Final Report

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Final Report Environment and Social Assessment Study of the Tourism Sector in Cape Verde Final Report MINISTRY OF FINANCE Special Projects Management Unit RFP NO.: CTDP /01/2017 WORLD BANK / INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION May 2018 MundiServiços – Companhia Portuguesa de Quaternaire Portugal, Consultoria para o Serviços e Gestão, Lda. Desenvolvimento SA Rua José Dias Coelho nº36B Rua Tomás Ribeiro, 412 - 2º 1300-329 Lisboa / Portugal 4450-295 Matosinhos / Portugal Tel: + 351 213 617 230 / Fax: + 351 213617239 Tel: + 351 229 399 150 / Fax: + 351 22 399 159 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: Website: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 5 2 DIAGNOSIS......................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Tourism ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.1.1 Current Situation ................................................................................................................. 9 2.1.2 Institutional and Legal Framework ...................................................................................... 19 2.1.3 Stakeholders’ space............................................................................................................. 21 2.1.4 Summary of Opportunities, Threats and Challenges .......................................................... 28 2.1.5 Evaluation Matrix ................................................................................................................ 30 2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSION .......................................................................................... 31 2.2.1 Current Situation ................................................................................................................. 31 2.2.2 Institutional and Legal Framework ...................................................................................... 50 2.2.3 Summary of Opportunities, Threats and Challenges .......................................................... 55 2.2.4 Evaluation Matrix ................................................................................................................ 57 2.3 SOCIAL AND GENDER DIMENSION ..................................................................................... 58 2.3.1 Current Situation ................................................................................................................. 58 2.3.2 Institutional and Legal Framework ...................................................................................... 72 2.3.3 Summary of Opportunities, Threats and Challenges .......................................................... 74 2.3.4 Evaluation Matrix ................................................................................................................ 76 3 EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS .............................. 77 4 PLANNING RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES ........................................................... 87 4.1 TRANSVERSAL RECOMMENDATIONS [RT] .......................................................................... 88 4.2 PLANNING GUIDELINES ...................................................................................................... 91 4.2.1 Large Strategic Guidance Lines [GLOE] ............................................................................... 92 4.2.2 Operational Guidelines ....................................................................................................... 95 4.3 OBSERVATORY OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM ....................................................................... 100 5 COMMUNICATION PLAN .................................................................................................... 101 Tables Table 2.1_Contents of the reference situation profiling ..................................................................... 8 Table 2.2_ Evolution of number of establishments, rooms, beds, capacity and staff, 2010-2016 ..... 13 Table 2.3_ Number of establishments, capacity and employed staff, 2017 ....................................... 14 Table 2.4_ Stakeholders involved in the Stakeholder Analysis ........................................................... 22 Table 2.5_ Tourism. SWOT Analysis .................................................................................................... 28 Table 2.6_Tourism. Evaluation Matrix ................................................................................................ 31 Final Report - Environment and Social Assessment Study of the Tourism Sector in Cape Verde 2 Table 2.7_Tourist, Quarries and Infrastructures Developments, approved by the AIA authority until 2017 ............................................................................................................................................ 41 Table 2.8_ National Protected Areas Network ................................................................................... 43 Table 2.9_Special tourist areas: ZDTI and ZRPT .................................................................................. 48 Table 2.10_Environment. Relevant legal diplomas ............................................................................. 51 Tabela 2.11_Dimensão Ambiental. Análise SWOT .............................................................................. 55 Table 2.12_Environmental Dimension. Evaluation Matrix.................................................................. 57 Table 2.13_Social Indicators / housing conditions .............................................................................. 62 Table 2.14_Accommodation conditions, at national level, 2016 ........................................................ 69 Table 2.15_Households ICTs ownsership ............................................................................................ 70 Tabela 2.16_Distribution of immigrants by gender, per nationality ................................................... 71 Table 2.17_ Sustainable Development Goals ...................................................................................... 71 Table 2.18_Social and Gender Dimension. SWOT Analysis ................................................................. 74 Table 2.19_Social and Gender Dimension. Evaluation Matrix ............................................................ 76 Table 3.1_Evaluation Matrix ............................................................................................................... 77 Table 3.2_Evaluation of the potential tourism development impacts ............................................... 79 Table 3.3_Scenario. Evaluation of the potential tourism development impacts ................................ 83 Figures Figure 1.1_Methodological mapping .................................................................................................. ..7 Figure 2.1_Evolution of the number of tourist overnight stays (1999-2016) ..................................... 10 Figure 2.2_ Accommodation and overnight stays capacity [1999-2016] ............................................ 11 Figure 2.3_ Summary of tourism statistics [2016] .............................................................................. 12 Figure 2.4_ The average size of hotel establishments / average accommodation and accommodation per island [2016] ......................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 2.5_ Accommodation establishments according to the origin of the Share Capital, by Island, 2016 ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Figure 2.6_ Accommodation establishments according to the origin of the Share Capital, by Type, 2016 ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Figure 2.7_ Evolution of the number of tourist entries in Cape Verde [1999-2016] .......................... 16 Figure 2.8_ EHTCV Evolution – Training Courses – 2011-2015 ........................................................... 18 Figure 2.9_ Stakeholder Analysis (Matrix Interest / Influence) .......................................................... 23 Final Report - Environment and Social Assessment Study of the Tourism Sector in Cape Verde 3 Figure 2.10_ Tourism Sector Stakeholders' Space .............................................................................. 24 Figura 2.11_Resumo AIA, 2017 ........................................................................................................... 43 Figure 2.12_Special tourist areas: ZDTI and ZRPT ............................................................................... 49 Figure 2.13_Demographic Projections 2010-2030 .............................................................................. 59 Figure 2.14_Population DIstribution ................................................................................................... 60 Figure 2.15_Maximum population and turist density in 2016 ............................................................ 60 Figure 2.16 _Main health indicators, 2000-2015 ...............................................................................
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