1940-1941Lettertoweeklies.Pdf (7.388Mb Application/Pdf)
Un1v~rs!ty Minnesota of r:\)~",~'~d::d.. For Minnesofa Weekly Newspapers LAy\\Vf''I'S\-l), From the UDii'f'crsity News SEll'vice Ii ~.,.:" S 1', v \ <"E:.. • 120;A~!bistratlon Buildlnf l -<. \1-- {' { 't 0 ,~." '1' \< \ 1-1:: '_ • Finances of 'u' Shown in Fine Shape By Middlebrook Minneapolis, January-4- Including the maintenance appropriation of $3,500,000, the state of Minnesota proTided $4,264,123.79 toward the support of the University of Minnesota in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939; the fed- eral government, counting PWA building grants, furnished the sum of $1,178,277.80 and the University itself, through all sources, including endowments, permanent' funds, student fees and receipts from services, produced $6,553,826.12, or more than half of the total inoome, which was $11,996,277.71. Of the state money appropriated by the legislatuN), $305,361.86 was for the support of the many special projects, mostly in agricultural . research and including the state's share of county agents' salaries, which ) are paie. for through University of Minnesota channels. Nearly half of the money received from the federal government, or $440,658, was sent to Minnesota as .PViA'S 45 percent aid on new buildings under construction. Student fees formed the biggest item among funds produced by the university itself, amounting to $1,431,330.91, while university trust funds, including incDme from thfl Mayo Foundation and endowments for teaching, research, students loans, prizes and scholarships produced $1,114,819.84, which total includes some receipts from maturity or sale of securities, which will bo reinvested.
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