SriSri ChakraChakra The Source of the Cosmos The Journal of the Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam, Rush, NY

Blossom 13 Petal 2 June 2009 Give a little, get a lot OurOurOurOur ThoughtsThoughtsThoughts

Dear Devotees,

There are a lot of things that Aiya and Amma teach people who come to the temple—a regular Saturday puja will more often than not include explanations of many an obscure detail. But if I had to boil down all of Aiya’s lessons over the years into only two categories, I’d have to say everything would fall under either Worship or Charity. Worship is pretty self-explanatory, what with our penchant for never-ending pujas. But charity seems more of an abstract concept. It involves a broader state of mind that prompts one to continuously give of oneself, and to give equally to friends and strangers alike. I think many would agree that such a selfless attitude describes Aiya and Amma to a tee. However, it’s not enough for us to praise their magnanimous way of thinking—recently, they’ve asked us point-blank to emulate it. In an uncharacteristic move induced by extreme pain and empathy, Aiya spoke angrily at the temple about the situation in Sri Lanka, where thousands of Tamil civilians have been (and continue to be) slaughtered by government forces. These deaths have been passed off as collateral damage in the military’s hunt for the Tamil Tigers, but the depth and breadth of the mass killings indicate the government is aiming for an “accidental” Tamil genocide. That brief explanation is where the politics in this editorial will end. The more pressing matter that Aiya talked about is the suffering of innocent people, and the subsequent reactions from citizens of foreign lands. This is a humanitarian issue that applies to everyone outside of any war-torn area, whether it’s Sri Lanka, Darfur, Baghdad, Kandahar or a host of other locales. Many people have stood tirelessly in protests or written to their congress representatives or MPs in an effort to elicit international help. But at the same time, others (supposedly to demonstrate a more detached/ spiritual outlook of the situation) have said outright that what happens to civilians living in those places is the result of their own past karma, and nothing anyone does can alleviate their suffering. It is the same rationalization that allows us to walk by homeless people shivering in the cold or past a child who has fallen off his bicycle and is bleeding on the sidewalk. It is true (for Hindus, at least) that karma is the reason anything happens, but does that make it okay for the rest of us to be uncompassionate and aloof from the suffering of others? It absolutely does not. In fact, one of the natural by-products of goddess worship is a propensity to feel and pray for all creatures, just as a mother would for her child. On the flip-side of the coin, the unsympathetic karma campaigners should remember the two ways to burn karma are through suffering and mantra japam (penance). If they don’t believe donating to a non-profit aid organization will help matters, why not do japam for civilians in the war zone, as Aiya is doing? That is what Aiya and Amma mean when they tell us to be charitable, and it’s what all the great spiritual masters have taught, whether it be Dayananda of the Arya Samaj, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, , Sri , or a plethora of other divine souls. Sitting back and preaching detachment in the name of spirituality is not even a pebble on the path to moksha, and Aiya talks more about this in the article on page 8 of this issue. There are many things we can do to follow the teachings of the great masters and show our kids the importance of charity—we can lobby our government reps; we can donate to groups that put almost 100% of each dollar toward direct aid (Oxfam, CARE and Feed the Children are really good ones); and most importantly, we can pray and give of our japam. To send help for the victims of these unnecessary global tragedies, no matter where they take place or how small the contribution, does not show support for either an oppressive regime or a band of vigilante rebels. It shows support for peace.

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha!

The Sri Chakra staff

2 Give a little, get a lot JuneJuneJune NewsletNewsletNewsletterterter

Since the last issue...

Top to bottom: our very own Gajan and Ashwin carry After Shivarathri concluded at conducted with 54 kundas. one of 63 the end of February, Aiya and Six other priests shared kalasams Amma spent a few days at responsibilities, and the event around the Bhuvana and Balu’s house in was held over two full days. yajnashala Dallas, Texas. There, Aiya did a Our gurus returned just in time following a grand Navagraha homam and for Tamil New Year on April 13, homam; Aiya held lectures, among other events. for which Aiya performed a offers the The month of March also saw modest puja. The following week purnahuti into Aiya do some local traveling for a showcased a much bigger event: the heart- kids’ class in Toronto and smaller the annual Pratyangira homam, shaped pit pujas. which hosted a crowd of about during the Nava Before the end of the month, he 200 people. Chandi and Amma traveled to the west The first weekend of May saw, homam; Ashwin shows coast and New Mexico for Aiya and Amma head to Toronto the aarti to Aiya lectures. for another kids’ class. Later that and Their Australia trip commenced week, Aiya was back in Rochester Amma just before April and lasted three to preside over Chitra Poornima, during weeks. They spent three days in where devotees had the chance to a guru Perth, performed many pujas in offer tarpanam to their dearly puja in Sydney, and even attended the departed mothers. Sydney. chariot festival at the Sydney Devotees flooded the temple in Murugan temple. There was also mid-May for the annual Pratishta, an elaborate Gayathri officially marking the crunch abhishekam that Aiya and Amma period until next year’s took part in. kumbhabhishekam. The temple The main event between various asks devotees to please donate workshops and lectures was a generously, and to keep practising Nava Chandi homam that Aiya their Rudrams!

Aiya does a Sri Chakra puja on Poornima night; Dr. O.P. Sharma of the world-renowned Gayatri Pariwar headquarters in Haridwar performed at a Photos courtesy Ashwin Kissun yajna with his musicians and vocalists. 3 Give a little, get a lot

Past Events Chitra Poornima, May 8

Devotees whose mothers have Tamil New Year’s, April 13 passed on gathered together at the temple to do the shraadam puja for their moms en masse. Aiya and Amma returned from The initial puja was performed Australia just in time to perform in the the New Year’s Day puja. yajnashala The puja set, large cooking area, but the kalasam (for pongal), and portable offering of gas burner were set up in the pindams was center area of the temple. done by the Whomever was present was Shivalingam given the chance to drop handfuls at the Kashi of grains into the pot. creek, pictured As per the tradition, Aiya then at right. gave each devotee a $1 bill to Above: Devotees circle the puja area inspire prosperity and wealth in and the pongal kalasam; a stack of $1 the coming year. bills were also on the puja tray. Annual Pratishta (May Festival), May 15-17 Pratyangira homam, April 19 Sri and Smt. Jayaraman sat for the Top to bottom: About 150 people showed up Chandi Aiya reads the homam, and sankalpam; from the US and Canada to attend amazed the 51 varieties of this annual homam. Hundreds of crowd by snacks were people sponsored, as it took Aiya reciting most offered; and Shankar garu almost a half of the 700 chillies were hour to read the entire sankalpam slokas from thrown into the list. memory. homam by the As in previous years, everyone fistful; a large was given the chance to offer a This was the temple’s 11th crowd went plate of palaharam (salty and sweet anniversary festival and it saw along for snacks) into the fire; however, they three full days of puja, in the performing the were also given red chillies to offer presence of two esteemed guests: final with the palaharam this year. Sri and Smt. Jayaraman, who are bali. Several kilograms of chillies were some of the most seasoned Sri offered by sponsors Swati and Vidya upasakas we have ever Navin. had the privilege of hosting. Fifty-one varieties of snacks were The first day was all about made by different groups of Ganapathi with a grand Vancha- devotees in the temple kitchen. The Kalpa Ganapathi homam in the homam started at 2:30 p.m. and morning, and a palanquin stretched until about 6 p.m., after pradakshanam with the Utsava which an elaborate bali was Ganapathi murthi at about 8 performed. p.m. Sri was also welcomed that morning, on a visit from her home in St. Catharines. Saturday morning was an early day for those who witnessed the four-hour Chandi homam, which our guests led. The regular kalasa stapanam took place after a brief break and continued into the afternoon. Puja culminated with the

4 The Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam ~ 6980 East River Road ~ Rush, NY 14543 ~ Phone: (585) 533 - 1970 Give a little, get a lot

awesome offering of annapavadai to Aadi Amavasya, July 21 , which was later served as prasadam. Later volunteers prepared Devi’s This day is reserved for people large chariot to go out that who have lost their fathers but evening. Vishnu Durga, were unable to give him tarpanam Ganapathi, and Devi were on his day of passing—similar to mounted aboard, the latter two how Chitra Poornima is reserved with shiny new . for one’s mother. Please call the The youth group was in charge temple for sponsorship, but only of the third day, which saw 1008 if you will be able to make it in shanka-abhishekam, and a full Clockwise person to offer oblations. day of puja to the lineage’s guru, from top: Lord Dattatreya. The therr Aadi Puram, July 25 In the evening, the children goes dressed a small Dattretreya around the murthi and pulled him around temple; This festival marks the day that the temple in a special mini- 1008 Devi first became a woman, and chariot. After this, the digdevata valampuri usually takes place with great shankams kalasams were given to fanfare. Last year’s event saw a were and the festival closed with the grand Chandi homam, performed arranged on offering of the final bali. the 3rd day; with a new silver rk and srk. Devi was Every visitor will have to given chance to bathe the Devi in milk. annapavadai She will then be dressed, fed and after Chandi finally taken around the temple in homam; the procession on a palanquin. Puja kids ran the usually lasts about half-a-day. whole guru puja. Varalakshmi Vratham, July 31

Married women are at the heart of this festival, and they are given Upcoming Events Guru Poornima, July 6 the chance to do their own puja to Goddess Varalakshmi on this day. The event falls on a Friday at Service and charity are the about 6:30 p.m., and women who Workshop: Kalasa Abhishekam themes of this Gurupoornima, sponsor will be instructed on with Homam, June 14 and the organizing committee has how to perform Sri Sukta Sodasa- decided to focus on serving the upachara puja to a deepam needy as part of the puja to Aiya representing the Devi. Aiya will be visiting Toronto and Amma. Please call the temple this weekend to conduct this Two collection bins for non- immediately, as sponsorships workshop over the course of an perishable items have been set up have gone quickly in past years. entire Sunday. The session will in the temple lobby, and devotees run from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. are asked to bring in vegetarian The topics that will be discussed donations. They are also asked to the civilians in Sri Lanka. during this day include the why sign up to feed the hungry in their The group is collecting funds for and how of kalasa puja, including own hometowns on any day(s) the Sri Sathya Sai Center in Vanni, the items and methodology during a 45-day period. where annadhanam will be given employed to properly install and Devotees are also asked to to those who can’t even access a worship a kalasam. Also, Aiya observe a 45-day puja mandala, basic meal. will go over technical points of repeating their guru mantra Even donating a few dollars will how to conduct a fire sacrifice, or while holding a $1 coin that will greatly help the overall cause. homam. absorb the energy. They may Please contact the Guru Poornima As is the routine with present that coin to Aiya and team at [email protected] or the workshops, please register by Amma on Guru Poornima day. team’s service co-ordinator, phone or online, and check the Finally, the GP team is Anujeyan, at temple website for updates. supporting another great cause— [email protected] .

5 Give a little, get a lot

Viboothi Shaivite Immersion Ganapathi Chaturthi, August 23 In Three Months (camp), August 1-8

Chaturthi falls on a Sunday this Devi willing, the next issue of This annual tradition will enter year, and the temple is expecting a the Sri Chakra will be up on the its sixth year of operation this big crowd. Most of the morning temple’s website at the beginning summer. festivities will occur on the of September 2009. The temple still needs donations Ganapathi deck out back, weather This magazine cannot keep to pay off the new camp cabin permitting. As in past years, Aiya publishing without that not only accommodates the will perform a grand Vancha- contributions! Articles, poems, children, but also hosts many of Kalpa Ganapathi homam and stories and photos about any their classes. everyone there will be allowed to spiritual topic are welcomed. As in past years, the kids will be put an offering in the fire. The next deadline for article learning about Hindu culture, This year’s festival will be submission is August 10. Please religion, music, folklore/stories, especially brilliant, as the e-mail us with your art and puja. The saint this year wedding of two great devotees, contributions or feedback about will be Sri Seshadri Swamigal. Suba and Gratus (a regular Sri this issue at Learn more about him in this Chakra contributor) will happen at [email protected] or issue, on page 13! 4 p.m., just before Utsava talk to Kamya or Abhi at the Ganapathi rides his palanquin. temple. Sri Gurubhyo Namaha!

A heartfelt thank-you to this issue’s volunteers: Aiya, Gratus Devanesan, Chandani Diaz, Sudha Priya Kearneneneyyy ,,, Ashwin Kissun, Sreekant Subramanian, Tharuman TTT hahahavvv akumar,,, Svaprakashananda, and the VVV adivvv el familyyy ...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b h i s h a h e m b k u The Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam will be hosting its a K Punarutharuna Kumbhabhishekam July 1-11, 2010. m A massive Ati Rudra homam will happen over 11 days, with 11 Rudra homams done daily in each of 121 homakundams. As devotees are learning to chant the Rudram and perform homam, a new Kumbhabhishekam website,, has been created for devotees from all over the world to sign up for sponsorships or get up-to-date news on the 2010 event.

The regular SVTS temple website also has a fresh new look, and devotees are now able to donate, sponsor events/pujas and make purchases from the temple store—all online. Sign up for a free account on

The youth group is learning the full Saturday puja now, and still looking for kumbhabhishekam volunteers. E-mail [email protected] Update

6 Give a little, get a lot 636363 NaNaNaNayyyyy anmarsanmarsanmarsanmars

Meyporrul Nayanmar

by Gratus Devanesan june 2009

stepped aside in dismay and allowed Mutha Nathan to enter. In the king’s quarters the queen woke the king and told him that there was a devotee. The king, not worrying that his sleep had been disturbed, and not caring what the time was, prayed to the devotee and asked him to sit. Mutha Nathan in turn, claimed that he had come from the Himalayas to teach Meypporul a special agama and that he needed the queen to leave prior to sharing this agama with Meypporul. The queen left and Nathan, as if pulling out a book, pulled out a knife which he thrust deep into Meypporul. The slight sound of anguish was heard by Thathan Meypporul Nayanmar ruled the appropriate places the way only a and he jumped into the room kingdom of Chettinadu. He devotee would. He then hid ready to behead Mutha Nathan. brought the whole kingdom to a knife with him and sought out Meypporul, however, urged fame when he ruled with a hand the place that Meypporul was Thathan to resist his duty and of compassion that extended to staying at that time. instead escort Mutha Natha back all, whether friend or foe. He came in the dark, his mind into his own kingdom. And so Mutha Nathan was a king of a still darker and made it easily Thathan, forsaking his own name neighboring kingdom with his past the guards. The guards were for the wish of his king, took eyes ever set on Meypporul’s ever aware that their king looked Mutha Nathan safely back into kingdom. Many times he waged forward to worshipping the his kingdom. war against Meypporul, but devotees of Shiva, and were also Meypporul held on to life until failed. Meypporul ruled his happy to see the Shiva devotee. Thathan had returned and told kingdom with compassion and They hurried him inside. him that Mutha Nathan was safe. love. He was devoted to the needs Finally, in front of Meypporul’s Then only did Meypporul breathe of his people and had an army quarters Thathan, the king’s his last. So great was his whose morale could not be personal guard explained that the compassion that despite Mutha defeated. king was sleeping and that the Nathan’s betrayal he held fast in Knowing that Meypporul would devotee should wait. Mutha his faith and did not waver – but always bow low to the devotees Nathan, however, knowing that instead preserved with humility of Shiva wearing the sacred ash he must act swiftly, pushed aside the form of the Shiva devotee. This on their skin, he hatched a plan. Thathan and forced his way strong faith and dedication He himself dressed in the guise of inside. Thathan, a worrier of great allowed him to swiftly float to the a Shiva devotee and smeared valor, did not want to strike any graceful feet of Shiva, where he himself with the sacred ash in the person wearing the sacred ash. He obtained his final rest.

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We all love hanging out with Aiya, drinking tea, and sometimes getting some guidance on how to travel down our own QQ && AiyaAiya paths to the Devi. Here’s an excerpt from one session where Aiya answered a devotee’s questions on social justice and charity.

Q: If there’s a karmic scale, you basically have to accept that someone is more advanced than Aiya says we you are because they’ve achieved should all try to help more than you have, and there’s each other out and no reason to be jealous. So you love our fellow man, have to accept the karmic as Muralee and hierarchy structure that the Devi Tharuman has made and let go of jealousy to demonstrate so find peace. well here. But why doesn’t it work the same way if now, I’m looking down instead of up and looking at all the people in the world who are struggling? With jealousy, I was supposed to tune it out, but don’t talk about the conflict going thing. with social justice, I’m not on back home [in Sri Lanka] and You know Sonia from Colorado, supposed to tune it out? say, ‘Oh, there are thousands of the little girl who passed away? displaced refugees at any given Her grandfather, her mom’s father, Aiya: You’re not supposed to point… whatever I can give is runs a shelter for cows. His main tune it out; you’re supposed to peanuts so I won’t bother.’ No. You occupation is to stand across the even it out. When you even it out, give what you can. You help tracks when cattle cars cross into you will be alleviating peoples’ however you can. Pakistan from India. He will bring suffering. Why not? You might And be prepared—it is not villagers with them and they will mobilize a whole group of people. always accepted with gratitude. waylay the train until they Haven’t you heard that story of That’s not your problem. That’s release the cows. And they will that 8-year-old girl from some their problem. It doesn’t matter. take the cows back with them. state… she read about an You have to do what you have to The last time I spoke to them, he Ethiopian village that had no do. If you won’t, there’s no point in had 15,000 cows! Can you water. So she collected her pocket the Mother giving you all these imagine? money and sent it down there so things when you won’t share it. And he has an army of they could dig a well. Remember when the tsunami veterinarians… everybody has It was so successful that she hit, how quickly She moved? joined together in this mission to started a movement. As of last Somebody saw the telethon here care for the cows. They feed them, year, she had managed to dig and sent $15,000 from they treat them… and they are 10,000 wells in different countries! California—a total stranger—to allowed to die with dignity. This An 8-year-old girl! That’s how build an ashram back up. Even is what he does. And he doesn’t you can fight. That’s what I meant recently somebody gave me $100 just stop the train and take the by fighting; not taking up arms for the tsunami reconstruction cows, they pay the fellows and chopping people up! fund. whatever money they are owed This girl started a whole One of the best birthday gifts I and purchase the cows. movement. [Former U.S. ever got was somebody donated So that’s what you have to do... President] Carter even offered to to a charity in my name. And that you make the world better fly down there with a team of touched me like anything. They however you can. Social injustice people from Habitat for Humanity could have given me $2 million is something you have to fight— and build houses for them. So and I wouldn’t have been that but the way you do it, you should when you see social injustice, you happy… they knew what would behave like an activist, not a have to somehow try to stop it. I move me and they did that exact fighter.

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TempleTemple LoreLore

Kshetrapala’s ring of fire

by Sudha Priya Kearney The stories of the devotees at the Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam create the very essence Around the time of the 9/11 who did some pet-sitting for us of the temple’s soul. terrorist attacks we were living in when we were out of town, would Aiya has verified all a sparsely populated rural area in not come alone at night to take these tales for their North Carolina. Our house was a care of our cats. He was amazed manufactured home, known as a that we were not afraid to live in authenticity, and he “double wide” and had a pond in that area. urges devotees to the back yard, which was a haven My work was about a 50- for a lot of insects, frogs, turtles minute drive from home, and my share their and snakes. Our son, Ryan husband Michael had a job that experiences for the affectionately referred to the yard required him to travel out of town benefit of future as “insect-topia.” for business quite often. During To the right side of our house the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks I generations. All was a dirt road with a few was asked a lot of questions from identities will be kept dilapidated houses further down. co-workers and strangers about in the strictest The area was kind of spooky after my religious affiliation and where dark. A couple of miles down the I was from etc. confidentiality unless road was an old church and I was amazed that quite a few otherwise requested. graveyard. One of our friends, people did not know Indians were not from the Middle East. The daily news was mostly about racial tensions and violence. My friends at work reminded me to be cautious and to avoid driving around the rural areas by myself. A few years earlier I provided training in a new accounting system for a company that owned a chain of convenience stores. When I travelled to some coastal towns near Morehead City, the district manager who accompanied me asked me to stay in the office area of the store. He was very much concerned about my safety and wanted me to keep a low profile. This prior experience and all the tension following 9/11 made me a little The author, Sudha Priya, and her husband Michael are long-time afraid in spite of my faith in Devi’s practitioners of Sri Vidya, and students of Aiya for nearly 20 years. protection.

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One evening when Michael was I fervently prayed to and heading into the house, out of town I was returning home Kshetrapala requesting him to stopped to see what had startled from work. As I drove by a stand by the door to protect me me. I told him I felt like I had put tobacco field with a very old farm until my husband returned the my hand through a wall of fire, house on the corner, and slowed next day. Then I checked all the and as I said this I remembered down for the stop sign, I could see doors and windows of the house Aiya’s description of Kshetrapala from the right side a couple of to be sure they were closed and as Shiva with fire all around Him. teenagers riding a golf cart. They locked, and fed our three cats. I realized He had stood there all happened to be turning onto my After dinner I did my daily puja night and day to protect me until road, and as they came up beside and went to bed not expecting to my husband returned home, me I saw their expressions change get much sleep, and still doing exactly as I had asked Him! As I from the casual glance of someone intense mantra japam. recounted the events of the passing by to a curious previous evening to mixture of surprise and Michael, I could not get suspicion. over the fact that I realized they had Kshetrapala had stood noticed my brown skin there for a little over 24 and the red bindi on my hours, and this was forehead. As I turned left certainly not the best to go home I noticed they spot in the house to had turned back to stand by—it was near follow me. I am not sure our kitty litter boxes! if it was curiosity or the When I told Aiya a few intention to harm, but weeks later about this he from the brief glimpse I said, “Why are you had of their expressions I surprised Amma, you was afraid. Being alone, I asked Him to stand there decided to drive past our and protect you so He home so they would not did.” This was my know where I lived. second experience of Their golf cart could not Kshetrapala’s grace. keep up with my car, and The first was a few in a few minutes I was years earlier at the relieved to see them turn Temple property in Rush around. To be safe I when we had only the continued to drive on to barn and tents for the supermarket plaza ceremonies. Aiya had which was about three decided to chant Lalita miles away, and waited Sahasranamam there a little while before continuously for 24 returning home. As I got hours a day, during closer to home I did not Navarathri as part of a see them or anyone around so I Koti Archana. This turned into our driveway and The next morning I went to work parayanam was held prior to the parked my car. as usual, and was not too worried temple construction and My heart was thumping with since I knew Michael would be pratishta. fear as I ran from the car to our returning from his trip about the During the chanting I had seen back door, entered our house and same time I would get home in the an old man in the back of the locked the door. Leaning against evening. A few minutes after I temple grounds pacing back and the door with my heart still returned home I heard Michael forth. He was carrying a lantern, racing I prayed to every god I unlocking the door so I went to the kind our parents had back could think of to keep me safe. As greet him. home in the villages that ran on I was praying to all the gods and Since he had his hands full with kerosene. I asked Aiya who the goddesses, I remembered Aiya his suitcase and computer bag I old man was pacing back and had once told me that Shiva as reached over to shut the door and forth. Aiya seemed surprised, Kshetrapala (Bhairava) is the behind him. As I was reaching for took special note of the lantern, protector of our home and the door I jumped back with a and told me I had been blessed property. squeal. Mike, who was beside me with Kshetrapala’s dharshan.

10 Give a little, get a lot TheThe hiddenhidden KashiKashi ViswanathanViswanathan templetemple ofof ChennaiChennai by Kamya Ramaswamy

Aiya typically visits scores of temple whenever he goes to India, but he came back this time with the vivid story of one tiny shivaalayam in particular. This temple is in Chennai, about a mile from the Marundheeswara temple in Thiruvaanmayur, and it sits beneath a banyan tree. “The fact that it sits underneath the tree,” Aiya recalled, “reminds you of the Dakshinamurthi aspect of Shiva.” The Marundheeswara temple is about 3000 years old, and the Shivalingam there is said to have been worshipped by Kamadhenu. If you can get near that shivalingam while karpuram arthi is being shown, it’s possible to see the dent where Kamadhenu kicked Him. About three months before Aiya left for India, he saw another temple in his dream in which he heard a voice telling him, “I’m seated in the dark, nobody is even willing to light a lamp for me; I’m all alone in here.” He decided that if he found the temple, he could take care of the deity inside by employing a priest to do daily pujas. The task of actually locating it was frustrating, to say the least. Aiya found himself driving around Thiruvaanmayur with one of the temple’s favourite couples, Dr. Madhvanath and Srimathi Jnanapurni. They went through all the side streets and were accidentally misled by some of the locals, who had never heard of the abandoned temple Aiya asked them about. The group finally went to the Marundheeswara temple and asked the chief priest, who said that one mile from there was a place called the Kashi Viswanathan temple. Because a tree is growing over the temple, parts of it have been dislodged parts because of the roots. But the floors and walls inside had been carefully paved over with granite. Aiya went inside and looked at the Shivalingam, which was about three-and-a-half to four feet tall. He noticed with great interest that this Shivalingam was decorated exactly like the one in Thiruvannamalai. Every flower and every bilvam was arranged with care. There were very few implements around the temple, but whatever was there was kept immaculately clean, including a brass lamp that shone like gold. There was no Ganapathi, no Devi and no Subramaniam… only

The shivalingam inside the temple was impeccably dressed with care, and in the Arunachalam style.

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Shiva was sitting there with At 5:30 a.m., he finishes puja, When he finished puja, he gave Nandi as his solecompanion. gets on his scooter and goes to everybody viboothi prasadam, as Aiya’s group then met a lady in work in a bank! And the next well as kallkandu (sugar candy) her mid-50s, who lives in a morning, he gets up at 1:30 a.m. and the sakkarai pongal (sweet rice) housing complex nearby. She told and does it all again. This has he’d made with his own hands. them about the history of the happened for the past 27 years, He then told them to come back temple, in which a siddha came 365 days of the year, with no inside, but there was no eye upon the Shivalingam about 20 holiday—nothing. contact with anyone at all—his years ago. There was no temple “And from the time he steps whole focus was only on the and no housing complex at that inside the temple to the time he Shivalingam as he prayed out time; the Shivalingam was sitting finishes puja, he’s continuously loud to Shiva on behalf of the chanting,” group. Aiya said. Now a word about the lady in “What struck her mid-50s—if this man is there me was, at 3:30 each morning, she is there everything at 2:45. She sweeps and mops the was in Tamil. temple and puts an elaborate, He’s chanting colourful kolam design on the The from the ground outside. The day Aiya’s temple is Thevaram, group visited, there was an almost Thiruvasagam, immaculately drawn peacock. merged Thiupallandu, Everything is ready when “Shiva” with the Thirupugazh… arrives. banyan not one When Aiya travels, he said, he tree that second goes sometimes meets people who are shelters by when he’s a little bit better off than others. it. not chanting!” Before he left India, he introduced The lady a couple of those people to the Sri told Aiya’s Kashi Vishwanathan temple, and group that if arranged for them to provide it they wanted with its material needs. in the middle of a pond outside. In to see him, they would have to the water, there were literally come at 5 thousands and thousands of a.m. the next snakes. day, which When the siddha came, he they did. slowly went about cleaning the There the pond and trapping the snakes. He man was filled up the pond and reclaimed doing puja, the Shivalingam, so the temple going was built exactly where the pond around and was. This siddha sat there in around the meditation for several years. He Shivalingam finally attained about 10 and singing years back, and his samadhi is with his right there in front of the temple. hands “I found out that this folded on his Shivalingam is even older than head. the Marundheeswara temple’s “I Shivalingam,” Aiya said. “It is counted,” From left to right: the lady who cares for the temple, Sri 3500 years old!” Aiya said, Jnanapurni, Amma, Aiya, Kumaran, and Dr. Madhvanath. The lady told Aiya that for the “he must past 27 years, every day, a have gone around the gentleman came there from 15 Shivalingam at least 108 times. “This is a temple you have to kilometers away at 3:30 a.m. He Afterwards, everything was see,” Aiya said. “If you go to wakes up at 1:30 a.m., bathes, arranged perfectly in place, and Chennai and don’t go anywhere makes prasadam for Shiva at you could tell he had lovingly else, go here. It will blow your home, makes the garlands, gets placed every flower and bilva on mind… the vibrations there are the bilva, and goes. the . Nobody knows this out of this world.” guy’s name; he’s just called Shiva.”

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ThangaThangaThanga KaiKaiKai

TheThe GoldenGolden HandsHands ofof SriSri SeshadriSeshadri SwamigalSwamigal

book review

by Svaprakashananda

Om Sree Gurubhyo Namaha. picture of the saint, both during When reading the first part of the Thanga Kai – (Golden Hand), his lifetime and afterwards, takes book I can tell from experience was one of the names used to refer an unconventional approach to that there are several stories to one of the greatest saints of the show her findings by telling the about Swamigal’s life and 20th century, Seshadri Swamigal. story with a very engaging and miracles to give any sincere Swamigal, who lived from 1870 to animated writing style. The first upasaka a spiritual high and 1929 spent most of his life in the part is comprised of the life of wanting to read more about the sacred city of Arunachalam. Swamigal and experiences from Swamigal’s actions were those who had unpredictable and could never be direct contact with easily understood by the him. One gets to see mundane man, because they were the relationship and never confined to the morals of struggles that what made our society. young Seshadri had Unlike Ramana Maharshi, there to endure and how are not many books written about the Devi prepared this saint, especially in English. him for the life that The reason for that could be that was to come. it is hard to write a book on a man Revealing young who never interacted with people. Seshadri’s search to The book Thanga Kai, written by merge with the Kamya Ramaswamy, reveals the divine, Kamya life and miracles of Swamigal. The points out several author has made a sincere effort stories about his to research and gather transformation information about the saint to from being a highly provide the readers with an evolved Sri Vidya understanding of how he lived his upasaka to life. Kamya took up the task of searching for a guru writing this book about Swamigal to initiate him into from the orders of Aiya. On her the path of guru’s instructions, she spent six . months traveling South India and The stories of his later researching to find the days with his guru resources needed for completing are rarely found this book. anywhere and Just like the saint, the book too is brought to light a unpredictable with highs and side of Seshadri that lows. Kamya, in an attempt to may have not been show her readers the entire known otherwise.

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Left: An original photo of Sri Seshadri Swamigal as it appears at the house where he was born in Below: The historic Annamalaiyar temple in Thiruvannamalai, where Seshadri Swamigal spent most of his life.

especially when she put photos published for the first she took of his early childhood lesser known saint of time in this book. Some of the home and his current asramam. Arunachalam. stories here happened to devotees All in all, Kamya does a good job But Kamya quickly brings you who prayed to Swamigal even of bringing forth the life and back down in the second part, after he attained Samadhi. They miracles of a saint who is not well while talking about the people show how he answered the call to known to people outside of (mediums) who claim to channel those who prayed to him Arunachalam. To find such a great Seshadri Swamigal today. This earnestly. There are also some soul is a rarity and to gather the part of the book focuses on what slokas and namas of Seshadri stories from those who happened after Swamigal Swamigal in the last chapter. experienced them after so many attained Samadhi, and how some The book of course is not years is a monumental task in people to this day claim that the without errors. One error that I itself. saint speaks through them. The pointed out to Kamya (and she But one can clearly see that the author interviews and tells the agreed with me) was when she grace of her guru and blessings of experiences from those who claim mentioned that Seshadri Swamigal must have been there to have spoken to Swamigal Swamigal was Ramana in order for someone born and through these mediums. In an Maharshi’s guru. I told her that brought up in Canada (who can attempt to validate these there are documents written barely speak Tamil) to travel experiences Kamya even visits about how Ramana Maharshi halfway across the world to find one of the current mediums and never had a guru on the physical stories of the Tamil saint known tells about her experience. plane. She completely agreed and as Thanga Kai over 80 years ago. Kamya’s background in said that although Seshadri journalism and the teachings of Swamigal first discovered Aiya must have clearly given her Ramana Maharshi and the two The author is donating 100% of the the drive to verify such shared a mutual love and respect, Thanga Kai book sales to help fund experiences before passing he never gave him mantra diksha. the Ati Rudram Kumbhabhishekam judgment on these stories. If you However, the book was already next year. Go to and want to know what she being printed when she found click on ‘bookstore’ to order your own experienced when she met the that out. copy. medium, read the book! One other thing I thought could And finally the author directs have been added was a the attention back to direct photograph of Swamigal, instead experiences with Swamigal of other photographs of his statue. through one of his devotees, who There may have been copyright had documented several stories issues as to why Kamya didn’t about the saint’s miracles that are put a photo of Swamigal,

14 Give a little, get a lot TheTheTheThe Ashta-PaashasAshta-PaashasAshta-PaashasAshta-Paashas

Eight roadblocks on the path to the Devi part 3

A devotee recently asked Aiya a remember, you still have impurities married and this fellow asked loaded question—How can one truly in your consciousness, or to marry her, would you allow reach his or her guru, and the Devi? surrounding it. You’re not able to it?’ I said what do you think? Aiya gave a lengthy answer that reach up there. You think I’ll say no? If I said no, described how a person needs to destroy Remember, the seventh chakra in I would have no place here [at his or her negative aspects in order to the body, the thousand-petaled the temple]. really hear and see the Mother. lotus, is not in the body. It is After that he never spoke to This is the third of 4 installments described as dvadasaantham—it’s 12 me about it, but he went to my detailing that Q&A session, where inches above the head. Pointed father-in-law and gossiped to Aiya told of the ashta-paashas (or eight downwards, each petal is dripping him… ‘Can we eat the food that forms of the ego) that block a person with nectar. But if you don’t take those people cook?’ Anyway from self-realization—grna, shanka, that nectar properly and process it, that is a different matter, but bhaya, lajja, juhupsa, kulam, it will come and get burnt up that is jaadi. jaadi, seelam. halfway. It won’t go through the The last one, seelam is very entire nervous system. important: ‘I know how to do So grna, shanka, bhaya, lajja, Navavarana puja… so-and-so When you see someone else, you juhupsa, kulam… jaadi of course you doesn’t know so when we talk can pick a fault in them because know—caste consciousness. I am so about Navavarana puja, we you have that fault in yourself. upset that somehow, even after don’t need to include her in our You know, this networking goes knowing all about the Devi, there are discussions. We are superior to on—someone comes along and still people in this temple who are her.’ That is stupid! You have no tries to twist a matter here and conscious of caste. I’m sorry to say idea what kind of a space that there and then watch the fun that, but I’m telling you those people person has reached inside. from a distance. They’re not are the first ones to come to me and Another one: they will say, interested in resolving any issues. complain, ‘Those brahmins in the ‘Oh, they don’t do puja inside If someone tells you about some temple, those brahmins here, those the temple. They are just outstanding issue in the temple brahmins there have mistreated us.’ running around outside the make sure they are doing it with Have you ever asked yourself, from property picking up garbage genuine interest of solving it. your position, how you have treated and making composts and Most of the time they are just anybody below you? First you things like that. We are superior blowing it up. change how you are treating other to them.’ B.S.! Who told you I used to always complain that people around you or below you. I that? If they let the property go my generation were the worst won’t mention names, but one day I to pot, you think we can gossips—all the gossip goes on in allowed somebody to do puja inside worship here? That is also the kitchen. But when I see the the temple. Someone else took me important puja. next generation coming up, I see aside and said, ‘Do you know who Now, all of these impurities the same trend taking over! We this fellow is?’ I asked who is this you have to see if you possess in can’t allow that. You have to be fellow? He’s a temple devotee. He your mind. Even if it is there in aware all the time of what this comes here daily. a trace, eliminate it. Then you malicious gossiping has done to Then it was, ‘Do you know which will hear Her talking. other people. If you participate in family he belongs to?’ I said I don’t this, then you can’t complain that care! He belongs to Devi’s family. Watch for the fourth and last part the Devi is not talking to you. And this guy had the gumption to of the ashta-paasha series in the next If the Devi is not talking to you, ask me, ‘If your daughter was not Sri Chakra.

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SecretsSecrets ofof thethe YajnaYajna PhalaPhala StotramStotram by Aiya part 1

When the Devi gives you ultra-orthodox Brahmins in So when he saw me, I was something, it is called Siddha Vidya. India… even if you accidentally actually filling in the application And if She gives you something, it touch them, they’ll go and bathe. form to get records from the will remain fresh in your mind for So for a Namboodri to give it to a government archives. I was dvi-muhurtam. That means for Muslim, he must have recognized writing and he kept looking at me; three hours it will remain fresh in some very great quality in him. when I looked back he would turn your mind. After that it will begin When I met Bodiyar, it was 40 somewhere else. After 10 or 15 to fade, so you have to write it years after he had received this minutes, he slowly came up to me down quickly. knowledge from the Kerala man. and said whatever I was looking I am now 66. When I was a kid, He told him, “You’re not supposed for was not there. He said all the about 22 years old, I had gone to to tell this to anybody, except for information on the ancient the Eastern part of Sri Lanka to one person. As soon as you see the temples had been destroyed by find out some details about person, you’ll feel like giving this the government—then I got Ravana’s temple on the orders of knowledge to him.” So then scared. I had not spoken to my guru at that time. At the office, Bodiyar kept the information for anyone there… how could he I met up with a Muslim over 40 years. And because he know this? gentleman whose name was learned this type of thing, he was When I asked him, he said, “I not Bodiyar—he’s the one who taught kicked out of the Mosque… but he only know this, I know so much me how to do homam. A remained a Muslim and a pure information about you.” At 22 Muslim—he taught me Priyoga vegetarian, of course. you’re a little feisty, you know? So homam and how to use mantras He lived in a small village and I said, “Right, you know about from the Atharvana Vedam to people came to him with their me? So tell me all about me!” But achieve certain things. troubles. If they said, “Aiya, my he actually started telling me, He also told me that I was not son is sick…” or something like “Your older sister married here, supposed to release this that, he would do the homam and your father is from there, your information to anybody because they would get the benefits. He mother is from here…” And then I he himself had learned this from a never took money so people got really scared! I asked how he Namboodri in Kerala. Now, if you would give him fruits or betel could possibly know all that? know anything about the leaves if they wanted. We got talking and he said that Namboodris, they are the most there was no record of the things I

16 Give a little, get a lot

was looking for because since the thinking that was it for me, but he years, I haven’t met anyone I late 1890s, the government had told me he had to teach me wanted to teach this to—if I did, I gradually been destroying all something. So I bathed and went. would teach them the moment I records of these temples… they He gave me three songs in Tamil— first saw them. didn’t want anyone to know these each song had some 16 lines. He But people kept bothering me. places existed. But I went ahead told me to memorize these About four days after I asked the anyway and saw that many songs… after I learned them from Mother what I should do, She pages were ripped out of the the paper, I was to burn the paper. appeared to me and said not to official Government Diaries. And he told me, “Just like my give these songs to anyone. She Just before I left, I turned to guru told me, I’m telling you this would give me 14 stanzas straight thank Bodiyal and told him I information is not to be taught to from Her grace that I could teach should have listened to him anybody, except one person. As to anyone. And she proceeded to before. In solid English, he said, soon as you see that person, you tell me in clear … “Experience is the best teacher.” will feel like teaching him. If you whatever I wrote, I wrote only Then he told me to visit him at his don’t meet that person, take it from listening to Her dictation at house the next evening. with you to the grave. But you two o’clock in the morning. Now, the town I was from had a cannot teach it to the wrong I didn’t understand what it was; reputation for mantrikam—if you person, because in there are I just wrote it down and in the sit on a mat, you’ll get stuck to the mantras that can kill people if you coming weeks asked people who mat; you won’t be able to go! As if chant them while doing a were fluent in Sanskrit what the he read my mind, he said, “Just homam.” different lines meant. Then I come to my house, I won’t put a He told me I could go. At that pieced together the meaning of the spell on you!” I brought my two time I had enough sense to touch whole thing—that’s the story of friends and we went to his his feet. the Yajna Phala Stotram. house… he gave us tea. Just as I Many years later I came here was thinking about drinking the and one day I was sitting with all tea, he said, “Go ahead and drink my kids just like this. I casually Read the September ’09 issue of the it! You won’t get stuck to the told this story and next thing I Sri Chakra for part two of this series, mat!” knew every second person was and the actual transliteration and He told me to come back the next asking, “Can you teach me, can esoteric meaning of the Yajna Phala day, but to come alone. I was you teach me?!” But in the last 44 Stotram.

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Sri Gurubhyo Namaha