International Listening Association LISTENING TO CONFLICT 40th Annual Convention March 21-23, 2019 Harbour Centre, Simon Fraser University Vancouver Canada Our mission is to advance the practice, teaching, and research of listening throughout the world 3 Welcome to Vancouver S 4 Venue Map T 5 Executive Board 2018-2019 N E Convention Program-at-a-Glance 7 T 11 General Information N 14 Program Details and Descriptions O C 22 Presenter Biographies F O ILA Hall of Fame Members 30 E 30 ILA Founding Members L B ILA Organizational Members A 31 T 31 ILA Life Members 32 ILA Lifetime Achievement Award Winners program designed by P.S. Castillo Vancouver 2019 Welcome! I wish to extend my warmest welcome to the attendees of the 40th Annual International Listening Association Convention with the theme “Listening to Conflict”, held for the very first time in the beautiful city of Vancouver. It is an exciting time for our organization as we continue to grow and attract international membership. I ask you to stay engaged, open to new ideas and help us shape the future of the ILA. I would like to thank each of you for attending our Convention and bringing your expertise to our gathering. The Convention will host a collection of international speakers from Australia, Colombia, Finland, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, and Singapore in addition to our American and Canadian colleagues. I hope you will enjoy the variety of presentations and will leave Vancouver with an unforgettable experience. Sincerely, Dr. Anita Dorczak Ph. D., M.A., LL.B., PC, Cert.EM, CLP ILA Vice-President 2019 Convention Planner Email:
[email protected] 3 | 2019 ILA Convention Program L i s t e n .