600 DICTIONAEY OF ALABAMA BIOGRAPHY of Co. E, Cobb's Georgia legion of cavalry; ter of Scotch. Her maternal grandfather was served through the war; surrendering at a colonel in the Revolutionary Army. Chil- Greensboro, N. C., 1865. He farmed and mer- dren: 1. Laura Amelia, m. Rev. M. Kirkpatrick, chandised, removing for a while to Mississippi. Memphis, Tenn.; 2. Harriett Cooper, m. W. M. In 1882 he located in Anniston and engaged in Jones, Talladega; 3. John Harris, deceased; the real estate business, changing to the lum- 4. William Clark Coolidge, m. Marget E. ber business in 1885, and in 1888 he was elected Flow, Barium Springs, N. C.; 5. Gurdon Robin- mayor of Anniston. He is a Mason and a son, m. Irene Burt, Talladega; 6. Margaret Methodist. Married: August 10, 1885, to Emma, Holman, deceased; 7. Alfred Slaughter, m. Elise daughter of Major T. D. Evans. Children: 1. Whitner, Sanford, Fla.; 8. Theron Rice, de- Minnie G.; 2. Mattie B.; 3. Thomas W.; 4. ceased; 9. James Hazen, New Orleans. Last Jennie J.; 5. Emmet E.; 6. Ella May. Resi- residence: Tuskegee. dence: Tarsus, near Anniston. FOSTER, HARDY, planter, was born May FOSTER, GEORGE W., physician, was born 29, 1792, in Columbia County, Ga., and died December 19, 1856, in Jackson County; son August 18, 1848, at Foster's, Tuscaloosa County; of T. Boyd and Sarah Mumford (Mason) Fos- son of John and Elizabeth (Savidge) Foster ter, of Virginia, the former a civil engineer of Georgia; grandson of Arthur and Martha and surveyor of Jackson County for forty years.
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