Tht Hymnal Companion
THT HYMNAL ryBz COMPANION RaltmondE Glover GENERAL EDITOR VolumeThree B HYMNS 385 THRU 720 The CHURCH HYMNAL CORPORATION lVewYork 437' TelIout, my soul,the greatness of the Lord (8r+ 8zs) What wondrousloye is this. 439 , Example copyright.In all of thesebooks the tune wasassociated with textsin a lo lo. ro ro metre t;5 It wasin Hymns1/1 that thetunewas first matched with Timothy N*I.1 . BIITMI}iGHAM. L.M Dudley-Smith'stext "Tell soul,the greatnessof the Lordl,, r' see"TheEasv (r798-18.3r) Instructor. A Historyand Bibriographyof the FirstShape-Note Tune-Book,"in I LowensMusic and ilrsitiort i, barty,tm"rica(New york, C<t"rnt I)ove,If ith 292-3rO. ry64),t15-r37, RG/nan 438 Tell9ut, mysoul, the greatness of the Lord light bove I Music: WOODLANDS In an increasing number of contemporaryhymnals, the matchingof this text with the tune woopraNos is becomingthe standardpractice. Words:See hymn 437. Music:wooDLANDS, a stirring unisontune, first appearedin the Pub-lic schoolHymnbook (London, rqrq) The tune isnamed after one of the schoolhouses at Gresham'sSchool, Norfolk, England,*hr* th. Be thou.lur guartliarr , our guide I O'er composer' walter Greatorex, was Director of Music. (one of the distinguished pupils of Gresham'sschool in the early part of this centurywas Benjamin Britten.) It appearedin H4o witir ihe Addison "Rise, text crownedwith light, imperialsalem, rise." The opening four-notefigure of the tune ; = is ideallysuited tothe declamatory opening of eachline of thetext, "Tell out, my soul." e+ AW tht,tr.qht prns i,ii 439 What wondrouslove is this Music: WONDROUS LOVE This well-knownAmerican Reproduced trom A Selection ot' Psalm Tunes (London, r834), courtesy of Special Collections, folk hymn,matched with its propertune, Universityof Vermont Library.
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