
Welcome to my ebook!

My hope is that you use this book to reduce the amount of interruptions in your classroom and earn respect from students and parents at the same time!

Why do teachers have to explain why each rule exists?

Everyone remembers their time in school. For most, it was a time of innocence, learning, and fun. Some remember it as a painful time…filled with bullies, mean teachers, and not being part of the “cool” group. People’s attitudes towards school remain unchanged with the passage of time, and their painful memories cloud their perception of what goes on in schools today. This has led to the erosion of power wielded by educators, as parents have increasingly resisted the school’s attempts to make their student “conform” to the standards of behavior considered acceptable by our society in previous years. In this book, I list the reasons why we now have to explain to students why they have to follow specific rules.

* “Top-Down” Leadership Is A Thing Of The Past – In the “Good Ol’ Days” of business, employees complied with the rules of the office or factory, no questions asked. If a worker had the audacity to ask why a certain rule had to be followed, the boss would reply “Because I said so!” As time passed, workers formed unions, studies were done that showed workers were happier and more productive if they were allowed to provide input to their bosses as to how the company should be run. Pretty soon, “collaboration” became the order of the day. Nowadays, you would

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

be hard pressed to find a company that uses a top-down leadership style.

* “Because I Said So” Isn’t Good Enough Anymore – The paradigm shift in the workplace trickled its way down into the educational sector. Remember the “Good Ol’ Days” of education? Students complied with the rules with no questions asked. If a student had the audacity to ask why a certain rule had to be followed, the teacher would reply “Because I said so!” Students had no backing from their parents in this situation, the parents had the attitude that the school was always right. One day, a movement was born that encouraged students to “Question Authority”, and fight for their rights. The originators of the movement were convinced that many in positions of authority are corrupt. Students were encouraged to not blindly follow their leaders…they were encouraged to question why decisions were being made a certain way. Parents (many of whom felt that they were treated unfairly during their school career) didn’t automatically support the school when the school tried to discipline their children. As a result, students became more and more emboldened to question why their school operated in a certain fashion….and they gradually demanded more and more of a say in their own education and disciplinary consequences.

*The default setting on kids’ “respect” meter is “no” – In the past, students automatically respected their teachers (and other adults in their lives). It would take a traumatic event for a student to ever lose respect for their teacher. The default setting for student respect was in the “on” position. In recent years, many students and their parents have come to the conclusion that students are not required to respect adults just because they are adults. Many students believe that an adult has to “earn” their respect before END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

they give it. Not only do students not automatically respect the position of teacher, they do not respect police officers or other authority figures. The reasons for this troubling development are a mystery to me, but could have something to do with TV shows and movies that belittle people in authority. When have you seen a TV show or movie where the policeman, teacher, or principal is seen as the hero? Most shows portray these authority figures as evil, “uncool”, dishonest, or stupid. Another reason why adults are not respected could be because of the high divorce rate in this country. Kids see their parents fighting, splitting up, having a new “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”, or using childish tactics to hurt the other parent. Kids’ lives are littered with adults that make empty promises or empty threats, which makes it hard for students to view their parents as a positive role model, worthy of respect. This lack of respect for parents has led students to disrespect their teachers as well.

*There’s a Higher Percentage Of Compliance When You Explain “Why” – For some reason, explaining why the rule exists (and why it needs to be followed) has a magical effect on students. Maybe it is because the student has an “A-Ha!” moment when he sees the school’s point of view…maybe it is because the student respects the person enforcing the rule because the person has taken the time to explain why the rule exists. In any event, explaining rules to students results in a higher percentage of student compliance. Not only are more students compliant, they seem happier while complying because they know why the rule exists.

So why don’t we as educators explain “why” to students whenever they want to know the reason for a specific rule? END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

*Time – It takes too much time! You will find that the answers to students’ “Why?” questions are long and complicated. Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I wrote these answers for teachers not because I think that teachers do not know the answers…I know that you know! I wrote these answers to save you time. For you to answer every student’s question during the day, you would spend a huge chunk of time answering questions! Because you didn’t have access to this e-book until now, your answers were hurried….like “Look, I don’t make the rules…I just have to enforce them” or “You will have to follow stupid rules when you get a job, so school is just training you for that” or the always popular “Because I said so!”

*Focus – Answering every “why” question gets you (the Teacher) off task. You are not going to believe this, but some students ask “why” questions just to get the class off task! Using the answers in my e-books will keep students from hijacking your class and taking it to places you don’t want it to go!

*Aggravation – Trying to explain to a student who doesn’t “get it” is extremely frustrating. Save yourself the aggravation by giving the student a copy of the answer they are looking for, and ask them to bring clarification questions to you before school or after school the next day (after they have had a chance to read your answer).

*The student already knows the answer – Some students will ask questions they already know the answer to just to try to “get your goat”. Since answering the question is a painless procedure for you, the student doesn’t get the satisfaction of making you work. You simply pull the answer out of the folder, and slap it on his desk. Word will get around that you have all the answers, which will result in two outcomes: Students who really are curious to get answers END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

will come to you for them…and students who want to be smart- alecky will NOT ask you questions. That’s what I call a “win-win” for you and your students.

How do you use the “Why” e-book?

*To save time – When a student asks you a “Why?” question, you simply tell the student “See me after class and I will explain why.” After class, you give the student a copy of the answer to their question (you could have folders in your file cabinet with answers to many of the questions students ask in a day, and you would just pull out a copy). How much time will this save you each day? Lots!

*To keep your class focused – When the student asks you a “Why?” question to get you off task, simply tell the student to meet you after class, and give him a copy of the answer. Or…you could just walk over to your file cabinet, pull out the folder with the answer, and give it to the student without missing a beat.

*To keep parents on your side – Sometimes, parents want to know why a rule exists. Sometimes it is because they want to challenge your authority and defend their child…sometimes it is because they want to be able to give their child the correct answer (and support YOU). Send the answers home with the student so that the parent can support you at home. The answers are in PDF or Microsoft Word format, so you could attach the answers to an email you send home. If you don’t know how to attach things to your email, just highlight the answer you want to send home, hit “copy”, then “paste” it in the email and hit “send”.

*As a disciplinary consequence – A student is sent to the In- School Suspension room for violating a specific rule (talking without END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

permission during class, for example). While in ISS, the student could be required to copy the “Why?” answer for why it is inappropriate for students to talk without permission in class. The ISS teacher could also require the student to answer questions about the e-book answer, find vocabulary words to investigate, or perform other tasks related to the e-book. Here are some sample questions you could ask at of each “Why?” answer:

Which of the arguments for (insert school rule here) is the strongest? Which of the arguments for (insert school rule here) is the weakest? If you were trying to convince your friend to obey this rule, what would you tell him/her? Does having the reasons for this rule explained to you make you more likely to obey the rule? Why or why not? Did your parents have this rule when they were in school? If they didn’t, why do you think they didn’t?

I will even answer YOUR questions about this book!

*Why are all the fonts different? – In order for the rationale to fit on one page, I sometimes had to make the font smaller so that all the ideas will fit.

*Why is this book formatted to fit in a binder? – This book is not what you would call “polished”…the best way to utilize it is in a binder. Why? This book is not some “theory” that might work if you read about it and try to implement the strategies some time in the future…this information will help you TODAY! Just make copies of the pages, and have them ready when situations present themselves. END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

*Who are these answers for, anyway? – In the beginning, I only wrote rationales for students. My repertoire of rationales grew and grew over time, and I became quite adept at writing them. One day, I discovered that the magic of rationales also works for ADULTS! Quite a few of the rationales in this book are written with parents and teachers in mind. There are no rationales that are written “only” for students, or only for adults – so I did not organize the book into sections. Basically, these rationales will work on anyone.

*You may be saying, “I thought of some other reasons why” – Each rationale doesn’t contain ALL of the reasons why a certain rule exists…just a collection of what I thought were the BEST reasons. I try to keep each rationale down to one page so that they can easily be reproduced and given to students. I also will send you a “Word” version of my rationales if you email me at [email protected] with your purchase information. If you bought a “binder” version of the book, the serial number is located on the last page. If you bought the ebook in “digital” form, you can email me the PayPal receipt number. When the rationales are in “Word” format, you can modify them to fit your needs!

*I thought of more rationales! – While reading this ebook, you may think of some other rationales you could write for students. You may also think of a rationale to write based on a question a student or parent asked you. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by! Write the question down immediately (so that you don’t forget it) and put some thought into writing a good rationale. You could read “How to Write a Good Rationale” on my website http://www.newteacherhelp.com Save the rationale in a safe place (or on your computer). Take a few days to think about all of the END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

possible answers to the question. Once you have written all you can, print the rationale out and put it with the other ones!

*How can I mess this up? – Implementing this book without checking with your building Principal first is one way to “mess up”. Have your Principal read each rationale, and ask for his/her input to make sure that each section reflects your school’s philosophy. Remember, you can email me at [email protected] with your purchase information, and I will send you this book in Microsoft Word format. In Word format, you can “tweak” each rationale if necessary so that it fits your needs.

*What’s the best way to take advantage of this book? – I would print five copies (or so) of each rationale, and keep them in files in my file cabinet. I would keep the “Table of Contents” handy so that I know what answers I have ready…and what number each answer is. One year, I posted the table of contents on my bulletin board, and students learned to visit me after class if they wanted the answer to a particular question. After a few weeks, students came to me with questions they wanted answered…and I became the “Answer Man”. Students stopped asking off-topic questions during class time, they gave me great ideas for new rationales, and I earned quite a bit of respect from students because I took their questions seriously!

*What if I don’t have the answer? – If a student asks a question that is not addressed in this book, tell the student that you will research it, and get back to him/her. Because of your vast collection of rationales (that the student thinks YOU wrote), the student will patiently wait for you to come up with the answer to his/her question. You can then add it to your collection!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1



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This book contains general information about legal matters. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such.

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END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

Table of Contents

#1 – Alphabet lunch rationale #2 – Why can’t I wear my bandana to school? #3 – Why follow the campus discipline plan? #4 – Why can’t we have cell phones? #5 – Why is the “Dance Police” at our dance? #6 – Why can’t I date my teacher? #7 – Why did I receive a different punishment? #8 – Why can’t we run in the hall? #9 – Why are all the doors locked? #10 – Why are there “Drug Dogs” at our school? #11 – Why do we have to have emergency drills? #12 – Why can’t we have energy drinks at school? #13 – Why am I being punished when everyone else is doing the same thing? #14 – Why are there rules keeping me from participating in extracurricular activities? #15 – Why can’t we have field trips? #16 – Why am I in trouble for fighting at the bus stop? #17 – Why is there only five minutes between classes? #18 – Why is football the most popular sport at our school? #19 – Why can’t I brush my hair in class? #20 – Why can’t we wear hoodies at school? #21 – Why do we have to wear ID badges at school? #22 – Why are points deducted for late work? #23 – Why can’t I leave campus? #24 – Why does our teacher lecture us all the time? #25 – Why can’t I apply makeup in class? #26 – Why do I have to call my teacher “Mr.” or “Ms.”? #27 – Why can’t I bring my backpack into class? #28 – Why can’t I wear my bathing suit to school? #29 – Why can’t I have body spray at school? #30 – Why can’t I wear my “I Love Boobies” bracelet? #31 – Why can’t I ride the bus to school? #32 – Why can’t I chew tobacco at school? #33 – Why can’t we cuss at school? #34 – Why can’t I “cut” in the lunch line? #35 – Why can’t I wear flip flops to school? #36 – Why can’t we eat food in class? #37 – Why can’t we chew gum in class? #38 – Why can’t we wear hats at school? #39 – Why can’t I use my laptop computer during class? #40 – Why can’t I go to my locker during lunch? #41 – Why can’t I listen to my MP3 player at school? #42 – Why can’t I wear pajama pants and slippers to school? #43 – Why can’t we bring our pets to school? #44 – Why can’t we drink pop at school? #45 – Why can’t we ride home with someone other than our parent? #46 – Why can’t we wear Silly Bands? #47 – Why can’t we bring our skateboard to school? #48 – Why can’t we smoke at school? #49 – Why don’t students have social skills? #50 – Why can’t I stand up on the bus? END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#51 – Why can’t we talk in class? #52 – Why don’t our teachers integrate technology in our class? #53 – Why is everyone so upset about “PDA”? #54 – Why do teacher have to send students to the office with an “official” disciplinary referral? #55 – Why do students have to register to park in the school parking lot? #56 – Why do we retain students? #57 – Why can’t I wear “sagging” pants to school? #58 – Why can’t we sit on top of the lunch tables? #59 – Why is there Education? #60 – Why can’t we wear sunglasses inside the school? #61 – Why does my teacher flip out whenever I’m tardy to class? #62 – Why do my teachers tell stories about their personal life in class? #63 – Why do teachers have to follow the same rules as the students? #64 – Why can’t you tell me the punishment the other student received? #65 – Why isn’t “We were just playing around” an acceptable excuse for horseplay? #66 – Why are some websites blocked at school? #67 – Why are school administrators at all of my extracurricular activities? #68 – Why does our school have an advisory program? #69 – Why is my teacher mean to me? #70 – Why do we have to go to the cafeteria in the morning? #71 – Why do we have to watch “Channel One” every day? #72 – Why are there so many teacher committees? #73 – Why have you done nothing to stop my child from being bullied? #74 – Why did you “hotline” me? #75 – Why do we need to explain “why” to people? #76 – Why do we have so many faculty meetings? #77 – Why do we have to go to the gym in the mornings? #78 – Why do we have homework? #79 – Why do we have an ISS room? #80 – Why do teachers have to turn in lesson plans? #81 – Why do we have lunch detention? #82 – Why do we have metal detectors? #83 – Why can’t we celebrate Christmas at school? #84 – Why do you suspend students out of school? #85 – Why do we have to say the Pledge of Allegiance? #86 – Why does the Principal censor our campus newspaper? #87 – Why do we have Saturday School? #88 – Why do we have to go to school? #89 – Why do I have to show ID to pick up my student? #90 – Why do I have to show my work in math class? #91 – Why do teachers have to sign in and out? #92 – Why do teachers have to go to staff development? #93 – Why do we have to have students take standardized tests? #94 – Why do students have to sit in the “student section” at games? #95 – Why do our students have to wear uniforms? #96 – Why does our teacher make us work in groups? #97 – Why are we a “Year-Round School”? #98 – Why are you punishing me when you did the same thing when you were in school? #99 – Why don’t you believe me? #100 – I fought in “self-defense”…why am I in trouble?

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#1 – Why Are Kids Put In Alphabet Lunch?

I am happy to explain the rationale behind our assigned seating program at lunch. Here are a few benefits of the program:

1. When parents come to pick up their student, we know exactly where the student is – The cafeteria is so noisy that it is difficult to make an announcement for a student to report to the office. As a result, parents sometimes have to wait 20 minutes to pick up their child. When they are taking their child to Springfield for a dentist/doctor appointment, this puts them in jeopardy of missing the appointment altogether. With approximately 350 students in the cafeteria, wandering around until we find the student has mixed results.

2. Assigned seats results in a quieter cafeteria environment – When students are in assigned seats, there is less noise, resulting in students not having to “talk over” the roar in the cafeteria…resulting in less noise. Students are able to conduct conversations in a normal tone of voice. This is an important social skill.

3. Assigned seats results in less horseplay during lunch – When students are allowed to sit wherever they wish, some students end up wandering around the cafeteria engaging in horseplay with their friends. It is not uncommon to see multiple games of “tag” going on, where students are chasing each other around, taking each other’s food/lunch box, and playing “keep away” with it. There have been incidents where students are being chased, and are not looking where they are going…and collide with students who are innocently eating their lunch. With students in assigned seats, these incidences of horseplay are greatly reduced. Every student has an assigned seat, and adults in the cafeteria are better able to monitor who is in their seat, and who is not.

4. Assigned seats results in a cleaner cafeteria – In a typical day, 10 – 20 lunch trays are left on lunch tables when the bell rings at the end of lunch. Custodians then have to gather the trays (which the students should have taken themselves) and take them to the dishwashing area. When students are in assigned seats, we are able to determine who is not cleaning up after themselves. Students who clean up after themselves are praised, and those who leave trays are identified and encouraged to do better next time.

5. Assigned seats results in a safer cafeteria for all students – During the first week of school, the majority of students used the lunch dismissal bell as a starter’s pistol…and sprinted out of the cafeteria as a large group. This created a dangerous situation, and put students in a position where they could be injured. Now that we have assigned seats, I dismiss the cafeteria by table when I see that they are quiet, finished eating, and have tidied up their table. I now say “Table 5, you may go”, “Table 17, you may go”…and so on. The students now are careful to walk to their next class. This greatly reduces the risk of student injury.

6. Assigned seats creates new friendships – One unfortunate thing that happens to kids at school is that they are “labeled” by their peers. As a result, “cliques” develop at an early age. When students are put in assigned seats, they are more likely to interact with students who are different from them. It is not uncommon to see the “popular” student talking with a student who is considered “unpopular”. Members of the athlete group interact with kids in the Drama Club, “skaters” make friends with “bookworms”,

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

and so on. It is awesome to watch this happen. This cuts down on the number of bullying complaints we receive each year, and contributes to a more accepting school climate.

7. Assigned seats helps establish group norms that last the whole year – Even though we are only in assigned seats for a week or two every year, it is a great reference point when the group begins to lose sight of what passes for acceptable cafeteria behavior. Months after we are allowed to sit wherever we want again, all I have to do is say “Oh, no! Someone left their tray behind.” Every time I have said that, a student (usually more than one) steps forward to take the tray to the dishwashing area…even though the tray didn’t belong to him/her. Students have learned a great social skill that they can take with them into society!

8. We don’t want to put kids in alphabetical order – There’s nothing fun for administrators when the decision is made to put students in alphabetical order! All the student schedules must be looked up in the computer to determine which student has which lunch. The lists of students have to be put in alphabetical order, then labels have to be made for the tables. The labels then have to be fastened to the tables, and taped down so that they are not peeled off or otherwise vandalized. It is a lot of work! We are willing to subject ourselves to extra work in order to teach your students the importance of appropriate lunch behavior.

9. “But my child is being punished for the actions of others!” – Labeling where students sit during lunch actually makes it possible for us to determine who is leaving a mess so that we can issue punishments to the people causing the problems.

10. “You are violating my student’s rights!” – Students are not born with the unalienable right to sit wherever they want at lunch. This is a privilege that can be earned, but it is not guaranteed. Our state gives teachers the authority to put students in specific seating arrangements to keep order in their classroom. Our state gives bus drivers the authority to put students in specific seating arrangements to keep order on their bus. Our state also gives school administrators the authority to put students in specific seating arrangements to keep order in the cafeteria. Once order is established, administrators are empowered to make the decision to let students sit where they wish.

**It is important to note that students are not in assigned seats for a long period of time. They usually are kept in assigned seats for a period of five to seven days.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#2 – Why Can’t We Wear Bandanas In School?

There are many reasons why we can’t wear bandanas in school.

*Bandanas carry meaning – Depending on the color of the bandana, it can convey messages to other students. The bandana can indicate what gang a particular student belongs to…among other messages. Some bandanas have no meaning, but adults have no idea which ones do and which ones don’t. The easy (and fair) way to approach it is to outlaw all bandanas.

*Bandanas are categorized as “head coverings” – Most schools restrict the wearing of head coverings such as hats, hoodies, and bandanas. We restrict the covering of students’ heads so that we can identify them through the use of security cameras. It is important that we are able to identify students so that we can provide a safe environment for our students.

*Bandanas can be “face coverings” – If we allow students to wear or carry bandanas at school, they will eventually try to wear them over their faces to conceal their identity when they commit crimes.

*Bandanas can hide a serious health condition – Bandanas can keep our nurse or teachers from determining if a student has a health condition such as shingles, scabies, or head lice. Some of these conditions (if undiscovered) can be spread to other students.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#3 – Why Do I Have To Follow And Enforce The Campus Rules?

There are many reasons why you (the teacher) must follow the list of rules and regulations for our campus.

*You are a role model – Students look to you as an example of how to act. One of the reasons you wanted to become an educator (way back when you were in college) was because you wanted to be a role model. NOW is your chance to be one.

*Obeying the rules leads to a higher rate of student compliance – In the “Good Ol’ Days” of education, teachers lived by one set of rules (usually no rules at all) and students were expected to comply with the rules. Students became resentful of this hierarchy, and eventually started to blame teachers who disobeyed rules as the reason THEY disobeyed rules. This is a poor excuse, but parents (who themselves resented the hierarchy when they were students) began to question why teachers were exempt from the rules.

*Consistency is the key – Teachers are humans, which means that no two are alike. Everyone has their “pet peeves”, and also things that they consider to be no big deal. The problem is that an infraction seen by one teacher as trivial may be a huge deal to another. In an attempt to keep order, your administration (or a committee) has established a “campus discipline plan”. The secret to the success of this plan is that teachers enforce ALL rules outlined in the plan…whether they think they are important or not.

*Students cannot hit a moving target – The rules are in place, and set in stone. Therefore, they are an easy target to hit. Shifting expectations and changing rules are difficult to enforce.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#4 – Why Can’t I Use My Cell Phone At School?

There are many reasons why we shouldn’t have cell phones/MP3 players at school.

*They disrupt class – Have you ever been somewhere, trying to concentrate, and someone’s cell phone makes noise? It is frustrating! Many students have problems keeping focused on their work, and outside noise makes it even more difficult. Students with MP3 players are also a problem, as they listen to their music at such a high volume it is possible to hear it from several feet away.

*They are or stolen – Do you have any idea how many hours are spent every day by administrators trying to find lost or stolen cell phones? Adolescent students have a tendency to leave things lying around, and this includes their phone. Students who cannot afford the latest and greatest gadget have no problem picking these items up and putting them in their backpack. What makes matters worse are the angry parents (who no doubt paid large amounts of money for the gadget) understandably calling the school every half hour for “updates” on the status of their student’s phone. Administrators become frustrated because their purpose is to help teachers present great lessons, keep a safe environment for students, and allocate district resources fairly…not solve the “mystery of the missing cell phone” numerous times per day!

*They can be used to cheat on tests/assignments – There are a variety of ways that cell phones are used to cheat on tests and assignments. The student in 1st Period can take pictures of the test, and send the pictures to their friend who has the same test in 4th Period. The “smart” kid can text answers to others during the test, or students can text a friend who may be home “sick” (who’s at home with the textbook) to ask the answers to test questions. It is entirely possible for a student with an internet-capable phone to look up answers to questions during the test. There are so many possibilities for the gadget to be used to gain an unfair advantage!

*They can be used inappropriately – The internet that flows through students’ cell phones is “unfiltered”, which means that the school doesn’t have the ability to block certain inappropriate websites. Students can visit pornographic websites, take inappropriate pictures of themselves (and others) and post them on a variety of websites, or video embarrassing moments suffered by the “dorky” kid or the teacher that everyone dislikes, and post them on YouTube.

*They can be used to spread rumors and gossip – In the old days, gossip and rumors were spread about teachers and other students by word of mouth. Today, gossip and rumors can be transmitted to hundreds of other people at the push of a button. Who “likes” who, who is going to fight by the bike rack after school, who said something bad about somebody’s mom….is all transmitted at the speed of light in the blink of an eye. Students are “cyberbullied”, nasty stuff is posted on Facebook and MySpace about them, fights are instigated, then videotaped and posted on YouTube within minutes. None of this is good for your school’s climate.

*There are too many ways these devices can be used to disrupt school – There are ways to disrupt school using these devices that haven’t even been thought of yet! Instead of teachers and administrators trying to keep up with all of this new technology, it is just easier to ban it.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#5 – Why Is There a “Dance Police” During Dances?

There are many reasons why we can’t engage in questionable dancing behaviors at school-sponsored dances.

*Your parents want us to – Your parents assume that we are keeping you safe when they drop you off at the dance. We are responsible for keeping you safe, and making sure you are not involved in any inappropriate behavior.

*It is the right thing to do – Letting teenagers “grind” against each other on the dance floor leads to many other inappropriate behaviors. It is the right thing to do for school personnel to limit physical contact between students whenever possible.

*You’ll thank us later – Having chaperones at a dance will keep you from doing something dumb that you will regret later! There’s no need to thank us…we are just doing our job.

*If you do not like the rules… - Any student who does not agree with the dance policies enforced by the adults at the dance is well within his/her rights to not attend the dance. Dances are an “extracurricular” activity, which means no student is required to be there. Extracurricular activities are a privilege for students to enjoy…not a “right” that students are guaranteed.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#6 – Why Can’t I Date My Teacher?

There are many reasons why we can’t date our teacher. There is no scenario that exists where it would be O.K. to date the teacher.

*Our society does not approve of teachers dating students – Even if the teacher and the student are the same age, it is frowned upon. Your teacher shouldn’t even be THINKING about dating you, much less dating you.

*Do you want your grade to be based on whether or not you would date your teacher? – If we allowed dating between teachers and students, do you think people’s grades would reflect that? The student who got an “A” in the class would be subject to people saying, “Well, she’s dating the teacher…of course she got an A!” People would think that you didn’t deserve your grade.

*What if the relationship turned bad? – What if you were dating the teacher and you broke up? Would the teacher give you an “F”? It’s possible! Would you want to have all of your hard work in the class go down the drain because you had a bad breakup?

*If we allowed teachers to date their students, there would be people who entered the teaching profession just so they could date students – We want people to become teachers so they can educate our children…not date them! The quality of people in the teaching profession would go way down if we allowed teachers to date students.

*What if your teacher was ugly? – Everyone wants to date their teacher when he/she is cute…but what if the teacher was ugly and wanted to date you? What if you said “no”, and your grade in the class went down? You would be in a terrible situation, with no way to get out. The rules are in place to PROTECT you.

*If you require any more reasons, visit www.newteacherhelp.com today!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#7 – Why Did My Student Receive A Different Punishment?

There are many reasons why your child may have received a different disciplinary consequence than other students who committed a similar offense. Many parents confuse the words “equal” and “fair”, and use the words interchangeably. Equal is not always fair…and fair is not always equal.

When students come to the office for discipline, the administrator looks at several factors when determining a disciplinary consequence:

*Age of the Student – Younger students typically receive more leniency than older students.

*Frequency of Offenses – If a student has been in the office twenty times for a variety of transgressions, he/she will be punished more harshly than a student who has been disciplined once or twice. I explain this to the students in this fashion: If two people were brought into the courtroom for stealing a car, and one of the thieves was a “first-time offender” while his partner had been convicted eleven previous times for car theft…their punishments would be different even though they had committed the same crime.

*Acceptance of Responsibility – The attitude of the student while in the office carries a lot of weight when determining disciplinary consequences. A student who accepts responsibility for his/her actions instead of blaming others or lying is more likely to receive a smaller consequence.

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*Remorse – A student who is remorseful (sorry) while in the office will probably receive a lighter punishment than someone who is proud of what he/she did (or who thinks the whole thing is funny).

*Who is the Instigator? – A student who instigates a fight will receive a more significant consequence than a student who was merely defending herself/himself.

*Safety Concerns – A student who presents him/herself as a possible threat to harm themselves or others is more likely to spend more days at home than a student who committed an aggressive/violent act as an isolated incident.

Supporting school personnel when they issue disciplinary consequences to your child is the first step to modifying your child’s behavior. Students whose parents fight the school or make disparaging comments about administrators or teachers are more likely to disrespect school officials and commit offenses in the future.

Even if you don’t agree with the school’s action, you should encourage your child to learn from the experience because the school has authority over your student. Encouraging your student to “question authority” or disrespect those in authority over him/her will have disastrous results for your child in the future!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#8 – Why Can’t We Run at School?

There are many reasons why we can’t run at school.

*Running is not safe – Running should only be done in a controlled environment. A school is NOT a controlled environment. The potential for a with other students is too great to allow running.

*Injuries are not just possible, they are probable – Students who run are more likely to collide with another student, an object, or slip on a spilled drink or piece of food.

*Running leads to more running – Once you let one person get away with running…everyone will be doing it.

*Running is so “Elementary School” – Do you see a lot of people running around on a college campus? No. Do you see a lot of people running around at the grocery store, the mall, or at church? No. Mature people do not run. We are training you to be a mature, responsible member of our society. We are training you not to run. Save your running for recess!

*Find an appropriate time to run – Run at recess, during your basketball practice after school, or on the streets of your neighborhood in the evening. There is an appropriate time and place for running. You should never put yourself (or others) in danger by running at school.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#9 – Why Are All The Doors Locked At Our School?

There are many reasons why all the doors are locked at our school.

*It is how we do our “tardy policy” – When the tardy bell rings, teachers shut and lock their doors. Students who are still in the hallway are to go to the cafeteria, where a staff member is waiting to write the student a tardy pass. Teachers have been instructed not to let tardy students into their classroom without a pass.

*It ensures the safety of our students – There have been numerous incidents in schools where dangerous people with guns have roamed through the school, shooting defenseless victims. Keeping classroom doors locked gives our security team an opportunity to stop a gunman from doing that in our school.

*It reduces disruptions – Locked doors keep disruptive students (and noises) out in the hallway…and maintains a quiet learning environment inside the classroom.

*It reduces crime – When teachers are in the habit of keeping doors unlocked, crime increases. Students sometimes roam the school, checking for unlocked classrooms. Once they find one, they search for cell phones, iPods, purses, classroom computer equipment, or other valuable items to steal. Keeping all classroom doors locked reduces the chance of a theft happening.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#10 – Why Are There “Drug Dogs” At School?

There are many reasons why we bring “Drug Dogs” to school.

*People bring things to school that they shouldn’t – Students bring all sorts of items to school…like illegal drugs, knives, guns, prescription pills, cigarettes, and alcoholic beverages. Dogs have been trained to sniff these dangerous items out, and identify them. Schools have also received money from the federal government to purchase metal detectors to make our schools a safer place to be.

*The public wants us to – The general public sees stories on the news about crimes that happen at school, and they urge school boards and school administrators to “gain control” of their schools.

*The law is clear – Courts have ruled that schools can search students’ lockers…the lockers are the property of the school, and can be searched at any time. The courts have also decided that students’ cars parked in the school’s parking lot are also fair game.

*You need “Probable Cause” to search ME! – That is not an accurate statement. School officials only need “Reasonable Suspicion” to carry out a search. This criteria is a lower threshold, and is very easy to prove in court.

*It is the right thing to do – Young people make mistakes because they don’t know any better…it is the adult’s job to find the problem behavior and issue a disciplinary consequence. Discovering the problem and addressing it early can help a young person choose a different (more positive) path in life.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#11 – Why Do We Have Emergency Drills Every Month?

There are many reasons why we have fire, , tornado, and earthquake drills every month.

*It is the law – The state requires that schools conduct safety drills every so often. It is because of these drills that no American student has died in a school fire since 1943.

*You need to know what to do – Students and teachers need to be aware of what to do when there is an emergency situation. When people do not know what to do, they will panic. It is important that safety procedures be rehearsed as much as possible. It is only through repetition that these procedures can be learned (and internalized) by everyone at the school. When the procedures are internalized, they can be carried out even when facing a stressful situation.

*Your safety is our job – When your parents drop you off at school (or put you on the bus), they assume that you are going to be kept safe. Conducting safety drills helps us achieve this goal.

*The school’s safety plan is always changing – As we learn more about school safety, the school’s administration is implementing newer and better safety procedures. Conducting drills every so often keeps school officials on the “cutting edge” of school safety, so that more lives can be saved during a crisis situation.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#12 – Why Can’t We Have Energy Drinks At School?

There are many reasons why we can’t have energy drinks at school.

*We don’t allow ANY outside beverages – We can’t allow students to bring drinks from outside the school because we do not know what is in it. There have been incidents where students have brought pop, water, tea, and other beverages spiked with alcohol or other illegal substances.

*Some energy drinks contain alcohol – There are laws in the works to outlaw these drinks completely (which is a good thing). Until that time, we are not allowing energy drinks in our school because we don’t know which ones have alcohol in them (and which ones don’t). The labels and packaging of these products do not give us enough clues as to what is in the drinks!

*Energy drinks disrupt – When someone has an energy drink, other students are following that student around, asking to take a sip of it. Seven people drinking out of the same can leads to germ- spreading, and kids missing school due to illness. Students intentionally guzzle several energy drinks, then brag “I drank four Zippedy-Do-Das!” as if that is something to be proud of. They then proceed to act crazy and jittery so that their friends can laugh.

*They are not good for you – Recent studies have indicated that energy drinks damage your internal organs. We want you to live a long, healthy life!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#13 – Everybody Else is Doing It…Why Punish Me?

There are many reasons why you are being punished for breaking the rules.

*You can’t catch everyone – We try to catch everyone who breaks the rules…but that’s impossible. Do you really think that we should just give up and let everyone do what they want just because we can’t catch everyone? That’s not a good idea. We catch as many people as we can, and you are just “it” this time.

*We all have been “it” – I was driving over the speed limit in Arizona one time, part of a pack of about ten cars that were doing 80 miles per hour in a 65 mile-per-hour zone. A police car (that was parked on the side of the road) turned on its sirens, and came after our pack of cars. We all pulled over, and the police car stopped behind my car. Once the police car had come to a stop, the other cars pulled away. When the officer came to my window, I asked, “Why am I the one to get the ticket?” The police officer said “You were speeding.” He was right! He couldn’t let everyone get away with speeding just because he couldn’t catch all ten cars.

*You are the leader – Sometimes, if a person in authority sees a group of people breaking the rules, he/she will single out the one in the group who looks like the “leader”…or maybe they will single out the one who is the loudest or most obnoxious rule breaker in the group. Don’t be that person!

*Repeat offenders, beware! – Other times, a person in authority will single out a person in a group of rule breakers if he/she has talked to that person before about breaking that particular rule. It is unfortunate, but sometimes “frequent flyers” are disciplined because the Principal or police officer already knows your name. First-time offenders often are given extra chances to comply with rules because the person in authority wants to “cut that person some slack”.

*If you don’t want to be “it”…don’t break the rules! – I don’t have to explain THAT one, do I?

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#14 – Why Are There Extracurricular Rules?

There are many reasons why there are rules governing participation in extracurricular activities at school.

*Extracurricular activities are a “privilege” – There is a misconception that participation in extracurricular activities is the “right” of every student. This is not the case. Students who wish to participate must satisfy a variety of criteria before being eligible to participate.

*Rules reduce “cheating” by schools – Years ago, there were few rules governing extracurricular activities (especially sports). Some schools would let anyone play, including students who weren’t attending classes at the school. There were even schools that recruited and paid great athletes to play for them. This was not fair! As time passed, state athletic organizations established rules against these dishonest practices.

*You “represent” our school – When you travel to another school or town to participate in a competition, you are representing us. We want to be sure to send our best and brightest students, because others form their opinion of our school (or town) based on the attitude and behavior of our students. Our image is very important to us!

*Having standards gives our students a goal to work towards – Extracurricular activities give students an opportunity to demonstrate talents and behaviors they have developed outside of the traditional classroom setting. Having a structure in place that governs participation in these activities gives students a goal to work towards…and a reward when those goals are met!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#15 – Why Can’t We Take Field Trips?

There are many reasons why we can’t take field trips.

*They are expensive – Field trips cost money for fuel (for the bus), money for admission to the zoo (or concert hall), money for meals, money to hire the bus driver, and a variety of other hidden costs. Schools are increasingly unwilling to pay these costs.

*Many field trips are not curriculum-based – With budgets being as limited as they are, there is not enough resources for school districts to send students on field trips as a reward, or for “life experience”. If students want to have “experiences” outside of the curriculum, their parents can take them. Schools are being held accountable for teaching the curriculum like never before (through the use of standardized tests). The number of students from each school passing these tests is published in the newspaper for Pete’s sake! Field trips rob schools of precious instructional time.

*Field trips are dangerous – When schools take students off campus, they are assuming a huge risk. What happens if the bus gets in an accident on the way to its destination? Who’s responsible if a student is injured or wanders off? The school is responsible for every aspect of the trip, and they are responsible for every student (and teacher’s) safety during the trip.

*It’s complicated – So much more is expected of schools who take field trips these days! Chaperones have to have background checks, one of the teachers has to administer medication to students with prescriptions, asthma “puffers” must be brought in the event that an asthmatic student has an attack, sack lunches must be brought for students who are on “free/reduced lunch”, and so on and so forth. Many schools have determined that it is just too much trouble.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#16 – Why Am I In Trouble For Fighting At The Bus Stop?

There are many reasons why you are in trouble for fighting at the bus stop.

*Fighting is wrong – Fighting is wrong no matter where it takes place.

*It is considered school property – Many students are confused about where the Principal has jurisdiction. Places like school buses, the bus stop, the football stadium, and any other place where a “school-sponsored activity” is taking place is considered school property. That means your Principal can discipline you if you break school rules at those locations.

*You are lucky we are involved – Having the school handle a fight at the bus stop is WAY better than letting the police handle it. If the school deals with the fight, you may only get out-of-school suspension, in-school suspension, or some other school-based disciplinary consequence. If the police are involved, you may be looking at criminal charges, notification of juvenile justice authorities, or spending time in a juvenile detention facility or jail.

*We can help – We have the resources to help you resolve your differences with the person you are fighting with. We have administrators who care, and counselors who are trained to help people resolve conflicts the right way.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#17 – Why Do We Only Have Five Minutes Between Classes?

There are many reasons why we only have five minutes between classes.

*Young people + an enclosed area + free time = trouble – Having only five minutes between classes makes it important for students to go directly to class during transition time. This reduces incidents of bullying and other miscellaneous problems.

*Students have to be in class – The state tells school districts that students must attend class for a certain number of minutes every day. Transitions between classes do not count toward this total. Your Principal could arrange the schedule so that students have 15 minutes between classes…but that would lead to a school day beginning at 7:00 a.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. Would you really want that?

*Your teacher understands – You have time to go to the restroom before school, after school, or at lunch. If you suddenly have a “restroom emergency situation”, your teacher will understand…and write you a pass. Your administrators have researched how long it takes to get from class to class, and five minutes is plenty of time (with a stop at your locker included).

*Get creative – You don’t need to stop at your locker after EVERY class! Carry materials to keep you prepared for two or three classes. That way, you will have time to take care of your restroom business, or chat briefly with friends between classes.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#18 – Why Is Football The Most Popular Sport At Our School?

There are many reasons why football is the most popular sport at our school.

*Everyone loves football – Football is the most popular sport in the .

*Everyone can participate – In a typical football game, all students at the school can find a way to contribute to the overall pageantry of the event. Some students play in the game, some are cheerleaders, flag team members, band performers, ROTC flag bearers, athletic trainers, pep squad, mascots, scorekeepers, national anthem singers, or simply fans in the stands!

*Towns and schools judge themselves through football – Like it or not, many towns and schools develop their sense of self-worth through football. If our school beats the neighboring town on a regular basis, we think we are “better” than them. In fact, most schools and towns place more importance on winning football games than having their school score higher on standardized tests. Yes…I know it’s wrong – but it’s true.

*Football brings revenue to the school – Even after paying the coaches, referees, game workers, and paying for all of the equipment…football brings in the most money to a school district. This revenue can be used to subsidize less popular sports such as volleyball, swimming, track, or lacrosse.

*The best athletes play football – Another school could dominate us in basketball, track, or chess…but we will consider ourselves better than them if we beat them in football. Why? People believe that the best athletes play football – so our “best” beat their “best”.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#19 – Why Can’t I Brush My Hair in Class?

There are many reasons why you can’t brush your hair in class.

*It’s distracting – Other students are trying to concentrate on what is going on in class, but they can’t because they are distracted by your hair brushing.

*It’s messy – You may not notice, but lots of stuff is flying around as you brush your hair. Dead skin cells from your scalp are being scraped off, and fly around the room. The brush pulls out some of your hair, which also floats on small indoor wind currents. Most of the “dust” in your classroom is dead skin cells from all of the humans.

*You are not engaged – While you are brushing your hair, you are not thinking about what the teacher is saying. Your parents sent you to school to learn something…not groom yourself. If you care so much about styling hair at school, sign up to take cosmetology in high school or community college!

*It’s not O.K. to share – People who brush their hair in class usually share their brush with other students who want to brush their hair. This leads to the spread of diseases, and tiny animals such as scabies and head lice. It’s gross…but it’s true!

*If we let you brush your hair in class, what’s next? – If we let you brush your hair in class, you will then want to clip your fingernails, paint your nails, braid someone else’s hair, pluck your eyebrows, or something else that’s just as distracting!

*It’s disrespectful – Does your doctor or lawyer brush their hair when you are trying to tell them your concerns? What about your banker? Grooming yourself when someone else is trying to communicate with you is a sign of disrespect.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#20 – Why Can’t I Wear My Hoodie In School?

Some people have seen on the news that several school districts have prohibited the wearing of hooded sweatshirts (hoodies) on school grounds. Most people’s reaction to this news is “Are you kidding me? Why would schools make up a stupid rule like that?” There are many reasons why you cannot wear your hoodie at school. Some of them have to do with campus safety, some are designed to keep students from concealing their activities. This article will list the reasons for prohibiting hoodies at school:

*Hoodies can be used to conceal the identity of students when they engage in inappropriate or illegal behavior – When students behave inappropriately, it is important for teachers or administrators to identify the offending students, and teach appropriate behavior through the use of correction. When students wear hoodies, they sometimes wear their hoodie over their head so that teachers/administrators cannot tell who is doing the inappropriate behavior. Even the use of security cameras falls short when students conceal their identity in this fashion. Students sometimes hide their faces as they walk past security cameras to “skip” class. Parents show up to pick up their student, and their student is missing…and we as administrators do not know where their child is. This makes for a dangerous (and embarrassing) situation for the school.

*Hoodies can be used to conceal illegal behavior in the classroom – Many students use their hoodie to text their friends. For example, a female student I know can look at the teacher as her hands are in the front pocket of her hoodie, texting away without even looking at her phone. Other students put their MP3 player in their pants pocket, thread their headphone wires up through the back of their hoodie, then put their earbuds in their ears as they wear their hood over their head.

*Hoodies can be disruptive to the learning environment – How many times have you seen a student wearing a hoodie…minding his own business, when his friend sneaks up behind him and “hoods” him? The friend just can’t help himself…he just HAS to pull the hood up over his friend’s head!! Of course, the student wearing the hoodie has to chase his friend and “get him back” for doing that to him. To many people, this is just harmless play. To educators, it is a recipe for disaster. “Play” usually leads to “injury”, and play in the classroom leads to class disruption and a barrier to learning. Also, the hood seems to be a magnet for all sorts of things during the school day – crumpled up pieces of paper, pens/pencils, gum, half-eaten food during lunch, and many other objects put there by friends who want to “joke” with the student wearing the hoodie.

*Another safety issue with hoodies is the use of them to conceal students’ arms who are “cutting” themselves. Students who cut themselves usually do not want their cuts to be seen by adults, so they often wear a hoodie with long sleeves (or maybe a wristband) to keep their cutting a secret. It is important for adults to be able to see students’ arms, hopefully discover the cutting problem, and get the student the help he/she needs.

As you can see, there are several good reasons why hoodies are prohibited at school. We do not make rules just to “kill your fun”, but rules are in place to maintain a safe and orderly school environment.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#21 – Why Do We Have To Wear ID Badges At School?

There are many reasons why we have to wear ID badges at school.

*ID’s contribute to a safer environment – When we know everyone’s name, there is an increased level of safety at school. People try to get away with inappropriate behavior when they think no one can identify who they are.

*Intruders can be identified – When everyone who is supposed to be at school is wearing an ID badge, we can quickly and accurately identify who doesn’t belong at our school…and take steps to have those people removed.

*ID’s help us learn everyone’s name – In a school of 500, 1,000, or 2,000 students…people can feel like they don’t fit in. ID badges help teachers, administrators, and other school personnel learn your name (and hopefully build a relationship with you). Your school years will be over before you know it – we want to get to know you before you are gone!

*Discounts! – Some businesses give students discounts on products if the student is able to show an ID badge. Our school lets students into sporting events for a reduced price or free if they are able to display their school ID.

*Get used to it – Companies all over the world require their employees to wear ID badges. Chances are your parents have to wear ID badges at their place of employment. The way the world is now, ID badges are not going to go away anytime soon.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#22 – Why Does Our Teacher Deduct Points For Late Work?

There are many reasons why your teacher deducts points when you turn your homework in late.

*Full credit for late work leads to cheating – If we accepted late work for full credit, some students would just hand in all of their assignments at the end of the term. Students who handed their assignments in on time would not have any incentive to do so, and pretty soon EVERY student would hand in all of their assignments at the end of the term. This would give students the opportunity to copy answers off of each other, or copy answers from students who have had their corrected assignments handed back to them by the teacher.

*Assignments and homework teach responsibility – When you enter the “real world” and get a job, your boss will ask you to complete tasks…and give you a deadline to complete them. Having a teacher that teaches you responsibility before you are “playing for keeps" is a good thing.

*Don’t get so upset…it’s only a few points! – Most teachers take ten percent off for every day that the assignment is late. Don’t get discouraged by losing a few points, just get the work in as soon as you can.

*Late work is not good, but no work is really bad – I don’t know if you are good at math or not, but getting a “zero” on an assignment destroys your grade! If you are responsible for ten assignments – but fail to turn two of them in…the highest grade you can achieve for the class is an 80%. That’s ridiculous! Make sure to turn in every assignment, even those that you haven’t completed.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#23 – Why Can’t I Leave Campus?

There are many reasons why we can’t leave campus once we arrive in the morning.

*You have to be supervised – When your parents put you on the bus (or drop you off at school), they assume that you are being supervised. When you are on the bus, the bus driver is your “supervisor”, when you arrive at school, the teachers and principals are your supervisors. If you leave campus…you no longer are being supervised.

*It is the law – The school is entrusted with your safety during school hours (and at school-sponsored activities). We are legally responsible. It is important that we are able to keep tabs on your whereabouts to make sure nothing bad happens to you.

*If you leave, you may not come back – The temptation is always there if you were to leave campus…you may decide to hang out at McDonalds or WalMart instead of coming back to school.

*If we let YOU leave – If we let you leave, we have to let everyone else who wants to leave, leave! This would lead to mass chaos!

*Can’t you plan ahead? – If you want to go to a fast-food restaurant for breakfast, have your parents wake you up fifteen minutes earlier for school. That way, you’ll have plenty of time to get your coffee, pop, or energy drink before school starts.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#24 – Why Does Our Teacher Lecture At Us All Of The Time?

There are many reasons why your teacher lectures at you all of the time.

*That’s how your teacher was taught – When your teacher was a student, she was taught by her teacher through the use of lecture.

*Your teacher was taught to teach using lecture – You have to remember that lecture (as a teaching method) has been around a long time. In fact, the great Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle used lecture to teach their students 2,400 years ago. Many educational fads have come and gone, but lecture has remained as the most popular method of teaching students.

*Lecture used to be #1 – Many years ago, lecture was the most effective way to teach students. Students used to be able to pay attention to the teacher for long stretches of time. For some reason (many adults believe that technology is to blame) students’ attention spans have become shorter and shorter. As a result, lecture is no longer the #1 way to teach students.

*Teachers are comfortable using lecture – Even though there is a large body of research that proves other methods (such as cooperative learning) result in higher levels of student engagement and achievement…most teachers stick with lecture. Why? Teachers are just more comfortable doing lecture. It is the method they know best, and they do not want to risk “messing up” by trying something new.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#25 – Why Can’t I Put On Makeup In Class?

There are many reasons why you are not allowed to put on makeup in class.

*It is distracting – Other people in class are trying to listen to the teacher, or concentrate on what their classmates are saying. It is just human nature to get distracted when someone is doing something in class that they are not supposed to do.

*You are not engaged – While applying your makeup, you are not listening to the teacher, or thinking about what your classmates are saying. Applying makeup takes skill, dexterity, concentration, and talent. Learning and applying makeup cannot happen at the same time (unless you are learning a lesson about applying makeup!)

*It is messy – There is a good chance that the makeup you are applying will end up on your desk, chair, binder, clothes, or someone else.

*Where does it end? – If we let you apply makeup in class, you will soon think it is O.K. to paint your fingernails, pluck your eyebrows, or give haircuts in class! We have to draw the line somewhere.

*Can you plan ahead? – If you REALLY wanted to wear makeup today, you would have applied it to your face at home before school. If you don’t have enough time in the morning, let me suggest a fool-proof plan…it’s called the “Wake Up Fifteen Minutes Earlier” plan. It really works!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#26 – Why Do I Have To Call My Teacher Mr. or Ms.?

There are many reasons why we have to call our teacher Mr. or Ms.

*That’s just the way it is – In our culture, we respect those who are older than we are. We respect our elders because they are wiser than us, and have had more life experience than us. It is through the efforts of those who have come before us that we are able to enjoy the luxuries and freedoms that we enjoy today.

*Show respect! – The way that we show respect for our elders is by calling them “Mr.” or “Ms.” When you are speaking to your friends or other peers, you do not have to address them the same way as you would an elder. Your elders addressed THEIR elders as Mr. or Ms. when THEY were your age, and it is assumed that they would be given the same respect when they became older.

*Have maturity – So you still don’t understand why you should call people who have authority over you (or people older than you) “Mr.” or “Ms.”? It is a sign of maturity for someone to do something that they don’t quite understand…just for the sake of complying with society’s expectation of them.

*Your parents want you to – Your ability to show respect (or your lack of ability to show respect) is a direct reflection on your parents. If you are respectful, it tells people that you were “raised right”. This brings respect and honor to your parents…who brought you into this world, and taught you how to act. If you are disrespectful, most people won’t blame you…they will blame your parents because you don’t know any better.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#27 – Why Can’t I Bring My Backpack To Class?

There are many reasons why you can’t bring your backpack to class.

*You don’t need your backpack – Your school has lockers, which are specifically designed to hold all of your belongings at school. You should use your backpack to carry your belongings from home to school…and from school to home.

*Your backpack is heavy – Carrying your heavy backpack around can cause back problems. Give yourself a break while you are at school…put your backpack in your locker, and carry your books the old-fashioned way!

*Backpacks clutter up the classroom – Most classrooms are packed with students, and the rooms aren’t that big to begin with. Add 25 to 30 backpacks, and you have a cluttered mess. There are documented incidents of students and teachers tripping on backpacks…and hurting themselves.

*Backpacks are magic – They are magic in that they make it possible for things in the classroom to “disappear”. Objects can be put into a student’s backpack, and be smuggled out of the classroom without being detected.

*Backpacks are magic…Part II – Not only do backpacks make it possible for things to be smuggled out of a classroom…they make it possible for things to be smuggled INTO a classroom! Illegal objects like knives, guns, bombs, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol can be brought into class.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#28 – Why Can’t I Wear My Bathing Suit To School?

There are many reasons why we can’t wear our bathing suit to school.

*We don’t have a swim team – Bathing suits are for swimming, and our school doesn’t have a pool. There is really no reason to wear your bathing suit at school.

*Bathing suits disrupt – Bathing suits (especially when worn by girls) keep people from concentrating on their classwork. Boys are thinking about your bathing suit instead of Benjamin Franklin (which is what they are SUPPOSED to be thinking about).

*They are uncomfortable – Bathing suits are not designed to be that comfortable when worn on dry land for long periods of time.

*What’s next? – If we let you get away with wearing a bathing suit to school, people will be emboldened to wear just about anything to school. Our dress code is in place to make sure our standards stay high. If we let people wear whatever they want, eventually students would start showing up for school in pajamas, slippers, nightgowns, their underwear, etc. We have to draw the line somewhere!

*Seriously? – How could you think that it was appropriate to wear a bathing suit to school? Really?

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#29 – Why Can’t I Bring “Body Spray” To School?

There are many reasons why we can’t bring “body spray” to school.

*Body spray is irritating – Many people have asthma, allergies, and other breathing conditions. Body spray aggravates these conditions.

*Body spray can be a weapon – Kids sometimes think it’s funny to spray stuff in each other’s face. Body spray can blind someone if sprayed in the eyes. There are also documented cases of students spraying body spray over an open flame, causing it to ignite.

*Body spray stinks – I know you think that your body spray covers up your body odor. It does not. In fact, most body sprays smell worse than body odor!

*People can’t use it responsibly – When we let kids have body spray, they think it’s O.K. to spray it on the bus, in the bathroom, in the cafeteria, in the office, and on each other. There are even documented cases of students “huffing” body spray to try to “get high”. Students have damaged their lungs, brains, and the lining of their noses because of this dumb activity. This has led to many schools outlawing the use (and possession of) body spray.

*Body spray is dangerous – Aerosol spray cans are under extreme pressure. Storing these products in extreme heat can cause the can to explode. These cans can also explode if punctured, stepped on, or is something heavy is dropped on it.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#30 – Why Can’t I Wear My “I Love Boobies” Bracelet?

There are many reasons why you cannot wear your “I Love Boobies” bracelet at school.

*They distract – Kids think the bracelets are funny, and the horseplay that results keeps students from focusing on why they are at school…to learn.

*They are dangerous – Students shoot the bracelets at each other when they become bored. The bracelets can also get “hooked” on miscellaneous objects, railings, and doorknobs.

*They are inappropriate – Adults are not amused by children wearing bracelets with the word “boobies” on them. Most adults believe that the word “boobies” is inappropriate.

*You say you are “raising awareness” of breast cancer? – Most people are already aware of what a toll this dreaded disease has taken on our loved ones.

*Take the next step – If you are SO concerned…take the next step! Donate money to the American Cancer Society, gather donations and walk in the next “Relay For Life” event in your community, volunteer to visit cancer patients at your local hospital, organize a fundraiser at your school. Do something besides wear a bracelet with “I Love Boobies” on it.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#31 – Why Can’t I Ride The Bus To School?

There are many reasons why you can’t ride the bus to and from school.

*Riding the bus is a privilege – There is no law requiring the school district to give you a ride to school. The district gives you a ride because they are nice! If you demonstrate that you cannot handle riding a bus because you are disruptive, annoying, or engage in unsafe riding activities…the district is well within its rights to discontinue providing you with bus service.

*You don’t live in the school district – If a bus doesn’t come down your street, that’s a good indicator you don’t live in the school district.

*You live too close to the school – Some districts are trying to cut transportation costs by only providing service to students who live more than a mile (or two miles) away from the school. If you are not being picked up by a bus, it could be because you live too close to your school.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#32 – Why Can’t I Chew Tobacco At School?

There are many reasons why you cannot chew tobacco at school.

*It is the law – Most states prohibit the use of tobacco (in any form) on school property.

*It is messy – Even though there is no danger of secondhand smoke from your smokeless tobacco, most people who chew tobacco do not swallow their tobacco-laced saliva. They spit their saliva into a can or bottle, which can be spilled all over the floor if the person is not careful. Not only that, but then the bottle or can is thrown in the garbage. Custodians then have to carry trash bags with tobacco-laced saliva dripping out of them all over the floor. Gross!

*Halitosis? – Tobacco chewers can develop chronic halitosis, which is a fancy way of saying they have incurable bad breath. Tobacco juice also stains your teeth a nasty shade of brown. Sticking huge wads of tobacco between your cheek and gum can cause your bottom lip to stretch out…leaving you with an irreversible case of “droopy lip”. Have you ever seen “Bubba” from the movie “Forrest Gump”? That’s what you are going to look like. None of these conditions is going to help your relationships with the females in your life.

*It is bad for you – People who chew tobacco are at a far greater risk of developing cancers of the mouth, tongue, lip, tonsil, and throat. Tobacco chewers also lose their teeth at a much faster rate than people who don’t chew tobacco. We want you to live a long, happy life!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#33 – Why Can’t We Cuss At School?

There are many reasons why we can’t use profanity at school.

*The use of profanity is seen as a bad thing in our society, and people who use profanity are seen as having inferior character. Profanity has been banned from network television and radio since the very beginning of television and radio broadcasts. Even cable television networks such as HBO do not use profanity on live sports broadcasts because they would lose viewers. The use of “cuss words” is considered poor manners, and is offensive to many people in our society.

*Why are some words considered offensive and others not? Why is the word “crud” O.K. while the word sh!$ considered profane? The reasons for this are many, and to explain them all would take a book (that you wouldn’t want to read). Let’s just accept the fact that certain words are not acceptable to use in the English language, and leave it at that.

*To correct your speech, you need to find ways to express yourself that do not include profanity. If you are able to do that, you will be considered morally good, and a higher class of person.

*Think about it for a minute…what is your opinion of a person (especially a girl/woman or a person who has authority over people) who uses foul language? You may not want to admit it, but you have less respect for people who drop “F bombs” all over the place.

*At school, we are trying to set an example of behavior for you to follow. Our teachers do not cuss at you…our teachers are instructed to respect students. We only ask the same of you.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#34 – Why Can’t I “Cut” In The Lunch Line?

There are many reasons why we can’t cut in the lunch line.

*Our society is built on fairness. We live by the phrase “Do unto others as you have them do unto you.” We also live by certain rules like “taking turns”, “sharing”, and “be respectful”. I often ask line cutters how they would feel if someone cut in front of them in line. Almost 100 percent of the time, they say that they wouldn’t like it.

*Of course they wouldn’t like it! When you cut in front of someone in line, you are basically saying to them that they are not as important as you are. It is disrespectful to cut in front of someone in line.

*In my hometown’s license bureau, a small machine gives every customer a number so that everyone knows who is next. I tell line cutters to go to a supermarket and cut to the front of the checkout line, and see how upset people get.

*People sometimes get beat up or otherwise hurt when they cut to the front of any line. In fact, if you do a Google search for the term “cut in line”, you will find stories of people who have been shot during disputes over who was first in line. The minutes that you save by being first in line are not worth the trouble!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#35 – Why Can’t I Wear Flip Flops To School?

There are many reasons why we can’t wear flip flops to school.

*They are unprofessional – We are training you to be a successful, professional person in whatever you choose to do. Have you ever seen a banker wearing flip flops? Does your dentist wear flip flops? Does the architect that designed your school wear flip flops? Lawyers? I think you get the idea…there is a time and place for flip flops, but a professional environment is not the time or place. School is a professional environment, not a lazy Sunday at the lake.

*They are unsanitary – What happens when your flip flops are separated from your feet? You are then barefoot. That is an unsanitary condition. Just for fun, try showing up at a restaurant in bare feet and see what happens. They won’t let you in.

*They cause disruptions – Many incidents have occurred where students have “lost” their flip flop. Some students think it is funny to take them off of someone else’s feet, and hide them in hilarious locations like garbage cans, toilets, or the bathroom sink. Flip flops also have a tendency to break. Students who try to kick others find out that flip flops can fly a long way…some have even ended up on the roof of the building. Whether the flip flop is lost stolen, or broken…the result is a person walking around the building in bare feet. As mentioned before, not only is this an unsanitary condition, it is also disruptive to the learning process

*They are unsafe – Have you ever stepped on the back of someone’s flip flop? They will quickly hit the floor. Have you ever seen what happens when a person wearing flip flops steps on a floor with even the smallest amount of moisture? They quickly hit the floor. Flip flops are the most unsafe form of footwear around. Roller skates would be better!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#36 – Why Can’t We Eat Food In Class?

There are many reasons why we can’t eat food in class.

*It takes a lot of money to keep a school clean. Custodians work hard to clean all of the classrooms, bathrooms, hallways, and cafeteria. When students bring food and drink out of the cafeteria, we run the risk of spilling the food or drink.

*Most of the time, when food or drink is spilled, the student doesn’t want to clean it up…saying that it is the custodian’s job to clean up the mess. When we bring food/drink into classroom areas, we are also inviting animals and insects who want to consume the treats. Ants, roaches, mice, rats, and other pests invade classrooms looking for an easy meal.

*Ask your parents what happens when they let you eat and drink in an area other than your kitchen or dining room. If you are allowed to eat on the couch or in your bedroom, these areas quickly become messy because you don’t clean up after yourself every time. Now imagine 500 or more people eating and drinking in an area other than the kitchen or dining room….yikes!

*Drink spills are a safety hazard not only because they attract pests. Drinks also make floors slick, and cause dozens of “slip & fall” accidents every year. How would you like to explain to someone’s parents that their child has a broken arm or leg because you wanted to drink your chocolate milk in the hallway? What if your mother slipped and fell in a drink spill caused by someone who made a mess?

*Other kids have food allergies that you don’t know about. Some kids are dangerously allergic to peanuts, dairy products, gluten, and other foods or food additives. Your snack could send one of your classmates into an allergic reaction that could cause their death. It’s rare, but possible!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#37 – Why Can’t We Chew Gum In Class?

There are many reasons why we can’t chew gum in class. Let’s look at a few of them:

*Chewing gum is seen as “disrespectful” by our society – Chewing gum (especially ‘smacking’ it or blowing bubbles) is not a good way to show respect. School is a place where showing respect is very important.

*Chewing gum is disruptive to the learning environment – The people who “smack” or “pop” their gum have ruined it for the rest of us who chew our gum like a normal person…not like a cow chewing her cud. Teachers find it difficult to teach a class that sounds like a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

*When people are allowed to chew gum, it ends up underneath all the furniture in the facility – When people are done chewing their gum, they sometimes don’t dispose of it in an appropriate manner. This leads to a situation where you put your hand under a table or desk, and touch someone’s chewed gum. This is not a sanitary condition! Most people think it is gross.

*Gum can end up in another student’s hair or clothes – Have you ever had gum in your hair? It’s not fun. To get it out, people try to use ice or peanut butter…but end up cutting it out.

*Gum is not good for your teeth – Gum is full of sugar, which rots your teeth. Even sugar-free gum is not good for you, as it can pull the fillings out of your teeth (if you have them).

*You could choke – There have been cases where someone is chewing gum, then has to cough, sneeze, or laugh. They inhale quickly, and the gum ends up lodged in their windpipe. Even someone who becomes startled and inhales quickly runs the risk of swallowing or choking on their gum. You may think that this only happens to little kids, but it victimizes teens and adults more than you realize.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#38 – Why Can’t We Wear Hats At School?

There are many reasons why we can’t wear hats at school.

*It’s an indicator of poor manners – In the olden days, men were not allowed to wear their hat indoors. Men or boys that wore their hat indoors were frowned upon by society, and their parents were chastised for not raising their children right. It is not so much of a taboo today to wear a hat indoors…but there are certain places where it is still discouraged. Schools, churches, and the supper table are three venues where traditional rules still apply.

*It’s disrespectful – Wearing your hat in school (when you know it is against the rules) is disrespectful to your teachers and administrators. You are mature enough to be told once that hats are not acceptable, and abide by the rule. It is a sign of disrespect to repeatedly violate the same rule.

*Hats conceal identities – We use cameras to monitor students so that they can be kept safe at school. It is important that we know who everyone is in the event of an assault, kidnapping, theft, or when a student leaves campus without permission. Hats keep us from being able to identify students’ faces in these situations.

*Hats are a distraction – When students wear hats, there is always a situation that arises where someone takes a student’s hat, then plays “keep away” with it as a joke. This sometimes leads to students chasing each other around the cafeteria, gym, or hallways. Students running indoors leads to student injuries!

*Hats can spread bad stuff – Students sharing hats can lead to the spread of head lice, scabies, and other pests.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#39 – Why Can’t I Use My Laptop Computer In Class?

There are many reasons why you can’t use your laptop computer during class.

*They distract – Having a laptop computer in class can keep you from concentrating on the lesson. Many universities in the late 20th Century gave laptop computers to incoming freshmen students. They quickly found out that students were using their laptops to surf around on the Internet instead of taking notes. Not only are laptops distracting to you (the one with the laptop), they are also distracting to the students around you who are looking at your screen instead of the teacher.

*They are expensive – Running a laptop computer takes electricity. Districts with significant laptop computer use report a huge increase in the amount of electricity they consume. Electricity is expensive!

*Research reports no gains – Numerous research studies have confirmed that the use of laptop computers by students at a particular school results in ZERO increase in student achievement. For the amount of money districts spend on computers and electricity (and spare parts), there is zero return on their investment.

*Laptops can be lost, stolen, or broken – Having expensive laptops in school leads to many of the same problems teachers and administrators face with cell phones and MP3 players. Students who can’t afford these items are looking to take from the more affluent students.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#40 – Why Can’t I Go To My Locker During Lunch?

There are many reasons why you are not allowed to go to your locker during lunch.

*When you leave the cafeteria, there is no plan in place to supervise you as you walk the halls. Teachers are eating their lunch in the faculty lounge, and are not in their classroom. Some classrooms are unlocked, and students have left their books, backpacks, and other valuables in the room. Some of the lockers in the hallway are unlocked as well.

*When you leave the cafeteria, you make yourself a suspect if anything were to go missing during lunch. You may not have gone into any classrooms or lockers…heck, the thing that someone reports as missing may not even be missing! You will be a suspect because you left the cafeteria and were wandering around during lunch.

*Students in the hall distract – Letting students wander the hall during lunch causes a distraction to classes that are in session. Students are tempted to look in classrooms, wave at their friends, or otherwise clown around. It is human nature for students in the classroom to look up at the motion/commotion near the doorway, which keeps them from learning.

*What if someone comes to pick you up? – We think you are in the cafeteria eating lunch. When your parent comes to pick you up – and we can’t find you – it is an embarrassing situation for the school. It also slows your parent down if you are supposed to be at the doctor in a half-hour. Be where you are supposed to be!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#41 – Why Can’t I Listen To My MP3 Player At School?

There are many reasons why you cannot listen to your MP3 player at school.

*MP3 players disrupt – I know what you are saying… “Listening to my music helps me concentrate when I’m reading or working on my assignment.” That may be true, but the noise from your earbuds disturbs other students.

*People can’t use them properly – If we let students listen to their music during “guided practice” or “independent practice”, they will try to get away with listening to their music during “lecture” or “group work”, or “class discussion” time. The best way to make sure that MP3’s are not misused is to not allow them at school at all.

*MP3’s can be lost…or stolen – School is inhabited by lots of people who do not have their own MP3 player. Many of them would like to have yours! If you leave your MP3 player unattended, there is a good chance it will disappear. At that point, students think it is the administration’s job to find it. We don’t have the time! Do yourself a favor…leave the MP3 at home.

*You could break it – Keeping a fragile MP3 player in your heavy bookbag could result in your MP3 being crushed. I have seen many broken screens! Your classmates will want to “borrow” the device, and they won’t take care of it as well as you do!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#42 – Why Can’t I Wear Pajama Pants & Slippers To School?

There are many reasons why we can’t wear pajama pants and slippers to school.

*It is not appropriate – Wearing pajama pants and/or slippers to school sends the message that going to school is not important. Pretend for a moment that you are asked out on a date with the person you “like” the most. Would you show up for the date in pajama pants and slippers? Probably not. This is because you consider the date an important event.

*You are not in school to be “comfortable” – School is not a “leisure” activity…therefore, you are not supposed to be comfortable. School does not have couches and recliners, either!

*We are preparing you for the “real world” – Does your accountant wear pajama pants and slippers to his job? What about your pharmacist, your mechanic, or banker? We want you to be successful in whatever it is that you are preparing to be when you grow up. Letting you wear sleepwear to school is not helping you prepare for a successful career. Many of the people who wear pajama pants and slippers during the day are people who are not successful.

*Develop good habits – We don’t want you to get into the habit of wearing pajama pants and slippers during the daytime. Many business leaders advise to “dress for the job you want, and eventually you’ll get it”. Employers do not want to hire someone who is disrespectful enough to wear pajamas during the day.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#43 – Why Can’t I Bring My Pet To School?

There are many reasons why we can’t bring our household pets to school.

*It’s a liability issue – I know that your pet wouldn’t hurt anyone, but sometimes a pet can get overstimulated and do something he/she wouldn’t ordinarily do. In a building with hundreds of students and staff, the potential always exists for someone to get hurt by the animal.

*They are a distraction – No matter how lovable your pet is, he/she can distract students from doing what they came to school to do – learn. If your pet is not in a cage, it probably has to go outside to do “business” a couple of times a day. Who is going to take your pet outside to do that?

*Pets can be unsanitary – Sometimes, the pet doesn’t make it outside before urinating/defecating on the floor or your classroom furniture. The custodians are already overworked…do they also have to clean up after your pet?

*Pet dander! – Pet dander can aggravate breathing problems in your students. Many students have asthma and pet allergies that can become serious. You shouldn’t expose your students to the risk!

*Pets make noise – School is supposed to be a quiet environment for students and teachers to work. Animals can sometimes bark, meow, oink, or otherwise make noise to disrupt the learning environment.

*If you bring your pet to school… – Other people (including students) will think it’s O.K. to bring their pets to school. Their animal may not be as docile, quiet, and well-behaved as your pet.

*Pets can spread disease and “critters” – Pets can spread diseases, as well as fleas, ticks, mites, and other pests.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#44 – Why Can’t We Drink Pop In Class?

There are many reasons why we can’t drink pop in class.

*It is bad for you – Pop causes your teeth to decay because of the acid it contains. Not only does soda make your teeth rot, it also causes them to turn brown. Soda also has plenty of caffeine, which causes you to have trouble sitting still and paying attention.

*It contains a ton of sugar – Studies have shown that pop contains as many as nine teaspoons of sugar. Your body is not built to handle that much sugar at one time.

*The acid in pop eats away at the lining of your stomach – Several websites have revealed that police officers carry bottles of pop in the trunk of their squad car in the event there is a serious accident. The acid in the pop cleans blood off of the street. Imagine what it does to your stomach!

*Pop is carbonated – The carbonation in pop makes you belch. This noise is not good when you have a room full of people trying to concentrate on something.

*You could spill – When pop is spilled, it is like ringing the dinner bell for pests such as roaches, ants, mice, and rats.

*It is addictive – Your body craves the sugar and caffeine in soda once it has experienced the feeling. Many people have reported that their addiction to pop is stronger than addictions to tobacco, alcohol, and drugs! Do yourself a favor and lay off the pop!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#45 – Why Can’t I Ride Home From School With Someone Else?

There are many reasons why you cannot ride home from school with someone other than your parent or legal guardian.

*We are responsible – If anything bad were to happen to you, the school would be responsible. We do not want to put that responsibility in someone else’s hands.

*Your parents have a right to know – You should not be taking off with someone without letting your parents know who you are with, and where you are going.

*Your parents may not want you to – It is possible that your parents do not want you to “hang out” with Billy Zimmerman. The school does not want to be an accomplice to your disobeying your parents’ wishes.

*Who IS this person? – Does this person have a criminal record? Is this person your mom’s ex-husband with a court order against him that says he is not to have contact with you? We don’t know.

*Plan ahead! – If your parents wanted you to ride home with someone else, they would have written us a note. No note means that we are going to put you on the school bus…just like every other day!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#46 – Why Can’t I Wear “Silly Bands” At School?

There are many reasons why you can’t wear your “Silly Bands” at school.

*Silly Bands are silly – Silly Bands are not serious…you are at school to be serious about your learning!

*Silly Bands can hide “cuts” to arms and wrists – Many people your age cut themselves, and hide their cutting with Silly Bands. It is important that adults are able to discover these cuts, and take steps to get students the help that they need.

*People go overboard with the Silly Bands – If kids would just wear one or two Silly Bands, maybe we could let people wear them. However, people go crazy and wear 20, 50, even 100 Silly Bands at a time! It is just too distracting. Smart-alecky kids even start wearing Silly Bands on their ankles, legs, or around their neck. This causes even more distractions.

*People trade, borrow, and steal each other’s Silly Bands – There is always a controversy with the bands, such as a trade that went bad, lost/stolen bands, and people “flicking” or “shooting” bands at each other. This creates distractions at school.

*Too many Silly Bands can cause circulation problems – There have been reports of students losing circulation in their hand by wearing too many Silly Bands. When your hand turns blue…that is a good indication you are wearing too many Silly Bands! But seriously, circulation problems can lead to tissue death and nerve damage.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#47 – Why Can’t I Bring My Skateboard To School?

There are many reasons why you can’t bring your skateboard to school.

*It’s dangerous – Thousands of injuries occur every year in the United States (and around the world) involving skateboards. Outlawing skateboards is an attempt by your Principal to provide a safe school environment.

*It’s tempting – Having your skateboard at school is tempting, because you will always be tempted to ride it. Students who carry their skateboard to school usually end up riding it in the parking lot or hallway. It is like giving a basketball to a basketball player, and telling him not to dribble it. Eventually, the temptation is too great, and the player dribbles the ball.

*Your skateboard is valuable – Your school is inhabited by many people who think your skateboard is cool. They want your skateboard, and may take it from you if you leave it lying around. Keep your skateboard at home, where it’s safe!

*It is the law – Many school districts have prohibited skateboarding on school property. Skateboarders can be ticketed, fined, and reported to juvenile justice authorities if they violate this law.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#48 – Why Can’t I Smoke?

There are many reasons why you are not allowed to smoke at school.

*It is the law – State law prohibits tobacco use of any kind on school property.

*It is dangerous – Secondhand smoke has been proven to cause cancer, and cigarettes that have not been extinguished properly have caused fires. Most people believe that smoking is too dangerous for people to do in public buildings. Many cities and towns have passed ordinances prohibiting smoking in restaurants, office buildings, theaters, colleges, and sports facilities.

*It can kill you – Studies have shown that smokers live significantly shorter lives than non-smokers, and that the time they DO spend on Earth is marred by disease and illness.

*Why would you want to? – In the olden days, many people smoked because they did not know the destructive effects of tobacco. After the studies in the 1960’s confirmed what many had suspected – that tobacco kills – cigarette companies resorted to sneaky tactics in order to lure young people to start smoking. The most blatant attempt was the use of cartoons such as “Smokin’ Joe Camel” in the 1990’s to give young people the impression that smoking was “cool”. Young people weren’t informed enough about the effects of tobacco, and the cigarette companies hoped that they would become hopelessly addicted to nicotine before they figured it out. As a result, many young people later learned that smoking kills…but couldn’t quit if they wanted to. We don’t want that to happen to you!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#49 – Why Don’t Our Students Have Social Skills?

There are many reasons why our students come to us with limited social skills.

*No one teaches them – In the olden days, students belonged to a “traditional” family, with two parents, maybe a set of grandparents who lived close by, and neighbors that knew all the kids in the neighborhood. In the 21st Century, students usually are living with one parent, people in the neighborhood or in the community feel that it’s “not their place” to correct students when they misbehave in public (or they may be scared to do it), and Mom or Dad are too exhausted from working all day to provide guidance and correction.

*Television – If you watch old T.V. shows like “Leave it to Beaver”, “The Brady Bunch”, or “My Three Sons”, the father was the authority figure in the household. Modern shows portray the father as weak, childish, abusive, or stupid. It’s no wonder that respect for parental authority figures is declining.

*Video games – Students play games for hours that have (as their main theme) shooting other people, stealing their stuff, trying to get the attention of the promiscuous, scantily-clad girl, and outrunning the police.

*Music videos and song lyrics – Many songs have “adult themes” such as going to the club, “hooking up”, drug/alcohol use, etc.

*Attention span – Most students spend their free time “multitasking”. Students watch T.V., text, listen to music, surf around on their laptop…all at the same time. Students say things to each other through text message or on Facebook that they would never say to someone’s face. With all of this stimulation going on, how does the student react when you put him/her in a classroom with nothing to stimulate their mind but the teacher? You get a lot of kids saying, “I’m bored”.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

*More television – I don’t even have a problem with all of the violence on T.V. (even though it is a concern). Notice how the teens on television are portrayed…they are the street-smart, wise-cracking, trash-talking, smart- alecky, lovable kids! Teens believe that they are on the same level as adults, and speak to them that way. Teens feel equal status with adults because their absentee parents force them into adult roles at an early age. In the olden days, teens that overstepped their boundaries with adults used to be put back “in their place”. This rarely happens nowadays because few adults are available with the authority to put them back in their place.

*“Step-Parenting” – With so many divorces, large of students are being raised with one or more “step-parents”. These step-parents do not feel that they have the authority to step in and hold their stepchildren accountable for their actions. They may want to avoid conflict with their stepchild (for fear of angering their spouse).

*“Helicopter-Parenting” – Some parents over-compensate by becoming helicopter parents. Whenever the child has a problem, or is in conflict with someone…the helicopter parent swoops in to solve the problem. Students do not develop coping mechanisms or interpersonal skills, because they don’t have to.

*The Result – The result is a generation of children who care about “me”, and “right now”. They make decisions based on what’s best for them, and how they can get instant gratification.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#50 – Why Can’t We Stand Up When The Bus Is Moving?

There are many reasons why we can’t stand up when the bus is moving.

*You could get hurt – The bus seats are designed to protect you in the event of a crash. The reason that there are no seat belts on buses is because there is a better way to stay safe. It is called “compartmentalization”. The bus seats are very high, which puts you in a giant shell that protects you. When you stand up or kneel in the seat (or put your legs/feet in the aisle), you are making all of that protection useless.

*You could hurt other people – When you stand up while the bus is moving, you become a projectile when the bus stops suddenly. If the bus is going 50 miles per hour, then stops…you are still going 50 miles per hour! It is quite possible that you could fly into the driver, or other passengers – injuring them.

*You block the driver’s view – The driver’s job is to get you home safely. When you stand up while the bus is moving, you make the driver’s job more difficult. The driver can’t see anyone behind you, or cars coming up behind the bus.

*One stander causes others – If one person is allowed to stand while the bus is moving…other students will think it is O.K. to do it too. The driver will make an example of the first “stander” so that others get the message that standing is NOT allowed!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#51 – Why Can’t We Talk In Class?

There are many reasons why we can’t talk in class.

*It is rude – Talking while someone else is trying to talk is rude. Talking while your teacher is trying to teach is even MORE rude.

*It is disrespectful – Continuing to talk even though you have been repeatedly told to stop is disrespectful to the teacher. Your teacher most likely gave you his/her expectations on the first day of school. One of those expectations was to not talk while the teacher is talking.

*It is disruptive – Your talking disrupts other students, who are trying to learn! Most people need peace and quiet in order to concentrate on what the teacher is trying to say. Your talking makes it more difficult for your classmates to internalize what is being taught.

*Talking leads to… – Talking leads to more talking, because whatever you say leads someone else to answer or make a comment also. At a certain point, the teacher has had enough of the class talking. He/she will make a proclamation like, “The next person who talks is going to be in trouble.” If you are the first person to talk after that…you are going to be in trouble. When the student goes home, he/she tells their parent, “Yeah, I was in Mr. Zimmerman’s class, and he sent me to the office for talking.” Of course, the student accidentally left out some important parts of the story, like the multiple warnings the teacher gave the class.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#52 – Why Doesn’t My Teacher Integrate Technology?

There are many reasons why your teacher doesn’t integrate technology into his/her lessons as much as you would like.

*It’s expensive – Technology isn’t cheap. Computers, interactive white boards, flash drives, and other technological devices cost money…sometimes more money than the school or district can spare.

*It’s obsolete quickly – Not only are technological items expensive, they can become obsolete in a few years. As a result, schools and districts are reluctant to spend the money to buy these items.

*It’s complicated – Teachers need to be trained how to use the technology they DO have. This training is expensive as well. The money is wasted if the teacher is trained, then finds another teaching job in another school or district.

*Teachers are hesitant – Teachers hear stories on the news about other teachers who have been disciplined or fired because of “inappropriate” computer use. Almost all of these teachers were fired because of inappropriate communications with students via social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Teachers hear these stories and become hesitant to implement ANY technology, for fear of repercussions.

What you can do – Let your teacher know about all the free methods they can implement technology at http://bit.ly/freeteacherstuff

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#53 – Why Do Adults Make Such A Big Deal Out Of PDA?

There are many reasons why your teachers and administrators make such a big deal out of public displays of affection.

*PDA is offensive to most people – People do not want to see you kissing, hugging, and otherwise touching your boyfriend/girlfriend. In our society, it is considered rude, and in poor taste.

*PDA leads to other things – For some reason, a less-offensive PDA activity usually leads to more offensive ones. For instance, it is not offensive to see two people holding hands. If it stopped there, that would not be a problem. Unfortunately, holding hands leads to more touching, kissing, and other more offensive forms of PDA. Since that is the case, it is just easier to ban all forms of PDA.

*Your parents think we are protecting you – When your parents drop you off at school, they assume that we (adults at the school) are protecting you from harm, and protecting your innocence as well. They would be disappointed to find out that we are letting you engage in PDA behaviors. If they want to let you do that sort of thing in THEIR house…it is their prerogative as parents.

*Your next boyfriend/girlfriend is watching – You may not believe this…but the person you are “in love” with right now is probably not the person you are going to marry. After your relationship ends, your next boy/girlfriend will say “I saw you holding hands with your last girl/boyfriend…do you not like/love me as much as him/her?” Boys are especially bad about this. In order for you to “prove” that you love him more than anyone else ever, you will have to hold hands. The danger is when you are expected to move to the “next level”. Do not fall into this trap!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#54 – Why Do I Have To Send An “Official” Referral With A Student That I Send To The Office?

There are many reasons why you (the teacher) must send a referral with the student you are sending to the office for discipline.

*The law says so – State law requires that students (and their parents) receive written notification that they violated the student Code of Conduct, and any disciplinary consequences received. When you send a student to the office with a post-it-note, napkin, or piece of notebook paper, you are violating the law.

*You are too busy to do it later – Many teachers tell me “I didn’t write a referral because I didn’t have time during class. I will write you one later.” Most teachers are so busy, they don’t have time to write it later, either. The disruptive student has already wasted valuable class time…so take a few more moments to write a detailed referral. If you have to get the student out of the room, send him/her immediately, then send another student with the referral (and to check if the student actually made it to the office).

*The referral is “your side of the story” – The law also requires that we give students “due process”, which means that they get to tell their side of the story. You should have the same opportunity.

*Students have bad memories – Almost every time I ask a student why they were sent to the office, they will answer “I don’t know”. If they aren’t answering “I don’t know”, they say something silly like, “Mrs. Zimmerman sent me down here because I asked a question.” What the student doesn’t remember is that he asked how babies are made during a math class, and that he slammed the door on his way out of the room. When you send the student with a referral, the administrator has the events in written form, so that there is no confusion.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#55 – Why Do I Have To Register To Park My Car At School?

There are many reasons why we you have to register to park your car at school.

*We need to keep track – It is important to keep track of which students park in which parking spots. Students sometimes bring items to school that they shouldn’t, and administrators need to know who to call to the office when contraband is found during a search of vehicles in the parking lot.

*Safety first – Teenagers can sometimes drive dangerously, as they are just learning how to navigate the roads. Insurance companies charge young drivers roughly double for car insurance than older drivers for a reason! Statistics prove that a WAY higher rate of younger drivers get into accidents than experienced ones. Administrators need to know what student is driving which car in the event of an accident.

*Parking is a privilege – There is no law on the books that guarantees students the unalienable right to drive their car to school. If a student demonstrates through his/her driving & parking behavior that they cannot handle this privilege, it will be taken away.

*Registration brings in revenue – The school uses the money it receives from students who register their car to hire security guards or cameras to monitor the parking lot…making the lot a safer place for us all.

*It assures you a spot – Making students register for a parking pass (and assigning them a specific spot) makes sure that no one steals your spot.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#56 – Why Do We Retain Students?

There are many reasons why we retain students at our school.

*It’s the right thing to do – Students sometimes need to repeat a grade because they are not ready to move on to the next grade. They may not have mastered the key concepts needed to move on, or they may have “responsibility” issues – as in not being able to complete assignments and turn them in on time. These issues may take extra time to grasp.

*It may not help…but – Some parents of retained students say “Retaining my child isn’t going to help him”…and they may be right. Research has shown that retaining students does not usually help a student “snap out of it” and start achieving in school. What retention DOES do is help OTHER students achieve in school. Students say to themselves, “I don’t want to end up like Larry, so I’m going to take care of my business!”

*Standardized tests may say he/she is not ready – If a student’s report card AND standardized test scores say that there are major skill deficits to work on…why set the student up for future failure by passing him/her to the next grade? If the skills aren’t there, placing the student in the higher grade will lead to disaster. The student will be so far behind that he/she will give up. The next thing you know, the student is counting the days until his/her 16th birthday so he/she can drop out of school.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#57 – Why Can’t We Wear Sagging Pants at School?

There are many reasons why we can’t wear sagging pants at school.

*It is disrespectful – Wearing your pants that way is disrespectful to others in society who are offended by seeing other people’s underwear.

*Successful people do not dress that way – Does your doctor, lawyer, accountant, banker, or dentist have sagging pants? Do police officers, soldiers, or business people have sagging pants? We want you to dress for success!

*It is gross – Exposed underwear is gross. I know you think you are covering your underwear by having your shirt untucked, but every time you raise your arm over your head, or bend over…there it is.

*It is inconvenient – Most students I see with sagging pants are always having to hold their pants up when they walk or run. I don’t understand why someone would willingly put themselves in a position where they could trip and fall. Also, students are always tempted to yank sagging pants down to the floor. That’s really not a good situation to put yourself in!

*What it means – Legend has it that “sagging” pants began in prisons across America. I would tell you what prisoners were trying to tell each other by wearing their pants that way, but it is inappropriate to tell students the story. You may want to ask your parents, or have your parents look it up on the Internet. The bottom line (no pun intended) is this: Why would you want to send THAT message? It is not appropriate.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#58 – Why Can’t I Sit On Top Of The Lunch Table?

There are many reasons why we can’t sit on top of the lunch table.

*It is rude – It is considered poor manners to sit on top of a table. How would your parents react if you sat on their kitchen table? I find it hard to believe that they would be O.K. with that. What if you sat on a table at a restaurant? I am pretty sure that you would be asked to leave. One of our responsibilities at school is to prepare you for the “real world”…and the real world doesn’t like people sitting on tables.

*It is “gross” – Let’s pretend you are sitting at a table, enjoying your food, and the waiter lets you know that a few minutes earlier, someone was sitting on top of the table you are eating at. In other words, someone’s butt was pressed on the surface you are now eating off of. That would make most people a little queasy.

*It is unsafe – Tables weren’t designed to carry the weight of a person. Many tables have collapsed while someone sat on them. Tables that don’t collapse become wobbly when they have been sat on for long periods of time. Tables are expensive, and the school’s money would be better spent on books, computers, and other stuff to help you learn!

*Don’t develop bad habits – If we let you sit on tables, you will develop bad habits that will affect you in later life. We want you to be successful!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#59 – Why “Special Education”?

There are many reasons why we have a “Special Education” department at school.

*It is the law – Public Law 94-142 directs school districts to educate students according to their needs, in the “least restrictive environment” possible. Schools were directed to make accommodations for students’ different learning levels and learning styles. In order for all this to happen, teachers with specialized training are put in charge of this important task.

*It is the right thing to do – I heard a great story that explains how I feel about special education: A doctor was in a restaurant when one of the diners began experiencing chest pains, and fell to the floor. The doctor gave the man two baby aspirins to chew, measured his blood pressure, and took his pulse. The man started to feel a little bit better, but the doctor was not finished…he also gave the man three antacid tablets. After a few minutes, the man belched loudly, and felt much better. In fact, he sat back in his chair and resumed eating his dinner! Would the doctor have done the same thing for every person in the restaurant? Yes, he would have…but they did not need his help. He provided assistance to the person who needed it. Special education provides help to students who need a little “extra” attention until they are able to reach their fullest potential.

*Don’t confuse “fair” and “equal” – In order to be fair, we sometimes provide unequal levels of service to students in order to bring everyone to the same destination.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#60 – Why Can’t We Wear Sunglasses At School?

There are many reasons why we can’t wear sunglasses in school.

*It is unnecessary – Sunglasses were made to block the harmful rays of the sun so that you do not sustain damage to your eyes. They were also made to help reduce glare, and help you to see better while you are outside. When you are inside, you do not need sunglasses.

*It is disrespectful – In our society, it is disrespectful for people to wear sunglasses indoors. The same rules for hats also apply to sunglasses. not have the complete explanation as to why this is…but it is what it is.

*Where are your eyes? – Your teachers needs to see where you are looking during the lesson. Are you looking at the teacher? Are you looking at someone else’s paper? Are you asleep in the sitting position? The teacher can assess whether you are learning the material (or not) just by looking at your eyes.

*Cheating is possible – Not only can you look at other people’s answers while wearing sunglasses, there have been incidents where students have taped answers on the inside of their sunglasses in an attempt to pass the test!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#61 – Why Does My Teacher Get Mad When I’m Tardy?

Here are some reasons why teachers frown on you for being tardy:

*It is disrespectful – Being late (not only in school, but in life) is disrespectful to the people who were on time to the event. Being late tells people that you do not value their time, because you couldn’t show up when everyone else did. People lead busy lives, and they took time out of their day to be at the event when they were supposed to be there…you could not. In school, your tardiness tells the teacher that you do not think her/his class is important enough to show up on time.

*It is disruptive – Studies have found that a class can take as many as 15 minutes to refocus once it has been disrupted. This is the reason why administrators try to limit the number of announcements and other interruptions during the school day. When you walk in the room, everyone in the class has to look up and see who is entering the room…it is just human nature. If you are walking by several other classrooms with open doors on your way to class after the bell, every student in every one of those classes looks to see who is walking by as well, disrupting hundreds of students.

*We are preparing you for the world of work – I know what you are saying…“School is NOT my job! I do not get paid! When I get a job that pays money, THEN I will be on time.” Unfortunately, the habits you establish in school will carry over into your career.

*It is frustrating for the teacher – The first few times you are tardy for a particular class, the teacher probably will not say anything to you. However, every tardy uses up “goodwill” that you have built up with the teacher. If you participate in class, are respectful, and not disruptive…you will have a lot of goodwill in the bank to work with. Disruptive/disrespectful students, students who don’t turn in their homework, or don’t bring their materials…you don’t have a lot of goodwill to spare.

*It is a safety issue – When you are at school, your parents assume (and expect) that we know where you are every minute of the school day. Therefore, when we don’t know where you are, we as educators get upset. Where are you? Are you in the bathroom? Are you at the nurse? Have you been beaten up and are bleeding in a dumpster behind the school (true story)….did you leave school grounds and walk somewhere? Have you been kidnapped? We don’t know, and that makes us look like we don’t know what is going on. When I was a five years old, I became separated from my mom in the grocery store. I looked all over the place for her, and she frantically looked all over the store for me. When she finally found me, she hugged me…then gave me a swat on the bottom! She was relieved that nothing bad had happened to me, but she was mad that I wandered away. That’s kind of how your teacher feels when you are missing, then show up late. They are happy you are O.K., but disappointed that you were at the vending machine buying a cinnamon roll instead of taking care of your school business.

*It undermines your credibility – If you are tardy frequently (with a wide assortment of excuses), chances are your teachers will start to question your word. There are only so many times you can use “bathroom emergency” or “female problems” before your teachers start to think you stretch the truth. This lack of credibility can transfer over to your excuses about why you didn’t get your assignment done on time (the dog ate it?), or why you don’t have your materials (someone stole your backpack?) Once you lose your teacher’s trust, you may never get it back.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#62 – Why Does Our Teacher Tell Us About Their Personal Life In Class?

There are many reasons why your teachers tell stories about their personal life during class time.

*As a teaching tool – Many times, teachers will tell a story about their youth with the objective of helping you learn through their mistakes. Your teacher doesn’t want you to go through the pain, heartache, and embarrassment of making the same mistake.

*To take a break – Sometimes, during a lesson, the teacher can sense students are “zoning out”. In an attempt to get students to re-focus on the lesson, the teachers will give students a mental break by telling a humorous story about themselves or a funny thing that happened to them.

*To help you feel better – You may be having a bad day…maybe your dog died or your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you. Your teacher may try to cheer you up by telling you a story about something similar that happened to them when they were your age. The moral of the story is that – in the long run – you are going to be O.K. You should feel lucky that your teacher cares about you enough to share a bit of themselves with you.

*To build relationships – Teachers tell personal stories about themselves to let you know that they are people too…people with dreams, hopes, and fears, people who make mistakes and learn from them. They are people just like you. Teachers entered the profession because of a teacher they had during THEIR school career that inspired them. They are hoping to inspire you to be a teacher, doctor, lawyer, engineer, fashion designer, or whatever it is you wish to be!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#63 – Why Do Teachers Have To Follow The Same Rules?

There are many reasons why we teachers have to follow the same rules as the students.

*We are role models – We shouldn’t expect students to follow a set of rules unless we are willing to follow the same rules. This is in stark contrast to the “Good Ol’ Days” of education…a time where teachers yelled at you for eating in class as they munched on a doughnut and drank a mug of coffee. Teachers busted students for smoking in the bathroom, then went for a smoke in the teacher’s lounge. I can’t even remember feeling resentful…I just thought that’s the way it should be.

*The “Good Ol’ Days are gone – I am not sure when this happened, but having one set of rules for students and one for teachers is not acceptable anymore. Some blame the modern, politically correct climate that exists in the United States, some have traced the paradigm shift to “Generation X” parents who question authority, and fight for their children because of bad experiences they remember from their own youth. The result in this shift in thinking is this: You are basically giving students a “Get Out of Jail Free” card when you don’t follow the same rules they follow. If you try to discipline a student for violating a rule, they will go home and tell their parents about the time that YOU violated a rule. The parents will then go up the chain of command as far as they need to go to get you reprimanded, or simply take the attention off of their student’s poor behavior.

*”But I’ve EARNED the right…I am the authority figure here!” – I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the general public doesn’t feel the same way about authority figures anymore. Many in education believe that this shift in thinking will spell doom for the American educational system – and they may be right.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#64 – Why Can’t You Tell Me What The Other Kid Got?

There are many reasons why I cannot tell you what disciplinary consequence the other student received.

*It is the law – The federal government passed legislation called the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which states that school personnel cannot release personal information to people other than a student’s parent or legal guardian. It would be a violation of the law to tell you what disciplinary consequence a student received if the student was not your child.

*It is not your business – Just as it is not anyone else’s business what disciplinary consequence your child received for his/her violation of school rules, it is not your business what the disciplinary consequence is for the other student.

*You should trust the administration – The administration deals with numerous incidents per day, and they are experts at finding appropriate disciplinary consequences for students. They follow the district’s Code of Conduct or discipline plan, which outlines what consequences should be administered for each type of rules violation.

*You can find out anyway – The “other student” will tell everyone what consequence he received, so it doesn’t take much investigating to find out what happened. Students aren’t very good at keeping secrets, and eventually the news will make its way back to you.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#65 – Why Isn’t “We Were Just Playing Around” A Satisfactory Excuse?

There are many reasons why “We were just playing around” isn’t a satisfactory excuse for horseplay.

*Putting your hands on someone without their consent is disrespectful – Not only is it disrespectful, you put control of the situation into the other person’s hands. Once you touch someone, you cannot prove to an outsider (an administrator, for example) how hard or soft you touched the person. The other person can exaggerate what happened, and you cannot prove that it didn’t happen. The one thing that can be proved…is that you touched the other person. You are now in trouble.

*Every time you touch a person…it has meaning – Some touches are meant to convey love, affection, respect, dominance, sympathy, or disgust. Because words sometimes do not accompany touches, touches can be misunderstood. You may have nudged someone to express friendship, but the other person may misread the touch to mean something else. This puts into motion a series of events that usually has a bad ending.

*Playing around is the first step – I deal with many kids who are bullied every year. They all have one thing in common…the bully started bullying them by “playing around” with them. This usually starts with flicking, slapping, tapping, tripping, pushing, and other horseplay. The bullied student usually responds with pushing, flicking, tapping, slapping of their own…which starts an endless cycle where each person justifies their horseplay as “getting the other person back” for something they did that day, yesterday, or three weeks ago. END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

*Playing around leads to name calling – Not only does playing around lead to name calling and other put-downs, it also leads to more violent “play”. The person who is tapped in the back of the head will want to get the other person back even worse than they were tapped. As time goes on, the pushing gets harder and harder.

*Playing around leads to drama – Students go home and tell their parents stories of how they were flicked, tapped, slapped, pushed into the lockers, etc. Students accidentally forget one important part of the story…all of the flicking, tapping, slapping, and pushing that THEY did. The parent is horrified at how his/her student is being abused at school, and calls to demand that this problem be dealt with.

*Why are we “playing around” anyways? – My response to people playing around is this: “We are running a school here…not a Chucky Cheese!” We are in school to learn, to act like responsible members of society, not to grab the hat off of someone’s head and chase each other around. You have plenty of time to play around at home.

*Are you mature…or not? – I always ask students what would make them the happiest. Right after the #1 answer (a million dollars), the 2nd most popular answer is “to be treated like an adult”. Let’s make a deal, shall we? You start by ACTING like an adult, and we adults will try harder to treat you like an adult.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#66 – Why Are Certain Websites Blocked?

There are many reasons why certain websites are blocked at our school.

*Some websites have NO educational value whatsoever – Millions of the sites you enjoy do not help you learn anything of value. In order to help you avoid wasting time on the Internet at school, we have taken the liberty of blocking them so that you won’t be distracted from your true purpose while at school…learning about important things. You can surf around on “entertainment only” websites when you are at home.

*Some websites are inappropriate for you to be on, period – The school does not want to be the place where you surf to pornographic (or other inappropriate) sites. Your parents monitor you at home, and they assume that the school is making sure you are surfing safely at school. The best way to do that is to block all inappropriate sites.

*There are many websites on the web that contain “bugs” – Believe it or not, there are a few bad people in the world who take great joy in releasing computer viruses, spyware, malware, and other bugs into the Internet that kill computers. The people who run your school’s computer network are notified where the bugs are coming from, and take steps to protect the network. As you may (or may not) know…once a virus infects one computer in a network, the whole network is at risk! If a computer you own has ever caught a virus, you know how frustrating that can be! Not only is it frustrating, it can cost the district thousands of dollars in damage.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#67 – Why Is My Principal At All My Games?

There are many reasons why your Principal or Assistant Principal is at your team’s game.

*Your Principal cares about you – Your Principal hopes that you have a great game, and enjoy playing your sport. Your Principal also wants to develop a positive relationship with you, but he/she doesn’t have the opportunity to do that in class (because she/he doesn’t actually teach a class).

*Your Principal wants to be there to help if something bad happens to you – If you are injured and need medical attention, the Principal is there to make sure that you get the attention you need. I have taken a few ambulance rides with my students to the hospital, and notified parents about what happened (if the parents weren’t at the game).

*Your Principal wants to remove barriers to your success – There are lots of things that can go wrong during your game, like poor officiating, hecklers in the crowd, bad weather, bus break- downs, and many other situations. Your administrator is there to help remedy those problems.

*Your Principal is there to hear concerns – Principals like to be out in public, and be accessible to the school’s patrons. It is a great forum to hear praise from parents, and address concerns they may have about the athletic/academic program, or the school in general.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#68 – Why Do We Have An “Advisory” Program At Our School?

There are many reasons why we have an advisory program at our school.

*You need to be “advised” – Advisory programs make it possible for teachers to build positive relationships with students and parents. The advisory teacher keeps track of your grades, behavior, and is the primary liaison between school and home. With schools being as large as they are, it is possible for students to “fall through the cracks” because teachers have so many students to monitor. Your advisory teacher just needs to keep tabs on the 25 students in her advisory class.

*Advisory programs build a “team” mentality – You are in the same advisory class for as many years as you attend this school. You have the same teacher and classmates for the entire time, which means that you will form friendships with these people that will last long after you move on from our school. Throughout the year, several class competitions will be held that promote teamwork among the members of each advisory class. Functioning as a part of a productive team is an important skill. In fact, most employers say that they do not fire employees because they can’t do the job…it is because they can’t get along with their co-workers!

*Advisory class is “non-academic” – This class has no curriculum, which means that your teacher can modify the advisory class to fit the needs of the students in the class! If the majority of the students need help developing study skills, then the teacher can make that happen. Are students lacking social skills or needing a “study hall” to get homework done? The teacher can make that happen as well.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#69 – Why Are You Mean To Us?

There are many reasons why I can seem “mean” to my class.

*Because I care – The opposite of “love” is not “hate”…it is “indifference”. What that means is that I would not correct you if I didn’t care about you. It would be much easier for me to just let you do what you want, grow up not knowing the right way to act or study…then say “Oh, well…too bad”. I want you to be a success in school and in life!

*I am frustrated – Most of the time, I work hard to prepare my lesson plans so that my students will learn and have fun at the same time. When this does not happen, I get a bit aggravated. I get even more aggravated when students are not learning because of silliness and/or “drama” perpetrated by my students. It feels like students do not appreciate all of the hard work and effort I put into my lesson. All that I ask is that you give an honest effort to learn what I am trying to teach you…or be quiet so that everyone else can learn. If you are having problems, ask questions or see me after class.

*I don’t like repeating myself – If I have to say the same thing over and over because people are off-task or not listening, I will express my displeasure.

*I am not only teaching you about my “subject” – I am teaching you about how to listen, be respectful to your classmates, respect authority, ask appropriate questions, work in groups, take turns, say “I’m sorry”…and mean it, keep your hands/feet to yourself, and be a good role model. There are times when I will have to seem “mean” so that you understand the seriousness of this task! If I seem mean, I apologize…but it is for your own good!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#70 – Why Do We Have To Go To The Cafeteria?

There are many reasons why students have to wait in the cafeteria before school starts in the morning.

*You Should Be Eating Breakfast – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! In order for you to be able to concentrate on your studies, you need to have basic needs met…safety, room temperature, a sense of belonging, water, and food. Research has shown that students who eat a good breakfast learn more during the school day.

*All Your Friends Are Here – It’s a great place to sit around and talk with your friends before you have to go to class. You can also catch up on any last-minute homework that you forgot to do the night before.

*Don’t Be a Suspect – If you wander the halls before school, you make yourself a suspect if something turns up missing from a teacher’s room. Don’t put yourself in that situation!

*We Have To Supervise You – Teachers are required to be at school at a certain time every day. Until that time, they are not available to supervise you. Because there are only a few adults available, students are required to be in a specific area. The cafeteria meets this criteria because one or two (or four) adults can make sure a large number of students are safe.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#71 – Why Do We Have To Watch “Channel One” Every Day?

There are many reasons why we have to broadcast the “Channel One” newscast every day.

*Channel One is probably the only news you get – Most students do not watch the news or read newspapers. Channel One gives you ten minutes worth of news, formatted for students to understand.

*We signed a contract – We agreed to show Channel One every day, and they agreed to put a free television in every classroom in the school. We think it was a good deal!

*The T.V.’s have other uses – Not only can the T.V.’s be used to show Channel One, they can also be used to watch other television shows, or show educational videos. The televisions can also be hooked up to our computers, and can be used to display PowerPoint presentations, or websites and videos from the Internet. There are no restrictions on what we use the T.V.’s for, just as long as we show Channel One each day that school is in session.

*Channel One stimulates discussion – The current events that are shown on Channel One are a great starting point for class discussion. How can we help achieve peace in the Middle East? Should we continue to explore outer space? What happens when our government spends more money than we collect in taxes? Some of these topics are not covered in our current curriculum, but you need to know about them!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#72 – Why Are There So Many Committees?

There are many reasons why there are so many teacher committees at our school.

*There’s a lot to do around here – We have committees for almost everything we are responsible for…and that’s a lot! We have to put together a curriculum, have effective staff development, reduce bullying, increase attendance, reduce tardies, and a hundred other tasks. These issues do not have simple solutions. Therefore, we meet in committees to brainstorm ways to tackle each of these issues.

*“Top-down leadership” is dead – In the olden days, the Principal ran things the way she saw fit. If you didn’t like it…too bad! In the 21st Century, Principals involve many people in the decision-making process. As a result, staff members are more likely to “buy in” and support the direction the school is going.

*The Principal needs your help! – In the past, educators were pretty much responsible for one thing…educating students. Nowadays, the breakdown of the family unit has put educators in the position of “parenting” like no other time in history. Tasks that used to be addressed at home – like teaching responsibility, hygiene, promptness, tolerance, honesty, and other social skills have suddenly become the charge of local schools.

*Let’s look at the positive – Never in the history of education have teachers had more opportunities to provide input as to how a school should be run. Take this chance to leave your mark! Before you know it, it will be time for you to retire…will you honestly be able to say that you did everything you could to positively affect the lives of your students?

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#73 – Why Haven’t You Stopped My Child From Being Bullied?

There are many steps we take to prevent a child from being bullied.

Bullying has been a problem in schools since the beginning of recorded time, and teachers, parents, and administrators have tried a variety of methods to eliminate bullying behaviors. Bullying still exists, however. This article is geared towards administrators and parents, but it is helpful for teachers to know the process as well. Here are the steps I take as an administrator to reduce bullying behaviors:

Step #1 – Conference with students and counselor Students are encouraged to report bullying to their teacher, counselor, or Principal. Step 1 of the “Bullying Hierarchy” is to have the students sit down with a counselor to talk through their problems. Most of the time, the bullying is stopped because the bully knows that it has been brought to the attention of an adult. Bullies thrive on their victim being too scared to report the behaviors. It is very important to make sure that the victim receives no repercussions from the bully for reporting the bully to an adult.

Step #2 – Conference with students and principal, and parent phone call. In some cases, the bully does not stop harassing his/her victim, and a conference with the Principal is warranted. The Principal makes sure to call the parents of both the victim and the bully, and let them know that the behavior will not be tolerated. The Principal gives the bully, victim, and the parents a copy of the “Bullying Hierarchy” to take home, which outlines the actions the school will take if the bullying continues.

Step #3 – Conference with each student, each student’s parent, and the principal Repeated bullying calls for a more aggressive intervention, so the parents of the bully and victim are called in for a conference. The conference can be with both sets of parents at the same time, or each student’s parents individually. The Principal goes over the Bullying Hierarchy again, and explains that the process is on Step #3. The Principal can also combine

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

Step #4 with Step #3 since the parents are present to sign the “No Contact Contract” at that time.

Step #4 – “No Contact Contract” The “No Contact Contract” is an agreement between the two combatants that they will not look at, touch, talk about, write notes to, write notes about, or post messages on Facebook or MySpace about each other. The contract is signed by the bully, the victim, the parents on both sides, and the Principal. The contract is kept on file, and disciplinary consequences will be taken against whomever violates the agreement. Copies of the document are made, and distributed to all parties involved.

Step #5 – Disciplinary Consequences Disciplinary consequences can be In-School Suspension (ISS), or Out-Of- School Suspension (OSS) from one to ten days for each violation.

Step #6 – Referral to Juvenile Justice authorities or other local law enforcement At some point you must realize that the interventions you are trying are not enough, and you have to involve outside agencies to stop the bullying. Your local Juvenile Justice authorities should be notified, or your local police department. Some school districts are large enough to have their own police force, so you should notify them first. Many states are passing legislation to punish bullies, so your main concern is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that “bullying” (as it is defined in the legislation) is occurring. Once you do that, the prosecutors can take it from there!

Step #7 – Recommendation for long-term suspension or expulsion The maximum duration of an out-of-school suspension assigned by a building-level administrator is ten days (in most states). For a long-term suspension, the principal usually has to write a recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools. Make sure to keep this letter on file, whether it is honored or not. It is possible that the Superintendent may not want to take such drastic action. However, if the bully continues his/her behavior, or something major happens, this covers YOU because you recommended that the student be long-term suspended or expelled. END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

These steps are given to the students when they are on Step #2. The steps reduce bullying behaviors because they are implemented on every student that I have to deal with. This consistency produces results. Every step is documented, so that when I have to involve outside agencies (or district- level administration) I have written records that I have tried various interventions to stop the bullying behaviors.

Forms of documentation include:

*Witness statements filled out by both parties involved (and witnesses of the bullying behaviors) *Discipline referrals filled out by faculty members who reported or observed the bullying *”No Contact Contracts” filled out and signed by student (and parent) *The school’s anti-bullying policy (including the intervention hierarchy listed at the beginning of this article) *Transcripts of conferences between student, parent, and administrator (be careful about what you say in these documents, because some states allow these documents to be taken from your custody and used in court).

Documentation is the key to success!

It is important that you be perceived as someone who “takes action” against bullying. If you do not take action, you could be held liable if something bad happens to the perpetrator or the victim. The recent events in Massachusetts are a reminder of what can happen to schools who are perceived as not taking bullying seriously. When something bad happens to either the bully or the victim, and they say that “the school didn’t do anything about the bullying”…you will be ready with a file full of documents to defend yourself.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#74 – Why Did You “Hotline” Me?

There are many reasons why school personnel felt it was necessary to report you to our state’s Child Protective Services organization.

*It is the law – The laws of our state require that children be protected from dangerous situations. Many minor children do not know the difference between what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. It is the responsibility of the adults in the child’s life to make sure that children are not exposed to danger.

*We are “Mandated Reporters” – The law also requires that school officials report “situations of concern” to the proper authorities. Many school officials do not want to report situations to the state…but they are required to do so even if they SUSPECT that a dangerous situation exists. We know that this action may undermine the relationship between home and school. We apologize for any inconvenience that it causes…but we are required to take action.

*Being hotlined doesn’t mean you are a bad parent – Many parents are hotlined in a particular year. Many parents are investigated every year, and their conduct is found to be acceptable. In fact, there are many hotline calls that are not found to be worth investigating at all.

*We are not hotlining the parent…we are hotlining our observations – Some situations involving the child are not even known by the parent. Notifying the parent and Children’s Division may put in motion a series of events to bring a situation to a parent’s attention. A parent may not have the resources to deal with a situation, but Children’s Division may be able to help them acquire assistance.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#75 – Why Do I Have To Explain “Why” To Students?

Everyone remembers their time in school. For most, it was a time of innocence, learning, and fun. Some remember it as a painful time…filled with bullies, mean teachers, and not being part of the “cool” group. People’s attitudes towards school remain unchanged with the passage of time, and their painful memories cloud their perception of what goes on in schools today. This has led to the erosion of power wielded by educators, as parents have increasingly resisted the school’s attempts to make their student “conform” to the standards of behavior considered acceptable by our society in previous years. In this article, I list the reasons why we now have to explain to students why they have to follow specific rules.

* “Top-Down” Leadership Is A Thing Of The Past – In the “Good Ol’ Days” of business, employees complied with the rules of the office or factory, no questions asked. If a worker had the audacity to ask why a certain rule had to be followed, the boss would reply “Because I said so!” As time passed, workers formed unions, studies were done that showed workers were happier and more productive if they were allowed to provide input to their bosses as to how the company should be run. Pretty soon, “collaboration” became the order of the day. Nowadays, you would be hard pressed to find a company that uses a top-down leadership style.

* “Because I Said So” Isn’t Good Enough Anymore – The paradigm shift in the workplace trickled its way down into the educational sector. Remember the “Good Ol’ Days” of education? Students complied with the rules with no questions asked. If a student had the audacity to ask why a certain rule had to be followed, the teacher would reply “Because I said so!” Students had no backing from their parents in this situation, the parents had the attitude that the school was always right. One day, a movement was born that encouraged students to “Question Authority”, and fight for their rights. The originators of the movement were convinced that many in positions of authority are corrupt. Students were encouraged to not blindly follow their leaders…they were encouraged to question why decisions were being made a certain way. Parents (many of whom felt that they were treated unfairly during their school career) didn’t automatically support the school when the school tried to discipline their children. As a result, students became more and more emboldened to question why their school operated in a certain fashion….and they gradually demanded more and more of a say in their own education and disciplinary consequences.

*The default setting on kids’ “respect” meter is “no” – In the past, students automatically respected their teachers (and other adults in their lives). It would take a traumatic event for a student to ever lose respect for their teacher. The default setting

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

for student respect was in the “on” position. In recent years, many students and their parents have come to the conclusion that students are not required to respect adults just because they are adults. Many students believe that an adult has to “earn” their respect before they give it. Not only do students not automatically respect the position of teacher, they do not respect police officers or other authority figures. The reasons for this troubling development are a mystery to me, but could have something to do with TV shows and movies that belittle people in authority. When have you seen a TV show or movie where the policeman, teacher, or principal is seen as the hero? Most shows portray these authority figures as evil, “uncool”, dishonest, or stupid. Another reason why adults are not respected could be because of the high divorce rate in this country. Kids see their parents fighting, splitting up, having a new “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”, or using childish tactics to hurt the other parent. Kids’ lives are littered with adults that make empty promises or empty threats, which makes it hard for students to view their parents as a positive role model, worthy of respect. This lack of respect for parents has led students to disrespect their teachers as well.

*There’s a Higher Percentage Of Compliance When You Explain “Why” – For some reason, explaining why the rule exists (and why it needs to be followed) has a magical effect on students. Maybe it is because the student has an “A-Ha!” moment when he sees the school’s point of view…maybe it is because the student respects the person enforcing the rule because the person has taken the time to explain why the rule exists. In any event, explaining rules to students results in a higher percentage of student compliance. Not only are more students compliant, they seem happier while complying because they know why the rule exists.

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#76 – Why Do We Have So Many Faculty Meetings?

There are many reasons why we have so many faculty meetings at our school.

*To disseminate information – Teachers have to know a lot of stuff! There is so much going on at school, and students and their parents look to teachers as a valuable source of information about the academic and athletic program at school. In order for the message to be consistent, teachers need to all be told the same thing.

*To build a team – A school’s faculty has to be a team in order to be successful. Faculty meetings give teachers an opportunity to socialize, network, collaborate, and become a cohesive unit. Sure, some of the information shared during staff meetings could be distributed through email, but what fun would THAT be?

*To share concerns – Not only can you share concerns during a faculty meeting, you can brainstorm with your colleagues strategies to address the concerns. You may be having an issue with one of your students or classes that one of your colleagues overcame last year or ten years ago. They may have the answers that you are looking for! You will never know unless you ask. My college math professor always said, “All of us are smarter than one of us.”

*To engage in staff development together – I’m not sure if you know this, but new teachers quickly find out that they didn’t learn all that they needed to survive during their college coursework. Meeting as a staff gives administrators the opportunity to bring faculty members up to speed on the latest and greatest educational innovations such as cooperative learning, PLC (Professional Learning Communities), integrating technology, or RTI (Response to Intervention).

*To look at the data – If you are a data-driven school, you need to look at the data from common assessments in order to identify your students’ skill deficits. At that point you can decide as a staff what direction you need to take to address them.

*To “Buy In” – In the olden days of education, faculty meetings were held so that the Principal could tell the staff what direction he decided the school would go. He would also tell the staff what to do to achieve his vision of the school. This “Top Down” approach to leadership is long dead…collaboration and “building consensus” is the new paradigm. In order to build consensus, everyone has to be in the same room.

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#77 – Why Do We Have To Go To The Gym?

There are many reasons why students have to wait in the gym before school starts in the morning.

*You need exercise – Students do not have enough opportunities to exercise each day. In fact, the government reports that our young people are more “sedentary” than any generation that has ever lived! What is “sedentary”, you ask? Our students play more video games, sit on the couch watching T.V., and surf around on their computers instead of doing physical activities. This has resulted in a higher rate of childhood obesity (our children are heavier than past generations). What is the result? As these children grow up, they experience more health problems like diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart disease. We want you to live a long, healthy life!

*You have to be supervised – You arrive at school before some of the teachers do, so we have to keep you in an area that can be supervised by a smaller number of people. The gym can be adequately supervised by two or three teachers until the rest of the staff shows up for work.

*Your friends are here – You can “hang out” with your friends, finish your homework, talk about last night’s T.V. shows, make plans for the weekend, or shoot a quick game of hoops. What’s not to like about this arrangement?

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#78 – Why Does Our Teacher Give Us Homework?

There are many reasons why your teachers give you homework.

*It teaches responsibility – You have to remember what the assignment is, remember to do the assignment, then remember to turn the assignment in on time. Is there a better way to teach responsibility? It is a skill you will use for the rest of your life.

*Your boss will give you homework, too! – When you graduate from school and head off to the “real world”, your boss will give you tasks to complete at home. Completing homework during your school days is a great way to prepare for that.

*There’s not enough time! – You teacher does not have enough time to teach you everything you need to learn during the school day. Sometimes, it’s necessary to get you started on a task, then send you home to complete the rest. It may also be important to get extra “repetitions” of a particular skill or task to help you internalize the skill.

*Ask your parents – Ask your mom or dad (or grandma or grandpa) if they had homework when THEY were in school. I bet I know what the answer will be. Homework has been a teaching tool for hundreds of years, and it will be used for hundreds more. You have a huge advantage today because your parents didn’t have the Internet to help them!

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#79 – Why Is There An In-School Suspension Room?

There are many reasons why we have an ISS Room at school.

*Choices have consequences – It is important for us to have a system in place where students who make bad choices receive consequences for their actions. If we didn’t care about our students, we would just let them run wild, and do what they wanted.

*We don’t want to OSS you – Students who are suspended out-of- school miss out on being at school.

*Disruptive students must be removed – Students who disrupt class should spend some time out of class. It is good for the student, who can have some time to think about his/her transgression, it is good for the teacher because he/she can have a “break” from the disruptive student. It is good for the other students in the class because they see what happens to “disruptors”, and it’s also good for the others because classroom order is restored.

*Students can complete their work – Students receive work sent by their teachers, and they can complete their work in a quiet environment. Teachers are also welcome to stop by and provide one-on-one tutoring when possible.

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#80 – Why Do I Have To Turn In Lesson Plans?

There are many reasons why you have to turn in lesson plans to your administrator each week.

*We need to know – It is important for your administrator to be a part of the lesson planning process. Of course, it is impossible for your administrator to sit down with every teacher in the building and help them plan their lessons! At the very least, your administrator should know what you are planning to do.

*We can help – By knowing what you are planning to do, there is an opportunity to help you if you need assistance with some aspect of your lesson.

*The dialogue is open – You tell us what you are doing, we provide feedback…you give your opinion of the feedback. We now have a dialogue! Letting you shut your door and do what you want is not healthy for anyone in this situation…it’s not good for the teacher, the administrator, or the student. Meaningful professional growth cannot take place without dialogue!

*Parents ask us stuff – When we are out and about, we are quizzed by parents who want to know about “cool things” that are happening at our school. When we have our finger on the pulse of what is going on through the use of lesson plan reading, we can easily say something like “Mrs. Jones is doing a great unit on Egypt!” It makes you look good, and it makes your administrator look good!

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#81 – Why Give Lunch Detention As A Punishment?

There are many reasons why we give students “lunch detention” as a disciplinary consequence.

*Students don’t like it – What student would like eating their lunch away from their friends? Answer…none. It is the perfect disciplinary consequence! A disciplinary consequence should be undesirable, and Lunch Detention fits that description!

*Students don’t miss instructional time – A disciplinary consequence that students do not like, is easy to implement, and keeps students from missing valuable instructional time? It’s AWESOME!

*There’s no one here – Students in In-School Suspension sometimes like to show off for the other students. In Lunch Detention, there are NO other students to show off to. There’s also no distractions!

*We are in control – We control what you can eat in Lunch Detention. Some schools give students a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple, and white milk. This type of control is important as we establish our authority over you. Other ways we establish our control is restricting cell phone use, not letting you talk, and not letting you try to sleep in Lunch Detention.

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#82 – Why Do We Have Metal Detectors At School?

There are many reasons why we have metal detectors at our school.

*Violence is everywhere – If you read the newspapers or watch the news on T.V., you will see that violent people and weapons are everywhere. Metal detectors are our attempt to bring a higher level of safety to our school.

*We are not just looking for guns and knives – Metal detectors put potential rulebreakers on notice that contraband is not going to be tolerated. When we run metal detector checks, we find all sorts of items outside in the grass…lighters, cigarettes, little baggies of drugs, and other contraband that is not even made of metal!

*It asserts our authority – Maintaining a safe, orderly environment is one way to assert our authority over students. If students think the administration is going to let them get away with stuff, they will try to find how much they can get away with.

*Your parents want us to – If you ask a group of parents if the school should run metal detector checks, 97% of them would say “yes”. Parents know the realities of what is happening in our society, and they want you to be kept as far away from danger as possible.

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#83 – Why Can’t We Celebrate Christmas At School?

There are many reasons why we can’t celebrate Christmas at our school.

*Europe is to blame – When the founders of this country lived in Europe, they saw what happened when the church was allowed to rule the citizens of a nation. People were forced to pay large taxes to the church, church leaders had excessive amounts of influence over who ran the country (instead of letting people vote for their leaders), and anyone who was a member of a different religion was persecuted, discriminated against, and sometimes brutalized or killed. Many people fled Europe to start a new life (and new type of government) in the New World.

*It is the law – When the founders of this country won their independence from England in 1783, they remembered their European ancestors and their faulty government. They put together a document called the Constitution, and made sure to include several key concepts and ideas in the document. One of these concepts was the idea that government and religion should not mix. The Constitution calls it “Separation of Church and State”. As a result, there is no “Official Religion” in the United States, and people in every part of the world can move to the U.S. to escape discrimination because of their religion. The United States is home to millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Buddhists, Amish, Mormons, Scientologists, Atheists, and followers of dozens of other religions.

*No Christmas – Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the biggest celebration of the Christian religion. Schools (which are run by “The State”), shall not favor any one religion over another. Therefore, Christmas cannot be celebrated at school.

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#84 – Why Are Students Suspended?

There are many reasons why we give students Out-Of-School Suspensions (OSS).

*School is for learning – The reason why we have school is to give students the opportunity to learn. Some students happily take advantage of the opportunity, and use this chance to better themselves. Other students see school as “dumb” or a “waste of time”. As a result, they find ways to get out of applying themselves in school.

*Serious offenses call for a serious punishment – Students who commit serious offenses should understand the seriousness of what they have done. There is no more serious offense than being suspended from school. “But what about being expelled” you say? Expulsion is really just a long-term (and permanent) suspension from school.

*We are preparing you for the real world – Go to a restaurant and act inappropriately, and see what happens…you are asked to leave. The same goes for movie theaters, sporting events, airplanes, trains, buses, etc. Wherever groups of people gather, if you act inappropriately, you are asked to leave.

*It’s our last resort – Chronic misbehavior (that has been addressed with parent contacts, lunch detention, in-school suspensions, Saturday School, and other methods) should stop. If the misbehavior continues, our last result is out-of-school suspension.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#85 – Why Do We Say The Pledge?

There are many reasons why we say the Pledge of Allegiance at our school.

*It is the law – Most states require that the Pledge be recited by schoolchildren once per week.

*We love our country – The United States is one of the greatest countries in which to live…most people will tell you that the U.S. is THE greatest country in the world. Can you imagine living in a country like Afghanistan, Iraq, Poland, Ethiopia, Cuba, or Venezuela? Look them up on the Internet, and see what the living conditions are like in these nations. The United States is not perfect, but it is WAY better than most countries. We should be happy to be here.

*Do you have team spirit? – The United States is like a team…we are all on the same side. Many teams have a team chant, cheer, or song. The Pledge is like our team chant, and the Star Spangled Banner is our team song. We say the Pledge to show our team spirit.

*You are free – Millions of American soldiers have fought and died so that you could enjoy living your life as a free person. In fact, you are free to NOT stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. I don’t understand why someone would choose to do that…but you have the freedom to do it! We stand for the Pledge to show our appreciation to those who gave their lives so that we can live free.

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#86 – Why Can The Principal Censor Our Newspaper?

There are many reasons why we the Principal can censor the material in your school’s newspaper.

*What is “Freedom of Speech?” – Freedom of Speech is not the right to spread rumors, make fun of people, or engage in character assassination. You technically cannot say whatever you want (although the term “Freedom of Speech” can fool you into thinking that). Your Principal – and newspaper faculty sponsor – will help educate you about this topic.

*School is not the “real world”, yet – The freedoms that you will enjoy as an adult are not the same as the ones you have in school. You cannot defame or slander your teachers or administrators while they have authority over you. There are also subjects that are inappropriate for publication in a student newspaper that may be O.K. for a regular newspaper or magazine. Your teachers and administrators are wise enough to make that judgment call for you.

*There are limits in the “real world” too – Even when you get a job writing for a “real” newspaper, you will be limited in what you can say and write about. Newspaper reporters who write false, accusatory, and/or defamatory articles have been successfully sued for slander and libel.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#87 – Why Do We Have Saturday School?

There are many reasons why we host Saturday School once a month.

*Students don’t like it – What student would like coming to school on a Saturday? Answer…none. It is the perfect disciplinary consequence! A disciplinary consequence should be undesirable, and Saturday School fits that description!

*Students don’t miss instructional time – A disciplinary consequence that students do not like, is easy to implement, and keeps students from missing valuable instructional time? It’s AWESOME!

*There’s no one here – Students in In-School Suspension sometimes like to show off for the other students. In Saturday School, there are NO other students to show off to. There’s also no distractions!

*We are in control – We control when you show up for Saturday School…and we decide when you can leave. This type of control is important as we establish our authority over you. Other ways we establish our control is restricting cell phone use, not letting you talk, and not letting you try to sleep in Saturday School.

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#88 – Why Do I Have To Go To School?

There are many reasons why we have to go to school. Unfortunately, most people do not take the time to explain the reasons to our nation’s young people. Even a search of the Internet for “Why do kids have to go to school” turns up the same, tired answers:

* “You have to go to school to learn, so that when you grow up you will be smart.” * “You have to go to school to have a bright future.” * “People who have more education make more money in their lifetime.”

Such weak answers for such an important question! Why hasn’t someone taken the time to REALLY explain why kids have to go to school? That’s the subject of this ebook. Today, I am going to give you plenty of reasons why you have to go to school. You may agree with some of the reasons, you may disagree with others…but the bottom line is that you will finally know why you are there!

*In the old days, education was only for the “rich” – One hundred years ago, most kids didn’t go to school. Only the children of rich people were allowed to go. Here’s the cycle that occurred: Rich people have children, children go to school and become smart, smart kids get to go to college, college graduate gets high-paying job, rich person has children and the cycle repeats itself. Poor people have children, children do not get to go to school…they instead are put to work at menial jobs like farmer, coal miner, street sweeper, etc. and make little money. Poor child grows up, gets married, has children who are not allowed to go to school, and the cycle repeats itself. Horace Mann (the “Father of American Education”) knew that the cycle of poverty could only be broken through the education of ALL students. Mann called education “The Great Equalizer” in the early 1800’s. His dream of education for all students did not become a reality until a hundred years after his death.

*School teaches you more than just how to read and write – The things you learn in school are too numerous to list in this little ebook. Here are a few skills you learn: sharing, getting along with others, time management skills, listening, focusing on a particular task, memorizing facts, working in a team to produce a product, problem solving, conflict resolution, accepting constructive criticism, accepting praise, setting and accomplishing goals, learning things that you don’t necessarily think are important at the time…but learning them anyway, and patience.

*You form friendships that will last for the rest of your life – Many of the friendships you make in school would not have happened unless you were forced to be there. At school, you encounter students from every socio-economic level, every race,

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

every religion, and every political affiliation. You learn to get along with people who are different from you, and make friends with many of them. This skill is one that you will use for the rest of your life.

*Our economic and political system depends on you being educated – The founding fathers of our country believed that democracy would die if the citizens living in the United States were not educated. Educated people make better decisions about who should be their representatives. Educated people choose the person who is most qualified for the job, not the best-looking, the most popular, or the person who promises to give away the most money. In the olden days, kings ruled countries, and made sure that their loyal subjects were NOT educated. Kings believed that it was easier to rule over stupid people…and there were right. Dum-dums did not question how the king ran the country, so he had absolute power over his people. Up until the Civil War in the United States, it was against the law to teach a slave how to read and write. This law was put in place to keep slaves powerless. I tell my unmotivated students this story all the time: “Martin Luther King (and thousands of other great Americans) fought and died to make it possible for ALL children in this country to have access to an education to better their lives….and THIS is how you pay them back? Skipping school? Not doing your homework? Disrespecting your teachers? Bullying your classmates? Counting the days until you are old enough to drop out? What would they say to you if they were alive today?”

*Where would kids go when their parents are at work? – Let’s face facts here…most families have both parents working, and other families have only one parent (who is also at work). If there were no schools, where would the kids go during the day? Would we build giant amusement parks to entertain kids for eight hours a day until their parents came home from work? Would we build huge daycare centers that charge parents a dollar an hour to take care of their children? While we are “babysitting” everyone’s kids, don’t you think it is a good idea to educate them as well?

*You learn a little about everything so you can make a choice about what you want to do with your life – You are taught a little math, a little science, a little social studies, a little English, and so on. School does not make you an expert at any one thing, it gives you a shallow understanding about many different things. Taking classes in school is like test-driving a car…you try a lot of them until you find the one that is right for you. Sally takes biology class, and becomes really interested in animals. She decides that she wants to be a veterinarian. Joe enjoys his literature class, and decides to become a writer. Billy loves math, and makes plans to become an engineer or accountant when he grows up.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

*You ARE aware of the kinds of jobs available to you if you don’t get an education….right? – Your career options are going to be SEVERELY limited if you do not get a quality education. Do you like lifting heavy objects? Do you like working with your hands…a lot? The less educated members of our society are given the least- desirable jobs available. Why does this occur? Because the students who worked hard will be able to find jobs that pay more money, involve less manual labor, and are less dangerous.

*Your education gives you the power to find another job when you want to – Most of the people who don’t want to go to school hate the fact that their teacher tells them what to do all the time. Guess what? When you get a job, your boss spends his entire day telling you what to do! If you do not get a good education, you will be lucky to find a good job….and you will be “stuck” there because the chances of finding another good job will be slim. How would you like to be in a situation where you are powerless to leave your job because you can’t find another one that pays as well…and you are stuck listening to your unreasonable boss for the rest of your life? Educated people can just look for another job, find one, then tell their boss to take a long walk off a short pier.

*A few years of hard work NOW saves you from a lifetime of hard work – Most people who hate school don’t want to work hard. How ironic is it that lazy students end up in jobs that require the most work? The students who work hard at school end up in jobs that don’t require heavy lifting, being in dangerous situations, or working long hours. Students who try to take “short cuts” during school end up spending their 30- year working career in back-breaking jobs that pay little money.

*Your parents want you to do well in school – Whether your parents are rich, poor, or middle class, they want you to do well in school. Why? Every parent wants their child to have a life that is better than their own, and every parent is old enough (and experienced enough) to know that a good education is the gateway to a better life.

*If you don’t get a good education, you will live to regret it – You may not regret your choice today, you may not regret your choice tomorrow or five years from now….but you WILL regret your decision to slack off during your school years. I have spoken with hundreds of former students who visit me from time to time. My successful former students never say “Gosh, I wish I hadn’t tried so hard in school…I really missed out on a lot.” They say, “Thanks for helping me do well in school, all the stuff I learned really prepared me to be successful.” Now, let’s look at what my unsuccessful students say when they come back to visit…they never say “I am so glad I had so much fun in school! I didn’t try hard, and didn’t learn much…but who cares!” END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

What they ALWAYS say is “I wish I would have tried harder in school…my life is pretty messed up right now. I am trying to go back to school/get my GED so that I can get a job that pays better than minimum wage.” Let me repeat this so that you can understand its importance: You WILL regret your decision to not get a good education.

*Money is not the answer…education is – How many people do you know that play the lottery instead of concentrating on getting a good education? The lottery has been called “A tax on people who are bad at math”, and it’s true! The chances of winning a significant amount of money in the lottery is about the same as getting hit by lightning twice in one day. Just for the sake of argument, let’s say that you won the lottery tomorrow, say $10 Million. A few years from now, you will be broke again. “No way!” you scream. Yes, way. Most people who win the lottery blow all of their money in a short period of time, or have their winnings stolen from them by scam artists, relatives, or other people who know more about how to handle money than they do. Professional athletes make millions of dollars in their careers as well, but what happens to many of them? They end up broke. People may be able to take your money, but they can never take away your high school diploma or college degree…it’s yours to use for the rest of your life.

*The “What About Albert Einstein?” Argument – People who decide to quit school have a list of people who did not graduate high school who ended up leading successful lives. They say “See! You don’t have to have an education to be successful!” The list includes Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Jim Carrey, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Ray Charles, Cher, Peter Jennings, Whoopi Goldberg, Thomas (Founder of Wendy’s) and Rosa Parks. Most of the people who quit school and were still successful in life were people in the entertainment industry, people who had a special talent, or inventors. Out of the millions of people who have dropped out of school, you would be hard-pressed to find 500 successful people among them. Your odds of winning the lottery are better!

*The “Recidivism Cycle” – People who do not get a good education frequently end up with less money than everyone else. The uneducated person looks around at all of their friends, friends who have cool cars, houses, cell phones, televisions, and other cool stuff and says “I deserve to have those things, too!” Since the uneducated person cannot earn the money to buy the cool stuff, he decides to obtain the finer things in life by engaging in illegal activity. Sooner or later, the person is caught, and is sent to prison. When the person gets out of prison, the person may have learned his lesson. He may want to be “straight”, and lead a normal, crime-free life. What happens next? The uneducated person now has a criminal record, so what chance does he have of getting a high-paying job? Zero. Sooner or later, the person returns to a life of crime to make ends meet, and gets caught again. While in jail, he decides END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

that being in jail is just “easier” than trying to survive on the outside. The end. We do not want you to end up like that…that is why we keep encouraging you to give school your best shot!

*Your life will go on whether you get an education or not – You will fall in love, get married, maybe even have children. I say, congratulations! One problem: How are you going to complete your education when you have a child or two at home? You can’t afford to pay for a babysitter. How are you going to get a better education when you are working two jobs to pay the bills? Are you going to go at night? Night school costs money…money that you don’t have. You were given the opportunity to get an education FOR FREE, and you didn’t take the gift when it was given to you. What are you going to do now?

*Your high school diploma doesn’t prove that you know anything…and employers don’t care – Your high school diploma is a document that proves you will stick with it and accomplish a goal no matter what obstacles are in your way. Employers are looking to hire people who are able to do that. Quitting school and saying “I’ll just get my GED later” tells employers that you can’t be trusted to hang around during the tough times. Why would a company spend the money to train you if you have already proven that you can’t finish your high school career? Most companies won’t take a risk on you.

*No matter what you THINK you will do with your life, you will need a good education – Many of you are thinking to yourselves, “I don’t have to study…I’m going to play in the NBA/NFL/MLB.” Out of the millions of people playing sports in the world, there are only 1696 players in the NFL, only 750 players in Major League Baseball, and only 432 players in the NBA. You have less than a 1% chance of making it as a professional athlete. You need to make sure you have a “Plan B” in case your dream doesn’t come true. Guess how many failed professional athletes are broke right now? Answer: Lots. A good education is the ultimate Plan B.

*Many people believe that “fate” or “luck” determines who is successful – This is not true! Your hard work will make you successful.

*You don’t know what “perks” are, but you will like them – People with good educations get “perks” to sign up to work with certain companies. Perks are things like sick days (getting paid for working when you actually stayed home), company-paid medical, dental, and vision care for you and your family, two weeks or more of PAID vacation time, a retirement plan that pays you money after you quit working for the company, and much more! Some companies want to hire the best and smartest workers, so they don’t mind giving you a car, a cool office, a secretary, or other neat END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

stuff. Let’s put it this way…you won’t get any of these perks while stocking shelves at the local grocery store. If you don’t show up for work, you don’t get paid. If you complain about your job, they fire you and bring in someone to take your place…someone who may even work for less money than you were earning.

*Think about your kids – Your kids deserve to live in a nice house, ride in a nice car that doesn’t break down, and go to a good school. If you don’t get a good education, the chances of these things happening for your kids is small. Do you really want to have to tell your kids that they can’t have the latest toy or video game because you can’t afford it? Do you really want your kids to be made fun of at school because they wear raggedy clothes? What you do NOW affects the rest of your life…and affects your kids’ lives as well. Don’t let them down!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#89 – Why Do I Have To Show I.D. To Pick Up My Child?

There are many reasons why you have to show identification before we release your child to you.

*It’s a crazy world out there – You don’t have to watch the news for very long to hear about people who abduct children. It is sickening to hear how often this type of thing happens. If we don’t require people to come to the front office to show ID, eventually we will have people walking in the front (or back, or side) doors, going to their child’s classroom, and picking their student up from there.

*We are responsible for your child’s safety – We are legally obligated to do everything possible to ensure that nothing bad happens to your child while he/she is at school (and travelling to and from school as well). This is just another layer of protection we provide.

*Yes, we know it is inconvenient – Just like the x-ray machines and “pat-down” searches are a headache at the airport, requiring people to show identification to pick up their child at school is a nuisance. If you ask most people, though…they will say that the inconvenience is outweighed by an increase in their “peace of mind”.

*It buys us time – Having you show your identification, and making a copy of your ID for our records gives us time to check our computers. We can update your contact information if it is incorrect, and we can make sure there is not an “ex parte” or other legal documentation due to a divorce settlement, separation agreement, or custody fight.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#90 – Why Do I Have To Show My Work?

There are many reasons why you have to show your work in Math class.

*You could be copying answers – We are not accusing you of cheating, but it raises suspicions when you only turn in answers. If you REALLY knew how to do the problem…wouldn’t you want to show everyone how you did it?

*We don’t care if the answer is right…is the WORK right? – You can get partial credit for correct work even if your answer is WRONG. How many classes will you take in your life that can say that? Take advantage of the free points!

*Showing your work gives the teacher a clue – Your teacher will be able to help you if he/she can see the process you went through to get your wrong answer. Is your answer wrong because of a minor computational error? Did you add when you should have subtracted? Did you add when you were supposed to add…but you added wrong? Is your answer wrong because you don’t know what you are doing? Letting your teacher see the process you went through helps find the solution.

*Listing your steps helps you learn – In your brain’s attempt to transfer things you learn from your short-term memory (working memory) to your long-term memory (semantic, episodic, or procedural memory)…you need repetition! Talking through the steps (and writing them down) as you do them helps you internalize the steps!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#91 – Why Do Teachers Have To Sign In & Out?

There are many reasons why teachers have to sign in and out at our school.

*People are looking for you – At some point during the school day, students, other teachers, your administrator, or parents will be looking for you…for a variety of reasons.

*It saves time – Instead of initiating a search for you that may take a long time, we can just check if you are here or not. If you have signed out for the day, we can tell the person who is looking for you that you are not here…and take a message.

*It is the law – Some states require that we have district employees sign in and out each day.

*It is district policy – Some districts require their schools to have teacher sign in and out for documentation purposes.

*Don’t jump to conclusions – We are not requiring you to sign in and out because we don’t trust you, or that we don’t respect you as a “professional”. It is a simple step that goes a long way to establishing order in a workplace.

*We can help “Late People” – Do you know someone who is late for everything? I know several people that have difficulties managing their time. Having a sign-in sheet identifies these folks to us so that we can help them develop “promptness strategies”. These strategies not only help them at work, but in all areas of their lives!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#92 – Why Do We Have To Have Staff Development?

There are many reasons why teachers have to attend staff development sessions.

*It is the law – Most states have legislation requiring teachers to complete a certain amount of hours of staff development each year. Many legislators believe that our educational system is in poor condition because teachers haven’t received enough training on instructional strategies, lesson planning, classroom management, and other important topics. They respond by increasing the number of college credit hours teacher candidates need to complete in order to become certified, and increasing the number of staff development hours teachers need to retain their certification. This way, legislators can tell their constituents that they are “doing something” to improve the quality of their children’s education.

*Education is always changing – Strategies that were “cutting edge” twenty years ago are not as effective today. They have been replaced by newer, research-based strategies. Teachers need to be informed about new strategies, and receive training so that they are implemented properly. Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates have been dead for approximately 2,400 years…we have to find new ways to engage students!

*Staff development allows for teachers to “reflect” – Teachers can compare the strategies they presently use with the “new” strategies. During this process, teachers can determine if the new strategy is worthwhile…and take inventory of their own effectiveness as an instructor. It is only through reflection that true growth can occur.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#93 – Why Do Students Have To Take Standardized Tests?

There are many reasons why students have to take standardized tests.

*They are a fair assessment of your skill level – We can get a fair and accurate picture of where you stand in relation to your peers by using standardized tests.

*They assess our achievement level as a school – Because everyone in the state is taking the same test, it is possible to compare ourselves to other schools and districts in the state.

*We can diagnose what’s wrong – Scores from standardized tests can help a school figure out what is being taught efficiently (and what is NOT being taught at all). Data-driven schools are always using the data from standardized tests to improve instruction.

*We can diagnose YOUR skill deficits – Standardized tests can help us figure out what areas you need to improve in. Once we know that, we can put together an individualized plan to help you reach your full potential as a student.

*It is the law – The “No Child Act” directs schools to give standardized tests, and turn the tests in to the state to be graded. The law also says that the government can intervene when schools are not doing a good job of educating students.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#94 – Why Do We Have To Sit In The “Student Section” At Games?

There are many reasons why students have to sit in the student section during sporting events at our school.

*It is safer – Putting all the students in the same section gives administrators the opportunity to supervise everyone to keep them safe.

*It increases school spirit – Putting all the students in the same section concentrates the noise! It is also easier for cheerleaders and mascots to organize the crowd to cheer loudly for the home team.

*There is an “appeals process” – You don’t have to sit in the student section if your parents are at the game. You are allowed to sit with them if you want to.

*It helps the referees – Foul language and flying objects coming from parents or other fans cannot be blamed on the students…because the students are all sitting together in one section!

*It enhances your school experience – Games are just more fun when you are sitting with all of your friends. Attending these athletic events are memories that you will treasure forever, long after you have graduated and moved on to bigger and better things. It also makes for a better picture for the yearbook.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#95 – Why Do We Have to Wear Uniforms at School?

There are many reasons why we have to wear uniforms at school.

*They are cheap – You can buy a polo shirt and pair of khaki pants for WAY less than it costs to buy an outfit at the mall. A week’s worth of outfits can be bought for less than $100.

*Uniforms reduce drama – Instead of worrying about what everyone is wearing (or NOT wearing)…people can concentrate on what they should be learning at school. People aren’t separated into “cliques” based on their clothes. People also aren’t wearing wild outfits to get attention.

*Uniforms promote a “team” attitude – When you look at a team, one of the first things you notice is that they are wearing the same thing. This promotes the idea that we all are equals, and are working towards the same goal. In case you forgot, everyone is working towards the goal of becoming educated!

*Everybody’s doing it – If you look around, many employers require that their employees wear uniforms…and we are not just talking about fast food restaurants!

*Uniforms promote a safer environment – Not only can students leave their “gang gear” at home, people who sneak into the school stick out like a sore thumb! Intruders are quickly and easily identified…and removed before they can do anyone any harm.

*You say, “But I have so many COOL outfits to wear!” That’s great! You can wear them on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and all summer long! School only meets 180 (or so) days per year, and there are 365 days in a year. That means for over half of the days of the year, you can wear whatever you want! Actually, you could take off your uniform when you get home from school, so you could wear whatever you want for six hours a day on school days also!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#96 – Why Does Our Teacher Make Us Work In Groups?

There are many reasons why your teacher makes you work in groups.

*Research tells us it is the best way to learn – Research from as far back as the 1970’s reveals that cooperative learning results in higher levels of student engagement and achievement.

*Lecture is boring – The great Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle used lecture to teach their students…but that was 2,400 years ago! There are more effective ways to reach students these days!

*You should thank your teacher – Coming up with effective cooperative learning activities is difficult and time-consuming. Your teacher must REALLY care about your learning to spend the extra time and effort to plan these types of lessons.

*Social skills are the key – Research also shows us that the students of today are lacking in social skills. That is, students have problems working with others, being fair, taking turns, being patient, not dominating the conversation, and other important traits. Working in groups gives you the opportunity to hone these skills. Most 21st-Century employers are looking for employees with two competencies…social skills and technological literacy. Employees are not fired because they do not know how to do their job…they are fired because they cannot get along with their co-workers. Your teacher is doing you a great favor by letting you work on your social skills – during class time!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#97 – Why “Year-Round” School?

There are many reasons why our district has elected to have a “year-round” school calendar.

*The “Traditional” school calendar is outdated – Our “traditional” school calendar was used for a hundred years, and was based on our society’s schedule when our society was mostly agrarian. Children were needed to work on the farm, so school was suspended for three (or more) months for that purpose. School was also suspended for three months because the weather was extremely hot…and schools did not have air conditioning. Today, only 5% of our nation’s children live on farms, and almost all schools have air conditioning. There really is no reason to still have a three month break every year.

*Year-round school increases student achievement – When schools let students out for three consecutive months, a funny thing happened…kids forgot a large portion of what they learned! As a result, much of the first month of any school year is spent “reteaching” things that were taught the year before. A year-round schedule gives students a week off every six weeks. A week is not enough time for students to forget key concepts. Therefore, students retain more knowledge and are able to cover more material (without having to constantly review). It’s a great system!

*Year-round school uses resources more effectively – It is hard to justify building a huge new school, then letting it sit empty for three months of the year! Going to a year-round schedule enables schools to put students in “tracks” that use the building for a specific portion of the year. This gives growing school districts the opportunity to enroll more students without having to build more schools.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#98 – Why Am I Being Punished When You Did The Same Thing?

There are many reasons why you are being punished for something I admitted I did when I was your age.

*I made mistakes – I told you stories about the mistakes of my youth so that you would learn from my mistakes! I hoped that you would not have to make the same mistakes I made, and that I would save you the time and heartache of learning the “hard way”.

*My mistakes aren’t your “Get out of Jail Free” card – I told you the stories of my dumb moves as a teaching tool…not as an excuse you could use to get out of disciplinary consequences when you make a dumb move.

*You are using faulty logic – So, what you are saying is that people in authority cannot discipline other people if they made mistakes when they were younger? Using that line of reasoning, no one can discipline anyone because we have all made mistakes at one point or another in our lives. If no one disciplined anyone, we would have what is called “anarchy”. You may think anarchy would be cool…but you wouldn’t last a week in that type of system!

*You forgot something – You forgot the last part of my “I messed up” stories…the part where I admitted I was wrong, received correction from someone who cared about me, and became a better person because of the experience. Now, it’s your turn!

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#99 – Why Don’t You Believe Me?

There are many reasons why I don’t believe you at this particular time.

*You have lost my trust – Some time in the past, you weren’t completely honest with me. There is an old saying: “It takes a long time to build trust with someone…but only a moment to destroy it.” At some point in the past, you may have been less than honest with me, and destroyed the trust between you and me.

*The other person is more believable – The person whose story differs from yours is someone who has never been less than truthful with me. This person still has my full trust. If I am in a situation where this person and another person have two different descriptions of an incident, I will believe the honest person.

*I have witnesses – What you may not know is that students have come forward with information about you were involved in. The information from several sources (which I gathered from people who don’t even know each other) supports the opposite view from your story.

*I have video – What you may not know is that I have video evidence that your story is not accurate.

*I already know the answer – Sometimes, I’ll ask questions I already know the answers to in order to “gauge trust”. In other words, if you can’t answer questions correctly that I already know the answers to…how can I trust you to give me the correct answers to questions I don’t know the answers to?

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#100 – I Fought in “Self-Defense”…Why Am I In Trouble?

There are many reasons why you are in trouble for fighting. Please remember while I am explaining this that I am not a lawyer. Each circumstance is different, and you should consult with your lawyer to be sure of yourself in the event of a fight.

*It wasn’t self-defense – The circumstances under which you fought do not meet the criteria of “self-defense” under the law.

*You are confused about what “self-defense” is – The concept of self-defense is probably the most misunderstood concepts out there! You should consult with your family’s lawyer before you engage in any physical contact with anyone.

*What self-defense is – Most states define “self-defense” is action you take when you believe you are in immediate danger of sustaining significant bodily injury or death. This scenario takes place when you are trapped somewhere by someone who wants to hurt you, and you have to fight your way out of the situation. If someone has blocked the bathroom doors and won’t let you out, or if someone tackles you from behind and begins punching you…most states believe that you have a right to defend yourself.

*What self-defense is NOT – Someone saying something bad about your mom is not grounds for a fight. Hearing a rumor that someone wants to fight you is not grounds for a self-defense claim. Someone bumping into you in the hallway (or calling you names) does not meet the criteria for self-defense. If there is an opportunity for you to “walk away” before engaging in the fight, your claim of self-defense after the fact is going to be seen as weak.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

*I don’t want to be a “chicken” – Most students would rather fight (and suffer the consequences) than walk away and be called a “chicken” by the other students. In 98% of fights, there is a lot of talking and “posturing” before any punches are thrown. If you have an opportunity to walk away, you should do it! If you don’t walk away…don’t come to the office claiming that you were acting in self-defense.

*What you can do instead of fight – You could find an adult, and just stand by him/her. The person who wants to fight you is probably not going to be dumb enough to try anything when an adult witness is present. You could explain to the adult why you are standing next to him/her…or not. You could also walk to the office and explain the situation to the Principal. Your Principal may also volunteer to “shadow” you for a couple of days until the bully finds someone else to try to pick a fight with. Taking every step you can think of to prevent the fight will help your “self-defense” claim if a fight eventually does happen.

*Think about it – Think about someone at your school who gets into a lot of fights. This person is probably always mad at someone who is “talking about” them, or looked at them the wrong way. Is that the way that YOU want to be? I can guarantee you that the person who fights a lot is not happy on the inside.

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

#101 – How Can I Keep in Touch With Shannon Holden?

Websites and online courses Shannon has built: http://www.educationaltechtools.com Shannon shows teachers and students how to build educational smartphone apps…it’s easier than you think! You can also hire Shannon to build a smartphone app for your school or district, and interact with your students/parents in a whole new way! Use the discount code “ISTE2012” to get an app for your school or district for only $1,200!

I have worked with the folks at Digital Learning Tree to build staff development courses for teachers that save schools thousands of dollars! The best part is that teachers are rewarded for their hard work by receiving three graduate level credits from The University of the Pacific so they can move up the pay scale! http://bit.ly/flippedteaching - Learn to be a “Flipped Teacher” http://bit.ly/beginningteacher - Don’t be in the 50% that quit http://bit.ly/ipadecourse - Learn to implement iPads in your class

Our new “Bullying” ecourse is ready! I will show you “Lesson 1” for FREE at this link: http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1

END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1



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This book contains general information about legal matters. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such.

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END bullying at your school (and protect yourself from lawsuits) by having students take an online anti-bullying course! I will even give you the first lesson FREE to see if you like the “Bully Neutralizer” course! http://bit.ly/BullyLesson1