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MIT's The Weather Today: Hazy, warm, 84°F (290C) Oldest and Largest Tonight: Cloudy, fog, 69^F (21 'C) Newspaper Tomorrow: Chance of thunderstorms, 79-F (26-C) Details, Page 2 Volume II2, Number41 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Friday, September 18, 1992 MayHS4 vesbcie Some HASS classes cancelled By Maft Nelmark space in literature classes to the sec- Between 10 and 15 of the 49 tion's failurc to prepare for the large Forms of Westcrn Narrative Humanities, Arts, and Social number of students. Hc suggested (21.012), the only HASS-D can- Science Distribution (HASS-D) that this problem could be solved by celled, was eliminated because only classes offered this term were over- fortifying the faculty in the litera- seven students enrolled. subscribcd, and one was cancelled, ture department or reducing the Several HASS classes were also according to Bette K. Davis, HASS number of literature HASS-D's cancelled, but not all the cancella- Coordinator. offered, which would encourage tions were due to under-enrollment, Several non-distribution HASS students to take distribution courses Davis said. Magic, Witchcraft, and classes were also cancelled, Davis in other departments. the Spirit World (21.51 1) was can- said. HASS administrators acknowl- celled bccause the professor had to Literature classes were extreme- edged that there are faults in the teach Introduction to Anthropology ly popular this year and had more HASS-D system but argued that as a (21.50). The switch became neces- oversubscribed HASS-D's than any whole, it works very well. Associate sary when the professor scheduled other HASS section, according to Dean Harriet N.
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