. SPRING 2020 VOLUME XXIV NUMBER 1 journal of Th e Fe llow shi p of Amer ican BIB LIO PHI LIC SOC IETIE S Contents Letter from the Chair 3 Contributions Sought: Robert H. Jackson Endowment 5 A Tribute to John Carson by Arthur Cheslock 6 How My Library was Assembled by Leonid Chertkov, Part I 7 CLUB NEWS 19 The Fellowship of American Bibliophilic Societies OFFICERS William E. Butler, Chair The Grolier Club:
[email protected] Alexander Ames, Vice-Chair Philobiblon Club:
[email protected] Jennifer Larson, Treasurer Miniature Book Society:
[email protected] Ronald K. Smeltzer, Secretary The Grolier Club:
[email protected] Arthur S. Cheslock, Membership Chair The Baltimore Bibliophiles:
[email protected] William E. Butler, International Affiliates Chair The Grolier Club:
[email protected] JOURNAL Annie Rowlenson, Editor
[email protected] Scott Ellwood, Assistant Editor
[email protected] Scott Vile, Production Designer
[email protected] Copyright ©2020 by The Fellowship of American Bibliophilic Societies. The FABS Newsletter is published twice annually and 6,000 copies distributed during the spring and fall to our North American Member Clubs and International Affiliates. LETTER FROM THE CHAIR he officers and trustees of FABS met on 5 March 2020 at The Grolier TClub for their annual meeting. There are several matters to report. The Officers replaced Susan Hanes as Vice Chairman, who has had to resign for family reasons, with Alex Ames, of The Philobiblon Club, and also having found a Treasurer, Professor Jennifer Larson, the Officers relieved our Sec - retary, Ronald Smeltzer, of his double duties – with our gratitude to all for having served in their respective positions.