Author Index (Print)
PHYSICAL REVIEW E VOLUME 57, NUMBER 4 APRIL 1998 Cumulative Author Index All authors of papers published so far in the current volume are listed alphabetically with the issue and page numbers following the dash. A more complete index, with the full title listed with each first author’s name and subsequent authors cross-referenced, is published in the last issue of the volume. A cumulative author and subject index covering Physical Review A through E, Physical Review Letters, and Reviews of Modern Physics is published annually under separate cover. Aafif, Amal—~2! 2471 A˚ stro¨m, Jan—~2! R1259 Bideau, D.—~4! 4743 Abel, M.—~3! 2820 Aswal, V. K.—~1! 776 Bideau, Daniel—~2! 1886; ~3! 3656 Abramson, Guillermo—~4! 4572 Ausloos, M.—~1! 1167 Biferale, L.—~3! R2515 Achrayah, R.—~4! 4361 Avery, P. R.—~1! 1193 Biktashev, V. N.—~3! 2656 Adler, P. M.—~4! 4466 Axna¨s, I.—~4! 4638 Biktasheva, I. V.—~3! 2656 Afanasjev, V. V.—~1! 1088 Billia, B.—~3! 2849 Agayan, V. A.—~1! 582; ~2! 1946 Baake, E.—~1! 1191 Billing, M.—~1! 1193 Agmon, Noam—~4! 3937 Baake, M.—~1! 1191 Binder, K.—~1! 1205~E!; ~2! 2425 Ågren, Hans—~4! 4778 Back, C. A.—~4! 4650 Binder, Kurt—~1! 843 Agudov, N. V.—~3! 2618 Badirkhan, Z.—~1! 460 Bird, C. M.—~3! 2787 Aguirre, M. A.—~4! 4743 Bahr, Ch.—~2! R1235 Birman, Joseph L.—~3! 3574 Ahlers, Guenter—~1! 638 Balkovsky, E.—~2! R1231 Biscarini, F.—~3! R2519 Ahuja, Rajeev—~2! 1673 Balschun, B.—~1! 720 Bisch, Paulo M.—~3! R2535 Akhmediev, N.
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