From the Israeli Black Panthers Haggadah.Pdf
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Had they given us three rooms but not a good educa- Sh'ma tion — "Dayyenu!" Had they given us a good education but not jobs a journal of Jewish responsibility - "Dayyenu!" Had they given us jobs but not housing — "Dayyenu!" 2/28, MARCH 10,1972 Had they built housing for us but not access roads - "Dayyenu!" From the israeli black panthers' haggadah Had they provided access roads for us but not public works — "Dayyenu!" The following passage is taken from a new haggadah published by the Black Panthers of Israel. It has been Had they provided public works for us but not fac- translated by Yona Lahav, a native Israeli presently tories — "Dayyenu!" studying for the Reform rabbinate at the Hebrew Had they constructed factories for us but not colleges Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. - "Dayyenu!" Each and every day, man must view himself as if he Had they built colleges for us but not kindergartens had been redeemed from the social gap (existing bet- - "Dayyenu!" ween the Oriental community in Israel and other seg- ments of Israeli society — Y.L.). And thou shalt tell Had they established kindergartens without our hav- thy son on that day, saying: It is because of what the ing to pay social security fees — "Dayyenu!" . Black Panther did for me when I came forth out of Had we to pay social security fees without their col- , the social gap. Not for our sake did he redeem us, but lecting exhorbitant income tax — "Dayyenu!" for our children and grandchildren. Had they collected income tax without the special And were it not for what the Black Panthers from "Phantoms' Fund" in addition — "Dayyenu!" =s Musrarah, Jerusalem (Harlem, Jerusalem style — Y.L.) Had they taken the "Phantoms' Fund" without our had done, the social, economic and educational gap being screwed — "Dayyenu!" ojj, would have remained. Had we been screwed but not deprived — "Dayyenu!" w Therefore, it is our duty to give thanks and to bless ilk whomever performed these good deeds for us and our But how long can we put up with "Dayyenu?" kw children. We shall be brought forth from slavery to - "Dayyenu!" iffljr freedom, from sorrow to joy, from hunger to satiety, thin from mourning to festivity, from darkness to a great iyj light and from servitude to redemption — and let us fyjr say before him, "Hallelujah." Creating liturgy: some questions 8® Hallelujah, be praised, o ye members of the Panthers; Emanuel Feldman praise the name of the Panthers. Blessed be the name of the Black Panthers from now until the extermina- Dear Baruch, tion of the socio-economic gap. From the rising of the I have been studying your two recent works, sun to its setting the Black Panther's name is to be Shalom, A Contemporary Supplementary Service for Rosh ret praised — exalted above all his enemies, for the glory Hashanah, and Haggadah For Today. I find your is the glory of his country and his accomplishments material among the best that has been done in con- are the accomplishments of his people. His lofty goals temporary Jewish liturgy. One senses in it a positive are those which will bring peace to the entire nation Jewish commitment and a genuine desire to reach of Israel, and say "Amen." outward and inward during worship. At the same How many good deeds have been bestowed upon us! time, your work is a kind of metaphor for all that is (lit. by the Omnipresent — Y.L.) legitimate and all that is problematic in this genre, and I'd like to discuss it with you. oflf Had they brought us out of Morocco and given us three rooms (the size of apartments currently being On this fact we can agree: we are faced in our time given to Russian imigrants — Y.L.) — "Dayyenu!" and in our place with grievous problems of prayer. k sin" 57 .