Human Impact on Precolonial West Coast Marine Environments of South Africa
GRBQ335-3427G-C12[279-296].qxd 01-31-2008 01:45 PM Page 279 APTARA(GRG QUARK) 12 Human Impact on Precolonial West Coast Marine Environments of South Africa Antonieta Jerardino, George M. Branch, and Rene Navarro ITH VERY EXTENSIVE, diverse, and ogy to modern society extends beyond its per- W productive coastlines, it is no surprise ceived status as a highly specialized and rather that South Africa offers a superb opportunity to esoteric field (Erlandson and Rick, this volume). understand how marine ecosystems function, As demonstrated below, we also propose that and the effects of people on these environments. this multidisciplinary dialogue benefits the way This prospect is heightened by the realization of coastal archaeological sites are studied, by bring- the tremendous time depth of human occupa- ing a more exhaustive and systematic approach tion, including the first emergence of modern to answering questions, and by highlighting humans in Africa and, by default, in the world their main trait as archives of both human and (Erlandson 2001; Marean et al. 2007). This environmental history. Seen in this perspective, endeavor is multidisciplinary by necessity: the protection, conservation, and management marine ecology and archaeology go hand in of coastal archaeological sites must be a priority hand, along with other closely related specialities as promoted by the current South African her- such as oceanography, geology, and palaeo- itage legislation (National Heritage Resources environmental studies. While ecological studies Act, No. 25, 1999). can provide an understanding of the ecology of In this chapter, we explore the relationship present species, their vulnerability to harvest- that people established with the marine envi- ing, and the way they are influenced by physical ronment on the South African West Coast over factors, archaeology and palaeoenvironmental several millennia.
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