WOMEN When one good person stands up, good people will follow and good IN POLITICS things will happen COUNCILLOR ELIZABETH RE SHOWING THE WAY IN 2010 Supporting the 2010 Year of Women in Local Government CONTENTS 2 Message from the ALGA President 4 Governor-General’s Foreword 6 Overview 8 A brief history of our female political pioneers 10 Leadership in local government associations POLITICAL LEADERSHIP 11 Councillor Genia McCaffery 11 Mayor Felicity-ann Lewis 12 Mayor Nancy Joy Baluch AM 12 Kerry Moir 13 Deirdre E. Flint OAM EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP 14 Ricky Burges 14 Wendy Campana 15 State and Territory local government associations: A snapshot POLITICAL PROFILES 18 The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP 20 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young 22 Mrs Kay Hull MP 24 Senator Helen Kroger 26 Senator the Honourable Jan McLucas 28 Kristina Keneally © Copyright Australian Local Government Association 2010 ISBN 978-1-876114-00-8 30 Councillor Joyce Crombie Published by: Australian Local Government Association 32 Councillor Rose Jackson ABN 31 008 613 876 34 Councillor Yvonne Jennings For further information on this publication or other policy 36 Clover Moore MP matters, please contact: 38 Councillor Elizabeth Re Australian Local Government Association 40 Lisa Scaffidi 8 Geils Court, Deakin ACT 2600 FEATURE PROFILE T (02) 6122 9400 F (02) 6122 9401 E
[email protected] W www.alga.asn.au 42 Wendy Harmer Design: Designers Wakefield Bevanda 44 Women in politics: Good people should stand up WOMEN IN POLITICS SHOWING THE WAY IN 2010 When one good person stands up, good people will follow and good things will happen COUNCILLOR ELIZABETH RE 2 WOMEN IN POLITICS MESSAGE The 2010 Year of Women in Local Government is the culmination of two decades of research into the under-representation of women in FROM THE local government.