Lessons drawn from on how to move from ‘Best Kept Secret' to becoming a ‘DON’ in your field

Copyright 2015, Kehinde Ajose All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be used, shared or photocopied without obtaining written permission from the author. ISBN: 978-978-948-685-4 Published & Print:

Hedge Publishing Ventures 6/8, Yusuf Street, Oke-Ira, Ogba, . 08135891291, 08023771690 Author’s contact: E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: @iamkenniajose Instagram: iamkenniajose Website: Tel: 08024212530, 08031346466 WELCOME

i, my name is Kehinde Ajose, I am a ‘Writist.’ Everything I do is tied around writing and speaking. Like most writers, I love words the way Hkids devour their favourite candy and dudes roar about their favourite football clubs. There was a period in my writing journey when I wasn't getting the feedback I wanted. I would painstakingly craft those words like a sculptor sculpts beautiful artistic pieces and I won't even get a like on Facebook or endless flows of comments on my blog.

Then it dawned on me - my eureka moment came; life slapped me and my wake- up call embraced me. Like Betty Irabor would say, “Whenever you wake up is your morning.” I woke up from my slumber. I started seeing myself in a different light; applying some no nonsense, unusual principles that made me slam dunk and started winning in the writing game. iv

This book is not a self-praise manifesto or a hero-worship material devoted to singing the praise of Don Jazzy, rather it’s meant to instruct, inspire, and make you draw lessons from the life, career, detours and bumps on the path of Don Jazzy’s journey to stardom and greatness. it’s been said that we get inspired by the examples from the lives of others.

Whitney Houston watched her older cousin Dionne Warwick release hit after hit and dreamt one day of being just like her. The dream came to pass because she had someone to model her life after. Let me quickly say here that you don’t have to be another ‘Don Jazzy’ cooking beats in the music kitchen for people to savour and enjoy. All you need do is to discover your God-given assets (a combination of your gifts, talents, and natural endowments, develop it, monetize it, and impact your world through it)... that’s how to be Donjazzified!

This journey promises to be a fun ride devoid of traffic jams... You won’t even have to stop by to buy your favourite drink... It’s ‘edutainment’ all the way! DEDICATION

es I know I am supposed to write a long boring essay on who this book is dedicated to, but I won’t do that. I dedicate this book to the un- Yrewarded, under-compensated, die-hard dedicated individuals who have consistently striven to move from average to awesome in their various spheres of life. This book is for you. Keep being better than your best. vi TABLE O CONTENTS Welcome iii Dedication v One You are a Star 1 Two Don of Differentiation 5 Three Bounce Back like Don Jazzy 11 Four Be Irresistible on Twitter like Don Jazzy 17 Five Be a Rainbow in Someone’s Cloud 21 Six Wow!... The Pathway to being Remarkable 27 Seven Embrace Focus like Don Jazzy 31 Eight Echoes from the Street 35 Nine After all is said and ‘Don’ 39 Rave Reviews for Donjazzified! 43 Appreciation 47 About the Author 49

viii ONE

YOU ARE A STAR… Dream of a better version of you Donjazzyfied 2 Everybody has something they wish they were doing. The lawyer who wishes he was a best-selling author...

The civil servant who wishes she was a successful fashion designer...

The actor who never made it to Tinsel Town but dreams and sees his dream come to reality by watching other actors’ movies...

The retired soccer star who wishes he was still in the game...

The writer who wishes she didn’t throw her manuscript into the dustbin... if I could go back in time and give my confused, slim, shirt-wearing, 13-year-old self some advice, it would be: ‘Dare to dream’. I can recall the first time my article was published in a national daily as a teenager; I felt on top of the world, like I had just won a million dollars. This is the me that had been criticised for You are a STAR 3 having a bad handwriting and underestimated back in secondary school. I did that because I dared to see a new me in spite of what public opinion said.

Dream of a better version of you

Enter Don Jazzy

Step away from the glamour and attention he garners whenever he steps on the red carpet, Don Jazzy’s journey to stardom has been filled with bumps and detours. Michael Collins Ajereh, the renowned music producer and entrepreneur has had his own fair share of life’s hard knocks. According to him, his family moved to Ajegunle in Lagos where he sold Akara (bean cake) and pap with his younger brother, D’Prince. In pursuit of his love music, he found himself doing odd jobs in London in order to survive. He even got a job as a security guard in one of the eateries there. Today, he enjoys the dividends of success and savours the trappings of greatness because he dreamt of a better version of himself. Donjazzyfied 4

One of the barricades you will have to cross in order to dream of a better you is to stop romancing excuses; excuses for not living your dreams and doing what you are capable of. Stop complaining about your deprivation and deficit, they are not enough reasons to throw in the towel and give up. Don Jazzy is a living testimony.

Stop complaining that you don’t have a platform, stop ranting about not having the resources to record that album. Enough of making excuses. Stop that crap! (Sorry if that sounds too harsh).

“You may be years away from your dream. That’s okay. But don’t you dare spend another minute lying to yourself and others about what’s holding you back.” - Jeff Goins TWO


xpressing your own individuality is the pathway to being different. In a world where sameness is the order of the day, it is only those who dare to Ewalk the path less travelled that will enjoy life’s offerings. Being different in this context means the traits and actions that stand you out from the maddening crowd in your area of expertise.In an overcrowded hyper- competitive world, the only way to make an impression on your prospect is to break through the noise. “The formula of telling everybody how great you are with your state-of-the-art solutions, commitment to customer service, and best prices in town just won't cut it,” says marketing expert, Lauron Sonnier, author of Think Like a Marketer.

D - Do it differently

How do you get to the point where your book gets picked out of the several books in the bookstore or your shampoo gets customer's attention? It’s a function of doing things differently. You will agree with me that Don Jazzy isn’t your regular music producer. His carriage, dress sense, aura, brand identity; all speak volumes of his uniqueness. He does things differently. He doesn’t always get it right every time, but he always gets the attention of his audience just like he The D.O.N of Differentiation 7 did with his massive hit song, “Dorobucci”. In the same vein, success in any field is tied to being different.

O - Only be outstanding

Don Jazzy in one of his tweets said, “Don’t compare yourself to others, at the same time never stop growing and being better than you were yesterday. I am happy being Don Jazzy every day.”

Before now, music producers were known to be behind the scene and make a name for themselves from their music studios. Today, the story has changed. Don Jazzy has given music producers a face and a facelift. If you are going to become a leader in your industry, then it is imperative to learn to do something that will cause you to lead the way.

In his article, ‘The Mavins Doromania: Blending musical ingenuity with street savvy,’ Toni Kan, the renowned author and literary luminary said this about Don Jazzy’s ingenuity in Dorobucci: “On the surface, as with most Don Donjazzyfied 8

Jazzy produced songs, Dorobucci sounds like something you would hear from inebriated kegites on a lazy Friday night but the difference is that while the melody might sound commonplace, Don Jazzy (who by the way is not called a Don for nothing), has sprinkled his sound and song with the revitalizing ash of novelty, thus elevating this simple ditty into a national anthem.”

N - Next level mind-set

Success is not a destination, it is a journey without a bus stop. The moment you pause to rest on your laurels, you will stop succeeding. Ever since his entry into the entertainment scene, he has striven to become relevant. Little wonder Entertainment Today (NET), a leading entertainment publication named him one of the most influential persons in Nigeria’s entertainment scene.

Ebony Life TV Executive chairman and CEO, Mo Abudu puts it this way, “The secret for me is never believe in your own hype. Never believe that you have arrived. I think you just have to keep believing that there is another stuff left to be done and that’s what keeps me The D.O.N of Differentiation 9 thinking. And I keep thinking that Nigeria is an opportunity brand.”

Through a next-level mind set, you keep conquering new territories because you are dissatisfied with your accomplishments. That is the winning formula of a ‘Donjazzified’ personality. 10 THREE


“The best of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.” - George S. Patton

“For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumbles in times of calamity,” - Proverbs 24:16

heir union was like a marriage made in heaven but witnessed on the face of the earth. They were brothers from another mother, making hits, Twinning the hearts of their fans, becoming epitome of possibilities to other young Nigerians. They complemented each other and created a huge music business empire called MOHITS. Suddenly, the drum beat changed and reconciliation became a ‘long thing.’ Their cherished union experienced a strain that couldn’t be mended and they had to go their separate ways. The MOHITS community was heartbroken when Don Jazzy announced their ‘divorce’ via the micro blogging site, Twitter.

“Good day friends. So sorry I have been away for long as I have been through some changes in my life. It is with a heavy heart that I announce the end of a long era and the beginning of a new Bounce Back Like Don Jazzy 13 one. Some of the rumours you have all heard recently are sad but true. The way forward now is to make sure I keep bringing you guys more of the beautiful music y’all love to dance to. And to end the old era, I will be donating the proceeds of my production catalogue from 1 till date to 5 charity organizations. Thanks. IDJA” his statement via Twitter read.

After the announcement, the blogosphere and the social media was filled with different reactions to the duo’s split. I read an article titled, 10 Reasons Why Don Jazzy Loses where the writer stated reasons why Don Jazzy is the loser. But the Don rose like a butterfly stuck in its cocoon and went back to the ‘labour room’, giving birth to . With A-list musicians like , Dr. Sid and D’Prince on board the producer extra ordinaire bounced back, gaining momentum in his craft. In his words:

“I see Mavin Records being the power house of music in Africa in the shortest possible time. I know Rome wasn’t built in a day, but with a lot of hard work, a good and God fearing team, our friends and fans, TV houses, radio stations, press, bloggers and most of all, with God on our side there is nothing we cannot achieve. I definitely won’t forget my past because I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. I know there are questions unanswered, mysteries unsolved, Donjazzyfied 14 wounds to be healed, but I would really appreciate if we allow time to heal the wounds for us all instead of digging them up again.”

So what lessons can we learn from Don Jazzy’s bounce back?

1. Cultivate a winning attitude

He refused to dwell in the past; instead, he cultivated a positive mental attitude and dwelt on reinventing his brand. When life knocks you down, be willing to rise and fight back.

2. Re-strategize!

Yes! He went back to the drawing board, looking beyond the era of MOHITS to create Mavin Records. Robert Greene believes only one company today comes close to being compared to Napoleon in his heydays - and that company is Google. Larry Page and Sergey Brin did not think laterally, unlike others before them, they built their company on strategy. So while most companies, including Bounce Back Like Don Jazzy 15

Microsoft and IBM adhered to a management ratio of 1:6, Google has a ratio of 1:20. You have a company that has a completely light-on-its feet structure; it’s this lightness, this speed, this fluidity of Google that has given it this incredible power. This incredible ability to adapt to what’s happening in the world has made it into the ‘monster’ that it is today.

3. Keep playing the music

He refused to give up in the pursuit of his craft. He kept on playing music, making hits, and giving back to the less privileged. 16 FOUR


he music maker and entrepreneur is one of the most influential and highly engaging celebrities on Twitter. He comes across as the guy next Tdoor, friendly, down to earth and likeable. Anyone who desires to build a huge followership either as an artiste, or entrepreneur cannot ignore the powerful tool of social media. One of the biggest ways celebrities use social media to build their brand is by engaging their fans on Twitter. Nigerian celebs like Don Jazzy, Alibaba, Kate Henshaw have mastered this great strategy which you can deploy too.

Change their perception

Whether you like it or not, everyone has a particular perception about you. You can dominate the conversation by maximizing Twitter as a tool to change people’s perception about what you do. Don Jazzy is a master in this. From promoting his brand and dousing the smoke off the ‘Tweet-fight’ he had with , he has been able to create a positive image for his brand and also has extended help to people on Twitter. You can harness this strategy too. Be Irresistible on Twitter Like Don Jazzy 19

Treat your followers like friends

Celebs use Twitter as a tool to get closer to their fans. Don Jazzy in most cases replies to the tweets of his followers, even the mundane ones. Ignore the temptation to sell and truly connect to your audience. If you are truly interested in what they have to say, they will be interested in you.


Jeff Bullas, a social media strategist puts it this way, “Engagement is a term that is often overused, often to its detriment on social media. What it really means is that you thank people (when you can), share their content, have conversations and in general, just have some personable fun. It will surprise you where it will lead.” One of the ways you can engage your followers on Twitter is to be exciting. Don’t just use Twitter as a self- promotion tool, always bring your enthusiasm on board in order to seduce your followers. No one responds to a drab tweet. Donjazzyfied 20


As at the last check @Donjazzy has over 1.2m followers on Twitter and it keeps growing. As at the time of writing this chapter, he is promoting a competition organized by his record label focused on creating a character for DoroMegaSuperHero targeted at animators and graphic artists. Twitter isn’t just for socializing, it’s also meant for brand promotion. Daily tweets, photos, and interactions have put @Donjazzy in the twitter public eye. If the likes of Dangote, Atiku are using tweets to push their brands, then I think it’s only wise for you to emulate these public figures.

Don't become a billboard in the desert. Become irresistible like Don Jazzy. FIVE


is name is Tochy Oyeku known as (TOC). He is an upcoming artiste, a student in Bells University. He left his house to attend EME’s album Hlaunch party held at Club Deuces, unknown to him he was going to encounter Don jazzy.

According to him, “I met Don Jazzy and we spoke for a bit and he asked me to give him a call so we can continue our discussion some other time. His private number was like a huge asset for me; I crammed it immediately and saved it on my two phones. I kept on calling and sending text messages, so sad no one was picking, no text was replied either.”

He gave up and kept pursuing his passion.

On a certain day, he was about to sleep off when his phone started vibrating. He almost ignored the call intending to get back to whoever it was whenever he woke up. All the same, he decided to take a look at the phone in order to know who was calling. He saw the name Don Jazzy. Being a Rainbow in Someone Else’s Cloud 23

“You needed to have seen how I sat up at once, the sleep flew away like a bird that escaped from a cage. I booked an appointment and went to his house. When I got there, he asked me to play my works. Afterwards, he complained I sounded like and Dammykrane. I pleaded with him to give me just 30 seconds to freestyle there and then in his studio. I guess he saw the zeal and desperation in me.” “T.O.C I’m going to give you an amount of money to work with big producers in the industry like , Samklef and J-Sleek’, he said. I was elated. I haven’t been happy like this in a long while. I didn’t know how to express my feelings, should I kneel down or lie down? The joy was just too overwhelming. I kept on saying thank you sir! I quickly dropped my account number for him. The next morning, I received a bank alert from Mavin Records! (Don’t worry about the amount). What more can I say? Don Jazzy is a blessing. I’m forever grateful.”

This is the tale of a young man whose success story, Don Jazzy has been part of. The true test of success is not that he is successful, but that he helps others succeed, not that he is rich, but enriches others. The success stories of D’banj, Wande Coal, D’Prince, Dr. Sid, Tiwa Savage, and the newly signed Mavin artistes like , Di’Ja, Reekado Banks will be incomplete without the mention of Don Jazzy. Donjazzyfied 24

Wikipedia puts it this way, “Although not acknowledging himself as a recording artist, he is responsible for doing most background vocals for artists he produces for, and sometimes does complete verses. His musical dexterity can be heard through his beats and the well calculated vocals he assists to the likes of D’Banj, Sauce Kid, Dr. Sid, Ikechukwu, Kween, D’Prince and even Jay-Z and on their ‘ ‘track ‘Lift Off’, featuring Beyonce”

It all started on Twitter when one of Don Jazzy’s followers randomly tweeted, “A date with Don Jazzy or 50k?” Most of the respondents replied choosing N50,000 over a date with Don Jazzy. Amazingly, only two followers chose a date with Don Jazzy over N50,000. There was no actual N50,000 cash to be given, it was just a question asked by one of his followers on Twitter. Nobody knew how it happened, somehow Don Jazzy saw the tweets and shocked the two who chose a date with him over money, giving them N100,000 each.

This is the wisdom nugget Don Jazzy shared on Twitter after the occurrence: “Use your brain. It's not always about the money sometimes. Good connects can earn you more in future” Being a Rainbow in Someone Else’s Cloud 25

‘Don Baba J’ as he is often called by his fans, in his usual generous character gave SARZ (a music producer) his Nigerian Entertainment Awards - (NEA 2012) plaque stating that he felt SARZ deserved the award as a result of the hit songs he produced in the previous year.

At the end of the day, your life won’t be measured by the amount of wealth you have acquired, but how you have been able to put smiles on people’s faces. I love the way Maya Angelou puts it, “Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”

Kenny and Don Jazzy at an event 26 SIX


“Every job is a self-portrait of who does it, autograph your work with excellence.” “The rejection of mediocrity is the standing point of the pursuit of excellence” - Kehinde Ajose

ow! is an exclamation that is used to express great surprise and admiration. If you desire to perform at your peak, it is pertinent you ‘WOW’ anyone that comes in contact with you, your work or Wanything that bears your name. Don Jazzy is not new to wowing his fans and clients with his music productions. Dorobucci, his recent hit song attests to that fact.

According to Chinedu Iroche in his article published in Y! magazine titled When All Is Said And Don!: “For those still in doubt it is clear that Don Jazzy possesses eyes and ears for talent and the dexterity to expertly transform said talent into bonafide hit makers. He transformed erstwhile Trysbesman Sid from a conventional 'Bars and hooks' rapper to a 'Lady killing' crooner in Something About You .It appears that Don Jazzy's cane might well be a magic wand.”

He is a dude who commits to excellence in whatever he does. Little wonder, WOW! The Path Way to Being Remarkable 29

Forbes Magazine recognized him as one of the richest showbiz personalities in Africa and The Alder Social Media Report careful selection of Nigeria’s innovative social media brands (corporate, government, institutional and personal) recognized him as one of the leading entertainment personal brands in social media development. He was selected based on his effective use of social media.

Excellence should never be compromised in your quest for being the best. Until you know what to reject, you can never possess what you deserve. The rejection of mediocrity is the starting point of possessing excellence. The way to become a WOW! personality is to be remarkable.

Being remarkable is about being exceptional, new, interesting. It is doing something worth talking about. Nobody laughs to old jokes any more, because it is conventional. Excellence seduces individuals who desire it like women who run around in the supermarket to get their favourite deodorant.

Never be satisfied at being good at your job; be the best and you will soon be Donjazzyfied 30


In the words of Fela Durotoye, “Nobody cares about what you are not good at, if they know what you are best at.”

A peak performer is someone who fishes for results. The only way to beat competition is to autograph your work with excellence. ‘Being’ precedes ‘doing’, therefore be committed to being-result-oriented. Never compromise crappy achievements, when you can blaze the trail and etch your name on the pages of history for being a ‘WOW’ personality. SEVEN


ne of the traits of an irresistible personal brand is focus. When you think of literary acumen, Chimamanda Adiche comes to mind. When you Othink of the artistry and glamour an artiste possesses, D’Banj comes to mind. When you think of exquisite music production, Don Jazzy comes to mind. These individuals have been able to find their place in life’s race and maintain a laser focus on it. In their book, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, Alries and Jack Trout counseled that, “You burn your way into the mind by narrowing your focus to a single word or concept. That is the ultimate marketing sacrifice.”

There are questions you must ask yourself in maintaining a focus that helps you build an irresistible personal brand just like Don Jazzy.

What makes me prominent?

Everyone has their own area of prominence. Don Jazzy discovered his area of prominence and made himself a Don in it by maximizing best practices in music production. The key to maximizing your prominence is answering this question, “What do I do better than anyone else?” Embracing Focus: The Don Jazzy Way 33

Fela Durotoye puts it this way, “The value you create is the vacuum you fill.” We are so good at something and it comes to us so easily, we don’t realize how valuable it is to those around us.

What makes me different?

If there is nothing unique about you, you are just a commodity. Your ability to know what makes you stand out from others and amplify it consistently is the trait that makes you a winning brand. Don Jazzy's first full credit production work was in 2004 on Tongolo for D'banj. He went on to produce D'banj's first studio album titled No Long Thing released in 2005.

As a music producer, Don Jazzy’s forte is producing dance tracks, unlike Cobhams whose forte is producing ballads and jazz-infused tunes. He has been able to carve a niche for himself in that area of music production. It’s the difference you possess that will stand you out, not your similarities with others. Donjazzyfied 34

What makes me relevant?

According to Seth Godin, “What’s fashionable soon becomes unfashionable. While you might be remarkable for a time, if you don’t reinvest and reinvent, you won’t be for long. Instead of resting on your laurels, you must commit to being remarkable again quite soon.”

Your relevance is often tied to your ability to remain relevant. In the Nigerian movie terrain, the likes of Kate Henshaw, Omotola Jalade and Rita Dominic have remained relevant over the years. Success can be intoxicating and makes one stop improving. Never let that happen to you. EIGHT


his section captures the thoughts of showbiz practitioners, public figures, bloggers on how they think Don Jazzy has contributed to the Tentertainment industry in Nigeria. “Don Jazzy has remained consistent.” - Emma Nyra, Artiste

Don Jazzy is someone who has remained consistent in the industry. As an artiste, I admire his work ethic and his knack for success. His sound has remained unique and he is the best at what he does. One of my favourite entertainers so far.

“Don Jazzy is a revolutionary.” - Annette Cookey, 2nd runner up MTN’s PFWA Season 1

Don Jazzy, in a nutshell has been one of the major contributors to Nigeria’s entertainment scene. Since he entered the music scene, he has taken music production to another level with his versatility and uniqueness. He has also contributed to putting Nigerian music on the world map. He is one of the very Echoes from the Street 37

few producers who groom and make stars out of ordinary people. He takes the lead in the ability to bridge the gap between celebrities and their fans with his humour and generosity. To say the least, Don Jazzy is a revolutionary, a people person to the core.

“Don Jazzy is a maker of stars.” - Senator, Comedian

Simply put, Don Jazzy is a maker of stars. This has shown in his ability to recreate less talented people into superstars.

“He is indeed a don!” - Olori Supergal, blogger

Don Jazzy’s input in the Nigerian entertainment industry has been enormous and innovative. He is a power house of creativity in terms of the songs his artistes release, and the record label as a whole. He is indeed a Don.

“Young Nigerians need to follow his path.” - Shine Begho - Media personality Donjazzyfied 38

Don Jazzy remains a showbiz brand that is worth emulating. From the days of Mohits and now Mavin Records, he has consistently added to contemporary Nigerian entertainment. Young Nigerians need to follow his path.

“He is someone that can be used as a reference point.” - Wale Odunsi, Writer/social commentator

We all know Don Jazzy has done a lot; he is one of the pioneers of music business in the modern era. He has really made it clear to everybody that aside being in the studio and recording, he can also make money from music. He is one person who in the face of his huge bank account has been able to keep his cool, which is a very big lesson for every other celebrity. You will find that the newcomers in entertainment these days that are gradually hitting the millions are not as humble as Don Jazzy. His humility is worthy of note. His ability to engage people on the social media is also legendary; he uses social media platforms to push his brand. He is someone that can be used as a reference point in all ramifications. He is scandal free. Apart from the brawl he had sometime at a club, we have not had a groupie come say, “Don Jazzy slept with me.” NINE

AFTER ALL IS SAID AND ‘DON’ Donjazzyfied 40

“It’s your responsibility to show up, pen in hand, to write folders of greatness. You just have to pick up the pen.” - EMEKA NOBIS, Author of So You Call Yourself A Writer.

I have a confession to make and I hope you won’t crucify me for confessing my ‘sin’. I procrastinated on several occasions before completing this book. I talked about it, dreamt about it, visualized it, but left one thing out - picking up the pen (in this case, it’s taking the time to type those words on my laptop... words crying to be expressed). Eventually, I got my lazy ass off the couch of laziness and I did it.

Like me, a lot of individuals spend more time talking about their dreams than actually doing those dreams. Talking does not cook the rice, you have to go into the kitchen and make for yourself a delicious delicacy. One of the lines often rehashed is this: “WHAT IF I FAIL?”

My dear, the fear of failure is the beginning of failure itself. When you allow the fear of failure to cripple you and serve as a barricade on your success journey, then, you have started dating failure without even knowing. After All is Said and ‘DON’ 41

My advice? Just get it done!... in spite of the fear I don’t know what ‘It’ is, just make it happen and run after your greatness. Do it afraid.

Don Jazzy wasn’t just sitting in the studio, daydreaming about making hits that would in turn make him a sought-after-award-winning producer, he dared to hit those notes on his piano (or keyboard) and got it done. The doings count, not just the ‘knowing.’ Anything less is the cheap imitation of the life you are meant to live.

“After all is said and done, more will be said than done.”

You need to ignore this popular saying and start chasing your greatness.

Greatness is calling on your name, will you answer the call? 42 RAV E REVIEWS 44

“Excellent piece of work from the mind of a writer the world should watch out for. Kenni has ‘Don’ a very beautiful work in this book. And anyone who wants to learn the secrets of the ‘DON’ of entertainment industry in Nigeria, so he/she could become a ‘DON’ too in whatever area of endeavour must read this book. Thank you Kenni for giving me the rare opportunity to read through this ‘DONJAZZYFIED’ book before it is published.” - Abiodun Mabadeje, Author of the book The Call; The Passion; The Destiny! and Motivational Speaker

“If Don Jazzy can do it, you can do it too. Start from the little and create the big picture you want. I am proud of Kenni Ajose for writing this wonderful piece about a man that inspires us all.” - Esther Ijewere Kalejaiye, Fellow Vital Voices Global Leadership USA/Executive Director/Founder Rubies Ink Initiative (Subsidiary of Belshazzar Ventures)

“This brave book is not about Don Jazzy in the end, but about an understanding of our struggles with dreams, desire to succeed, guidelines for achievement of dreams, and the answer to those secret doubtful questions we have been battling with over our dreams. Don Jazzy is an inspiration that left me with much admiration and one question, “Why should I fear to 45 succeed?” This is not the first time I will encounter the author (Kehinde Ajose’s) ability to make words alive as if the words see you, hear you and pre-empt your thoughts. I remember his interview of me as the first ever. He made me feel much more intelligent than I realized I was and made me re-think so many answers I had given for interviews, and it was the first of my interviews that had amazing feedbacks. He is not just a writer but a keen observer of all life changing developments. He is an apt selfless teacher of these discoveries. Congratulations if you get to find this book.” - Kehinde Bankole, Award winning actress

“DonJazzyfied is an amazing book, thought-provoking and a book for every ambitious, focused individual who wants to be successful in life.” - Layole Oyatogun, Media personality 46 APPRECIATION

almost forgot to do this... (Did you fall for that?) I want to appreciate God for being my well of never-ending inspiration. Inspiring me all the way to pen these thought .He is the wind beneath my wings. He makes meI soar to unfathomable heights. My gratitude also goes to you. Yes, you! for picking up this book. I know it has inspired you to stop dreaming and start living the dream. Finally, to every individual who has contributed to making this project a grand success, I say, God bless you. Amen! 48 ...

EHINDE AJOSE has repeatedly asked to be called “Mister Awesome” Kbut no one listens to him. So he prefers to wear the cap of a talent development strategist, ace journalist, and publicist .His services are engaged by some of the best media personalities, celebrities, entrepreneurs, authors etc His fabulous result-driven strategies birth the needed change in individuals and firms that encounter him. He was christened 'Nigeria's youngest motivational speaker' by EDUTAINMENT magazine and was profiled a YOUNG NIGERIAN MAKING A DIFFERENCE by Vanguard newspaper in 50

2011.In 2015, he clinched the award for the Entertainment writer of the year at the Nigeria Media Nite-Out Award and was also nominated for TUSH Awards 2015 in the Youth Journalist of the Year category. His life's mantra revolves around the statement: 'Moving from average to awesome' 51 Notes 52 Notes This brave book is not about Don Jazzy in the end but about an understanding of our struggles with dreams,

desire to succeed, guidelines for achievement of dreams m o

and the answer to that secret doubtful question we have c .

been battling with over our dreams. The book focuses its g n -

lens on Don jazzy, using him as a case study on how to e r grow your brand from a tiny spark into a phenomenon people rave about e i m u l What Donjazzyfied will do for you: . w w w

Identity – Helps you to identify your own unique brand traits : n g i s e

Credibility – People will trust what you say D

r e v

Buy-in – People become anxious for the opportunity to talk about your o message C

Failurevantage - You will be able to maximize the advantages in failure

Buying this book is one of the greatest decisions you will ever make. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t let the doubter whisper to you. ISBN: 978-978-948-685-4

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