Pickle and Pepper
NY PUBLIC LIBRARY THE BRANCH LIBRARIES 3 3333 08102 0816 D172558 CH Pi'cAde. ou/\dL \ < bo 03 PH en M-H O o C O ns 4- cn 03 O .a en (U O03 <u o o 4 en 1- CJ CJ r^ 2 C 03 <u )_. CD u O PICKLE AND PEPPER. BY ELLA LORAINE DORSEY, Author of "The Taming of Polly," Etc. " - l t , , | , l , " NEW CHICAGO. ZIGKRYORK, CINCINNATI,BROTHKRS, PRINTERS TO THE HOLY APOSTOLIC SEE THE JNEV, PUBLIC LI1 RARY TILB6N FOUNOATJCNI. C L. .'*' C < t ! c e ce . ,,'. c * . c .' ., * * ' * * . e c < el c *' C I c * o * ' ; c* **.. e < c t f c t * c Ji-'YKIGUT, 1898, BY B8NZIGER BROTHERS Printed in the United States of America. PREFACE. WHEN I found that the footsteps of my Nancy and her little Pepper turned, by the logic of loss, to the Mountain, I tried to describe some of the actual sur- roundings into which they went; but I learn to my sur- prise that this part of the book is treated as imaginary, and is called both unnatural and improbable. Indeed, one of my dearest critics asks me why I manufactured a witch and spoiled my story. Now, I did not manufacture her. The original witch was a real person, and the wild, strange tales of the spectres, the flashing flames, and the clashing of the swords and bayonets in the trenches of the dead are faithful shadows and echoes of what the people believed they saw and heard on South Mountain for long years after the battle in which ex-President Hayes made his fame, on that day wh$ii, tb,e, d^ad- lay in, .windrows, while the cannon ploughed the fields, 'and death reaped the red harvest.
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