ACHARYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Affiliated to V,svesvaraya· Technological· Univers· i·ty , Belagav,·, Approve dbY AICTE , New Delh_ i and Accredited by NBA and NAAC) Date: 22/05/2018 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Sanjay H B bearing USN 1AY16MBA70 is a bonafide student of Master of Business Administration course of the Institute 2016-18 batch, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. Project report on "A Study on Total Quality Management" at Tata Coffee Ltd. Chickmagalur is prepared by him under the guidance of Prof. Suhas Patel, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Kamataka. Signature of Internal Guide d • www acharya ac in/a1t/ dhaknshnan Road Soladevanahalh Acharya PO . Bangalore 560 107, Karnataka. 1n ,a · 1 1 Ac~.arya ~~nS~~;g~~ i;R; r v n 7107 • Fax +91-80 237 002 42 • E-mail
[email protected] n Date I 0 .04.20 18 HOD. tl"'JH_,_Qf ~ 18A \,:h,11~ ,1 ltb 1i1u1i:- of r t'chnoloi.?Y. olledevanahalli Bangalore -560098. Certificate This i to certify that Mr. anjay H B- tudent of MBA bearing US No. IA YI 6MBA111 70- \"is\'e \'araya Technological Univer ity has undergone the project work from 15 Jan 20 l to 1arch 2-ith _Q l 8 in our organization successfully and submitted the work whatewr he done partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Business . dministration. FOR "!ATA corru •_:MliE:O fK'll:JUHIKMN ESTA1E ~~~- MERTHIKHAN ESTATE (Proprietors TATA COFFEE LI MITED ) Basnkatte Post - 577 114 Chikmagalur Dist Ph 08265 240568' -e-ma 1l-merth1kh
[email protected] Reg1stereo O' ,ce Poll1bena - 571 215 Kodagu Karnatak.a Cl -L0113l l--.A l9·B PLCOOO 33 Tel ~ o.0c:--i - :51• 11 -• l:2 DECLARATION I, San_jay I I.B, hereby declare that the project report enti tled ' effect of Total Quality Management on Market share' refe1,ence .to Merthikhan estate owned oy Tata Coffee limited - Chickmagalur prepared by me under the g ui dance of Prof.