Central Bedfordshire Local Plan Policy Sa2 Marston Vale New Villages
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APPENDIX B: CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE b. Approximately 30 hectares of employment land, LOCAL PLAN POLICY SA2 MARSTON VALE to satisfy identified needs for Research and NEW VILLAGES (INCLUDING MODIFICATIONS Development, office, services and tourism. This AGREED BY CBC AND O&H) employment should be well-integrated with the villages, both in terms of design and pedestrian and cycle access. Please note that the wording of Policy SA2 presented in this appendix includes modifications agreed by CBC c. Provision of a suitable parcel of serviced land and and O&H. However, there may be further changes to commensurate financial contributions towards the policy wording following CBC’s public consultation the delivery of a primary healthcare facility on Main Modifications following the further hearing to be delivered on site and the provision of a sessions for the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan commensurate financial contribution towards Examination undertaken in December 2020. the delivery of a health and social care services to meet the healthcare needs of the development. The land for Marston Vale New Villages, as identified in the Policies Maps, is allocated for a mixed-use d. Provision of new community facilities in development comprising of approximately 5,000 accordance with Policy HQ3, a mix of retail, a dwellings and approximately 30 hectares of employment community library space and at least one drinking land. The employment land is only to be used for non establishment to serve the existing and new strategic E(g) and B2 uses, specifically for employment communities everyday needs; relating to research and development, office, services and tourism. e. Provision of new educational facilities, comprising: day nurseries, early years, primary school, Development proposals will be permitted where the secondary school and sixth form to meet the principles set out below are met. These principles will identified needs of the development or equivalent be defined in more detail through the preparation of a facilities to meet the educational and childcare Development Brief which will include a concept plan needs arising from the development; and and an indicative phasing plan. Planning permission will only be granted for development following the Council’s f. Provision of leisure facilities, including: endorsement of this Development Brief. A site wide i. indoor sport and leisure facilities, in accordance Design Code(s) will also be required, followed by area with Policy HQ3; and specific Design Codes for each phase, to be prepared by ii. outdoor sport, leisure and open space, in the developer and approved by the Council. accordance with Policy EE13, including MARSTON VALE NEW VILLAGES DEVELOPMENT BRIEF : FEBRUARY 2021 BRIEF : FEBRUARY NEW VILLAGES DEVELOPMENT VALE MARSTON pavilions and allotments. In order to ensure the development will be supported by the local and strategic infrastructure needed to ensure 2. The development shall provide dedicated and safe sustainable development, the Council will refuse any pedestrian and cycle links between the new and piecemeal planning permission that would undermine the existing villages, connecting new local centres, Councils ability to deliver such infrastructure. employment opportunities, schools, shops, public transport nodes and community facilities with existing The principles of the development are: pedestrian and cycle networks in the wider Marston Vale. 1. The development will form a series of new villages appropriately separated and screened 3. The development shall maximise opportunities to from neighbouring settlements by green and blue create Green Infrastructure corridors. The allocation infrastructure. The villages will provide a mix of is expected to deliver a multi¬functional Green uses necessary to achieve a sustainable and vibrant Corridor through the entire length of the site to form network of communities. Development will include: the Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterway Park. The development will deliver a water-filled and navigable a. Approximately 5,000 homes across a series of link to facilitate a waterway connection between new villages with an appropriate balance and mix Brogborough and Stewartby Lakes. The development of residential accommodation to meet identified shall deliver a cycleway within the Bedford and Milton needs. This mix shall include, subject to viability, a Keynes Waterway Park Green Corridor. This will form policy compliant mix of affordable housing, self/ part of a cycleway connection between Stewartby custom build plots and a mix of homes to meet all Lake and Ridgmont Railway Station. identified needs for older people; 86 4. The development shall provide appropriate mitigation, areas of open space is proposed, any landscaping compensation and/or enhancement of key features schemes will be designed to ensure that there is no of biodiversity including but not limited to, identified damage to the heritage assets with archaeological protected species and priority habitats. Key ecological interest. features should be protected, well buffered and connected with additional habitat creation and 8. The development shall be designed to ensure that linkages. Potential detrimental impacts on wet habitats uses and developments within the site that are valuable for Great Crested Newts or other flora and vulnerable to flood risk are located outside of areas of fauna must be avoided through careful zoning of uses flood zones 2 and 3 and areas at high risk of surface or, where it is ecologically acceptable, habitats may be water flooding. Flood capacity shall be retained on compensated through the creation of new ponds and site. wetland features. 9. The development will, through the creation of the 5. The development shall provide appropriate landscape Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterway Park, provide measures to create a sense of place, provide a net a link for moving water between Brogborough and gain for biodiversity and include mitigation to address Stewartby Lakes contributing, where possible, to water the potential impact of development on the wider management objectives at the catchment scale. landscape. The site is within the Forest of Marston Vale, and therefore any development must comply 10. Subject to the findings of the site specific flood risk with Policy EE9. assessment the development shall deliver strategic measures to reduce flood risk including the use of 6. The site is in an area with a rich and varied historic sustainable drainage methods (SUDS) in line with environment. Parts of the site are within the setting of Policy CC5. SuDS will be designed as part of the designated heritage assets, including: green infrastructure network, enhancing existing • The medieval village and moated sites at Thrupp watercourses and drainage features, and integrating End, Lidlington (Scheduled Monument); then with the Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterway • Moat Farm moated enclosure and associated Park where appropriate. Safe access and egress shall settlement earthworks, Marston Moretaine be provided taking account of the flood risk at the site. (Scheduled Monument); • The medieval Ringwork at the Round House, 11. The development shall integrate, connect to, and Brogborough Park Farm (Scheduled Monument); improve alignments of existing public rights of way • The Church of St Mary the Virgin, Marston within and adjoining the site to provide routes within PREPARED BY DAVID LOCK ASSOCIATES : ON BEHALF OF O&H LAND ASSOCIATES LOCK DAVID BY PREPARED Moretaine (Grade I listed building); the development to the wider countryside and • The Tower belonging to the Church of St Mary, neighbouring settlements. In addition to these routes, Marston Moretaine (Grade I listed building); the development will enable a cycle and pedestrian • Moat Farmhouse, Marston Moretaine (Grade II* connections to be made including a cycleway listed building); between Stewartby Lake and Ridgmont Railway • Thrupp End Farmhouse, Lidlington (Grade II listed Station which shall include appropriately designed building); crossings over the waterway. • The Round House, Brogborough Park Farm (Grade II listed building) 12. The development will provide supporting transport infrastructure to mitigate the impact of traffic The site is also known to contain non-designated associated with the development, including a heritage assets with archaeological interest. deliverable scheme of improvements at J13 of the M1 and improvements to the strategic and the local 7. Any future development at this site must ensure it highway network as necessary, to mitigate the impacts accords with the Historic Environment policies of this of development. The development shall deliver viable Plan (HE1, HE2 and HE3) and the requirements of the and efficient public transport routes and segregated NPPF. Any future development proposals will take into cycling routes through the development that enable account a Heritage Impact Assessment for the site or links with key destinations including the nominated relevant phase, agreed between the developer and East West Rail stopping station and employment areas. the Council, in consultation with Historic England. Indicative mitigation measures will be identified within 13. The development shall provide commensurate the Development Brief, specific mitigation measures contributions towards the provision of appropriate will be identified through the Design Coding process. off-site infrastructure improvements including Any landscaping schemes proposed must also seek towards public transport interchange