MORF Midwest Open Racing Fleet 2014 Race Schedule and Sailing Instructions Email –
[email protected] Hotline – 312-566-7333 the NEW C&C 30 Incredible Performance. Credible Price. $124,900 base Available this Spring the FIRST 25 Beneteau Day-Sailing made easy and affordable Your Lake Michigan Beneteau / C&C Dealer 3635 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL 60609 773.254.0200 SALES SERVICE BROKERAGE 2014 MORF Race Schedule Date 1st Flag SA Series MORF Event Other Event 17-May Sat 11:30am SA7 Performance Performance #1 (Olympic) 18-May Sun Commodores Cup 24-May Sat 11:30am SA7 Performance Performance #2 (Trapezoid) Spring Opener 25-May Sun 11:30am SA7 Lady Skipper Lady Skipper #1 (Olympic) Olympic Cup 31-May Sat 11:30am SA7 Performance Crowley Sprint (Perf #3 & #4) COLORS 1-Jun Sun 11:30am SA7 Lady Skipper Lady Skipper #2 (Trapezoid) COLORS Zimmer Memorial (LD #1) 7-Jun Sat 10:00am SA7 Long Distance NOOD & Doublehanded 8-Jun Sun 11:30am SA7 Casual Single/Double Hand/Drag Race NOOD Chicago to St Joe (LD #2) 13-Jun Fri 7:00pm SA7 Long Distance & Doublehanded St St Joe to Chicago (LD #3) 15-Jun Sun 9:15am Long Distance Hobelman Joe & Doublehanded 21-Jun Sat 11:30am SA7 Performance UK Sprint (Perf #5 & #6) Chicago-Wauk 22-Jun Sun Wauk-Chicago 28-Jun Sat 11:30am SA7 Performance Performance #7 (Olympic) - Chicago 6-Jul Sun 11:30am SA7 Long Distance Competition #1 (Trapezoid) Lady Skipper #3 & #4 12-Jul Sat 11:30am SA7 Lady Skipper Lutz Regatta (Beer Trap+WL) 13-Jul Sun 11:30am SA7 Competition Competition #2 (Olympic)