Marstonmarston Moretaine, Central Bedfordshire Marstonmarston Moretaine, Central Bedfordshire
MarstonMarston Moretaine, Central Bedfordshire MarstonMarston Moretaine, Central Bedfordshire Marston Thrift represents a unique and exciting opportunity to create a viable and sustainable new village community of 2,000 homes close to Marston Moretaine in line with the Central Bedfordshire local plan. What you see here is only the beginning of the journey, we will deliver: • 2,000 new homes, including a range of home types and tenures. We will work with the country’s best housebuilders to craft homes of the highest quality. The range of homes will be designed around fresh air, green space and excellent connections • A 50 bed extra care facility • Two new lower schools and one new middle school, delivered alongside the new homes to cater for the increased demand for school places • A community hub with healthcare, retail, and leisure opportunities • Improved walking, cycling, and public transport facilities, including a dedicated ‘park and change’ facility • An extension to the existing Millennium Country Park, providing a significant new area of open space for new and existing residents to enjoy • A new community woodland delivered in partnership with the Forest of Marston Vale Trust, contributing to the overall objective of increasing woodland within the Marston Vale 1 2 Marston Thrift is not reliant on significant new infrastructure and benefits from the recently completed improvement work carried out on the A421. The site is free from physical constraints, in single ownership and has immediate accessibility to existing transport connections. We are therefore capable of delivering housing early within the plan period, with the first residential completions anticipated within three years, of obtaining an outline planning consent, helping to meet Central Bedfordshire’s strategic housing needs from the outset.
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