Port of Hamburg Marketing at a glance

Port of Hamburg Marketing was established in 1985. portant to us. We offer terminal operators, shipping Today, as an international marketing organisation we lines, liner agents, rail companies, transport service are active in twelve locations further strengthening providers, container packers, customs experts, basic the Port of Hamburg‘s market position in international and further training bodies, and many other companies competition. With real commitment and very diverse professional marketing support with targeted commu- activities we promote the attractiveness of the loca- nication, project and marketing activities, locally in tion and wide range of services provided in the Port Hamburg as well as all the important target markets. of Hamburg. The ports in the Metropolitan Region The activities are company and competitively neutral have also found in us a strong partner for professional and in the common interest of the port location. location marketing. Our members are particularly im-



More than 292 members are involved in the 12 locations worldwide strengthen the international Port of Hamburg Marketing Association. position of the Port of Hamburg.


Companies from over 15 fields are network Port of Hamburg Marketing and its members are their strengths in the marketing organisation. active in 25 markets: in the German hinterland as well as relevant international markets.

Status: 31.12.2017

Annual Report 2017 | 01 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Table of contents

03 CHAPTER 1 From the Executive Board, Supervisory Board and Representatives Meeting

04 Interview with the Executive Board 06 Report of the Supervisory Board Chairman 07 Members of the Supervisory Board 08 Report of the Chairman of the Representatives’ Meeting 09 Member of the Representatives Meeting 10 Our contacts for you

11 CHAPTER 2 A strong voice for the Port of Hamburg

12 Port of Hamburg Marketing 16 Staff

17 CHAPTER 3 Activities

18 Highlights 2017

ACTIVITY REPORTS 20 Press work, publications and worldwide image promotion 22 Online media 23 Visitor groups 24 Events 26 Trade fairs 27 Project development 29 Transport policy work 30 Market research

31 CHAPTER 4 Markets

32 Port of Hamburg 2017: Data, facts & figures

MARKET AND ACTIVITY REPORTS 35 Germany 38 Central and Eastern 40 Baltic Region 43 Asia 46 Port of Hamburg Marketing Representative Offices

47 CHAPTER 5 Additional information

48 Port of Hamburg Marketing member companies 53 Imprint


04 Interview with the Executive Board

06 Report of the Supervisory Board Chairman 07 Members of the Supervisory Board

08 Report of the Chairman of the Representatives’ Meeting 09 Member of the Representatives Meeting

10 Our contacts for you

Annual Report 2017 | 03 CHAPTER 1

Ingo Egloff Joint CEO

Ingo Egloff has been a member of Port of Hamburg Marketing’s Executive Board since 1 January 2014. As Axel Mattern Legal Adviser, he supports the Joint CEO Chairman of the Supervisory Board on matters of law. He is Axel Mattern has been a also responsible for projects. member of Port of Hamburg Marketing’s Executive Board The Joint CEOs are together since 1 July 2011. He is res- responsible for Corporate ponsible for Communication Marketing, Administration and Information. and Market Cultivation.

INTERVIEWwith the Executive Board

Last year the high-quality range of services from Port of Hamburg operators resulted in a stable throughput total at the previous year’s level. Hamburg terminals handled cargoes totalling 136.5 mil- lion tons in 2017. With growing digitalization of port processes and expanding infrastructure, Hamburg is well positioned in Northern Europe, offering all the advantages of a high-performance hub port for routing worldwide transport chains. Yet its excellent international reputation requires untiring effort and professional location marketing – Port of Hamburg Marketing is committed to both with its numer- ous activities in the most essential core markets.

In this interview Joint CEOs Ingo Egloff and Axel Mattern look back on 2017.

Gentlemen, what did 2017 bring for the Port of Ingo Egloff: We naturally regret that more time is Hamburg? being lost in implementing the measure. Neverthe- less, we are confident that with issue of building per- Axel Mattern: We started the year with a positive mission in 2018, the Port of Hamburg will in future message at the outset: Adjustment of the fairway on be able to profit noticeably from economic growth. the Lower and Outer is coming. With its judge- And there’s something that we should never forget ment at the beginning of February, the Federal Ad- – Port customers and shipowners depend on Ham- ministrative Court in Leipzig expressly underlined the burg because they appreciate the quality of the port’s necessity of deepening and widening the navigation performance and its location at the heart of Northern channel, yet also made a request for some improve- Europe. ments. This was met during the year under a supple- mentary planning procedure. How have customers reacted to the court ruling on the fairway adjustment?


Axel Mattern: For the moment, nothing has changed we emphasized communication and partnership. We for either shipping on the Elbe or operations in the staged numerous events in Germany and internation- Port of Hamburg. So far we have been capable of han- ally, threw ourselves into EU projects, showcased the dling even the largest containerships and that will also Port of Hamburg at trade fairs and in the media… and, apply in future. That becomes especially clear when and, and. you look at the way calls by mega-containerships have developed. In 2017 Hamburg received 102 calls What were the highlights in cultivating the mar- by VLCVs with a slot capacity between 18,000 and ket? 20,000 plus. That was an advance of 52.2 percent on the previous year. In mid-May MOL TRIUMPH, one of Ingo Egloff: There were several highlights. Among the world’s largest containerships with a capacity of the important milestones in the year under review, 20,170 TEU, berthed in the Port of Hamburg; some- for example, were the ‘Gateway Hamburg’ display at thing unthinkable a few years earlier. ‘transport logistic’ in . A total of 60 co-exhibi- tors used this to inform visitors about their services. Let’s revert to the Port of Hamburg’s throughput The new ‘Universal Port of Hamburg’ container was figures. Herr Egloff, was 2017 a positive year for launched in time for the event. Nor should we over- the Port of Hamburg? look the new Event & Exhibition Box that we success- fully deployed in 2017 for information and network- Ingo Egloff: It is gratifying that with 136.5 million tons, ing events in Hamburg as well as countrywide. Our the Port of Hamburg achieved stable throughput at Annual Report offers a comprehensive overview of the previous year’s level. A downturn of one percent our manifold marketing activities in 2017 – well worth occurred in handling of containerized general cargoes, reading! which totalled 8.8 million TEU. At 44.7 million tons, bulk cargo throughput reached the 2016 total. We are Gentlemen, have you anything on your mind? proud of the record result seaport-hinterland transport by rail. With something over 611,000 TEU transported Axel Mattern: Our heartiest thanks are due to all the to or from the Port of Hamburg, the third quarter set staff of Port of Hamburg Marketing for all their work. a fresh record. The success of our worldwide marketing for the Port of Hamburg is only possible at all with their commit- Many customers also keep an eye on ports such ment and dedication. as Antwerp and Rotterdam. How does the Port of Hamburg position itself vis-à-vis the competition? Ingo Egloff: And our special thanks go to members of the Association. Their backing is indispensable for the Ingo Egloff: Service providers for cargo handling, Port of Hamburg’s positive development. logistics and transport in Hamburg and the region offer a tremendously high standard of performance. The quality and speed of clearance, the hinterland infrastructure, as well as the tremendous range of logistics services, persuade port customers through- out the world to route their cargoes via Hamburg. To mention one example: with more than 200 freight trains daily reaching or leaving the Port of Hamburg, we are the clear leader in Europe. To mention Ham- burg as Europe’s No. 1 rail port is no mere advertising slogan, but a fact much valued by customers world- wide.

What part does Port of Hamburg Marketing play here?

Axel Mattern: The sheer clout of the Port of Ham- burg rests on numerous companies throughout the Metropolitan Region. In our association, we meld the strengths of these into one performance profile. For us, it is essential that we communicate the Port of Hamburg’s advantages as a transport hub for world- wide transport chains so as to attract cargo to Ham- burg. What matters in the transport business, espe- cially, are reliability and the long-term view. Last year

Annual Report 2017 | 05 CHAPTER 1

‘The positive response that we receive from customers and partners on the work of Port of Hamburg Marketing, shows us just how highly we are appreciated on the market.’ Report of the Supervisory Board Chairman

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear members,

On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I wish to inform Board regularly prepared itself for decisions on Execu- you about our work in 2017. In the year under review, tive Board measures requiring its assent on the basis we performed the duties required of us as the Super- of documents made available in advance by the Exe- visory Board by the law and our Articles of Associati- cutive Board. on with the utmost care. In close and trusting coope- ration with the management of the Association, we Apart from these meetings, as Supervisory Board regularly advised the Executive Board and continually Chairman, I in addition remained in close personal dia- monitored its conduct of business. The Superviso- logue with the Executive Board. ry Board gave comprehensive consideration to the Association’s operative and strategic development. Subjects repeatedly considered at our regular mee- In January 2017, a joint strategy meeting of Port of tings were the Executive Board reports on the Hamburg Marketing’s Supervisory Board and Execu- Association’s financial position, as well as the situation tive Board was for the first time held with that objec- on membership, and the current activities and projects tive. At the two-day session, we discussed marketing of both Headquarters and the Representative Offices. strategy for Hamburg as a port and logistics centre in The Executive Board furnished information on the cur- the context of the competition and Port of Hamburg rent market and competition situation. Marketing’s future activities in the port’s core markets. In the meeting on 14 February 2017, the Executive The Supervisory Board held four meetings in 2017, Board reported at length on the activities and events namely in February, May, September and November. planned for Hamburg and the representatives’ areas. These Supervisory Board meetings were notable for In this context, the Executive Board presented the Su- a frank and wide-ranging exchange between the Exe- pervisory Board with the plan for the first deployment cutive and Supervisory Boards. Wherever the law, Ar- of the new event-and-exhibition container at Hamburg ticles of Association and/or made the assent of the Port Birthday, its keynote topic being training. Hartmut Supervisory Board essential for specific measures, an Wolberg, Managing Director of UNIKAI Lagerei- and appropriate resolution was enacted. The Supervisory Speditionsgesellschaft, was officially welcomed as


successor to Michael Sieck, who relinquished his of- fice as from 31 December 2016. Dr. Rolf Strittmatter, MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD CEO of Hamburg Marketing, introduced himself as a Period 2015 – 2018 further new member of the Supervisory Board. Thomas Lütje On 16 May 2017, the Supervisory Board discussed the Chairman aggressive marketing of the competing ports of Rot- HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort GmbH terdam and Antwerp vis-à-vis the Port of Hamburg. We agreed that the latter’s strengths should be more Dr. Dirk Claus robustly communicated to its customers and other sta- Vice-Chairman keholders. The Executive Board reported on the una- Seehafen GmbH & Co. KG nimously positive response to our joint showcasing at the ‘transport logistic’ trade fair in Munich. The Exe- Nils Kahn cutive Board also tabled the 2016 Annual Report that Vice-Chairman was unanimously approved. MSC Germany S.A. & Co. KG

The emphasis at the meeting of 12 September 2017 Christine Beine was the Executive Board’s report on the Annual Finan- Handelskammer Hamburg cial Statement and Annual Report as at 31.12.2016. The Supervisory Board approved the reports submit- Thomas Brügmann ted and granted the Executive Board exoneration for GHB Gesamthafenbetriebs-Gesellschaft mbH the year 2016. The Supervisory Board once again ap- pointed ESC Wirtschaftsprüfung, Hamburg, to audit Tino Klemm the Annual Financial Statement and Annual Report for HPA Hamburg Port Authority AöR 2017. A further point on the Agenda was the report on the state of the ‘Hamburg-NRWplus’ cooperation pro- Ina Luderer ject aimed at boosting rail and inland waterway traffic Unternehmensverband Hafen Hamburg e. V. in transport chains between the Port of Hamburg and North Rhine-Westphalia. Jörn Prahl Evergreen Shipping Agency (Deutschland) At the last meeting of the year on 21 November 2017, GmbH the Business Plan for 2018 was presented and explai- ned in detail to the Supervisory Board. Hubertus Ritzke Wallmann & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG) The entire Supervisory Board wishes to thank the members of Port of Hamburg Marketing for the trust Frank Schnabel placed in them. The Supervisory Board also thanks the Brunsbüttel Ports GmbH Joint CEOs and all staff for their work. Dr. Rolf Strittmatter In addition, I also wish to thank the departing mem- Hamburg Marketing GmbH bers of the Supervisory Board for their work on Port of Hamburg Marketing’s Supervisory Board. Ben Thurnwald Hansaport Hafenbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Hamburg, April 2018 Jörg Ullrich European Cargo Logistics GmbH

Ingo Witte HHLA Container Terminal GmbH

Hartmut Wolberg Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktienge- Thomas Lütje sellschaft Chairman of the Supervisory Board Status: 31.12.2017

Annual Report 2017 | 07 CHAPTER 1

‘With almost 300 member companies we are successfully championing Hamburg as a port & logistics centre – this is a network that pays off!’

Report of the Chairman of the Representatives’ Meeting

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear members,

With almost 300 member companies now in our mar- new Membership Category A-plus. To implement this keting organization, championing Hamburg as a port change during the current term of office, therefore, and logistics centre, our total membership is at a good HPA - Hamburg Port Authority as the only corporate level. This may show no increase on the previous year, member in this category nominated three members, yet below the line we have for years been reporting namely by Lutz Birke, Iris Scheel and Sabine Stüben. constant growth in total – a clear sign of trust and sure evidence that we are catering for our members’ inter- The Executive Board later reported extensively on ests. the present situation of the association, the member- ship count, and current activities as well as projects Last year the Regular Annual Session of the Repre- at Headquarters and the Representative Offices. The sentatives’ Meeting was held on 28 November. two Joint CEOs also provided information on the cur- rent situation on the market and competition. They At the start of the proceedings, co-option of Hans- especially considered new markets Vietnam, Sweden Jörg Heims, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik (HHLA) and the Baltic, which are reporting above-average as Torsten Engelhardt’s successor in Membership growth rates in container traffic with Hamburg. Anoth- Category A and of Tobias Wiese, Hansaport Hafen- er highlight was a report from the Chairman of the Su- betriebsgesellschaft, as Ulrich Kock’s successor in pervisory Board. Thomas Lütje reported on its work, Membership Category B, was unanimously endorsed. with the Representatives’ Meeting then granting the Torsten Engelhardt and Ulrich Kock were obliged to Supervisory Board exoneration for 2017. They also surrender their mandates since at the time of the elec- decided that the amount and payment deadlines for tion they had already left their previous jobs. membership dues should remain unchanged for 2018.

The amendment to the Articles of the Association The entire Representatives’ Meeting thanked the agreed on 12 October 2016 provided for three seats members of Port of Hamburg Marketing for the trust in the Representatives’ Meeting for companies in the placed in them. The Representatives’ Meeting thanked


the Executive Board and all staff for their dedication and work. In the year under review, one marked by MEMBER OF THE REPRESENTATIVES economically challenging conditions, especially, Port MEETING of Hamburg Marketing’s intensive cultivation of the Period 2015 – 2018 market and manifold activities to position and strength- en the location were of outstanding importance for the Uwe Gaede Association and all its members. In addition, I would Chairman like to thank the former members Torsten Engelhardt Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschiff- and Ulrich Kock for their activities in the Representa- fahrts-Gesellschaft KG tives’ Meeting. Thorsten Kröger Hamburg, April 2018 Vice-Chairman NYK Line (Deutschland) GmbH

Lutz Birke (since 28.11.2017) HPA Hamburg Port Authority AöR

Uwe Gaede Michael Bruhns Chairman of the Representatives’ Meeting Werner Bruhns Lagereigesellschaft mbH

Torsten Engelhardt (until 16.09.2017) Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft

Rainer Fabian C. Steinweg (Süd-West Terminal) GmbH & Co. KG

Sven Hargens Brunsbüttel Ports GmbH

Ortwin Harms Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH

Hans-Jörg Heims (since 28.11.2017) Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft

Holger Heinzel Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft

Mark Hennings GHB Gesamthafenbetriebs-Gesellschaft mbH

Ulrich Kock (until 28.02.2017) Stena Line Scandinavia AB

Iris Scheel (since 28.11.2017) HPA Hamburg Port Authority AöR

Sabine Stüben (since 28.11.2017) HPA Hamburg Port Authority AöR

Tobias Wiese (since 28.11.2017) Hansaport Hafenbetriebsgesellschaft mbH

Status: 31.12.2017

Annual Report 2017 | 09 CHAPTER 1

Our contacts for you

All for one, one for all – with Port of Hamburg Marketing you belong to a powerful association. Innumerable specialists from a great variety of sectors provide services in Hamburg as a port and logistics powerhouse. For positioning the location internationally, this makes it essential to network the strengths and advantages of individual companies into a single service profile. This is the job that Port of Hamburg Marketing has been doing along with its members for over 30 years. Find the right partner for your needs:


Executive Board Communication & Information Finances

Axel Mattern Director Communication & Director Finance & Controlling +49 40 37709 130 Information Kerstin Pfietzmann [email protected] Bengt van Beuningen +49 40 37709 140 +49 40 37709 110 [email protected] Ingo Egloff [email protected] +49 40 37709 101 Accounting [email protected] Press and Public Relations, Mandy Abraham Member Management +49 40 37709 144 Assistant to the Executive Board Julia Delfs [email protected] Katharina Weidemann +49 40 37709 118 +49 40 37709 100 [email protected] Nadine Herter [email protected] +49 40 37709 143 Press and Public Relations [email protected] Annette Krüger Market Development and Trade +49 40 37709 112 Fairs [email protected] Projects

Head of Market Development Baltic Press and Public Relations, Head of Project Department Sea Region / Eastern Europe Visitor Groups Stefan Breitenbach Marina Basso Michael Sandra Kunze +49 40 37709 121 +49 40 37709 111 +49 40 37709 122 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Projects Head of Market Development Asia / Events Adina Katharina Cailliaux Overseas Katja Höltkemeier +49 40 37709 172 Mathias Schulz +49 40 37709 115 [email protected] +49 40 37709 114 [email protected] [email protected] Johannes Betz +49 40 37709 152 [email protected] Market Research Inga Gurries Ports +49 40 37709 121 Christian Ulken [email protected] +49 40 37709 117 [email protected]

Shipping & Hinterland Jens Schlegel +49 40 37709 116 JOIN US IN PORT OF HAMBURG [email protected] MARKETING

292 companies are already committed members of the Port of Online Media Hamburg Marketing association. If you wish to learn more about Head of Online Media & IT the advantages and modalities of membership, simply contact us: Jochen Wischhusen +49 40 37709 119 Julia Delfs [email protected] [email protected] Online Media www.hafen-hamburg.de/en/member-form Heike Wegner +49 40 37709 123 Don’t delay, join us now! Become part of our strong association. [email protected]



12 Port of Hamburg Marketing

16 Staff

Annual Report 2017 | 11 CHAPTER 2

Port of Hamburg Marketing

The Port of Hamburg is among Europe’s top universal ports for flexibility and performance. State-of- the-art handling facilities and highly trained personnel are available for rapid and secure cargo han- dling. Port of Hamburg Marketing promotes Hamburg’s diversity of services as a port and logistics region, and very successfully: Hamburg as a universal port enjoys a positive worldwide image and stands for professionalism, efficiency and innovation.


Generating added value of 21.8 billion euros, the Port of champion the port & logistics region of Hamburg’s at- Hamburg is of great importance for the entire German tractive location and the diversity of services it supplies. economy. A future-oriented port policy aiming to exploit As a result, in HHM the ports of the Metropolitan Region cargo-handling potential, create optimal infrastructural have also discovered a strong partner for professional links and assume responsibility for ecological progress location marketing. and sustainability is essential for maintaining Hamburg’s growth course as a universal port. Against the back- The performance capacity of Hamburg as a port base ground of tough competition from North Range ports, rests on companies from the whole Metropolitan Re- giving Hamburg as a port & logistics base a distinct pro- gion. Many of them are among our 292 members. We file on the market is absolutely vital. represent our members’ interests through targeted communication, project and marketing activities at our With that aim, Port of Hamburg Marketing was set up in Hamburg base as well as in markets along the transport 1985. As an international marketing organization, today chain as far away as Asia. All our activities are neutral we are active worldwide in strengthening the Port of both as far as specific companies and competition are Hamburg’s place against international competition. With concerned and aim to serve the interests of the port as deep commitment and a variety of activities, we now a whole.


Port of Hamburg Marketing is both nationally and inter- Representative Offices in Budapest, Hong Kong, nationally well positioned at a total of twelve locations. Mumbai, Prague, Shanghai, St. Petersburg, Warsaw Apart from the head office in Hamburg, there are three and Vienna promote the interests of the seaport busi- Representative Offices in Germany, in , ness community in Hamburg and the region interna- Dresden and Munich. tionally. In over 25 market regions, our experts culti- vate contacts with companies in industry and trade, the transport and logistics sector, business organiza- tions and political decision-makers, also underpinning St. Petersburg international marketing of the Port of Hamburg with numerous marketing activities on the spot. Hamburg Dresden

Dortmund Warsaw

Budapest Munich

Prague Vienna


Hong Kong Mumbai



At the end of 2017 the association had 292 members. along the transport chain, more and more companies These include renowned companies in the sea trans- from the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and the areas port and port sector, in industry and logistics, as well along the Elbe and the Elbe lateral canals, as well as as other service providers, institutions and trade as- the port’s wider hinterland, are utilizing Port of Ham- sociations. With the extension of marketing activities burg Marketing’s network and expertise.

In 2017 Port of Hamburg Marketing welcomed 14 new members:

AMD Transport Ltd. www.amdtransport.ru Aurubis AG www.aurubis.com AVATAR Logistics AB www.avatarlogistics.se CR Container Trading GmbH www.cr-container.de Deufol Hamburg GmbH www.deufol.com ERS Railways B.V. www.ersrail.com Far East Land Bridge Ltd. www.felb.world Friedrich A. Kruse jun. Internationale Spedition e.K. www.spedition-kruse.de Hamburg Marketing GmbH www.marketing.hamburg.de MACS Linienagentur GmbH www.macship.com SCA Logistics GmbH www.sca.com SCHRAMM Ports & Logistics Sweden AB www.brunsbuettel-ports.de Seehafen Wismar GmbH www.hafen-wismar.de WPS s.r.o. www.wpsczech.cz

Annual Report 2017 | 13 CHAPTER 2


The development of markets and the onward march tional associations, and initiate alliances with strategi- of globalization make good contacts indispensable for cally important ports. mounting any rapid and targeted reaction to change. We therefore cooperate intensively at our Hamburg Port of Hamburg Marketing also cooperates with nu- base and in relevant markets with logistics initiatives, merous organizations in the form of reciprocal mem- chambers of industry and commerce, and other asso- berships. The aim of such alliances is regular inter- ciations and organizations. We represent the interests change of data, the furtherance of joint interests, and of Hamburg as a port and logistics centre in interna- cooperation on projects.


▪ Deutsch-Chinesische Wirtschaftsvereini- ▪ Hafenkultur – Port Culture gung – German-Chinese Business Assoc. ▪ Hamburg Cruise Center ▪ Deutscher Tarifeur-Verein – German Tariff ▪ Initiative Kiel-Canal Assoc. ▪ Logistik-Initiative Hamburg ▪ Deutsch-Russischer Wirtschaftsbund – Ger- ▪ LogistikNetz -Brandenburg man-Russian Business Alliance ▪ MARITIME LNG PLATTFORM ▪ DVWG – German Assoc. of Transport ▪ Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland – Sciences – Hamburg branch North German Maritime Cluster ▪ Elbe Allianz ▪ Netzwerk Logistik Leipzig-Halle ▪ European River-Sea-Transport Union ▪ Ost- und Mitteleuropa Verein – ▪ FILog Innovative Logistik – Innovative East & Central Europe Assoc. Logistics Research Assoc. ▪ SGKV - Studiengesellschaft für den ▪ Forschungsgemeinschaft für Logistik – Kombinierten Verkehr – Intermodal Logistics Research Assoc. Competence ▪ Gesamtverband Schleswig-Holsteinischer ▪ Unternehmensverband Hafen Hamburg – Häfen – S-H Ports Assoc. Port of Hamburg Employers’ Association



In accordance with its Articles of Association, Port of The Supervisory Board advises and supervises the Hamburg Marketing has four constituent elements: Executive Board on the leadership of the Association The Members’ General Meeting, Representatives’ and is therefore immediately involved in all decisions Meeting, Supervisory Board and Executive Board. of fundamental importance. The articles call for the Their powers of decision are strictly demarcated. Supervisory Board to consist of one person nominat- ed by each member company in categories A-plus and The articles also require the Executive Board to invite A, three selected by Category B members, two se- members of the association to an ordinary Members’ lected by Category C members, one selected by Cat- General Meeting, the most recent being held on 23 egory F members, and one nominated member each June 2015. The Representatives’ Meeting for the peri- for the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the ports od 2015 to 2018 was elected there, then itself electing of the Metropolitan Region and the Port of Hamburg members of the Supervisory Board for member cate- Employers’ Association. At the invitation of the Execu- gories B, C and F, also for 2015-2018. tive Board, the Supervisory Board meets at least four times per year. The Representatives’ Meeting is the custodian of the membership rights of the association’s members. The Executive Board runs the business of the Asso- The articles lay down that it comprises three repre- ciation. sentatives each from member categories A-plus, A and B plus two each from categories C and F. The basic structure of this system is founded on Port of Hamburg Marketing’s Articles of Association plus At the invitation of the Executive Board, the regular the Rules of Procedure for the Executive Board. The Representatives’ Meeting meets at least once in a fis- Articles also define the Association’s aims. cal year.


General Members Meeting

chooses members

Representatives Meeting 13 Members

chooses members annual discharge reports to reports to

reports to

Supervisory Board Executive Board 15 Members 2 Members

appoints members monitors and advises the Executive Board

Annual Report 2017 | 15 CHAPTER 2


For its success as an international marketing organization, Port of Hamburg Marketing relies on com- petent and responsible staff. We offer them sustainable conditions of assured quality, reinforcing and promoting their personal and professional further development. Teamwork and cooperative action are regular features of our daily operations.

Port of Hamburg Marketing employed 42 staff on 31 keting regularly oversees BA and MA studies by its December 2017. These filled 23 posts at Headquarters interns. In 2017 Port of Hamburg Marketing employed in Hamburg, including two for trainees,17 at our Repre- a total of five students. sentative Offices in Germany and internationally, and two on the Executive Board. IN-SERVICE AND FURTHER TRAINING Port of Hamburg Marketing is well positioned for staff, MEASURES so that in 2017 no adjustments were needed at Head Office. In summer 2017 a new appointment was made Qualified, able and motivated staff are our most vital to one post at the Vienna Representative Office. capital. In 2017 Port of Hamburg Marketing therefore offered various opportunities for further staff develop- ment. The range extended from training in English and INTERNSHIPS FOR STUDENTS MS Office courses to seminars on current bookkeep- ing and tax questions. The objective of all such meas- Port of Hamburg Marketing offers internships for stu- ures was to qualify staff to deal with all current and dents requiring these as part of their university cours- future developments. es. An attachment lasting several months to Head Of- fice in Hamburg acquaints them with the work of an international marketing organisation, enabling them to gain practical experience and to profit from the Asso- ciation’s international network. Port of Hamburg Mar-

16 | Annual Report 2017 ACTIVITIES


18 Highlights 2017

ACTIVITY REPORTS: 20 Press work 22 Online media 23 Visitor groups 24 Events 26 Trade fairs 27 Project development 29 Transport policy work 30 Market research

Annual Report 2017 | 17 CHAPTER 3 15.05. Hamburg 23.03. Warstein

Really on Track: Kick-off for Hamburg-NRWplus The green light was given at an information event/ road show in Warstein for the ‘Hamburg-NRWplus’ cooperation project. The Port of Hamburg and its most important partner in the hinterland of North­ rhein-Westphalia will cooperate to help strengthen storage facilities for goods carried by rail and inland waterway.

05.05. Hamburg HIGHLIGHTS 2017 30.05. Budapest

Working in a port Port of Hamburg Marketing together with 16 companies and organizations from the port and logistics fields presented professions and training prospects for the three days of the Port Birthday. The information container ‘Hamburg 25 years Port of Hamburg Marketing in - the Port’ sporting a chic cargo-look, provided Hungary the perfect backdrop. The Port of Hamburg Representative Office in Budapest has become firmly established in the market and has worked in close coopera- tion with Hungarian forwarders and ship- ping agents for 25 years. The Port Evening in Budapest provided the ideal occasion to celebrate the 25th anniversary.

18 | Annual Report 2017 ACTIVITIES 06.09. Shanghai

Lars Anke receives ‘Magnolia Silver Award’ With this award Lars Anke head of Port of First 20,000-TEU containerships in the Port of Hamburg Marketing Shanghai Representative Hamburg Office, the city’s government acknowledged One of the largest containerships in the world, the his contributions and success in deepening ‘MOL TRIUMPH’ tied up in Hamburg HHLA Container and extending the relationships between the Terminal Burchardkai (CTB). Together with all those cities along the Huangpu and Elbe Rivers. involved, Port of Hamburg Marketing successfully We are proud of our colleague. reported on the event in the media. HIGHLIGHTS 2017 07.05. Munich 26.04. Berlin

Best logistics brand 2017 In voting by readers and experts the Port of Hamburg took first place as the best logistics brand for 2017 in the seaport category. The Witty comments at transport logistics 2017 trophy was presented to the board of Port of Port of Hamburg Marketing’s polo shirts were an Hamburg Marketing at a celebratory ‘Award eye catcher at the Gateway Hamburg trade fair Night’ by ‘LOGISTIK HEUTE’ trade magazine stand. Even the federal transport minister Alexander and the German Logistics Association (BVL) in Dobrint and Hamburg’s economics minister Frank Berlin. Horch found them a good choice. Both were fully committed to the Port of Hamburg.

Annual Report 2017 | 19 CHAPTER 3

ACTIVITY REPORT Press relations, publications and worldwide image promotion

Using the full array of press and PR instruments, Port of Hamburg Marketing positions Hamburg as a port and logistics location in national and international media. The topics range from state-of-the-art developments in handling seaborne cargo to service offerings from the port transport sector. Numer- ous publications complement the comprehensive range of information.

PUBLIC RELATIONS presentation illustrating the importance of the Port of Hamburg for the industry. During the event members Port of Hamburg Marketing’s annual press conference of the press had the opportunity to take a guided tour in February is the largest press event of the year, at- of the copper production facility, from the raw material tended by more than 90 journalists from print, radio to the highly purified end product. and TV media, as well as representatives from the Hamburg administration and port sector. Together In the first and third quarters 2017 Port of Hamburg with Frank Horch, Senator for Economics, the Joint Marketing organized two other press conferences for CEOs of Port of Hamburg Marketing Axel Mattern the specialist press and local editors on the handling and Ingo Egloff brief the audience on the sea cargo balance sheet of the Universal port. In addition the handling results for 2016. Afterwards there was a journalists were briefed on the current situation in liner 30-minute discussion on Hamburg’s hinterland rail shipping, the substantial changes caused by mergers traffic with representatives from the WARSTEINER and the restructuring of shipping alliances. Brauerei Haus Cramer KG, DB Netz AG, Hamburg Port Authority and HHLA - Hamburger Hafen und Logistik A particular highlight was the PR trip to see the maid- AG. The event was rounded-off with a media photo en call of the ‘MOL TRIUMPH’ the first 20,000-TEU session at the EUROKOMBI Terminal Hamburg, while containership in the Port of Hamburg. Jan Holst, Direc- a Warstein container train was loaded and discharged. tor North Europe, MOL Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and Jens Hansen, member of the HHLA board and Chief Operat- Port of Hamburg Marketing’s half-yearly press confer- ing Officer, informed the guests about the ship, its op- ence 2017 was held at the Aurubis AG premises and eration/routes and the challenges posed in handling it. provided information on seafreight handling for the first six months. Frank Osterhagen, Vice President Press releases on ocean-going traffic and port busi- Corporate Procurement & Logistics, Aurubis, gave a ness were issued on average once a week. They

Axel Mattern and Ingo Egloff gave numerous interviews in the report- ing year. The Chinese press representatives were particularly inter- ested in 2017.

20 | Annual Report 2017 ACTIVITIES

80 visitors including members of the press were impressed by the first 20,000-TEU ship at Container Terminal Burchardkai.

mostly covered new liner services via Hamburg and national print and online media. When planning media, the deployment of newer ship sizes, developments in above all consideration is given to trade publications important trade routes, together with activities along in relevant core markets for the Port of Hamburg. The the river Elbe and project results. advertising motifs featured the diversity of services available in the universal port of Hamburg. Adver- The numerous events and exhibition appearances na- tisements were placed in and around comprehensive tionally and internationally were reasons to keep the trade contributions to the Port of Hamburg, as well press informed on association and member activities. as in publications with the accent on topics such as Reporting on all press activities followed in local and seaport hinterland services, container and bulk cargo regional media, and also Germany-wide and interna- handling. tionally with support from the Representative Offices. The comprehensive press distribution list was extend- ed further during 2017. PUBLICATIONS

The internet platform www.hafen-hamburg.de gave The publications designed and issued by Port of Ham- interested readers current news daily from partner burg Marketing in 2017 were geared primarily to the ports in the region. Alongside new topics, press in- Port of Hamburg’s customers and partners. Distribu- formation on the more than 290 member companies tion was carried out using the established mailing list and partner institutions from Port of Hamburg Market- and via the domestic and international representative ing was covered. The service was extended with the offices. Among the publications regularly appearing press photo archive, which provided those interested are ‘Port of Hamburg Magazine’, the ship departure list with use of free material to download. - ‘Liner Services via Hamburg’ and the ‘Data & Fact’ flyers. A new brochure on the Universal port of Ham- In the reporting year, Port of Hamburg Marketing burg was launched on time for the ‘transport logistic’ worked daily on press queries on facts and figures all trade fair in Munich. The new publication has 24 sides to do with the Port of Hamburg providing journalists with 12 chapters/sections describing the service port- with reports, statistics, photo material and background folio of the Port of Hamburg. In the reporting year, the information and took press representatives round the quarterly Port of Hamburg magazine covered: work- port in barges for background discussions and report ing in ports, industry, foodstuffs and the logistics lo- preparation interviews. In addition they created edito- cation Hamburg. In the media library on www.hafen- rial reports for special publications in various media. hamburg.de the magazine is available to readers as an e-paper in German and English. The ship departure list ‘Liner Services via Hamburg’ was editorially revamped WORLDWIDE IMAGE PROMOTION/ in 2017 and targeted both domestically and interna- ADVERTISING tionally to provide advertising and information on the Port of Hamburg. For the port’s member companies During 2017, Port of Hamburg Marketing placed ad- and partners the publications also provide platforms vertisements in some 70 significant national and inter- for companies’ own advertising.

Annual Report 2017 | 21 ▪CHAPTERKAPITEL 3 3


Port customers, media representatives and the general public use the varied range of Internet offers provided by Port of Hamburg Marketing. These include the website www.hafen-hamburg.de, the newsletter PORTnews and the search engine for warehousing and logistic service providers PORTlog.

www.hafen-hamburg.de by very large containerships were clearly and informa- tively prepared, taking the ‘MOL TRIUMPH’ as an During the reporting year, content was continuous- example. Additional specials like the Port Birthday, or ly updated and market research data made available ‘India Week Hamburg 2017’, press conferences and by the press department and the members. The port other highlights were put online. plan was improved to a 3D representation and a vir- tual ships’ greeting facility added to hafen-hamburg. de. 2017 was largely characterized by comprehensive PORTnews technical programming work to form the basis of new development of hafen-hamburg.de and for numerous In 2017, there were 20 issues of the Port of Hamburg’s customer websites. information service PORTnews, plus 12 in English. The digital newsletter provided subscribers with in- formation on all aspects of the Port and logistics in SHIPS IN THE PORT OF HAMBURG Hamburg and the region, together with their econom- ic background and their consequences for the Port Using AIS data delivered by our member Vesseltracker, of Hamburg. Readers were also informed of current ships’ arrivals and departures with passengers are reg- developments in regular and inter-modal services via istered at the port limits and can be shown on the web- Hamburg as well as events in the market regions. Cur- site. The ships can be followed in the revised port plan. rently PORTnews has about 3,900 subscribers for the German language version and 500 for English.


Port of Hamburg Marketing has four social media chan- nels, which are growing in popularity. In addition to the official Port of Hamburg Marketing channel on Twit- On the webpage the ter@PortofHamburg and on Facebook @hafenham- port mascot Peter burg, Facebook also has a page for our mascot Peter Pickhuben reports on Pickhuben @ppickhuben. Last year, ‘Ships’ reports, his exciting adventures arrivals and departures in the Port of Hamburg’ were in the Port of Hamburg. taken out of the Port of Hamburg Marketing twitter account and moved to their own account @Port_traf- fic. Ship spotters can now follow all ships movements 3D PORT PLAN pooled together. This made the twitter account clearer and more informative, now tweeting only one ship of Ships are shown to scale using the measurements the day. During 2017, the Port of Hamburg Marketing registered and their course is virtually illustrated. twitter account @PortofHamburg developed very pos- Many buildings, towers and other building facilities are itively. The number of followers increased from 2,220 shown three dimensionally to improve orientation for to over 3,230 an increase of almost 46 percent. the users. The port plan covers not only the port of Hamburg but also the Elbe ports: Stade, Glückstadt and Brunsbüttel including part of the and WEB PROJECTS FOR MEMBERS AND Cuxhaven as well as the German Bight as far as Buoy PARTNERS E3 near Heligoland. During the reporting year Port of Hamburg Marketing once again supported member organizations and part- HIGHLIGHTS AND SPECIAL TOPICS ners to organize, design and maintain their websites.

Topic specials offer texts, graphics, photos and vide- os giving background information on important issues about the Port of Hamburg. In the reporting year, calls

22 | Annual Report 2017 ACTIVITIES

ACTIVITY REPORT Visitor groups

For interested delegations and groups from Germany and other countries, Port of Hamburg Marketing creates individual visitor programmes in Hamburg and the Metropolitan Region. The range includes briefing tours, terminal and company visits, as well as papers presented experts.

In 2017 Port of Hamburg Marketing organized various In 2017 Port of Hamburg Marketing visitor programmes for German and international del- looked after a total of 118 visitor groups egations and visitor groups. Among these were ship- of 3294 people: pers and customers, port and national delegations, media representatives, trade associations and institu- 1417 Groups tions.

Especially strong interest in guided tours of Germany’s largest port was again displayed by universities, tech- nical colleges and trade schools from Germany and 635 elsewhere. Port of Hamburg Marketing supported the 444 333 upcoming generation in port-related careers by organ- 54 185 226 izing and escorting port information tours, terminal and 45 2 19 22 13 9 8 company visits. During 2017 a total of 45 groups with almost 1,420 school and university students explored Others trainees Member the Port of Hamburg. That corresponds to nearly 36 Students & Shipperscustomers & Press/mediaPort/country delegations companies percent of all visitors, a distinct increase on the previ- representatives ous year. Trade associations, institutions & politicians Shippers and customers, especially, are happy to vis- it the Port of Hamburg for discussions with experts, company tours and briefing events. Port business and PORT COMPANIES OPEN UP FOR importing/exporting industry, trading companies and PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS the transport sector profit from such visits and the re- sulting contacts. 22 groups from this segment visited With ‘Making the port a reality for everybody’, as part the port during the year under review. They were the of the Port Birthday, in 2017 Port of Hamburg Mar- second largest category with a share of 18 percent. keting once again organized company visits for private individuals. For the first time, six of these illuminated On a country comparison, China topped the visitor almost the entire spectrum of activities in the universal group statistics, followed by Austria and the USA. port. Along with HHLA and Eurogate, in the year un- Altogether 76 trade visitor groups were seen in the der review C. Steinweg (Süd-West Terminal), SACO port, meaning that around 64 percent of these came Shipping, PCH Packing Center Hamburg and Eichholtz from other countries. Interest in the Port of Hamburg were open to provide information about operations at from international delegations is continually growing. terminals and other undertakings. All these tours were In the year under review, for example, groups from 32 rounded off by a visit to the Port of Hamburg Museum. countries visited the universal port of Hamburg to brief The total of 130 individuals participating gained valu- themselves extensively on its significance for world able insights and experienced the port at close quar- trade, logistics processes and the port’s management. ters.

Representing the port business community, in organ- izing and escorting visitors groups Port of Hamburg Members of Halle- Marketing gives priority to specialist commercial and Dessau Chamber of political delegations as well as the upcomimg genera- Industry & Commerce’s tion in the port and transport sector. For visitor groups Transport Committee are that Port of Hamburg Marketing is unable to take on, briefed at C. Steinweg’s contacts are arranged with suppliers of special port Süd-West Terminal on tours and boat trips, as well as the maritime museums. loading, stowing and discharging out-of- gauge, unwieldy loads and cargoes weighing many tons.

Annual Report 2017 | 23 CHAPTER 3


Port of Hamburg Marketing strengthens the image of the Port of Hamburg with various event formats both domestically and internationally. In Hamburg and the Metropolitan Region, Port of Hamburg Marketing stages conferences, workshops and networking events, offering partners and member companies a diverse range of event management support from one-stop shopping to niche services. With its events in relevant core markets, Port of Hamburg Marketing positions Hamburg’s important port and logistics sector topics, offering an excellent networking platform.

In the reporting year, Port of Hamburg Marketing took In April 2017, Port of Hamburg Marketing in coopera- on complete organization of events, was a cooperation tion with Hamburg Port Authority and the Netzwerk partner and supported companies, for example to find Business-International.org staged the event ‘Hamburg suitable locations for venues or to publicize events. – Gateway to the new Silk Road’ to emphasise the im- Additionally, Port of Hamburg Marketing supported portance of Hamburg as the Silk Road hub. numerous congresses and events in the maritime logistics sector with announcements in event calen- Together with another project partner, Port of Ham- dars on its Internet page www.hafen-hamburg.de and burg Marketing hosted a round table for an EU sup- in its members’ portal PORTblog, as well as in PORT- ported project, ‘ Baltic Connector of Re- news, the digital newsletter. gions (NSB CoRe)’ on the subject of intermodality along the TEN-V North-Baltic Sea Corridor during the ‘transport logistic’ fair. The speakers and around 40 OWN AND COOPERATION EVENTS international attendees held discussions on how the intermodal traffic along the corridor could be struc- In the year under review, Port of Hamburg Marketing’s tured. invitation to the traditional port tour during Hamburg port birthday was taken up by 160 representatives The cooperation event ‘Erste Bahnkonferenz from the worlds of politics and business. The aim of Schienengüterverkehr und Häfen“- the first rail confer- this networking event is to bring business partners, ence on rail freight transport and the port - was held in domestic port customers, political decision-makers June 2017. Around 200 guests from the rail and port from the north German states and federal politicians sectors throughout Germany came together for dis- as well as member organizations together in a relaxed cussions / to brief eachother. The large number of par- atmosphere for discussions. At the same time, the trip ticipants underlines the need for such a conference, served as an activity to bind the guests to the port organized in cooperation with the Logistics Initiative thanks to the special setting of the museum and tra- Hamburg, which had not been held in the past. ditional ships.

In the reporting year, Port of Hamburg Marketing in- MEMBER AND CUSTOMER EVENTS IN vited around 200 members of the marketing associ- THE MARKET REGIONS ation to the annual members meeting. The mid-year networking event established itself once again as an Port of Hamburg Marketing organized about 35 events important platform for exchanges between member in Germany and the European hinterland. They includ- organizations. ed numerous information and networking events held by Port of Hamburg Marketing alone or in cooperation with others. In addition half a dozen conferences, del- egate visits and networking events were held in Asia. The topics were varied but all geared to the interests of the regional target groups and/or the cooperation partners.

The first rail conference Examples of events organised in locations where local for rail goods traffic and and regional partners cooperated were in: Brunsbüt- the port was a complete tel, Lübeck, Gothenburg (Sweden) and Helsinki (Fin- success. 200 attendees land). The aim of these series of events was to give filled every single seat the regional target groups information on service port- in the conference room folios and future potential of the Port of Hamburg and at the Baseler Hof hotel its partners. At the same time conferences provided a in Hamburg. basis to cement relationships to the decision-makers in each of the regions.

24 | Annual Report 2017 ACTIVITIES

The new event and exhibition container well received by customers and member companies.

In total over 4,200 decision-makers took part from formation and networking events nationally at termi- Hamburg port, logistics and business sectors as well nals and other places of interest. They will advertise as traders, industry and transport in the market re- specialist information on the Port of Hamburg and its gions. The events were held domestically and around excellent hinterland connections directly in the market. Europe. Many activities in the Representative Offices The premier event, on intermodal traffic was a com- were accompanied by media support. plete success at DUSS Terminal in Leipzig in Septem- ber. Already at the beginning of April the information and SUPPORTING MARITIME EVENTS IN exhibition container at the Port of Hamburg Birthday HAMBURG was in operation and drew the visitors in its direction. With the motto ‘Hamburg - Your Port’ 16 companies In the reporting year Port of Hamburg Marketing again and organizations in the port and logistics training field supported external events with a focus on maritime presented professional and training opportunities in and transport issues. Support was largely in the form the field. of advertising the events, but also organizing and ac- companying port visits/tours. The ‘International Forum A special highlight was the ‘Maritime Christmas Mar- Multimodal 2017 – Bridge between Europe and Asia’, ket’ a first time event, organized by Port of Hamburg ‘Tank Storage Germany’ and the ‘13th Port Confer- Marketing. The event was supported by member com- ence’ illustrate some of the events supported. pany Nord Event. More than 180 member company representatives and their business partners experi- enced the Port of Hamburg Marketing’s event contain- PORT OF HAMBURG MARKETING’S er in action and reviewed the 2017 business year in the NEW EVENT AND EXHIBITION Christmas atmosphere. This form of event will form a CONTAINER further building block for comprehensive networking exchange in the maritime transport and logistics sec- Containers are so typical of the international transport tor in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, as well as and logistics sector. It is almost a given that using the Port of Hamburg Marketing member companies. fascinating steel boxes for event locations is way bet- ter than the usual stands. In the reporting year, Port Further information on the event containers, of Hamburg Marketing acquired two refitted contain- which can also be hired for events, available on ers for customer events, a 40-foot high cube for in- [email protected]. formation and showcasing as well as a 20-foot high cube catering container. The two containers in trendy cargo look can be used intermodally, making them ide- al for use nationally and internationally. With the new event format, ‘Container Road show’ Port of Hamburg Marketing, partners and member companies stage in-

Annual Report 2017 | 25 CHAPTER 3


Trade fairs are another valuable platform to position the Port of Hamburg internationally and to pres- ent new offerings and services to interested customers. Port of Hamburg Marketing offers its mem- bers the opportunity to showcase under the umbrella of the Port of Hamburg at selected fairs in the most important core markets, as well as potentially strong emerging regions. In the reporting year, Port of Hamburg Marketing shared four trade fairs with its members.

For the 18th time Port of Hamburg was present at the ‘TransRussia’ in Moscow, the most important fair for Eastern Europe and the Russian market. Fixed just as firmly in the Port of Hamburg calendar is ‘Breakbulk Europe in Antwerp’, where Port of Hamburg Marketing once again showcased on the joint stand. In October the Port of Hamburg participated once more in CILF - ‘China International Logistics and Transportation Fair’, “For us, ‘transport in Shenzhen. The high point of the year was the ‘trans- logistic’ was once again port logistic’ in Munich, by far the largest fair in the a complete success. sector. Hamburg was also present at this fair with 950 Not only the number sq. metres for over 60 companies. Port of Hamburg of visitors, but also the Marketing plays a leading role in planning the trade fair quality was right.” stand, which was realized in cooperation with Logis- Axel Mattern, CEO Port tic-Initiative Hamburg, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik of Hamburg Marketing. AG and the Port of Hamburg Authority. The traditional stand reception was held on the second day of the fair.


TRANSRUSSIA, MOSCOW, 18–20 APRIL 2017 Co-exhibitors: Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG, Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH, Samskip GmbH

BREAKBULK EUROPE, ANTWERP, 24 – 26 APRIL 2017 Co-exhibitors: Alfons Köster & Co. GmbH, Brunsbüttel Ports GmbH, Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Ge- sellschaft KG, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG, Rendsburg Port GmbH

TRANSPORT LOGISTIC, MUNICH, 9 – 12 MAI 2017 Companies exhibiting on the joint “Gateway Hamburg” stand: Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V., Hamburg Port Authority AöR (HPA), Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG, COSCO Shipping Europe GmbH, Logistik-Initiative Hamburg e.V. Further co-exhibitors: Anhalt Logistics GmbH & Co. KG, BFSV e.V., Birdiematch GmbH, Blue Expeditors GmbH & Co. KG, Brunsbüttel Ports GmbH, BUSS Port Services GmbH, C. Steinweg (Süd-West Terminal) GmbH & Co. KG, Chainstep, CLC China Logistic Center GmbH, Conical GmbH, COSCO Shipping Lines (Germany) GmbH, COSCO Shipping Lines (Central Europe) s.r.o., COSCO Shipping Lines (Greece), CTD Container Transport Dienst GmbH, DAL Deutsche Afrika-Linien GmbH & Co. KG, Delfs & Associates GmbH, Dennison Trailers Ltd., Deutsche Binnenreederei AG, Digital Hub Logistics, DQS GmbH, Ecco Group, ECL Euro-Cargo-Logistik Kontor GmbH, Emons-Rail-Cargo GmbH, Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, ERTICO-ITS Europe, Fairtruck, Hafen Hannover GmbH, Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH, HLO Humanitarian Logistics Organi- sation e.V., HWF Hamburgische Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung mbH, IGS Logistics Group GmbH, Import-Partner Inter- nationale Zollspedition GmbH, ITS Hamburg, Lagerhaus Spedition GmbH, LCH Logistik Centrum Hamburg, Lufthansa Industry Solutions AS, ma-co maritimescompetenzcentrum GmbH, Norgatec Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Paletten-Service Hamburg AG, PCH Packing Center Hamburg GmbH, Planwerk Elbe GmbH, Polzug Intermodal GmbH, Rendsburg Port GmbH, Saco Shipping GmbH, Sea Master Shipping GmbH, Seaexpress Logistics GmbH, Serie A Logistics Solutions AG, SMILE – Smart Last Mile Logistics, SLC Soltau Logistic Center GmbH & Co. KG, TCI International Logistics GmbH, TCO Transcargo GmbH, TCU GmbH & Co. KG, UMCO GmbH, Uniconsult Universal Transport Consulting GmbH, vesseltracker.com GmbH, Walter Lauk Ewerführerei GmbH, WCL Worldwide Consultants in Logistics, Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Deltaland mbH


26 | Annual Report 2017 ACTIVITIES

ACTIVITY REPORT Project Development

Acquiring and processing transport and logistics projects on a national and European level make a significant contribution to strengthening Hamburg as a port and logistics location in the compet- itive international environment. A project-oriented presence in the market supported by publica- tion of project results and accompanying events, have a positive effect on the image of the Port of Hamburg.

In the year under review, on a national level Port of In addition during 2017, Port of Hamburg Marketing co- Hamburg Marketing was able to establish the Ham- operated in three INTERREG Baltic Projects with more burg-NRWplus Project, together with its initiators, the than 60 project partners from ten Baltic-rim countries. North-Rhine-Westfalian Ministry of Transport and the Hamburg Ministry of Economics, Transport and Inno- vation. The kick-off event was held in Warstein on 23 OUTLOOK 2018 March 2017. The aim of the project is to strengthen rail and inland waterway shipping services in trans- Since the third quarter of 2017, preparations have been port chains between the Port of Hamburg und North- underway for follow-up projects in the INTERREG Rhine-Westfalia. Infrastructural aspects are to the North Sea and INTERREG Baltic Sea programmes. fore, but marketing measures also have their place. The topics range from consolidating intermodal trans- The decision-makers, who put the logistics chains to- port, via stabilizing seaports in international logistics gether, need to be convinced to increasingly take ad- chains, to better placing of transport topics with the vantage of rail and water. European institutions. www.hh-nrwplus.de

During the year, work on the ‘Good navigability stand- ards on inland waterways’ study for the EU Commis- sion was completed. Interests were appropriately placed by holding two regional workshops with inland waterway players.

As part of the EMMA project, navigability on the Weichsel was investigated with inland waterway test runs.

Annual Report 2017 | 27 CHAPTER 3


EMMA “Enhancing freight Mobility and logistics in the BSR by strengthening (project management inland waterway and river sea transport and proMoting new internAtion- HHM) al shipping services”

The inland waterway shipping project is focussed on invigorating and onward development of inland shipping in the N & NE European canal, river and sea systems. Apart from the six pilot applications, demonstrating its transport poten- tial, inland waterway shipping should be raised higher in public aware- ness. Lobbying for its interests through existing associations should be consolidated.

21 partners from Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden are taking part in the project. The project management is in the hands of Port of Hamburg Marketing.

Project time frame: 03/2016 – 02/2019


TENTacle “Capitalising on TEN-T core network corridors for prosperity, growth and cohesion”

In the overall project, Port of Hamburg Marketing is concentrating on the Fehmarn Belt fixed-link and its possible impact on affected logistics regions in North Germany. What does the future fixed-link mean for seaport hinterland services in the Metropolitan Region? Are new logistics concepts necessary?

23 partners from , Germany, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden are participating in the project.

Project time frame: 05/2016 – 04/2019


NSB CoRe “North Sea Baltic Connector of Regions”

Port of Hamburg Marketing is especially involved with intermodal logis- tics along the newly created Rail-Baltica corridor. The core topics are the design and invigoration of intermodal transport chains, cross-border services and developing networks.

16 partners from Germany, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Po- land are participating in the project.

Project time frame: 05/2016 – 04/2019

www.uudenmaanliitto.fi/en/projects/nsb_core_north_sea_baltic_ connector_of_regions

28 | Annual Report 2017 ACTIVITIES

ACTIVITY REPORT Transport policy lobbying

German seaports are of immense importance for the entire German economy. The Port of Hamburg alone annually generates nationwide added value of 21.8 billion euros and secures around 269,000 jobs, of which 113,000 are outside the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. If Hamburg is to continue to assert itself as a port & logistics centre against international competition, its infrastructural frame- work needs to be right. Along with other partners, Port of Hamburg Marketing therefore champions positioning of essential traffic infrastructure projects.

In 2017 Port of Hamburg Marketing was heavily in- discussed ‘Speeding Up North German Infrastructure volved in promoting crucial North German traffic pro- Projects. Learning from the Netherlands?’ After the jects with trade associations and political bodies in summer break, the Federation of Public Inland Ports Berlin. Along with the adjustment of the fairway of (BöB) hosted the last Port Breakfast of the year in the Lower and Outer Elbe, for instance, in the next November, the topic being: ‘The Baltic Ports, Their few years access and dispersal corridors for rail, truck Hinterland and Inland Waterway Shipping in Eastern and inland waterway freight transport will need to be Germany’. adjusted and enhanced for growing volumes. Port of Hamburg Marketing therefore favours a frank and Invited by Port of Hamburg Marketing at the beginning transparent exchange of information with all parties for of May, Dagmar Ziegler, an SPD member of the Lower the discussion of new transport routes and plans. The House, visited the Port of Hamburg to intensify the focus here is on events as well as personal contacts. dialogue. With her were representatives of the City of Wittenberge. At the interface between traffic routes With other associations and institutions, in the year and the Trans-European Orient-East-Med Corridor, under review Port of Hamburg Marketing once again Wittenberge has an opportunity to establish itself, not hosted Port Breakfasts for members of parliament and just as the logistics hub for companies in the Prignitz staff members from Federal ministries in Berlin to brief region, but also for major logistics schemes. The Port them about current topics vital for Hamburg’s seaport of Hamburg is an important partner there, and in that business. In 2017 guests gained information at four of context a discussion took place about the navigability these. Held in January and attended by 35 MPs, the of the Elbe. first was on the topic ‘German Seaports and the Com- petition’. The speaker was Daniel Hosseus, CEO of Members of the German Lower House and staff from ZDS - Federation of German Seaport Operators. The the transport ministries of several German states, Port Breakfast in March was co-hosted by the German also a delegation from the European Parliament, were Ocean Shippers Committee (DSVK) of the German In- among others to brief themselves on the Port of Ham- dustries’ Federation. Those present considered ques- burg’s significance as an essential logistics hub for tions for the Tenth National Maritime Conference, held Northern Europe. a month later under the motto ‘Maritime: Excellently Networked – Opportunities of Digitalization for the HHM’s Executive Board also attended networking Maritime Sector’. Hosted by the Northern Chamber of events on transport policy topics, including Parliamen- Industry & Commerce (IHK), the third function in May tary Evenings.

Dagmar Ziegler, member of the German Lower House, discusses inland transport with Ingo Egloff, Joint CEO of Port of Hamburg Mar- keting (l.) and Stefan Kunze, Port of Hamburg Marketing Repre- sentative for Eastern Germany, during a tour of the universal port of Hamburg.

Annual Report 2017 | 29 ▪CHAPTERKAPITEL 3 3

ACTIVITY REPORT Market research

Continuous market research and analysis is the foundation for many Port of Hamburg Marketing projects and marketing activities. Member companies profit from exclusive data and evaluations on seaborne cargo handling, liner and hinterland traffic, using this data as the basis for company activi- ties and decisions.

Port of Hamburg Marketing continually collects, analyses cargo handling in the Port of Hamburg and by its compe- and interprets data on seaborne cargo handling, liner and titors. This also covered monitoring and analysis of de- hinterland transport sector. This comprehensive range velopments in liner services and seaport-hinterland traf- of data mainly extends along the entire transport chain fic. Among the resources for analysing seaborne cargo – from the open sea via the Port of Hamburg and into and container throughput and up to 250 trade routes are the hinterland. Apart from monthly updated databases, several of HHM’s own databases. In the liner shipping specialized books, market surveys, statistics and indus- field, trade route analyses and service profiles for con- try bulletins, as well as regional, national and internatio- tainer and general cargo shipping are compiled quarterly nal trade magazines, also press and expert interviews and on set dates. Trends in fleet sizes and order books are used to enrich and link up the knowledge base. are also covered. Publications on current changes in liner Especially on the hinterland regions, expert knowledge shipping – new services, vessels or links, for example – from the Representative Offices reinforces the market supplement the portfolio. research data pool. These data permit analyses and as- sessments of freight and traffic flows, placing these in In addition to its periodically issued reports, Port of Ham- the port’s competitive environment. burg Marketing handled a large number of projects and enquiries commissioned by members, relating to car- goes, carriers or trade routes. MARKET DATA AND MARKET ANALYSES The market research department also processed the In 2017 Port of Hamburg Marketing submitted four quar- basic content for publications and presentations in the terly reports and eight on seaborne cargoes – ‘Seegüter- form of evaluations, editorial contents and diagrams. rePORTs’ – to members. These contained detailed data For example, evaluation and analysis of seaborne cargo and background facts on the development of seaborne throughput data and of changes in liner services, formed the basis for press events with a public impact.

PORT OF HAMBURG LINER SERVICES PORT OF HAMBURG In 2017 we once again updated and published ‘Port of Hamburg Liner Services via Hamburg’. This offers an overview of the Port of Hamburg’s direct liner connec- tions. The liner sailing database in our Internet presence - www.hafen-hamburg.de – supplements this with ad- ditional data and functions. Both the online database and the print edition form a keenly sought data source for port customers in Germany and many other coun- tries. We distributed 12,000 copies of the print version in 2017. In addition, more than 30,000 users per month visited the liner sailings database in the Internet.

Apart from liner connec- LINER tions in intercontinental transport, ‘Port of Hamburg Liner Services’ SERVICES also lists details of the large number of Europe- an feeder an short-sea 2017/18 shipping services. Port of Hamburg Liner Services | 1

30 | Annual Report 2017 MARKETS


32 Port of Hamburg 2017 Data, facts & figures

MARKET AND ACTIVITY REPORTS: 35 Germany 38 Central and Eastern Europe 40 Baltic Region 43 Asia

46 Port of Hamburg Marketing Representative Offices

Annual Report 2017 | 31 CHAPTER 4

Port of Hamburg 2017: Data, facts & figures

The Port of Hamburg is especially notable for rapid and high quality cargo handling, excellent hin- terland infrastructure and its diversity of logistics services. Hamburg as a port and logistics centre enjoys international recognition and a positive image. Despite tough operating conditions, in 2017 Germany’s largest universal port achieved a relatively stable throughput total, with the figure for seaport-hinterland transport even being slightly ahead.

Seaborne cargo handling - 1.2 % 136.5 m. tons

Container handling Bulk cargo handling - 1.0 % - 0.5 % 8.8 m. TEU 44.7 m. tons

Conventional general cargo handling - 6 % 1.44 m. tons

Container handling More ultra large container by trade areas ships at the Port of Hamburg

Northeast Asia Southeast asia Rest of Asia 10,000–13,999 TEU 14,000–17,999 TEU + 1.6 % - 7.5 % - 4.8 % - 30.5 % + 28.9 % 3.22 m. TEU 0.70 m. TEU 0.78 m. TEU 310 ships 223 ships

Baltic Sea Rest of Europe North America - 1.5 % - 0.5 % - 23.6 % 18.000–20.000+ TEU 1.77 m. TEU 0.80 m. TEU 0.40 m. TEU + 52.2 % 102 ships

Latin Amerika Other destinations + 17.0 % - 2.0 % 0.80 m. TEU 0.36 m. TEU

32 | Annual Report 2017 MARKETS

SEABORNE CARGO HANDLING throughput record. At 10.1 million tons (up 6.8 per- cent), ore imports were at the highest level of the past In 2017, seaborne cargo handling in the Port of decade. Exports of grab cargoes, 13.0 percent ahead Hamburg attained a volume of 136.5 million tons, rep- at 4.0 million tons, performed even more strongly. At resenting a slight - 1.2 percent or 1.7 million tons – 4.0 million tons (down 5.6 percent) imports of suction downturn on 2016. cargoes (Agribulk) were weaker than in the previous year. Exports at 3.4 million tons (down 21.8 percent) The fall is approximately 88 percent attributable to were also weaker. This was mainly attributable to the general cargo throughput that in 2017 made up 67.2 drop in the volume of wheat exports. Totalling 9.5 percent (2016: 67.5 percent) of the port total. In million tons (down 11.0 percent), imports of liquid 2017 general (containerized plus conventional) cargo cargoes such as oil products, fell. By contrast, strong throughput at Hamburg’s terminals totalled 91.8 mil- growth was reported for exports, which were 17.7 lion tons, being 1.6 percent or 1.5 million tons below percent higher at 4.2 million tons. the previous year’s. That was undoubtedly mainly due to container handling performance, which is so dom- inant in Hamburg. In the year under review, the con- Hamburg‘s top ten trading partners in seaborne tainerized proportion of the Port of Hamburg’s gener- container traffic 2016/2017 al cargo throughput was similar to the two previous years at 98.4 percent. In 2017 containerized cargoes RANK CONTAINER (in 1,000 TEU) totalled 90.3 million tons, being 1.4 million tons – or 2017 (p.y.) Trade partner 2016 2017 Change in % 1.5 percent – lower.

In 2017 throughput of non-containerized general car- 1 (1) China* 2,582 2,619 37 1,4 go at 1.4 million tons was 6.0 percent down on the 2 (2) Russia 453 405 -49 -10,7 previous year. 3 (3) Singapore 419 389 -31 -7,3 4 (5) Finland 361 312 -50 -13,7 For the handling segment bulk cargoes, compris- 5 (9) Sweden 243 298 56 23,0 ing grab, suction and liquid cargoes and contributing 6 (8) Great Britain 246 237 -9 -3,8 one-third to the Port of Hamburg’s result, trends on 7 (7) South Korea 274 228 -46 -16,8 imports and exports differed. A slight downturn was 8 (6) Malaysia 286 221 -65 -22,6 evident in imports, down one percent at 33.1 million 9 (12) Poland 214 219 5 2,3 tons. At 11.6 million tons, by contrast exports of these 10 (11) Arab. Emirates 234 215 -19 -8,2 were slightly higher (up 1.1 percent). Total 5,313 5,143 -170 -3,2 2017 brought a record result for the grab cargoes other countries 3,593 3,672 79 2,2 segment, with the total 7.0 percent higher at 23.5 mil- lion tons. Imports at 19.6 million tons (+5.8 percent) TOTAL: 8,907 8,815 -91 -1,0 benefited once again from a strong tailwind. At 7.8 mil- * incl. Hong Kong lion tons (up 5.7 percent), imports of coal set a fresh Source: HPA / Port of Hamburg Marketing

Annual Report 2017 | 33 CHAPTER 4

Seaborne Cargo Handling in Ports of the North Range, January – December 2017

PORT Total Change Bulk cargo Change Gen. cargo Change Containers Change Containers Change (1,000 t) prev. year % (1,000 t) p. y. % (1,000 t) p. y. % (1,000 t) p. y. % TEU p. y. %

HAMBURG 136,476 -1.2 44,712 -0.5 91,764 -1.6 90,322 -1.5 8,815,469 -1.0 PORTS 73,104 -1.4 9,540 -5.3 63,564 -0.8 54,246 -4.5 5,513,802 0.5 ROTTERDAM 467,354 1.3 294,450 -3.7 172,904 11.3 142,642 12.3 13,734,334 10.9 ANTWERP 223,607 4.4 85,311 4.2 138,295 4.5 122,969 4.3 10,450,898 4.1

TOTAL 900,541 1.5 434,014 -2.0 466,527 4.8 410,180 4.2 38,514,503 4.6

All weights in this table are gross (eight of cargo plus weight of emty container) Source: Port Authorities, preliminary data

Modal Split in Hinterland Traffic 2017

Total Possible discrepancy in sum due to rounding. 8.8 m. TEU


Tranship- ment 7.0 3.4


100 Rail

5.0 42.8 % 90

HINTERLAND SERVICES Hinterland traffic 80 Of all seaborne cargoes, in 2017 hinterland services 5.5 transported freight totalling 99.8 million tons, and 5.6 4.0 70 million TEU on container services.

Last year around 45.5 million tons of freight (down 60 1.9 percent) and 2.3 million standard containers (TEU) Share of Trans- 3.0 – down 1.1 percent - were transported in the Port of port Carriers Truck 50 Hamburg’s hinterland. Rail therefore remained ahead in Hinterland 55.0 % of trucking as the top carrier for all freight transported. Transport 40 In 2017 inland waterway craft transported 10.7 million 2.0 tons of freight between Hamburg and inland ports ac- cessible from there. That made Hamburg Germany’s 30 third largest inland port once again. On container ser- vices, a best-ever total of 121,000 TEU were transport- Barge ed. 20 1.0 2.2 %

In 2017 the modal split for hinterland services contin- 10 ued to shift from trucking towards rail. The rail share of hinterland transport rose to 42.8 percent. Contain- er transport by inland waterway craft took a share of 0 0 2.2 percent, while the trucking share dropped to 55.0 m. TEU Prozent percent.

34 | Annual Report 2017 MARKETS


Shippers and forwarders from the whole coun- Hamburg try utilize the dense network of worldwide liner services via Hamburg to distribute import and export cargoes. All regions are superbly linked with the Port of Hamburg via efficient multi- Dresden modal terminals. Whereas almost 80 percent Dortmund of container runs between Hamburg and North Rhine-Westphalia are by truck, for many other states in Germany the dominant carrier is rail. GERMANY


In Eastern Germany, in 2017 the focus was on sea- port-hinterland transport, and especially improvement of the region’s trimodal connections with the Hamburg SWITZERLAND Metropolitan Region. Head Office

Headed by Port of Hamburg representative Stefan Representative Offices Kunze, the Inland Waterway Craft Working Party be- came a forum for exchanging opinions, but also coor- dination of measures for promoting the carrier. In his function as Chairman of the Elbe Allianz, Stefan Kunze actively represented the interests of inland waterway shipping in the Gesamtkonzept – Integrated Project At different events and in working groups, for exam- – Elbe, approved by this advisory body on 17 Janu- ple the KEO Transport Conference in Brussels, Gesa- ary 2017 and endorsed by the German Lower House. mtkonzept Elbe’s regional conference in Magdeburg, Stefan Kunze also took up a position in the advisory transport policy discussions at the State of Hamburg’s council of Gesamtkonzept Elbe. The aim is to ensure office in Berlin, ERSTU in Berlin, In-Rail-Cargo Chem- that the Elbe as a waterway should be upgraded as nitz and the Central German Logistics Forum in Leip- the Port of Hamburg’s natural route for traffic with its zig, Stefan Kunze presented Hamburg as a universal hinterland. He subsequently presented the results at port. He once again successfully expanded his net- various events and in different media. work by attending various receptions and parliamen- tary evenings. He also supported member companies’ Kunze also represented the Hamburg Metropoli- market monitoring activities. tan Region on his networks by participating in var- ious discussion and working groups. For not only Using the Port of Hamburg as an example, Stefan Kun- shippers, transport companies and forwarders, but ze’s lectures at Glauchau and Gera Vocational Training also political and official representatives, numerous Academies and gives the logistic sector’s upcoming events offered popular opportunities for building up generation the facts on seaports and their transport contacts with member companies and other mem- infrastructure. With his active involvement in EU pro- bers of Port of Hamburg business circles, as well as jects such as EMMA, GNS and NSB CoRe, Kunze for gaining data on seaborne and hinterland transport. reinforced the work of Port of Hamburg Marketing’s Traditional events include those based on the ‘Berlin/ Project Department, at the same time expanding its Leipzig Maritime’ format, regarded as an established European network. discussion group for forwarders in Brandenburg and Central Germany and involving four meetings in 2017. Other highlights included the Elbe trip jointly hosted SOUTHERN GERMANY, SWITZERLAND with Saxony Inland Waterway Ports on the Upper Elbe, the Port of Hamburg Evening in Berlin, as well Smoothly functioning hinterland infrastructure, with as the Hamburg Heavy Cargo Terminal Dresden’s the stress on rail and trucking as carriers, are of cru- ‘Duck Dinner’. In 2017 these were supplemented by cial importance for the international export and import ‘Four States – One Location’ in Wittenberge, which business, so in 2017 the focus was again on this sec- considered trimodal links in the states Brandenburg, tor. Several different calls, on both service providers Saxony-Anhalt, and Hamburg via these (EVU) in the representative’s area and terminal opera- traffic hubs. tors, served to strengthen cooperation.

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In mid-February 2017, the Munich Representative at Horb should provide substantial relief for the freight Office and its partners IGS Schreiner Hamburg and terminal at Kornwestheim/ that for years has Translog Schweinfurt organized a client briefing event been operating at virtually full capacity. to introduce the new train service to/from Schwein- furt devised by IGS Intermodal Container Logistics. In January the traditional New Year receptions were The response from shippers along with logistics com- held in Munich, Nuremberg and Stuttgart. Once again panies and forwarders was correspondingly positive. take-up was brisk, from both forwarding/logistics This enabled the new, regular service with Hamburg companies in the region and the ranks of Port of Ham- to progress extremely well during the year and this burg Marketing member companies in the Hamburg now occupies a firm place in IGS Schreiner Hamburg’s Metropolitan Region. range of train services. Thanks to action by the Munich Representative Office, Aiming to combine import and export services to/ customers from Eastern Bavaria and Lake Constance from Hamburg and Bremerhaven, and hence sub- participated in events just across the Austrian border stantially boosting efficiency, towards the end of at Salzburg in June and Feldkirch/Vorarlberg in Sep- 2017 terminal operators Contargo Logistik in Hof/ tember. The Vienna Representative Office supervised Saale and Ziegler Logistik in Wiesau merged to form organization of these. Contargo Ziegler Combitrac. During the ‘transport logistic’ trade fair in Munich, the foundation stone To further extend its network, Jürgen Behrens took was laid for the expansion of the GVZ cargo handling part in various functions of the Propeller Club Basel, terminal in Augsburg and the rail link with Deutsche as well as chambers of industry and commerce and Bahn’s network. This project also enjoyed back- logistics associations based in the Munich Represent- ing from the Munich Representative Office, which ative Office’s area. joined the Swabian Chamber of Industry & Com- merce in running a workshop to present the details One of the year’s outstanding highlights proved to be to the logistics market and interested customers. the ‘transport logistic’ trade fair in Munich, where new Completion of construction is anticipated at the end and interesting contacts were made, and existing links 2018 or early in 2019. with customers and service providers of the Port of Hamburg strengthened. A transhipment station for multimodal services is planned for a site at Horb in the North East area of In 2017 Jürgen Behrens gave readings and lectures at the Black Forest. Mainly involving the establishment the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and at of regular scheduled block train services to/from Ham- transport trade schools in Munich and Ulm, giving the burg, this project is also backed by Munich Represent- upcoming logistics generation comprehensive infor- ative Office. In future, erecting a multimodal terminal mation on the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and the Port of Hamburg.


In covering North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the Port of Hamburg’s second most important market region for container transport, in 2017 the focus was on seaport-hinterland transport. Volker Hahn, head of the Dortmund Representative Office, was heavily committed to implementing work packages for the ‘Hamburg-NRWplus’ cooperation project. Apart from planning and running meetings of various bodies, he conducted various interviews with shippers and the NRW transport sector. These aimed to determine po- tential for changing carriers and to identify fields of ac- tion for boosting the transfer of shipments to rail and inland waterway craft. The trade fair ‘transport logistic’ in Munich The ‘Hamburg-NRWplus’ project was also the key- offered the representa- note topic at the ‘Challenges in multimodal transport tives a good opportu- between the Port of Hamburg and North Rhine-West- nity to expand their phalia’ briefing event at Warstein in March 2017. The network. new rail service between Warstein Terminal and Ham- burg was presented there and at the Port Evening in

36 | Annual Report 2017 MARKETS

Düsseldorf in May 2017 that reported a record attend- Volker Hahn organized tours of commercial and logis- ance of over 250 guests. tics companies in North Rhine-Westphalia for mem- ber companies, and assisted clients and shippers in The topic for a briefing event in Braunschweig in Au- arranging expert discussions in the Port of Hamburg. gust 2017 was sustained development and implemen- Volker Hahn’s agenda for the year also required him tation of logistics schemes and processes. Among to address controversial topics. In September delays the topics raised during the platform discussion was arose in the Port of Hamburg on both import Customs the competitiveness of inland waterway craft over clearance and truck handling at container terminals. the relatively short distances between Hamburg and This caused discontent among many forwarders in Braunschweig. KSW Kreisbahn Siegen-Wittgenstein, North Rhine-Westphalia. Volker Hahn organized a Port of Hamburg Marketing, DB Cargo, the South round table for representatives of the Main Customs Westphalia regional group of the Federal Logistics Office in the Port of Hamburg, Hafen Hamburg und Alliance and Siegen Chamber of Commerce jointly Logistik AG and Dakosy, along with forwarders from issued invitations to the ‘Dialogue.Rail.South West- the market region, in order to discuss the problem and phalia’ briefing event in Kreuztal in September 2017. together find a solution. Around 220 guests took the opportunity of briefing themselves and swapping views on the prospects Given the special situation and heavy workload caused for development of multimodal freight traffic in South by the ‘Hamburg-NRWplus’ project, during 2017 the Westphalia. Representative Office only served the states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate on request. All the events offered shippers, transport companies and forwarders the opportunity of making fresh con- tacts with member companies and other representa- tives of Port of Hamburg business and also strength- ening existing ties.

Representative Volker Hahn participated in various ex- pert conventions and congresses, as well as Chamber of Industry & Commerce (IHK) discussion and work- ing groups in and Dortmund. These included the 9th ShippingPortLogistics Forum run by the NRW Transport Industry and Logistics Alliance (VVWL) and the NRW Logistics Cluster, and the Parliamentary Evening of the Federation of German Seaport Opera- tors (ZDS) and IHK North.

Annual Report 2017 | 37 CHAPTER 4

Representative Offices MARKET AND ACTIVITY REPORT Central and Eastern Europe

For the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Prague the universal Port of Hamburg is first choice for CZECH REPUBLIC the handling of export cargo. Because of the increasing activities of the competing ports of SLOVAKIA Koper, Trieste and Rijeka, as well as the Polish Vienna ports that are particularly active in Czechia and Budapest Slovakia, a constant presence in the markets of AUSTRIA Central and Eastern Europe is of great impor- HUNGARY tance.

CZECHIA AND SLOVAKIA events and conferences in the market regions, provid- ing input on the diversity of services in the Hamburg Czechia and Slovakia count among the most important port and logistics hub. This is exemplified by Speed- markets for the Port of Hamburg, each taking on an im- CHAIN 2017 in Prague (CZ) and Modrá (SK) – the re- portant hub function. During 2017, more than 460,000 gion’s major international logistics conferences and containers were transported between the Port of Czech Logistics Day under the umbrella of European Hamburg and the Republics of Czechia & Slovakia. The Supply Chain Day. The Czech forwarding association’s fact that almost 90 percent of these import and export Maritime Club and the Slovak forwarding association’s containers can be transported environment-friendly by symposium complete the picture. rail is facilitated by the 120 regular scheduled container block-train services between the intermodal terminals In addition to regular customer visits in the market re- in both Czechia and Slovakia and the container termi- gion, during the year under review, the Prague Rep- nals in the Port of Hamburg. resentative Office supported Hamburg member com- panies on tours in Czechia & Slovakia. To promote the During 2017, the Czech Republic lobbied the German upcoming generation, during 2017, in cooperation with Government and the EU for an increased use of the the Czech forwarding association, the Office also once Elbe waterway, ensuring its sustained navigability. again organized a study tour to Hamburg for young for- The aim is to safeguard the fairway’s consistent year- warders from Czechia & Slovakia. round availability. The Czech Ministry of Transport has designated the construction of a barrage with a lock In addition, Vladimir Dobos accompanied delegation near Decin as a priority for the coming years. Port of tours for shippers, universities and forwarders, who Hamburg Marketing is supporting its Czech partners travelled to Hamburg with their staff or customers for and member companies – inland waterway shipping discussions with experts and visiting port operations. companies and Elbe ports – especially by cooperating with the Elbe/Oder Chamber Union (KEO) and the Elbe Allianz. AUSTRIA

During the reporting year, Vladimir Dobos was in the Fostering and developing personal contacts is of great working groups of the chambers for foreign trade in significance in Austria. During the reporting year, Port Prague (DTIHK) and Bratislava (DSIHK). He was also of Hamburg Marketing, in the person of Alexander Till, active in the Czech and Slovak forwarders’ associ- Representative for Austria, presented current informa- ations, organizing and supporting conferences and tion about member companies at some 200 meetings events. with decision-makers in the Austrian transport industry.

The Port Evening was held in Prague in October. Some During 2017, Port of Hamburg Marketing organized 250 guests attended the networking event, sharing four events in Austria. With more than 250 guests, the information and ideas. These included customers, Port Evening in Vienna is the largest maritime event forwarders, multi-modal operators and shipping com- in Austria. Information events in Vienna, Salzburg and panies from the Czech and Slovak Republics, as well Feldkirch, Vorarlberg offered representatives from the as member companies and other representatives of Austrian transport and logistics industry the opportu- the Hamburg port economy. They discussed the latest nity of making new contacts with member companies developments in the logistics and transport industry. in the Hamburg port economy and of strengthening existing business relationships. These events were Vladimir Dobos was actively involved giving presenta- staged jointly with the Port of Vienna, Container Ter- tions, facilitating sessions and panel discussions at minal Salzburg and Austrian Rail’s ÖBB-Infrastruktur.

38 | Annual Report 2017 MARKETS

The Vienna Representative Office supported member activities initiated by competitors’ from the southern companies from Hamburg with their customer tours ports. This includes ongoing nurturing and develop- in Austria. ment of contacts with numerous industrial and trading companies and the logistics sector, as well as busi- Alexander Till gave well-founded presentations on sea ness organisations and political decision-makers. freight and promoting Hamburg as a port location. Ven- ues included the Austrian Economic Chambers’ ‘Infra- In 2017 too, the Budapest Port Evening was the most structure Cycle’ series of events, as well as at various important and best-supported event in Hungary’s events for the Association for Network Logistics. logistics field. During the reporting year on 30 May, there was special reason to celebrate. Together with In addition to market cultivation, during 2017 Alexander many representatives from Hamburg’s port economy, Till actively supported the upcoming Austrian logistics more than 230 guests celebrated the 25th anniversary generation, lecturing and giving presentations at the of the Port of Hamburg Representative Office in Buda- University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna and the Uni- pest. The event once again provided an ideal platform versity of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Steyr, as for updating guests on the latest developments in the well as trade schools in Vienna, Braunau and Mitter- Port of Hamburg and the logistics and transport indus- dorf. This commitment was rounded off by organizing try in Hungary. study tours to Hamburg for students at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, for logistics trainees During 2017, Krisztina Kovacs visited transport and from Rail Cargo Austria and students from the Univer- logistics conferences, the transport logistic trade fair sity of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Steyr. in Munich, a range of expert forums, plus customer information events run by competitor ports, success- fully building up her network in the process. HUNGARY Port of Hamburg Marketing promoted the professional The excellent hinterland transport infrastructure and development of Hungary‘s upcoming generation in the high-level logistics chains make the Port of Hamburg transport and logistics field with study tours, lectures an attractive market partner in Hungary. In 2017, the and making teaching material available. This included Hungarian economy stayed on growth course with an the Budapest University of Technology and Econom- advance of 4.2%. As a result the Port of Hamburg also ics. In October, Krisztina Kovacs once again organized recorded an increase in handling containerized cargo a study tour for the upcoming generation to Hamburg to/from Hungary. To support this positive develop- und the Metropolitan Region. During the two-day visit ment, Krisztina Kovacs, head of the Port of Hamburg delegates learned about the Port of Hamburg’s signif- Marketing Representative Office in Budapest, inten- icance in global trade, logistics processes at terminals sively cultivates the Hungarian market that, because and port management. of its geographical position, is strongly influenced by

MOER WORKING GROUP Supra-national market cultivation: A plus for the Port of Hamburg

The MOER region of Central and Eastern Europe consisting of Austria, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary counts among the most important markets for the Port of Hamburg. In containerized transport, pre- and post-carriage for overseas shipments to/from the region are almost exclusively by rail. To facilitate the highest possible utilization of transport systems, su- the working group. In the year under review, market, pra-national hinterland transport concepts are gaining transport and competition analyses were compiled for in importance. Port of Hamburg Marketing is seizing the MOER region and statistics gathered. This data is on this development in its market cultivation. The a precondition for evaluating freight and traffic flows MOER working group was founded as early as 2015 for the whole region. The working group activities are in the representative offices in Budapest, Prague and an important building block for the ongoing positive Vienna to develop supra-national sales and market- volume development between the Port of Hamburg ing concepts. Since 2017, Alexander Till, head of the and the Central European hinterland. In recent years, Vienna representative office, has taken over running supra-national events have already taken place.

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The Baltic Region accounts for Hamburg’s European container transport to 69 percent. A major share of this trade is transhipment traffic that mainly links the Far East and the Baltic Region via the Port of Hamburg. As an overseas port, Hamburg fulfils an important hub function for the distribution of feeder cargo, scoring with its geographical proximity to the markets, as well as its dense network of feeder liner services.



St. Petersburg ESTONIA


BELARUS Warsaw Hamburg


Head Office Representative Offices

In 2017, container traffic between Hamburg and the In 2017, the Baltic States together reached 268,000 Baltic Region was slightly weaker, dropping 1.5 per- TEU in Hamburg container traffic: This represents a cent to 1,773 million TEU. The reason for this was a new record on this trade route for the first time since reduction in handling empty boxes; at 276,000 TEU 2017. At 126,000 TEU container traffic with Lithuania down by 10 percent. With 1,497 million TEU, loaded increased by 7.6 percent, with Latvia by 6.7 percent container handling improved marginally by 0.3 percent. to 112,000 TEU and with Estonia by 6.1 percent to 48,000 TEU. In European container transport, Hamburg’s biggest trading partner continues to be Russia. Taking a global view, in the reporting year at 405,000 TEU, Russia ranks MARKET CULTIVATION as second highest trading partner for container handling in the Port of Hamburg after China. The quantities how- POLAND ever were 10.7 percent below the previous year. This trend was evident as early as April 2017. The reason for During the reporting year, the competing Polish Port this is the strong competition in transhipment traffic. of Gdansk positioned itself with an aggressive price policy in the market, increasing transhipment compe- Among all the trading partners in Hamburg in 2017, the tition, through direct calls in Gdansk. Hamburg was, second highest growth, after Colombia, was the con- however, able to stand its ground as an important hub tainer traffic with Sweden. 298,000 TEU were shifted for Polish cargo. Seaborne container traffic with Po- over the quay wall with this Scandinavian country in land developed positively during 2017 in Hamburg. At Hamburg in 2017. This represents growth of 23 per- 219,000 TEU handling improved by 2.3. This was suf- cent compared with the previous year and a jump in ficient to return to the Top 10 trading partners of the ranking of four places to Number 5 of the major trading Port of Hamburg in ninth place (previous year: 12). partners in the Port of Hamburg in container handling. In his market communication, Maciej Brzozowski,

40 | Annual Report 2017 MARKETS

head of the Warsaw Representative Office, concen- region, stressing the diverse range of services in the trated above all on the core competences of the Port Port of Hamburg. During the reporting year, the im- of Hamburg; namely, on the high handling quality and portant events were ‘Transport Week’ in Gdansk, with speed of the terminals, as well as the diverse range numerous representatives from the maritime industry of logistics services. The ‘smartPORT’ topic proved of from all of the Baltic-rim states and the ‘Economic Fo- great interest to the Polish seaport transport sector. rum’ in Gdynia. Here, Maciej Brzozowski was able to position the Port of Hamburg as a flagship project for In spring 2017, the Warsaw Representative Office or- the development of intelligent solutions for transport ganized an information event in Krakow for steel and and goods flows. mechanical engineering companies based in Southern Poland. There, they successfully presented Hamburg’s For member companies the Warsaw Representative competence regarding project cargo. In advance of the Office organized company visits, events and confer- traditional Port Evening in Warsaw in September 2017, ence participation, brokered contacts to potential busi- which has developed into a highly popular network- ness partners, delivered market and industry data and ing event for the maritime transport sector in Poland, carried out dedicated market analyses. was ‘the Port of Hamburg for practitioners’ informa- tion event. Representatives of the Hamburg port and In Poland, too, Port of Hamburg Marketing cam- logistics sectors used this to present their transport paigned intensively for the upcoming logistics gener- and IT solutions, and to make real contact with repre- ation. Apart from organizing study tours to Hamburg, sentatives from the Polish economy. during the year, Maciej Brzozowski gave lectures at a number of universities and universities of applied sci- In close cooperation with the Logistics Alliance Ger- ence in Warsaw, Szczecin, Poznan and Wroclaw. many (LAG), the Warsaw Representative Office or- ganized a tour by a delegation of German logistics companies, led by the Federal Ministry of Transport RUSSIA and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) to Poznan, in Novem- ber. This offered an excellent opportunity to strength- Russia and Hamburg have been interrelated by the en cooperation between logistics players from both Baltic sea-trade route for hundreds of years. The Port countries in one of Poland’s boom regions. of Hamburg has special significance for Russia, taking on a hub function for Russia’s trade with the Europe- Maciej Brzozowski participated with presentations and an Union. During the reporting year, Port of Hamburg facilitating at conferences and events in the market Marketing’s Representative Office in St. Petersburg

Annual Report 2017 | 41 CHAPTER 4

had intensive contacts to Russian shippers, forward- Port of Hamburg Marketing issued an invitation to the ers, logistics and rail companies, organizing many German-Finnish Maritime Forum in Finland’s capital, events in the market region. Helsinki. The participants used the Forum to discuss challenges and opportunities for feeder services on For the traditional ‘German Week’ in early April in St. the Baltic, perspectives for digitalization and the de- Petersburg, together with the German-Russian cham- velopment and enhancement of the Port of Hamburg. ber of foreign trade and the East European associa- tion of German business, Port of Hamburg Marketing Natalia Kapkajewa gave presentations and facilitat- issued an invitation to a symposium with the accent ed at events and conferences in the market region, on ‘Digitalization in the port sector and logistics’. The briefing delegates on the diverse range of services event provided a fitting backdrop for the signing of a in Hamburg as a port and logistics hub. Some good partnership and cooperation agreement between Port examples were the ‘Baltic Sea Region Forum’ in St. of Hamburg Marketing and the Admiral Makarov state Petersburg, ‘Heavy lift Russia & CIS’ conference in university of maritime and inland shipping. Moscow, and the ‘International Economic Forum’ in St. Petersburg. The annual Port of Hamburg Evening in St. Petersburg took place in September 2017 with more than 270 For the Port of Hamburg, Russia’s foreign trade has high-level representatives from the Russian transport once again developed positively. With the support of and logistics sector. It provided an excellent opportuni- the Representative Office in St. Petersburg, the mu- ty to deepen existing business relations. In advance of tual interdependency and business relations of the the event, a delegation from the Hamburg Metropoli- two leading port cities were successfully extended, tan Region visited universal Port of Bronka. During the during 2017. Natalia Kapkajewa gave her support with tour Dr. Stefan Wilkens, general manager of the con- tour and programme planning for a number of min- tainer terminal, presented the concrete development isterial delegations to St. Petersburg and Moscow. plans for the universal Port of Bronka, explaining its Member companies supported Natalia Kapkajewa strategic importance for future cargo flows between with customer tours in Russia. Rounding this off, vis- the Russian Federation and Germany. itor programmes to the Port of Hamburg for custom- ers and student groups from Russia were arranged Also at the end of September, together with its part- and escorted. ners, Global Ports Group and Mattson Containers,

42 | Annual Report 2017 MARKETS


Asia traditionally forms part of Hamburg’s strongest sea trade. In 2017 seaports in Asia were there- fore among the winners on container transport with Hamburg. With 4.7 million TEU, around 53 percent total container throughput in Hamburg was loaded for Asia or discharged from there. That represented a slight downturn of one percent or 45,000 TEU on 2016. Companies in Asia value the universal port of Hamburg for its extremely good hinterland infrastructure in Europe.

Representative Offices



Hong Kong




The trend for Asia was largely determined by the served via transhipment in Hamburg. Another factor is strength of container traffic with the People’s Repub- a tendency to transfer industrial production from South lic of China, including Hong Kong, with a 56 percent Korea to other countries such as Vietnam - for smart share of the Asia total. With 2.62 million TEU (up 1.4 phone production. percent on 2016), Hamburg’s trading partner China (incl. Hong Kong) accounts for 29.7 percent (2016: With 215,000 TEU, in 2017 the United Arab Emirates 29.0 percent) of all container handling. At 389,000 (UAE) were Hamburg’s tenth largest trading partner TEU, in 2017 container throughput with SE Asian dis- (2016: 11th) for direct container traffic, of which Jebel tributor port Singapore was 7.3 percent lower than in Ali accounted for 74 percent. With the total down by the previous year. Singapore nevertheless remained 8.2 percent, the previous year’s record stood. third in Hamburg’s container handling league table. In 2017 container traffic with India also failed to top Container traffic between Hamburg and South Ko- the 2016 record. Tax and currency reforms weakened rea has been falling since the end of 2014. In 2017 a the Indian economy. This was also reflected in contain- total of 228,000 TEU were handled, or 16.8 percent er traffic with Hamburg that was 16.9 percent down fewer than in the previous year. One reason for this on 2016 at 215,000 TEU. Among Hamburg’s main is the sluggish economy and South Korea’s foreign partners for direct container handling, the sub-conti- trade situation with markets such as Russia, which is nent here ranked twelfth (2016: tenth).

Annual Report 2017 | 43 CHAPTER 4

Container traffic withIsrael continued to develop es- An important aspect of activities consisted of assis- pecially well in Hamburg. The 2017 total of 77,000 TEU tance for member companies. These continue to re- reflected handling of 29.3 percent more boxes than in quire a great deal of advice. Along with general ques- 2016. This distinct surge in volume set a new record. tions such as assessment of the market and arranging introductions, there was also a demand for support Vietnam’s stronger direct link with Hamburg featured measures on plans for setting up businesses in China, some notable developments. In 2017 container vol- conflict management and headhunting. ume rose by 61.1 percent to 73,000 TEU, a new re- cord. The story was similar on Hamburg’s direct link Shanghai Representative Office despatched press re- with Thailand. This reflected the new link on THE- Al- leases on Hamburg business topics to the Chinese press liance’s FE-5 liner service since April 2017. As a result, several times per month and conducted intensive public volumes rose from around 2,000 TEU in the previous relations on Chinese social media through its own plat- year to 48,000 TEU – a fresh record in Hamburg. forms. A monthly bilingual newsletter was published.


REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE SHANGHAI To publicize the Port of Hamburg’s broad spectrum of services, in 2017 Anne Thiesen, Managing Director of Headed by Lars Anke, in 2017 the Port of Hamburg’s the Port of Hamburg Marketing Representative Office Representative Office in Shanghai covered the mar- in Hong Kong, covered the Hong Kong, Southern China kets in China, Japan and South Korea. and SE Asia markets. She intensified her contacts with container shipping companies, government agencies Various events run by the Office introduced the in Hong Kong, administrations and consulates-gener- strength of the Port of Hamburg and business there. al in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, various chambers as These included an international smartPORT Salon in well as shippers. Shanghai as well as seminar and round table functions for forwarders, shippers and shipping companies in Since July 2007 the Southern Chinese port of Shen- Ningbo, Shenyang, Dalian, Qingdao and Taipeh, zhen has been linked with Hamburg in a port partner- among other centres. Information functions were also ship. Against this background, from 12 to 14 October run during trade fairs that included Chengdu Trans- the Port of Hamburg showcased for the eleventh time portation Expo. In 2017 Lars Anke also spoke about at the CILF trade fair in Shenzhen. Stressing close the advantages of the Port of Hamburg at Intermodal cooperation and a brisk exchange of ideas between Asia, Ningbo Silk Road Forum, International Silk Road Hamburg and Shenzhen, a reception was held during Forum Shanghai Lingang, Lianyungang Port Develop- this transport & logistics event to mark the tenth an- ment Forum, the ship.cn Summit and Kunshan Logis- niversary of the port partnership. Axel Mattern, Joint tics Day. CEO of Port of Hamburg Marketing, was also invited to speak at the ‘3rd Forum of 21st Century Maritime Silk As one element of customer service, on-the-spot dis- Road and the 6th Shenzhen World Port Chain Strategy cussions were held with the region’s major shipown- Forum’. Digitalization was among the keynote topics. ers. The Port of Hamburg was also introduced to lead- In his lecture Axel Mattern explained the Port of Ham- ing players in Japan, Korea and Taiwan during a round burg’s smartPORT strategy. of visits. Another important part was played by back- ing for the activities of Port of Hamburg business in More than 170 local representatives of shipping, logis- political circles. On the Belt and Road Initiative, close tics, industry, politics and trade associations used the contacts were maintained, partly through lectures, Port of Hamburg evening reception in Hong Kong at with the National Development and Reform Commis- the end of November to brief themselves about current sion under the State Council of the People’s Republic developments in Germany’s largest universal port. In of China. In the context of the Belt and Road Industrial 2017 the event was most successfully held for the first and Commercial Alliance under the China Federation time during Hong Kong Maritime Week and the Asian of Industrial Economics, the Port of Hamburg’s solu- Logistics and Maritime Conference (ALMC). The Guest tions for networked hinterland logistics were present- of Honour was Angela Lee, Deputy Secretary for Trans- ed. Hamburg became even more strongly positioned port & Housing Bureau of Hong Kong SAR Government. in Japan with a tour for the German Ministry of Trans- port and Digital Infrastructure. With the same inten- A delegation also visited Vietnam for a week at the tion, port partnerships with Shanghai, Busan and Kao- end of November. Headed by Frank Horch, Hamburg hsiung along with strategic alliances with the ports of Minister of Economics, the 40-member group fulfilled Tianjin, Dalian, Ningbo and Qingdao were nurtured and an extensive programme of visits. Represented on deepened, especially with reference to digitalization of the trip by Joint CEO Axel Mattern, along with Anne port logistics. Thiesen and Mathias Schulz, its two staff responsible

44 | Annual Report 2017 MARKETS

for the Vietnamese market, Port of Hamburg Market- with the Indian ports and logistics sector. The ex- ing involved itself in planning the programme and the change with representatives of South Asian interests journey, which included visits to Hanoi, the new deep- was deepened at the ‘South Asia Maritime & Logistics sea port of Hai Phong, and Ho Chi Min City. Apart from Forum 2017’ and ‘Maritime Nation India 2017’ confer- numerous new contacts, a host of prospects for future ences. Joint showcasing with Hamburg Messe & Con- cooperation arose for those in the delegation, which gress at INMEX SMM India 2017 offered the Port of included representatives from five Port of Hamburg Hamburg Representative Office a further opportunity Marketing member companies. of drawing closer to Indian governmental shipping or- ganizations in mutual dialogue. Hamburg, and especially the Port of Hamburg, are held in high regard by the government and business com- In 2017 the Representative Office further sharpened munity of Hong Kong. Led by Joey Lam, in 2017 the the focus of its press contacts. Apart from its monthly Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board (HKMPB) trav- newsletters and mailing the Port of Hamburg Maga- elled to Hamburg, among other places. This was for the zine to decision-makers, the Port of Hamburg Rep- second time within the past two years, and designed resentative Office in Mumbai places articles about to step up the exchange between the two port cities. the Port of Hamburg in ‘Maritime Gateway’, ‘Mari- time Weekly’ and ‘Indian Transport & Logistic News’, among other titles. INDIA Contact with HHM member companies was strength- Peter Deubet, HHM’s Representative for India, began ened during the year under review. Marketing of Ham- 2017 with a visit to Sri Lanka Port Authority, using burg as a business centre often results in a require- this to introduce Chairman Ranatunga to the Port of ment for logistics services in Hamburg among Indian Hamburg’s ties with the City of Hamburg and HafenC- companies. Here contacts were arranged for these ity. Unfortunately the Chairman’s planned visit had to with member companies. In addition, the Representa- be cancelled at short notice due to health problems. tive Office gave assistance on questions arising from However, Deubet followed up with a further visit in alterations in visa regulations and the recently intro- Colombo. A delegation from the Sri Lankan renewa- duced Goods and Services Tax (GST). ble energy sector also visited Hamburg and were able to see for themselves the industrial utilization of wind Nomination of Heiko Mohns, Hamburg Süd’s General power in the Port of Hamburg. Manager Area Office Middle East, India and Pakistan, as the new HamburgAmbassador for Mumbai will fur- Through Hamburg’s Mumbai Representative Office, ther strengthen the Port of Hamburg’s presence in In- Port of Hamburg Marketing maintained close contact dia for the future.

Annual Report 2017 | 45 CHAPTER 4

Port of Hamburg Marketing Representative Offices

At a total of twelve locations, Representative Office staff look after the interests of Hamburg’s seaport transport business, especially those of member companies, in what are important markets for the Port of Hamburg. The Baltic Region / Eastern Europe and Asia / Overseas market regions are additionally handled from the head office in Hamburg.

HEAD OFFICE Representative Office Russia St. Petersburg Representative Market Development Baltic Sea Region / Natalia Kapkajewa Eastern Europe Phone: +7 812 3327140 Marina Basso Michael E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 40 37709 111 E-Mail: [email protected] Representative Office Czechia / Slovakia Prague Representative Market Development Asia / Overseas Vladimir Dobos Mathias Schulz Phone: +420 224 891 301 Phone: +49 40 37709 114 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Representative Office Hungary Budapest Representative GERMANY Kristina Kovacs Phone: + 36 1266 2039 Representative Office Eastern Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Dresden Representative Stefan Kunze Representative Office India Phone: +49 351 6538 131 Mumbai Representative E-Mail: [email protected] Peter Deubet Phone: +91 22 666 52 134 Representative Office Southern Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Munich Representative Jürgen Behrens Representative Office China, Japan, Korea Phone: +49 89 186097 Shanghai Representative E-Mail: [email protected] Lars Anke Phone: +86 21 6875 8705 Representative Office Western Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Dortmund Representative Volker Hahn Representative Office Hong Kong, South China, Phone: +49 231 9839 9695 South-East Asia E-Mail: [email protected] Hong Kong Representative Anne Thiesen Phone: +852 2522 5268 INTERNATIONAL E-Mail: [email protected]

Representative Office Austria Vienna Representative Alexander Till Phone: +43 1 712 54 84 E-Mail: [email protected]

Representative Office Poland Warsaw Representative Maciej Brzozowski Phone: +48 22 654 60 07 E-Mail: [email protected]

46 | Annual Report 2017 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION


48 Port of Hamburg Marketing member companies

53 Imprint

Annual Report 2017 | 47 CHAPTER 5

Port of Hamburg Marketing member companies

The Port of Hamburg is Germany‘s largest universal port. Its strength and competitive ability is especially thanks to the companies active here in the port in transportation, logistics and industry. Many of these companies are members of Port of Hamburg Marketing.

A a. hartrodt Deutschland (GmbH & Co) KG...... www.hartrodt.com ACL Atlantic Container Line Deutschland GmbH...... www.aclcargo.com ADECON Sp. z o.o. Sp.K...... www.adecon.pl ADM Hamburg Aktiengesellschaft...... www.adm.com Advanced World Transport a.s...... www.awt.eu ajax Loktechnik GmbH & Co. KG...... www.ajax-loktechnik.com akf siemers holding GmbH...... www.akf-gmbh.de ALC Timber Worxx Packaging GmbH...... www.timber-worxx.de Alcotrans Container Line GmbH...... www.alcotrans.nl/de/standorte Alfons Köster & Co. GmbH...... www.alfons-koester.de AMD Transport Ltd...... www.amdtransport.ru ARIVIST Logistics Overseas GmbH...... www.arivist.com Arnold Koch jr. GmbH...... www.arnold-koch.de ATG -Touristik GmbH...... www.alstertouristik.de Aurubis AG ...... www.aurubis.com

B Baltic Rail Gate GmbH...... www.baltic-rail-gate.de Baltica-Trans...... www.baltica-trans.ru/ Barkassenbetrieb Bülow GmbH ...... www.barkassenvermietung-hamburg.com Barkassen-Centrale Ehlers GmbH...... www.barkassen-centrale.de BEHALA Berliner Hafen- und Lagerhausgesellschaft mbH...... www.behala.de BlueJay Solutions GmbH...... www.blujaysolutions.com/de/ BOBE Speditions GmbH...... www.bobe.de boxXpress.de GmbH...... www.boxxpress.de BREEZE Industrial Packing GmbH ...... www.breeze-packing.com Brunsbüttel Ports GmbH...... www.brunsbuettelports.de BSPartner GmbH & Co. KG...... www.bspartner.de Bugsier- Reederei- und Bergungsges. mbH & Co...... www.bugsier.de Buss Capital GmbH & Co. KG...... www.buss-capital.de Buss Group GmbH & Co. KG...... www.buss-group.de Buss Port Logistics GmbH & Co. KG...... www.buss-ports.de Buss Port Services GmbH...... www.buss-ports.de Buss Terminal Stade GmbH & Co. KG...... www.buss-ports.de

C C. Steinweg (Süd-West Terminal) GmbH & Co. KG...... hamburg.steinweg.com/de/ Captrain Deutschland GmbH ...... www.captrain.de Carl Robert Eckelmann Transport und Logistik GmbH...... www.eckelmannag.de Carl Wolter GmbH...... www.carl-wolter.de CBT Logistics GmbH...... www.cbtham.de CENEP Group SE...... www.cenep-group.com Česko-saské přístavy, s. r. o. Děčín...... www.csp-labe.cz CIS-Cargo GmbH...... www.cis-cargo.de CLC China Logistic Center GmbH...... www.china-logistic-center.de CMA CGM (Germany) GmbH ...... www.cma-cgm.com COLI Schiffahrt & Transport GmbH & Co. KG...... www.coli-shipping.com Color Line GmbH...... www.colorline.de CONDACO & KTD-M GmbH...... www.condaco.de CONICAL GmbH...... www.conical.de Contargo GmbH & Co. KG...... www.contargo.net/de/terminals/mannheim COSCO SHIPPING Lines (Germany) GmbH...... www.coscoshipping.de CPL Competence in Ports and Logistics GmbH...... www.c-pl.de CR Container Trading GmbH...... www.cr-container.de ČSPL a.s...... www.cspl.cz CST Container-, Speditions- u. Transportges. mbH ...... www.cst-container.com CTD Container-Transport-Dienst GmbH...... www.ctd.de CTS Container Terminal Salzburg GmbH ...... www.ct-sbg.at


D DAKOSY AG...... www.dakosy.de DAL Schiffahrts-Agentur mbH & Co. KG...... www.rantzau.de DB Netz AG...... www.dbnetze.com/fahrweg DCP Dettmer Container Packing GmbH & Co. KG ...... www.dcp-hamburg.de Delfs & Associates GmbH...... www.delfs-associates.com Deufol Hamburg GmbH...... www.deufol.com Deutsch-Chinesische Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V...... www.dcw-ev.de Deutsche Binnenreederei AG...... www.binnenreederei.de Deutscher Tarifeur-Verein e.V...... www.dtvev.de Deutsch-Russischer Wirtschaftsbund e.V...... www.deutsch-russischer-wirtschaftsbund.de DFDS Germany ApS & Co. KG...... www.dfdslisco.de DHL Global Forwarding GmbH...... www.dhl.de Dolezych GmbH & Co. KG...... www.dolezych.de Dortmunder Hafen AG ...... www.dortmunder-hafen.de DVWG Bezirksvereinigung Hamburg...... www.dvwg.de

E ECE Projektmanagement G.m.b.H. & Co. KG...... www.ece.de Eichholtz GmbH ...... www.eichholtz.de Eimskip Deutschland...... www.eimskip.com Elbe Allianz e.V...... www.elbeallianz.org ElbePort Wittenberge GmbH ...... www.elbeport.de ELBREKLAME Marketing und Kommunikation EMK GmbH...... www.elbreklame.de Emons Air & Sea GmbH ...... www.emons.de Emons Rail Cargo GmbH...... www.emons.de EMR European Metal Recycling GmbH ...... de.emrgroup.com EPS ESTE PROJECT SERVICE GmbH...... www.eps-hamburg.de Ernst Glässel GmbH ...... www.glaessel.de ERS Railways B.V...... www.ersrail.com Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH...... www.eurofins.de EUROGATE Intermodal GmbH ...... www.egim.eu European Cargo Logistics GmbH...... www.ecl-online.de European River-Sea-Transport Union e. V...... www.erstu.com Evergreen Shipping Agency (Europe) GmbH ...... www.evergreen-line.com Evropská vodní doprava-Sped. s. r. o...... www.evd.cz

F Far East Land Bridge Ltd...... www.felb.world FENIX LLC...... www.port-bronka.ru FILog Forschungsgemeinschaft Innovative Logistik e.V...... www.filog.org Finnhub ry...... www.finnhub.fi FONTENAY Consulting & Assekuranz-Makler GmbH...... www.fontenay-assekuranz.de Forschungsgemeinschaft für Logistik e.V...... www.fglhamburg.de Fr. Meyer‘s Sohn (GmbH & Co.) KG...... www.fms-logistics.com Fraunhofer-Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung...... www.iff.fraunhofer.de Friedrich A. Kruse jun. Internationale Spedition e.K...... www.spedition-kruse.de FRIGO Coldstore Logistics GmbH & Co. KG...... www.frigo-hamburg.de

G G.T.H. Getreide Terminal Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG...... www.getreide-terminal.de GCD Glomb Container Dienst GmbH ...... www.glomb.com GEODIS FF Germany GmbH & Co. KG ...... www.geodiswilson.com Gerd Buss Stevedoring GmbH ...... www.buss-ports.de Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH ...... www.gerlachcs.com Gesamtverband Schleswig-Holsteinischer Häfen e.V...... www.haefen-sh.de GHB Gesamthafenbetriebs-Gesellschaft mbH...... www.ghb.de GLA German Liner Agencies GmbH...... www.glagencies.de Glückstadt Port GmbH & Co. KG...... www.glueckstadtport.de Grimaldi Germany GmbH ...... www.grimaldi-germany.de

H H.D.Cotterell GmbH & Co. KG...... www.cotterell.de H.S.H. Schleppgesellschaft mbH...... www.hsh-hamburg.de HADAG Seetouristik und Fährdienst AG...... www..de Hafen Akademie Hamburg GmbH ...... www.hafenakademie.de Hafen Hannover GmbH...... www.hannover-hafen.de Hafenbetrieb Aken GmbH...... www.hafen-aken.de Hafenbetriebsgesellschaft Braunschweig mbH...... www.braunschweig-hafen.de Hamburg GmbH...... www.hafencity.com

Annual Report 2017 | 49 CHAPTER 5

Hafenkultur e.V...... www.hafenkultur.eu Hafenschiffahrtsverband Hamburg e.V...... www.uvhh.de Halifax Port Authority...... www.portofhalifax.ca Hamburg Cruise Net e.V...... www.hamburgcruise.net Hamburg Marketing GmbH...... www.marketing.hamburg.de Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH...... www.hamburg-messe.de Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft ApS & Co KG. www.hamburgsud.com Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft ...... www.hhla.de Hamburger Sparkasse AG...... www.firmenkunden.haspa.de Handelskammer Hamburg ...... www.hk24.de HANSAPORT HAFENBETRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH ...... www.hansaport.de Hanseatic Cruise Staff Service GmbH...... www.hanseatic-cruise-staff.de Hanseatic Tally Service GmbH ...... www.hanseatic-tally.de Hapag-Lloyd AG...... www.hapag-lloyd.de HCCR Hamburger Container u. Chassis-Reparatur GmbH...... www.hccr.de Heinrich Osse Lagerhaus GmbH...... www.osse-logistik.de Heinrich Wegener & Sohn Bunkergesellschaft m.b.H...... www.wegener-bunker.de HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder GmbH...... www.hhla-cta.de HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort GmbH...... www.hhla.de HHLA Frucht- und Kühlzentrum GmbH...... www.hhla.de HLG Hamburger Lasch GmbH & Co. KG...... www.hamburglasch.de HLS Eurocustoms24 Zollservice GmbH & Co.KG...... www.eurocustoms24.de HMS Hanseatic Marine Services GmbH & Co. KG...... www.hms-services.com HÖEGH Autoliners GmbH...... www.hoegh.com HPA Hamburg Port Authority AöR...... www.hamburg-port-authority.de HPC Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH ...... www.hpc-hamburg.de Hyundai Merchant Marine (Deutschland) GmbH...... www.hmm21.com

I iCON International Container Service GmbH...... www.icon-container.com Identec Solutions AG...... www.identecsolutions.com IFB International Freightbridge (Deutschland) GmbH...... www.ifb-germany.de IGS Schreiner GmbH...... www.igs-logistics.com IMPERIAL Shipping Services GmbH...... www.imperial-baris.de IMS CARGO Austria GmbH...... www.imscargo.com Initiative Kiel-Canal e.V...... www.initiative-kiel-canal.de Institut für BFSV an der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg . www.bfsv.de IP Zollspedition GmbH...... www.ip-zollspedition.de IPS International Packing Services GmbH ...... www.ips-hh.de Ixocon GmbH ...... www.ixocon.de

K Karl Gross Internationale Spedition GmbH...... www.karlgross.de Konrad Zippel Spediteur GmbH & Co. KG...... www.zippel24.com KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft...... www.kpmg.com KRONE FLEET Deutschland GmbH...... www.krone-fleet.com Kuehne Logistics University...... www.the-klu.org

L LHG Service-Gesellschaft mbH ...... www.sg-luebeck.de Lindner Fotografie...... www.lindner-fotografie.de Linz Service GmbH – Hafen Linz...... www.hafenlinz.at „K“ Line (Deutschland) GmbH...... www.klineurope.com/Europe.aspx Logistik-Initiative Hamburg e.V...... www.hamburg-logistik.net LogistikNetz Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. an der TH Wildau...... www.logistiknetz-bb.de Louis Hagel GmbH & Co. KG...... www.louis-hagel.com Lübeck Distribution Gesellschaft mbH...... www.ldg.de Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH...... www.lhg.com

M...... MacAndrews Germany GmbH ...... www.macandrews.com ma-co maritimes competenzcentrum GmbH...... www.ma-co.de MACS Linienagentur GmbH...... www.macship.com Maersk Deutschland A/S & Co. KG...... www.maerskline.com MARITIME Cargo Logistics GmbH...... www.maritimegroup.de Maritime Circle Line ...... www.maritime-circle-line.de MARITIME LNG PLATTFORM e. V...... www.lng-info.de Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland...... www.maritimes-cluster-nord.de Marlière & Gerstlauer executive search ...... www.marliere-gerstlauer.com Mattson Containers GmbH...... www.mccontainers.com


mdrk Trusted Advisers Group Sp. zo.o...... www.mdrk.eu METRANS a.s...... www.metrans.cz Mindener Hafen GmbH...... www.mindener-hafen.de MSC Germany SA & Co. KG ...... www.mscgermany.com Mukran Port Terminal GmbH & Co. KG...... www.sea-terminal-sassnitz.de/ unternehmen/profil.html

N Nauticor GmbH & Co. KG ...... www.nauticor.de NAVIS Schiffahrts- und Speditions-Aktiengesellschaft ...... www.navis-ag.com Netzwerk Logistik Leipzig-Halle e. V...... www.logistik-leipzig-halle.net Nippon Express (Deutschland) GmbH ...... www.nipponexpress.com NORD EVENT GmbH...... www.nordevent.de Nordic Rail Service GmbH...... www.nordic-rail-service.de NORGATEC Handelsgesellschaft mbH...... www.norgatec.de Notariat Spitalerstrasse...... www.notariatspitalerstrasse.de NSA Schifffahrt und Transport GmbH ...... www.nsa-hamburg.de NYK LINE (Deutschland) GmbH ...... www.nykeurope.com

O Ocean Network Express (Europe) Ltd...... www.one-line.com Oiltanking GmbH...... www.oiltanking.com ORCA Transport Agency GmbH...... www.orca-transport.de Osteuropaverein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V...... www.osteuropaverein.org OT Logistics S.A...... www.otlogistics.com.pl

P PCH Packing Center Hamburg GmbH...... www.pchpacking.de Peter W. Lampke GmbH & Co. KG ...... www.pwl.de Petersen & Alpers GmbH & Co. KG...... www.petersen-alpers.de PHH Personaldienstleistung GmbH ...... www.phh24.de planwerk elbe GmbH...... www.planwerkelbe.de POHL & CO. GmbH...... www.pohlgruppe.de Porath Customs Agents GmbH...... www.porath.com Port Logistics Ltd...... www.portvyb.ru Port of Gothenburg AB...... www.portofgothenburg.com Přístav Pardubice, a.s...... www.pristav-pardubice.cz PST CLC, a.s...... www.pst-clc.cz

Q Quast & Cons. GmbH & Co. KG...... www.quast-cons.de Quehenberger Air & Ocean GmbH...... www.quehenberger.com

R Rail Cargo Operator - CSKD s.r.o...... www.railcargo.com RAINER ABICHT Elbreederei GmbH & Co.KG...... www.abicht.de Reederei Ed Line GmbH ...... www.ed-line.de REM CAPITAL AG...... www.remcapital.de REMAIN GmbH Container-Depot and Repair...... www.remain.de Rendsburg Port Authority GmbH...... www.rendsburg-port-authority.de RENDSBURG PORT GmbH...... www.rendsburg-port.com REPACK Industrie-Verpackungs GmbH...... www.repack.de Rhenus Midgard Hamburg GmbH...... www.rhenus.com Rickmers-Line GmbH & Co. KG...... www.rickmers-linie.com ROSTOCK PORT GMBH...... www.rostock-port.de

S S&A Service und Anwendungstechnik GmbH...... www.s-und-a.de Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH ...... www.binnenhafen-sachsen.de SACO Shipping GmbH ...... www.saco.de SAMSKIP GmbH...... www.samskip.com Sandtorkai Handel Papenhagen KG ...... www.sandtorkai-handel.de Sartori & Berger GmbH & Co. KG...... www.sartori-berger.de SCA Logistics GmbH...... www.sca.com Schiffsvermietung BARKASSEN-MEYER Touristik GmbH & Co.KG. . . . www.barkassen-meyer.de Schmidt-Ohm + Partner Werbeagentur GmbH ...... www.sop-hamburg.de SCHRAMM Ports & Logistics Sweden AB...... www.brunsbuettel-ports.de/schweden.html Schwarze & Consort. GmbH...... www.schwarze-cons.de Sea Master Shipping GmbH...... www.seamastershipping.de Seaco International Leasing GmbH...... www.seacoglobal.de

Annual Report 2017 | 51 CHAPTER 5

Seaexpress Logistics GmbH...... www.seaexpress.de SECURITAS GmbH Sicherheitsdienste...... www.securitas.de SEEHAFEN KIEL GMBH & CO. KG...... www.portofkiel.com Seehafen Stade e.V...... www.seehafen-stade.de Seehafen Wismar GmbH...... www.hafen-wismar.de SGKV - Studiengesellschaft für den Kombinierten Verkehr e.V...... www.sgkv.de SGS Germany GmbH...... www.sgsgroup.de Siemens AG...... www.siemens.de Silo P. Kruse Betriebs- GmbH & Co. KG...... www.silo-p-kruse.de SIS Internationale Speditions-GmbH ...... www.schaefer-sis.de Skandic Service-Gesellschaft mbH...... www.skandic-service.de Softship AG...... www.softship.com STAQ Port Services GmbH & Co. KG ...... www.staq.de STENA Line Scandinavia AB...... www.stenalinefreight.com STRABAG AG ...... www.strabag.de SWOP Seaworthy Packing GmbH...... www.swop.de

T TB Logistik GmbH...... www.tblogistik.com TCI Transcontainer International Holding GmbH ...... www.mytcigroup.com TCO TRANSCARGO GmbH...... www.tco-transcargo.de TCU GmbH & Co. KG...... www.tcu.de TEAM LINES Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG...... www.teamlines.de TFG Transfracht Internationale Gesellschaft für kombinierten Güterverkehr mbH. www.transfracht.com TRANSPORTWERK Magdeburger Hafen GmbH...... www.magdeburg-hafen.de TX Logistik AG...... www.txlogistik.eu

U UCA United Canal Agency GmbH...... www.kiel-canal.de UHH Umschlags- und Handelsgesellschaft Haldensleben mbH . . . . . www.uhh-haldensleben.de UMCO GmbH ...... www.umco.de UniFeeder Germany - Branch of Unifeeder A/S ...... www.unifeeder.com UNIKAI Lagerei- und Speditionsgesellschaft mbH...... www.unikai.de Universal Transport Michels GmbH & Co. KG...... www.universal-transport.com Unternehmensverband Hafen Hamburg e.V...... www.uvhh.de USS United Shipping Services AB ...... www.uss.se

V Vanguard Logistics Services Deutschland Schifffahrt und Transport GmbH.www.vls-global.com Vattenfall Heizkraftwerk GmbH...... kraftwerk-moorburg.hamburg/ Verein Hamburger Spediteure e.V...... www.vhsp.de Verein Hamburgischer Quartiersleute von 1886 e.V...... www.uvhh.de Vereinigung Hamburger Schiffsmakler und Schiffsagenten e. .V. . . . . www.vhss.de vesseltracker.com GmbH ...... www.vesseltracker.com Vollers Hamburg GmbH ...... www.vollers.com Vopak Dupeg Terminal Hamburg GmbH...... www.vopak.com

W W.E.C. Deutschland GmbH...... www.weclines.com Wallmann & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG)...... www.wallmann-hamburg.de Walter Lauk Ewerführerei GmbH ...... www.walterlauk.de Werner Bruhns Lagereigesellschaft mbH...... www.wernerbruhns.de Wiener Hafen, GmbH & Co KG...... www.hafenwien.com Willis Towers Watson Versicherungsmakler GmbH...... www.willis.com WPS s.r.o...... www.wpsczech.cz

Y Yang Ming Shipping Europe GmbH ...... www.yangming.com

Z ZIM Germany GmbH & Co. KG ...... www.zim-germany.com

Status: 1 April 2018

52 | Annual Report 2017 Imprint: Publisher: Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. · Pickhuben 6 · 20457 Hamburg Layout: www.simone-walter.de Photographers: Michael Zapf: Cover outside, pages 11, 25, 31, 41 Dietmar Hasenpusch: pages 3, 17, 32, 34, 47, 42, 45 Jan Sieg: Cover inside, pages 13, 16 Michael Lindner: Seite 33 Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft: pages 7, 37, 39 Dagmar Ziegler: page 29 Frank Heller: pages 26, 36 Frommfotograf: page 24 Other: Employees of Hafen Hamburg Marketing e. V. Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. Pickhuben 6 · 20457 Hamburg · Phone 040 37709-0 · Fax 040 37709-199 Internet: www.portofhamburg.com · e-mail: [email protected]