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Fisheries of the () W. Gladstone

Abstract The fisheries of the Farasan Islands (, Red Sea) are described. The fishery resources are exploited by artisanal, investor and industrial sectors. The artisanal fishery consists mostly of line fishing around coral reefs and about half the fishing effort occurs within the proposed marine protected area (MPA). Activities by investor and industrial fisheries sector include line fishing, gill netting, fish trapping and demersal fish trawling. The relevant resource management issues that need to be addressed as part of a planning study for the establishment of a MPA are also presented. The major issues are: (1) the decline in the catch of the artisanal fishery; (2) by catch and habitat degradation; (3) sustainability in the collection of giant clams and pearl shells; and (4) the lack of information such as the importance of MPA to fisheries, stock assessment and catch and effort data. A significant role in the future management of the fisheries has been identified for the traditional representatives of the artisanal sector.

Introduction the fisheries have not been studied in Methods detail. More detailed studies (e.g., The Farasan Islands (Fig. 1) are a stock, catch and effort assessments) The Farasan Islands (16o40’N and high priority in terms of conservation are planned for the future as part of a 42o00’E) are located in the southern and management of marine resources. regional fisheries assessment Red Sea within the borders of the Most of the marine environment is (Gladstone et al. 1999). Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 42 km undisturbed by human activities other The aim of this study was to gather offshore of the coastal city of Jizan. than fishing. There is a high diversity preliminary information on fisheries The proposed Farasan Islands MPA of marine ecosystems and the area is activities within the proposed Farasan encompasses 128 islands and a total nationally and internationally Islands MPA. This paper describes area of 3 310 km2 (Fig. 1). Farasan significant for seabirds and marine the types of fisheries that used the Island (four villages), Saqid Island mammals, and is the site for a unique proposed MPA, the areas utilized, the (four villages) and Qummah Island annual aggregation of parrotfish intensity of usage, current issues (one village) have a total population (Gladstone 1996; Gladstone and facing the artisanal fishers and their of 5 000. The locations of fishing Fisher in press). The dramatic urban, perception of the proposed MPA. grounds and camps were determined industrial and commercial development of Saudi Arabia in recent decades has led to rapid population growth, development of coastal areas, and the rise of relatively new industries, such as commercial fishing (Gladstone et al. 1999). The sea between the Farasan Islands and

the coast is Saudi Arabia’s major N) 0 fishing ground in the Red Sea, and continued growth in fishing is

expected as demand for seafood Latitude ( increases. If unmanaged, these factors are a potential threat to the resource sustainability, conservation status and cultural values of the Farasan Islands. In view of this, it Longitude (0E) was decided to establish a marine protected area (MPA) around the

Farasan Islands. This region of the Fig. 1. The Farasan Islands. (The boundaries of the Farasan Islands Marine Protected Area Red Sea is poorly documented and encompass all islands in the figure).

30 Naga, WorldFish Center Quarterly (Vol. 25, No. 3 & 4) July-Dec 2002 by aerial and boat surveys and Table 1. Fish species caught in the artisanal fishery of the Farasan Islands. interviews with fishers. Differences Class Chondrichthyes (sharks and rays) in the level of use of particular reefs Family Carcharinidae Carcharhinus, C. melanopterus were quantified by inspection of Class Osteichthyes (bony fishes) Coast Guard records of all trips made Family Belonidae by artisanal fishers from two launch Tylosurus choram sites. Species caught were Family Chanidae determined by inspection of catches Chanos chanos during fishing or clearing of nets and Family Serranidae when the catch was being landed at Aethaloperca rogaa, Cephalopholis hemistiktos, C. miniata, C. oligosticta, Epinephelus areolatus, E. fuscoguttatus (*), E. summana (*), Plectropomus maculatus, P. truncatus, the markets, as well as by diving on Variola louti fish traps. Artisanal fishers and pearl Family Carangidae divers were interviewed at sea, in Carangoides bajad, Caranx melampygus, C. sexfasciatus, Gnathanodon speciosus, fishing camps, at fish markets, and in Rachycentron canadus, Scomberoides commersonianus, Seriola dumerili their homes for information on Family Scombridae income, perceived conflicts, and Euthynnus affinis, Gymnosarda unicolor, Scomberomorus commerson traditional management. Family Lutjanidae Lutjanus bohar, L. kasmira, L. gibbus , L. ehrenbergi, L. sebae, Pristipomoides typus Results Family Haemulidae Plectorhynchus flavomaculatus, P. gaterinus Artisanal Fishing Family Lethrinidae Lethrinus lentjan (*), L. mahsena (*), L. microdon (*), L. nebulosus At the time of the study there were Family Ephippidae Platax orbicularis 381 artisanal fishers, aged 22-75 years Family Gerreidae and representing about 20% of the Gerres argyreus (*), G. oyena (*) male workforce. All artisanal fishers Family Mugilidae were Saudi nationals and all worked Crenimugil crenilabis (*), Oedalechilus labiosus (*) solely as fishers. There were 442 Family Sphyraenidae licensed fishing boats, of which 396 Sphyraena barracuda were factory-made fiberglass boats Family Labridae (mostly 5-8 m length) powered by Epipulus insidiator outboard motors and 46 were Family Scaridae traditional, hand-built wooden boats. Hipposcarus harid (*), Scarus ferrugineus (*), S. ghobban Fishing trips began from launch sites Family Siganidae throughout the Farasan Islands, Siganus rivulatus (*) usually near the fishers’ village (Fig. Family Platycephalidae 1). Fishers worked around the islands Platycephalus sp. and reefs within the vicinity of their (*) species also caught by industrial fisheries. launch site for 1-6 days, living in island camps. There was a Coast Guard camp at the larger villages Tobtah launch site. Combining from the Jinabah Bay launch site and where fishers reported prior to their fishing trips from both launch sites, 59% from the Tobtah launch site were departure and again upon their return. the most frequently fished reefs in the to destinations within the proposed A significant amount of fishing vicinity of these launch sites were MPA. This depiction of the effort occurred within the boundaries those around Solubah Island, Domsok significance of reefs within the of the proposed MPA and some reefs Island and Ra’s Shida, with visitation proposed MPA for the artisanal were fished more intensively than rates of 1.4, 1.1 and 0.8 trips/day, fishery is probably representative others. An average of about five respectively. All other locations because the Jinabah Bay and Tobtah fishing trips per day were made from within the proposed MPA in the launch sites accounted for 23% of all the Jinabah Bay launch site, whereas vicinity of these launch sites were fishing boats, and the numbers of an average of one and a half fishing only fished on 1-4 occasions during potential fishing sites were about trips per day were made from the the month. About 76% of fishing trips evenly distributed around the Farasan

Naga, WorldFish Center Quarterly (Vol. 25, No. 3 & 4) July-Dec 2002 31 of the Farasan Islands, indicating that pearling was a significant local industry in the past. Underwater observations indicated that large numbers of P. radiata were still present in the shallow waters around Rogbain Island. Current activities of N) 0 this fishery are probably sustainable, owing to the small number and age

Latitude ( (50-60 years) of participants and the absence of new divers. Clams (Tridacna maxima) were abundant on shallow reef tops on many reefs. At the time of this survey, clam tissues were being harvested Longitude (0E) from shallow reefs in the Kharij As Sailah and Kharij Al Qabr areas (Fig. 2). They are for sale in Farasan village Fig. 2. Activities in the Farasan Islands Marine Protected Areas. for SR1 each (about US$ 0.27). Surveys of this collection revealed Islands. government. Traditional management that a significant number of clams A total of 42 species of fish were practiced in the Farasan Islands were collected. Living clams were noted during the study (Table 1), with involved the practice of rotating picked from the reef by breaking the emperors (Family Lethrinidae) being fishing grounds. When catches surrounding coral, removing the the favored catch. The most common declined from a reef, the artisanal living tissue, and discarding the empty technique for catching reef fishes was fishers stopped fishing there for up to shell at the same site. The open spaces line fishing by a single fisher from a three months and concentrated their created by collectors smashing the boat. The fishers claimed they no efforts on another reef. This activity coral were invaded by zooanthids, longer hunted dugong or turtle, and was coordinated by the chief which appeared to limit the re-growth no evidence contrary to this was fishermen. of the surrounding corals. Although observed. Typically, artisanal fishers Pearl shells (Pinctada radiata) clam collection occurred only in a few reported they were paid were collected at only one location in locations, it reduced local stocks and approximately 500 Saudi Riyals (SR) summer, Rogbain Island (Fig. 2), by destroyed the surrounding coral. The (about US$ 133) for their catch after a group of four divers. Mounds of long-term sustainability of this 3-4 days fishing. discarded pearl shells are very activity needs to be assessed in more A single person within each common along the shorelines of most detail. village, translated from as the ‘chief fisherman’, was the focus for all fishing activities. There were six chief fishermen and each was a respected person in the village, the best fisher, and a source of much local information about fishing. Chief fishermen performed duties on behalf of the artisanal fishers that were recognized by relevant government authorities, such as representing them in any dealings with the Fisheries and Coast Guard, approving and submitting applications for fishing licenses, and signing letters written by fishers to the Coast Guard and Artisanal fishers of the Farasan Islands

32 Naga, WorldFish Center Quarterly (Vol. 25, No. 3 & 4) July-Dec 2002 Investor Fishing Pristopomoides typus) and lethrinids contracts and were paid a flat rate for (such as Lethrinus nebulosus and L. their catch of SR 3-4/kg (about US$ The investor fishing sector elongatus). 0.93/kg). Surveys within the consisted of 161 fishers (106 Saudi proposed MPA boundaries revealed nationals and 55 foreigners) Industrial Fishing that these boats concentrated their employed by nine local business fishing activities on the shallow reef people (the ‘investors’). Investors had Industrial fishing was undertaken flats. However, it was not possible to obtained an interest-free government by a single company, Saudi Fisheries, determine the significance of the loan to buy and equip their fishing of which the government was the proposed MPA for this fishery. The boats. Compared with the artisanal majority shareholder. Its operations largest component of the catch (Table fishery, the boats were larger (not less involved demersal fish trawling, gill 1) was rabbitfish (Siganus rivulatus, than 10 m), had bigger engines (at netting and fish trapping. Demersal Family Siganidae). Fish traps, called least twin 75 hp), and had crews of 2- fish trawling mostly occurred in the gargoor, were introduced to the area 4 men who often lived on the boat. deeper shelf waters of the Red Sea by foreign fishers in the industrial They fished with gill nets or hook and and was only recorded twice (based sector and were deployed in several line or both. Employed fishers fished on positions recorded in skippers’ locations throughout the proposed in the same locations and caught the logs) in 12 months within the MPA (Fig. 2). Traps were not same species as artisanal fishers. proposed MPA (Fig. 2). Gill netting historically used by artisanal fishers They also fished reefs that were and fish trapping were done from a in the area and had not been adopted deeper and further offshore than those fleet of 17 fiberglass boats based in by them since their introduction. The frequented by the artisanal sector, and Jizan that taken daily to the Farasan industrial fishers deployed traps in the consequently caught additional Islands. Each boat had a crew of three areas fished by artisanal fishers and species including lutjanids (such as foreign workers who were employed caught similar species (Table 1), as Lutjanus bohar, L. gibbus, L. sebae, by Saudi Fisheries on two year well as non-commercial species, including angelfishes (Family Table 2. A preliminary list of species that are found in the fish nursery habitats within the Pomacanthidae), butterflyfish Farasan Islands Marine Protected Areas. (Family Chaetodontidae), and Nursery habitat Month Taxa utilizing nursery surgeonfish (Family Acanthuridae). Mangroves October Herklostichtys quadrimaculatus, Gerres oyena November Atherinomorus lacunosus, Lutjanus ehrenbergi, Gerres oyena Discussion January Lutjanus ehrenbergi, Gerres oyena, unidentified mugilids February Lutjanus ehrenbergi, Gerres oyena March Acanthopagrus bifasciatus This study identified a number of April Atherinomorus lacunosus, Lutjanus ehrenbergi, Gerres issues that need to be addressed and oyena, Sargassum studied in more detail in planning the Patch reefs November Lutjanus ehrenbergi, unidentified lethrinids December Lutjanus ehrenbergi, Gerres oyena, Scarus ferrugineus, management of the proposed MPA . Acanthurus nigricans, Siganus rivulatus Artisanal fishers reported that

Beaches December Atherinomorus lacunosus, Gerres oyena catches, sizes of fish, and income January Gerres oyena, unidentified mugilids from fishing had all declined in recent February Atherinomorus lacunosus, Gerres oyena March Gerres oyena years, and that more time was needed and larger areas covered to catch the Reef flat November Lutjanus ehrenbergi, Gerres oyena December Lutjanus ehrenbergi, Gerres oyena, Acanthurus nigricans, same number of fish as in the past. Siganus rivulatus The artisanal fishers claimed that the January Lutjanus ehrenbergi, Gerres oyena, Acanthurus nigricans February Unidntified lethrinids, unidentified mugilids, Siganus ease of gaining government loans had rivulatus led to an increase in the size of the April Lutjanus ehrenbergi, unidentified lethrinids, Gerres oyena, Siganus rivulatus investor fishery and that foreigners

Winter-inundated areas January Atherinomorus lacunosus, Gerres oyena, unintified mugilids did not follow the traditional system February Unidentified mugilids of rotating reefs nor felt any

Seagrass September Unidentified lethrinids responsibility for maintaining the November Lutjanus ehrenbergi, Gerres oyena resources. Although the number of January Unidentified lethrinids February Lutjanus ehrenbergi, unidentified lethrinids, Gerres oyena, artisanal fishers had increased from Siganus rivulatus 195 in 1976/1977 (Sanders and March Siganus rivulatus April Unidentified lethrinids, unidentified siganids Morgan 1989) to 381 in 1993, the

Naga, WorldFish Center Quarterly (Vol. 25, No. 3 & 4) July-Dec 2002 33 majority of artisanal fishers All artisanal fishers in the Farasan available. interviewed did not believe that this Islands were Saudi nationals. growth, or improvements in their own However, most of the fishing in the Acknowledgements equipment, had contributed to the investor and industrial sectors is now decline in catches. Developing a done by foreign employees. The The author gratefully sustainable artisanal fishery will be a strong sense of custodianship acknowledges HE Dr. A.H. priority in the management of the expressed by the Farasan artisanal Abuzinada (NCWCD) for his support proposed Farasan Islands MPA in fishers could be utilized in the and encouragement of the work on the order to maintain the economic management of the proposed MPA, Farasan Islands, and also the livelihood of the Farasan Islanders, to e.g., as employed or voluntary marine assistance of Dr. E. Joubert (IUCN) diversify the national economic base rangers and in public education and Mr. M. Sulayem (NCWCD). and to maintain socio-cultural programs. Management will benefit Assistance in the field was provided identity. Artisanal fishers expressed from the direct involvement of chief by G.M. Ali, R. Al Khuzaiym and M. support for the concept of an MPA as fishermen (e.g., as stakeholder Al Sanei. The author’s work on the a tool for sustaining fisheries, as long representatives on a consultative Farasan Islands was facilitated by F. as there were limited restrictions on committee) because of their Parakatil (IUCN, Gland). their own activities and stricter knowledge of the local marine controls of the investor and industrial environment, local customs and References fisheries. politics, their esteemed position Potential issues associated with amongst artisanal fishers, and for Gladstone, W. 1996. Unique annual industrial fisheries within the communication between the aggregation of longnose parrotfish proposed MPA include by-catch and management and the community. (Hipposcarus harid) at habitat damage from gill netting and This is especially critical because of (Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). Copeia 1996: fish trapping, and a lack of stock the size of the proposed MPA and the 483-485. assessment and catch-effort data. The associated difficulties in enforcement Gladstone, W. and P.R. Fisher. In press. industrial fishers set their gill nets in of restrictions, as well as the decline Status and ecology of cetaceans of the the shallow reef flat areas that occupy in financial support for conservation Farasan Islands Marine Protected Area a large area of the MPA and are used in Saudi Arabia associated with (Red Sea). Fauna of Arabia. as nursery grounds by some species declining oil prices. The level of Gladstone W., N. Tawfiq, D. Nasr, I. of fish. The artisanal fishers participation of the artisanal sector in Andersen, C. Cheung, H. Drammeh, F. recognized this activity as a potential planning the MPA will determine their Krupp and S. Lintner. 1999. Sustainable problem from their knowledge of the support for it and hence its future use of renewable resources and significance of this habitat for juvenile success. conservation in the Red Sea and Gulf of fishes. Table 2 presents a preliminary In summary, this study identified Aden: issues, needs and strategic actions. list of species using the fish nursery the following issues for the Ocean Coast. Manage. 42:671-697. habitats in Farasan Islands MPA. management of the proposed MPA: Sanders, M.J. and G.R. Morgan. 1989. Management of the activities of the declines in catches by the artisanal Review of the fisheries resources of the industrial sector within the proposed fishery, by-catch and habitat damage Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. FAO Fisheries MPA could involve limitations on the from gill netting and fish trapping, Technical Paper 304:1-138. areas they fish through zoning. lack of stock assessments and catch- Although there are large areas of effort data for all fisheries, lack of alternative fishing grounds outside the information on the significance of the W. Gladstone is with the National MPA, restrictions on this fishery MPA for industrial gill netting and the Commission for Wildlife Conservation and could be constrained by government- sustainability of clam collecting, and Development, PO Box 61681, 11575, ownership and conflicting lack of detailed information on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His current management priorities between the socio-economic significance of address is Sustainable Resource Management National Commission for Wildlife fishing activities. Additional research and Coastal Ecology Unit, School of Science Conservation and Development and monitoring are required to and Technology, University of Newcastle, (responsible for managing protected provide this information. It is, Central Coast Campus, PO Box 127, areas) and the Ministry for therefore, necessary to adopt a Ourimbah NSW 2258, Australia. E-mail: Agriculture and Water (responsible precautionary approach in planning [email protected]; Tel: 61 2 for fisheries management). of the MPA until such information is 4348 4123; Fax: 61 2 4348 4145.

34 Naga, WorldFish Center Quarterly (Vol. 25, No. 3 & 4) July-Dec 2002