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1940-1941Lettertoweeklies.Pdf (7.388Mb Application/Pdf) Un1v~rs!ty Minnesota of r:\)~",~'~d::d.. For Minnesofa Weekly Newspapers LAy\\Vf''I'S\-l), From the UDii'f'crsity News SEll'vice Ii ~.,.:" S 1', v \ <"E:.. • 120;A~!bistratlon Buildlnf l -<. \1-- {' { 't 0 ,~." '1' \< \ 1-1:: '_ • Finances of 'u' Shown in Fine Shape By Middlebrook Minneapolis, January-4- Including the maintenance appropriation of $3,500,000, the state of Minnesota proTided $4,264,123.79 toward the support of the University of Minnesota in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939; the fed- eral government, counting PWA building grants, furnished the sum of $1,178,277.80 and the University itself, through all sources, including endowments, permanent' funds, student fees and receipts from services, produced $6,553,826.12, or more than half of the total inoome, which was $11,996,277.71. Of the state money appropriated by the legislatuN), $305,361.86 was for the support of the many special projects, mostly in agricultural . research and including the state's share of county agents' salaries, which ) are paie. for through University of Minnesota channels. Nearly half of the money received from the federal government, or $440,658, was sent to Minnesota as .PViA'S 45 percent aid on new buildings under construction. Student fees formed the biggest item among funds produced by the university itself, amounting to $1,431,330.91, while university trust funds, including incDme from thfl Mayo Foundation and endowments for teaching, research, students loans, prizes and scholarships produced $1,114,819.84, which total includes some receipts from maturity or sale of securities, which will bo reinvested. The report, prepared by William T. Middlebrook, comptroller, who is in charge of the entire business program of the University of Minnesota, shows that lmi'yersity administration cost of $197,1-+15.60 came to less than two percent of the total income. ------~,I1111---------...,f~-------------------~-~ -2- Principal outlay was, of course, the cost of instruction and rt~~el1rch, which came to $6,161,832.05. Physical plant expense was $810,672.04, in which are included the wages of janitors, raised last year by agreement with th(;' le,gislature, also supplies and the very large amount of fuel necessary for heating the many buildings. The report is a consolidated one and covers the cost not only of maintaining the big plant in Minneae:-olis, but also University Farm, St. Paul, with its many buildings, barns, grgnr.ries and expariment:,l.1. projects, [Jnd th:3 outlying stations or schools at GI'hnd Rapids, Duluth, Crookston, Morris, Waseca, Cloquet, Itasca Purk ~nd the like. It also covers all income from correspondence courses, short courses and from intercollegiate athletics. University '~Vill Reopen This Woek Following a two weeks Christmas vacatiGn, the University of Minnesota will st'lrt classroom work agatn Thursday, January 4, for the second or winter quarter. Approzimately 15,000 stUdents, of whom 2,000 are in the graduate schocl and 13,000 are in the undergraduate colleges will enroll. In thc,:e figures the many e1:tension and correspondencE: students and those in schc:ols S01' a gradl:> lower·than college ur,,) not included. Interesting amcng the fhcts ~ sho-WTI oy an e1:8.mination of UniY"Jrsi'ty st,itistics is thLt ther", are apprcJT.imutely ~ :0 :;g two men in the Ulliv(-)rsity to one woman, the figures dividing almost 8X88tly at ... 3 ::I 10,000 men and 5,000 women. Some cuurses, such as law, engineerine and r~,6d- .... : icine, contain few women, while others, such as nursing, honi8 IJc:.JncTI,ics and Q. *dental hygiene register n~) mono 1164289 Univ~rsity of Minnesota News For Min{i,esota Weekly Newspapers From the University News Service 1:20 Mministration .i]uUdinp Ne\'iS Notes FrO!:J. 1'l~e Unlvel'sity "How to Select Law Students" Should the stGte board of law eyaminers select law school students before they enter a IBw ccllool t thus r(,ducinl!- the lfr,:ste of 'time and money and the hen:::'taehcs that ensu~' later when students have to 'Le tlir"inated cc,cau8e they can not pass thE-oar eXBrlinations':' 'l'tis is Gne of th'.J cur:r-,?nt questions uttl":!ctin(.: the attention of lav: schools th:::,ouf:"hout the Unit l"d St'lt:;S t and one which is rt"ceivir1€' somD co:wid- eration in th~ st~t of Minnesota. At r':-:t~".nt IL2dtings of the A~3L'oci·qticJll of Affit.riew1 L3.\v SchooJs in Chicr'fO , of which Prof'olssor Wilbur h. Cherry of tnt- Univ'.'r'sity of' !',.~ini1.e8otf::' i[3 pr?sident, this subject vms discuss,'d by ~,1 committ,",-, D1' v!hieh ;J,:~,c,'1 l71;I";tt LaiN Ekhools throughout tht CO'll1try 81,,30 lll'C:: conE:irhrin,;: :.dj')l;i(>ll " Vihieh pi-one'cred it. ThL3 course: follows two ye:,I's of pru-l':'..w 8tudh:.o L1 the Arts CuJl"'p'e. Sc'v''3n institutiuns h·'iv::,' now'Juopt.d ttl,:; U,tiv.,rsity (If i/L"e- the mol'S usual three-yeEr course into one of four yee?s. A plan for centroJ. coordination of' ecol1CJlr.ic 1'82·HiI'cl:c"s ·oy 3cbouls of' bUf~ine8s will b? disc'..lSS2d nt a forthcoT,liu[2' cO!lff;TCnc" in vhshington of the st'3.te university sctools of business of' which Do::8'1 R!lSS,:,Jl .A. E3twcnson uf the I " r ~ , 1 itt18 Ir..eans of knowinc what is heing dOll', eJ s:,wh,=n'~;. Tr~r()llL:h U c'.;ntre.l t j ( • -2- bureau, results and id0&s could be exchanged. The conference will also press fer some fule.cel support of business f,tudies in trw inteJ'ust of the sn.all business man. Big businesses, DS3n Stevenson points out, have fw~s to conduct Inpny' of tapir own survcy,3, bnt the smaller business must dep'2nd on universit,y O·Pf:;l'ts. Carlyle M. Scott ,~lC:'ld of the dep.:lrtmlo,!1t Gf' ]),U131c jn the UnivArsity N9tion~J Music TpBchers aSLociation. Ho, and also Professors Donald Ferrusnn. Associntion in Ksn8~s City, fun. populutivn and Wtil' ,;~ld tile; stock Irl'lrket. University of Minnesota News For Minnesota Weekly Newspapers From the University News Service 120 Administration Building School Radio Use '(J' Enstitute Topic Late This Month Minneapolis, January \k-_ One of the fastest growing new instrcunents of education, use of the radio in the schoolroom, will be the subject of a three-day institute in the University of Minnesota's Center for Continuation Stud:r January 25, 26 and 27 which, it is EJxpected, will be attended by large numbers of teachers anJ school administrators from all pa.rtf> of the state. UnivClrsity specialists in radio, among them Profesdor Triici F. Tyler and Burton Paulu, WLB manager, and representatives of leading Minnesota r~:ldio stations will conduct the program. Nnarly every important eduC'3.tional body in America is today devoting part of its energies to the development of radio progrwn material Guitable to be broadcast to elementary and high scheol cHi.ssrooms and studying the best arrangements with educ~tional and private radio stations for getting the lessons to the schools. The problem prohably represents the "big new thing" in current educational procedure and philosophy. Program material will be discussed Thursday morning, January 25, and in the afternoon broadcasting and receiving equipment will be considered. "Planning before the school begins th", use of radio prograITlS" wi 11 be the morning subject on Friday, January 26, to be followed in the afternoon by a discussion 01' techniques in utilizing tht-; radio. This topic will be con- tinued Saturday morning, followed in the afternoon by an e.xcursion to inter- esting radio stations. All persons interested in the school use of l's.dio are eligiblo to enroll it was announced by Julius M. Nolte, director of the Center for Continuation Study. -2- Living Costs Rise But Little Living costs in Minneapclis and St. Paul, roflectin@, approximately the conditions for the entire state, rose only one cent in the dollar between last May and November 1939, despite" the· intervention of three months of war in Europe, it is shown by A. study in the Scho(.'l cf Business Administration, Un:i- versity of Minnesota. ThE! figur2s wer(~ c0mpiled by Profc)ssor .Richard 1. Koz(?]k!l. Foed prices rose most, clothing prices little, although Dr. Ko~~lka pointed cut that cl()thing retaU8rs have been selling gouds bcught at f:wcrable wholesale prices tind may be forced to fellow risinl/ wbuL)sale prices in the spring. The statistics, based on the needs of "an average wDrking man's family", show th~t in Minneapolis food costs rose from 98.8 to 104; cl.othing from 99.8 to 100; furniture from 99. to 101.8; fuel and utilities Qr0~ped from 98.1 tc 9£L R\mt remained stationary at 100., hC1use furnishings r.Jse from 97.6 to 102. and the wei('l:lted total reSEl fl'c;Irl 99.6 to 100.5, <:,1' nin8- tenths cf (Jne pcint. In st. Paul the rise was e:r..actly one p'.Jint. "The tmpr-.ct of the war un retail prices ViaS ne[;"ligible", saici Dr. I{ozelka. University of Minnesota News For Minnesota Weekly Newspapers From the University News Service // 120 Administration Building ~r';i '(~, \ ~ Teachers to Confer ·::,,-:.U i On Subject Matter At University Minneapolis, Feb.---- High school teachers from all parts of Minnesota will take part between now and April in a series of eight conferences at the University of Minnesota in which the materials of classroom instruction will be discussed, subject by subject.
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