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Trim size: Trim Size: 216mm x 279mm Holm bindex.tex V3 - 05/25/2015 11:50 A.M. Page 361 Index figures are in italics; tables/boxes are in bold aging and periodontal disease anticoagulant therapy epidemiology, 212–213 ADP anticoagulant platelet inhibitor, A periodontal inflammation, systemic 257–258 acetaminophen (paracetamol), 92, 95, 99, 270, diseases and aging, 218 cyclooxygenase inhibitors, 257 275 risk indicators/population, 213–215 warfarin, 257 acidulated phosphate fluoride (AFP), 195 susceptibility, 215–218 antihistamines, 256 actinic cheilitis (solar cheilitis), 72 alcohol aphasia, 345 Actinic elastosis of lower lip, 235 dementia, 112 Appletree dental truck, 330 Actinomyces gerencseriae, 186 mouth cancer, 158 apraxia, 345 Actinomyces Israelii, 186 oral cancer, 136, 236 Arthritis and oral hygiene/denture insertion,72 Active coronal/root caries in mandibular sugars, 138 ‘artificial salivas’, 251 anterior teeth,74 tooth wear, 139 Assessment tools for oral examination,76 activities of daily living (ADL), 64, 70, 121–122, alendronate see bisphosphonate asthma 315 allergy dental management, 97–98 acupuncture (salivary stimulation), 251 dental management, 82–83 overview, 97 adaptation overview, 82 Atrophic mandibular posterior ridge,75 aging, 56 aloe vera, 251 attrition (occlusal wear), 73–74 response, 13 Alveolar bone loss prevention, 160 Attrition (occlusal wear), 74 theories, 7 alveolar ridge, 75, 142 atypical presentation of disease, 62 Addison’s disease, 72, 94 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) auditory function ADP antagonist platelet inhibitor,
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