Supplement to the London Gazette, 9 January, 1946
320 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 JANUARY, 1946 Salvatore BONNICI, Principal Foreman, Royal John William BRISLAND, Pumpman, s.s. Engineer Workshops, Malta. " Empire Cobbett " (Eagle Oil and Ship- Frederick Arthur BORLINDOR, War Reserve, ping Company Ltd.) Southend Police Force. For Services to Civil Henry Roger BRITTEN, Established Machinist, Defence. H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. Miss Sylvia Elizabeth BOSLEY, Member, Charles Lewis BRITTON, Senior Foreman, Women's Land Army, Warwickshire. Bakelite Ltd. Thomas BOSWELL, Boatswain, s.s. " Glen- Joseph BROGAN, Ripper, Garswood Hall Col- finlas " (Alfred Holt & Company). lieries Company Ltd. John Handel BOTTOMLEY, Acting Foreman John James BROOK, Head of Stores, Watford (Unestablished), Inspectorate of Fighting Electric and Manufacturing Company Ltd. Vehicles, Ministry of Supply. Ernest BROOKE, Greaser, s.s. " Salvage Chief- John Henry BOULDEN, Chargeman of Brick- tain " (Liverpool and Glasgow Salvage layers, H.M. Dockyard, Devonport. Association). Mary Elizabeth, Mrs. BOULSOVER, Quarter- Percy George BROOKES, Warrant Officer, No. master, Derbyshire Branch, British Red Cross 1200 (March and District) Squadron, Air Society. Training Corps. Miss Sheila Ruth BOURNE, Observer, Royal George William BROOKS, Storeholder, Grade Observer Corps. "A," Central Ordnance Depot, War Office. Arthur Graham BOWERS, Foreman, Ringway William BROOKS, Fireman, s.s. " Boston Experimental Shops, A. V. Roe & Company City " (Bristol City Line of Steamers). Ltd. Frederick Harry BROOMFIELD, Electrical Over- James BOWIE, Docker, Greenock. seer; Admiralty Outstation. George BOWLAND, Boatswain's Mate, s.s. George Edward BROOMFIELD, In charge of " Rangitata " (New Zealand Shipping Com- Fuel and Light maintenance, Artillery Bar- pany Ltd.). racks, Woolwich. Alfred Edwin BOWN, Pettier, Bristol Foundry William BROOMHEAD, Fpreman, W.A. Tyzacks.
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