MARCH 2013


Mr Fox Often seen exiting the fields and setting off for an exploration of the local houses.

The great white egret Over the last few weeks a number of sightings have been made here of the rare UK-visiting Great White Egret. This is a large bird, the size of the familiar grey heron, but completely white with a big yellow beak. Only a handful are estimated to be in the UK at any one time. The bird was seen by the River Yare close to the bridge.

Otters An otter was spotted a month or so back running across the iced up ponds. 2 More local wildlife on p.23. Contact [email protected] 9 3

1 4

Bowthorpe This is a building Conservation conservation area. Building conservation is Area hatched often confused with wildlife conservation. A conservation area designation does not mean that wildlife is protected, although by helping to preserve areas of landscaping and trees, wildlife may benefit.


An appraisal of the Conservation Area will take place in June as part of City Council’s public consultation exercise. The competition to capture some- thing of the area’s character is open to all ages and the time limit has been extended until the end of April. There are four categories: +History +Natural Landscape +Topography/ Urban Design and Streetscape, +Architecture Winners will be selected in terms of how best the art reflects that particular aspect of the character of the conservation area—this could be abstract and not literal. It will be chosen on what encapsulates the most information and generates the most 'thought'. Entries can include *Drawing/painting/photography *Sculpture/diorama/models *Poetry/craft An overall winner will see their entry feature alongside the Appraisal Introduction, and a number of other entries will be selected for display. Please send all entries via Editor 2a Saint Michaels Cottages, Bowthorpe Hall Rd.Norwich NR5 9AA

2 COUNCILLORS REPORT I hope by now many of you have Switched and Saved. The Norwich Switch and Save scheme is a City Council initiative . It is a collective switching scheme which negotiates a better deal for households who register to save money on their fuel. The Norwich City Council works with a partner organisation which participates in a one day auction where energy companies bid for business. The first tranche of the scheme ran from last October to December and many of those who signed up made significant savings. Dual fuel online customers saved on average £176 per year and electricity online customers saved on average £165 per year. Those with paper billing on dual fuel made average savings of £156 per year and electricity customers saved on average £182 per year. It is free and with no obligation. All that is needed to register is name, address and information from a recent energy bill to show usage. Although those with prepay meters did not benefit from any offers last time, we are hoping that by joining up with other authorities in this process, this group will also be helped this time. Registration can be done online at There is a freephone number to help you, 0800 098 8994. If you do not have access to a computer you can ring the City Council on 0344 980 3333. There are also a number of events where you can go to register. Two of these are in the library at the Forum on Saturday 16th March between 10.00AM and 5.00PM and on Sunday 17th March between 10.00AM and 4.00PM . There is also a chance to register on Saturday 23rd March opposite the information desk on level two in The Mall . Just remember to take a recent energy bill. The energy auction should take place on April 9th. Happy switching ! Cllr Jo Storie, e-mail: [email protected]

3 NOTICE BOARD Interested in Drawing and Painting

Like me are you interested in Drawing or Painting for your own pleasure? Like to meet like minded people? Then this maybe is for you. I am trying to start an Informal Art Club in the Bowthorpe/Costessey area. If you are interested contact John, Email [email protected] Mobile 07769511855 Tel. 01603 477456

Lost Property Please can the owner of the dog waste deposits that have recently been left behind on the grass verges near the Heritage Community Garden come back and collect them as soon as possible. Thank you. (A nearby resident.)

Bowthorpe WI started the new year with a challenge - to make a decorative paper gift bag. For some the challenge was greater than for others, but we all succeeded to a greater or lesser extent!

In February we were given helpful advice on how to recognise when we are feeling stressed and how to help ourselves at that time.

In March we are going to have a talk from Susan Lee who has worked with the poor in Calcutta for many years. She will tell us about her many

& varied experiences.

Wild Life in a Garden is the subject for our speaker in April.

The WI welcomes new members so if you are interested why don't you come along? You can be assured of a warm welcome! We meet on the first Monday of the month at 7.30 at the Chapel Break Hall. Jenny For more information contact Sue 746650


Do you remember the days before the multi-screen cinemas we have today? We used to call it ‘going to the pictures’ and that is what the Lottery Funded project organised by CinemaPlus in Norwich called “Norfolk at the Pictures” is all about.

Norwich had a number of ‘picture houses’ right from the early days of the silent cinema. Some of them were very grand, and some less so. Names like The Electric Theatre, Mayfair, Gaumont and Hippodrome have all gone, killed off largely by the rise in popularity of television. Many people speak fondly of the original Odeon which, with a capacity of 2054, was one of the largest cinemas outside London.

Going to see the latest film was quite an event. People would queue around the block for the presentations. Inside the grand auditoriums, often decorated in palatial style, patrons would be fortified by cartons of Kia Ora and a choc ice. Film programmes included a newsreel and a second feature, and all for 1/9d! Do you recall the Saturday morning cinema clubs which were noisy affairs where children could follow the serialised adventures of Flash Gordon and Roy Rogers?

If you visit the project website you will find photographs and a comprehensive map, together with information about upcoming events. Later this year there will be an event to revive the cinema experience of days gone by.

If you, or any family members, have any memories you would be prepared to share as a ‘cinema goer’, or perhaps a member of cinema staff, we would be pleased to hear from you. Your memories will be recorded and be availa- ble to share with present and future generations. In 2014 a permanent exhi- bition is planned in a space at Cinema City. For that we would also like to see any memorabilia you might have, tickets, photos or posters etc.

Please contact Marc Atkinson at Cinema City, or by email: [email protected].

Mike Hutchinson

5 Bowthorpe Police Station Norfolk Constabulary Wendene Norwich NR5 9HA non emergency Tel: 101 [email protected] [email protected] The Bowthorpe Neighbourhood Policing Team would like to extend an invitation to everyone. Over the next few months we will be holding a series of street briefings where we would like to hear your views on what our priorities should be. On the 13th April we will be in the Wendene Shopping Centre between 2.30pm and 4.30pm. Further dates can be found on our Constabulary website where you can look at the latest news in the community. Please come along and tell us what you think we should be doing to further help the neighbourhood. So what have we been doing? The last month has been a flurry of activity. I have listened to reports of anti-social behaviour on the estate. I have tailored patrols to ensure officer presence at the appropriate place at the appropriate time. And I have worked with local residents to ensure longer term resolutions of the reported problems. Three teenagers were identified as having thrown stones at vehicles and houses over a period of time. A man has been charged to court for breaking in to sheds and causing criminal damage to a vehicle on Peverell Road. And two people were identified for possessing controlled drugs near to Humbleyard. We have been able to achieve these results because of support given by you. Please continue to tell me of any concerns or information that you have on the estate. I have also led recent operations to identify unsafe or illegal vehicles on our roads. On the weekend of 16th Feb I worked with colleagues from Customs, Road Policing and the Vehicle and Operators Service Agency. Prohibition notices were issued to five un-roadworthy vehicles stopped on Dereham Road including endorsable penalty notices for a range of offences. With the pro-active unit from Customs I attended three addresses suspected of running vehicles on red diesel. Should your vehicle be untaxed, not fit for the road or running on illegal fuel, please be aware that this operation was a success and it will be repeated. I hope that this has shown that we do work hard to act on the information that you provide us. Please contact me if you have any information that would assist us in our operations. We are always keen to hear any ideas for how we can be making a positive difference to the community. Please contact us by dialling 101 or through crime stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Pc 591 Andy Tomlinson 6

7 Main Service — 10 : 30 am Sundays Sunday Evening Service — 6 : 30 pm Wednesday 10 am Service of Holy Communion and Healing

Easter is the most important of all the Christian festivals. The death and resurrection of Christ has been the main focus of Christian proclamation since that first Resurrection Sunday. Many people have commented on the importance of Jesus Christ. Below are just three quotations that put the life and importance of Jesus Christ into context. “All the armies that ever marched, and all the navies that were ever built, and all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned, put to- gether, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as this one solitary life.” Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-90). “God has himself gone through the whole human experience, from the trivial irritations of family life and the cramping restrictions of hard work and lack of money to the worst horrors of pain and humiliation, defeat, despair and death.” Dorothy Sayers (1893-1957) “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ alone founded his empire upon love, and at this hour millions of men would die for him.” Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) This Easter, as well as reflecting on the facts of Easter, Jesus’ death and resurrection, reflect also on the reason for Easter. Jesus himself said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:16-17). This Easter remember that you are the reason why Jesus died and was raised from death – you! It is now possible for you to know God’s incredible love and forgiveness. The certain hope of life after death is now possible if you trust in Jesus Christ. It is possible because of Jesus’ death and resurrection to know God’s love and forgiveness and experience the joy of new life in Christ. Please join me this Easter Sunday (31 March) at 10.30am at Bowthorpe Church and experience God’s love, forgiveness, hope and new life for yourself. With every Easter blessing, Revd Mark Elvin

For Roman Catholic services Tel. Rev Bill Dimelow 743476 or Fr. David Ward at St John's Cathedral 624615 8 Easter Prayer: Easter Services Lord Jesus, at Bowthorpe Church When you opened your arms upon the cross, You are warmly invited to all of our You embraced us all. Easter services and events. When you died upon the cross, Good Friday (29th March):

You offered us all new life. 10.30am Service When you rose again, (followed by Hot Cross Buns). You conquered death so that we could live. Meditations on the Cross We give thanks this Easter between 12noon and 3.00pm. for your wonderful sacrifice Easter Sunday (31st March): and your mighty power. Amen. Sunrise Service at 6.30am. 10.30am Easter Morning Service

with Holy Communion.

6.30pm Easter Praise and Prayer.


We’re 2 messed-up I love these babies, kids, Zac. But Easter’s Kelsey. And they like me. got something to do No one else does, only Mum. with getting out of the mess.

9 10 11 WHAT’S IN A NAME? Filling in the gaps in last month’s centre-page

ROAD ORIGIN OF NAME Smeat St Smear. Vicar of Bawburgh 1732 Vicar of Norwich 1739

Braithwait Cl James Braithwait Vicar of Earlham 1598

Hemmings Cl William & Thomas Hemmings Earlham landowners in 1600’s

Stylman Rd Robert Stylman Rector of Earlham 1754

Offley Ct Offley, Vicar of Earlham 1758

Howlett Dr John & Deborah Howlett farmed in Bowthorpe & their daughter baptised here in 1817 Waldegrave Waldegraves were landowners in Earlham & Bowthorpe

:FOR THREE SCORE NAMES These may be alternatives as supplied by local writer Mr Skipper

Fresher - Small frog Sukey - Hare Runnel - Wheel Swale - Shade Thanks to Madge Roberts for supplying this information.

12 Thanks to Dave Blake for finding out further information

Toftes Place John Toftes, Vicar of Earlham 1440 Webster Cl Richard Webster Vicar of Earlham 1632

Walcott Cl Thomas Walcott Vicar of Earlham 1437

Swafield St Robert Swafield Vicar of Earlham 1401

Cornwallis Cl Sir Charles Cornwallis Earlham landowner 1598

Cotterall Cres George Cotterall Rector of Earlham 1839

Houghton Cl Robert & Thomas Houghton Landowners 1657

The origin of the name Tunstall Close still eludes us!


If you would like to find out more about our work or help us by volunteer- ing, fundraising or joining our consultation group, please call us at the Big C office on 01603 619900 or visit our web- site at And to keep up to date with what is happening day to day at Big C, like us on Facebook or follow @BigCTweets on Twitter.

Contact To arrange an interview with Daniel Williams or Nikki Morris or for any further information about Big C please contact our communications officer; Katy Lavington-woods, Office Tel. 01603 619900 and katy.lavington@big-



Why not come and join us at St.Michaels Middle School Thursdays at 5.30 and 7.30 A warm welcome awaits you

Contact Emily for more info. 07795254849 [email protected]


15 THIS MONTH WE SAY FAREWELL TO THE PERINO FAMILY PEOPLE IN THE NEWS as they return to their native country of Germany. They will be greatly missed. Grischa and Vanessa arrived in Three Score in 2008, and their daughter Cara was born in September 2009. All three family members have made their mark. They quickly engaged with the Community Garden, growing vegetables and help- ing out generally. During the drought of 2011 Cara became our youngest gardener, making sure the plants got watered. Cara and her mother Vanessa have become a well-known sight along the cycle-paths of Bowthorpe, speeding by as a colourful tandem of buggy-attached-to-bike! Vanessa has become part and parcel of many community activities, not least the local church, and a staunch friend to many people.

Dr Grischa Perino, an environmental economist at UEA's Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science, has pioneered new research on the issue of Global Warming. On 30th January his latest paper was published, and promptly reported in The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian.

The study explains how the EU ETS (Emission Trading System) impacts on efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Grischa (as he is known locally) argues that under- standing what polices such as the EU ETS cover is crucial for individuals wanting to contribute to reducing their carbon footprint, otherwise their efforts can “backfire”.

ETS allow certain sectors to produce a limited amount of carbon over time. If less carbon is produced then the sector will sell their “permits” to another polluting in- dustry in the scheme. Therefore if you choose, for example, not to take a flight, all you do is “make it cheaper for someone else to pollute”. But Grischa is careful to point out there are still good reasons not to fly, such as air traffic and other pollutants and energy efficiency can cut bills.

"Consumers who want to reduce the climate impact of their consumption and life- style should focus on reducing emissions not regulated by the EU ETS, such as road transport, agriculture and other sectors with low energy intensity," he said. "Driving your car less, eating less red meat and improving the insulation of your home substantially reduces your carbon footprint. These unregulated sectors make up more than half of greenhouse gas emissions in participating countries and reduc- ing those emissions is important."

16 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS FROM HERE TO GREAT ORMOND STREET - BY BIKE On April 6th Lewis Swatman will cycle 128 miles to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital. He will begin at the Forum with one other cyclist to accompany him, and end at the London Hospital. Lewis, aged 16, is doing this because his brother Wayne received life-saving care at the hospital in the early years of his life. Wayne was born 25 years ago with Down’s Syndrome, became profoundly deaf at the age of 6 months when he contracted meningitis, and needed major heart surgery when he was 5. The surgery was carried out at Great Ormond Street Hospital during 6 weeks of intensive care. “Everyone who knows my brother”, says Lewis, “will know that he is always full of life and happy, and this wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for this amazing hospital.” Wayne now attends for one day a week and takes part in activities at Nansa. He is enjoying a cooking course at Heath Farm, Little Plumstead , and once a fortnight helps serve lunch for elderly people in nearby sheltered accommodation. Wayne and Lewis live with their sister Kirsty and their parents Del and Jane

Swatman in Craske Mews, Chapel Break.

Lewis has been thinking of doing some kind of sponsorship for most of his life. He trains every Wayne, left. Lewis, right. With bike. night, cycling around 30 miles each time. He kept going even during last months’ snow and ice, despite spending too much time getting his bike mended because of all the grit on the roads. (There is also the little matter of having to study for his GCSE’s!) The Hethersett 30/60 course will be good practice for Lewis when he does this on 24th March, choosing, of course, the ‘6o’. Helped by publicity in Norwich Evening News (January 28th 2013), Lewis has reached around £1,000 in sponsorship so far. Please help to increase this figure so that the work of Great Ormond Street Hospital can benefit. Lewis can be sponsored at

17 BRADECROFT Hello again everyone, First I must apologise for the little poem I wrote in last months letter. I did not intend for it to upset anyone, Please accept my apology, it will not happen again. Now down to business.

Outings planned for 2013 April 16th Mystery Tour=Tuesday May 22nd Bury St. Edmunds = Wednesday June 18th Lowestoft & Highway Nurseries =Tuesday July16th Clacton on Sea =Tuesday August 14th Gt. Yarmouth =Wednesday September 17th Mystery Tour =Tuesday We have all been asked if we wanted social evenings - Bingo , Films,

Music or Beetle Drive. I don’t think anything has been arranged yet. Well I think this is all for now. I expect you’re all like me looking forward to better weather. We are still going to have snow and rain but it has to stop one day. I think this might be my last letter, so God bless you all. We will see. Regards Pat With reference to the apology above: Any offence caused was entirely unintentional and unforeseen. Lessons have been learned. Where offence was caused, the Editor also offers an apology.

Clifford.J.Knight, ASHMPH GHSc, GQHP Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist Hypnotherapy is the Fast Effective and Safe way to;- Lose Weight. Quit Smoking. Deal with Stress/Sleep Loss.

Ring Cliff on 07786245870 for more details. Bowthorpe NR5


Hello again – the time seems to come round so quickly – before I know what is happening it is time to write the next piece for the “Bowthorpe News”. There does not seem to be a lot of “news” this month. Having recovered from our snow-covered world, we do not seem to have fully come back to life after our winter hibernation! We have, however, got a full programme of events at Ashwell Court for the rest of 2013 – thanks to Caroline – so we will be pretty busy entertainment- wise this year. This programme kicked off in February, when we were brilliantly entertained by Pat James. In March we look forward to another visit by Dick High. We are at present having new heating radiators installed and we are looking forward to this. Other activities have continued. On Tuesday afternoons we have had some brilliant quizzes (look out Eggheads!). We have also enjoyed some Craft afternoons and various games, such as Hangman, “Who am I” and, of course, Bingo. Some of us are getting some exercise using the Wii. Recently we had a Residents’ Meeting at one of our coffee mornings, when we were joined by Nicky Galway-Woolston from Cotman Housing, who explained that an Outreach Drop-in Centre would be held at Ashwell Court on Wednesday afternoons, when anyone in Bowthorpe with any problems could drop in for help. The residents all agreed that all who visited would be very welcome. Well goodbye and good luck everyone. Best wishes. Margaret


Mondays 2.30 Bowthorpe Church

March 11th The time of My Life. Rev. Michael Corney March 25th Easter Meeting


Great News for Older People in Bowthorpe

Cotman Housing Association has a range of services for anyone aged 60 or over in Bowthorpe Lunch Club Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 o’clock at Ashwell Court, Bendish Way (near Roys) Enjoy a delicious hearty two course meal, great company and optional activities after lunch, all for £4. All welcome. Give it a try with no obligation – if you like it, come again.

Outreach Service Free service! Support to keep your independence in your own home – our support workers can visit you at home to support with managing the upkeep of your home, accessing benefits and managing money, finding activities to over- come loneliness, options for moving home and much more.

Drop in for support and help Free for outreach customers – another option for support and help with forms, official letters, benefits, housing and much more. You can drop into Ashwell Court, Bendish Way (near Roys) between 2 and 4 pm on a Wednesday afternoon.

For more information on any of the above services please phone 01603 731696.

20 21 Costessey and Bowthorpe District RETIREMENT Brownies, Rainbows and Guides

Fifty years of working happy times in part Costessey Guides are working on the World I've seen the World Traveller Badge this term; perhaps hoping to or most of it find somewhere with a warmer climate! To and a lady won my gain this badge they have to find out about heart passports, vaccinations, currency rates and useful phrases in the language of the country

they have chosen to visit. Before gaining the Memories both good badge they need to make their own travel and bad book that includes all the relevant They dim as time goes information. To round things off in style this past topic will be concluded with an international But the pleasant ones of evening. What a useful and fun way to life and love prepare for the real thing; maybe some girls Well they're the ones will be lucky enough to be going on holiday to that last. their chosen country. Bowthorpe Brownies and Rainbows have I've done my bit with all other ideas on how to keep warm. They are my jobs going bowling one week and on another will None that were a curse be trying out a Zumba class; now that should I've served my Country take care of any problems with excess energy! done my time I just hope that the leaders, if they feel the and finished as a urge to participate, will have enough energy. Nurse. These busy young people are also going to work on the entertainer badge, and will be joining another unit on a Brownie holiday but Now you may scoff or more about that next time. bitch or moan because that's the way We hope you would like to find out more you're wired about our meeting's activities, especially But things are great with since we find ourselves very short of leaders me and mine and helpers in several units now, particularly at Queens Hills, so if you feel I'm happily retired. that you can offer us some help please

contact us on [email protected] Dave or call Julie on 01603 749717 or Sheila on Rugen 741989. We look forward to hearing from you. Sheila.



Bats Muntjac Bats are often seen flying The muntjac deer can often be across much seen, but often it’s a quick of the site, but glimpse as it sulks around the feed above scrub and dashes at the first the shallows sign of disturbance of the river 9. Kestrel and by the The kestrel nests on Bunkers Hill bridge where occasion within the tree many insects line. You may be lucky Bluebell woodland that is can be found if you walk across the centuries old. Listen out fields to spot the kestrel for the ‘laugh’ of the hovering high in the sky green woodpecker that as it uses its amazing can often be found on eye sight to spot the edge of the potential prey woodland

23 WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS YEAR AT CLOVER HILL VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY 15TH JUNE BOWTHORPE’S GOT TALENT SUNDAY 28TH JULY SUMMER FETE In conjunction with West Norwich Lions. Including It’s A Knockout, bouncy castle, sideshows, table-top sale, jumble sale and cup cake competition SATURDAY 12TH OCTOBER ARTS COMPETITION & EXHIBITION MORE INFORMATION NEXT MONTH


Community Centre 6.30—8.30 Easter Cartoon by Lee Carruthers Ages 11—

18 years

socialise learn interesting things, join in fun activities

Email: s.davies@fsm


Spring Family Fun Day at City Academy Norwich.

Family Fun Days are back. The Spring Family Fun Day will take place on Saturday 16th March, 10:30 am to 2:00 pm. Bring the family along for some great activities suitable for all ages, including face painting, air brush tattoos, and arts and crafts. If you are looking for something more active there will be street dance, Zumba and basketball sessions. All activities are free or pocket money prices.

Les Mis movie actor heading to Norfolk From the 8th to the 12th April, West End Experience are holding a five day musical theatre workshop in Norwich, giving amateurs the chance to work with some of the West Ends finest Musical Directors, choreographers and actors Anyone interested in taking part in the course at the Open Youth Venue in Norwich, can email [email protected] or call 07867 790073 .

THE NORWICH ELECTRONIC ORGAN & KEYBOARD CLUB We meet on the last Tuesday of every month at Drayton Village Hall, with entertainment from popular professional organists from around the coun- try. The evening starts at 7.30pm, there is an interval with refreshments and a raffle, and it finishes at 10pm. There is no extra membership fee, entrance is £6.00 at the door.

Tuesday March 26th we have Janet Dowsett to entertain us. Janet hails from Berkshire but travels all over the country performing theatre and elec- tronic organ concerts as well as teaching organ and keyboard, examining for the London College of Music and running a musical goods business with her husband.

Come and join us for a good evening’s musical entertainment, you will be very welcome.

Martin Drake – Chairman 01603 745544


26 27 Come and Join Us at this year’s Holiday Club Spectacular in Bowthorpe Church on April 9th, 10th & 11th, 10am ‘til 12.15pm Come along for 1, 2 or all A special occasion Want a party! 3 days! Need to hold a meeting! Chapel Break Village Hall Drama Craft Harpsfield, Chapel Break Games Singing Large or small room for hire Bible Stories Quizzes ( Very Competitive rates ) Bar available for extra charge.

For details Contact Veronica 731188

and so much more! For children aged 2-11

(children under 5 with accompany- ing adult)

To book your place early or for more information , phone the church office on 749614


As many of you will already know, towards the end of last term Ofsted inspected St. Michael’s VA Junior School and judged it a `good’ school.

The new Ofsted framework has meant it is even more difficult to achieve a `good’ grade than two years ago when the school had its last inspection. The significant progress that the school has made over the last two years is due in no small part to the Head Teacher, Helen Newell, and her dedicated staff, who have worked exceptionally hard to improve the quality of teaching, the leadership and manage- ment of the school, the achievement of the children and the quality of their behav- iour and safety.

It is also a tribute to the hard work that parents have put in to support their children. They have collaborated with the school to ensure that the needs of the children have been met in all areas of school life. Without this support the school could not have made the strides forward that it has done. The children them- selves have shown how they can make good progress through their attitudes to learning and their working with others to achieve their personal goals. This means that the children are making good progress and are reaching above-average standards. Ofsted says that `A good school is effective in delivering outcomes that provide well for all its pupils’ needs. Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment.’ St. Michael’s is good for the children of Bowthorpe.

Why does this matter?

This matters because our children matter. They only get one shot at education and it needs to be the best it can be for their sake and for our sake. Our children’s education impacts not only our children’s future but also impacts our country’s future. Our children deserve and need the best education they can get because we live in an ever-increasing global market-place where education is vital for future prospects.

What does this mean for our community?

That St. Michael’s is a good school means that we can be confident that the education of the children in this community is on track and heading in the right direction. It means that the staff and governors are committed to improving all aspects of school life for the sake of the children. It means that we have a junior school we can be proud of, proud of the great progress it has made in such a short time. It means we can also be proud of how our children have responded to the increased expectations placed upon them. The school appreciates the support given by the community over the years. May we, the Bowthorpe commu- nity, continue our invaluable support of St. Michael’s School so that the progress continues.

Rev Mark Elvin and Rosemary Games

29 News from St Michael’s VA Junior School.

Garlic Theatre Maths Competition Pupils at the school Two teams of four of the most have welcomed the able year 5 & 6mathematicians Garlic Theatre in were recently invited to compete performing two in a day long maths competition wonderful theatrical at . productions this half Nine local primary schools term. The first show attended the event, where enjoyed was Little Red children experienced a range of Riding Hood, the story mathematical and logic problems. of two interwoven tales St Michaels VA Junior school are in an entertaining one very proud of the children's man puppet show. The sporting attitude and the trophy next show was the they brought back after coming in internationally first and fourth place! acclaimed production of St Michael's pupils really are George and the Dragon Mathletes! which has toured 15 countries. St Michael's Charity Work VA Junior School would like to thank the Garlic Children at St Michael's VA Junior Theatre and Mrs have been very keen to support a Greenwood wider range of charities and to and Miss decide who they would like to Day, our support. All classes presented inspiring their ideas to the school council, Literacy who decided upon a local, national Leaders, for organising and international charity to these wonderful support. They have decided to educational support Bowthorpe's local elderly, experiences. the NSPCC and WWF (federation for animals). The children cannot Sarah Claflin—Senior Leader wait to get started and we will keep you updated on their progress.



Hi there Oz again. Well we’re into March already. It’s quite a busy month with all different types of celebrations ; Mother’s Day, St Patrick’s day and Easter just to name a few. The wordsearch below uses words related to some of them. See how you get on!



Well that's all for this month. Hope you enjoy the holidays coming up and remember to give your mum a gift for Mother’s day, she’ll like that. Oz would like you all to stay safe. Bye Oz


COPY FOR APRIL ISSUE MUST BE IN BY 15th MARCH Please deliver to 2a Saint Michael’s Cottages, Bowthorpe Hall Rd. Bowthorpe. NR5 9AA or email [email protected]

Editor: Sally Simpson Tel.745698 Printer; Pride Press Ltd Typing: Mary Cubitt Oz: [email protected] Treasurer Barrie Slater Advertising: e: [email protected] t:01603 748531 or Editor Distribution: *J.Wragg, M.Cubitt in CB *M.Roberts in TS * C. Newman, H. King in CH


Forward Planner :April issue published on March 29th May issue on May 3rd

FREE EASTER SATURDAY EVENT FOR CHILDREN UP TO 12 Years March 30th 10am to 12 noon Bowthorpe Community Garden

Complete an activity to get a ticket Tickets drawn at 12 noon for Easter Egg prizes More information on Garden Noticeboard

BOWTHORPE HERITAGE GROUP COMMUNITY GARDEN Contacts: Madge 734767 Come and help garden Veronica 749280 on Sundays 2— 4 pm Adrian 07765350383 March 10th and 24th Carol 474633 (evenings)