Executive Council of Australian Jewry Inc. 27 July 2015 The Representative Committee Secretariat Organisation of Australian Jewry Senate Standing Committees on Economics PO Box 6100 Level 2, 80 William Street Sydney NSW 2000 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Address all correspondence to: PO Box 1114, Edgecliff NSW 2027 Email:
[email protected] Tel (+61 2) 8353 8500 Fax (+61 2) 9361 5888 Web: www.ecaj.org.au Dear Sir/Madam E-mail
[email protected] PRESIDENT Robert M Goot AM, SC Re: Inquiry into Third Party Certification of Food DEPUTY PRESIDENT Jillian Segal AM The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ), the elected representative HON. TREASURER organisation of the Jewish community in Australia, presents the following Peter Wise submission on behalf of the Australian Jewish community in response to the HON. SECRETARY Committee’s inquiry into Third Party Certification of Food. This submission Sharene Hambur addresses certification of food in Australia as kosher - that is, fit for EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Peter Wertheim AM consumption according to Jewish religious law. The first section of the submission provides a brief outline of the meaning of “kosher” and “kashrut”, VICE PRESIDENTS Jeremy Spinak (NSW) as necessary background. The remaining sections correspond to the Inquiry’s Nina Bassat AM (VIC) terms of reference. David Denver (WA) Jason Steinberg (QLD) Norman Schueler (SA) Daniel Albert (TAS) Robert Cussel (ACT) 1. Meaning of “Kosher” and “Kashrut” IMM. PAST PRESIDENT Dr Danny Lamm The word “kosher” means” proper” or “fit for use”. It describes the CONSTITUENTS acceptable status of food products in accordance with the Biblically-based NSW Jewish Board of Deputies Jewish Community Council dietary laws of the Jewish faith.