connected nature of every business. Consumers

 Flexible and secure IT  Agile organizations Outgoing Production Marketing logistics and network and responsibilities Connected infrastructure Enterprises

Customer Sales Personnel service Connected Products  “Zero distance”  New partnerships Incoming Procure- Technology logistics ment development between company and its connected by customers “smart” networks


6 Detecon Company Presentation Our approach.

For our clients we Understand Set Initiate Steer address the digital transformation in four logical steps.

Understand the Steer digital Set the direction Initiate and realize drivers of digital change over and strategy the right actions change the long term

7 Detecon Company Presentation Digital Fields of Play.

The four core areas of digitalization. Customer Interface Business Models Operational Digital Mindset & Experience & Products Excellence & Culture

Multi-speed CRM-Strategy Trend Scouting Agile Organization & flexible organization

Data-driven & IoT- Digital Customer Delight Digital Product Design Digital Learning enabled production

Omni-Channel Flexible & optimized Digital Business Models Sharing Culture Management business processes

Digital Fast Time-To-Market Cyber Security Future Work(Place) Eco-system

Highly efficient and Customer Data Analytics Partnering Digital Tool World scalable IT landscape

8 Detecon Company Presentation Commercial Strategies Networks We are the experts for the We are the experts for Future Telco. elaboration and quantification of all-IP migration, technology new Telco strategies in a strategy, and network converging business environment. architecture /planning/rollout. We transform your digital We established T-Mobile. Detecon is the best business model. expert worldwide for the telecommunications Innovation & Partnering industry. Partnerships are a key element of competitiveness. We know how telco innovation works – straight from Silicon Valley.

WeGuiding build FuturePrinciples Telco Organizational Change Transformation capability is a success factor for all telcos. We create the structures, the understanding of leader- ship, and the working environ- ment for constant transformation.

Financial Management Financial planning and CAPEX management are our core topics in our work with our telco Radical Customer Centricity clients. We create profitability.

The un-carrier strategy we employed for Deutsche Telekom in the USA proved how concentration on the customer can lead to success in a difficult operating environment.

9 Detecon Company Presentation Our Consulting Fields and Expertise.

Our Consulting Portfolio Our Clients

 Strategy, Innovation & Products Service Industry Telco  Financial Management Companies Companies Companies  CRM Sales & Services  Wholesale & Regulation  IT Strategy  IT Efficiency & IT Infrastructure Optimization  Network  Transformation, Organization, People Management  Enterprise Architecture Management  Business Process Management  Supply Management  Application Management & Advisory  Risk, Security & Compliance

10 Detecon Company Presentation Future Work.

We have created a working environment which today meets the demands of tomorrow. Innovative and international Individual working career concept environment

Training and Leading mentoring Work ‘n Value digital programs

Global network Cultural and exchange diversity programs

11 Detecon Company Presentation Detecon in the digital world

Our Microsites and Blogs on current topics.

12 HeadingDetecon Company Presentation Detecon’s strategy and management consulting services enhance the value creation chain at Deutsche Telekom.

Deutsche Telekom: your first choice for Deutsche Telekom in Numbers networked living and working  Present in 50 countries and employing 225,000 worldwide

 No. 1 on the German market: TC, mobile, IT

ICT solutions for the Deutsche  Own computer centers and networks Telekom key accounts worldwide

 €69.2bn in turnover

 About 1.6m marketed workplace systems

 > 156m mobile services customers

Detecon, the management  > 29m fixed network customers consulting unit of the DTAG Group  > 18m broadband customers

 About 6.6m TV customers (IPTV)

13 Heading

Detecon International GmbH

Sternengasse 14 – 16 50676 (Germany) Phone: +49 221 9161-0 [email protected]

Supervisory Board: Christian Till Roga (Chair)

Executive Committee: Dr. Jens Nebendahl

Commercial Register: Cologne Local Court HRB 76144, Corporate Headquarters: Cologne