Review and Herald for 1960
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April 21. 1960 SA BRAT By Virginia Vets 0 delicate sweetness in lavender gowns, Wpile3nodestly Wearing sour young April crowns, Ynti. garnish my garden With sprwg's gentle graces, Arid; oh, ho s youbribrighten my friends' ‘yjpte ficei HARRY BAERG, ARTIST S. S. Lesson Help for May 7 Vol. 137, No. 16 Vol. 137, No. 16 April 21, 1960 [These news items are taken from Religious News Service, Ecumenical News Service, and other sources. We do not necessarily concur in statements made in these items. We publish them simply to give our readers a picture of current COVER Lilacs religious developments.] EDITORIALS Page 3 Reports 2,500 U.S. Families Broken Daily How to Deal With Fanatics—Is Honesty Obsolete?— For Peak Health, Exercise]—J. Edgar Hoover Says It's ko' Some 2,500 families are broken daily in this country be- "Alarming" cause of the denial of marriage as a sacred sacrament, de- clared Msgr. George A. Kelly, director of the Family Life GENERAL ARTICLES Page 6 Bureau in the New York Roman Catholic Archdiocese. "In The Only Way of Salvation—The Cup of Life—Par- the U.S. there are 1,000 families broken up each day through ents' Fellowship of Prayer—The Lost River—Jesus, divorce, another 1,000 through separation, and another 500 the Light of the World through desertions," he told about 200 Columbiettes of the New York Chapter, Knights of Columbus, at their annual TO YOUR HEALTH Page 11 Communion breakfast. A Second Look Blanshard Sees Hospitals in Church-State "Battle" OUR HOMES Page 12 t Paul Blanshard, author of controversial books on church- Children Can Be Reverent—Praying and Giving state relations in the United States, declared in Washington, D.C., that "the next great battle for separation of church FOR ADVENTIST YOUTH Page 14 and state will center on hospitals." "The issue will be birth The Break-up Approaches—Youth in the News control," Mr. Blanshard said, "and the controversy will center on the use of public money to finance the sectarian practice FEATURE ARTICLE OF THE WEEK Page 16 of medicine." "Overpopulation has become as serious a From Lands Far and Near problem in the twentieth century as smallpox was in the nineteenth century," he said. NEWS FROM HOME AND ABROAD Page 18 Operation Jubilee in the Australasian Division— Protestant, Catholic Theology Dialogs Growing in Wichita, Kansas, Baptism—Irvington, Indiana, Sun- Germany shine Band—Servicemen Appreciate Our Literature —Hays County, Texas, Memorial Hospital Opens— 1..." More than half of all doctoral dissertations submitted to Japan Union Biennial Session—Construction Progress Roman Catholic theological faculties of West Germany deal at Rio Lindo Academy—Adventist Medical Personnel with Protestant theology, it was stated recently in St. Paul, in British Columbia—From Home Base to Front Line Minnesota. Ernst Kindler, a leading German Lutheran the- —A Visit to Brazil College—The Work God Wants Me to Do—In Brief—A Mission to Africa's Deaf— ologian, who lectured for a month at St. Paul's Luther The- Love's Conquest—Correction—Church Calendar for ological Seminary, said this was indicative of the growing 1960—Sabbath School Activities "dialog" between Protestant and Catholic theologians in West Germany. Prof. Kindler said the theological encounter takes SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON HELP Page 27 place in annual week-long meetings of Lutheran and Cath- Zechariah Encourages the Builders (Lesson for Sab- olic professors, in local church discussions sponsored by the bath, May 7) Una Sancta ("One Faith") movement, and in books and articles. POETRY I Knelt and Prayed, p. 10; Spring, p. 12 Six Denominations Join in Congo Seminary t.0. Six Protestant groups are mapping plans to establish a TO OUR CONTRIBUTORS theological seminary in Elisabethville, in Belgian Congo. The As the chronicler of the history of the church the REVIEW is always interested Union Faculty of Theology will open in October of this year, in prompt reports with pictures of important happenings—church dedications, in temporary quarters. To cost $300,000 when completed, the camp meetings, evangelistic meetings, and other newsworthy events. An out-of- date report is not news, and is not acceptable. Also, the REVIEW is interested new school will offer a four-year program on the same aca- in articles. Copies of manuscripts sent to other journals cannot be used. Lay demic level as that at the Congo Government university, members should identify themselves by giving the name of the church they at- tend and the name of their pastor or local elder. whose campus is near the site of the new seminary. The All manuscripts should be typed double spaced, and with adequate margins. sponsoring groups are the Methodist Church, the Disciples Use only one side of paper. CarLon copies are never acceptable. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless a stamped self-addressed envelope is sent of Christ, the American Baptist Convention, the British with them. The REVIEW does not pay for unsolicited material. All communications relating to the editorial department should be addressed Baptist Church, the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. to: Editor, Review and Herald, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. (Southern), and the Belgian Mission Society (Reformed). THE ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD 112th Year of Continuous Publication Editor: FRANCIS DAVID NICHOL SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS Raymond F. Cottrell, Kenneth H. Wood, Jr. C. H. Watson, W. H. Branson, Frederick Lee, W. R. Beach, C. L. Torrey, V. G. Associate Editors: Anderson, M. V. Campbell, W. B. Ochs, Presidents of all Divisions Consulting Editors: R. R. Figuhr, H. L. Rudy, W. E. Murray CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 'Editorial Secretaries: Promise Joy Sherman, Idamae Melendy Circulation Manager R. G. Campbell Subscription rates: One year Six months "IN BRIEF" CORRESPONDENTS In United States, Canada, and U.S. possessions $7.50 $3.90 All other countries 8.50 4.40 OVERSEAS: Australasia: R. R. Frame; Far East: A. E. Gibb; Inter-America: Make all post office money orders payable at the Washington, D.C., post office Clyde 0. Franz; Middle East: Raymond H. Hartwell; Northern Europe: G. D. (not Takoma Park). Address all business communications and make all drafts and King; South America: L. H. Olson; Southern Africa: W. Duncan Eva; Southern express money orders payable to REVIEW AND HERALD, Takoma Park, Wash- ington 12, D.C. In changing address, give both old and new address and allow Asia: J. F. Ashlock; Southern Europe: W. A. Wild four weeks for the change. NORTH AMERICAN UNIONS: Atlantic: Mrs. Emma Kirk; Canadian: Darren Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Thursday by the Review Michael; Central: Mrs. Clara Anderson; Columbia: Don A. Roth; Lake: Mrs. and Herald Publishing Association at Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. Mildred Wade; Northern: L. H. Netteburg; North Pacific: Mrs. Ione Morgan; Second-class postage paid at Washington, D.C. Pacific: Mrs. Margaret Follett; Southern: Cecil Coffey; Southwestern: May Vol. 137, No. 16. Powell Copyright © 1960 by the Review and Herald Publishing Association. 2 REVIEW AND HERALD ionit.L- 44;vio,,w' We should never seek controversy, but rather avoid it if How to Deal With Fanatics we can possibly do so without sacrificing Christian dig- At different times ministers and local officers in our nity or the principles for which we should stand. Fortu- churches have written for counsel on how to deal with nately, most times it is possible thus to avoid controversy unstable individuals who sometimes trouble their and conflicts with unstable souls. churches. Some feel that a frontal attack should be made This, incidentally, is the policy we follow at our on fanatics. Others feel that diligent, earnest pastoral REVIEW editorial office. There are certain erratic persons labor will help them. But often there is uncertainty as to who find a strange and, it seems to us, even a morbid what spiritual therapy will be effective. satisfaction in writing and writing and writing to us. It First, let us say that this is no new problem with us, or is easily evident that no good would come from carrying with any other religious body, for that matter. Fanaticism on a correspondence with them. That is why we simply is as old as religion, for sin and emotional disturbance file their letters. are about as old as the world. There are those who feel From time to time an offshoot with fanciful theories that because fanatics are found within the circle of the and equally fanciful interpretations of Scripture seeks to church, therefore religion is the cause of fanaticism. capture the eyes of our people, but rarely does it seem That is not so. Someone has well said that there is a necessary to devote space in the REVIEW to refuting those lunatic fringe on the edges of every kind of organization. theories. We can think of a number through the years. Political bodies have them, and social and scientific How greatly they would have loved the free advertising bodies likewise. It simply means that a certain per cent that publicity in the REVIEW would have given them! of the population are unstable emotionally and have There are, occasionally, exceptions to our rule of silence, queer eccentric ideas. Some of them are attracted by re- but how rare are those exceptions! ligion, some by politics, and some by other phases of life. There is much to do in the great work of God, con- Coming directly to the question, What shall we do structive deeds and affirmative declarations for the truth. with fanatics? we believe that a good answer can be In such activity we should engage ever. If, with Christian found in the experience of our leaders of the past.